Player Needs Help Understanding If They are a Problem Player | Narrated D&D Story

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@4ncientGu150 3 жыл бұрын
Unless he's hiding a lot and not being honest, this guy seems to be pretty in the clear. What a bunch of jerks.
@ohgodno 3 жыл бұрын
i agree, if this is pretty much all that happened, or at least the major stuff (i wont be surprised if this is all that went on) then the party are all just bad people and they dont deserver a 5th player
@FreedomAndPeaceOnly 3 жыл бұрын
Jerks & cringe idiots indeed. This are the type of surface calm sociopaths you need to get rid off before they get rid off you.
@hoosieryank6731 3 жыл бұрын
@@FreedomAndPeaceOnly Yeah, I can tell the difference between a jerk and someone who means well. This guy dodged indeed.
@roninharriet4886 3 жыл бұрын
Actually the party replied in zflocco's covering of this story, and op was definitely the bad player, on top of getting most of the details wrong in the story. One small example was the mute fighter was a human, not a kalashtar.
@jonathanstern5537 3 жыл бұрын
I think he's hiding something. The DM mentioned that he was constantly arguing with their rulings, but there wasn't really any evidence of that though this story.
@1Kapuchu100 3 жыл бұрын
That sounds... really weird. If we are to believe everything this guy says, the other players were hostile to the mere idea of a new player at all, and the DM seems extremely... touchy? Like the mere mention of someone talking about what they can/wanna do to help, is "bragging" rather than communicating. Also, the Sorcerer and Fighter especially have been nothing but hostile since day one, by the sounds of it. I don't see anything that OP has said or done here that would warrant that kind of treatment. So while it's only one side of the story, so far it sounds like people who were angry that a new player entered, and went out of their way to be assholes to him.
@SpyderWebbedHawk 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Without being able to hear the other side of the story, this all certainly sounds like the moment he joined he was cursed to fail as the other players wanted nothing to do with him. The DM certainly doesn't sound like they helped the situation. From the sounds of it I would not be surprised to learn that all the players and DM had been friends/playing together for a while and while the DM tried to bring in another person the moment he noticed the rest of the table wanted nothing to do with the new guy they were not going to do anything to aid OP, especially after getting touchy about OP talking about possible people in the world that the DM could have easily inserted as being actual lore or let it play out later as OPs character just being full of crap.
@Tioko 3 жыл бұрын
@@SpyderWebbedHawk Well, the story did say that this party had been playing together for a year prior to OP joining, so, yeah, this probably was the case.
@FreedomAndPeaceOnly 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a bunch of slightly autistic cellar-kids who react at *'normal communication skills'* like an unforgivable tresspass into their silent bubble of comfort zone. I speak of experience. I am also a bit like that. Takes willpower and a bit of effort to become a normal & respectable person.
@dillontanner622 3 жыл бұрын
there is another vid by artificial dm where they replied in the comments gist of it is OP was trying to be included in group rp but was constantly being shut out for being the new guy
@roninharriet4886 3 жыл бұрын
@@dillontanner622 I heard it from zflocco personally, and the gist there was that op was being rude by interrupting? And way too many details in the story are incorrect
@dannya.2616 3 жыл бұрын
Archer: "Now I can shoot them with my arrows." DM: "Wow, dick. Brag much?"
@ramnsesallen4375 3 жыл бұрын
Fighter: “hit dragon hard, axe good” Dm: chill it with the bragging
@MazzaAzi 3 жыл бұрын
Player who prepared: "Perfect! I've got just the thing for this" DM: "Can you please get your head out of your own ass?"
@Darkness19Z 3 жыл бұрын
Player: "Now that we got the item, we can get out of here" DM: "Bro, stop bragging"
@dannya.2616 3 жыл бұрын
@@MazzaAzi Wizard: "Since we're heading into the forest, I prepared Speak With Animals." DM: "Can you not meta-game, please?"
@joshd4119 3 жыл бұрын
@@dannya.2616 this one ☝️
@DrakeValos 3 жыл бұрын
"No D&D is better than bad D&D." Sounds like this person dodge a bullet.
@IamaPERSON 3 жыл бұрын
And respect to them for recognizing that.
@Donkeyearsa 3 жыл бұрын
I have not played a RPG in nearly 30 years because I can't find a game or I just did not have the free time. I don't know its can be a toss up.
@jasonstahl73 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like the sorcerer and fighter were caught up in their own little circle jerk of a storyline while getting stroked by the DM, and you weren't enough of a heal-bot.
@12shaymin12 3 жыл бұрын
The opener isn’t bad at all, calling him “this one”. Doesn’t make sense why this would offend them. I REALLY need to hear the other side of the story to know whether it’s OP fault or not
@ramnsesallen4375 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah of everyone got offended I called someone “this one” I would be the least likable person ever,
@ShiroNekoDen 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly sounds like a bunch of tumblrite extra sensitive snow flakes.
@OverlordARG 3 жыл бұрын
@@ShiroNekoDen this
@SaintJimmy379 3 жыл бұрын
Right? This ones mind is boggled. (referring to myself in the 3rd person)
@ZantariEXE 3 жыл бұрын
This all really sounds like OP is leaving something out else this all sounds insane. We really do need the other side of the story
@patrickhandley627 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a toxic close nit group that is hostile to newcomers.
@DarkArtsMage 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like that may be the reason why the 5th player left, they just couldn't stand the toxic bullshit anymore!
@baziwan9407 3 жыл бұрын
I suspect there is much more to the story not said here. This story reeks of a perfect little victim.
@patrickdavis5231 3 жыл бұрын
@@baziwan9407 yeah I thought it sounded like the party were toxic, but after what the dm says it sounds like he stopped everyone during their turns to tell them how to best optimize turns. Hostile Turn Takeovers...
@corneliusperson1230 2 жыл бұрын
@@patrickdavis5231 yeah that sounds right the game suck it's just ridiculous and it's sad too and I don't understand the dm logic or reason for taking somebody out or the prayers toxicity it just seemed like it was just another group of prayers who didn't want a newcomer also I don't know why the dm ask to play this game anyways if there's going to treat him like that
@HaloReach4TheWin 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds like classic, DM is god and infallible with PCs that go along for the story and don't actual interact with the world around them. From this video I'd say the Cleric was put into a situation that was built to fail. Especially with the "mute fighter" and not being able to world built along with the PC he and the DM made. I'd say it's the parties issue.
@ezrafaulk3076 3 жыл бұрын
I agree; just look at the comment I left. I know what they're going through.
@roninharriet4886 3 жыл бұрын
The party and dm actually commented on the post on zflocco's channel, op was most definitely in the wrong, and this story hides most of the reasoning why
@akimbofurry2179 3 жыл бұрын
@@roninharriet4886 He said she said dose not refute this video, nor the other one.
@pingdragonify 3 жыл бұрын
@@roninharriet4886 link?
@wrestlingguy8722 2 жыл бұрын
@justinalicea1590 3 жыл бұрын
I have to admit, this seems to be a case where the OP is putting as much as they can on the table outright. I agree that he may not be telling us all of the effects he had, but that would require reading other people's minds. So I'll have to say that he just came off with a bad first impression due to a choice of words that could be taken in a negative light. And then every possible act he made since wasn't accepted regardless of what he did. Sure, some of his comments could have been better muttered under his breath or maybe more inclusive, but there are people in the world that like to say their actions aloud. I would place more blame on the group's interpretation of his actions without trying to understand him better than the OP's fault in his decisions.
@Darkness19Z 3 жыл бұрын
I can agree that he put much on the table but when everyone else isn't being nothing on it and two players are being hostile and the DM think you're "bragging" when you say "Now that he can't move WE can do a lot of damage". Than you have to realize this may be the reason why they can't keep a 5th player.
@Enigmixter 3 жыл бұрын
@@Darkness19Z other than THEY are a whole bunch of fuckers?
@hitsugatatsuro9978 3 жыл бұрын
I'd say nothing he said wasn't exclusive at least (how is "this one" offensive really? Americans...) and as far as his narrative is concerned, the group was made up of uber sensitive judgemental snowflakes. Like, I don't use that term lightly, but in this case, it just might be the case unless OP is omitting truths.
@nickwolfe6684 3 жыл бұрын
I mean but saying"thats what humans do/ it's human culture" is a term of phrase their really isn't a more inclusive way of saying it as on this planet we only have one predominant species and being all uppty about it sorta baffles me. It seems like the fighter was probably the groups fave and after "insulting" he/she the op was basically ostracized as to not get on the fighters bad side
@FreedomAndPeaceOnly 3 жыл бұрын
They wanted a game without a social player, reminding them of their pathetic social skills.
@Soriokeink 3 жыл бұрын
wow, its just impressive how some people are sometimes
@hitsugatatsuro9978 3 жыл бұрын
More like disappointing.
@KingBoom34 3 жыл бұрын
Thares about 85,266,666.666 people in the world who are nice
@KingBoom34 3 жыл бұрын
We mostly see the bad tho
@Dramoklos 3 жыл бұрын
Impressive about being stubborn
@nickwolfe6684 3 жыл бұрын
@@KingBoom34 that's a gross exaggeration, nothing is nice or mean to everyone and everyone has their flaws it's all just sorta grey
@blesper3415 3 жыл бұрын
How dare he clearly state how he would like to help party by bragging about how powerful a...... trickster cleric is. Not that there is anything wrong with picking the subclass, but it's far from optimal. If OP was being mostly truthful, sounds like a toxic group, and being kicked was probably a good thing.
@Alcheventor 3 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. From what I’m hearing, this guy clearly just wanted to make some more friends and play D&D. This group was just toxic to them.
@VampireNewl 3 жыл бұрын
The other players have actually responded in a comment on a video called "Innocent Player Kicked For No Reason? | D&D Horror Stories", according to them it wasn't so much what the player said but more the fact that they kept inturpting other people speaking to say it. So balanced view and all that.
@blesper3415 3 жыл бұрын
@@VampireNewl Hmm I guess then it would depend if they tried to communicate that with him, or were just passive aggressively hostile about it to the point it felt toxic. A lot of ttrpg problems can be solved with a quick chat.
@TheRubyFox 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a shit group, and that's probably why the 5th player left in the first place. Hopefully OP finds a better group/table
@williamfalls 3 жыл бұрын
This feels like when I call someone's pet a him, and they get super offended because they're a her.
@hitsugatatsuro9978 3 жыл бұрын
And because you were someone's +1, they won't outright kick you out but they're hostile to you the whole party until eventually, they reach boiling point cuz you were tryna make amends but they already made their minds up that you were a horrible person from the get go... and furiously kick you out and threaten to call the cops if you tried coming back.
@renarddubois940 2 жыл бұрын
ow can you not tell when a pet is a her or a him? You just need to wrestle the beast down violently and non consensually grope its private.. That way you won't offend anyone..
@chaptermastersinclair1052 3 жыл бұрын
Kind sounds like he was guilty of breathing air and that offended them
@Meun 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like we are missing a lot with this story. The group is so heavily in the wrong still but maybe talk with them outside of the game
@metanightmare4454 3 жыл бұрын
The problem with that though is, assuming things are as OP says, the group clearly has developed a personal animosity towards them, so they probably won't talk to them. The closest OP got to an explanation was that it annoyed them when they made up some irrelevant lore for flavor and that they hated the "bragging" that comes off here as mostly just OP signaling to the party what they're about to do, which really sounds like a good thing since it gives them a chance to interject if they have any objections or notes, and they were only told that after it was too late. They apparently insist on just being aggressive instead of giving OP, who is essentially a stranger both in-game and out-of-game, constructive criticism or at least being clear on what exactly is upsetting them. This leaves OP completely in the dark as they struggle to sleuth-out the issue and fix it on their own. Granted, OP could be omitting important details or even outright lying, but by that logic, the whole story could just be made up, so we really just have to trust them here, unless we catch them in a lie. Honestly, though, OP would have to be covering up A LOT to make them the definitive problem here. Even if OP was a lot more annoying than it seems here, if the party refused to clarify what was wrong, how could they be expected to improve?
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
@@metanightmare4454 Well said, pretty much agree, word for word.
@hitsugatatsuro9978 3 жыл бұрын
@@metanightmare4454 Heartily agree. If this does turn out to be mostly true, then it positively boils my blood that these kinds of dramatic, overly sensitive, and judgemental trash groups exist. As a person who had trouble meandering thru childhood cuz I would constantly misunderstand people and yet no one would tell me what I was doing wrong and just outright hate me, this story just incites a different kind of fury in me. It's DnD -communicate!!
@Vospader21 3 жыл бұрын
Clearly this is a case of poor communication on part of the other guys. They didn’t reach out to tell him what they didn’t like. And it seems to me that they just didn’t want to introduce a new person to their already tight knit group.
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
if the case was they didn't want to introduce anyone new, then why did the DM invite them?
@darklusare7582 3 жыл бұрын
@@willparry530 "I miss Terry" "Yeah, he was a cool dude.." DM: invites Jerry (not in a bad way. just a guy who's complete opposite of Terry in one area and is hated for that by the group)
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
@@darklusare7582 lol
@nephicus339 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I got the same impression, though the other perspectives would be nice to hear on this; if OP is accurately describing the events, sounds like they just found a group they don't fit in with, and not that they're a problem player. The lack of communication between players and DM outside of the game is what made this whole thing crumble for sure.
@GreaterGrievobeast55 3 жыл бұрын
3:14 “this one” seems like a completely exceptional fantasy pro noun that an eccentric character might use, I dunno. YIRBEL LIVES!
@emberfist8347 3 жыл бұрын
Yep and the term I think would be better than using the race of the character.
@Nintenja889 3 жыл бұрын
Even after listening to the whole thing, I can’t believe it all started with OP uttering “this one” in reference to a player he felt may have some kind of issue. Like… it makes no sense.
@timwoods2852 3 жыл бұрын
Especially since that fits with the British/European personality they were trying to RP. "This one" is a common pronoun across the pond.
@dcbandit 3 жыл бұрын
From the sound of it, the other players mistakened OPs roleplaying for his actual personality, so it may be a problem with communication.
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
@hitsugatatsuro9978 3 жыл бұрын
Very much so. I thought the DM woulda stepped in here and there when the party was way too hostile or downright rude. Or heck, even bothered to give OP context to begin with. I rly hope that the DM or players see this or the og post so they can clarify bits and pieces. At the very least, not attack OP for saying their piece anonymously cuz they certainly seem like the type to do so if OP's words are true.
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
@@hitsugatatsuro9978 so apparently there's a story out there that claims to be from the perspective of several of the individuals involved and makes a claim of 'autism.' But no one's linked me yet so I couldn't tell you where it is.
@marionettekent 3 жыл бұрын
@@willparry530 not sure if this is allowed here but the vid you are looking for was by zflocco which can be dated back 3 weeks ago i think.
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
@@marionettekent Alright, thanks
@JCDenton2012Modder 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds like the player bumped into a "Mean Girls Club" crowd. As in, these people already knew each other and were good friends, and if you did anything to 'hurt' one of them then they all turned on him like a pack of paranas. It sounded like after the first mess up they had already made up their minds and were in FU mode. Nah man, screw em.
@oriong.7507 3 жыл бұрын
07:34 "The Bard casts Hold Person" "It succeeds, so now the Beast is paralyzed." I don't want to be that guy, but Hold Person shouldn't work on Beasts. It might have been a mistake, but to me, that's a Red Flag.
@kingwildcat6192000 3 жыл бұрын
imma just say, i think he meant hold monster instead of person given they were at least lvl 10 but in all regards i do agree
@RustyhairedAlp9575 3 жыл бұрын
They said "anthropomorphic rabbit person" so that might be a clue
@Dmon3k 3 жыл бұрын
Also hold person/monster requires being able to see the target... I thought it was invisible.
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
@@Dmon3k it was invisible.
@Dmon3k 3 жыл бұрын
ok so unless a detail was left out, the spell shouldn't have worked out all. Good to know
@FoolsGil 3 жыл бұрын
If the cleric is as unbiased as they explained, the issue from here is an excitable, talkative new player joining a group of overly sensitive grumps with trust issues. Also not a fan of a GM who won't nip issues at the bud, and let them bubble up. No wonder they have issues tying down a 5th player
@sarahjo9975 3 жыл бұрын
Either it is an extremely hostile group who would find fault in any little thing or OP is omitting significant things from the story as to not look so bad. Hard to tell without hearing both sides, but, as told, the whole scenario was very odd.
@TheStormWolf10 3 жыл бұрын
Until i hear the other side of the story, this sounds like to me the group and DM Closed Ranks on the guy. So until this group comes forward and gives their side, this is what it sounds like.
@simonkennedy6116 3 жыл бұрын
Hmm, this is a tough one. It sounds a lot like a clique has formed and the player was doomed from before he joined but without hearing from the others at the table, we'll never know what happened
@jonathanschmitt5762 3 жыл бұрын
9:47 -You're the new guy, right? -Yeah. -You ever wonder why there was a job opening? -Jurassic World Edit: 9:22 I believe you, the player really doesn't fit into toxic communitys
@theperses3692 3 жыл бұрын
I'm incline to be against the DM on this one for one reason. The DM introduced the PC as a slave that the party was freeing. I have been on both sides of this, and I have made the determination to never do this again. When you introduce a slave, the party gets the idea that the character should just be thankful that they were freed. Instead of fair compensation, freedom is thier reward. In this case, the party decided not to even throw a few gems his was after the fight with the mind flayer. I understand that he was not there for the beholder, but I doubt the party would have survived the mindflayer after the fight with beholder. Since his healing kept the party alive, he should have received some money. What the DM should have done was have the NPC aknowledge this and provide compensation. This makes me believe the issue is more with the DM.
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
hmm, I hadn't thought about that, good point.
@DHTheAlaskan 3 жыл бұрын
If what OP was saying is true, I honestly have a hard time understanding why the party was so hostile to him. The GM, Fighter and Sorcerer especially had hairs up their asses about OP.
@chasermanist 3 жыл бұрын
OP sounds fine, I would say it was the DM and other players at fault.
@DarkArtsMage 3 жыл бұрын
The DM wanted a full game, doesn't help to clarify the world, subtlety gets rid of new member!
@chrispilcher2024 3 жыл бұрын
The mute fighter and DMPC were two huge red flags , also don't understand how this one could be offensive, doesn't even seem like OP Did anything wrong, but we have to hear the other side of the story just to be sure, we don't know if OP sugarcoated his story.
@arkham7033 3 жыл бұрын
Based off of what was said, my initial reaction is “WTF” But again, one side of the conversation
@emberfist8347 3 жыл бұрын
No OP isn't in the wrong. I heard this story on another channel and I was reminded of my personal experience with a SWTOR RP guild and It was similar to this. Possibly worse as it involved PvP during session zero.
@benclark8229 3 жыл бұрын
Not sure what to think here with out the other side but first impression, I can see how some things may have come off as boasting, but really think they just did like some one they did not know joining the group. Have had some experience with that kind of thing my self
@lafeaschronicle3218 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I feel that communication wasn't handled well but the other's in the group were kind of being jerks
@joelsabourin9599 3 жыл бұрын
While I agree that there could be some things they could have worded better I am under the belief that they just had a bad group, because they got no World lore they first joined the group and a character would not know if somebody is mute so blaming them for not knowing that is not okay but that's just my opinion.
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto 3 жыл бұрын
This exactly, the communication was faulty from the start. Maybe if he metagamed and knew the fighter was a mute it would have been avoided but, where is the fun in that when you can get the lore from interactions and communications. Also, they had the perfect chance to reveal part of the fighter’s character (cause they never say outright if they are Deaf or mute) heck, if they said that it could have opened up more character growth. But honestly, if OP’s description of the DM and the PCs are to be believed, they were hostile to them from the get-go and any attempts to patch up the relation was a fruitless endeavor.
@kaleb2643 3 жыл бұрын
Doesn't sound like the fighter and sorcerer were willing to work things out.
@DHTheAlaskan 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like they didn't want him at the table to begin with. I've know groups who have people who hate any and all newcomers for no other reason than them not already being part of the group
@Kino_Cartoon 3 жыл бұрын
@@DHTheAlaskan that's sad =( why didn't they tell their DM to not invite someone instead of bullying them out?
@DHTheAlaskan 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kino_Cartoon i don't know, people often ignore common sense solutions.
@Dreadnought_XIII 3 жыл бұрын
If OP is telling the whole truth it really sounds like he did nothing wrong and dodged a huge bullet
@hitsugatatsuro9978 3 жыл бұрын
Tho there is possibly an omission of truth somewhere. We can't tell without the other people's sides. At the very least, the DM's.
@Darkwintre 3 жыл бұрын
No this is simply because they wasn't used to a decent role player getting involved and they clearly thought they knew better when they clearly didn't!
@pilentus 2 жыл бұрын
Based on the DM's message to OP at the end, I think OP left out a few important details.
@BulkyMcBulkerson 3 жыл бұрын
The last time I was this early, there were 3 goblins in a trench coat!
@nav3346 3 жыл бұрын
*Punched in the face for wanting to fit in* My character: Jumps head first into a chasam and both middle fingers up. ... And that's how I left that table after failing to join a click 😀
@FedericoVetencourt 3 жыл бұрын
If we go only on what OP said, he was a saint and these people are monsters... however I see 2 issues with making any ruling: 1 we indeed only have one side of the story, we only have in table interactions and we only have a few one sided examples of how those interactions went and many times that may be biased by the self perception of the OP. 2- It could be that in his eagerness to be part of it he overdid and didn't notice, I have a friend that I constantly have to remind to stop intervening to tell everyone what to do during combat, and I mean CONSTANTLY to the point where I know I can come off as hostile and other players do get upset not being able to think on their own cuz they get interrupted by the "optimal" player. It's too complicated to give a ruling on this case not knowing what actually happened. Sorry. When it seems to horrible to be true, there could be a few key pieces missing there
@gameygeemer4142 3 жыл бұрын
Comment from the reddit thread (more will be added as I find more): Hi- I'm the Half Orc Lore bard from this session. I don't speak for the party or DM, just for myself. I generally do My best to give people the benefit of the doubt. Please don't go hate on Shadowmere448, i genuinely don't think they meant to come off this way. I think that choices that weee made should not have been made, that is all. My thoughts; I dont really have an issue with the person. I have an issue with the choices they made with the character. They chose to create a rude, uptight, entitled, lawful evil character going into a session knowing the characters would be close- we've been playing for close to a year. They chose to try to sneak the character around and go behind the party's back and play the character as shady as fuck, knowing the players were already close to each other. They chose to be disruptive at certain times, assume they would receive things from the DM if they said it, assumed the party would be cool woth someone trying to turn them over to the spy group, and be incredibly rude with no repercussions. After the roleplay was finished, this person said, and I quote, 'Whew! It's so exhausting to play ---!' I'm sorry, but you chose to play a character who is rude and entitled, knowing full well this party has been at this for a full year out of game. How could that have possibly been a good idea? And to try and brush of the problematic ablist tendancies of your character whoch you chose to create is trying to shirk your responsibility and gaslight others into thinking you're not that bad. The character metagamed, assumed they were part of conversations that were across the room from them, inserted themselves into private conversations assuming they were going to 'fix everything', was i credibly rude to NPCs, was entitled enough to demand payment for being rescued, assumed that because they used a spell they deserved compensation, made decisions on behalf of the party without consulting the party, assumed they'd get payed, and assumed the party would follow them because they followed Iune. That's just the character. The PLAYER was somewhat disruptive, seemed a bit oblivious, made assumptions, was cery entitled, somewhat to the point of being rude, and when they didnt get what they assumed they would get, they acted as if they had been personally wronged in some way but was bearing through it bc they were the bigger person. They were using some gaslighting techniques to try and seperate themselves from their character- if you have to do that using problematic behaviors, then maybe dont play evil characters and just stick with ones you're comfortable playing. All this to say- we aren't 100% innocent, nor are we 100% at fault. I would have liked to have had a conversation with this girl but didnt feel it was my place to do so. I don't think we really gave her a fair chance either. But some of her behavipr is and was unnacceptable. There are two sides to a story. Don't assume you know me or this person, you don't. To Shadowmere448- Come talk to me. It won't get you back in the game but at least then we can have a conversation and get closure withiut the need to put shit out on the internet. This has caused me a couple panic attacks just today, let alone the others. You have had very real impacts on myself and others with this- if you want to get closure, maybe come and talk to us instead of making us seem like terrible people on the internet when you don't have all the facts. The door is open, and I would like a chance to hear your side and for you to hear mine.
@mr.badguy8500 3 жыл бұрын
Based on only this video, it seems like this was a close knit group that didn't take well to a newcomer and anything he said sounded like a challenge or a brag. This is feels like they read too many RPG horror stories and had the OP on a tightrope.
@oriong.7507 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who has had this happen a lot, albeit not in D&D, this appears to be a case where there isn't proper communication. This can cause people to misinterpret the situation, which can lead to escalation. To avoid this, but still preserve roleplaying, I would say what my character does as them, and then, as myself, clarify the intent of my character, and what that means to the character.
@soyboy8934 3 жыл бұрын
“Don’t give me lore for my world” Bro I love when my players make up random bullshit that I haven’t mentioned, their characters would have knowledge of things from where they are from. They’ve led full lives, so if they bs something for rp, bet your Willy I’m adding it in
@cretinouspleb 3 жыл бұрын
Found a Zflocco vid on this exact same story, and three of the other PCs had responded on that video to explain their sides of things, and a lot of OP's story is missing out very key details.
@jacobweinstock2180 3 жыл бұрын
On the scene, top 10 arrivals
@comicserif 3 жыл бұрын
Groups that have been playing together for a long time can have some really odd faux-pas that you probably crossed without realizing it. Sounds like you were the only on at the table familiar with the "yes, and" technique of improv that so permeates the highest tier of streamed dnd, for example (what you were attempting with the wine and paintings) and since they hadn't been exposed to that style of dnd, really put the dm on pause, leading him to be more inclined to side with his friends, who seemed to not enjoy having new people come in and shake things up. idk the whole story, but sometimes people get in a rhythm and/or aren't in the mood for outsiders. Probably a good time for a new table, regardless of who's at fault.
@mindofthecosmos9674 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like the group was in the wrong, considering how hostile they were towards the newcomer in the homebrew campaign. Considering how the new players was being intentionally rigged & berated by both the DM & party members
@DarkArtsMage 3 жыл бұрын
Also you'll notice how the the GM at the end, says that everyone has been talking for a few weeks between themselves, about how OP isn't a good match. Didn't schools use to tell us to go to the person, & try hashing it out with them, involving the "adult" only after they have talked things out! It feels like they were already "mentally set to not welcome the new-guy" at all costs!
@mindofthecosmos9674 3 жыл бұрын
@@DarkArtsMage Unfortunately, due to how insane and Unbecoming people are these days it doesn't seem like that way anymore. They used to have a class that helped to teach people to be civilized, and have manners when talking or addressing two people. But not anymore unfortunately.
@russdarracott395 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's alittle more on the fighter and wizard.
@RustyhairedAlp9575 3 жыл бұрын
I think you mean sorcerer
@TexMeta 3 жыл бұрын
This is so heavily against the party. They were hostile from the first interaction. Need the other side of the story to confirm though. Personally, I would have been out from the moment they started PC stuff.
@tripple-a6031 3 жыл бұрын
Even if OP is hiding a bit, this doesn't seem to be his fault.
@RedCrusader-ph2vk 3 жыл бұрын
OP would have to be hiding A LOT of information for this not to be the group's fault
@The_mekboy_you_deserve 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know about this story... For how he worded it, it seems like everything is almost fine, but, like he said this is his side of the story, there may be things he hasn't told or maybe other things people found in him that wasn't what they were expecting.
@thereita1052 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe It was the tone. Tone can change evry word into an insult. Or maybe they didn't understood the way a heavy rolplay plays.
@The_mekboy_you_deserve 3 жыл бұрын
@@thereita1052 I don't think the players didn't know what heavy roleplay is, but the segment where the sorcerer tells that she is worried for the Barbarian and sees something, that hinted me that they know how to roleplay, maybe not the best, but can comprehend what to do and what to say, maybe session 0.1 should've been done with everyone in the group instead of just the DM, to see what everyone disliked and to avoid as much as possible.
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
@@The_mekboy_you_deserve tbh it sounds like the party was either just a bunch of jerks, OR they got off on a bad foot and the first impression just soured them permanently to the point of 'no second chances.'
@DarksideChaotix 3 жыл бұрын
These people appear to have been drawn into their biases. And yeah, tone. It might be that he was trying to be helpful but came off loud and obnoxious. I know a guy who was like this. I could see he was trying to be helpful, but the DM always got mad whenever he came up with a practical solution. My advice to him was to keep his best laid plans to himself, since explaining them got him nowhere. We didn't last much longer in that group.
@1ManRandom 3 жыл бұрын
@@thereita1052 I was thinking that the tone might have been an issue, since OP did say they were playing their character as a cocky, talkative bullshitter, so that tone might have exacerbated the party’s issues with the character, especially considering some of them seemed to be pretty easy to offend. It still doesn’t excuse how they treated OP, however. And don’t even get me started on the DM.
@roninharriet4886 3 жыл бұрын
This is a story another D&D content creator covered, I can't currently remember if it was critcrab or den of the drake. Either way, each other member of the party and the dm was in the comments declaring that the op decidedly 'forgot' many incriminating details that explain why they were eventually removed.
@roninharriet4886 3 жыл бұрын
Such as even the little detail that the fighter was human, and not kalashtar
@AuthoritativeNewsNetwork 3 жыл бұрын
[There is a second part to this story] I saw this story on one of the other D&D narration channels, but I can't remember which, think I may have been Zfloco, or the Artifical DM. Had a quick look, but I couldn't spot it from the thumb nails or video titles. 😓 Anyways, there was a pinned comment because after they readout this story, it was seen by the ALLEGED group themselves. And the fighter, sorcerer and DM (I think) chimed in to comment on the video, recounting their side of the events. Happy hunting.👍👍
@thajocoth 3 жыл бұрын
In what I've heard so far, it's pretty clear that the party wants to have a conflict with him. I'm a little over halfway through, and the toxic situation he went through is just too much to keep listening to.
@jamestown8398 3 жыл бұрын
He tried twice to extend an olive branch, and both times the Sorcerer responded with "Fuck you!"
@spencerbryan226 3 жыл бұрын
Judging by the speed of the parties "offense" and by what "triggered" them, I think this goes deeper than them just being jerks. It sounds like the group didn't want a 5th player despite the DM stating that he did want one. It also sounds like the sorcerer might have had a thing for the prior player despite being with the fighter. Just some observations based on described behaviors.
@Electric_Wizard 3 жыл бұрын
I have a feeling that we're not getting the full story. I'm not saying the guy is being more biased than he claims he is, but it could be that he isn't very aware of his actions or the way he comes off. Even so, aside from the world building thing, nobody seemed to be willing to discuss their problems with him until after they decided to kick him from the party.
@MerridianPrime 3 жыл бұрын
I feel that this likely occurred due to a communication issue somewhere, though less then half way through my thought was that OP was in fact not suited to that particular group. All else aside, the way he described his and the other players and the characters… I just felt that perhaps the group was either very picky or there was just too much frivolous behaviour from OP character that the others just didn’t want to engage in it. I agree with an earlier comment, that there is likely more too this, there always more but I feel there was a certain lack of patience also from the group towards OP.
@farriermaiden7289 2 жыл бұрын
I had a player that caused problems with my party due to always being the center of attention and challenging my rules. He seemed to think we were cool and I tried to kindly persuade him to help others have the spotlight sometimes. We had frequent conflicts, which we will resolve quickly. However, I think I compromise too much on my part and let him get away with certain behaviors too much. he got mad when his character didn’t get his way, but he always felt like he needed to do what was best for the party. His perception of what the best thing to do is what is very different from my perception of that, and the rest of the parties. All my other players felt is how he had an ego. I drew the line when some of my players expressed that they felt as though that player was using our group. The player had constantly been suggesting that he write lore for my game for me and he even wanted to run his own campaign at some point. I told him that if he wanted to run a game, he should just do it and that I would gladly playing his game and even help him out if you wanted to, but I was going to write lore for my own game. He basically tried to avoid responding to that and reached out to the other players privately to ask him about his ideas that I told him no too. After I found out, I was pissed off. I value communication very much and I hate when people talk behind my back about my game. If they have a problem with it, they need to talk to me. This player literally would not take no for an answer and would argue and try to find every way to do what he wanted. outside of that, he was a nice guy and seemed like he was genuinely trying to make things work with us. I was very confused and conflicted because of his strange behavior. I ended up messaging him that I’m removing him from my game and he took it surprisingly well, leaving without much argument. I was really confused at that, but I think he knew he was in the wrong and was afraid of the conflict. I found out afterwards, that he message some of the other players and ask them what they thought. But before any of them could answer he blocked all of us online. what a strange person… I felt like I was wrong for kicking him out, but after a few weeks, saying that my players are much happier, I knew I made the right choice.
@iceking688 3 жыл бұрын
I heard this story on another D&D story channel a few weeks ago. Some of the players from this game actually commented on that video as well. Can't remember what they said but I do remember that the OP did omit some information from the story.
@seth7174 3 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t sound like a very open minded group.They needed to recruit a close friend who thought the way they do not someone random who they could bully
@liamdalemon1525 3 жыл бұрын
how oblivious can you be? like seriously at the end of the story the group was chastising OP, *FOR* *BEING* *ATTACKED!!!*
@matthewcross7283 3 жыл бұрын
If you take a scroll in the reddit comment section you’ll fine someone claiming to be one of the players from their game shedding a very different light on the story. I mean you can’t be 100% sure it’s legit but OP even replied to them so hopefully they talked things out. If it’s true though the comment does change things a fair bit as OP would have been leaving out a great deal that imo would have been useful to know if they wanted some genuine feedback. *Shrug*
@Raz.C 3 жыл бұрын
They fought a whole beholder, huh? When I was younger, I stumbled in on the Mulmaster Beholder Corps meeting with some others, just outside Dagger Falls. Before I knew it, my friends and I were facing 15 Beholders, 9 Dark Elf Lords, 6 Dark Elf High Priests and 5 Rakshasa. Unsurprisingly, the fight was over very quickly. In fact, I don't think any of 'us' even got a turn.
@NessaEllenesse 3 жыл бұрын
The sorcerer and the fighter were definitely looking for a reason to get this guy booted from session one.
@cydude5856 3 жыл бұрын
It's pretty hard to definitively say who is in the wrong. We can't be sure if OP is telling the complete truth, as we only have his perspective, but if the party really did refuse his attempts to befriend the other characters, then they are definitely to blame. The DM from the sound 9f it seems like a controlling DM as well. The party for some unknown reason gets a large amount of wealth, only for it to all be taken by a DMPC, and the DM hates players making up any part of his world.
@emberfist8347 3 жыл бұрын
I have played a game and had a similar party to this story.
@HestiaVesta 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds more like they dislike having someone they don't know playing with them. The comstant interruptions and wording might be more on you but they should jave told you sooner that it bothered them to thou degree and some of them were things they blew up more then needed. The notable world details should have been told to you before character creations
@fearmusrozenrot1864 3 жыл бұрын
Obviously any judgements of this story can only come assuming the information given is actually accurate, and not manipulated for making oneself look good, but... Far as I can tell, the 'problem player' in that setting sounds like the lock and fighter. Can't take fantasy, can't open up and understand if things were taken wrong rather than just jump to conclusions. Openly hostile, when even the rest sound like they at least tried to play level with OP, even if the group would have still decided to have them removed. Not to mention no signs of any effort on anyone in the group to actually set things straight, or address the issue in any way, after the session and before kicking OP from the group. Basically, if OP is being honest about this story, they didn't really do anything wrong.
@RustyhairedAlp9575 3 жыл бұрын
by your logic, any D&D story could be made up so to everyone take all of these stories with a grain of salt, okay? :)
@fearmusrozenrot1864 3 жыл бұрын
@@RustyhairedAlp9575 Naturally. Though, seen similar situations play out, so it's at least plausable. but any story online has to be taken with a grain of salt, as the internet is full of liars. At least until more substance comes up to support or challenge it's accuracy. that's why my judgements are prefaced on assuming the tale is true and accurate, as any opinion of the situation is subject to change dramatically if more information comes forward to challenge how the events are presented.
@RustyhairedAlp9575 3 жыл бұрын
@@fearmusrozenrot1864 Apparently, according to some other comments, this story has been on other d&d narration channels & apparently, the OP was lying & was being mean to the other players so they kicked OP out. You could try fact checking, I guess. If it were true, then yeah, the party is at fault, but it seems to me that it isn't
@fearmusrozenrot1864 3 жыл бұрын
@@RustyhairedAlp9575 Well, that's why I prefaced it on assuming it were true. that said, I rarely take much time checking random stories on youtube. I follow like 4 different Reddit reading channels, I don't have the time in a day to check every story. Didn't think to check this one, 'cause this isn't even an unbelievable story. Maybe a little screwy, but not entirely improbable it would happen. that said, they 'were being mean' isn't real specific. I've been accused of being mean because I can be a bit loud, and scatterbrained, so unless you have a link that explains how they were being mean, or what they did...The claimed retort does not require the original story to be false at all. I'd need more specifics to say OP was necessarily in the wrong. Just means there's claims that imply it's not as black and white as presented...which is pretty normal for these kinds of stories.
@luismunoz588 3 жыл бұрын
I'm only at 6:02 and I can already tell OP that the group is in the wrong and the only error they made was joining a group that decided to gate keep against the newcommer.
@PhoenixKrash69 2 жыл бұрын
Three possibilities come to mind: 1. The culture of the table was drastic different than what the player was used to. 2. The player was not aware of some parts of their behavior, possibly due to neurodivergence (speaking from personal experience on this one). 3. The something about the way the player acted in the first session rubbed someone so wrong they were incapable of letting it go. The first two can easily be amended with communication and awareness. The third one can be amended with those same tools, but it’s not going to be easy.
@youphooymayers246 3 жыл бұрын
I actually watched this story read on another channel in which the original people from the story commented their experiences with OP. From the story and the other player's their version, it was very clear to me that quite both parties were at fault. The OP was inconsiderate and left out A LOT in this story about his shitty behavior, the party members were unforgiving from the start, acted petty and aggressive for the smallest things. But the biggest flaw, the DM. The DM did not step up to have them sit down and talk things out at ANY point, he just complained, took the side of his close friends and ditched the other dude. That's not how you DM. You have to be able to talk things out. He was also very impatient which fed into the frustration of players around him as his annoyances will quickly become the players annoyance's. Honestly this entire group was dysfunctional and immature. I sincerely hope they learned from this experience and next time actually try to talk things out and communicate. Especially when welcoming someone new into the group. Some people play different or haven't always played with all the rules like others, some have flaws in one person's eyes that weren't an issue in their previous campaigns. It's so important to address this kinda stuff together. Not go behind a person's back and decide it's best they leave. Don't make them feel like shit in the middle of session and just leave it at that. God, it frustrates me to no end.
@dameonwalrath4924 3 жыл бұрын
Ya sounds like he is the good guy in this I can't really understand why they would call him the problem
@JS-zr9qs 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds like a case of "We're going to go full-blast on our own chemistry. If you fit, great! If you don't, we can just as easily push you out." The Bard and Barbarian seemed reasonable, but the Fighter and Sorcerer sounded like they either rule the table, or at least just rule the DM. Nothing I heard sounded like the DM was being harassed or persecuted for his job. From the sound of it, the player sounds like he tries to separate in- and out of- character well enough that the rudeness of the character should've been understood purely as in-character. If the player is this sensitive to backlash, it would've--and probably had--shown at the table enough to be noticed. This is where the wiggle room for the DM's side of the story to be right is: defending one's actions can come across as trying to pick a fight, and we didn't hear any of what was said at the time, only the inner monologue. Gut feeling for me is "Poor communication, bad DM, and a two-man clique make for a very narrow tightrope and a lot of walking on eggshells at the start", which is rough for anyone.
@dsareis9134 3 жыл бұрын
Nice story, perspective is important in these stories
@cameronmackinnon5923 3 жыл бұрын
Why would a DM be pissed at someone making up small details? A player is fleshing out the world on their own, thats fantastic lmao
@ItalianPokeMage 3 жыл бұрын
I don't see a problem so far. Maybe something happened with the accent that offered them. Or this could be a case of the OP not having or giving information that gives the story a complete 180
@hitsugatatsuro9978 3 жыл бұрын
True. I feel like all of it is too safe a response for the hostility (unless he just has decent mental health) so likely omission of truths are here somewhere.
@roninharriet4886 3 жыл бұрын
It's a complete 180 circumstance. Another r/rpghorrorstory storyteller here on KZbin already covered the story, and the other members of the party were in the comments explaining the situation, such as the fighter was a human, not a kalashtar... And that their character was on the spectrum and having a reaction in the moment op suggested they could try to fix them. I attempted to try to find which channel the conversation was, but was unsuccessful in finding it. Might try again though
@TheTrueFeleas 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus that group can all have their dice melted. Like wtf? XD Poor OP.
@nightslayer9202 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like the group problem not a player problem
@kishinasura1989 3 жыл бұрын
I'm in a current DnD group where the rest of the party is from the future. I joined mid campaign and from the start I warn the DM that I can be a that guy at times and to let me know if I'm out of line at any point. He seemed to like my bit of ass pulling when it came to commoner npcs as my character was one from the time period and 2 from the kingdom naturally I played it as a character that was from and lived there. I played a blue tomboy tiefling named Cassandra who was taken in as a child by the local blacksmith and his daughter. She views the Smith as her uncle and his daughter as a sister and calls them such. The party did quite a few things to bring chaos to Cassandras peaceful life as the sessions go on the party and I have a few disagreements on how to do things but since they are giving her what she believes to 1 be a chance to make a better future for her homeland and it's people and 2 a shot at everyone that's making her life difficult. I should mention that the kingdom has banded magic out side of paladin clerics and the court wizard. As the sessions go and we are now making a full on rebellion some fun hijinks happens in between there and then I'm happy that the DM keeps saying he likes how I'm playing my character even though it sometimes conflicts with the party I'm up front as to why I'm doing things. The DM likes the facts I'm playing her like a normal person in what I describe as a party of monsters well mostly 2 witch are the 2 guys that let me in the group they got really high stats and some crazy abilities but are pretty cool dudes
@andrewjohnson6716 3 жыл бұрын
It's a given that we weren't there and are only hearing one side. That said, I would suggest that there are some people who are triggered by tone of voice or diction. If you spoke in a way that triggers memories of someone who displayed certain behavior patterns, the reflex can be to project those behaviors upon you. It has been my experience that whatever judgments people make of you in the first few seconds of knowing you can be near impossible to shake no matter what you subsequently do. (I refer you to the book "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell)
@Dicyroller 3 жыл бұрын
In my campaign, if you mention a vintage wine or foodstuff, any little world texture like that instantly becomes canon. I think they may have been too hard on that person, but they may also want to make sure they are not taking on other people's turns, especially if they are playing online. Even little jokes and quips and be really frustrating if the DM is describing something and they are cut off, or a PC is taking their turn and has to wait for someone else to finish talking.
@kevins.4185 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds like a character you NEED to make sure the group is chill with before joining. I am a real nice guy, but I love to play 'prickly assholes' as my party calls them. The thing is though I usually warn my group "Hey I'm going to be a bit of a jerk. Is that okay?" and normally everyone is fine, and sometimes i get the 'no' and ask them why or what i should avoid to play my character without really upsetting anyone.
@vinx.909 3 жыл бұрын
this is DM incompetence. not too long ago i too had a problem with my newest player, due to vague complains about rulings that they would never go into details of. you know how you react to that? you talk about it. i mentioned it was harming my fun, that i'm willing to listen if you think a ruling is unfair or wrong, but that i can't deal with "well that just makes no sense but oh well". we found part of the root of the problem: a mistake i had made in the past that diminished their fun and i admitted fault. since that chat everything has been so much better. if i think i notice conflict in the group i'll check with everyone if everything is fine because if it isn't i can put in the afford to make things run better. if there's a problem you solve it, you don't just kick the player out.
@burntsoup4063 3 жыл бұрын
OP of this story sounds like my mom, not in a bad way, but it made me realize that I didn't treat my mother with the respect she deserves, neither in character nor out of character. IMO, OP isn't the problem, but it isn't the groups fault, either. There's so much going on with other people that we often don't realize, so maybe they all just had some stuff IRL or it was just their characters (I often play characters that are pretty unforgiving)
@sarahreynolds1958 3 жыл бұрын
It sounds like this guy is mostly fine. Maybe this is just the groups I've been in, but we're generally encouraged to make stuff up from our home towns unless they're a well established town in the world. Locate creature while fighting something invisible is a good thing, because.. At least in other editions, not sure about 5th... You had to either know, or guess what square they were standing in to even have a chance of hitting them with anything, and there were still penalties. So, knowing the square makes it a lot easier. The only part I have any problem with at all in regard to his behavior, was how he handled the mute fighter/barbarian initially. I'm mute irl, and having someone ask somebody else about me when I'm right there is really irritating. I have a text to speech app specifically so I can talk to people who don't know sign, so they have no reason to ask somebody else.
@Eranderil 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a sore lack of communication of expectations. That said... This story reads kinda sketch. It feels like a puzzle missing pieces. Not to disparage the OP, just feels like a lot of info missing. That is just a gut reaction though.
@jukesdtj656 3 жыл бұрын
Unless the OP is omitting or altering a lot of things, then it is very clear that this group is clearly in the wrong. Asking a question in character about another character, especially one as mundane as why they don't talk much, should be a character moment that helps the players further bond and understand each other, not a reason to hate their existence no matter what they might do in the future. The DM especially seemed overly controlling, not being ok with the OP lying about a sculptor and a winery that may or may not exist just because it might interfere with his precious homebrew world. I have been a DM as well and created my own homebrew world, so I know that a world with any sort of life to it would be perfectly fine adding in something as minor as a winery or a sculptor. The level of snowflake you have to achieve to refuse any sort of apology from someone due to them just asking an obvious question is astounding, and makes it clear that their minds were so twisted that they just thought every time the OP approached them was just an attempt to patronize them. I mean seriously, they walked up to the Sorcerer and the Fighter trying to strike up conversation and try to finally get along with them. Their response of telling him to fuck off, then the Fighter offering to teach him sign language and proceeding to punch him repeatedly, which led to OP getting kicked out of the group because they got beat up on was completely uncalled for. The fact that the Fighter offered to spend time with them to teach them sign language just to get them to drop their guard and make the beating painful emotionally and physically shows that they're a prick of the highest order who got eternally mad at OP for asking one wrong question. Even if the reason for their silence is some horribly traumatic backstory filled with edge and violence, that doesn't give them the right to beat up anyone who asks about it, especially when they try to apologize for their unintended insult multiple times.
@mrzeloswilder 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds insanely weird. Then again it feels a bit like how one of my campaigns went where I was in a relatively similar situation. The bigger problem there was that outside of the actual sessions NO ONE wanted to talk openly in the server, and when sessions did come around when I tried to ask stuff it always ended up upsetting them without me ever being told the reason why. And when I would ask I would end up being similarly blamed for things. Things that as a newcomer I would not have any idea about.
@universalshyguy3369 3 жыл бұрын
Quick info on the matter, The Op isn't telling all of the informations required, On the different video on the matter the rest of supposed party have given more of the information, Im currently trying to locate it. Edit: its in the comments of Zfloccos take on the story " @madi , @wren , & @ Erynn Garcia , these people are (or claim to be) the Sorcerer, Fighter and Barbarian respectively."
@willparry530 3 жыл бұрын
do you have a link to the video?
@ashannahensley3288 Жыл бұрын
So got some context from a different site. The Sorceress is a goal shifter, and none of her nonsense meshes with what the Fighter (the other part of the main problem duo) said. Comes across like she's trying to justify being an 455. The Fighter, from what they said. The problem laid down to a lack of communication from both sides, and the Fighter having problems IRL that they carried over into the game. Both sides after the story ended up on the internet, talked it out finally and smoothed things over. But yeah, the Sorceress is just the worst, and both sides really needed to work on their communication in-game / out of it.
@potatofairy8535 2 жыл бұрын
If this OP is being completely and utterly honest, then I say it was a combination of miscommunication and a bit of not wanting a new player. The group not wanting to talk to him or include him put in a position where he was just saying stuff to talk, I also do that if I'm nervous and feel like I'm not being received well. This over talking about his character may have made the group think he was bragging instead of trying to strike up conversation. But, the fighter and sorcerer probably didn't help these matters as they just seemed to dislike OP from the beginning and were violent towards the end in a pretty mundane situation. Combine their dislike of OP with a party that's been together for who knows how long and group mentality, it's not surprising it was a toxic situation.
@willropa4226 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard of this story before, there's more said by the other players. TLDR; The story writer is full of it. They left out TONS of times they were boasting knowledge/skill, talking over people, being hostile to the DM, and more. All the other players responded to that post the same way, "Huh, ain't that convenient that you made yourself sound like the victim and us the jerks when in reality it was the other way around.".
@MarcLiCouthe 3 жыл бұрын
Being aware enough to ask yourself if you're the problem usually means that you aren't. I think so anyway. I had college roommates that had been campaigning for months with each other and invited me to join but we never meshed well either. As roommates or campaign companions. Didn't dislike each other, just didn't click.
@kc3d777 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like this is a case where the pre established party sees themselves as the center of attention and even if they had agreed on finding a fifth player it was under the caveat that the fifth was going to take a back seat to them at least for an adjustment period where they could get used to him. Where they got upset with him is whenever he was getting overly excited to roleplay and pushing for interactions with the group that probably only saw him background character who hadn't earned the right to be a co-star yet. The more he tried to push to be included the more they felt he was overstepping and intruding on their clique and dynamic. I'm going to guess that he probably went in hard for the roleplay and maybe this is a group that shies away from accents and heavy interactions so they found it awkward. He also kept poking the bear with the sorcerer and fighter. He kept going after them trying to force them to accept him when they clearly weren't having him and were only getting more aggressive the more he approached them. He should have just left them alone and focused on interacting with npcs or the less hostile party members. I get the feeling he was coming off as over eager and desperate to be important to the group and it just rubbed them the wrong way they saw his rping about statues and things as trying to make himself look cool and his comments on party tactics as bragging. I don't think he deserved the hostility he got but i can definitely see how an over enthusiastic new player could get shunned by a group.
@moodmojo14 3 жыл бұрын
Can I roll for insight on OP?
@davidmartin5483 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm pretty shure it is the fault of the group especially the DM since they didn't gave any lore advice while greenloghting and helping out in creating a charakter wich is allabout lore and knowlege of the world. Also the party and the DM were really rude while your language might be a bit misleading if there is somebody really trying to make conversation and comunicate with others it is at that point I would say someone should point out if any of theyr behaviour is rude. Especially if that person goes out of theyr way to actually wanting to learn sighnlanguage to better comunicate with the mute charakter. It was completly inapropiate too from the fighter to offer you that only to punch you in the face and even more so after you are just trying to help and heal evryone being a cleric. But especially rude is it that non of them even tryes to truly communicate with you on what might be wrong. Seeing as you are the new guy in an allready established party it can be difficult to aproach others to ask what exactly it is that they don't like or what you are doing wrong since it is really discuraging to do so and it is part of the group for letting you know what's going on, especially from the DM. That being sayed if you see that nobody is saying anything to you but it is obvious that something is wrong you might also need to be the one to take the initiative and ask what is happening and why they are so hostile against you. Again especially this goes against the DM since he was the one who invited you in the first place, helped you create and greenlit your lore heavy charakter, but still in my opinion acted like a complete asshole towards you in the way he was treating your charakter with NPC's interaction and knowing how lore heavy your charakter is is completly against you making up smaller details wich have no implication to anything unless the DM sees it fit to do so. I mean anybody who goes around and talks to people can know a skulptor aor a winery and it doasn't have to be relevant to the campaign only a bit of flavour and roleplay to establish your chatakter. I don't see how turnorder doas have to do anything with anything if talking enthusiasticly about how you can make some things and commanding your coplayers on theyr actions. If they find it annoying than they should say it than and there in order to let you know but in a respectfull mannor after all nobody wants to take the fun out of it for anyone. Communication is a key feature in this Roleplay game and letting your party know what you can do helps them to understand what could be done. As well they should tell you if they got a plan in mind so that you can also prepare and see if you could help them. Having only mentioned what you could do once is also not concearn about saying that you allways intereupt especially only after 2 sessions. From what I gathered from your story the DM didn't really wanted a player he only wanted a healer for the group and seemed to be too lazy to just create a new tagalong NPC and the reason as to why they would be in there. The phrase "this one" I don't see how it can be seen as offensive in any way or form given that you have actually no idea who these prople are. And to treat your charakter so badly after having cured theyr wounds....even more so after multiple times is just truly bad behaviour. In the end of they day this is just my opinion in the matter and being that I wasn't there to see it my image of the story and how to judge the behaviour are definetly flawed.
@jonathanstern5537 3 жыл бұрын
It sounds like we're not hearing the whole story. In the DM's kicking message, he said that OP constantly contradicted DM's rulings. We saw literally no instances of this in OP's story. There are two things that are kind of close. 1. We see OP mentioning things about the world that the DM likely didn't think of, and 2. OP mention that awakened rabbits shouldn't walk on two legs and gesticulate, but OP went on to say, "Oh well, that's probably just DM's flavor text."
@battledummie5656 3 жыл бұрын
Attacking the healer? I have a feeling they didn't make to far after that
@timwoods2852 3 жыл бұрын
The other two players seemed to be making an effort, but the Barb and Sorcerer are totally in the wrong. They were totally offended by one miscommunication that OP tried to fix, and never gave him a chance. And let's not forget the DM taking everything he said as bragging. Players often express excitement about their abilities, especially when others' abilities compliment their own. Unless OP actually made some truly offensive statements that they didn't include (which doesn't seem to be the case) they're totally the victim here.
@Insnebob 3 жыл бұрын
Communication is key. They are in the wrong if they didn't reach out to attempt to communicate the issues they had before kicking OP.
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