Pitching a Fate-Winx Spin-Off || Winx News

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@رزيئة Жыл бұрын
I hope he does something about World of Winx and makes a 3rd season.
@Meepswipt 9 ай бұрын
Nah for real
@fireblast4642 Жыл бұрын
At this point I'm hoping the best for the franchise!I hope Straffi's decisions don't take the show further to the pits of hell... As always your documentaries are always great to listen to :D
@MJ-98 Жыл бұрын
As for the reboot designs: -I really like Musa's return to reds and blues. Her latest designs have featured a lot of pink and yellow, which take away too much from her character's tomboy energy in my opinion. -I like Aisha's braids. I feel it adds more to her identity as a black coded character. I also like the more sporty direction of her clothing, however I do agree she looks too "sweet." -Stella's design bothers me. It's too pink, it's not daring enough, it looks boring. The low pigtails in this animation style are not doing it for me. -I think the pink of Bloom's jacket just clashes with the shade of hair they went with here. However, I don't mind the pink in general. -the nature motifs in Flora's outfit are perfect and I love the almost cyberpunk style of Tecna here. I do agree that a spinoff is the best option for Fate. It implies that this is *another* canon rather than The Canon. Allows for the content to continue for fans of the show without overwriting all that we fans of the original liked. I also find your "hot emo boys for the girlies" the best thing ever. I'm actively upset that doesn't exist. Can you imagine the ships between a hot punk emo Duman and a bisexual disaster Nabu? And not "they don't even have to be good actors, they just have to have the smirk down." i mean you are correct there. (i also enjoy the kpop idol fancast teehee) I also think a spinoff with Roxy would really help heal the fandom vs Rainbow rift. In my opinion, the original season 4 should have kicked off a multi-season Roxy arc with a new winx club, new locations, and new transformations (impetus being that Roxy's earth fairy magic is different) and a lot of others feel similarly. A Fate-Roxy spinoff would accomplish this without requiring Rainbow to abandon the original winx club but while allowing Roxy to get the attention and character building she deserves. I don't think that fans overall are upset with the idea of a more adult winx with more adult themes, just the way it was executed. I also think that overall the direction you suggested here would help boost the reputation of winx and rainbow and maybe *actually* bring in new fans. I'm hoping that season 9 actually is more like seasons 1-3 because if it continues in the direction of the more juvenile later seasons, winx is going to lose its older fans altogether.
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
For Musa, I'm not going to lie, I really like her post-tomboy season 4 era, where she's dressed more feminine, but still kind of edgy. The red dress with the high pony she wears at the recording studio... 😙👌And yeah, for Stella, I just don't get how they misunderstand their own character like this??? Where's my crown princess in the mini orange shorts then, hmmm??? 🤨🤨🤨 "a hot punk emo Duman and a bisexual disaster Nabu" yes yes this is exactly what I was trying to get at!!! 😅 I'm glad you see the vision! (I was looking for pics of men with mohawks, but they just weren't doing it for me, and so I just looked up men with pink hair, and so, San it was...) I don't know, I am weirdly optimistic about season 9? Let's see if it comes to bite me. And I just think a Roxy show in whatever form is the perfect middle ground: Rainbow can stick to its marketable 6 for its kids' show, and older fans have something that pleases them, but is separate enough that it can be adventurous without damaging the brand... Winx always had this potential to be a 'split' brand I think, kind of like what Star Wars is doing where there is content for kids and content for adults both existing within the same universe/franchise. It's just that the different parts must not harm each other, which I feel like Fate was doing a little. (Ruined Sky for me for once and for all...😒)
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
*ahem* season 4 musa *ahem*
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
I’m saying that that was out of musa charcter
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
I've been moving, and I've made this video instead of unpacking... xxx Timestamps: Apologies: 00:00 Intro: 00:26 Season 3 vs Spin-off: 01:58 Spin-off Pitch: 05:57 Fate comic series: 13:14 Outro: 16:38
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
@peachbombshell22 Жыл бұрын
Roxy as a mind fairy with a specialty to animals would be so cool
@ninaloveray Жыл бұрын
It’s sad seeing how even now Roxy is treated so horribly. She won’t even be in the reboot as Iginio said and a new character will join the club in the reboot. She had a lot of potential and it’s sad how she’s always forgotten and hated by Rainbow.
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
Wait really? A new character? I actually remember hearing something like this, but it completely escaped me. Could you direct me to where this information is?
@TheSummerbrese Жыл бұрын
I will praise the day someone take your ideas which are so persuasive. I am not sure how to praise it in detail but if you Tilky have an idea let me know when this case happens!!! ❤
@cringeycool_cosplays9024 9 ай бұрын
I really like your spin off pitch and if not an actual thing it would make a super cool fan fic
@neonpinkqueen1403 Жыл бұрын
The spin off does sound really fun. Imo I just think it'd be really funny if Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson worked on something together again (and hopefully, by this pitch concept. It would be good)
@circe2258 Жыл бұрын
i also think this Fate spin of (which i would call Fate: The Dynasty) has a lot of ways to connect it to the main fate story - Maybe at the end of season 2 of the spin off the wizards (or a evil fairy) could absorb enough magic and then the ancestral blood witches try to get into the other world - using them as a portal- so then the main six enter the dimension bloom went in to stop them. Then at the start of fate wiz saga season 3 bloom enters the dimension and meets them - locked in time
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
Yes! That's kind of where I was going with this, combined with my season 2 rewrite!
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
@blueowl3474 Жыл бұрын
This pitch is great!
@SirSailorStar Жыл бұрын
I like your ideas! Hopefully Rainbow doesn't come for you xD
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
Lol I remember bad boys song when reading this
@رزيئة Жыл бұрын
I think Musa is based on modern kpop idols style? She has a korean-ish face rather than chinese to me. If I didn't know this was a winx character and you told me it's a fan art of blackpink's Jennie I'd believe it. Stella looks kinda barbie-coreish which makes sense with fashion and stuff but her style in the og show was always unique and daring and very elegant. Aisha looks sort of stereotypically black American, and imo she looks feminine, I don't see the masculinity you mentioned? But her face lost something that made her pretty in the 2D seasons 2-7, her eyes had this half closed eyelids look to them (idk what it's called, sorry) now her eyes look wide open so that too away from her beauty, her lips aren't as big as they were either, and her hair color is regular dark brown rather than the reddish brown it used to be. The other girls designs look alright to me and I'm happy about robot Tecna!
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
Masculine? I thought I put 'muscular'? You can see her abs 😊 When I first showed Musa to my Kpop-stan friend , she said she looks like Itzy Yeji, even in 2D 🤔. I know what you mean about Aisha though... that's kind of what I was trying to get at; they all just look kind of generically 'sweet' - I don't know how else to describe it 😅... just not sensing a lot of individuality? But obviously we haven't seen how they move and emote yet! Might make all the difference...
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
Hopes he remake s8 change the character but keep the settings. I saw a day ago good
@alexbossingham8666 8 ай бұрын
I have no permission using their username in this. With this reply, there's a person on tiktok. Their content seems to revolve around their love for the Winx Club character Flora and their dislike for Bloom. They also seem to enjoy female rappers with a confident and assertive attitude. Their profile has a With a world of winx flora. In the background house on fire
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
@I_always_have_been_Daniel49 Жыл бұрын
Are you f*cking serious??? This is AMAZING
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
oh 👉👈 thank you
@fluff_bunny1885 Жыл бұрын
12:17 NOOOO WHY IS SAN MOHAWK GUY (if that is san i think it is)
@fluff_bunny1885 Жыл бұрын
but yes the vision is great i love it
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
um so I was looking for pics of men with mohawks, and they just weren't, like, sexy? So I looked for men with pink hair instead, and so, San it was...😁 I also liked that he is wearing a top that's crop just a little like Duman wears 🙈
@fluff_bunny1885 Жыл бұрын
lmfao so real, san pulls off the neon hair well.
@ariacnny6469 Жыл бұрын
!!ADVERTENCIA MUCHO TEXTO¡¡ Creo que Fate the winx saga se merece un reinicio completo, pero deberían reciclar algunos elementos de la adaptación de Netflix como los quemados y las rapadoras junto con toda la trama de Aster Dell. Quitar los personajes innecesarios de Netflix y traer de vuelta los que salen en la serie original, quitarle la etiqueta de serie para adolescentes para darle una trama más madura, mezclar acción, comedia, terror, fantasía y bajarle tres rayas al drama adolescente que solo lo hace ver como una novela de esas que pasan en la televisión. Darle a cada uno de los personajes una trama de verdad que los haga avanzar, crecer y no centrar todo en Bloom, hacer un mundo más complejo y que se sienta una verdadera amenaza cuando se deban enfrentar a sus enemigos. En mi opinión la “batalla” final de la 2.ª temporada fue aburrida, sé que no es fácil por el presupuesto, pero cuando alguien quiere de verdad hacer algo bien deben tomarse riesgos. Aquí lo explicó más detalladamente: 1) Los fans lo único que quieren es ver una representación digna de los personajes y su historia (bueno, al menos para mí eso estaría bien) 2) Para atraer más audiencia creo que es necesario quitarle la etiqueta de drama adolescente y darle una más amplia, darle más acción, ver a las hadas pelear de verdad y no lanzarse rayos y listo para la tumba es aburrido, nada fue más decepcionante que ver la muerte de Beatrix yo me esperaba una verdadera lucha con Sebastián, pero ¡no! Un rayo y listo acabo enseguida con una de las supuestas hadas más poderosas de la escuela. Algo que siempre destaco de las Winx es que a pesar de todo se enfrentaban con enemigos más fuertes que ellas, sin importar si eran más débiles, siempre fueron valientes 3) Mucho ruido y pocas nueces siempre decían que eran las más fuertes de la escuela, pero jamás se mostró una verdadera exhibición de magia, solo eran poderosas porque si y listo mucho alarde y poca acción, la magia se sentía como algo banal. Para crear una verdadera sensación de un mundo mágico se debe profundizar en verdad en cada aspecto de este, dándole un sentido a todo, parece difícil, pero no lo es, créanme, yo lo hago todo el tiempo, deberían mostrar un verdadero desarrollo en sus poderes 4) Para llamar la atención de los fanáticos del género del terror no basta con poner música inquietante con sustos baratos, porque la serie quería dar miedo, pero no lo logro; En mi opinión, crear monstruos realmente perturbadores y algún momento de terror sicológico que nunca defrauda con esto le darán a la serie el verdadero toque oscuro que necesita no hablo de ponerle terror psicológico al nivel de Silent Hill pero sí hacer monstruos memorables 5) Un buen chiste siempre hace falta, la serie de Netflix era demasiado seria y los pocos que había fueron malísimos (de mal gusto en mi opinión) si quieren captar la simpatía de una nueva audiencia, creo que un momento cómico no estaría mal claro sin caer en lo absurdo 6) Los personajes: Bloom: era totalmente insoportable, no pensaba en los demás. Nunca fue agradecida con aquellos que la querían, era egoísta ¿Cómo pueden mejorarla? Bueno, haciéndola más considerada menos egoísta ósea, acaba de llegar a un mundo completamente diferente y actúa como si lo supiese todo. Ser fuerte y valiente es muy distinto a ser una creída pretensiosa En la temporada inicial de la serie, podrían proporcionar las inseguridades de un individuo que experimenta una sensación de inseguridad, no obstante, posee una mente abierta y no se rinde ante las adversidades, para crear un personaje profundo que, a pesar de estar en un pozo sin cuerda. Aún tenga la convicción de que retornará de allí sin conflictos, pero que sea un aporte para sus compañeros. Para la 2.ª temporada que tenga más confianza en sí misma y si quieren allí que si cometa el error de creer que puede con todo sola (porque ese tipo de errores la hacen ser más auténtica) Aisha: En mi opinión la hicieron ver como la guardaespaldas de Bloom carecía de personalidad cuando era una de las Winx con más desarrollo de la serie animada. En parte conserva muchas cosas de la serie animada como su adversión al compromiso y su disciplina, pero le hace falta una verdadera trama que llame la atención, fue un error que no fuese princesa, «solo dire eso» Musa: Es de los pocos personajes que puedo decir que tienen su propia trama completa y que se complementa realmente con la historia, da gusto de ver como logra superar sus retos. Stella: Ella era un sol y la convirtieron en un personaje realmente cliché, ¿por qué todas las rubias en series para adolescentes deben ser malvadas? El drama con su magia y su madre están bien, pero hay cosas que yo cambiaria, como por ejemplo; su noviazgo con Sky jamás debió de existir, solo es otro cliché «¿soy la única que odia los triángulos amorosos entre amigos?» Yo le dejaría la trama que tiene, pero con algunos cambios para la 1.ª temporada no está mal que extrañe sus privilegios de princesa, trate de mantener su reputación y que le importen las opiniones de otros, ese sería su conflicto, mantener la fachada cuando el mundo se le cae enzima. Que tenga miedos e inseguridades para que al final se acepte como es Terra: «esto va a sonar mal, pero tengo que dar mi opinión» No debe existir, opaca los poderes de Flora y le quita gran parte de su personalidad. Era demasiado infantil y tenía un comportamiento pasivo - agresivo que desencadenaban su lado más sádico. En un intento de hacerla ver ruda solo la hacían ver como una niña llorona y cuando al fin empezaba a simpatizar con el personaje lo arruinaba con uno de sus berrinches, «pero se ganó mi cariño» Flora: Me agrado el personaje, pero parte de su esencia se perdió «eso es lo que yo creo» La flora de Netflix es muy atrevida y su coqueteo con Riven es absurdo. Está bien que conserve su pasión por la ciencia. A mi parecer debieron dejarle la misma personalidad que en la serie y con el tiempo a medida que su magia aumente que muestre una personalidad más atrevida como en el live action y darle una trama interesante con metas que la hagan encajar en la historia para mostrar más del universo Winx. Tecna: Es obvio porque no la incluyeron en la 1 y 2.ª temporada, ¿como darle sentido a su magia? Pero creo que eso es falta de imaginación, no quiero alardear, pero después de desgranarme la cabeza escribiendo mi propia y loca adaptación de Fate the Winx Saga le encontré una solución En fin, esa es mi humilde opinión sobre el rumbo que deberían tomar para la serie porque considero que en sus manos tienen un rico universo, que en las manos adecuadas puede ser toda una franquicia que no necesita hacerle referencias a otras sagas de fantasía. No existen muchas historias que traten sobre hadas, es un género que aún está fresco.
@Magician12345 8 ай бұрын
yeah season 2 had a lot of things it was trying to do but didnt do well, a spin off would be better.
@Tarikkb 9 күн бұрын
Genuinely, a live action winx series is a waste of money at this point, it’s been proven many times that quality animation does bring in teen and adult audiences, all they need to do is make sure that the winx reboot is well made with well written characters and stronger storylines
@tajlamukovic9356 Жыл бұрын
I want season 3 of Fate tha winx saga❤, to be gonest I don't like the spin off idea. Of course I can't wait for season 9 of Winx club❤
@dragonwatter Жыл бұрын
the roxiw aweiwa tou pitched could totatly work, though in my opion a compleat reboot is a better idea. some of the basic premis could be awork, but they need to comit to ideas. First off if their going to say guys can be fairies than make it count.make a male farya main character,honestly i would personaly swap musa and riven out.make musa a specialist and riven the mind fairy. you could also actually make refrence to that throw away line the season one of the cartoon awere darcy refrences a powerfull darknes in rivien. basical make riven start heading in the direction of being the darcy character, and honestly just because i don't want musa and riven togeather eveer again i would make riven gay. but more importanly make to backstory for riven. he never really gets any u. unless he has some in the comics. maybe he comes from a family of specialists and he and sky were planing to become specialists togeather before his fairy powers manifested. this could upset his parents because they wanted riven to carry on the family legacy and all. so riven has some stuff that makes sense to deal with instead of jumping around between being a jerk and being musas pupy dog, whenever the plot demands it. i have to agrea keep ther dark and light twins. first i would take from secret of the lost kingdome and have witches be basically the cartakers if the negatice relms of reality, have them both be nessecary part of the ballance of the mgical dimesnsions. mayby the cause of the inital conflict with the blood witches was an unproveked atack by solaria given soalaria atleast from the animated version wasn't fond of darkness. then roslins atak on asterdel was just the last group of blood witches, As far as valtor goers, he could be the last surviving member of *(the order of the black circle.) his goal might be to free the ansestril witches to bring balance to the magical world by casuseing a great castrophy that would kill a large amount of people .
@salwammilizayoussoufali2170 Жыл бұрын
In the comic, Riven has a backstory. He was abandon by his mother, which explain his complicated relationship with women. He had to grow fast and raise himself. I like the idea of having Riven being a mind fairy. Him, an insensible jaehrk, now have to deal with everybody's emotion. I still would keep Musa being a fairy
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
@@salwammilizayoussoufali2170she can hypotnize a spell but it hurts her head
@Queen_Sakura Жыл бұрын
Okay, but you using Cassandra as Luna is low-key bothering me -
@talkytilki Жыл бұрын
🤣 i've said in a previous video that Kate Fleetwood would have been better cast as Cassandra, and the role suits the whole abusive step-mother thing better; it's just a reference to that. It's all in the cheekbones...
@callmethecommentcountess9329 Жыл бұрын
@starryskies113 Жыл бұрын
@Severus479 Жыл бұрын
I want season 3 of Fate, despite all its drawbacks, spin-off - I can say that I like that idea less than season 3
@DarlEnchanted 11 ай бұрын
Oh great, now I wish Rainbow listened to your spin-off idea and made it a real thing 🥲
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