Pingshuai (30min) by Meimen Lee, Feng-San (Full HD)

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李鳳山師父平甩功 Meimen Pingshuai

李鳳山師父平甩功 Meimen Pingshuai

3 жыл бұрын

Thank you for supporting “PS for Love, Peace for World”. It is an action that promotes global health consciousness. The ultimate goal is to help people of all ages to live a healthier and happier life, thus leading to a more harmonious world. Our foundation is funded primarily through contributions from the public. We genuinely welcome anyone from different cultures to learn about us and to support us on regular basis.
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@ldancer2340 Ай бұрын
Greetings from Canada. My teacher Shinsei Way teaches this in Ontario. I practise for 20 minutes every morning. I am thankful for this exercise.
@wayansueta8103 3 жыл бұрын
It is my 33 days exercising Pingshuai. Wish me luck with my health.
@meimenpingshuai4882 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching our program. We will make it better and better with your support. Best wishes to your health.
@malihayahya5732 11 күн бұрын
Ping shuai is life changing😊
@ILoveToShine 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@malihayahya5732 7 ай бұрын
I love how this exercise keeps me healthy and looking young!
@misshealth2 6 ай бұрын
一天10分鐘,坐站都能練!氣功大師李鳳山獨創平甩功,活血通脈補元氣 為什麼吳伯雄、施振榮、胡志強、張艾嘉他們都在練平甩功?這個看起來平凡無奇、小孩、老人都能做的「運動」,來自武學與修養名師李鳳山師父,單靠一招,就讓台灣與世界都跟著他甩起來。 梅門創立原由 曾經有人希望我立教,但教派實在太多了,我們不需要再立教,而且我們自許無派無別,但一起練功的師兄師姐說要成立團體,總要有個名字。於是登記的時候取了「一炁流行」(炁,音同氣)。沒想到登記社會團體的工作人員覺得太奇怪,這是什麼怪名,還問了好多次到底是哪個門派?我認真回答,真的沒門啊!工作人員覺得太不像話了,於是自己在名字上加了「梅門」兩字,要不然我還真想寫成「沒門」。 平甩養生法的由來 2002年SARS期間,人心惶惶,我們思考該有什麼方法能幫助大家以安定人心?於是從眾多氣功招式裡融合了平甩功。平甩功,平易近人效果好,簡單易學、沒有限制,站著坐著都能做的招式,最適合普傳。 「救」!當初的想法就是一個救字,SARS期間那種橫行無阻、低迷絕望的恐懼氛圍,讓我們只想著怎麼救人,沒想太多。還真沒想到平甩功就這樣甩出一番天地。 平甩功出自易筋經與太極拳,能讓氣血達四肢末梢,排出不潔之氣。使全身氣脈暢通、筋骨鬆開、全身靈活有彈性。 平甩功為什麼一招就有用? 打開梅門的官網,有許多見證平甩功法的故事,許多看起來簡直奇蹟。例如有再生視網膜的、小兒麻痺可以重新站起來的,甩掉憂鬱症、甩掉半身不遂、找回味覺嗅覺等等的個案不勝其數,到底這號稱地表上最極簡的氣功運動有何神妙? 根據李鳳山師父的說明,因為一般運動時要用力,肌肉是緊繃而非放鬆,一不小心就會受傷。平甩出自易筋經與太極拳,能讓氣血達四肢末梢,暢通經脈筋骨。而且平甩是動靜兼顧,只有靜到最後,人恐怕會魂不守舍,動到最後也會變成消耗。而平甩最重要的目的就是循環,循環好,一切會跟著好。 每日十分鐘,十年累積不得了!下一頁看李鳳山師父獨創「平甩功」,暢通循環全身受益
@misshealth2 6 ай бұрын
坐站都能練!平甩功促循環暢氣血 李鳳山師父調配的普傳氣功,以「站式平甩」為主,效用大。若下半身不方便,可以練「坐式平甩」。 平甩不是一般運動,而是溫和的功法,人人皆可,下半身不方便運動者亦可。鍛鍊時間以每10分鐘為基礎,按個人步調逐步往上加10分鐘,一直到每日30分鐘。 梅門解釋:「30分鐘可以一天內分三次進行,或一次進行,視個人體力而定。第一個10分鐘為循環,第二個10分鐘為排除,第三個10分鐘為補充。」 平甩養生法 步驟: 1. 全身放鬆,雙腳平行與肩同寬。 2. 雙手平舉與肩同寬、同高,掌心朝下,手肘伸直。 3. 雙手往下甩至後方,如同鐘擺,自然放鬆,再回到與肩同高的位置,這樣算一下。 4. 練功的時候,默數1到5,平甩至第5下時,雙腳屈膝微微蹲彈2下。接著重覆步驟2~4,共10分鐘。 5. 收功,放鬆平緩,喝口溫開水。 坐式平甩 步驟:與站姿平甩相同,但不用在第5下時蹲彈,其餘動作心法皆相同。 練功提醒: 1. 練的時候要保持一定的律動,寧可慢不求快,速度要一致不要愈做愈快。 2. 按個人體力與情況,在放鬆的情況下練,不要在吃太飽或很餓的時候做。 3. 練功最好專注,不要聽音樂或看電視以免分心。
@sharonachon Жыл бұрын
Is there a way to get an English version of the Pingshuai booklet?
@cassava3731 Жыл бұрын
sangat bagus...
@citronews4356 11 ай бұрын
I followed 3 years
@dolananel9869 Жыл бұрын
Where we can ask/discuss anything about this exercise? 🙏🏻
@penniesweechooloh8119 Жыл бұрын
Hi sifu, I want to know if my body sway clock and anti clockwise after my exercise. Do I stop it or allow it to sway
@beckyleong1004 Жыл бұрын
@cassava3731 Жыл бұрын
@drsabeen369 4 ай бұрын
❤My block 8ntestine very much life threading medicine work ....I start this exercise hope God help me ...thank u dear so kind❤
@garylightning3291 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! I would like to find the 30 minutes continuously version and the 1 hour continuously version. Where can I find them? In this video you mention that this version is for beginners who want to rest. I do not want to rest, I want to heal myself. Do you have a version in English for 30 minutes continuously. I just need the voice, to keep the pace, it does not need to be a video, an audio would be fine, just without interruptions, because you said that if you do it more in a day, you will have better chances to heal substantial illnesses. Thank you!
@meimenpingshuai4882 2 жыл бұрын
Please email to for your special request, thanks.
@czyhorse36 2 жыл бұрын
@trigunanto4651 3 жыл бұрын
Today is my 15 consecitive days practicing PS workout. "thank you shifu"
@meimenpingshuai4882 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, let's keep practicing together.
@chewlucy1706 7 ай бұрын
@mayahanda8920 7 ай бұрын
Can I do pingshui if you have neck issues
@lilianchen4512 Жыл бұрын
Good a
@therealkakitron Ай бұрын
"So you want other people to pay for your education?" Yes, Charlie, just like I will pay for other young people's education with my taxes once I'm earning money. Part of living in a society is to share both the costs and benefits with all its members for the benefit of the whole. That's why we pay for roads, the police and military, even when we don't personally start wars or when not all of us drive...or what do you suggest we do, Charlie? Do you expect for each of us to pay for our own personal military? An educated society benefits the whole. That should have been the answer.
@znzn1781 4 ай бұрын
I have hemorrhoids, could this move heal my hemorrhoid?
@victormangarek3003 8 ай бұрын
what time is the best time for exercise ?? and how many times in a day ?
@HeraSon-ur7qs 7 ай бұрын
Twice a day... morning and evening before sleep
@venkataramangopalakrishnan9381 Жыл бұрын
A very good morning to everyone. Just wanted to know whether this 30-minute workout can be done twice daily. If not, please do let me know. Thanks very much.
@radensoewandi2027 Жыл бұрын
Bagaimana klu. Tidsk sampai 30 menit sekali senam, misal 25menit atau ada bbrp saat berhenti saat senam mis garuk 2 gatal
@radensoewandi2027 Жыл бұрын
Bisakah menyembuhkan sakiy jantung
@franciscusmuryoko7406 10 ай бұрын
​@@radensoewandi2027Sebaiknya bisa fokus dg latihan. 10 menit pertama u memperbaiki sirkulasi chi, 10 menit kedua untuk membuang penyakit, 10 menit ketiga untuk mengisi chi / energi baik. Untuk pemula, boleh istirahat sebentar setelah 10 menit berlatih, kemudian lanjutkan lagi.
@franciscusmuryoko7406 10 ай бұрын
​@@radensoewandi2027Silahkan dicoba saja berlatih ping shuai kung dg disiplin minimal 2 x 30 menit/hari (100 hari berturut-turut). Anda akan merasakan hasilnya.
@yoeannieastomo2481 10 ай бұрын
I have practised Ping Shuai Gong since 2017. My lower back pain (L4) has recovered. I can cope with my insomnia which sometimes distracted my sleeping hours, well. I also be more mindful, calm down when receiving smooth bullying come from haters..or toxic relationship (could be anywhere). It is really true that Ping Shuai Gong could be the gateway to practise Chi Gong movement. I love doing PS and I promise doing this in my entire life. Thank you my dear Lie Fong San Shi Fue. 🎉🎉❤❤❤
@fredericaharwkes9550 2 жыл бұрын
Gday what start happening afew days ago is that I start feeling the qui on the left side more but at the end you can feel it circulating from the left to the right is it normal?
@meimenpingshuai4882 2 жыл бұрын
No need to worry , just keep relax to practice PSG, Qi will circulate by itself.
@kundaliniairport Жыл бұрын
In the yogic tradition the left side is receptive, female, yin. The right side emissive, male, yang. So, we always do exercises to activate the yin part, to receive the chi.. the the yang, to give it. Many practitioners report the same, energy flowing from the left to the right side if the body, so it's perfectly normal, and a good sign, you can perceive the energy flow. Very good, continue.
@mincemince4496 Күн бұрын
Apakah PSG ini bisa nyembuhin asam lambung . Gerd axiety dan insomnia..?klu bs sy akan berlatih terus menerus
@mincemince4496 Күн бұрын
Sy baru mulai berlatih sekitar 4 hr..durasinya 30 menit aja ...
@penniesweechooloh8119 Жыл бұрын
@citronews4356 11 ай бұрын
I went to Taiwan 4 months ago to look for an address but couldn't find it
@tangokaleidos1926 11 ай бұрын
It is best to find the address on google maps before flying to another country and searching for it. I hope this helps.
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