PlayStation One Console - Random Stories

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@DerekMoore82 7 жыл бұрын
I love Random Stories! Never stop doing these Alan, they're awesome little KZbin treasures! My first experience with the PlayStation was very similar to yours, my first game was Tekken and it blew my mind. Those games felt like the future. And the soundtracks grabbed my soul. When I played Gran Turismo for the first time, it turned me into a car guy. When I played Ace Combat it made me want to be a pilot. So many 'first' type of experiences on that console! It was like the video game version of losing your virginity.
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
Tekken as your first game? brilliant! And, I know right? Them soundtracks are sooo powerful. Thank you for sharing buddy!
@GamelutioN1 7 жыл бұрын
Hey. Great content. Subscribed! :)
@scrivthegreat3325 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Alan really nice to see you back making videos and once again it is a fantastic story. As you can probably guess from us chatting on some of your other videos the ps1 is also my most loved console as like you I grew up with it from an early age. It only seems like yesterday but I remember my dad walking into the living room with the ps1 box and I remember it being on a cold dark night for some reason.(weird some of the things the brain remembers). At the time though I was about 4-5 years old and never really played many video games before that although I do remember playing snes games but that was probably around the same time. Anyway as I spoke to you before tomb raider was one of the first games I remember and still is my most favourite game of all time but also some of the earliest games I remember were wipeout , crash bandicoot, tunnel b1 {which I wasn't to keen on} , ace combat, shellshock (tank game) rayman ,hercules , resident evil which is also one of my most favourites which I was far to young to play and others that I cant think of off the top of my head. I also had countless ps1 demo discs which I used to spend hours putting different discs in and just exploring all the playable demos and also the rolling demos of games which I wanted but just couldn't get hold of. ill always remember the music off the demo 1 disc which I think was just called the underwater theme which ill put the link here : . does anyone remember this ? I still put this on in the background on my pc whilst im browsing the internet. maybe you could do a random story on ps1 music in general ?? that would be cool ? I could go on all day but i'll stop here so its not to long. Once again Alan your videos remind me to reflect on some of my most happiest times when I was younger which unfortunately I do forget about and for that I truly thank you.Hope to hear from you again . Thanks palBen
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
I went back to check my spam filter after 3 days and bang, it decided to show up, IN the spam filter, now it's here for all to see. I love that you remember that it was nighttime and you played some mega early PS1 classics. AND of course I remember that underwater theme, I had this disc! Man just hearing it makes me feel like i'm there again… as for PS1 music, I once did a random music memory set of videos, most of them got flagged for copyright due to me not talking over them, I tried to get around that BY talking over them, but it defeated the object in a way… But who knows, one day I might try again, i'll think of someway (I've always wanted to) Let's face it, the music was a huge part of this whole thing. Thank you so much for sharing, Ben, I value your opinion and stories very highly. Take care! ~Alan
@scrivthegreat3325 7 жыл бұрын
thank you for finding my message Alan and look forward to some more nostalgic videos. Thank you Ben
@Sanjinator1 7 жыл бұрын
Another awesome vid man! I remember my first experience of the Playstation and it was a terrible one! Hope you like reading... So it started with this lodger that used to live in our 3 story house at the time (around 1997/1998) and I was probably 6/7 years old, this guy (I think he was Italian) owned a Playstation and a PC. We only recently purchased a SNES/Street Fighter II Turbo bundle. Already owned the NES which I was only allowed to play occasionally as both of them were owned by my bro (approx. 5 years older than me). My bro also had a PC but I rarely even got to see it turned on, nevermind use it. Anyway, I never knew the Playstation existed or what a PC actually was, properly. One day though, it all changed and it wasn't a positive experience. I walked past the lodger's bedroom and happened to hear my brother was in there, walked in but as soon as I did, they told me to get out; 'we're doing adult things only' & 'it's for grown ups, you're too young' but I managed to catch a glimpse of them playing a game with a female character shooting at two half humanoid, half horse entities which in return were firing back fire balls (fans of TR will know exactly what I saw hehe). I remember it vividly, the gunshots were so loud and the roars/screeches with the dark atmosphere and sudden flashes of reddy and yellowy explosions. They pushed me out, shut the door, locked it. In a way I was kinda glad they did, it scared the shit out of me but at the same time, curious so I stood there listening in, feeling like I'm missing out on something incredible. Told my sister about it (11 months younger than me), she was also curious. Well one day, the lodger happened to leave his room unlocked and I happened to go in there (wanted my sister with me, didn't know where she was) and I started thinking and whispering to myself; what were they playing? Was it on the PC? What's this grey box that looks like a SNES? Opened one of his computer desk drawers, found a controller (PS1) and connected it to this 'mysterious' grey box. Managed to turn his tv on, wasn't sure about the console. After probably pressing the right and wrong buttons numerous times, with a couple of main power kill switching and the wonderful plug/wire pulling, it was on! Heard the marvellous start up sound, eyes glued on to the visuals of that SONY orange logo! Now eagerly waiting and trying to anticipate what could be next, I waited with mixed feelings of joy & fear/guilt. For all the excitement, there was this sinking feeling because in the back of my mind, I knew I didn't ask for permission, I shouldn't even be in here & also, this game scared me. I felt like how one would feel breaking the law. Sat there for a good while, puzzled after every reset, what is this blue screen with these weird blobs? Is this supposed to happen? Why blue? Why doesn't the controller do anything? Is it broken? What do these words mean? Realising the controller does work lead to more questions; Why can I only move up and down? What is the triangle thing for (cursor)? Why can't I play? Have I broken it? At this point the questions were replaced with worry. Managed to open the disk tray and realised there's nothing in there but I had no clue what was required or what a CD even looked like. I remember thinking the memory card was a game cartridge (oh! Looks like a SNES game, only smaller LOL) so I did the old blow and reinsert trick but every time I reset it...same blue screen with the two options. Next step was a bad one that I'll never forget and still regret to this day haha. I managed to hit the right button this time (x button) to access the Italian's memory card, selected every single icon and exhausted almost all the options until I got a confirmation screen with the words 'yes' & 'no' staring at me. I thought this must be the way to start the game so I hit the yes command on every single icon. They all disappeared (obviously having deleted them by accident). Still sat there, confused, plugging away, ran out of options. The worrying was back, this time it was major. I felt like I ruined the machine or something. Quickly turned off everything and ran out of there as if I've committed murder. A week passed, couldn't believe neither he or my bro noticed anything was wrong so I thought I had gotten away with it. Felt lucky and told myself to stay away from anything machine-like that ISN'T a TV or SNES/NES. Another 2 or 3 days had passed, returned back from school, worked my way up the stairs to find my bro standing there with a slightly tense expression on his face. I'm like 'What's wrong? Does he know? Next thing, he's literally bear hugging me and forced me into the lodger's room, now having to confront this furious demonic presence, in my mind haha. I just stood there against the wall next to the doorway, didn't speak at all. Everything from here on was a blur and happened so fast but what I recall was that my face expression must have given everything away because he immediately mentioned the words that were new to me; 'Playstation', 'Memory Card', a bunch of games & then I heard the wonderful 'Tomb Raider'. He then went on about how he has to replay every game, all the saved data is missing, but TR in particular, took forever etc. I didn't know what to do. I was shaking like a little bitch. Just wanted to cry, my bro could tell as well so he escorted me out and I heard him telling the lodger that he'd help him play through 'Tomb Raider' again. That's when I realised they were both playing this game when I first walked in. IT was called 'TOMB RAIDER' fo'realzl! The game that first sparked my curiosity! From this day, for a while, I was destroyed, a terribly regretful feeling came over me whenever I walked passed the lodger's room or came into contact with him but at the same time; JEALOUSY. I hated knowing that every time my bro was in there, he's getting to play that game and I'm missing out on the coolest thing ever, like it was some mega secret that nobody around the world knew and only them. The Playstation got me into (what felt like) serious trouble for the very first time. I did something wrong and had to suffer the consequences. Taught me a lesson or 2 about life indeed! I dragged that out as much as possible, hope whoever reads it, enjoys it.
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
Oh.. My.. God… That, was so awesome, i was picturing the house and everything, the lodger's room, set up etc… Such a great story. Good to hear I wasn't the only one who saw it as an adult thing haha.
@Sanjinator1 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I've never shared this story before and to this day only me, my bro and sis know (you too of course and anyone else that cares). Not sure about my parents, maybe the lodger told them? I'm off to ask them. Thanks again, for firstly, getting me committed to writing this and secondly for helping me remember things I thought I'd forgotten! Peace.
@scrivthegreat3325 7 жыл бұрын
Read every word !.fantastic story although it must have been horrible at the time lol. i also have a vague memory of deleting saves from my older brothers friends memory card. he had unlocked all characters from I think one of the Tekken games which I couldn't do myself so I asked to borrow the memory card. cant remember how I done it but my brother told me his friend was annoyed. whoops. nice to hear your story.
@Sanjinator1 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks, glad you took the time and enjoyed it! A pretty similar story really. Yeah that must have sucked.. for the friend haha. When you think about it today (and it must be similar for you) deleting save data ain't really too bad but yes, at that age, it feels pretty awful. It was like, I'd rather be at school than at home in the presence of that guy, probably hating me and giving me certain looks, you know? A mix of good & bad times for sure. Pretty surreal haha.
@scrivthegreat3325 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Alan so glad you are making videos again. Just posted my own story which took ages to write but typically I don't think it came up in the comments. Just my luck. I won't retype it now but just wanted to say that your videos makes me reflect on some very happy childhood gaming memories which were some of the best moments of my life, unfortunately we forget these moments unless people like you help us remember and for that I truly thank you. Hope to hear from you. Ben.
@JaixBlud 7 жыл бұрын
Love all your content bro, still got mine set up in my room for when I get the urge to become an independent female with pointed boobs, pistols and a posh accent!
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
This actually made me laugh out loud to myself like a little girl, haha. Thanks for that
@JaixBlud 7 жыл бұрын
No, thank YOU! Love the nostalgia trips whenever you upload mate!
@shramo 6 жыл бұрын
"I only bought this magizine every now and see if there was another Mortal Combat was coming out"
@TheZelda360 7 жыл бұрын
my first console was an SNES. i been a huge Playstation fan since PS1 my first games for it was Crash Bandicoot 3 and Spyro 1. when i first saw PS1 i thought the graphics amazing for its time i was used to seeing 2D graphics it was pretty kool at the time seeing games in 3D
@ArctheLadder 7 жыл бұрын
So my first experiences with a Playstation came from visiting friends houses around the mid-90s. Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 3 made me a fan of Squaresoft, so when I found out Final Fantasy 7 was coming to the Playstation, I ran through those feelings you described. Initially being loyal to Nintendo, we had a Sega Genesis and SNES in my household thanks to my brother, I associated Final Fantasy with Nintendo so it felt like some sort of betrayal. I think that feeling also existed because I knew my family wasn't going to buy another set of consoles, since it was my brother who bought us the SNES and Genesis in the first place. Reading magazines and going to friends' houses were the best I could manage. I remember that every time I went to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Kapolei, Oahu we could play Tekken 2 and various ports of Capcom games. That feeling of the Playstation being a luxury item was something I understood intuitively, even though I didn't really understand what "luxury" sort of implied about my family's income. There was always a bittersweet sort of feeling about arcades and the Playstation for me. It wasn't until around 1999-2000 that I finally received a Playstation after a price drop and ended up experiencing a lot of those games for myself on a personal level. But I always read magazines and talked in school yards and saw people playing the Playstation and sometimes getting my own chance to play while I was in my teens. Games did feel different because of the Playstation. You didn't have to use your imagination for a lot of game elements anymore. There was a sense of size and scale that 2D images don't always give. I think 2D games still sort of influenced me, but the Playstation had this air of sleekness and futurism that pretty much defined the console for me. I think the amount of time it took me to actually get one tempered my expectations about the games. But that desire was always there, and I think having to wait was unpleasant, but somehow I'm glad I experienced that. Because I feel so fortunate now for what I had.
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
“You didn't have to use your imagination for a lot of game elements anymore. There was a sense of size and scale that 2D images don't always give” SO damn true man, we had childhood and patience but it gave us something to look forward too, never will it be like that again, least we had it! Always love hearing your input buddy, thank you so much for sharing.
@Kusanagi_Gamers25 7 жыл бұрын
love classic game ps one
@DerekMoore82 7 жыл бұрын
@pixxiespit 7 жыл бұрын
Funny, I thought I was the only one who loved listening to the city noises in the London Level of Tomb Raider. Made me feel kinda lonely though... 😅
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
Oh its a great thing, I even do it now when I draw or edit videos, I have TR 3 on my phone and sometimes when I feel a little streesed I load up that level, kind of odd sure and Im not lonely too haha, thank you for sharing. :)
@ArctheLadder 7 жыл бұрын
Aww snap, Alan's back!
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
@FatAndLazyGamer 7 жыл бұрын
Great random storys Alan really enjoyed it an I remember getting my first playstation one for Christmas back in 1997 with 6 games. Rayman,Worms,Total Driving,WWF Warzone and two other games which I cant recall the names off. The playstation one is one of my favorite consoles ever it had so many great games.
@TheUrbanArcade 7 жыл бұрын
Rayman and WWF warzone!!!! How could I forget to mention them? Do you remember on warzone you could have the fart cheat? Sooooo funny. Thank you for sharing buddy!
@FatAndLazyGamer 7 жыл бұрын
The fat cheat was awesome = D
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