PoE 3.25 - WARDEN: Bait or OP? | Lightning Strike Warden Build Discussion

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@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
What are your thoughts about the Warden? 😉 I will release the guide and PoB as soon as it is finished and we get the properly updated 3.25 PoB!
@cccc9957 Ай бұрын
thank you love your videos
@samuel8991 Ай бұрын
What do you think is better? Warden/Slayer/Trickster for LS?
@Nowis27 Ай бұрын
I´d really like to make warden work with reave of refraction. But the DPS numbers just dont work out yet as i dont have a good flat damage source
@txflood2519 Ай бұрын
Barkskin isnt worth 25% reservation let alone 25% of an ascendency.
@ilkayince2868 Ай бұрын
LEGEND!! thank you
@izaruburs9389 Ай бұрын
Correction to 1:00 Effect of non-dmging ailments does NOT overwrite their maximum effects. If you already scorch for 30% ele res, that's it. You would have to scale the maximum somehow. So the double sorch will at best be a 60% res reduction (not penetration). Still much better than inverted in almost all cases (since monsters rarely have overcapped res). little side note: Raiders forbidden exclusive ascendancy noteable fury of nature will have amazing synergy with warden. Not just for the more ailment effect but mostly for the massive prolifs. Having all the shocks, scorches and freezes prolif around during mapping will feel amazing. Especialy in a setting like simulacrums or high density content like breach/harbingers/ultimatum/etc..
@Garphunnkyl Ай бұрын
Is the Barkskin skill on Warden the same as it appeared in Affliction League? Almost! It reserves less mana and its mitigation stats have slightly changed. The full list of stats are: Reserves 10% of Mana Gain 1 Bark each second if you haven't been Hit by an Enemy Attack Recently Lose 1 Bark when Hit by an Enemy Attack Maximum 10 Bark -30 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits per Bark 2% more chance to Evade Attacks per Bark below maximum
@Robot-Overlord Ай бұрын
According to GGG in one of their game dev presentations, they actually don't care that much about balance, they care about maximizing engagement. So having some OP stuff in the mix keeps a lot more people around than if they didn't have it. I bring this up because I think a lot of content creators for POE have the wrong idea about how they go about keeping people around. It ain't League of legends. They aren't worried about tournaments, they worried about quality engagement so sometimes they'll even wait awhile to nerf something because people are getting enjoyment out of it.
@Cenzonttle400 Ай бұрын
8:47 best explaining moment of all time hahaha :D
@sunnykwan5630 Ай бұрын
yes. Immediatelylike the video LOL
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Nothing like some good visual aids 😂
@voidroad Ай бұрын
ngl i think going for longer duration shocks to get to 50 shocks sounds like turbo bait on lightning strike paying 2 ascendancy points and an annoint to have to ramp for 5 seconds (and deal less damage than without the node on the first 2 seconds) just sounds like a pob warrior thing i think the 50 shock node is only strong (at least not clunky) if you can reliably drop 50 shocks in like 2-2.5 seconds max so multi hit skills or archers who get to use ballistas or spellcasters etc
@MagnusMegamind Ай бұрын
I tried it on my warden spark build and it is great.
@regal-27 Ай бұрын
I'm probably running Frost Blades Warden just because I've wanted to do Frost Blades for a while. I'm starting w/ Oaths of Summer and Winter along with double Barkskin, but I might drop the second Barkskin point for either Avatar of the Wilds or Tinctures. My only plan is freeze stuff w/ Oath of Winter, use Heatshiver to apply scorch, and then if the enemy is still alive it will take progressively more damage from being frozen / bigger scorches until it dies. I agree that Barkskin looks like a solid defensive buff, but hadn't considered Wind Dancer! I'll probably just stick w/ Grace as I think I'm hitting evade cap w/o Wind Dancer, but definitely something to keep in mind if I end up going mixed armor and evasion. Good luck with your league start!
@mikeadamson-jj3nd Ай бұрын
Can't wait to see unique tinctures
@kitsune_UwU Ай бұрын
I think there's a way to get 100% uptime on tinctures but i hate the fact that there is no way to automate it as far as we know. But if there was it could potentially be worth investing 2 labs for tinctures, 1 for barkskin and one for the lightning node.
@lifeloverNorris Ай бұрын
To keep up the 50 stacks of shock, Why not arcanist brand+tornado+orb of storm+overcharge?
@qazaq25 Ай бұрын
Assuming I'm interpreting how tinctures work correctly I feel like the best way to use them is definitely maximising the mana burn rate by using 2 tinctures then having 6 and 12 masteries + the effect lingers node. By doing so you not only get to maximise there effect (via the incresed effect and mana burn rate mod) but loose vastly less mana/life as during the cooldown you don't have the effect of mana burn. Potential for 100% uptime with near 100% increased effect and minimal downside... Except having to click more ... I fully expect a lot of people to spec into reduced mana burn rate then find the up time bad, sustain impossible and then say they are much worse then they are. Sadly if this all ends up being correct it would basically make them a warden only gear type, unless they add uniques that give the linger and ectra tinctures, which would be very disappointing
@user-gy8xg4fn1i Ай бұрын
Tinctures looks busted permanent 100%+ ele damage that need only one press per 14seconds.... or ~45% poison chance with 100%+ inc poison damage.... its too op
@scribblescrabble3185 Ай бұрын
you know, a bit crazy maybe, but Hexblast's ALL damage does freeze, ignite, and shock and chaos damage is resisted by lowest resistance. Now what if we play a Hexblast miner as a Warden? With pre-loading the damage against bosses it should be possible to hit enough to get a substancial shock, two max value scorches and a good chances to freeze. I see a Mana problem and a glass cannon. With the wand changes it is easier than ever to go crit (if you get your hands on a Sandstorm Visage).
@CephuGaming Ай бұрын
I was thinking blade vortex with some triple ele conversion but defensively and scaling AOE is a big problem you could get wand implicts with AOE but Idk I like to be tanky as well lol.
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Now you're thinking like a real PoE player. Love it - pob it and see what it looks like!
@Trypan Ай бұрын
Will that even work? It's the mines that deal the damage and avatar of the wilds states "ailments you have inflicted recently"? Update from the FAQ: All of these nodes work with any damage aside from minions, including spells and totems/traps/mines. However, Unbound Fury from the Avatar of the Wilds node does require you to hit yourself, and will not be generated by totems/traps/mines.
@scribblescrabble3185 Ай бұрын
@@Trypan eh, thanks, you saved from wasting my afternoon. Do you have a link?
@scribblescrabble3185 Ай бұрын
@@Trypan wait wait wait, after reading it again, it will absolutly work. Back to the drawing board.
@TubaJigify Ай бұрын
According to the new FAQ GGG put out: Is the Barkskin skill on Warden the same as it appeared in Affliction League? Almost! It reserves less mana and its mitigation stats have slightly changed. The full list of stats are: Reserves 10% of Mana Gain 1 Bark each second if you haven't been Hit by an Enemy Attack Recently Lose 1 Bark when Hit by an Enemy Attack Maximum 10 Bark -30 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits per Bark 2% more chance to Evade Attacks per Bark below maximum RIP
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
No! This isn't rip! This is awesome! Losing the % armour is sad but the reservation buff is insane and the -30 armour buff per stack is really good too
@Mike-jm4gg Ай бұрын
IMO….in case of Doubts, let others test it and start something else…..this is what I will do. Have fun and good luck with the league.
@skyler1469 Ай бұрын
Same, im waiting for LS slayer since champ got gutted
@JetcannonM Ай бұрын
Necro Corpse Pact's Forbidden Flame/Flesh + Corpsewalker boots? Or maybe it doesn't work because it's "YOU" and not your corpses that have to apply the shock. But who knows there might have been a oversight and mobs get 50x shocks as you move with Corpsewalkers.
@iAMxVV Ай бұрын
I really don't like situational damage that needs to be ramped, and for that reason I'm giving Warden the grade of BAIT. Some interesting options to steal with a forbidden flame/flesh while playing deadeye tho.
@OWazabi Ай бұрын
One thing I dont understand, is why the arcanist brand set up better than the mark on hit? Doest mark on hit apply curse on every hit, so you're easily constanlty applying?
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
We looked online and couldn't find any confirmation and then tested in game and it seemed not. It seems like the existing Mark isn't replaced when you use Mark on Hit but I'd be very happy to be proven wrong to avoid that weird setup!
@sumeetsaini8739 Ай бұрын
Seems wild that this seems like a new Elementalist.
@grimmjowthepantera Ай бұрын
for meele yes but 100% the new ... old Gladi XD
@turbanheadless Ай бұрын
Warden is the perfect mathil build ascendancy. It has so much offence and freeze that there is little need for defence and instances of taking damage. Pair it with a skill that can hit enemies way before they have a chance to act, preferably with a skill that can hit many times per second and you are golden 😂😮😊
@circaen Ай бұрын
I started Lightning Strike last league & it was awesome. The Warden version looks like it could be even better. I want to go Frost Blade warden but the strike skills have been great before these changes, part of me wants to try something new. Too many options. Thanks for the content.
@zotha Ай бұрын
Would Profane Proxy + Curse work for triggering Defiled Forces? or it it only counted as applying once for when the enemy enters the aura radius? Does it count as "You" for the purposes of Defiled Forces?
@AutoTauri Ай бұрын
I believe it merits mention the oft forgotten Forbidden Flame/Flesh on ranger when it comes to getting scorch effect. Fury of Nature gives a more multipler to no damaging ailments as well as non damaging ailment prolif. Edit to add: Lolcohol strike. Gotem!
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
OUR build
@guitaraholic Ай бұрын
Can’t wait to see this pop off !
@littlezimty Ай бұрын
I feel like Avatar of the Wilds is going to be unhinged for some high end conversation-to-chaos builds.
@buddybrozy Ай бұрын
i love a good conversation build
@madhatten5123 Ай бұрын
@@buddybrozymy convo game is sick af
@11ELFs Ай бұрын
You should really try to path upwards and get the other cold wheel which gives u more damage taken ever sec they have been chilled by you, and then get the similar freeze mastery
@burunkul Ай бұрын
I want to try this passive with Tornado Shot
@blaiseaka7157 Ай бұрын
I believe you will die a lot on warden especially when playing melee on a league start budget.
@bthwaites1 Ай бұрын
I ran a LS Poison build back in Affliction with some success. I was considering an elemental pivot and saw your video post here. I have had a crack at build a POB but would be keen to take a look at this one, can you share?
@Ilyak1986 Ай бұрын
Tinctures are super annoying by the sounds of it, and not worth the opportunity cost of missing out on the elemental route.
@mistersyl2231 Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure 2 points invested in the linger thingy (for tincture) for it to last up to 6 seconds after its off is rly nice + the passiv that makes cooldown -25% makes your tincture have 6cd CD so if you are rly good with pressing buttons, you can have like a 90-95% uptime, and I'm pretty sure there will be huuuuge tinctures, so I think it will be more about how strong tinctures are more then how annoying they are to use, cause you'll have to press your button like every 12-15 sec depending on how you fast you can sustain the manaburn. And I mean we saw tinctures with like elepen or 100% increased ele dmg (and not even fully rolled) etc etc, so I rly thing you can pull something rly impactfull. Where on the other hand i'm not sure Barkskin is rly that important tbh, specially if you take the Oath of winter that add a very nice defensive layer already, barkskin being a bit "too much" IMO. And thats my point of view as a big casual player, so I'm pretty sure I'm wrong but still wanted to share it x) I'm rly intrested in going LS, but I'd rather go for scorch & Enduring Suffision rather then Winter & Barkskin, but again, just a big casual player PoV. I'm still hesitating for Winter or Summer tho, both looks rly nice but serves opposite purpose so IDK bro
@DJDIAS_ Ай бұрын
you cant increase effect of shock because it is limited to 2% per stack
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
I don't remember mentioning increasing the effect of shock anywhere, but if I did, I misspoke. We need to increase the ailment duration, not effect. The whole point of the node is that we easily apply max shock with every hit (2%) but need to apply many hits to get it to max, so yeah, shock effect is useless.
@mr.coleman9596 Ай бұрын
Where did you get the updated PoB? Mine says its up to date :(
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
On the bottom left of PoB, go to Options and then there's a check box for opt in to beta versions. Hit that and check for updates. It's semi functional but better than nothing :)
@Olden_son Ай бұрын
It is Beta. release version will be available on this button "Check for latest version" when 3.25 will be released
@NickMcMillen16 Ай бұрын
I'm thinking about going Oath of Winter, Avatar of the Wilds, Barkskin, and upgraded barkskin (lesson of the seasons) rather than going for the shock node. This'll be for either Frost Blades or LS. Would love to hear your feedback on this path.
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Defensively, that will be huge. Having that amount of suppression mitigation is actually nuts especially if you pair it with other mitigation layers like max res, and Inveterate.
@rafakal9823 Ай бұрын
Im way curious about the bark and tinctures nodes than the other ones. Guess I will have to wait and see
@JetcannonM Ай бұрын
Scold's Bridle cast Curse on damage taken? Kitava's Thirst?
@allaboutgaming2187 Ай бұрын
fury of nature has no "known" or atleast seen oils to annoit, if its available, to me it seems very good for warden and shocking but im still sussin others out for annoit space.
@incredulouspasta3304 Ай бұрын
Lightning strike with returning proj hits 4 times, not 3, if you are positioned correctly. 3x projectile hits, and 1x melee hit. You send out 1 projectile. Your ancestral call copy hits with melee, and sends out another projectile (which doesn't hit on the way out), and both projectiles hit on the return. If you don't have returning projectiles, then it should hit 2x.
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Oh I'm not using ancestral call on my version ;( I'll look into it
@incredulouspasta3304 Ай бұрын
@@Lolcohol You don't need to use ancestral call! It works with any source of "strike skills target an additional nearby enemy". You just need to make sure that your primary target gets hit by the little-red-clone-dude, rather than your main character.
@dzsordzsisoros685 Ай бұрын
It is super bait, gladiator too
@charlespanache7047 Ай бұрын
agreed, dps is garbage and w/o onslaught+flask it's slow afffff. Would suggest to not follow this creator since they aim to waste your time w/ trash builds.
@IcaroOito Ай бұрын
Emberwake can get you a third scorch. Eye of malice+curse on hit ele weakness... +exposure, +1more curse (maybe cospri's malice...) = -180% all res ?
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
The scaling potential is nuts. Getting max scorch on big bosses isn't easy though :(
@EvilWeiRamirez Ай бұрын
Does barkskin still have the increasd armor per bark? I thought it was nerfed to only have the reduced physical damage taken?
@lebromalaeb7621 Ай бұрын
What about using Stampede boots? good movement speed and an additional anoint
@froomm231 Ай бұрын
Very nice, intelligent man. It's nice to listen to speech without rubbish.
@ZerkSees Ай бұрын
What about dealing tri elemental damage with a Yoke of Suffering? Would that make it so each instance of elemental damage is applying its own stack of shock? If it works that way and you had 8 APS you'd be getting 24 shocks/second. No idea if it works that way, but it would be cool if it did.
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Yeah Yoke is going to be good on this, especially with a more varied pool of ailments. Expect it to not be cheap next league haha
@EvilWeiRamirez Ай бұрын
With yoke, imo, you're better off not using the shock node. You'll only apply 1 shock per hit because its per hit, and not per type of damage. Yoke also has 30% reduced duration, so that will hurt for shocks. If you're dealing enough damage, you're likely going to inflict a solid shock with yoke anyway. So, imo, it's probably better to grab the scorch node, but now you have to worry about enough damage to scorch. It will be synergistic though. You hit once and apply a basic shock and scorch. Your next hit will apply more shock and scorch because of the lower resistance and the increased damgae taken. So, you'll still have a ramping effect up until your max, but it won't be nearly your 50 stacks.
@elementochannel6994 Ай бұрын
looking forward to see the POB
@johncrichton8876 Ай бұрын
Will this make Spectral Sheild Throw of Shattering good? 😅 Lol. I love the skill but its Soooooooooo weak. Will all the small hits proc Avatar of the wilds?
@Craigerry Ай бұрын
barkskin got buffed after this was posted, too.
@pTk91 Ай бұрын
I’m gonna spin myself dizzy this league ! Stay tuned for some giga crafts!
@allersuis Ай бұрын
I find you, I love this skill and you create build with this skill
@Sophexis Ай бұрын
im probably dumb but, those shocks @2:16 , cant you make it so you need to apply less offem to get max effect by using skitterbots? which apply shock, and you could use the ring (i know, shocking) to have the other one debuff with conductivity to increase damage even further? edit would defiled forces work with skitterbot conductivity? since its being repeatadly cursed??
@dominik1993sagner Ай бұрын
my guess would be it's the minion applying the curse, not you
@jacek2300 Ай бұрын
🎉 keep it up. Btw, shield crush jugg, for a noob, for t16 and 350-400 delve, as a starter, with 30 div investment? Can u offer a piecevof advice pls?
@jpibmg Ай бұрын
Do not invest 30div into a shield crush build
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
I must admit I'm not sure! I would ask Connor aka OneManaLeft as he is a delve guru :)
@machito164 Ай бұрын
shield crush might be buffed, but plays like garbage. trust me. dont invest in shield crush.
@jacek2300 Ай бұрын
@@machito164 I like shield crush - i just levelled it form level to to level 29 to act 3 .....personal taste, with multistrike iot is okk, i dont mid it....the question is - will it be effective as starter? to get to some t17 maps? or maybe SC bleed gladiator?
@sedativeman Ай бұрын
I'm thinking Warden Spark Oath of Spring. You wont have any issue reaching 50 shocks that's for sure lol
@CouchOwner2 Ай бұрын
definitely carry a backup. the ele Warden nodes look like fresh code so the chance they fail to interact properly with all sorts of things is a distinct concern.
@Adam-qz9ec Ай бұрын
you think warden will be good for glacial hammer builds?
@smoke7877 Ай бұрын
You say its not worth it to get returning projectiles on LS and dont explain further?
@nela8872 Ай бұрын
Barkskin should give 0 armour? Or did i miss a change somewhere?
@TheDontbeEvil Ай бұрын
I wonder if this build can be tweak to use Smite.
@burakguzel2015 Ай бұрын
Rising Tempest has to be per TYPE of ailment, otherwise it makes no sense to be that broken.
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Agreed! Same with The Taming otherwise the numbers are just too good
@Rayzrblaydez Ай бұрын
im hype for this build guide to come out Lolcohol strike will be a great build and will have insane endgame scaling
@mortontony1 Ай бұрын
still feel like i'm getting baited with barkskin, conditional defense is always soo bad but idk
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
On its own it isn't amazing, but it works well as a supplementary layer to more grounded defenses (armour, evasion, Fortify etc)
@Stat5 Ай бұрын
Maybe a great sanctum runner?
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Yeah I think with the freeze it could be brilliant for Sanctum
@Sunrunner663 Ай бұрын
I hope this Locohol Strike build is no bait, I'm really, really tempted to LS this
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
It is bait. All builds are bait
@Sunrunner663 Ай бұрын
@@Lolcohol I'm hooked
@OfficialXanoX Ай бұрын
Do you have a build guide?
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Yes! Check my channel - it's up! I'd link you but I'm my phone now so you'll have to get it :)
@Santiago3473 Ай бұрын
New to the channel! This build will be viable in SSF as an starter build? Ty :)
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
If you're somewhat experienced, yeah! There are easier builds to run with ssf but pretty sure I'm not using any uniques in my more budget version. Will be able to confirm when it's all done :)
@Santiago3473 Ай бұрын
@@Lolcohol Ty! Ill be watching your updates
@soulflame99 Ай бұрын
complete noob here, but where are you getting the scorch and freeze from? weapon?
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
We eventually end up with a very high, or 100% crit chance which guarantees ailments on hit when doing those elemental damage types. It's more complicated than that, but with the Unbound Avatar, we also freeze shock and ignite regardless of our chance to inflict ailments or crits
@soulflame99 Ай бұрын
@@Lolcohol Sorry, i meant to say where are the fire and cold damage coming from aside from the obvious lightning damage from LS. Debating warden or slayer LS
@onur6396 Ай бұрын
Warden flicker/spark
@dmitrysuchkov7818 Ай бұрын
Like on prefire! I'm with you next league!
@jordijaspers2863 Ай бұрын
You really think that this build will be tanky enough with just barkskin? seems like this will be a glass cannon...
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Obviously barkskin on it own isn't enough, which is why we're running 50k armour, Fortify, molten shell, and wind dancer too. Grace is optional but overkill imo for softcore.
@jordijaspers2863 Ай бұрын
@@Lolcohol Thanks! Have you also looked into the taming ring? it seems insane for this build
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
It is lol :) I used it on this build last league!
@howardgod Ай бұрын
Correct me if I’m wrong, as long as it required piano flask, I’m out.
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
I get that. I'm going to chat to GGG about maybe some kind of automation because it's such a rad system but 99% of people will not use it if it's another button you have to push on rotation which is just sad :(
@michaelzhang7390 Ай бұрын
So why is elemental inversion anti-synergy with oath of summer?
@incredulouspasta3304 Ай бұрын
Scorch lowers their resistance. Elemental inversion is less effective against enemies with low resistance. If they have negative resistance, then elemental inversion actually decreases your damage.
@Onchisteful Ай бұрын
Scorch = reduce the enemy's resistance to negative (in best case scenario) Ele inversion = inverts negative resistance into positive resistance
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Thanks for explaining - I should've done it!
@acatrineisorin1006 Ай бұрын
Lolcohol strikes again:)
@BGriffith85 Ай бұрын
Lol is the og goat, all others are pretenders 😅 Thanks for grinding through the changes for us!! GGs
@CephuGaming Ай бұрын
strong for sure but defensively is very lacking.
@SuperCrakker Ай бұрын
How do you get a PoB for the new tree?
@stympt1nag Ай бұрын
Below the check for updates there is the option > opt in beta and check update again
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
@stympt1nag Ай бұрын
@@Lolcohol No You are ! build looks promising might actually try it out , Thanks Lolcohol
@machito164 Ай бұрын
what about „hey there, its lolcaaaahooool“?
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Gotta go fast! No time for lolcohooools, but if you come to my stream I will do some for you upon request!
@grimmjowthepantera Ай бұрын
glas cannon 100%
@LongX49 Ай бұрын
lolcohol strike
@Torvaldlol Ай бұрын
lolcohol strike ;) huehue
@turbanheadless Ай бұрын
Love to talk about coc
@TalkativeTri Ай бұрын
it's bait, stop trying to trick us LOLCOHOL, we all know zerker/chief is where it's at
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
@CarltonLassiter-nt1ls Ай бұрын
You misspelled slayer 😅
@TalkativeTri Ай бұрын
@@LolcoholPREACH ❤
@cheeromatic Ай бұрын
​@@CarltonLassiter-nt1ls You mean CHAMPIGNON?
@florianwerk4505 Ай бұрын
Nah champ is shit warden/slayer it is ​@@cheeromatic
@xxxxdddddss Ай бұрын
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Not finished yet! As soon as we get the properly updated 3.25 PoB, I will make the guide fully public and then release the video guide.
@rockhatake8244 Ай бұрын
Cant wait to see Warden get nerfed lolllll
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Dude this shit is getting nuked 47 different ways next league xd
@iury472 Ай бұрын
Hexblast mines can hit that 50 shocks in less than a second D:
@mayday6811 Ай бұрын
You need your hits, not mine maybe
@Nevermindy Ай бұрын
OP , would be nerfed by Mark Roblox next league
@blackomega34 Ай бұрын
I think it's bait for league start specifically; no speed no defense, meaning not comfy. It's sure to do great damage though. I might do Glacial Hammer Glacial Shield Sweep.
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
What are you basing that on? This build has tons of speed and defense 😂
@ILoveMyBGE Ай бұрын
The freeze node is going to be a fantastic layer of defense.
@wesleysouzaclemente3173 Ай бұрын
I mean, keeping enemies frozen while you are superfast is a great defense
@blackomega34 Ай бұрын
@@Lolcohol The BUILD might, but the ascendancy doesn't, though I have no idea if barkskin is any good.
@ragingnep Ай бұрын
​@@blackomega34 a ascendancy having giga dmg is a form of defense on league start especially on the right side of the tree where you can just go evasion.
@Conqueror933 Ай бұрын
god what is this music cut in, its so unfitting, distracting, annoying
@Lolcohol Ай бұрын
Editor having fun 😂 I loved it
@evangold8447 Ай бұрын
Tinctures Are OP On the Warden | PoE 3.25
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