Placidus v. Whole Sign House System (Tropical Astrology)

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Alyssa Sharpe

Alyssa Sharpe

Күн бұрын

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@solshadow 3 жыл бұрын
I use placidus for psychological insight and whole sign for events/situations
@ry-hh3js 3 жыл бұрын
Wow okay, im gonna use this
@QSnarf 3 жыл бұрын
Oh wow. Never thought of it that way. Good point.
@solshadow 3 жыл бұрын
@M Malenica heard about it a while back on youtube, forgot from where it could have been this channel. Whole sign deals with a lot of prediction techniques and arabic lots, still kinda new to it though. Some of my signs are near the end or early in houses so i have to balance both out. A good book for this style is hellenistic astrology by chris brennan
@Kulturevidz6 2 жыл бұрын
Alyssa do you agree and thoughts to this comments idealogy!??
@Monat_Lakshmi 2 жыл бұрын
What do you mean bu psychological?İ really want to understand how placidus shows psychological influences?
@cultofmara 3 жыл бұрын
After using Placidus for clients for ten years, I switched to whole sign, traditional Hellenistic astrology. The differences are essentially around worldview . A psychological /Placidus approach gives the native more perceived agency, in the sense that events/transits are correlated to what’s “unconscious”. In this way, knowledge of one’s strengths /weakness would empower that person through awareness. It prioritizes the native’s experience regardless of what may be happening externally. What placidus cannot do, is explain certain “bounds” that the native may experience externally - limitations of circumstance- one’s fate. One’s family, social status, health. The things we don’t have control over. Using traditional techniques, the chart can show you how these external limitations can free you from a misguided, internalized flaw or weakness, or from an overinflated ego that your success is based on “you” alone, and not fortunate circumstances. Both systems have a lot to offer. However, I’ve found traditional astrology to be far more mystical AND concrete in its ability to explain life patterns, such as one’s family, finance, relationships, tragedies and miracles. It’s really about how you frame those conditions. Psychology seeks to frame them within a person and their subjective experiences. Philosophy seeks to understand the nature of reality itself, offering a more objective view. I find the history and ancient connections to philosophy to be more complex and rich than the new age, vision boarding idealism of modern astrology. Ancient does a better job at acknowledging patterns beyond one’s control. In this way an individual can “come to terms” with events in a more balanced way, in order to deal with life’s inequalities. It’s not all on you - it’s a blend of you and what you encounter. It’s a preference. As far as one system being more oriented towards masculine or feminine people, historically both psychology and philosophy - or Placidus /modern versus Whole sign/ancient - have been the domain of men, for socioeconomic reasons, such as access to education etc Neither system is more feminine or masculine. Intuition and rationality are tools in both. There is a misconception around whole sign traditional being a more simple approach. You may not have interceptions or outer planets - but many traditional astrologers do still use the outer planets, just not as rulers. There are so many complex methods regarding rulerships, dignities, and timelord techniques such as zodiacal releasing, profections, fidaria. In terms of sun sign horoscopes, most people are understanding astrology from a general, superficial perspective. It takes many years and experiences with clients to unpack the symbolism and rich nature that can be found in either modern or ancient. In terms of using both, it’s not a simple matter of just switching placements. A person really needs to understand the conceptual and technical differences of each system before making a conclusion. In the end I have found that you can get to some of the same themes in both. As a methodology the divination side is the same. One is not more right than the other, but you really need to understand the end goal and your own intellectual /spiritual framework before just deciding if you “like “ your chart better in one or the other.
@anguineus_vir 3 жыл бұрын
How can both be valid when they give you different interpretations?
@withwil5823 2 жыл бұрын
@@anguineus_vir maybe re-read the whole explanation? To make it simple for you though, different techniques tend to yield better results employing different house systems. Either way, find what works best for you and leave others to do what works best for them.
@anguineus_vir 2 жыл бұрын
@@withwil5823 To make it simple for me? What’s wrong with you dude? That’s some passive aggressive bullshit. Anyways, your explanation was pretty bad, of course using different systems will yield better results because you can pick one over the other in case the previous fails, which is too convenient isn’t it?It’s not about leaving people do what’s best for them, it’s about finding the truth, what’s wrong with expressing my disagreement in a respectful manner? In the meantime, people can do whatever method they want but don’t tell me to not express myself about the subject
@withwil5823 2 жыл бұрын
@@anguineus_vir the original post broke down, very eloquently, how both can be valid. You didn't seem to understand the explanation so I tried to make it more simple for you because you asked that question. It wasn't an attack on you, I used the most direct words possible to describe what I was attempting to do. It seems like you still find an issue with the explanation though. Given that not much in astrology can be given quite definitively to be used in every single situation, especially given one's level of expertise, I'll try again to explain the validity of the different house systems, but know that it isn't the only way of looking at this. Nuances in interpretation make a difference. Level of expertise and techniques also make a difference. In the end, it's interpreting energies which can manifest themselves in different ways. There are techniques that were developed using the whole sign house system, using that system would generally yield better results. Some were developed using other systems, again... using the systems the techniques were developed using would generally yield better results because they were developed using those systems. Therefore, if one knows what their end goal is and know what technique one wants to use, one can use the house system with which it was designed. I use the word generally because there are some people who have an interpretational style that is guided from something beyond different techniques and the chart is used in a different way. If they give accurate readings, for most, that's all that matters. Astrology isn't a black and white thing, you're using archetypes and describing energies which, again, manifest themselves in different ways. After finding what works best for one, one may start to use that. It might not work out the same for someone else, but if that person finds something that does, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. There is a plethora of different forms of astrology and most astrologers don't employ all of them, they find what is works best for them and they do that. They don't even practice all techniques available within a certain system. If one doesn't like the approach of a certain astrologer or it doesn't resonate, they don't have to stick with that certain astrologer.
@jennabonnichsen Жыл бұрын
Why would whole sign do this? Can you explain astronomically how it would reflect the nature of all vs placidus, the nature of one?
@chenaeM7 3 жыл бұрын
i started out with placidus but when i saw my whole sign chart the houses where the planets were in made a lot more sense to my personality and things i’ve been through compared to placidus. Definitely going to study my placidus more after this video though and i plan to use both
@houstonbaggett2811 Жыл бұрын
This is so funny to me because in my almost 10 years of study my experience has been the exact opposite! May I ask what degree your ascendant is?!
@bajanbecca Ай бұрын
As I get older and more aware and confident in myself I relate to whole signs a lot more . I also am more logical and less dreamy . I became a lot less selfless and more selfish. In placidus my Venus and Pluto are in 12H Scorpio and some asteroids . My mars and Jupiter are in the 4H and my sun is in the 1H . Now I’m getting older and I guess healing my inner child “self” i relate to my Venus and Pluto in the 1H . My mars and Jupiter in the 5H and my sun in the 2H . I feel like placidus is right brain. Very deep .whole sign is left brain logical and stable . Now everything that the spiritual community talks about. I can explain in a logical way as well. I use both parts of myself. 12H I was insecure and my own enemy. I didn’t fellow my gut and I always ended up hurt . My 12H perfection yr when I turned 35 . My brain kinda had a meltdown and when I woke back up it was like the vail was lifted. Everything seems easy . I understand myself so deeply that it’s so easy for me to read others . I’m always right . I guess that’s why it’s called “whole” signs . Because it shows us when we heal and trust ourselves
@alexlomeli2494 3 жыл бұрын
My sun and moon go from being in the 7th house in whole sign to the 6th house in Placidus and I gotta say placidus feels way more accurate!
@freedomastrology6567 3 жыл бұрын
Same w my moon I know 💯 I have a 6th house moon but In whole sign it’s 7Th I feeeel it in my soul It’s 6th house
@trashmagic999 3 жыл бұрын
me too!! i had nothing in the 6th house in placidus, but in whole sign i have a 6th house stellium. the 6th house is boring...i don’t want that lol
@amidreaming333 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I have a 6th house stellium in placidus and 7th house stellium in whole sign... 6th House makes alot more sense
@ry-hh3js 3 жыл бұрын
Placidus does feel pretty accurate to me but I'm gonna study whole sign for a minute
@alishag1662 3 жыл бұрын
@@ry-hh3js I think because Placidus is what so many of us are used to, we're having difficulties accepting the Whole Signs system.
@johnny_pilot 3 жыл бұрын
After 30+ years of practicing and learning astrology, I STILL cannot be sure as to the actual purpose of the different house systems! Using Placidus, my Gemini Sun is in my 7th and my Venus and Mars are both in my 8th. This is what I've used and 'known' for nearly 30 years. Within the last couple of years, I've looked into Whole-Sign houses and have discovered that it puts my Sun now into my 8th house and shifts Venus into my 9th. Mars remains in my 8th regardless. Am I any the wiser? Not really. My life seems to make sense from both the 7th and 8th house perspectives. Venus in my 8th makes total sense when explaining my intensity of love, my 'disconnections' from almost everybody and my love of the occult and understanding people at a deep level... and Venus rules my Descendant. But Venus in my 9th can also describe my love of foreign languages, geography, foreign cultures and maybe my love of freedom as opposed to disconnection from others, so I remain utterly clueless when trying to settle on a house system or even knowing when to use one over the other. I wish some wise and intelligent astrologer would finally find that eureka moment... but I can't see it being me! 😊
@amandavrivera 3 жыл бұрын
I TOTALLY FUCKING AGREE! Not a fan of whole signs at all. As an astrologer myself I would never convince another astrologer to use Placidus or Koch if they’re hardcore about whole signs, but they’re missing so much nuance when they use whole signs. It got to a point where I didn’t even want to sign up for a private membership with an acclaimed astrologer I really respected because she uses whole signs for everything and I knew her personal forecasts were gonna be completely irrelevant. Point of the story, I’m a 10th house money hungry hoe, not a hippie dippy 11th house gal.
@dee8391 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you !!! This explanation gave me so much peace. I’ve been following Chris Brennan’s podcast and have been in so much conflict because although I love his show, my whole sign chart moves my 7th house stellium which is my life’s struggle into the 8th house which makes no sense. Talk about identity crisis 😆
@TheVanessaBarbee 3 жыл бұрын
I literally looked up my whole sign chart for the first time yesterday and I watched your older videos about Vedic vs. Placidus. This video couldn’t have come at a better time! The whole sign kinda through me off because it moved my 12th house sun to my first house. My Venus to my 12th house, as well as my Moon conjunct Pluto from my 4th house to my 5th house. I will say, I’ve been really struggling to understand the energies of the Moon conjunct Pluto energies in the 4th house, and when it was moved on the 5th house, I identified with it more. It’s just so interesting. I’m happy to know that you as a reader would incorporate the two different charts. 🙏✨
@happyasthereeverwas 2 жыл бұрын
I've been watching Chris Brennan, who is adamant about whole sign houses. I went back and evaluated if house topics came up upon planet entering sign vs house cusp and hands down placidus won. Also, whole house would put my 4 planets and POF in 10th house instead of 9th....then pray tell why I've been to 51 countries....? Placidus wins. But definitely use whole sign for perfections and zodiacal releasing.
@im33lap 2 жыл бұрын
Placidus resonate me more. 12H stellium ♐️ saggy sun,Mars, Neptune, mercury, and 27° rising Sagittarius. I wasn’t born here in the US I came here when I was 17 years old. I never grew up with my dad my dad has been working abroad since I was a toddler until I migrated to US. 2nd H moon ♒️ I love collecting different things from crystals, exotic plants, jewelry charms, luxury bags and perfumes. I made some money selling plants when pandemic hits. Having money is very important for me, if I’m depressed I tend to shop sometimes just make myself feel good but I’m getting better not to indulge too much. 10 house MC Pluto ♎️ and NN 10 H ♏️ Scorpio. I work as a Nurse from emergency, cardiac and surgery areas. I’m kinda workaholic, work hard and play hard being a nurse money comes easy for me but I have to have a some sorts of hobby or vacations to re-energize after working hard and taking care of sick people. I love natures, plants, adventures and traveling. I own 2 houses. I have 1St house Venus Capricorn ♑️, Jupiter 25 deg Taurus and Lilith Taurus. I know I’m attractive -people makes comment to me, but having sun in 12h makes sense that I don’t wanna do leadership at work, I tend to give advise at work due to my vast experience and knowledge, and support my colleagues on their leadership roles and people tend to respect me. I tend to speak up for the rights and challenged authorities at work. I got better though, I’m more calmer. I Experienced ghost when I was 19 👻 that’s why 12 h stellium make sense to me. If I use whole sign most of my planets including sun will end up in 1st H, I feel like I’m not a 1H stellium sagg
@timri5244 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! This has been the most confusing part of me learning astrology! I’ve noticed ..and this might sound crazy, but whole sign explains my inner personality but Placidus explains my physical reality. Also, I follow Placidus for transits. Whole signs becomes way off when I’m following transits. Thank you so much for this explanation!
@saranityg 2 жыл бұрын
i never seen anybody say this in years but this is spot on for me as well.
@Flowergirl77777 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like it’s the opposite for me. Whole sign is more of an outward expression
@DanielMartins-og2gj 3 жыл бұрын
yes. definitely use both.But Placidus is THE BEST. WE KNOW IT!! you kind of have to use whole signs if you want to do Profections or zodical releasing..also for those very northerly latitudes!.. other than that PLACIDUS is THE BEST. those interceptions and duplications are awsome too!!
@amandaviola_ 3 жыл бұрын
Ummm your hair is gorgeous btw and thank you for dropping all of these videos this month they've been very helpful 💛✨
@dionnebarragan4624 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you covered this topic! I resonate more with my placidus natal chart. I have interceptions and a huge 1st house with placidus. Therefore I find whole signs to be way more accurate with transits. So I use both 🥰
@CrystalDuan95 3 жыл бұрын
hey girl interceptions crew turn up~
@anfilias 3 жыл бұрын
The level of veiled condescendency in this video omg !!! I have no beef with who uses whatever system. Power to you! I do believe it is sort of a higher calling when you choose the system. Whole Sign houses and traditional and hellenistic astrology do also come with a set of techniques that do manage to arrive at that deep psychological dwelving you are alluding too. Just because you can't does not mean no one can. Like, the pretension of such permise! Also, WSH has not been that predominant. There's indication that similar forms to Placidus were used in hellenictic astrology sometimes and Placidus was the mainstream during all modern astrology. Just since a decade ago or so, WSH is making a come back. A few very experienced very good astrologers even took hiatus to refect on it and came back using WSH. Like I said, there is a factor of calling to the system we end up with, that's what I believe. I do really believe you are a great astrologer but really? "If you want to seem intelligent" Like, what's this called for? Geez
@anfilias 3 жыл бұрын
@@alyssacsharpe if that is what you take of it...
@glamiangy 3 жыл бұрын
I relate to both but I feel whole signs makes more sense for me. Especially when my giant 4th house stellium moves into the 5th. I have SO much Leo energy and I lack fire in my chart.
@Amanda-i3x2t 3 жыл бұрын
Placidus makes more sense to me when it comes to the psychology, as you say
@yelojazz6199 3 жыл бұрын
This was great! Thank youuu❤️ I’ve noticed that Whole sign seems like it should be used for the “Collective” and general (no tine of birth) predictions. Placidus for individual accuracy or in a personal, in depth reading.
@CrystalDuan95 3 жыл бұрын
i agree!!!!! what i go through as a transit and how i DEAL with things are two diff matters (i'm a scorpio rising but in placidus my MC is actually virgo, so i don't relate to a ton of scorpio risings with their regular typical whole sign MC as leo)
@CrystalDuan95 3 жыл бұрын
(but i notice we thematically go through similar shifts, even if my personality kinda feels more aligned w the other sag rising folks out there in a sense bc of my overlay)
@helenasvachova444 3 жыл бұрын
While I always prefer to consider both systems/use a blend, I gotta say the Whole Sign system makes more sense for me psychologically. I have Libra Rising (24.18) and in Whole Sign that means that all of my signs are in their opposite houses, which makes a lot of sense for Libra symbolically imo. It also makes my Sun fall in the first house conjunct Mercury, which makes sense for me too (I have a lot of Leo and Virgo qualities and a lot of people tend to describe me as very mind-based), and my Venus then falls in the 12th house, which accurately represents my love life in the first three decades of my existence lol. In Placidus, my Sun and Mercury are in the 12th house, my Scorpio Moon is conjunct Pluto in the 1st and my Venus is in the 11th house, which is a pretty major difference. I can actually see all of these working together if combined somehow, but that doesn't mean that Whole Sign is somehow less psychological and deep in my case, and from what I've find also in the case of a few people I know very intimately. My interest definitely lies in what makes people tick and not in predictions and the like, so overall I'd have to disagree with your assessment. And btw, your hair looks absolutely divine
we are practically the same person … whoa so whole sign places my sun 1st conjunct Mercury venus in 12th meanwhile placidus= sun & Mercury 12th , Venus 11th ….
@thehighmaintenancehippietarot 3 жыл бұрын
So grateful for this video! I’m currently studying astrology on a course that’s using whole sign and I’ve always been a big advocate for Placidus (many arguments with my mum who’s an astrologer and she’s moving towards whole sign). Anyhow this all makes so much sense, I’ll be sticking by Placidus for sure but knowing how I can utilise whole, equal and Placidus is informational gold 💫.
@kindofkosher 3 жыл бұрын
This is such a great breakdown. I always used to study whole sign, but it wasn’t until I started to dive into placidus that I started to understand/innerstand how I truly operate psychologically by studying my chart with placidus. In placidus, Chiron and my sun are in the 12th house and it’s so accurate to how I function... along with the other planets in my yes, there is so much more self awareness with placidus in my own experience. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us! Have you ever considered teaching a course? I love the way you teach and would definitely be interested in learning more from you! Thank you for all of your hard work! Big hugs!!! ❤️
@phantomx3.0 3 жыл бұрын
thanks so much for this explanation. i've been going back and forth between the two more recently as i'm looking more and more into my chart.
@jamesfrancis6046 6 ай бұрын
This was incredibly helpful for me. I've had my Placidus chart more or less memorized for nearly forty years. According to that, my Moon is in the 12th house, and I have put a great deal of effort into both understanding and accepting the things that come with that. In just the past year or so, I've caught on to the fact that many KZbin astrologers use Whole Sign. So I did my Whole Sign chart, and it places my Moon in the 1st. I was actually infuriated at the thought of that. (This situation applies to other bodies as well.) As of now, I am still a bit perplexed about how to best handle this, but this video of yours really helped a lot. I know it is not the be-all, end-all of the topic, but it sure has given me a better perspective. Thank you.
@Roman888 3 жыл бұрын
My whole sign chart has a lot of dramatic shifts from Placidus, e.g., moon shifts from 7H to 8H, North Node from 9H to 10H, Saturn/Pluto from 2H to 3H, and Sun/Mercury from 4H to 5H. Most of these shifts resonate more with me, there's only 1 or 2 that resonate less. I have intercepted houses under Placidus and that alone makes me somewhat resistant to it.
@realdavidjones1623 2 жыл бұрын
I think whole sign is much more specific and I like that, but whole sign is good for a general read because it disregards alot of things
@gypsysoul4585 2 жыл бұрын
You saved my psyche, my 12th house placments turned into 1st house placments this morning as i did my whole house chart and it did mess me up in a sense 😀
@Hanakow 2 жыл бұрын
I go for Placidus, makes a lot of sense for me and honestly is dead on. I'm interested in whole signs for career purposes. I don't feel comfortable at all with predictions, my thing is wanting to know what moves people and their deepest self and also know myself as well as possible.
@patriciaedlr 2 ай бұрын
I asked this question to an astrology teacher and she just couldn’t give me a satisfying answer. I am very pleased with your description, thanks 😊
@kinnie7 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! I use whole signs because it resonates with me more. I'm female with a little bit more female energy but I'm right before my first Saturn return do I'm fairly young. You're kind of right. First time I saw Placidus it have me headache.
@jotirome Жыл бұрын
I started studying the “Whole Sign System” 3 years ago, and it has been a long process, but I also can find how they work so different and real at the same time. I'm a late rising, so every they change completely. I always felt lost when I was interpreting the transits because it didn't match my personal evolution and phycological state with was happening in my life. In resume, "Whole Sign System" is the external world and Quadrants are the internal. And makes sense because the "whole sign" is based in aspects/modalities/elements, things that shape the world and Quadrants are based on the movement of the sun based on the time, season and location. So it's normal that quadrants explain more the personal self (sun) and whole signs the external world (aspects/modalities/elements) I started in Vedic Astrology and have both systems to: Rasi chart (Whole sign) and Bhava chart (Quadrants or equal). Thank you for sharing, it's by sharing experiences that we get results. Not by division.
@JodyLuvsHumanity777 9 ай бұрын
Completely blown away 😮! Your Life Path 8 video led me to your channel finding an abundance of unique tidbits of information that I haven't seen on other astrology channels 😊! I cannot express how happy I am to have found your channel. Much love ❤ to you beautiful soul, thanks again for doing all that you do! ☮️❤️😁 all! ✨️🙏😇
@shelby3755 3 жыл бұрын
Yes YES I’ve been waiting for this video for so long!!! Definitely sticking with Placidus, I journal my transits regularly and everything works according to the Placidus system for me. The reason I started doing this was for spiritual work, so what you explained about psychology coming in is so true. I have rising in 24 Leo so whole doesn’t make sense for me...
@forresttoyne8559 3 жыл бұрын
After someone mentioned capricorn astrology software I have been loving looking at my true sidereal (13 sign) chart with placidus, for me as someone who loves star gazing it so wonderful so see the exact degrees and constellations everything was in, Now I can actually pin point what stars where closest to all my planets.
I love Capricorn astrology software it has truly been amazing navigating my chart there.
@TheresaReichley Ай бұрын
I think for me, the choice of house signs depends on the techniques I’m looking at. If I’m looking at predictions, in general those things were developed with whole sign houses and that’s what should be used. If you’re doing something else like karmic or relationship or psychological readings which were invented by people using placidus, then use that. The same for Tropical vs Sidreal - use the system with the assumptions of that system.
@houstonbaggett2811 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to thank you for taking the time and clearing this up for me. I've been studying for about 10 years and had run into a fork in the road and was really considering switching from Placidus to Whole Sign, but you confirmed the conclusions I had already formed and had been made to doubt. Thank you again!
@Mingus8 Жыл бұрын
Thanks.. I think this is the only video out there really explaining it, without going on for hours..
@cookycandy4 3 жыл бұрын
i started off with placidus and moved into whole sign because it made more sense personality wise. i def see the value of placidus and i can resonate with alot of its disseminations but it’s also one of those things where my whole sign can also explain them…so i’m still undecided on which i prefer. but i def see where placidus has more detail value
@meganwhite1352 3 жыл бұрын
The only time I’ve ever read whole sign is when I’m reading a sidereal Vedic chart. Otherwise I generally use equal house. Whole sign (in my chart that is) makes absolutely no sense.
@teresaperry5088 3 жыл бұрын
I use whole sign as it gives me a clearer approach to my life and when I do readings for friends family. I am 37 and I have my Rahu in my 12th house in Gemini & Ketu in Sagittarius w/Uranus and a Stellium in the 7th in Capricorn and Sun/Moon in 8th in Aquarius so I would have to agree to disagree as I’m told I’m to deep & spiritual and I can never have small talk 😹 💜
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
I’m all over this topic now lol. It’s true, we all read in unique ways.
@teresaperry5088 3 жыл бұрын
@@ChrisStrickland1988 I love it 🥰 just subscribed!!
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
@@teresaperry5088 oh thank you 🙏
@makingwaffles 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah man, when I read the description for a 12th house Moon I never felt more seen. I tried out whole sign because I'm a Libra Rising and Moon so why wouldn't my moon be in the 1st house too since it's Libra as well, ya know? But I can't deny that 12th house fits me without a doubt...p.s. thanks for speaking about these taboo subjects as many shy away from the conflicting ideas...I see you krittika moon!
@onestophealingshop1997 3 жыл бұрын
The thing I love about you is your don’t over explain. 🙏🏻
@savannahjones4195 3 жыл бұрын
girl I just wanna say, thank you so much. you explain things in such an amazing way and you really make it so easy to understand. you’re definitely a core part of my astrology learning. I thank you so much queen 💞
@erinfroehlich 3 жыл бұрын
It honestly seems like some people use different systems, because placidus got too real for them. They go shopping for the system that will get them signs they think are better, without understanding that the meaning of those signs and what the chart is communicating has changed along with the system.
@jessicamiller4547 3 жыл бұрын
*holds up funky device* "idk. I just wanted to use this"😂😂😂😂 I f*cking love you Alyssa! That's totally my energy being projected back at me if I've ever seen it.😂🙃🤷🏻‍♀️🖤✌🏼☯️
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
Haven’t really entertained whole signs yet, it’s on my list of things to do. Placidus to me is this Virgo-ish idea of an astrology chart that can be an awesome dream or a confusing nightmare. Honestly, as much as I want to join the majority of the world with Placidus, everything inside of me says “that’s not for you, go to equal”. I don’t feel like I’m too lazy or confused to learn what the Placidus is saying, it simply just doesn’t give me the answers nor does it resonate with me personally. BUT, I’ve noticed that’s opposite of how everyone else feels. Well, the ones who don’t pretend to know what theyre talking about. Since all of my friends use Placidus, I don’t hate on it and I’ll still listen to how they interpret whatever we are talking about, and oddly, I find most people have this ability to understand it in a way that’s just alien thinking to me. It’s interesting. My point is, it’s awesome to talk about the differences of these systems, but when people (not you, Alyssa) start becoming self righteous and harshly demonize other systems, it’s only because they too are missing an ability to read a certain system. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who can read more than one system and equally agree on both. But who knows? So yeah, message to the people, don’t be a dick if you don’t understand something lol all systems work for different types of people. If it’s going to turn into a negative debate with someone, just stick to discussing planets and signs 🙏 we don’t have many definite or set-in-stone facts about astrology yet. We are still learning more everyday, and that’s why it’s fun!
@inturn23 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you ! This clarified so much! This explained why I was so confused with my consultation reading today that used a whole sign house system. I honestly prefer Placidus in this case because I like to dig deep. Just found your channel today and love it!
@cheetahgirlfan32 3 жыл бұрын
In the chart house systems like Placidus, Equal, and Whole I find that the degrees are either a degree or less than each other. My Asc is in Capricorn in most houses but when I get to an house system like Morinus it tapers off into Aquarius as my Ascendant and makes my 7th house in leo and not Cancer, very interesting stuff.
@sinsiist 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with what you say, however, in the vedic system you have the "psychological" or the details of the person described through the nakshatra and pada's meanings and although the signs and/or planets might fall in different signs, when you go into the pada's, you can get pretty detailed features (sometimes to detailed)... and it's not that different from the meanings you read from evolutionary astrology, for instance. This is just something I thought pertinent to add, not that you don't know that, probably that's not exactly where you were going. I have to say that you are a fantastic, very articulate and eloquent teacher, it's been great to see you develop from the beginning. I'm looking forward to have you read my chart, because I'm sure you will say things I'm not able to see myself. Thanks for your work and dedication.
@icebrow 3 ай бұрын
The different systems are like different 'lenses' for the same 'scope' that can be used to pull out different types of information from ones chart.
@kjdaniels3267 3 жыл бұрын
I was using Placidus for a while but once I found out about Whole Sign I switched to Whole Sign. To me it doesn’t make sense that your rising sign is on the cusp of your first house. The ascendant is your personal identity and outward persona. Your first house is also your identity and the self. To me it makes sense that you are entire ascendant sign (regardless of degree) is in your first house. My Whole Sign House placements are a lot more accurate for me.
@romulusabat9663 3 жыл бұрын
this video makes me wanna look deeper into the charts in my collection knowing how much placidus pinpoints things out... its not easy, astrology is definitely not in my blood seeing how even after studying it for 6 years i'm still not doin too well but idgaf i wanna see people's psyche and my soul purpose
@femmelazarus9420 3 жыл бұрын
What’s in your blood is the commitment to learn, no one is born being more astrologically knowing, this is something learned and researched. You have drive and motivation that far surpasses any obstacle you may feel you face. A proper education and platform in this domain may give you that structured solid foundation to feel well-knowledged and confident in your understandings. With a proper foundation you can sustain higher and greater growth as you learn more fine-tuned details and newer insights. I can’t speak on your journey in learning astrology but I know that people commonly go into this blindly, from one source to the next without structure. Maybe doing so, getting a solid in depth step by step certified course in a reputable school will give you what you need. Best of luck to you in your journey xx
@alchemyrealm 3 жыл бұрын
I am loving all these videos you have been putting out to the world ! Thank you 🤍 I have been learning so much and diving deeper into astrology than ever before, thank you for sharing your knowledge you are amazing🙏 Appreciate your time and energy to diving deep into these topics!
@leudisaraque1405 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy everytime I receive a notification saying she uploaded a new video 😻 Astrology is so, so depth, and she isn't giving the same content as everyone else, she makes it unique, human 😻 I'm learning so much with her videos. I always come back to her channel.
@JasmineMiller16 3 жыл бұрын
I got attacked as a hater about even questioning if an astrologer had taught her followers about the different systems and saying that whole sign is the trendy thing. A popular tik tok astrologer literally said she uses whole sign because it’s easiest.
@luvliesbleeding 3 жыл бұрын
@@alyssacsharpe this. im pretty sure i know who theyre talking about too smh... can we all just accept that we don't fully know the truth?? its not that hard
@hiyokosaionji2169 3 жыл бұрын
@@luvliesbleeding Exactly. I second that.
@TheAstroWitchLux 3 жыл бұрын
When astrology is finally taught in universities again (probs first in the Humanities and then accepted as a science) I bet no one will be snle to be certified as an astrologer unlesd they've studied all systems inc Vedic and True Sidereal. They can specialise in one, but at General level you'd have ti do courses in all before specialising more at Honours. Because otherwise hiw can anyone possibly kniw which is their favourite system to work with.
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheAstroWitchLux yesss exactly. I mean, come on, we can barely keep up with our own solar system. Isnt Eris the planet after Pluto? I never hear about that thing and what does it do? Furthermore, why don’t we talk about it? Does it rule a sign? That’s just one piece of the puzzle. I’d love to see a series on Eries. I remember Alyssa saying it’s sort of like a Pluto energy, that’s all I’ve heard. My big question is if it’s in orbit and even bigger than Pluto (I think?), why is the astrology community not interested in its presence? Oh yeah, trends and things. Alyssa, please make Eris trendy lol you’re good at these things
@owlgirl6648 3 жыл бұрын
YES!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! I’ve been waiting for this explanation and always wondered. Whole sign is just not that accurate and doesn’t make sense but I always read how people think it is and I’m a psych major, so maybe this is why?? ❤️
@CrystalDuan95 3 жыл бұрын
i don't think she's saying whole sign is just inaccurate, it's just used for a whole diff ball game but isn't accurate for certain purposes people blanket believe it is (but yea, i personally think chart readings = you should try to incorporate placidus)
@aquamarine0303 6 ай бұрын
Interesting. I learned placidus from the age of 9 or 10. So 1974- 1975. I started using whole sign very seriously from the age of 50-55. Because I knew why people did what they did and started to care about predicting events . But I lost my husband suddenly in 2018 so that might have resonated so I didn't have any more terrible surprises. I have all water and earth with aqua ascendant and MC and nodes in sag and Gemini. I was also born very far north so I had these crazy interceptions. It made more sense when I looked at Venus in the second on mutual reception with Jupiter in Taurus in whole sign that I had a good very loud singing voice🥳
@ena7963 2 ай бұрын
I always used placidus but did have lifelong questions about myself than showed up with whole sign placements. It was significant.
@natalierudi4371 2 жыл бұрын
Omg this was soooo helpful!!!! Thank you ✨
@Clienter00 3 жыл бұрын
Alyssa you are cracking me up. These are so informative and amusing - keep doing you.
@naomiii2099 3 жыл бұрын
The amount of effort and energy it takes for you to upload such informative videos is appreciated girl ✨🤩 WE LOVE 💕 YOU SIS
@mazziniconect 3 жыл бұрын
I am so shocked as my chart is very similar to your chart as in western astrology, tropical, placidus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have pisces ascendant late degrees (27 degrees), I also have mars and venus in the 6th house (holding hands) I also have saturn in the 8th house I also have neptune conjunct MC I also have uranus in the 9th house and I also have chiron in the 3rd house. My moon is exactly as you said falling under the DC in Placidus (not fun at all) by the way I hate whole signs coz it is so shallow to make analysis so to speak. You are such an inspiration for so many people... keep up with this fantastic work
@spencergrego 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly... I am a Psychology student, and I've been studying Astrology for a while as well. I still consider myself a beginner, but I do know one thing or two, and I disagree a little bit with this. When I first started getting into Astrology like almost 6 years ago, I had no idea that that were different house division systems. When I learned about it, I immediately noticed that almost every website and app (and everything basically) used the Placidus system. I went and got a reading of my Whole Signs chart and it made A Lot more sense. I have intercepted/duplicated houses, and even though their meanings resonate with me, the Whole Sign interpretation and report made everything more personal and I could connect to it more. I do some readings for others and I use the Whole Signs system because I feel it gives me more accuracy on my predictions, without leaving the "know thyself" and study of the psyche out of it. I still find it very personal and very psychological. However, I prefer to look at Placidus when thinking and interpreting certain stuff. I see no problem in mixing both, if you are aware of how and why they differ, and what to make of it. Amazing video. Am going to subscribe for sure.
@hometownunicorn9073 3 жыл бұрын
In Placidus, I have an 11th house Sun and Pluto and a 12th house Venus and Mercury. When I tried Koch, Porphyry and Equal, that Sun and Pluto moves up and makes a 12th house stellium. I resonate with both houses and it has given me much more scope for introspection, but I feel at most peace with the 12th stellium. Using Whole Sign, however, my Scorpio in Mercury shifts into the way does that resonate! Thanks so much for this video to help me put that into perspective.
@shirinre5414 3 жыл бұрын
My stellium would shift from the first to the second house in whole sign which feels so off to me but the biggest reason why I don’t like my whole sign chart is because my IC would be Pisces and not aries which is sooo different. The aries IC resonates 100% and so many of my family members are aries suns or have personal planets there
@Booby_toesdays 3 жыл бұрын
I’m non-binary and prefer using a blend of them. When I read my friends and family’s birth charts with them I will use all my maps and charts. Depending on the person I get different things from different modalities of astrology. But across the board, I only use it as a very general guide and use energy work as my most trusted and thorough way of receiving information about someone.
@Redorgreenful 3 жыл бұрын
Same! “Male” and “female” orientations are both valid to me!
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
Very interesting!
@christopherburchette2435 3 жыл бұрын
In placidus, my Chiron is in the 12th house and it never made sense. But with Whole sign, it is in my 1st house. It makes sense. I have always hated my body. But there are some interesting things with Placidus. I think a holistic approach is best.
@yourfavoritereader2460 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I use both because I like to change things up I also like to use sidereal because being one thing too long is extremely boring.
@_Modernhippielife_ 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this breakdown! You have helped me understand this alot more clearly. I love your videos.
@kryndolyn 3 жыл бұрын
Alyssa has done it again 👏
@leudisaraque1405 3 жыл бұрын
@SanjayaUvacha 3 жыл бұрын
Very well explained ....The moot point is knowing when to use them....!!!Thanks for explaining the psychological aspects of 👌👌
@maplebucket74 3 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on Esoteric Astrology? I find this goes real deep and I'm really into it. Thanks.
@leudisaraque1405 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to see that video too!!!
@DivineMotherMoonSunLyricQuo17 3 жыл бұрын
Yessss!! Please???!!!
@MiLord_Zion 3 жыл бұрын
@ernestjazendelacruz8811 2 жыл бұрын
My placidus chart is so messed up but it makes so much sense to me than my whole sign chart which fixes my intercepted thingies. Ang yeah placidus really pinpoint things (well for me) so yeah thanks alyssa
@ChrisRaymundo 3 жыл бұрын
This makes sense because psychologically 8 relate to Saturn in 7th house( placidus) but I don’t relate to the codependency type of Saturn aspects it brings, to relate to the power struggle which would be my whole sign where Saturn in my 8th house.
@pennisss9433 3 жыл бұрын
My favourite teacher!! 🥳
@hillywood1777 3 жыл бұрын
I've always felt the placidus system makes more sence... you are one of the best astrologers on you tube... your explanations are don't get credit enough for them. Thank you 🤗 ❤
@Msasha2727 3 жыл бұрын
Can I just tell you I go back and fourth on this.... it’s hard to feel accurate when someone has a planet in one sign but it’s in a different house.
@CrystalDuan95 3 жыл бұрын
@heatherhancock6231 3 жыл бұрын
I just got done binging more of your videos and took a break but looks like I’ll be watching more now 😍 thank you for another video! Im getting addicted to your daily videos ❤️
@davidwayne1111 3 жыл бұрын
Spot on girl congrats. Not all men use whole sign I use placidus also. I think I've learned a lot more from you in the past month, then I've learned my entire 10 years I've been studying astrology. All of your videos are very informative. Please let me know if you open up at school I would love to be a student of yours. I really appreciate everything you do keep up the good work. With all love and light David Wayne 11 11
@lacie651 3 жыл бұрын
I literally needed this today. Thank you so much. 💙
@Noname11423 3 жыл бұрын
I always feel like placidus is good for learning vocation and purpose and whole sign is good for predictive purposes. Most importantly I resonate with both because I see it as a whole chart vs a person with placements because life is so multifaceted
@ry-hh3js 3 жыл бұрын
I agree
@celiafairy3237 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this explanation Alyssa! You always clear everything up
@kathyt3076 3 жыл бұрын
I was relating to my whole sign chart so much now I don't know who I am anymore 😭😂
@joelfelix4040 3 жыл бұрын
Check your placidus and check your whole sign chart. The chart that makes more sense to you is the best one. To make a prediction I would use whole sign chart. To give more specific readings I would use placidus.
@anfilias 3 жыл бұрын
You can definitely relate to WSH. Or placidus. Or both. There is written indication that astrologers of ancient greece used quadrant house systems (of which placidus is one of) in a complementary way to whole signs. A lot of astrologers that use WSH sometimes look at placidus to fine tune some points.
@erinfroehlich 3 жыл бұрын
It's still relevant, it's just that it's simplified version of the story of you. Placidus has the full details. ;)
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
@@erinfroehlich people aren’t smarter based on the system they find most relatable. People are different just like the systems.
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
Placidus does focus more on transits, and I don’t find transits to be all that important, unless it’s super strong. That’s just me. I don’t have superhuman energy to keep an eye on everything and using equal doesn’t mean I’m reading astrology in a simplified way. To me, the difference of systems are almost like different languages and you just have to find which language suits you. Just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding that someone maybe more simple because of the system they are reading, that sounds like a nicer way of saying “oh they’re just kinda stupid” lol
@ChrisStrickland1988 3 жыл бұрын
Despite all the confusion, and the fact that I’d rather not even fool with Placidus charts anymore, I still mainly get my information from your knowledge, and we don’t even follow the same systems. Yet I resonate with you. That proves to me that both equal and Placidus work, and I’m gonna assume that about other systems too, so in conclusion, if it feels right, that’s the system for you (or even using multiple systems for different situations). It’s ok, no one is grading you lol hopefully
@sourceactivation2176 Жыл бұрын
My chart never aligned or made sense till i started usinf whole sign and i only use it for psychological/ purpose. I use it very deeply. For example my NN is one of the things that shift and the house placement made all the difference in the world for me. I am 34 and a female lol who is obessessed with many of the same things you, i admire your work very much. But i just have zero resonance with placids, and my life shifted and my understanding of self on a deeper level shifted 360°
@ThirdPlanetAstrology 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you lord for this video . Was just talking about it myself in blogs.
@bicentenniallove 3 жыл бұрын
You have the best sense of humor. I'm always laughing...thank you
@rawr333r 3 жыл бұрын
Super super helpful. Thank you
@sjj599 3 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU!!!! I needed this😍
@KatiePaisant 3 жыл бұрын
Greaaat video. Extremely helpful information
@andaydeniz 3 жыл бұрын
I'm loving these videos!!! You are a great teacher
@scarlista6324 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Was definitely something I wanted to understand 😁
@SimpleMandy 3 жыл бұрын
First, THANK YOU for mentioning the Rising sign. I will always watch horoscopes for my Scorpio Rising because it's literally what sets up my houses. I have to admit I love Placidus for career (it is so spot on with my artistic endeavors) with 10th house Leo with my Leo Mercury & Venus Virgo.
@arlenejames. 3 жыл бұрын
Being a 1° Sag rising, barely anything changed for me lol 😂 Just that my Mars in Libra changed from the 10th to the 11th House.
@hinnyastrology 3 жыл бұрын
Love love love! Thank you always for your amazing work! Happy Hump Day :D
@brittanyg5490 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! This cleared up a lot for me!
@juliea7817 3 жыл бұрын
In placidus i have a stellium, also an interception of 2 whole signs in the 12th house. I am so glad i found your chanel and videos they have explained so much after i have had so many people TELL me to use Whole sign which has changed everything and its not me. A newby to astrology but very much spiritual. Also ive noticed they are mostly Males with big egos. 🙏💕
@jocelynflowers 3 жыл бұрын
i like Placidus wayyyyyy better. I have 8th house Pluto and Venus, and 12th house Moon. I resonate sooo much with it. I love diving deep into the unknown. In Whole Signs, everything changes. I have my Pluto and Venus in the 9th house, and Moon in the first. I don’t resonate with that. I’m going to continue to use Placidus.
@kashaynatovrea7199 2 жыл бұрын
Omg so ty foe this. I have a late sag rising. Someone was doing whole house and was talking about South node in scorp I think? And I got ao upset. I was like this sounds like what I've already been doing for a year and a half why the fuck I gotta do it another year and a half??!!! I feel a lot better after watching this lol.
@jodiz4238 3 жыл бұрын
Random: I always like that we are called "the native" in astrology 😂
@dianeaishamonday9125 3 жыл бұрын
**thinks of that one Lakota ancestor I have** **smiles**
@jodiz4238 3 жыл бұрын
@@dianeaishamonday9125 exactly!!
@sanditourere6159 3 жыл бұрын
your knowledge is awesome! love you!
@AstrologyZTV 3 жыл бұрын
Whole sign system to me can still be read in a psychological way. They are both accurate when read/analyzed. I have a 9th House Stellium and 10th House Stellium and I feel both.
@brunischling9680 3 жыл бұрын
This is crazy. In my life Placidus makes a more sense with exception of my Sun placement in the 2 nd. I am a Pisces with very little interest in material things and wealth. 3rd house Sun in Whole sign house describes me much better. I am a language and literature teacher and I write and paint. In both house systems I have however Mars and Saturn the 6th in Gemini , squaring my Sun/ Mercury In Pisces. Sometimes aspects and sign placements give out more information than houses.
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