PKA Debates the Kyle Rittenhouse Case

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@PKAClips 24 күн бұрын
@EsotericOccultist 25 күн бұрын
Woody is 100% wrong. Now that that's out of the way I'll go ahead and watch this video.
@MrJturner74 25 күн бұрын
Well he had his facts wrong from the beginning. The cops were called because it wasn’t his car and he didn’t have custody of the kids.
@SteelxWolf 25 күн бұрын
@@MrJturner74 is this the situation where the dude tried climbing in the SUV with his kids in the car?
@monkiw2 25 күн бұрын
That assumption is unironically a very good one and holds true in 98/100 cases.
@MrJturner74 25 күн бұрын
@@SteelxWolf Maybe, his name was Jacob Blake. The reason the police showed up is they were called. He also had the knife in his hands, he dropped it when he got shot. The mother of the kids is the one who called because he was trying to take her car. He wasn't trying to break up a fight.
@JaceB-tf3vf 25 күн бұрын
@@SteelxWolfyessir, Jacob Blake, video is pretty clear cut
@venom12784 25 күн бұрын
if rosenbaum didnt chase rittenhouse he would still be alive. if rittenhouse didnt show up rosenbaum would of attacked someone else.
@te5220 24 күн бұрын
How did you fact check this?
@venom12784 24 күн бұрын
@@te5220 rosenbaum wasn’t shot until after he chased Kyle. Rosenbaum was looking for a fight that night. Also you don’t need to fact check an opinion.
@RayFinkle05 24 күн бұрын
If the justice system wasn’t a joke, Rosenbaum would have spent the rest of his life in jail for molesting a 5 year old.
@cherrytwizzler 21 күн бұрын
@@te5220 Rosenbaum is on camera threatening several people that night. He was at the BLM riot making racist comments, so he wasn’t even a protester. He had been brandishing a chain earlier that day.
@Azraelseraphim 20 күн бұрын
@@venom12784 Don't forget Rosenbaum's criminal record. Past behavior is an indicator of future behavior.
@JaceB-tf3vf 25 күн бұрын
Woody salivating at the thought of Kyle “traveling a state or two over” to automatically negate all of his actions is so funny.
@droptableaccount1820 25 күн бұрын
Leftys must just repect borders that much. Wait till they hear about illegals, they'll be furious!
@cohaagen90 24 күн бұрын
That was the general leftist consensus of the time, and remember Woody "watches more news than all of them" in his own words.
@69nites 15 күн бұрын
He was never even like "where is he from?" Guy drives 20 minutes from his house to the town he works in and his girlfriend lives in that's being attacked by a mob. Woody phrases it as the kid driving 2 states over for a fight.
@WHOPPER_JR-sx7ze 25 күн бұрын
This is what changed my impression of Woody from out of touch boomer to reddit brain blue team guy.
@connorfuhrman6986 11 күн бұрын
He prob got caught up in the witch hunt can separate reality with nonsense about traveling states as if that is relevant
@TurtleChad1 25 күн бұрын
It's simple, Kyle had the right to defend himself. End of debate.
@ww2guy782 25 күн бұрын
@JaceB-tf3vf 25 күн бұрын
That’s not what Woody read on Reddit tho 😢
@gottesurteil3201 25 күн бұрын
But he crossed state lines!
@JaceB-tf3vf 25 күн бұрын
@@gottesurteil3201”His mom dropped him off!!!!”
@gottesurteil3201 25 күн бұрын
@@sonofsalt4079 I didn't think he did anything wrong before the court case but after I had no idea just how innocent he was. I was certain they would get him on something.
@TraceVandal 25 күн бұрын
Can't wait to see Woody's take. I'm sure it's totally not unhinged and full of lies at all.
@JaceB-tf3vf 25 күн бұрын
Would not be surprised if he thinks Kyle shot blacks lol
@GenericProtagonist7 25 күн бұрын
Woody understands the situation completely he just thinks anyone who disagrees with me should be killed so he'll argue that Kyle is in the wrong for defending his own life.
@itchykami 25 күн бұрын
Woody: Reads from r/bigot, everyone else calls him stupid
@smileybagels 25 күн бұрын
I can't be too mad because the sources were so bad, but the bad faith of the arguments are so lame.
@Clicky_The_Blicky 25 күн бұрын
“Drove 2 states away” Kyle drove 30 minutes to the larger city from his small rural suburb. Keep in mind pretty much everyone who lives in the small town works in the larger town or goes to school there. This is very common in the US
@gnarfarmer 25 күн бұрын
Woody just straight up lying about the jacob blake case is very woody. He wasn't "breaking up a fight between some kids" he was stealing a car that his ex's (who had a restraining order on him) kid was in. She called the cops on him BY NAME
@schemas702 25 күн бұрын
I remember when this all came out, what Woody said is what I had heard too. There was so much misinformation around the Blake and Rittenhouse cases in the beginning.
@MrJturner74 25 күн бұрын
@@schemas702 The sad part was the misinfo was mostly from left leaning news sites. Looking at you TYT and MSNBC.
@dwatts64 24 күн бұрын
Also, when officers arrived, they already knew he had a warrant. He was going to get arrested either way.
@campy3888 24 күн бұрын
@@schemas702 Not really bro all the info was available day 1. Just don't get your news from anything that's on TV
@jeremiahfyan 24 күн бұрын
​@@schemas702 i never heard that from anyone other than woody. I only ever heard the stealing the ex's car story and saw the video of him in the ex's van
@guyfanno1 24 күн бұрын
This is a timeline of the events that day that involved Kyle right up to where Kyle first fired his gun and turned himself in. All from the trial. For gods sake both of you read this. Kyle did cross state lines but that is not illegal, and it was something he did regularly for his job and to visit his family and friends in Kenosha. In this case he had crossed the state line to go to work the day before the incident to get to his job as a lifeguard. He did not take any gun over any line. His mom did not drive him. He did not cross to go to a riot. He stayed overnight at his friend's house after the shift. He had no idea he was going to be asked to help protect a minority owned business the next day. Kyle was asked to be there by Nick Smith an ex-employee and 10year friend of the owners who they had asked to help protect their property the night before. They asked him to help again. They asked him to get help. Kyle was one of those asked. The morning after Kyles shift, Kyle Dominic and Kyles sister who was dating Dominic went into town to see the damage. They met the owners of the car lots offed to help and exchanged phone numbers. After that they went to help clean graffiti at the local high school for a few hours. While they were there, they were seen by Nick Smith who knew Dominic. Nick asked Dominic for a lift to buy some body armor and Dominic agreed. Later they picked up Nick, but Nick was unable to get money from his bank and so unable to get the armor. Kyle offered Nick his own body armor. Issued to him when he was a police explorer. Nick accepted. At that point Nick asked them if they would come and help. They agreed. Late that afternoon they drove to the car lot where they met up with the owners. Kyle took two first aid kits to use. (He had advanced first aid training from his time as an EMT cadet with the fire brigade his time as a police explorer and his training as a lifeguard). Some other people from out of town turned up to help all were armed in some way, some were ex-military. The owners posed for photos with these people. The owners gave some of them a lift to one of the 3 lots to be watched/protected they handed over keys showed them the hoses etc. and left. Because Kyle had first aid training, he was going out regularly with one of the others who turned up to help. A guy called Ryan Balch ex-military with training. On one of those walks they were seen by Rosenbaum who threatened to kill them if he got them alone. They ignored him. He was also seen by a guy in yellow pants who accused him of pointing his laser dot of his rifle at him when he was jumping on cars. Only problem is Kyles gun did not have a laser dot. Kyle walked away from yellow pants. They put out fires and looked for people who may need first aid on these walks. Kyle did that all night without any issues. Every time Kyle was out looking to help he was with someone until the last time. There was a reporter there who interviewed Kyle and Kyle said he could follow him and Balch to document if he wanted. He did follow and was there when the guy in yellow pants accused Kyle of pointing a laser site at him when he was jumping on cars. (Kyles gun did not have a laser sight but there was one guy on the roof with a laser pointer who was being a jerk). Kyle and Balch walked away from this guy. At some point after that Kyle and Balch got separated. They tried to find each other at the gas station but did not. Balch thought Kyle had gone back to the lot and left. Kyle tried to go back but the police had set up a line and were not letting anyone pass. Kyle tried to tell them he was working from down the road, but they would not let him pass so he went back to the crowd at the gas station. That is when he got a call from his group asking him to go put out a car that was on fire at one of the lots. Kyle asked the gas station guy for a fire extinguisher and asked if the guy would go with him. The guy said no to going and said that he thought there were still people there. He did give KR an extinguisher. The people watching over that lot had left it though, and the rioters and vandals moved in. Kyle jog/walked down to the car lot and was seen by Rosenbaum and the 2 Ziminskis that Rosenbaum had met at the riot and spent the night with, burning stuff and destroying things. Multiple photos and video of them together. When Kyle got to the lot and stepped up to put the car out, he was confronted by Joshua Ziminski who pointed a loaded pistol at him and said you ain't gonna do shit mutha effer. While that was happening Rosenbaum came out from behind a car wearing a shirt over his face and charged at Kyle, who dropped the extinguisher and ran away across the lot. Kelly Ziminski gestured at Kyle and told Rosenbaum to get him and kill him. Rosenbaum chased Kyle. When they were halfway across the lot Ziminski fired the pistol in the air causing Kyle to turn and see Rosenbaum chasing him and throwing something at him. Kyle immediately turned and ran away again still chased by Rosenbaum who cornered him between the car's buildings and rioters. Kyle turned and Rosenbaum was right there lunging at him arms stretched out and grabbing his gun which is when Kyle fired 4 shots in less than a second. Forensics proved the gun was grabbed. As did witness testimony. 1 shot in the pelvis 1 bullet graze on the side of Rosenbaum's head. 1 wound to the hand and 1 shot that hit the top of Rosenbaum's shoulder that went down and across his back. Not in that order. Kyle ran around a car because the crowd had scattered and went back to Rosenbaum. The reporter from earlier was there and tending to him. Kyle pulled out his phone calling the first number on it and became aware of the crowd surging back, so he started running away. You hear him say into the phone he had just shot someone he had to shoot him. Kyle heads towards the police a couple of blocks away. He is not interacting with anyone, but he hears the yells and threats. Grosskreutz with his phone recording runs up behind him and asks him what he was doing. Kyle responds he is going to the police continuing to run. Grosskreutz backs off and joined the crowd/mob chasing Kyle and pulls a glock pistol from his waist band. Kyle is still heading to the police not interacting with anyone when he is hit on the back of the head from behind by an unknown person hard enough to knock his cap off. Kyle does not react/retaliate and keeps running. Huber a second or so later runs up behind Kyle and whacks him with the skateboard losing his grip on it. He runs off to get it. Kyle still trying to run stumbles and falls. He is immediately set upon, first by Maurice Freeman (jumpkick man) who kicks him in the face, Kyle fired twice upwards and missed, the shots came after the kick according to expert testimony. Jumpkick man stumbled away. Immediately after that Huber comes in again from behind and again hits Kyle about the head, stands right over him and grabbed the barrel of the gun pulling away from Kyle and towards his own chest. Kyle fired once. Huber stumbled off Kyle lets him go. Kyle now looks up and sees Grosskreutz with his hands up. Kyle looks away from him as he seems to be no threat. Kyle notices the ejection port of his gun is open and closes it. He now looks up and sees that Grosskreutz has stepped closer, and his hands are no longer in the air but lowered and he has a pistol either pointing at his head or bringing it into position to fire. Kyle now raises his rifle slightly and fired once hitting Grosskreutz in the bicep. This locked Grosskreutz's hand on the gun and he runs away screaming for a medic. Kyle lets him go and gets up. He checks his surroundings sees no one is threating him turns his back on them and heads towards the police. As he gets closer, he raises his hands. He is ignored by the first bear-cats and approaches the cruiser and tries to tell him he had been involved in a shooting. They do not listen to him tell him to back off pepper spray him and tell him to go home and drive away. Kyle goes back to the car lot tells them what happened. They close up and Dominic drives to the Kenosha police station, but they can't get close because it is barricaded up. So, they drive back to Antioch where they tell his mom, and she drives him to the Antioch police station where he turned himself in. The gun was bought by Dominic with money from Kyle. They agreed that the gun belonged to Black until Kyle got his FOID card and they exchanged ownership when Kyle turned 18. It was stored at Dominics house in a gun safe and Kyle used it at the gravel pit on land owned by Dominics dad. The gun was legal for him to be in possession of and to carry due to an EXCEPTION in the law that has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with people over the age of 16 being allowed to have/carry a long-barreled gun. What Kyle was not allowed to do was buy that or any gun or carry a short, barreled gun or rifle. Grosskreutz did cross stateliness with an illegal glock travelling twice as far as Kyle to get to the riot. Grosskreutz was an EMT but did no first aid that night. Jumpkick man joined and helped Rosenbaum and the Ziminskis lighting their fires also that night.
@GenericProtagonist7 25 күн бұрын
I knew Woody would lie about it and try to misrepresent it as much as possible, I'm surprised twitchy didn't go into a screaming rant about how Kyle attacked unarmed black men.
@monkiw2 25 күн бұрын
Twitchy 😂
@jimmydanc 25 күн бұрын
Nothing to debate, kids innocent
@SlainOracle 25 күн бұрын
Innocence is found through thorough debate and skepticism tho...
@TEEDUBS 25 күн бұрын
@@SlainOracle The point is, it's already been done.
@TrunkyDunks 25 күн бұрын
@@SlainOracle Is a jury of his peers not thorough enough? The same metric YOU would be held to?
@dewwwd3431 25 күн бұрын
@@TrunkyDunksyou’re not a smart man
@ohitsthatguy8079 25 күн бұрын
@@SlainOracleI get your point we shouldn’t just blindly say he is. But we shouldn’t also scream he’s guilty. It has been proven in court he’s innocent
@monkiw2 25 күн бұрын
Idk if this was still at the point where there wasn’t enough info but woody always telling stories like his side is totally innocent is the funniest thing ever! „Yeah he only had a plastic bag with clothes in them and then Kyle turned around and one tapped him in the head“ 😂
@yungblod8975 24 күн бұрын
The evidence was widely available immediately after it happened but it didn't fit the narrative the liberal media wanted to spread
@FatChedda 24 күн бұрын
As soon as i heard Woody Say "Im dying to talk about Kyle Rittenhouse" I let out an audible sigh because i knew there would be nothing besides word vomit and lies coming from him that point forward 😒
@hossahunter22 24 күн бұрын
So you think Rittenhouse should have been found guilty?
@ButterBallTheOpossum 24 күн бұрын
The fact that he drove from two states away is completely irrelevant. His political beliefs are also completely irrelevant. A group of people threatened to murder him and then proceeded to beat him in the head with a weapon. He's allowed to defend himself with deadly force in that circumstance and the law states that clearly. The fact that he was ever brought to trial is an enormous miscarriage of justice. It blows my mind how this is even controversial
@guyfanno1 23 күн бұрын
But he did not come from 2 states away. He was in the state already.
@brerrabbit9668 19 күн бұрын
He lived fifteen minutes away from where this happened. State line or not, from door to shooting... Fifteen minutes
@bmbmw69 24 күн бұрын
Harley just heard the name "Rosenbaum" and immediately picked a side
@IzzYonWheelzz 24 күн бұрын
Legally, Mr. Rittenhouse did nothing wrong. Now, whether or not you want to question the validity of the laws that allowed him to carry the rifle is a different discussion, but in my admittedly non-lawyer opinion, it looked like self-defense from the start.
@arthursargent8940 24 күн бұрын
The fact that woody was so wrong about Jacob Blake initially and still says hes more informed than most people is peak irony.
@jussimakinen2974 24 күн бұрын
I find the statement that He was openly carrying a gun, looking for a fight, somewhat silly. An open carry gun is a deterrent. Who picks a fight with someone carrying a gun?
@boffutt87 24 күн бұрын
Child molesters apparently
@Internal_Investigation 23 күн бұрын
A pedophile, and a few fellons, apparently.
@cooperwilliams9140 25 күн бұрын
The sunscreen shop was left unscaved... tells you alot about it...
@DROGOC0P 25 күн бұрын
oy, stop noticing
@YungBeezer 24 күн бұрын
the work boots too
@MrJturner74 25 күн бұрын
For god’s sake Woody. This story is over a year old, get your facts straight. Edit: didn't realize this is from a few days after the shooting.
@cooch5096 25 күн бұрын
Still, woody just blankly believes everything he hears on the news and Reddit as long as it fits his narrative
@howaboutsomesoyfood 25 күн бұрын
there's no debate to be had.
@jacob7224 24 күн бұрын
Regardless of whether or not Woody had some facts about the Jacob Blake case wrong, it doesn’t change that his opinion about the subject of the video was mostly correct. Everyone in the comments is blasting Woody, but no one is talking about how Harley argued for a while that Rittenhouse was in the wrong despite knowing nothing about the situation or the law in the US. I find that arguably worse than Woody getting a few things wrong about something that wasn’t the main point of the video.
@guyfanno1 24 күн бұрын
Jacob Blake went to his ex girlfriends house uninvited where he had a stay away order for sexual assault. The girl friend called the cops who discovered he had an open warrant which gave them cause to arrest him. He disobeyed dozens of requests to stop. Jacob Blake had 3 kids in the car he had no right to take. And the car he was in the process of stealing. The knife was in his hand not in the car. It ended up in the car after he was shot. Now the police were trying to arrest him and he escalated it in every way possible and at the end they were protecting those kids from an armed man who was disobeying reasonable police orders. That is why he was shot.
@brerrabbit9668 19 күн бұрын
I have only watch one video of these guys and found them pretty funny and knowledgeable. Clicked on this video, sat my phone down to finish the final touches on a new tactical cleaver I made and about had a stroke when dude was stating with confidence a story that was dead-assed wrong on every single point of fact... I decided that Blake wasn't the focus of this episode so it's just for background leading into Rittenhouse... Two minutes later in throwing shit around my shop screaming at how anyone could possibly have a podcast that he let's other people listen to and thinks "ehhh... I kinda remember what happened in 2020. Refreshing my memory with the real facts of the incident would just get in the way of both my desire to have my personal opinions go unchallenged and the problem of the family dog having already smelled peanut butter I've spread over my crotch-all area. Welp... Can't keep Mr Humpsalot waiting too long. Last time that happened I had to get four taint stitches."
@A.M.Noon94 24 күн бұрын
just rename this as "Woody being wrong for 2 hours and 45 minutes" lmao
@jaybirdcirca1988 25 күн бұрын
This discussion should be what’s the point of police if D grade Wyatt Earps can take care of the cities
@coldhands2802 24 күн бұрын
D grade? That Kyle kid knew how to operate his tool very, very well.
@jaybirdcirca1988 24 күн бұрын
@@coldhands2802 yes because I respect Wyatt Earp that much. Situational awareness and keeping the amount of company to the task at hand was part of the scale. Being able to shoot was about 20-28(?)% of Wyatt’s skills
@coldhands2802 24 күн бұрын
@@jaybirdcirca1988 Did you not see the video? Kyle had ALL of those things, not just good aim lol. Also you've never seen video of Watt in action like we have of Kyle. Wyatt also used a revolver which is much easier to operate.
@jaybirdcirca1988 24 күн бұрын
@@coldhands2802 I’m trying to broaden the conversation beyond the skills of gun tactics. Just even where someone is standing makes the difference of a situation. Part of the grade also consists of “should this person be here” he wasn’t deputized thus grade falls Edit: he walked into a heavy tactical situation. Beyond other defense lines by himself. I say this makes him a low grade tactician.
@Nuck-Fo0bZz 25 күн бұрын
Detroit was the Paris of the Midwest. San Fran was the Paris of the west.
@billnyethesciencedenier1516 25 күн бұрын
Can you imagine how good looking you'd be if you didn't have massive holes in your ears? Can you even imagine?! A message from your mother
@manuellujan666 25 күн бұрын
Replace Woody with Harley and imagine the possibilities
@Juiceontheloose76 25 күн бұрын
Small hats need not apply
@matthewscott7433 24 күн бұрын
Woody harping on about the fact that he “crossed state lines” as if All Americans don’t have the right to travel freely throughout their own country….
@DisappointedSon0813 24 күн бұрын
Bro the insane part is people like Woody exist by the hundreds. And they’re voting for Kamala 😂
@harvey_weenstain8857 24 күн бұрын
And their wives are _extremely_ satisfied, surely!
@randomgraham4302 24 күн бұрын
Eh sadly I would say it is closer to several millions…
@The4HorsePeaples 19 күн бұрын
Democracy is a mistake.
@rusty7318 25 күн бұрын
Woody is delusional
@S.Matt240 25 күн бұрын
Woody is so annoying and sounds like Mikey Mouse
@Zombi3Johnny 25 күн бұрын
Bro, I was just looking for this
@khajiit2435 25 күн бұрын
funny watching woody become conversative as his country burns.
@johnschauder 18 күн бұрын
I’ll never understand the argument that traveling from two states over to help put out fires somehow negates any self defense case. Even if it were true (which it wasn’t) could t the exact same argument be used for all the assholes who were there, from out of state, rioting and burning shit down? If you really believed that argument then these people had no right to be there and were equally at fault for putting themselves in a situation where they might get shot. It’s just stupid. And imo, someone who travels from out of state to protect property has way more of a right to be there than someone who travels from out of state to destroy property.
@jadetrentrichards255 9 күн бұрын
How in the hell is it still a debate whether or not Kyle rittenhouse was acting in self defence??? literal court cleared him.
@Etherealizer 24 күн бұрын
Man, Woody's opinion on the whole thing drastically changes halfway into this, haha.
@tylerroumpf6103 3 күн бұрын
If i hear “tWo StAtEs aWaY” one more time im gonna snap. 15 minutes.
@Kit_XIV 24 күн бұрын
Friend tried desperately to convince me that Woody was just Larping for ragebait views until one day he said "Nah actually I think he's just like this all the fucking time, my bad."
@YoutubeStyleChannel 24 күн бұрын
Just remember, this is a collection of clips, a lot of information we know now was not widely available at the time these were filmed. Woody bad!
@Thrashifice 24 күн бұрын
Nah, literally 90% of the info was available right away.
@ST4X-0N-ST4X 24 күн бұрын
The video was avaliable first day retard
@ronz7665 12 күн бұрын
When i was a kid the railroad used to use bean bag guns to keep people off the tracks and I can vouch that those things hurt and will have you black and blue in a 6 inch radius for weeks. They were a great deterrent. Every time we saw a train we RAN away and hid. I could see someone getting broken fingers/hands as well as a headshot being potentially lethal.
@flyyhighhr 24 күн бұрын
Out of all the shitty takes woody has had this one takes the cake. He is REACHING for any factor that says Kyle is guilty. Bro needs to come back to reality lmao
@jamesbarnousky1270 19 күн бұрын
Never forget that the party of joy tried to execute a minor for defending himself against three armed felons
@rubiconoutdoors3492 22 күн бұрын
No one talks about how Kyle lived on the state borders.
@natenate2280 13 күн бұрын
I am from Kenosha Wisconsin, I was up that night during the riots. If anybody has any questions and wants to know what happened from someone who knows all the facts you can reply to my comment
@YungBeezer 24 күн бұрын
"The man [referring to 17-year old Kyle] is just really passionate about protecting used cars"
@rubiconoutdoors3492 22 күн бұрын
Kyles dad lived in that state and his registered address was his mothers house a state over.
@occamsrazor1285 9 күн бұрын
The amount of violence in Harley's heart has twisted his mind. No wonder the only way he can make sense of it all is from an aggressive point of view. He is seriously whacked in the head
@sillyduck123 25 күн бұрын
He totally had the right to defend hinself, but going out to play pretend cowboy was stupid and dangerous and anyone in their right mind would have kept a 17 year old kid from "defending" random stores (who probably have insurance policies for this kind of thing anyway)
@justsomeguyoutdoors4274 25 күн бұрын
Yes because insurance companies have often been known for their generosity in situations like this
@JaceB-tf3vf 25 күн бұрын
How many hours of the trial did you watch “sillyduck123”
@JaceB-tf3vf 25 күн бұрын
Because your question was more than answered during the trial
@Clockwork0nions 25 күн бұрын
>who probably have insurance policies for this kind of thing anyway) bro just say you're a child who has never had to try to file and get a company to honor a covered claim lol.
@guyfanno1 24 күн бұрын
This is a timeline of the events that day that involved Kyle right up to where Kyle first fired his gun and turned himself in. All from the trial. Kyle did cross state lines but that is not illegal, and it was something he did regularly for his job and to visit his family and friends in Kenosha. In this case he had crossed the state line to go to work the day before the incident to get to his job as a lifeguard. He did not take any gun over any line. His mom did not drive him. He did not cross to go to a riot. He stayed overnight at his friend's house after the shift. He had no idea he was going to be asked to help protect a minority owned business the next day. Kyle was asked to be there by Nick Smith an ex-employee and 10year friend of the owners who they had asked to help protect their property the night before. They asked him to help again. They asked him to get help. Kyle was one of those asked. The morning after Kyles shift, Kyle Dominic and Kyles sister who was dating Dominic went into town to see the damage. They met the owners of the car lots offed to help and exchanged phone numbers. After that they went to help clean graffiti at the local high school for a few hours. While they were there, they were seen by Nick Smith who knew Dominic. Nick asked Dominic for a lift to buy some body armor and Dominic agreed. Later they picked up Nick, but Nick was unable to get money from his bank and so unable to get the armor. Kyle offered Nick his own body armor. Issued to him when he was a police explorer. Nick accepted. At that point Nick asked them if they would come and help. They agreed. Late that afternoon they drove to the car lot where they met up with the owners. Kyle took two first aid kits to use. (He had advanced first aid training from his time as an EMT cadet with the fire brigade his time as a police explorer and his training as a lifeguard). Some other people from out of town turned up to help all were armed in some way, some were ex-military. The owners posed for photos with these people. The owners gave some of them a lift to one of the 3 lots to be watched/protected they handed over keys showed them the hoses etc. and left. Because Kyle had first aid training, he was going out regularly with one of the others who turned up to help. A guy called Ryan Balch ex-military with training. On one of those walks they were seen by Rosenbaum who threatened to kill them if he got them alone. They ignored him. He was also seen by a guy in yellow pants who accused him of pointing his laser dot of his rifle at him when he was jumping on cars. Only problem is Kyles gun did not have a laser dot. Kyle walked away from yellow pants. They put out fires and looked for people who may need first aid on these walks. Kyle did that all night without any issues. Every time Kyle was out looking to help he was with someone until the last time. There was a reporter there who interviewed Kyle and Kyle said he could follow him and Balch to document if he wanted. He did follow and was there when the guy in yellow pants accused Kyle of pointing a laser site at him when he was jumping on cars. (Kyles gun did not have a laser sight but there was one guy on the roof with a laser pointer who was being a jerk). Kyle and Balch walked away from this guy. At some point after that Kyle and Balch got separated. They tried to find each other at the gas station but did not. Balch thought Kyle had gone back to the lot and left. Kyle tried to go back but the police had set up a line and were not letting anyone pass. Kyle tried to tell them he was working from down the road, but they would not let him pass so he went back to the crowd at the gas station. That is when he got a call from his group asking him to go put out a car that was on fire at one of the lots. Kyle asked the gas station guy for a fire extinguisher and asked if the guy would go with him. The guy said no to going and said that he thought there were still people there. He did give KR an extinguisher. The people watching over that lot had left it though, and the rioters and vandals moved in. Kyle jog/walked down to the car lot and was seen by Rosenbaum and the 2 Ziminskis that Rosenbaum had met at the riot and spent the night with, burning stuff and destroying things. Multiple photos and video of them together. When Kyle got to the lot and stepped up to put the car out, he was confronted by Joshua Ziminski who pointed a loaded pistol at him and said you ain't gonna do shit mutha effer. While that was happening Rosenbaum came out from behind a car wearing a shirt over his face and charged at Kyle, who dropped the extinguisher and ran away across the lot. Kelly Ziminski gestured at Kyle and told Rosenbaum to get him and kill him. Rosenbaum chased Kyle. When they were halfway across the lot Ziminski fired the pistol in the air causing Kyle to turn and see Rosenbaum chasing him and throwing something at him. Kyle immediately turned and ran away again still chased by Rosenbaum who cornered him between the car's buildings and rioters. Kyle turned and Rosenbaum was right there lunging at him arms stretched out and grabbing his gun which is when Kyle fired 4 shots in less than a second. Forensics proved the gun was grabbed. As did witness testimony. 1 shot in the pelvis 1 bullet graze on the side of Rosenbaum's head. 1 wound to the hand and 1 shot that hit the top of Rosenbaum's shoulder that went down and across his back. Not in that order. Kyle ran around a car because the crowd had scattered and went back to Rosenbaum. The reporter from earlier was there and tending to him. Kyle pulled out his phone calling the first number on it and became aware of the crowd surging back, so he started running away. You hear him say into the phone he had just shot someone he had to shoot him. Kyle heads towards the police a couple of blocks away. He is not interacting with anyone, but he hears the yells and threats. Grosskreutz with his phone recording runs up behind him and asks him what he was doing. Kyle responds he is going to the police continuing to run. Grosskreutz backs off and joined the crowd/mob chasing Kyle and pulls a glock pistol from his waist band. Kyle is still heading to the police not interacting with anyone when he is hit on the back of the head from behind by an unknown person hard enough to knock his cap off. Kyle does not react/retaliate and keeps running. Huber a second or so later runs up behind Kyle and whacks him with the skateboard losing his grip on it. He runs off to get it. Kyle still trying to run stumbles and falls. He is immediately set upon, first by Maurice Freeman (jumpkick man) who kicks him in the face, Kyle fired twice upwards and missed, the shots came after the kick according to expert testimony. Jumpkick man stumbled away. Immediately after that Huber comes in again from behind and again hits Kyle about the head, stands right over him and grabbed the barrel of the gun pulling away from Kyle and towards his own chest. Kyle fired once. Huber stumbled off Kyle lets him go. Kyle now looks up and sees Grosskreutz with his hands up. Kyle looks away from him as he seems to be no threat. Kyle notices the ejection port of his gun is open and closes it. He now looks up and sees that Grosskreutz has stepped closer, and his hands are no longer in the air but lowered and he has a pistol either pointing at his head or bringing it into position to fire. Kyle now raises his rifle slightly and fired once hitting Grosskreutz in the bicep. This locked Grosskreutz's hand on the gun and he runs away screaming for a medic. Kyle lets him go and gets up. He checks his surroundings sees no one is threating him turns his back on them and heads towards the police. As he gets closer, he raises his hands. He is ignored by the first bear-cats and approaches the cruiser and tries to tell him he had been involved in a shooting. They do not listen to him tell him to back off pepper spray him and tell him to go home and drive away. Kyle goes back to the car lot tells them what happened. They close up and Dominic drives to the Kenosha police station, but they can't get close because it is barricaded up. So, they drive back to Antioch where they tell his mom, and she drives him to the Antioch police station where he turned himself in. The gun was bought by Dominic with money from Kyle. They agreed that the gun belonged to Black until Kyle got his FOID card and they exchanged ownership when Kyle turned 18. It was stored at Dominics house in a gun safe and Kyle used it at the gravel pit on land owned by Dominics dad. The gun was legal for him to be in possession of and to carry due to an EXCEPTION in the law that has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with people over the age of 16 being allowed to have/carry a long-barreled gun. What Kyle was not allowed to do was buy that or any gun or carry a short, barreled gun or rifle. Grosskreutz did cross stateliness with an illegal glock travelling twice as far as Kyle to get to the riot. Grosskreutz was an EMT but did no first aid that night. Jumpkick man joined and helped Rosenbaum and the Ziminskis lighting their fires also that night.
@LunarLocust 7 күн бұрын
Whats odd is that we had the whole story (aside from how long kyle drove and how he got the rifle) from the get go. It took less than 12 hours to get the criminal history of the aggressors, to learn kyle drove about 20 minutes to get there from Antioch, and the Wisconsin statute that made it legal for kyle to possess a long rifle. If you watch the video, Kyle is clearly defending himself, but woody and kyle are wildly inaccurate about the details. Afterthought: we know shooting number one was definitely self defense because of the muzzle burn wounds on the tribe member pedos hands, showing that rosenbaum was trying to take his weapon. Extra edit: funny how Harley has to defend rosenbaum that much.
@justsomeguyoutdoors4274 20 күн бұрын
The amount of excuses Woody makes so he doesn't have to admit cnn was wrong is amazing. Constantly making it seem like kyle was just waving his gin around all willy nilly and putting words in his mouth.
@dwatts64 24 күн бұрын
This was the trial of the century for me, as well as for most everyone I knew around here. It felt like everyone in the US was watching that trial, waiting to see if any of us truly had any rights to self defense anynore. Anyone that had followed the incident, kept up to date on the evidence, and paid any attention at all to any news source other than CNN, ABC, or MSNBC, knew full well that Rittenhouse was innocent by means of Self Defense. This was the most clear-cut proper use of self defense that I've ever seen in my lifetime. The only other cases that come close are the Michael Brown/Darren Wilson case or the Trayvon Martin/Georce Zimmerman case. Everyone watched this trial religiously, with bated breath. Everyone could feel that this was a purely political prosecution. Rittenhouse was very clearly within his rights to use deadly force, even maintaining a calmand clear head throughout the incident. It was so smart of the judge to televise it. Anyone who watched the trial came away believing that Rittenhouse is innocent. The only way you could come away with a different opinion is if you're a liar knowingly speaking misinformation, or you are intentionally ignoring key facts. It made it really easy to spot the liars and propagandists just by viewing their coverage of this one case.
@harvey_weenstain8857 24 күн бұрын
And the George Floyd/ Derek Chauvin case!
@bencheevers6693 25 күн бұрын
I watched this whole clip episode before the last bit was added and it's crazy, the show would be death without Taylor, the only reasonable take the entire time.
@NotCreativeEngh 24 күн бұрын
I clearly remember when this case unfolded. Woody being wrong and hung up on facts like the police Kadett program or that Kyle traveled through two states(which by the way is the whole point of the USA, crossing state lines) is just typical.
@wespeters9815 17 күн бұрын
its hilarious how incorrect woody was about the jacob blake stuff
@jackiesburgersandfries4604 25 күн бұрын
I’m a woody fan now so fuck all the WOOD T haters
@Clicky_The_Blicky 25 күн бұрын
Again woody has no idea what he’s talking about and is spreading misinformation
@C-O-C-K 24 күн бұрын
@randomgraham4302 24 күн бұрын
Taylor is 100% correct. The only way to get fairly unbiased and real news coverage is by independent journalists who are covering events in person and live streaming events.
@hossahunter22 24 күн бұрын
Not exactly. People who claim they're "independent" can be secretly paid by government agencies (Patrick Lancaster for example).
@NobodyzJelly 18 күн бұрын
I don’t want to see pka debate anything remotely related to politics. It’s just 2 stubborn guys with insane opinions and then Taylor
@nathhenn8966 24 күн бұрын
there is a LOT of sound bite of Harley, stupidly, justifying Adults attacking a minor who just happened to have a gun.
@nathhenn8966 24 күн бұрын
Harley Winestine here
@Bluejay-py9px 25 күн бұрын
Hm lets see if woody will say anything stupid today
@twistedmace8853 24 күн бұрын
He even got the story about the guy getting shot in the back. It was his babymomma who he beat and he was trying to kidnapp the kids
@brerrabbit9668 19 күн бұрын
This guy woody is wrong on every single "fact" he made. Starting with "Drives from one or two states over" leaving the implication that this was a trip of a couple of hundred miles or a multiple day trip.. It was fifteen minutes from his house to the center of Waukesha. Then he completed fucked up what Rosenbaum did and how Kyle was forced into shooting to save his own life. Kyle, having accidentally run into a dead end while trying to escape a guy who clearly stated he was going to kill Kyle with his own gun, spun around as Rosenbaum dove at Kyle's gun. Kyle fired four rounds, not one jackass, which struck Rosenbaum killing him just as he reached touching distance to the gun.
@boffutt87 24 күн бұрын
Wouldn’t be pka if woody wasn’t completely fucking wrong about his facts…
@michaelhill6451 24 күн бұрын
Woody consistently has the worst takes on just about everything.
@KillJoy88 24 күн бұрын
Harleys blue lives matter speech gives me strong Billy Madison ending vibes.
@trevorsherrie 16 күн бұрын
Woody shouldn’t be able to summarize newly developing stories, he reports a bunch of incorrect information
@kirkgolembiewski7220 24 күн бұрын
Kyle just sitting there judging and being smug
@DeadBoyJJ 24 күн бұрын
"I'm making stuff up" is the only accurate thing Woody said.
@GrrmPleaseWrite 25 күн бұрын
I always felt like booting Wings from the podcast in such a cold, cruel way was unjustified, but I feel like everyone got their karmic justice. Wings became a lolcow, Kyle went to prison and lost his right to do what made him rich, and Woody’s soul is completely cucked. Feels good to see the scales balanced.
@phillydelphia8760 24 күн бұрын
​@@billnyethesciencedenier1516 he was cleared of involvement in that completely. Which is the main reason he's still a free man right now. That is a huge "allegedly" because it's absolute bullsh!t to think he really did that.
@therugtiedtheroomtogether 24 күн бұрын
What kind of route from Antioch, Illinois to Kenosha, Wisconsin takes you two states away? It is a state away, and it isn't like it is on the other side of the state. They are a 20 mile drive apart.
@carolbaskin1121 24 күн бұрын
5:12 that’s because of a 5 letter word that rimes with stack lol
@bdub0983 24 күн бұрын
All these questions Woody is asking have already been answered. Didn't cross state lines with the rifle, he could legally have the rifle in the state. This is all settled. So listening to Woody recount what he heard from wherever is dumb. The child molestor ran him down and tried to grab his rifle (after being shot at) so he has to shoot dude. Next is the second part where a guy reaches in for his gun, gets shot, and another has a gun. Skateboard guy, jump kick guy. All of this stuff is cut and dry, super clear. That's why we had a huge court case. Someone reaches for your gun that's a shooting situation.
@hossahunter22 24 күн бұрын
Woody said all of the shots were good. He said he was innocent and the Jacob Blake shots were good.
@HandsomeLongshanks 17 күн бұрын
Someone finally has a worse take than woody
@richardtate8621 15 күн бұрын
Woody just botching the complete chronology and the story.
@ButterBallTheOpossum 24 күн бұрын
If it was woodys house being burned i wonder if he'd still feel the same way.
@emceenati1497 24 күн бұрын
Forgot to call it a compilation
@markantony9038 25 күн бұрын
Back before Taylor put on the incel glasses and it didn't feel like the three nerds podcast.
@EsotericOccultist 25 күн бұрын
Being able to see clearly is for squares. Maybe Taylor could get a disfiguring scar on his face or something so the show can be badass again.
@DROGOC0P 25 күн бұрын
@JackPiLope 25 күн бұрын
The fact he doesn't hate living in a HOA says a lot
@MrJturner74 25 күн бұрын
Ok, this case is over a year old. How are there so many people in the comment section that don't have the facts.
@Floptart 24 күн бұрын
Woody has a point.
@PotatoeJoe69 24 күн бұрын
Kyle was running. Kyle tripped. One dude ran up to him with a pistol, put it to his head and was about to to execute Kyle. Kyle fired and saved his own life. Then, another idiot runs up and swings a skateboard at Kyle. Kyle shoots that guy as well
@Internal_Investigation 23 күн бұрын
This was after a pedophile attacked him and tried to steal his gun. He was the first one to fuck around and find out.
@F11ch 24 күн бұрын
ah, I'm sure Woody wont give me an aneurysm with his takes
@garywinthorp4387 25 күн бұрын
woody comin through w yet another mentally disabled take
@saintlucus2359 24 күн бұрын
What the fuck is Harley even talking about around the 1:00:00 mark
@beetlejuice4693 25 күн бұрын
There shouldn't be any debate and what they put that poor kid through is horrifying
@durkpaul300 25 күн бұрын
aww poor murderer got put on trial and got away with it? How sad. Bro literally cried like a bitch cuz he got caught for the crimes he committed. Then got off how horrifying
@snapddapd2642 24 күн бұрын
​@@durkpaul300Someone can't take off the blue glasses and is angy
@durkpaul300 24 күн бұрын
@@snapddapd2642 great projection lil bro :)
@ST4X-0N-ST4X 24 күн бұрын
​@@durkpaul300crying for 3 dead Caucasian pedophiles is hilarious. Name 10 black people you know personally govt names only bet you can't do it can you liberal homosexual 🤣😂
@ST4X-0N-ST4X 24 күн бұрын
​@@durkpaul300did you learn that word today whitey?
@vorbo01 25 күн бұрын
Kyle literally did nothing wrong that night.
@xD1RTYx 24 күн бұрын
Woody gave a very false and bad description of what happened with the man who got shot in the back 7 times. Almost nothing he said was correct. Love Woody but please have something pulled up to read off of.
@randomgraham4302 24 күн бұрын
I’ve never seen someone with so many uninformed and half baked takes than woody… wow just wow.
@richardtate8621 15 күн бұрын
Paris of the Prairie was the name given to Chicago during the years before the 1893 Columbian Exposition when they were deciding and voting between New York, Chicago and San Francisco I believe was the 3rd city
@richardtate8621 15 күн бұрын
Speaking of, yall should have on Mind,, or someone similar to discuss the World's Fairs
@ddylla85 24 күн бұрын
31:24 "BETA!" - JLP
@redacted9723 25 күн бұрын
Woody always on the side with the peds.
@bdub0983 24 күн бұрын
Im sure woody will have all the facts (ESPECIALLY SINCE THERES A WHOLE COURT CASE LAYING THEM OUT). Oh, he didnt? Sounds about right.
@hossahunter22 24 күн бұрын
You realize this was from before the court case even happened right? Or are you illiterate?
@ПавелСкобарёв 25 күн бұрын
They took out that store and plenty of other stores for insurance money
@nickmiller5685 25 күн бұрын
If I were to be in a riot and was able to loot freely from any store I’m definitely not picking a fkn vitamin supplement store. Sorry but I’m clearing out a jewelry store like I’m fan favorite guest Larry Lawton
@wladyslawbanaszkiewicz8414 24 күн бұрын
Woody stop talking about anything let Taylor and Kyle have the show every opinion you javelin had to date is just wrong and lies I don't ever see a comment that agrees with you
@trav3rsy 25 күн бұрын
what a simpler time.
@bdub0983 24 күн бұрын
I severely dislike woody. Hes the type of person who votes for Kamala. Hes their demographic. Youd think he'd be smarter, but i guess not. Ideologies have people, like they say
@hossahunter22 24 күн бұрын
He probably wouldn't vote kamala because she said these protestor types are "superpredators" remember?
@coreymac5578 24 күн бұрын
one hour in and woody has almost all of the facts wrong. big surprise.
@ddylla85 24 күн бұрын
1:09:37 Harley is insufferable
@Zoolander1205 24 күн бұрын
Thicc Kyle
@billnyethesciencedenier1516 24 күн бұрын
I'm old enough to remember Kyle Rittenhouse was a Sandy Hook "victim"
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