Подяка за такий високоточний експеримент . Підписка.
@plenum8810 жыл бұрын
Thanks for getting back to me on that - yes, there may be some interaction of the return wires passing above and below, although I believe the torque is primarily occurring on the horizontal pathway. Evidence for a longitudinal force would be quite interesting! Your observations of the toroid imperfections would be consistent with what others have said about the Marinov motor and flux leakage, in which case a Lorentz force explanation might apply.
@jpchaib307110 жыл бұрын
Indeed! We work on it, about two years... When we make the pure electrodynamic experiment it show us that the affect is due to dipoles which appears due to toroid's imperfection... However we see another unusual effect that point in direction in longitudinal forces... PS: On your ring, you must count also the interaction with the upper current, it differs a little from our experiment..
@krepivan676810 ай бұрын
if anyone is interested, I can present all of Nikolaev's materials, his book, for free.
@zdenekbreza37708 ай бұрын
Hello, it is a generous offer from you. May I ask if you would have these titles from the author? GVNikolaev - "Modern electrodynamics and reasons for its paradox., Prospects for constructing a consistent electrodynamics." Monograph, Tomsk, 1986 - Dep. VINITI, reg. N8610-B86. | | Bibl. decree. dep. manuscript. N4 (186), 1987, ind. 1159. GVNikolayev. "Consistent Electrodynamics: Theories, Experiments, Paradoxes". TPU, JSC "Publishing House of Scientific and Technical Literature", Tomsk, 1997.
Flux leakage would be the explanation if the force increased the closer the rotor was placed to the magnets
@anielloantoniodiscala4615 күн бұрын
Il secondo esperimento se fatto con un filo di rame sufficientemente lungo e fine nella bobina si genererà una corrente che attrae a sé il magnete quindi oltre a non generare un attrito addirittura collabora al movimento del magnete stesso. Fenomeno osservato e studiato per la prima volta da Stefan Marinov negli anni 70 e da lui nominato effetto anti-lenz.
@exnihiloest6 жыл бұрын
Using pulsed DC can produce a strong experimental bias by using the flux leakage with a proper timing. It's not a proof of the Marinov motor which doesn't need pulsed DC. Only the first experiment is conclusive but it should be confirmed.
@Qwerty-cb1ti8 жыл бұрын
The explanation of this motor is very easy onceoneis aware of the Nikolaev's discoveries which complement the existing theory of electromagnetism. There is a scalar magnetic field created on both sides of the toroid which provokes a longitudinal force acting along the currunt. The detailed theory is only available inrussian which fact makes it impossible in the western world to explain this machine. If someone has doubts I would suggest to try to aply newton's third law on two current carrying conductors which are not parallel to one another. The action vectors do not compensate the reactionvectors there which is due to the fact that the scalar magnetic field is unknown to our official sciance. We only see the vector magnetic field through our mainstream science and they burried the problem by only showing the two conductors parallel to one another. Just check in textbooks andyou will see that the king has no cloths on. They only show you two parallel conductors which are infinite at that. Things are a little bit more complicated L am afraid.