Players Attempt To Use Wish To Escape TPK, DM Wants To Punish Them

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3 жыл бұрын

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@LittleMountain90 3 жыл бұрын
The Wish DM is either high, hasn't read the actual Wish rules, or is a sadist. They're using their Wish to duplicate the Teleport spell. That's it. There are zero monkey's paw side-effects when you use Wish to duplicate a spell of 8th level or lower.
@pinchman2946 3 жыл бұрын
I saw someone mention that since one party member is dead they can't be willingly teleported, but even in that case such a small alteration shouldn't involve this kind of fuckery.
@Alex-vy2zc 3 жыл бұрын
@@pinchman2946 If someone held the body they could do it aswell
@idiocyincorporated7635 3 жыл бұрын
@@pinchman2946 is an corpse a creature though? Or is it an object? It no longer has a soul or even a will.
@calibcarmichael6356 3 жыл бұрын
@@idiocyincorporated7635 that's why it would work if the body is held
@derekbrown5420 3 жыл бұрын
@@idiocyincorporated7635a corpse is no longer a creature, but is still an object. It's a bit of a grey area, but I think most DMs would rule that a corpse can be considered a carried object for the purpose of the teleport spell.
@GG64 3 жыл бұрын
"Guys, how do I punish my players for using a spell for it's intended purpose?" Some DMs really insist that their objective is to be the enemy of the party huh
@kradehteno8233 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes people forget that the DM is a Narrator and not the BBEG
@liamharper465 3 жыл бұрын
As far as I can tell there should only be one drawback. They're all in random places in Skull Port. It gives SOMTHING rp related out of the with without any actual long lasting drawbacks.
@nathanrailsback9667 3 жыл бұрын
@@liamharper465 This is the best suggestion I've seen.
@wvanyar1801 3 жыл бұрын
@@liamharper465, I would disagree with scattering the party since the wish spell is just duplicating a teleport spell. The teleport spell does not scatter the party.
@kedolan4992 3 жыл бұрын
@@wvanyar1801 I guess it depends on how they worded the wish. Did the player ask for a specific location in the town, or just "the town"? If the latter, you could get away with the random spots, but if they said something like "I wish we were all teleported to our inn room in town" then they should all arrive together.
@saeseetiin5585 3 жыл бұрын
All these DMs who think their goal is to kill the party.
@TonySamedi 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously some folks need to just have someone sit down and go "Repeat after me: It is not me vs the players"
@pencilorelse 3 жыл бұрын
People still think this is the first edition.
@supadumi5489 3 жыл бұрын
@@pencilorelse you take that cursed comment back you misbegotten creature! In all seriousness, your comment has broken something inside of me and i now require therapy, can i please have your details so i may bill you the costs..
@DrPluton 3 жыл бұрын
@@pencilorelse Even in 1st edition, the intention of the Dungeon Master was to challenge the party, not try to kill them.
@scoutbane1651 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair if the DM and the players just agree on a *super* hard campaign that's fine. The problem is in how the DMs are handling this
@amiia2468 3 жыл бұрын
The last time I was this early, crit crab just looked at me with his dolllike eyes and said nothing at all.
@elukiatv6776 3 жыл бұрын
i discovered this chanel like 3 days ago, but i can see that now i have this sentence imprinted in my brain and ill never forget it.
@shadowsdrawings2542 3 жыл бұрын
@spectralumbra1568 3 жыл бұрын
I just rewatched that video.
@WolfHreda 3 жыл бұрын
@sammyrobbins6848 3 жыл бұрын
I hate you lmao
@firockfinion3326 3 жыл бұрын
Allow me to translate: "How do I punish my players for appropriately using a powerful ability that they only have because I allowed them to have it?"
@duskgaming18 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Not too mention, depending on what gear the party has, they could be extremely pissed having the DM take their fancy Magic Items that the DM themselves gave to the party being taken away by the same DM. It would also be weird depending on what Magic Items the party has, like if they have one of the Tattoo Magic Items from Tasha, exactly would you remove something that is literally physically bond to the character's body, especially since some of those Tattoo's Cover 2 Limbs and the Torso, so a situation like this would the DM just remove the Characters' Arms and Torso, cause Attunement with Magic Items doesn't just end when you leave them somewhere, it takes time.
@sumisu_senpai_6280 3 жыл бұрын
@@duskgaming18 I had a fucking terrible DM that would do shit like this all the time. He made shit unbalanced encounters, literally every NPC in the game was an asshole, he'd give magic items out and then find some weird way of taking them away in literally the same session. The last straw for me was when I passed a dex save to avoid being crushed by a meteor, and I got to tell the DM that his max damage (totally absolutely not fudged wink wink) roll did zero damage because I had shield master evasion. He then proceeded to change the DC on the fly to say I had failed, even though he then told somebody WHO ROLLED LOWER that they passed the save.
@magentascribe7586 2 жыл бұрын
the DM of my current campaign accidentally gave us a wand she called the wand of bureaucracy. It could do whatever spell you wanted but you would have to use your turn to write the report for it, each turn for however high a level spell it was plus a turn to cast it. it was pretty balanced and fun because we got to be creative without being OP in battle. the problem came when we asked to use it outside of battle, the DM said yes, and since an entire round in D&D is only like 6 seconds we somehow convinced her that there was no need to waste real-time on the bureaucracy when we could just say we spent 30 or so minutes writing it out. very quickly the DM realized she gave us an OP Mcguffin but saw how much fun we had with it. She gave us the option to either have it only for battle. or have it only outside of battle with 3 charges that will never come back. We chose the latter and have thus far in fear of needing it later have only used it once in 5 months to revive our favorite NPC whom we were distraught died. LOL That's how a good DM responds. Something you allowed having unintended side effects? Communicate with the table and ask if they are ok with putting limitations on it to make the game more fun
@schwarzerritter5724 2 жыл бұрын
I am convinced the DM only gave the wish to the players for the sole purpose of screwing them over with it.
@Denkono 3 жыл бұрын
These DMs need to cool it with self-centered fanservicing.
@annabella1650 3 жыл бұрын
It’s a group game, yet these folks want to be the “winners”...and I use that term lightly.
@FreedomAndPeaceOnly 3 жыл бұрын
DM ° targeted audience = *Dungeon Masters* ° actual audience (often) = *Dunce Masturbators*
@damienemerson8078 3 жыл бұрын
@@annabella1650 do you happen to know the name of critcrabs discord server. I've been trying to find a d&d group for a while now and have been unsuccessful. Any information will be helpful. Thank you -Damien
@annabella1650 3 жыл бұрын
@@damienemerson8078 Nope, sorry.
@ziggymoondust2281 3 жыл бұрын
@@damienemerson8078 Read the description, there's a link there.
@melliel2957 3 жыл бұрын
The players had saved that wish spell for over a year. This powerful resource that has been conserved for only the most desperate situation, and the DM has already decided that it will backfire. This is one of the best ways to upset or disappoint your party: give them something of immense value and then diminish its value the moment they try to utilize it, made worse by the responsibility they took with it alongside the otherwise hopeless position they're in. The way the DM's post is written, it feels like he wants to harm the players.
@mrroboshadow 3 жыл бұрын
If you see the comments on the post, with people bashing the DM for wanting to punish his players The DM just replies with "that doesn't answer my question" Basically he wants validation for doing what he wants and maybe a scapegoat so that when his party turns on him he can open up reddit and go "see they're the ones who suggested it"
@dillanschmidt7459 3 жыл бұрын
A wish spell is something you should not take lightly. You just gave the party literally anything in game that they desire and trying to take it away and ditch the consequences is a scummy thing to do
@tra12048 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not personally familiar with D&D (I just think watching these kinds of videos is fun), but I feel like if the DM wants to try and punish the players for using their wish spell, at the very least they should make the party roll for it or something. Establish when they get the spell, or before they get it, that such a roll will be a requirement when they finally decide to use it and make sure the party is okay with that. Don't just decide that something will **always** go horribly wrong by default. That just sounds like a dick move. Edit: I realize after reading some other comments that wish, for what's being asked, really shouldn't punish the players for trying to use it. However, I feel like if there **must** be a punishment (what the DM has arbitrarily decided is the case in this instance), it should only be a chance at one decided by rolls, not a guarantee. Or, if there is a guarantee, have the severity of the punishment decided by rolls or something lol
@joshshore27 3 жыл бұрын
@@tra12048 I realise that this is a little late but Rules as Written specifically say that the more of a stretch or OP your wish is the more likely it backfires but it can also be used to cast any other spell without backfiring. Additionally I believe if you attempt to cast another wish spell you have to roll and if you fail you can never cast it again.
@liamdalemon1525 3 жыл бұрын
here's what the DM should do that would make everyone happy. teleport them to the town, but the enemies also get teleported with them, but because they are in a town, the town guards would notice and help them fight the enemies.
@wdf70 3 жыл бұрын
Wish spell story - the party teleports back to the tavern they like to hang out in. Slightly in the air and maybe break a few tables and chairs. Nothing of co sequence other than maybe a few angry patrons and tavernkeep. Dont know what the DM is thinking punishing his players for being smart and retreating (which is a totally valid option that more people should do.)
@kradehteno8233 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, somedays my party has dogshit luck on the rolls and get destroyed on encounters. When that happens they're always welcome to use any tool on their arsenal to escape. Only punish players for bad decisions.
@supergamer1388 3 жыл бұрын
I'd love to run away more often than we do but oftentimes, the location we are in means that fleeing tends to result in more danger than just standing our ground and hoping for the best.
@MrCrunchytime 3 жыл бұрын
Late, but... Odds are, the DM was doing it for one of (at least in my opinion) the most infuriating reasons on the planet. "For the lulz" That is to say, he thinks it would be funny. Problem is, though, he'd be the only one to think so whereas his players would just be upset and think he's being a dick.
@veryangryduckpl2122 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, I don't know why he would do that. Like the whole purpose of saving something is to avoid negative outcome in the most black hour, and there DM just says: hOw CaN i F%$# ThEm Up JuSt FoR tHeM tO nOt CaMe GoOd FrOm It? Like seriously, if you want to do something like that, do not play the game because it's a d%$# move. Also I am not saying this because you are a bird just like me and I am single NO. JUST NO. THIS ENDING WAS FOR SAFETY PURPOSE.
@Edited6 2 жыл бұрын
I understand the instinct to add a caveat to something that seems cheesy/OP. I just don't understand how this context provoked such an instinct. They've already felt the sting of failing an encounter and are now trying to spend a significant resource on simply retreating. Why would you feel the need to pile onto that? On an unrelated note, I'm calling it now. Duck and Crow are definitely hooking up before this arc is over. We should probably start figuring out how we're going to refer to the hybrid offspring.. I vote "Cuck""
@taleladar 3 жыл бұрын
For the wish spell: just teleport the party where they want, but in an awkward position. Maybe they accidentally crashed a wedding! That's as far as I'd want to go for making something bad happen.
@theuncalledfor 3 жыл бұрын
Their stuff arrives in one jumbled pile (everything intact, though), and they arrive in a ring formation around it. "Their stuff" includes their clothes, which creates an awkward moment as they scramble to cover themselves. Have them appear in a busy street for extra embarrassment points. (Also make sure they don't get arrested for it or anything. It's not like they wished to be naked after all.) I probably wouldn't do it, but IF something bad happens it would be around on this level.
@veryangryduckpl2122 3 жыл бұрын
@@theuncalledfor Or just give them headache.
@solouno2280 Жыл бұрын
Well, I would go with naked and lootless scenario BUT components stay since it was a wish
@ShinyAvalon Жыл бұрын
​@@solouno2280 - Why would you want to take their loot? Why not just inconvenience them a little instead?
@solouno2280 Жыл бұрын
@@ShinyAvalon the loot from the last dungeon, and yes, just a little inconvenience
@OMGBEARS 3 жыл бұрын
"I'd wish for a new DM!" *Seinfeld Baseline, roll credits*
@baylaust 3 жыл бұрын
The DM looks at his hands as they slowly start fading away.
@gengar2272 2 жыл бұрын
@@baylaust Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good
@Justloose 2 жыл бұрын
@demonicdonut22 3 жыл бұрын
I had the DM smuggly tell me how the party "better be polite and stay in line because a lot of npcs are 20th level characters." Yea... It's been fun.
@MidoriMushrooms 3 жыл бұрын
Ooh are you a player in that game?
@futaki20 3 жыл бұрын
Did it take place on an airship?
@supercasualgamer513 3 жыл бұрын
@@futaki20 lol
@FlameUser64 2 жыл бұрын
I've had a DM who _enforced_ that without directly saying it.
@SquareEpic 2 жыл бұрын
I can understand a DM not wanting murder hobos but how could a lot of NPCs be lvl 20 lore wise? Are they all just legendary adventurers? If so why won’t the NPCs solve the problem then? It just doesn’t make logical sense cause 20th level is an op level, it illustrates someone’s mastery in their abilities and having lots of experience before
@tnexus13 3 жыл бұрын
Surprised you didn't mention how the comments went for the wish story. No-one supported the GM, but on the first few replies he kept posting a somewhat dickish "thats not what I'm asking for", despite the lambasting he was getting.
@TheOniraf 3 жыл бұрын
Its' kinda scary how many DM love to punish their group, Jesus, not only they got a god complex a vengeful god at that, we should start a campaign to punch more dms in the face.
@Dreams_Of_Lavender 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, then DM posts another post in their Facebook group complaining that the group is "toxic" because nobody wants to help them.
@lukasz1kier 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheOniraf I love punishing players. For their choices. In one campaign one the PCs had a backstory so perfect for campaign-long knife-twisting it was great. It ended a year ago and she still sometimes fangirls about that plotline - the key is being fair at it, not going overboard and punishing players who like it.
@TheOniraf 3 жыл бұрын
@@lukasz1kier That's fucked up man, glad I'm not part of your S&M sessions, glad you found people who loves it.
@ebola_smalldick2256 3 жыл бұрын
@@lukasz1kier kinda sounds like you're bad at being a dm.
@danialrunnels3560 3 жыл бұрын
I actually saw this post about the wish spell, and everyone bashed him for this thought and his response to everyone was "thats not answering my question"
@KingNedya 3 жыл бұрын
To me that almost seems worse than making the post in the first place. He made a post asking for feedback, got his feedback, and actively ignored it saying it wasn't feedback...
@johnpayne5590 3 жыл бұрын
@@KingNedya I dont think he made a post asking for feedback itself, but a QUESTION, AKA ASKING HOW SOMETHING WORKS
@KingNedya 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnpayne5590 I interpreted it as him asking for feedback on how he should punish his players, including feedback on his current ideas. The feedback was that he _shouldn't_ punish his players. So the answer to the question "How should I punish my players?" was "You shouldn't punish your players."
@jessicaberry5596 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair, it wasn't.
@danialrunnels3560 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnpayne5590 no he knew how the spell worked all he wanted was different ways to monkey paw punish his players and all they wanted was for a high lvl spell to replicate a lower lvl spell, instead of asking for game breaking stuff and being greedy.
@Qyshawn 3 жыл бұрын
For the Wish adverse effect DO NOT have to occur. They are wishing for a slightly better teleport at best and it can duplicate an 8th spell with no issue
@_Woody_ 3 жыл бұрын
This I would only flip their wordings if it is something truly great their asking for.
@dracowrath3555 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly at worst make them have to do the roll thing to see if they lose wish or something.
@skillganon606 3 жыл бұрын
Eh they wished to be at the port so I'd just roll high/low to see if they end up on the docks or under them.
@skillganon606 3 жыл бұрын
@Naukumaija Mau-mau if they can't make a DC 10 swim check and they drown I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. But if I rolled low and they went in the water I'd probably have the corpse land a few seconds later for comedic effect to add levity to the very grim situation they just found themselves in.
@skillganon606 3 жыл бұрын
@Naukumaija Mau-mau haha, no if I wanted to punish my players I'd send a great wyrm red dragon and fry them like hot wings and laugh the whole damn time. From what I understand the module they had them in doesn't allow spells other then wish and starts around level 6 and ends around 20. So let's split the difference and say the party was around level 13. So no person in the party is naturally adept enough at magic to actually cast that spell let alone fully understand it. So if i choose a slight inconvience when resolving the spell is it really that bad?
@brandonletzko4239 3 жыл бұрын
Wish is a great way to avoid a bad TPK. Even my DM appreciated saving us from our own tactical stupidity combined with horrible dice that night. The wish was simple, I wished we had not continued down the corridor that led to the deathtrap. We were transported back a few minutes with a nagging feeling not to pursue. We refought the combat later and managed to eek out a victory. The campaign continued for months to a successful conclusion.
@yourbiggestfan395 3 жыл бұрын
Did you still have the wish spell if you went back in time? Or no?
@brandonletzko4239 3 жыл бұрын
@@yourbiggestfan395 No. It was expended. My character knew she used it. Vaguely knew why (your gut tells you...). But had no recollection of specifics.
@brandonletzko4239 3 жыл бұрын
@@lloydgush Because I used the wish to essentially save about a years worth of play without abusing it, there were no twisted interpretations or consequences. It was a one use special power due to story reasons. My character was a host to three ghosts due to an item that was found...
@brandonletzko4239 3 жыл бұрын
@@lloydgush Ah. This was Pathfinder 1st edition. Are inevitables tied to wishes in D&D? We have played since 1st edition. Stuck with pathfinder when the 4th edition D&D abomination was spawned.
@lloydgush 3 жыл бұрын
@@brandonletzko4239 Inevitables are module only, if I'm not mistaken in 1ed. Also they are tied to cosmic law, the quarut to time manipulation. There's one for avoiding death, another for contracts (though only contracts signed with it's involvement), another to protect divinity, etc...
@SilentMingan 3 жыл бұрын
My players actually used Wish only once. I had randomly given them a ring of three wishes that only had one charge on it after they fought an enemy. They then found out said enemy had actually only been protecting his family and the party used their only Wish to revive the enemy and were deeply apologetic. I never even thought to do a monkey-paw thing with it.
@Necrodancer1312 3 жыл бұрын
"...ends anticlimacticly" Not for her lmfao
@ProeliiatorProDeus 3 жыл бұрын
@AegixDrakan 3 жыл бұрын
oh... oh noooo. XD
@RexcorJ 3 жыл бұрын
**distant groan in the background, followed by obligatory golf clap**
@Mahrac126 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, it still could have depending.
@cpt.awesome7281 3 жыл бұрын
@@RexcorJ _The groan probably wasn't that distant._
@musicsaves71590 3 жыл бұрын
The guy who posted the Wish spell post on Facebook also and he immediately got shit on. It was hilarious
@searose7410 3 жыл бұрын
Is the post still up and can you link it
@murkyhydra6351 3 жыл бұрын
Can you post a link to it?
@ZakanaHachihaCBC 3 жыл бұрын
Link! We need to see it
@TallMist 3 жыл бұрын
Please, I need to see it
@slicknugget2157 3 жыл бұрын
DO IT give da link
@ZakanaHachihaCBC 3 жыл бұрын
Party: Uses Wish to avoid TPK and having no D&D. DM: You know what’s worse then no D&D? Bad D&D!
@AspenBrightsoul 3 жыл бұрын
Technically since the player is asking for a teleportation and that is a spell lower than 9th then there would be no consequences since they are technically just casting the spell Teleportation
@TaylorRussell_TheAnimator 3 жыл бұрын
There's some extra complications to that, most notably (and regrettably) dead bodies count as objects and not willing creatures and the Mad Mage module states in no uncertain terms that no spells, even teleport, can get you out once you enter..... except Wish. So depending on how you're running your table, its either "Oh yeah, sure, you use wish and get out." or the dreaded "um ACTUALLY....". I personally agree with you and I'd say the wish should work with minimum backlash (though I'd probably throw some kind of minor wrench in there for flavor), but it looks like the DM in the story is uh... falling in the um-actually camp and what sucks is that he's kind of justified, if only for the most boring pedantic reasons.
@aboredprophet8128 3 жыл бұрын
@@TaylorRussell_TheAnimator Technically, the wish is worded fine. And like you said. The wish spell is required to escape the Dungeon, and that's what would happen. They never said they're casting Teleport, they just want to teleport, including the corpse. Wish already has downsides and punishment for not-replicating spells, and if the DM allows this usage of it, they'd be punished by those already.
@maruke305 3 жыл бұрын
@@TaylorRussell_TheAnimator instead of using their wish to use the teleport spell they’re using their wish to recreate the effects of the teleport spell, so it would still be the wish spell AND be under level 8 meaning there shouldn’t be backlash
@WolforNuva 3 жыл бұрын
@@maruke305 Not really; they're not reproducing Teleport, they're wishing to be teleported without going through the Teleport spell. The benefits are no chance of the spell not working right, and it can freely target the corpse (Teleport needs a willing creature). The downsides are the normal ones that apply to using Wish creatively, plus the DM being a dick. So the DM is working within the "rules as written", but is without a doubt trampling over the spirit.
@skillganon606 3 жыл бұрын
@@WolforNuva the real problem is we don't know exactly what they asked for. If all I got was "teleport us out of here to the docks" I'd just resolve it as the spell. If they said "take us to the docks" that might lead to shenanigans. But I run games where the party is constantly on the brink of TPKs, so I tend not to be a dick about the little things.
@wolfclaw719 3 жыл бұрын
Player: I use wish to stop the campaign from ending due to TPK. DM: sO yOu'Ve ChOsEn DeAtH!
@sagesaria 3 жыл бұрын
Re: the first story: It really doesn't take that much to read the room on who's not talking and say "[Character name], are you doing anything?" Even if the answer is no, at least you're giving the quiet character/player an opportunity. That's literally all OP is asking for, really.
@scwh3181 3 жыл бұрын
While not directly stated, I have a feeling it might have been a case of an over-large party as well. While there's advantages of having large groups it can make it rather difficult for any given person to take action or stand out (and all the worse when there are one or more particularly bombastic or assertive characters in the mix). In these cases it's similarly easy for the DM to not notice, since there's always someone talking or doing something. Again, not clearly said outright but the wording implied there was a lot of other people who were doing their own thing and talking amongst themselves, which can make for something of a 'survival of the fittest' situation, RP-wise. Unless the DM is amazing, or the players are very coordinated this is pretty much always a recipe for chaos and makes it harder for any given person to find their niche in the group.
@NicholeParker 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, exactly! I was in a pretty large game (I think seven of us, with an occasional eighth) and two of us weren’t part of the OG friend group as well as new to D&D, but the DM went out of his way if we were being quiet to ask our actions/how we were doing. Even the other players would try to engage conversation or would try to make sure every character had at least one person to role play with (unless they wanted to be alone of course). I can’t imagine how miserable it would’ve been if they just got clique-y and ignored us.
@sillyking1991 3 жыл бұрын
the only thing i'll say that might change this is...from that it doesn't sound like the player is the source of the wish. they've been 'holding onto it for 2 years'. and 2 years is a long time to play the same character thats >lvl 17. sounds more to me like the wish is externally sourced. so, depending on the source, justifying shenanigans is not only easy, but neccesary. im not saying that that is how things actually are, but it is certainly a possibility. Granted, when i have an externally sourced 'wish' its not actually the wish spell. its just 'i'll grant you a wish'. its no different than 'i'll owe you a favor'.
@mrroboshadow 3 жыл бұрын
@@sillyking1991 uhm this thread isn't about the wish story dude
@sillyking1991 3 жыл бұрын
@@mrroboshadow bad, must have hit reply on the wrong comment
@buttssanchez6763 3 жыл бұрын
Wish is a manipulation of the weave of magic itself, a force binding the planes together. If used to replicate the effects of a spell or something close to an already existing spell (in this case, teleportation), those pathways have already been forged and the weave will take the path of least resistance, manifesting as that spell. Teleportation shouldn't come with a drawback or punishment when used as a 9th level spell, so why would this? It makes no sense to take all their equipment or bring along an enemy when that wasn't the wording of the wish. You're just looking for reasons to make things hard for them. Just because the spell SAYS you as DM can creatively hurt players with it doesn't mean you always should. It's not you v. players.
@MrOokamiSan 3 жыл бұрын
Excatly, I think the only situation I would actually try to do something negative alongside their Wish is if they are using a third party to get the wish (like some chaotic creature.).
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
They are doing more then just reproducing the wish spell though. In the module nothing short of the spell wish can remove you from undermountan l due to the high levels of magical bullshittery that the mad mage himself has conducted. But that being said I'd probably let it work and just do something minor like dropping them into a sewer under a tavern or something of that nature.
@buttssanchez6763 3 жыл бұрын
@@OverTheTaco. I didn't know that about the module. If the setting can have an unusual effect on the casting of a spell, that's a different matter. But if it specifies that a wish specifically can overcome that hurdle, I'd let it pass.
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
@@Squeekysquid yeah but the spell that wish would replicate can't teleport them due to the location they are in.
@Squeekysquid 3 жыл бұрын
@@OverTheTaco. unless wish is being used to circumvent it. Typically when wish is one of the few things that can fix a problem. It's a bit much to penalize it.
@wiccanwanderer82 3 жыл бұрын
Wish goes wrong with little consequence: The party gets teleported safe and sound, but ALL their stuff is in a pile, five feet over there, including the corpse.
@7to607 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously though, if the Dm threatens a TPK, they should make the wish work in order to have a party anymore. Edit: I just realized that there are more comments than views. Wow.
@Denkono 3 жыл бұрын
It's a relief that only the players have the wish spell....(remembers about OP DMPC)....oh shi-
@mikesully52 3 жыл бұрын
@@Denkono standard npcs can have them too. Story can happen at any moment.
@Closer2Zero 3 жыл бұрын
Wtf. They’ve been holding onto the Wish for a fucking year. Just give it to them ffs
@Indigenouschaos 3 жыл бұрын
I was granted a wish once, wished for bull's strength so my DM turned me into a Minotaur. I was a sorcerer/wizard combo. Needless to say played that character for 8 years ended up becoming a God. My characters name.....Mooses
@darakin5172 3 жыл бұрын
"Who i will call soul" oh, like that weapon from soul eater, ok probably a coincide- "can i play as a living weapon?"
@troyterry5759 3 жыл бұрын
I got that vibe too. Sad thing is, you probably could use the soul eater conceit pretty well in a d&d game. I mean ... it's episodic while still having a larger story arc, with strong quest-givers... Hey, why not? I just don't want to end up with a book-shaped dent in my head. Or fail a saving throw vs noticing asymmetry.
@darakin5172 3 жыл бұрын
@@troyterry5759 whenever death the kid notices something is asymmetrical he automatically fails a constitution saving throw and takes 1d10 psychic damage
@jacthing1 3 жыл бұрын
@@troyterry5759 or a hand shaped dent in your head....also Maka's father possibly trying to flirt with a female party member if there is one then getting reaper/maka chopped
@itzplant3196 3 жыл бұрын
Ive watched Soul Eater probably 7 times and I didnt realize that he was trying to actually play Soul. I had my D&D brain on lmao
@frieddogmeat3234 3 жыл бұрын
I was running a one shot for a group of friends this past christmas in which Santa is BBEG and none of the other elves know that he’s BBEG (though one of the elves in the party is extremely loyal to him). After the party kills BBEG at the end, Mrs. Claus gave them all a scroll containing the spell “wish” (this was a one shot and I figured I’d let them all change the world however they’d want just for the hell of it). Extremely loyal elf wishes santa back to life and the other members immediately wish him dead again. So there was a brief moment where Santa had opened his bloodshot eyes, partly dismembered and mashed from the earlier fight, wails out in pain and agony before he suddenly dies as a magical spear kills him again. Honestly, it was the best way I coulda expected them to have used the wish spells for a one shot
@joshuawilliamson1918 3 жыл бұрын
The ending “crab” portion was freaking hilarious.
@gabeverk 3 жыл бұрын
So you're telling me... that the PC waited to use this wish he was given for a tpk moment... to have the DM try to continue to tpk or target that one dead character? Which seems to me like the dm dislikes the dead pc
@skillganon606 3 жыл бұрын
I think he finally has a chance to fuck them on that wish he gave them a year ago, so maybe he's just trying to finally realize his evil plan?
@gabeverk 3 жыл бұрын
@@skillganon606 honestly yeah especially after reading some comments he left others on the reddit
@jamescryer2356 3 жыл бұрын
@@gabeverk wait he took to reddit too? He posted it on Facebook and definitely didn't get the standing ovation for a good DM he thought he'd get
@gabeverk 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah he seemed like he was trying to get praise for his "wacky wish punishment" from multiple sites
@lordvectra7821 3 жыл бұрын
@@gabeverk link?
@dreamking893 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine holding onto a wish spell for over a year (irl time) and decide to use it to preserve the campaign and teleport out of a TPK instance. Only for the DM to strip you of all your possessions. You might as well end the campaign at that point. There would be no way for them to even make it back to that level without some outlandish series of events.
@demonlordorion5333 3 жыл бұрын
Technically, if Wish is used to duplicate a lower level spell (in this case, Teleport), nothing should go wrong. If Wish is used for any other purpose, especially something that's not on the list of things Wish normally covers, then the DM gets to fuck with it all they want, with the greater the wish, the more potent the whiplash. That's my philosophy on Wish, anyway. In this case, I would let the party teleport back to Skull Port. The player is using the spell to help the party out of a tight situation, not to be selfish or be a dick. I can't fault them for that. What I can fault is the DM trying to be a murder hobo to his players just because they're using their abilities as intended.
@michaelturja1849 3 жыл бұрын
The problem comes with the module they are running (Dungeon of the Mad Mage). The dungeon specifies that you cannot teleport using the Teleport spell, or any spell weaker than Wish, throughout Undermountain. There is definitely an argument to be made that you would need to use the creative use of wish to teleport between the areas as the party hopes to do. Honestly, I would just make the party suffer the strain of wish (and potentially lose the ability to cast wish) and perhaps make the necessary rolls that the teleport spell would make, and just call it a day. But I can see where the DM has room to argue that a monkey-paw would be a potential outcome. Now, how they choose to monkey-paw is completely wrong because they aren’t obeying the wording of the wish; a monkey-paw should obey the wording of the wish but not the spirit. So perhaps they get teleported back but it takes an 5 minutes to arrive, thereby making Revivify impossible; or maybe they get teleported back but they get thrown into someone’s house and the owners aren’t please but they can have a rp encounter to not get arrested for trespassing. Both of those lead to the party having to think of something and a new encounter of sorts but not just a big middle finger from the DM.
@xenocide1307 3 жыл бұрын
They are trying to use a 7th level spell, maybe it has a wider grab range than normal, but it's not anything a fair DM should be tying to punish.
@NWolfsson 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, iirc the Wish spell doesn't have adverse effects for copying a lower level spell or making components. Granted, the DM may have not known that it was copying Teleport, but still, I find the examples too drastic. If I was in this situation, I would go the Critical Role route and make the caster do an Intelligence (Arcane) or Wisdom skill check to see how the spell works on a scale of _perfectly fine_ to _heavy mishap_ . Thinking of the most sadistic way to apply a mishap to any use of a spell that was kept preciously for dire circumstances is hard, especially since the caster already gets *a paragraph worth* of side-effects for making a creative use of the spell (Heavy drop on Strength for multiple days, damage on each spell for one,...) (Now that I think about it, they indeed wanted to go outside of the scope of the Teleport spell: a dead character is mechanically considered an object, not a creature.)
@burke615 3 жыл бұрын
@@NWolfsson Does teleport typically wind up with the teleported character(s) naked? If not, then I don't see a problem with some more objects being teleported with them.
@NWolfsson 3 жыл бұрын
@@burke615 @burke615 The case of held objects and how big a carried object can be until it is not considered a held object anymore [like, I don't know, a whole-ass table?] is sadly 100% left to the GM's ruling... N.B.: (except if you take weight into account, and at this juncture you have to accommodate the fact your dead character will have his stuff and body weight to add to the holder character's weight.) Anyway as I said the spellcaster *will* get backlash, the Monkey Paw effects are more here for really world-changing effects (like "I wish the King will abdicate to make me ruler!")
@emeraldtaco 3 жыл бұрын
I think the DM may have not explained the situation well. This party seems to be in Undermountain (the DM said they are in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage) and Undermountain has specific safeguards to prevent mages from teleporting in and out. So trying to use Wish to Teleport is a little more then just duplicating the spell, it's also asking to be let out of the conditions Undermountain imposes on teleportation. Speaking personally I'd probably let the Wish work, it's a powerful spell and is supposed to be powerful, but I would also probably bump the Teleport mishap roll to a higher degree (if they are Very Familiar with Skullport, I'd make them roll on the Seen Casually table)
@burke615 3 жыл бұрын
@@emeraldtaco According to another commenter, the module says the party can't teleport out "except by using a Wish spell." If that's correct, this situation was anticipated and specifically allowed by the module authors.
@jamestown8398 3 жыл бұрын
I hope one of the party members see the last DM's story, tells the others, and they all quit the table.
@rhawkas2637 3 жыл бұрын
I think (in regards to the teleportation wish) the worst that the DM could do while still being fair would be to either A. roll on the teleport spell table to see how close they are to their target or B. teleport them to Skull Port, but separated all around the town or in some random location in it. Don't think that DM was interested in that though, just wanted to kill the party.
@theuncalledfor 3 жыл бұрын
"Can it kill the DM instead?"
@ericcadwell5193 3 жыл бұрын
Wish is not a trivial spell. Every time I've handed one out or had a player cast it, I always balance what they want. If the wish is arrogant or selfish, they get the monkey's paw punishment - every legal loophole pending. If it's noble or preservative, helping everyone, then it goes off as planned, without drawback. It's a good way to express universal morality in your game.
@ChristopherLaHaise 3 жыл бұрын
I stopped giving monkey's paw wishes years ago. If I let you have a wish, then the wish works as the player intends, not based on wording, not twisted. You state the wish, the wish works. Done. It's a lot more fun for everyone involved.
@mementoargentum7733 3 жыл бұрын
My DM did that and it turned out amazing. Our group had planned to switch a pet of someone with a twin of it by wishing for one to be created. (The player who had the wish added a few very specific addendums to it just to make sure our intentions weren't misinterpreted and then he added a couple of things which made the wish a Massive run on sentence that worried me but the DM still allowed it, luckily.) It turned into this really great stand off with the NPC that we were trying to convince trade us his "fake" for our "real" goldfish. It worked and we got a pretty fun round of rping in on top of it. While the player at my table pushed it a little far, I still appreciate that the DM allowed it because it turned the game into a fun romp instead of at least one member of the group getting salty that we got the goldfish BUT... So thank you for being like that as well. I understand adding a certain level of, "this could backfire if you ask too much" but I still feel like it's more fun to allow the Wish to happen rather than cause something like what the DM above was suggesting
@ChristopherLaHaise 3 жыл бұрын
​@@mementoargentum7733 - The only time I 'twist' it is if you're asking a wish from something that's, say, a bit chaotic. I made a magic item called the 'Black Pearl of Chaos' - a sentient, chaotic neutral pearl that is, by it's very nature, an agent of change. It will grant any wish you want, at any level you want it, but the outcome might be a bit beyond what you expect. If you even remotely express a desire for something, it'll try to grant it. If it gets bored, it might spice things up a bit. A guy wanted a magic bow that destroys anything - he got a bow whose arrows were micro spheres of annihilation. So small you can't see it with the naked eye. Sure, you suck the person into it when you hit them with the arrow... but the sphere doesn't Go Away. And you can't see it. So... yeah, the PCs were panicking because it was fired at the front of the cave they were camping in. So the PC asked for a different bow, more suited to a druid. The bow fired arrows that, when they hit a target, grew thorny branches through the person's bloodstream. It caused them to die an agonizing death. The PC party, being mostly Good, went 'nuh uh'. The players were having a blast - because the wishes weren't screwing them over - it was just making life... interesting. Usually, though, the black pearl gave them what they wanted - just.. with twists.
@caiuswickersham 3 жыл бұрын
I have never done it nor have I ever had an opportunity for a wish in D&D, but I think the monkey's paw wish is a bit overdone. For me it depends on who is doing the wish and for what. Something reasonable for the character? No catch. Something ludicrous? Then something logically connected. It's a djinni? Maybe a little surprise, but keep it more like a prank (Djinn are chaotic good). Efreet? Then, sure, you can be a bit more malicious.
@bouboulroz 3 жыл бұрын
I only do the monkey's paw when the Wish is granted by another entity, such as a magic item (the wish might be taken too literally) or a Djinn (because twisting wishes is what they do). When the wizard has the spell in its spellbook and alters reality to fit his will ? He gets the wish as he *intended.* Getting a twisted version of a wish you are granting to yourself makes no sense in my mind. And if the Wish is REALLY too strong, just make the spell fail. The sides effect are usually enough to make the player think twice before casting a Wish anyway, there's no real need to add the monkey's paw effect.
@Ouja 3 жыл бұрын
The only time I monkeys paw a wish is when players use it greedily or selfishly, or in some cases, stupidly. I wish this blind man could see...granted. I wish Bob's arm would grow back...granted. I wish we were elsewhere...granted. I wish for a bazillion gold pieces...write down that wish...exactly. I wish I were level 20...write that down, too. In the alternative, an easier way to handle a wish than cackling like a dime store villain and waiting for your opportunity to burn the party is just not to give them access to the wish in the first place.
@LucaxCorp 3 жыл бұрын
“I want to be a super shitty DM, so how do I do that?”
@VechsDavion 3 жыл бұрын
"Anime style" What does that even mean nowadays? Anime style like... Goblin Slayer? Castlevania? Gate? DBZ? Bleach?
@Liquessen 3 жыл бұрын
Probably shounenstyle cool stuff. It can be very fun if you want powerfantasy!
@UnstableEquilibrium 3 жыл бұрын
@Pachitaro 3 жыл бұрын
Lucky Star
@MyNadaquehacer 3 жыл бұрын
Obviously what is meant is Nichijou
@mysteriousmemethief8598 3 жыл бұрын
@jeanmaillard6001 3 жыл бұрын
I don't get why wish should be used to hurt the player when really what the guy asked was a teleport spell
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
Because in the module that they are playing you can't simply teleport out, you have to use "danger mode" with the wish spell. That being said I'd go with a minor backlash something like their gold does not come with them
@jeanmaillard6001 3 жыл бұрын
@@OverTheTaco. hmmm... if it is the one module I am thinking of you can use dimension door to leave all other way are not possible... I can't remember did the "mad mage" one turned his dungeon in a plane? if so "planar travel" would work and since it would work it would still work as the wish spell
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeanmaillard6001 SPOILERS/GM INFO Alterations to Magic Halaster doesn't make it easy for creatures to enter or leave his dungeon. No spell other than wish can be used to enter Undermountain, leave it, or transport oneself from one level to another. Astral projection, teleport, plane shift, word of recall, and similar spells cast for these reasons simply fail, as do effects that banish a creature to another plane of existence. These restrictions apply to magic items and artifacts that have properties that transport or banish creatures to other planes as well. Magic that allows transit to the Border Ethereal, such as the etherealness spell, is the exception to this rule. A creature that enters the Border Ethereal from Undermountain is pulled back into the dungeon upon leaving that plane. Magic that summons creatures or objects from other planes functions normally in Undermountain, as does magic that involves an extradimensional space. Any spells cast within such an extradimensional space (such as that created by a Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion spell) are subject to the same restrictions as magic cast in Undermountain. Spells can't destroy or alter the shape of Undermountain's magically protected ceilings, pillars, columns, walls, or floors. For example, an earthquake spell would not trigger a ceiling collapse or create fissures in Undermountain. Doors and furnishings, however, are not protected in this way. While they are in Undermountain, characters who receive spells from deities or otherworldly patrons continue to do so. In addition, spells that allow contact with beings from other planes function normally.
@jeanmaillard6001 3 жыл бұрын
@@OverTheTaco. hmmm so I was thinking about another dungeon... wait does it mean that to exit the only way is by using wish? you cannot do something like demiplane then plane shift? or spam dispell magic in a 5ft cube to get rid of the effect to then cheese it? I'm gonna be honest it isn't my cup of tea to lock up player in a place they have absolutely no way of exiting I'm explaining my point of view : it is after all a game of dice and a few bad roll can just kill a player for good in this case since they cannot call for help or go buy resurecting scrolls for the character wich mean the player is stuck on his/her chair doing nothing
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeanmaillard6001 it is like Ravenloft in a way.
@Pablo360able 3 жыл бұрын
“self-insert fanfiction where the writer is a self-insert Mary Sue” THANK YOU for not just saying “fanfiction”. Us good fanfiction writers appreciate your conscientiousness.
@davidant8901 3 жыл бұрын
Besides, there's always the self-insert original stories, which are somehow worse!
@tarvoc746 3 жыл бұрын
@zefile 3 жыл бұрын
isn't fanfiction the same as fiction just less original?
@Pablo360able 3 жыл бұрын
@@zefile William Shakespeare never wrote an original story in his life and he's so (rightly) well-regarded that his nickname is the thing us D&D nerds call the class that specializes in storytelling. Originality ain't all it's cracked up to be.
@zefile 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pablo360able you're mixing up inspiration and literally writing something about someone else's work. I'm not hating on fanfiction writers i'm just personally kinda sad they don't use their talent to make new stuff instead of sucking some other writer's balls.
@CloudHiro 3 жыл бұрын
...ok the brother asking for a perception check on THAT gives off very sweet home alabama vibes to me
@DoctorLazers 3 жыл бұрын
The whole ironic wish element is to caution players from using it for things that would upend the narrative or setting. Like wishing for infinite money, or to become a God. Grandiose requests that may have dangerous, interesting narrative consequences. Not something as simple as, "I wish my friends and I were teleported somewhere safe."
@Ifrit8054 3 жыл бұрын
I see this problem constantly. Someone describes literally call of Cthulhu as a game they want to play. But REFUSE to just go play it. They want to rebuild and try to mess with dnd until it’s a jumbled mess of broken rules. I promise there is a game for your setting. Just go play it.
@liseegeskov8769 3 жыл бұрын
I dont blame them? I mean if theyre the one dm and are upfront about the rule changes. It’s just homebrew? If you dont wanna Play with them then dont???
@Ifrit8054 3 жыл бұрын
@@liseegeskov8769 so let’s put it this way. If you had the choice between a car and a motorcycle. And you choose the car despite the fact that you really wanted the motorcycle. Then never shut up about how you wanted the motorcycle and spent years ruining your car to try and make a motorcycle. That’s pretty much what this is. Wasting time, money, and effort on a game you do not want to play. For really no reason
@Ifrit8054 3 жыл бұрын
@@liseegeskov8769 the issue I’m talking about isn’t “oh god home brew RUNNNN”. It’s why reinvent the wheel. If what you want is clearly and entirely covered by another system. Just use it. Stop being a stubborn moron and use it. You know what I’ve been wanting to do lately. Play a space game, but instead of being an idiot and trying to change every single 5e rule to fit a science fiction scenario I am looking into star finder and traveler. Both already designed and functional games based around space. See how easy and useful that was.
@I_Am_Kas 3 жыл бұрын
The fun of reworking a system into something is great, and taking the time to look up something that will git perfectly is harder than a full rework. I've made 3 almost complete reworks of how the system, or parts of the system, for some of my campaigns have been played, but still make them feel familiar to the players with them being bases on 5e. But my players will be told months in advance about the changes and get a vote if the campaign is ran or not anyway.
@Ifrit8054 3 жыл бұрын
@@I_Am_Kas I’m not talking about people who really just love to see what they can do. Even if the game you are trying to make exists already. Cool. Fine. Do you. I’m talking about people I see scream and cry and complain that there isn’t a 5e setting for literally a call of Cthulhu game. But refuse to do anything about it. They want others to fight and struggle to somehow turn 5e combat oriented game into something rp and investigation heavy. Or they could just shut up and go play a game that is designed specifically for that already.
@dahelmang 3 жыл бұрын
Teleporting your party out of danger seems like a really modest request for the wish spell. They could have wished for an op weapon or a visit from a god or angel to save them. They just want out of danger.
@vicc6322 3 жыл бұрын
My DM actively have tried to keep us alive sometimes, as we were new players. He's gotten less nice, but still keeps us from getting TPK'd most times by letting us think out our decisions. (Helps that we dropped a few bad and murder-hungry players)
@thomasfplm 2 жыл бұрын
My DM did the same a few times, but to keep us afraid of if, any time he needs to do it, we would be in debt with some shady character or something similar. In a way, it also helped creating hooks for missions at the same time as it avoided the worst outcome for the party. Also, since those missions were to pay debts, their reward was usually worse that normal missions.
@lagartopunkarra 3 жыл бұрын
"Points at the monk" But that class is anime as fuck!
@annabella1650 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, but which genre of anime?
@silcrow4045 3 жыл бұрын
@@annabella1650 mostly shounen
@matthewevans5486 3 жыл бұрын
@@annabella1650 all of them
@rafaelcastor2089 3 жыл бұрын
Not really. It is a lot more like an old Kung Fu action movie character
@Yawyna124 3 жыл бұрын
Eeeeh. In its base it's a bit more wuxia, despite "Ki" being a Japanese thing.
@kokirij0167 3 жыл бұрын
Me: *about to head to bed* Critcrab: *uploads* Me: “I’ve got time”
@doomchap7614 3 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: you uploaded this at 6:49am Australian time
@ottertvmtg6229 3 жыл бұрын
@spiderboy43 3 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna say what everybody else has already said, and I know the DM in question will never see this. Using a wish spell in this life or death situation shouldn't be a monkey's paw scenario. If they only have that one wish, and no others, don't be a dickbag. Let them teleport away. Now if the wish was "I wish for our dead friend to be revived and for all of us to be fully healed and back up to full strength" then okay maybe have a monkey's paw effect in there there the revived player is now exhausted, or something slightly minor. A teleport spell to their hideout to recuperate after a super tough fight shouldn't warrant you screwing them over.
@TrueHavoc13 3 жыл бұрын
The only reason I could see a monkey's paw happening is if it was established that wishes do that in his world from the beginning. I doubt he actually did that though. Even if he did the ideas he had were too harsh.
@TehSp00ks 3 жыл бұрын
The party is literally just using wish to act as Teleport(Mass). To punish the players for this is to imply that that Teleport has a monkeys paw effect even if you’re not a Wild Mage just because the DM wants to metaphorically slap the party for out thinking him.
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
They are asking the wish spell to bypass all of the magical warding and this is damin near God teir magical warding to teleport them away. You can not simply teleport out of undermountan as per the module. But yeah some of the backlashes are a bit much just port them into a safe section of sewer under a tavern
@garuelx8627 3 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of our last Pathfinder campaign. We had to somehow stop a moon made of negative energy crystals from colliding with our world. We had several days to come up with a plan, ended up teleporting to the moon after making life support accessories to fight the lich controlling the moon. Was able to defeat the lich, but the moon was still on a collision course. Ultimately, our skeletal necromancer decided to teleport us back home while he and his zombie wife remained. He successfully teleportes the entire moon far away from our star system. He was also happy with the result cause he also had access to the lich's magical secrets after defeating him. Meanwhile, we also successfully used a scrying spell to locate the lich's phylactery using a piece of his robe from the fight. We fought this lich 6 months ago in game and we wanted to end it once and for all. Seems like a great outcome right? Well then the DM scrapped the entire campaign cause we weren't supposed to stop the moon at all. He was going for a post apocalyptic next act with possible tpk and we outsmarted him so he got salty and quit...
@silg7262 3 жыл бұрын
@@OverTheTaco. The module specifically states that wish allows you to teleport out. There shouldn't be any drawbacks to this
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
@@silg7262 but using wish in that way would cause drawbacks as you are not recreating a spell
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
@@silg7262 And it never says teleport it says to enter or to leave (language like that is important in dnd because it would say teleport if it were actually referring to the spell.)
@runikvarze6191 3 жыл бұрын
I'll say it this way. If you try to tie up every loose end in every interaction, there's no room for others to join in. Your character doesn't need to be infallible to be powerful and respected. Often, overcoming personal shortcomings can garner more of a reputation than solely taking power by birthright. That's why I build a flaw into every character I make. A scar with a story, and personal demons to overcome. The beauty is in their imperfections. Also, my favorite take on a wish spell was the genie of silence. Basically a genie with wild magic tacked on. But the side effect was decided by a sheet that the DM kept hidden, and the number of words in the wish determined the effect. If the party didn't state their wish, the genie would be able to hear what was in their hearts and grant it perfectly. But he would never say as much. The only hint was an inscription on the lamp that said "speak softly or be misunderstood".
@antoinelambert938 3 жыл бұрын
If twisting wish can be fun, this is not a case to do it, in fact its a perfect use that should be rewarded.
@WobblesandBean 3 жыл бұрын
If there's one thing I CANNOT STAND, it's gaslighting. Screw that DM. 7:30 oh god, she's s Noragami fangirl. Maybe "Upotte". Calling it right now.
@alexanderthegreat6682 3 жыл бұрын
You'll have to be more specific on that first part.
@WobblesandBean 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexanderthegreat6682 The first DM made the player feel like garbage, but when asked about it, flips out and turns it around on OP by flat out lying and trying to write his own reality. "I'm not the bad one, YOU are! I did everything I could to include you! Now you made ME feel bad, how dare you do that to me?"
@alexanderthegreat6682 3 жыл бұрын
@@WobblesandBean yeah, that was bad on him. I hope he learns better.
@WobblesandBean 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexanderthegreat6682 Me too. As for the last guy, he was just a bit of a jerk 😂
@shadowshedinja6124 3 жыл бұрын
I think she's a Soul Eater fangirl, given that Soul is a boy that can turn into a scythe.
@Lanoira13 3 жыл бұрын
In the first half of that last one, I was like "Oh, I don't really see what's wrong with this, is this clickbait?" But Critcrab made a very good case for why it was unfair and unnecessary.
@davidlewis5312 3 жыл бұрын
I mean yes, they are basically using Wish to cast mass teleport or Gate, depending on how you interpret the request and which spell. A simple mass teleport via wish shouldn't have an adverse effect, especially into an unexotic location like Waterdeep.
@NWolfsson 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidlewis5312 If I'm allowed to get technical, a dead body is considered an object, not a creature. Thus the Teleport would need an extended scope to both get multiple creatures *and* an object. As per the Gate, it wouldn't work at all, since it must link two distinct Planes. But I'm agreeing on the fact the drawbacks cited as example are too heavy, especially considering the spellcaster will already get a lot of drawbacks detailed in the Wish spell only to use it in a more creative manner.
@schattenlord3091 3 жыл бұрын
@@NWolfsson touch the body. Now you are carrying the body, case solved. No need to be a dick about something like this.
@lukelblitz3627 3 жыл бұрын
@@NWolfsson teleport does not need "an extended scope to carry multiple creatures and an object" Unless you want to argue that your party gets naked every time they teleport because all ot the objects they own don't get tp'd with them
@NWolfsson 3 жыл бұрын
@@lukelblitz3627 "This spell instantly transports you and up to eight willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range, or a single object that you can see within range, to a destination you select." _Of course_ it doesn't apply to held/carried objects, but that is limited by a character's carrying weight (and if you don't play with that rule, you can at least assume that a whole other character PLUS their equipment is more than what can be considered as carried.) Once again, I'm NOT agreeing with the way that was handled, I was just stating how that _could_ have been a creative drawback of a Wish spell used to do more than the spell could have done. (On another note, I've seen on other comments that this mishap was more likely due to the nature of the place they teleported _from,_ which tends to mess with teletransportation. Make of that what you will.)
@dylandugan76 3 жыл бұрын
Really digging the multiple story episodes, but I hope we still get the long, involved stories, too, and not just as an occasional special. Variety is good.
@gaizadarkaa8769 3 жыл бұрын
Cc has quickly become one of my favorite youtubers
@tiazoh 3 жыл бұрын
"Try a different system, don't do anime DnD" Blain Simple would like to talk to you
@MelodyYoung 3 жыл бұрын
I would be so pissed if I held onto a Wish spell for over a year and when I finally used it the DM was like "Yeah, but actually you all die anyways because of this thing I made up." it just shows pure contempt for the players in my mind. The DM should be rewarding the players for carefully holding onto their wish and only using it as a last resort.
@runtergerutscht4401 3 жыл бұрын
Personal suggestions for the whish: -Mindgames: The whish works perfectly, they arrive safe and sound in the most convenient location possible, no enemies and all their gear with them. However, the player casting will get the feeling that something went wrong, an unshaking certainty that something bad happened. Nothing bad actually happened, however this will mess with the players. -Instructions unclear: the party arrives as planned, however they appear in an inconvenient location, maybe on the roof of a tower (if that's not serious trouble) or beneath docks or maybe just in a public space a few metres above ground. -"Don't you know?": you split the party, sending each member into a different part of the desired location. No major inconvenience but will confuse the players briefly -Oops...: Your players arrive safe and sound, however their races have all changed into a different one *JUST KIDDING DON'T DO THAT LAST ONE*
@adigio6750 3 жыл бұрын
I would find the Last one hilarious if it was temporary. Or you know... if you could uncurse yourself to get your normal race back.
@runtergerutscht4401 3 жыл бұрын
@@adigio6750 huh, I guess it would work if your group is on board with these kind of shenanegans. I just imagine it going poorly with most groups that don't appreciate their agency over their PCs being taken away. Remember, this is part of a whish spell they used to escape an extremely perilous situation, while probably on a very important quest. I'd guess you don't need that annoyance then
@silg7262 3 жыл бұрын
The second to last one only works if the dead player ends up next to the cleric.
@matthewevans5486 3 жыл бұрын
Before Covid I ran a game for a few friends in a setting where any magic above 5th level was... Difficult (for plot reasons), if we'd been able to play for long enough to get a teleport spell then I'd probably have "all characters teleported temporarily switch races" be a possible side effect of using the spell assuming the thing causing the issue with magic hadn't been resolved by then
@adigio6750 3 жыл бұрын
@@runtergerutscht4401 yea in that situation the last one would suck but in general it would be a fun thing to do. Because then you could have them set out on a side quest to find something that can change them back. Obv you would need know your group well for that.
@meakaki 3 жыл бұрын
Please CritCrab make a plushie of your avatar. Please please please I would buy so many
@johnnyferalcat896 3 жыл бұрын
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSS
@privatizitat815 3 жыл бұрын
If you wish for enough money to buy a mansion, you can just wish for something worth 25000 gold. Part of the spell. No negative effects
@silg7262 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking
@MrTheerteen 3 жыл бұрын
Wishing that at the end of the dungeon. A 25000 worth House spawns in the Dungeons full of monsters. Nobody will buy it^^ or a nugget as big as a cow spawns in your Pocket^^ so many possibilities :D
@privatizitat815 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrTheerteen You can choose what you create. It's not random
@42billybob 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like blowing your only wish spell that you've sat on for a year on a basic "save the party and get nothing else out of it" effect is already punishment enough.
@Oldavitar 3 жыл бұрын
You could still do the "without your gear" idea, but keep the part of the spell that says they don't need spell components for whatever spell, and apply that to Revivify for the cleric. They lose gear, but they can still bring their companion back. You could also treat it like a "back in time" thing and if they had ever visited that place before, put them back to the status they were at last time (gear and health, but their knowledge is still the same)
@tarvoc746 3 жыл бұрын
7:20 Is this a spelling error on OP's part? I think it should be "as long as she could find some race home brew that *wasn't* completely broken". I don't see how it makes much sense otherwise.
@annabella1650 3 жыл бұрын
So in regards to the second story, I think that’s where the DM can say “too much information player” and just cuts to the next day. Or just make them roll for it, have them fail and leave it at that.
@WolfHunter732 3 жыл бұрын
DM almost kills the party DM:" hmm now how can I kill them with a wish I gave them for just this situation ."
@connorjohnson8590 3 жыл бұрын
Loved the glitchy outro btw Your getting waaaay better at animating stuff!!
@demonslayer6267 3 жыл бұрын
9:45 omg, Fucking thank you Crab, and here's a few other systems i would suggest for anime style games, Mutants and Masterminds, it won't work for every anime other there but it will for quiet a couple, for something more gritty and/or with a focus on tactics and smart combat, ala something like JoJo's or HxH, i would suggest Wild Talents, Windrose is pretty new but it can work too, and Fate Accelerated Edition should be able to cover everything, i used it myself to run a DBZ game, a very shortlived One Piece inspired game, and currently using it to run a RWBY game, and so far it's worked pretty well, another options is also PbTA (Powered by The Apocalypse) systems like Masks and so on, and their also very easy systems to make hacks for
@mrroboshadow 3 жыл бұрын
"Player, who I'll call soul, was very into the roleplay" Oh neat shes like the soul of the game then? "She asked if she can be a weapon that turns into a cute guy" Oh you meant soul EATER
@WreckinPoints11 2 жыл бұрын
I love how Crit added "I stole this joke" in Comic Sans while the laugh track played, 10/10 joke
@WeretigerX 3 жыл бұрын
The idea of playing a sentient weapon actually seems great if it's pulled off correctly. It could be a character solely intended to fight in unison with other party members. It would probably make for hilarious moments, but also really cool ones when the party does a cool combo in battle.
@danielkeys8974 3 жыл бұрын
I have to note that teleporting the whole party without error - even across planes of existence - would have been an explicitly approved and "safe" use of wish back in 3rd edition.
@grukk4051 3 жыл бұрын
Two suggestions if you want to be evil 1: They teleport out of the encounter and into a dark void, where they hear a ghostly chuckling. Then a few moments later they arrive at their destination 2: All but one of the PCs re-appear. Hand that player a note and tell them to read it then hand it back. That PC appears seconds after the others In either case, let paranoia ensue
@stealthyremote7424 3 жыл бұрын
That outro was golden, thank you so much for that!
@StealthMarmot_ 3 жыл бұрын
Okay, that middle story went from "Normal low end silly D&D game" to "WHAT THE FU-" with the proclamation of self gratification. As a DM I would be folding the screen at that moment and saying "We're all done here."
@melliel2957 3 жыл бұрын
Whew, got in really early.
@lspuria8440 3 жыл бұрын
Me too. Just not the really part.
@gamesdisk 3 жыл бұрын
That's just first with extra letters
@Suthek 3 жыл бұрын
"this [story] ends anticlimacticly" Does it though?
@RobotTanuki 3 жыл бұрын
I was gonna say. HEYOOOOO
@thatlycantomboy 3 жыл бұрын
thanks crab, needed this. one of my groups just self-imploded due to outside conflicts that I’m still not entirely sure of
@mineflameblade8788 3 жыл бұрын
Yoooo. Thanks for advertising Last Arc. Having more traction for this system is greatly appreciated. Btw. It's Kamen American aka Ashlyin
@deadpoolj2278 3 жыл бұрын
"There are other games that may fit anime better than Dungeons & Dragons." *laughs in final fantasy*
@lisatietze9369 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus how do DMs even come up with that stuff sometimes (talking about the last story here). They are using the wish as a teleport but ok lets punish them. Why do so many people play these "DM vs. the players" games? This is horrible. Unless of course this is what everyone wants. I am sure there can be cool and fun parties where everyone consentet to players purposfully trying to derail the DMs campaign and in turn DM trying to kill them. But if it is just the DM being on a power where do ya'll pick up these weird people all the time 😅
@TonySamedi 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously, the party holds on to a wish for a year of real time, only uses it to escape TPK an the DM is still trying to screw them over with the wish? The whole Monkeys Paw thing is fine when it's a player using the wish for something dumb, but when it's a long held thing being used for the good of the entire party in a pretty minimal way? Let the wish just happen as intended.
@sheepish2159 3 жыл бұрын
The whole point of monkey paw situations like that should be to make things more fun. Not make things worse for the players. I could see one party member teleporting to another part of the specified locale (but not being in any mortal danger) being a good opportunity to set up a little side story where they try to regroup.
@lisatietze9369 3 жыл бұрын
@@TonySamedi i so much agree with you !!
@lisatietze9369 3 жыл бұрын
@@sheepish2159 I see your point. And the players would probably be happy about that they got out of there even if they are split up given the dead party member is with the cleric who has the components available to bring the character back. On the other hand, in this specific situatation I have to say that it just feels lame to make it into this. When they basically will be using a teleport spell as their wish. A wish that they had held onto for a long time. I could feel somewhat betrayed and you as a DM never wanna loose the trust of your players
@OverTheTaco. 3 жыл бұрын
They are asking the wish spell to bypass all of the magical warding and this is damin near God teir magical warding to teleport them away. You can not simply teleport out of undermountan as per the module. But yeah some of the backlashes are a bit much just port them into a safe section of sewer under a tavern
@existenceherself4271 3 жыл бұрын
That line about elf anatomy made me remember one homebrew piece of lore most of my DMs use Male Elves don't have nipples
@WyvernTheLost 2 жыл бұрын
Please, please, how many of your DMs use that. I must know how they all came to that conclusion. Also I am also using this for any future campaigns congrats on spreading your cursed knowledge.
@existenceherself4271 2 жыл бұрын
@@WyvernTheLost 2, possibly 3. More if I endorsed it openly. This mainly came about via me drawing some of my characters (many of them being male elves) shirtless and REFUSING to draw nipples on them, just because to my eyes it ruined the pictures. One of the DMs noticed this, then put two and two together that elves are often characterized as having more "ideal humanoid forms", and a lack of nipples on men falls under that umbrella. From there everyone else just laughed and agreed, and thus, now I can draw all the shirtless hot elf boys I want and they're all canonically accurate. Without nips.
@oceanspace7671 3 жыл бұрын
These videos make me feel like im sitting on a beach with friends as we exchange stories about dnd and it makes life feel nice for a bit
@OverTheMoon891 3 жыл бұрын
"Where is my book on elf anatomy? I can't believe I lost it. Now I'll never remember the elf hairstyles- WAIT NO, I LOST THE NAME OF THE WORLD! WHATS THE NAME WHATS THE NAME WHATS THE NAM- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" lmao this is me as a DM omg xD
@phylippezimmermannpaquin2062 3 жыл бұрын
*how do I punish my players for using wish* You tell them you dont want wish in your game. It's pretty simple realy
@ChainedFei 3 жыл бұрын
You don't give them a wish a year ago in your own game that you don't like wish being used in, also.
@lieutenantdiamond5601 2 жыл бұрын
We just started our first DnD Campaign ever for 4/6 of our party. The only ones with any experience are the DM (who we've sufficiently annoyed with our noob based Tomfoolery), and our cleric. One of our Party Members, a high elf bard, also just so happens to be a bit meek. So we've been basically giving him ideas on what to do and how to use his detective/linguist/historian to suit our needs. I'm also trying to encourage him to have a bit more initiative and to really try and find ways he can help by himself.
@allytank-itykitty7417 3 жыл бұрын
For the wish spell, just teleport them to some random bathroom where someone is having a bath, would be funny to explain have great comedic effect, hell they might even ask if they can clean themselves aswell xD
@Ozarka0 3 жыл бұрын
Look, about the anime thing: I love anime. I really do. It's most of the media content I enjoy. I love characters like Midoriya, Gohan (fuck you, Goku), and other such shounen protagonists. Sometimes, I build my character around that idea. However, people need to realize that anime, while having awesome powers and shit, is *not* about the powers. It's about the story. I'm currently playing a bladesong wizard who's entire skillset has been modeled after Vergil from Devil May Cry. To the point where I flavor his somatic components as Iaido and other weeb shit like that. Sure, I've never been hit because my AC is fucking busted, but that's more to do with the DM damn near never targeting me. We went an entire session killing everything before it had a chance to respond (one of my fellow players is called the Boss Destroyer for a reason) but our DM's learning. He also loves the anime thing, but neither of us make the mistake of relying on the tropes. There's so much more to anime when you recognize the way the Japanese tell their stories. There's a palpable, and even wonderful, difference between Western and Eastern storytelling. And shit like this just muddies it.
@darienb1127 3 жыл бұрын
The way i have always seen it is that if you chase a trope, you are just gonna butcher it. But if you run your game with confidence and focus on the game first, you can make those anime moments without even realizing it! When people mean anime, they mean the larger than life action and over the top style. Games like 5e can do that perfectly, you just need the right DM, and the right players you WILL have those moments.
@Emohawk707 3 жыл бұрын
I mean he’s just using Wish to cast the “Teleport” spell, correct? So that’s within the spell’s regular limits EDIT: Oh, yeah, nice one crit crab, fair play
@Trooper43G 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that crit crab came to the same conclusion that I did. That wish is basically a mass teleport, so there shouldn't be a backlash.
@Blackpheonix99 3 жыл бұрын
So just had a funny idea pop in my head from reading the party gets a lamp lamp comes with instructions to rub lamp to get a 3 wish credit. So they rub lamp at some point then get sucked into's a bazaar shop with a bunch of knock off items and gear
@cooldemon5545 3 жыл бұрын
I had a situation similar to the last story. How I resolved it was I rolled a 20 on a chart of a d100 and in the city they were sent to, they accidentally crashed a wedding and had to fight a few C1 guards. One of the guards was a spy for the BBEG and he was gonna be in the city next week. So I gave my party a week to prepare and heal up for the final battle. I didn't even have any of this planned, just pulled it right out of my a** and my players were happy that I gave them time to prepare.
@luciferandassociates9255 3 жыл бұрын
I would get a little funky with the wish, instead of just teleporting back to town, (if that's where they left to do the quest that lead to the near TPK) I would have soon when they bamf back, time has rewinded and they remember everything giving them a complete redo. No injuries, no deaths, bad guys and minions back to full hp traps all reset are in the same place, ambushes are the same. That would throw them for a loop.
@supadumi5489 3 жыл бұрын
i dm'd for some friend yesterday and did something similar, the party encountered a Death Slaad after already being beaten up in the Amber Temple of Curse of Strahd. the Warlock, the only remaining PC left as the others were all rolling death saves, called out to her Patron the Raven Queen, i had her rolled a straight Charisma roll. nat 20+4, time ran back to when they first woke up that day but they remembered everything. all except feykar...
@ineptwizzard 3 жыл бұрын
That would entirely go against how wish works though
@supadumi5489 3 жыл бұрын
No it wouldn't. I mean, are you going to explain how it would?
@TheKoistar 3 жыл бұрын
You feel lonely, so you wish for company. Crabs begin swarming the space you are currently inhabiting in an unstoppable tide.
@lostbutfreesoul 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you CritCrab, I paused to write the same thing and now feel the fool for having to delete it. So many bad Dungeon-masters skip the whole 'basic use' section and treat every Wish as if it was the 'advanced' section!
@itstimeforakrewsade2902 3 жыл бұрын
I wanna give pats to the crab. Do I have permission
@cmelton6796 3 жыл бұрын
Roll for shellpats
@itstimeforakrewsade2902 3 жыл бұрын
@@cmelton6796 ok...I got a ten.
@rotaderp88 3 жыл бұрын
@jamestown8398 3 жыл бұрын
Feeling crabby?
@rotaderp88 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamestown8398 always
@supergamer1388 3 жыл бұрын
I swear. Everytime I read a story on that subreddit, you make a video on that exact story the next week.
@lathier 2 жыл бұрын
(I know I'm late to the upload, but this video popped into my feed) So, in the realm of anime-style ttrpg, one of my favorites that I wish I could play again is a system called Exalted and is an excellent system for DnD veterans and newcomers alike. Players are rewarded for outlandish feats (i.e. jumping on top of flung blades, hopping from one to the other, then going in for a strike) by being given additional chances of success, once a player becomes Exalted they're usually given a gigantic weapon that is ridiculously heavy for anyone but them (think the Buster Sword from FF7), and the world is a mish mash of DnD, Star Wars, Avatar the Last Airbender, etc. It was truly a delight to play.
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