Back to back reviews! Keep up the stellar work man!
@keepcalmlovedinosaurs893425 күн бұрын
I'm taking a break off writing for the time being and thought I'd focus on my specimen reviews. I'm currently awaiting the Haolonggood majungsaurus which I'm excited for.
@subraxas19 күн бұрын
Why is there that 'location-establishing' shot of the high-rise building at the very beginning? Is that where you live?
@subraxas19 күн бұрын
You said there that the given species (there had existed several of them) of Mamenchisaurus was some 30+ metres long, but the featured model of Alamosaurus, which in life grew to circa 25 metres, is obviously larger, so it logically should mean that the models are not in scale to one another. So my question is 'why'. Are they from different manufacturers? And if not, are they disproportionate in comparison because PNSO produces several standalone model-lines, each sporting a different scale?
@keepcalmlovedinosaurs893419 күн бұрын
Yeah, the sauropod specimens are from different companies (collecta). The alamosaurus is the first one I've acquired from PNSO and is the largest specimen I have so far. And PNSO aren't consistent with size scalation. Its good to have variation in the collection even if it isn't with the same company.