Rich Mullins - Live 1997

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Piotr Aftanas

Piotr Aftanas

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@LionSoundSystemVision 2 жыл бұрын
Różne wypowiedzi Richa: * Gdyby ludzie naprawdę znali mój umysł, mówiliby: „O mój Boże, gdzie jest benzyna! Musimy spalić tego gościa!” * Widzisz, myślę, że wiele moich piosenek jest naprawdę politycznych. Myślę, że nikt tego nie rozumie, ale trudno mi oddzielić politykę od przekonań religijnych. Jest dla mnie coś obraźliwego w posiadaniu amerykańskiej flagi w budynku kościoła. Kiedy CIA udawała misjonarzy i narobili bałaganu w Chile, tak że wszyscy misjonarze zostali wyrzuceni, myślę, że to czyni Stany Zjednoczone wrogiem królestwa Bożego. Myślę, że rząd, który wymaga, aby 18-letni chłopcy zapisali się do poboru, jest przeciwny życiu. Widzisz, wszyscy obrońcy życia, myślą, że życie jest święte tylko wtedy, gdy jesteś płodem. Zgadzam się, że życie jest święte dla płodów, ale myślę też, że jest święte dla 18-latków. Gdzie byliście, kiedy Nixon był w Białym Domu? Kiedy Lyndon Johnson eskalował działania wojenne? Nie żebym koniecznie uważał, że każdy musi być pacyfistą, sam nie jestem. Ale wydaje mi się zabawne, że tak wielu ludzi, którzy sprzeciwiają się aborcji, jest za karą śmierci. * Naprawdę zmagam się z amerykańskim chrześcijaństwem. Nie jestem pewien, czy ludzie z naszą kulturową niepełnosprawnością są zdolni do posiadania duszy lub do zbawienia. Ludzi, którzy dorastają w kulturze, która wielbi przyjemność, wypoczynek i dostatek. Myślę, że to jest miejsce, w którym kościół jest podwójnie potępiony, kiedy używa Jezusa jako narzędzia do osiągnięcia tego wszystkiego. Na przykład, jeśli dasz dziesięcinę, On uczyni cię bogatym. Czemu? Odcinasz Go czy coś? Jeśli dajesz dziesięcinę, pozbędziesz się dziesięciu procent korzenia wszelkiego zła. Powinieneś dawać 90%. Bo Bóg radzi sobie z pieniędzmi lepiej niż my. * Częścią mojej motywacji do przeprowadzki do rezerwatu, szczerze mówiąc, było to, że byłem bardzo zmęczony dwudziestowiecznym amerykańskim ewangelicznym chrześcijaństwem. Myślę, że to jest w porządku. Nie mam nic przeciwko temu. Po prostu nie sądzę, że to cały obraz. Myślę, że umieszczenie się w kulturze niepodobnej do tej, w której dorastałeś, pomaga zachować równowagę w sposobie, w jaki postrzegasz swoją wiarę, swoje życie i rzeczy, które się wokół ciebie dzieją. * Hojność jest tym, co dzieje się naturalnie, jeśli kochasz ludzi. Myślę, że Chrystus był absurdalny w swojej hojności. Gdyby nie był tak dziwnie hojny, byłbym beznadziejnie zgubiony. Ludzie, którzy są naprawdę radośni, to ludzie, którzy mają niezachwianą wiarę. Są to ludzie, którzy żyją w rzeczywistości obecności zmartwychwstałego Chrystusa. * Najlepszą rzeczą, jaką rodzice mają do zaoferowania swoim dzieciom, nie jest większa aktywność religijna, ale ich samych. * Ludzie pytają „Dlaczego piszesz muzykę?” odpowiadam: „No cóż, ile znasz kazań Wesleya?” Rozmawiałem z wieloma dobrymi metodystami i oni nie znają żadnego z nich. Potem mówię: „Ile znasz hymnów Wesleya?”, a większość chodzących do kościoła zna przynajmniej dobry tuzin hymnów napisanych przez Wesleya. Większość pogan zna przynajmniej parę. Dlatego piszę muzykę, a nie kazania. * Myślę, że możesz wyznawać Apostolskie Credo, dopóki Jezus nie powróci, ale jeśli kogoś nie kochasz, nigdy nie byłeś chrześcijaninem. Nikt nigdy nie został pozyskany do królestwa Bożego przez snobizm. Przez miłość poznajemy Chrystusa. Naprawdę w to wierzę. Powiem ci prawdę, myślę, że wszystkie te doktrynalne stwierdzenia, które wszystkie kongregacje wymyślały przez lata, są w zasadzie po prostu mało warte zachodu. Nie chcę brzmieć złośliwie w stosunku do ludzi, którzy je wymyślili. Rozumiem, że w przeszłości było wiele ruchów heretyckich i nadal musimy utrzymywać zdrową doktrynę pod względem dobrego zrozumienia tego, jak działał i działa Bóg. Ale myślę, że naszą prawdziwą doktryną jest ta doktryna, która rodzi się w naszym charakterze. * Zawsze byłbym sfrustrowany tymi wszystkimi związkami, nawet gdy byłem zaręczony. Byłem z tą dziewczyną dziesięć lat i często zastanawiałem się, dlaczego nawet w tych najbardziej intymnych momentach naszego związku nadal czuję się naprawdę samotny. I dopiero kilka lat temu w końcu zdałem sobie sprawę, że przyjaźń nie jest lekarstwem na samotność. Samotność jest częścią naszego doświadczenia i jeśli szukamy wytchnienia od samotności w przyjaźni, to tylko ją zniweczymy. Przyjaźń, koleżeństwo, intymność, wszystkie te rzeczy i samotność żyją razem w tym samym doświadczeniu. Nie interesuję się teraz nikim innym, a ona jest już żoną kogoś innego, więc tak to się dzieje i nie przeszkadza mi to. W tej chwili nie wyobrażam sobie, że życie w małżeństwie może być szczęśliwsze niż w stanie wolnym, więc nie wpadam w panikę, że zaraz muszę się ożenić. I myślę, wiesz, może Bóg chciał, żebym żył w celibacie, a sposób, w jaki to osiągnął, miał złamać mi serce. Więc tak to się dzieje.
@Tom-iw3zh 2 ай бұрын
Hearing Rich Mullins' thoughts about faith and especially his friendship and relationships with the opposite sex. As he was when he was engaged to a lady for a while, but it ended without marriage. My wife left just over a year ago to go to heaven. She died at 64 of renal cell carcinoma cancer. God gave me a year, seven months, a couple weeks after we found out she had tumors in her kidney and outside her kidney. When I get to heaven, I will tell Rich Mullins that my wife was an extra special relationship. You can't have with just a friendship. My wife was extraordinarily loving to me, and I waited a long time for her. 16 years. But God gave me my heart's desire. Psalm 37:4. And if people could be married in heaven, I would be married to her in heaven for eternity. But I am looking for God to bring me a new wife because my wife knew I loved being married to her and she said it was no problem for her if I wanted to get married again. Cause she knew we would never be married again. Because heaven does not call for marriage between a man and woman. We're married to Jesus for eternity in heaven. But I do believe everyone is in love with each other in heaven like we are down here in our hearts as good marriage has as its base. So that's my little experience in my life. God bless all of you. And I look forward to seeing my wife, Rich Mullins, and everyone in Heaven. I love his music. I play it all the time. God bless all of you in Jesus name. Amen.
@florliwanag832 8 ай бұрын
Brilliant composer-singer 😊
@gailsmilanich9272 6 ай бұрын
Today is June 15, 2024. Rich Mullins remains one of my favorite singer songwriters of all times and I am still looking forward to kicking it in heaven with Rich for JESUS. 🎉
@SELAHPAUSE 5 ай бұрын
Yes but today is June 17,2024 @ 04:37 am and yes I am a rag muffin 🙌🏾🙏🏾👆🏾
@eaglestonemountain 5 ай бұрын
@WillieLee-xf6xd 5 ай бұрын
Ragamuffin Archive is a great channel with lots of great Rich material and back stories too ❤
@AngryTruckerBob 4 ай бұрын
Agreed !
@johnhanly3894 4 ай бұрын
Me too brother!
@debrasledge8902 Жыл бұрын
I cannot believe I just found this in August 2023!! And Ii am still blessed and inspired by his music all these years later! Praise God!!!!!!
@SimpleMan1988 9 ай бұрын
Amen, what a LEGACY of music Rich Mullins left for us to Sing our Praises to the Lord Jesus!
@edwarddorville9973 7 ай бұрын
At 3 am, having one of the loneliest nights of my life, thank God for having Rich Mullins music and his "in between songs" preachings. I feel so comfoted and God warming me up from this performance 🙌 Thank you God.
@karenworley241 6 ай бұрын
Yes!! Well said 🎶✝️🎶
@BarronMcneese 6 ай бұрын
God loves you so much.
@DebraRand 2 ай бұрын
@@edwarddorville9973 Maybe God woke you up.gby
@DebraRand 2 ай бұрын
@@edwarddorville9973 Amen
@DrBonesMcCoy 2 ай бұрын
You should see the movie ragamuffin about him. He was very lonely.
@esthernail3810 Жыл бұрын
I saw him live … he was so humble and gifted … I can’t wait to meet him in heaven 🕊
@karenworley241 6 ай бұрын
It's May of 2024 and I STILL can't get enough of Rich!! I love music period but this life is not easy, I for years have returned to Rich & all the Ragamuffin clan because it feeds& heals my soul 🙌🏼📖💙🎶✝️
@gleesu 2 ай бұрын
Rich Mullins, in my humble opinion, is that rare lyricist who can cut to the vein with the truth of the Lord, bleed out the toxicity and transfuse that very vein with the blood of forgiveness.🙏
@karenworley241 Жыл бұрын
Never after 35 years do I get tired of this fantastic man & his music, such a blessing to have it at our fingertips 🙌🏼💙🎶🙌🏼🎶
@carol1211k 4 ай бұрын
In July 2024, Rich’s music is what I listen to the most. I can’t wait to meet him in Heaven.
@katiebeark 3 ай бұрын
I was 10 or 11 when he died I remember bawling my eyes out when he died he is my favorite singer
@yvettegoza2487 9 ай бұрын
So amazingly talented and gifted! Gone way to soon😢❤
@timchester3690 5 ай бұрын
I agree
@RoseBoorady-lm6wd Ай бұрын
For years I heard some of his songs and never knew who he was. Just discovered this today. He was a musical genius who was truly in love with Jesus and used his genius to serve God. Am thankful and blessed to see this video.
@marcusmoore3253 Ай бұрын
what a song, there is nothing more beautiful than a musician with a ministry
@HelpforDominique Ай бұрын
I was 20 when this was recorder. it would be another 20 odd years before I would be spiritually mature/hungry enough to enjoy his music
@brentbrown9728 8 ай бұрын
To think he was gone just 6 months after this. Gone way too soon.
@godrulesme8619 6 ай бұрын
He was an alcoholic. The Bible says all drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God. He was a great singer....full of BS with his Christian beliefs. The Bible has over 1000 contridictions. Be sober minded...than why drink any alcohol...if even a little will not keep your mind sober.
@brianjenkins6120 5 ай бұрын
The world should be grateful that we have you godrules me! Someone who has their life so together that they can judge where someone’s heart was when they died. We can only hope that God’s mercy and love breaks though to your pharisaical hardened heart! Keep casting your stones I’m sure Satan is real proud of you!
@DrBonesMcCoy 2 ай бұрын
⁠ Jesus said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. You did cast the first stone so you must be perfect.
@spudbeccalynn Ай бұрын
​@godrulesme8619 why?!
@BarbaraAnnWilliams-bn8nw 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this- and blessing us to get blesed with RM"s amazing music creations & deep thought, content in a non bs, non frivolous "Christian music" like can be played in this day & age!!
@karenlong5622 2 ай бұрын
51:18 ---- Sometimes By Step ---- Best declaration of lyrics/music, ever
@randybyrd4444 Жыл бұрын
God bless all that hears the amazing inspired songs he brought through the Holy Spirit to this man now gone. I really like Creed . I hope to meet and sing to the Trinity,GOD , JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WITH HIM . PRAISE GOD FOR ALL HE'S GIVEN US. AMEN
@DT-Videos123 7 ай бұрын
I've been listening and singing these songs for years and years and found this today!! Thank you Lord how you love us so !!❤
@amyvandenboom9346 5 ай бұрын
Amen! We will sing with him in Heaven one day! Thank you brother Rich!
@DebraRand 2 ай бұрын
I love this one ❤ and Loved you Rich
@SELAHPAUSE 5 ай бұрын
It’s June 17, 2024@04:51 am and I am a ragamuffin🙌🏾🙏🏾👆🏾
@ruthees 5 ай бұрын
I just listened to a biography of Rich by James Bryan Smith, and though it seemed "quiet" a deep impression is made of a man seeking to live like Jesus in America. I had a cassette tape with Awesome God long ago, that my then-young son tore up. I grudgingly took the lesson that I didn't really need it--or anything--and today, knowing a little more of Rich, I think he would approve that. So very meaningful to see him playing
@rochellecaffee1417 Жыл бұрын
Wow…beautiful music…beautiful soul….❤
@debramckeensparks5641 Жыл бұрын
SOOO THANKFUL for this! Thank you for posting!
@tiagoschool Жыл бұрын
I am so happy for posting this video. It is awesome to listen to an old video.... I am proud to be alive and enjoy it... THANKS A LOT...!
@rkejrichards 4 ай бұрын
Wow. What a minstrel! So profound. What a gift.
@barbwaller8643 9 ай бұрын
Heavenly. He is the best.
@DebraRand 3 ай бұрын
@barbwaller8643 Жыл бұрын
Love that Rich Mullins
@WhereTwoWaysMet 7 ай бұрын
Seeing Rich, looking at the crowd during “Hold Me Jesus”, at 45:20 (seeking approval from the crowd’s faces). ❤️
@rochellecaffee1417 Жыл бұрын
So good to hear your encouragement, again…so good to hear the words that God has given you..
@drummerforJesus321 6 ай бұрын
Such a sweet anointing for Jesus ✝️
@marcusmoore3253 Ай бұрын
I believe it!
@AnHebrewChild 3 ай бұрын
I love Rich Mullins. And am so blessed by this. But I had to pause at 1:03:33 and scratch my head. "Who wants to go through a life where you never fail? What a drag. Perfection is boring. People who are perfect are only perfect because they are nothing. Anyone who ever did anything, messed up" I understand what Rich was trying to say. I do. But the truth is, perfection is anything but boring. There's a man from Nazareth who was and is perfect, and his life was and is anything but boring. And that man calls us to be like him, 'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect," He is not calling us to boredom. Right about now, someone will want to talk about the meaning of the Greek word τέλειος, but before you do consider that by taking that detour you may miss the forest for the trees. Regardless of that word's finer nuances, the fact remains: Jesus never ever messed up. He never failed. He was perfect (in the sense of the word Rich uses it), and his life was the exact opposite of boring.
@angelapoarch6809 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this.❤
@DebraRand 2 ай бұрын
September 15 2024😊❤
@DebraRand 3 ай бұрын
@fantaratdavong4667 5 ай бұрын
Watch a movie made about his life. Very touching.
@LionSoundSystemVision 5 ай бұрын
yes! "The Last Days of Rich Mullins"
@DrBonesMcCoy 2 ай бұрын
Also, the movie ragamuffin
@paintingonpurpose3917 11 ай бұрын
My faith is I you Lord
@DebraRand 2 ай бұрын
I want to cry
@linamonsou957 11 ай бұрын
@drummerforJesus321 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful Heart for our Savior 🙏✝️🙏
@DebraRand 2 ай бұрын
I don't dance but you caused me to 😂
@Tom-iw3zh 2 ай бұрын
Rich has some truthful knowledge and wisdom. But I'd have to disagree with him about the Bible not telling us to be assertive. Jesus taught a parable about the Talents(silver) in the gospel, that we should assert ourselves and not just bury the talent(s) we have but to make use of it, to assert it into a bank or business. And Jesus said to use ungodly mammon too. To move forward at producing things which will help people. So, we should assert ourselves. (Matthew 25:14-30.) (Luke 16 1-13). As a 9-year-old boy, I first read the New Testament from the Bible that the Presbyterian Church gave me in Chicago. And whenever. I read it, I thought it had said not to be ambitious, to not have ambition, but I. realized later when I was about maybe my late teens that I read that wrong. Jesus said don't have self-ambition. He didn't say not to be ambitious, just not to have selfish ambition. (1 Thess. 4:11; James 3:14;16.).
@DebraRand 2 ай бұрын
He painted too I love wrting
@gracelett-k6k 4 ай бұрын
So good rich Mullins songs and good knowledge and I have not met rich Mullins at all and yes I would married him if he was still alive and I was close to his age and interesting stuff
@1WiseGuy2 2 ай бұрын
@paintingonpurpose3917 11 ай бұрын
Tragic ❤
@karenworley241 6 ай бұрын
Not tragic, like most of us, Rich didn't fit in this world, he constantly longed for his real home as I do daily, glad he's with Jesus, I can't wait to meet him 💙✝️🎶
@paintingonpurpose3917 11 ай бұрын
Amen listen
@elle39 6 ай бұрын
@nubiaramirez1823 10 ай бұрын
Sé, que estás en el mejor lugar. Porque no te has Colombia cado el cinturón? nononononononononononono
@jbj6495 8 ай бұрын
@rondoschanck3759 5 ай бұрын
@ghostprepper5859 9 ай бұрын
Miss brother Rich! I'ma ragamuffin
@BarbaraAnnWilliams-bn8nw 2 ай бұрын
Piotr: Czesc ! Nie mowie po polsku- by dna, heritage 50%.just never learned but few words. . .*** .Am grateful for your response to my comment-as expected to tick off some people tho certainly not intended. Very brief interaction, but so good to know there's some entity in my domain that can relate to, understand my perception-- and within likely folks of faith locale. . Are U in States? Any heritage in PA? Did grow up NE, PA myself. Enough of demographic info- so maybe more detailed communication can happen somewhere else (Tho not so tech saavy myself per >MS/stroke & cognitive changes?). But God giving me improvement in last few yrs years 😇! Listened to a song @ sound cloud; so beautiful!! DZIEN DOBRY !!
@BoughtByTheBlood 6 ай бұрын
I can't help wondering what Rich would have to say about the mess this country is in right now. I just know it would tick off all the wrong people and be right in line with the heart of God. Lord, give me a heart like Rich had. 💛 Amen!
@isaacperez7136 2 ай бұрын
Ever since he. Ame to christ i honestly didn't like the Korn band just cause I didn't think it was good for my christian development but now that Brian has turn to christ I here him play with Korn but it's just a job for him to pay bills..this is where the lord want him always. Hope to see him more live like this
@kathyjenkins6504 5 ай бұрын
Maybe we will sing his songs in heaven...
@rochellecaffee1417 Жыл бұрын
You just need to know a relationship with a good Christian woman and the bond of the Ecclesiastes cord of 3 strands….that might help you know “home”.
@KaoXoni 7 ай бұрын
@gphsog763 10 ай бұрын
管理人は 考えた. 『どうしようか. 主人はわたしから 管理の 仕事を 取り 上げようとしている. 土を 掘る 力もないし, 物乞いをするのも 恥ずかしい.
@godrulesme8619 6 ай бұрын
*He was an alcoholic - The Bible says all drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God* He was a great singer....full of BS with his Christian beliefs. The Bible has over 1000 contridictions. Be sober minded...than why drink any alcohol...if even a little will not keep your mind sober.
@LionSoundSystemVision 6 ай бұрын
Do you have any evidence that he was an alcoholic? interviews, opinions, links, testimonies?
@godrulesme8619 6 ай бұрын
@LionSoundSystemVision yes...plenty of articles on that and others close to him knew it. Sad...but If you're gonna follow the bible, someone should actually follow what it says
@LionSoundSystemVision 6 ай бұрын
@@godrulesme8619 right, it's not a good testimony. Perhaps God took him earlier because of his collaboration with alcohol and catholicism.
@SELAHPAUSE 5 ай бұрын
@@LionSoundSystemVision he struggled in his walk like all humans, Peter, David and more but the Grace of God is greater then our struggles🙌🏾🙏🏾👆🏾
@rfair10 5 ай бұрын
.....what does the Bible say about judgement , as your words reveal your heart ? Matthew 7........ And is one sin greater than another ? Your sins are lesser than Mr. Mullins' ? There has only been ONE perfect person , and He was crucified......humanity comes naturally , humility must be nurtured . His love
@RoseBoorady-lm6wd Ай бұрын
For years I heard some of his songs and never knew who he was. Just discovered this today. He was a musical genius who was truly in love with Jesus and used his genius to serve God. Am thankful and blessed to see this video.
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