Poilievre urges Singh to force fall election by ending NDP deal with Liberals

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@Nowhere_Man_1953 15 күн бұрын
I'll never understand how or why MP's are entitled to a pension after only 6 years. I've done some research on it but all I can think is " Pigs at The Trough."
@rogerrabbit8756 15 күн бұрын
Becuase they make the rules.
@Nowhere_Man_1953 15 күн бұрын
@@rogerrabbit8756 I know & it's frikkin robbery.
@nroum5876 15 күн бұрын
@tarafox6618 15 күн бұрын
Consider their obvious insider trading. They get very wealthy while doing this 'service' position.
@brianlove5782 15 күн бұрын
@@tarafox6618 and what evidence do you have to assume because of their inside trading? Don't just say because they got rich. Bring evidence
@99sql 15 күн бұрын
Remove all Pension benefits for all MPs. Immediate savings to Taxpayers.
@jukesters123 15 күн бұрын
They ALL voted for the pension raise and a paycheck raise on April1st to cover the carbon tax raise.
@Devilcity6275 15 күн бұрын
And give it to the Seniors to be able to live a half decent Life. ❤
@chrystineleibel608 15 күн бұрын
And senators too. See how many quit.
@sjappiyah4071 15 күн бұрын
Yup ! Their pensions should be the same as all other Canadians
@24triscuit 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, that'll fix everything!
@asuraphreak 15 күн бұрын
New law, no more pensions for simply serving a small amount of years. Get a normal pension like the rest of us.
@JohnSmith-ei6sc 15 күн бұрын
Singh will absolutely not call an election because he wants his pension.
@therealtrashman456 15 күн бұрын
he was a well off lawyer before, he made more before entering politics, he doesnt need a pension. PP on the other hand has never had a real job, and is a career politician. who's the one who really needs the pension?
@R_Mcfadden 15 күн бұрын
@luannecorlett4683 15 күн бұрын
@deftone330 15 күн бұрын
​@@therealtrashman456 if Singh doesn't need his pension, he could back up his words and call an election at anytime. But he won't, because he wants his pension. That's all there is to it, holding Canada hostage for his pension
@IlIlllIIIllIIlIIlII 15 күн бұрын
@@therealtrashman456he's also too lazy to learn how to pronounce his opponent's name after 2 years
@Maria-nq3we 15 күн бұрын
With an income of 300k per year what Politician understands the daily struggle of a pensioner with an income of 24k? All you party leaders need to go and be replaced with people with real daily struggles
@user-hx3pd8zi5l 15 күн бұрын
Ya and gets 2 keep most of it and expenses most everything elce
@Eric-om2hz 15 күн бұрын
It's not even about their overbloated salaries. A lot of these career politicians like Pollievre, Singh, Freeland, whatever, are multimillionaires just for drinking the koolaid of those that are really in charge (blackrock/vanguard)
@swat15 15 күн бұрын
Tbh, even 300k isnt enough in canada anymore. Most goes to taxes. With 4 kids, high grocery, high rents, insurance premiums, you are just making it. I can only imagine what low incomes would be going through
@22GreenForever 15 күн бұрын
If you are making only $24, then you need a better job; that's on you...
@UniqueliAnimationsSN 15 күн бұрын
​@swat15 i dont know what situation ur going through but my mother has raised me and my brother with only a minimum wage here in regina, ofc there was the child aid from the government and a 700 a month from my father but everything she carried and kept us alive. Now in university my brother is about to graduate as an rn and me going into engineering through our own money and student loans. 300k is more than enough if not more than needed to sustain a family of 4. These politicians dont understand the struggle of the working class and will make no time to understand
@raydawg2115 15 күн бұрын
Realistically not many people would give that pension up. The pension should have never been that high in the first place
@ekimeno3061 15 күн бұрын
It has nothing to do with pension. How stupid would Singh have to be to willingly give the job to PP right now? Would the Cons do the same thing if the shoe were on the other foot? They sure as hell wouldn't
@ZenCorvus 15 күн бұрын
Shoes not on the other foot so the left, but your own argument, is as awful as you think the right is. None of these leftist are making the point the think they are.
@brianlove5782 15 күн бұрын
Think about it. Aren't they all getting a pension? Why do you think he mentioned that and pointing towards Singh? Isn't he also getting a pension? 😂
@troubledseed 15 күн бұрын
@@brianlove5782 Yes he is also getting a pension.. Because he has been in politics a long time.. But since you missed the point, the POINT is that Singh is a garbage leader who is desperately trying to hold on because AGAIN he wants the pension. PP is correct in saying if Singh is for the people (like politicians are supposed to be) then he wouldn't be worried about his pension because his actions that should result in doing the right thing would then make him popular to stay in. How the hell did you guys miss this as a point? are you liberals and you just want to take what information you want? I don't get the ridiculous complacency in what we know is an issue! Everything is more expensive and its directly because of the Liberal NDP Coalition.
@mattsaunders7207 15 күн бұрын
Unless they make it worth his efforts he won't do it. Maybe some under the table secret deal and he'll give it up
@littlelittle5 15 күн бұрын
You can't hide the TRUTH!
@joepolophotography 15 күн бұрын
Conservatives certainly always try to
@user-eo1vz9lt8g 15 күн бұрын
thought it was 'handle'
@mauveskydiver3225 15 күн бұрын
Conservatives will try to tho, you can never change a conservative
@coreymckee4844 15 күн бұрын
​@@joepolophotography I do agree. But Pierre is just a means to an end. The only man capable of throwing out trudope. After that we will see. But first thing we need to do is kick JT to the curb.
@joepolophotography 15 күн бұрын
@@coreymckee4844 I agree. Vote for Singh. Better means.
@peterbattista1095 15 күн бұрын
Who are we kidding? Sing will never give up that position because his feeling is that his pension is much more important than the interest of canadians.
@ginoderose1258 15 күн бұрын
If SINGH (not sing) was worried about his pension he would have demanded a seat on the cabinet (which he should have). As usual the right don't care about policy, only power (See Alberta and now BC). Now lets be honest, inflation has been an international problem since the pandemic ended. Notice that he NEVER says what he would do to "end inflation", because he is ahead in the polls and wants an election before people smarten up. Put PP in the toilet this next election.
@nickmusttravel 15 күн бұрын
So true!
@Onequietvoice 15 күн бұрын
That is the story you are being told.
@somethingsomething404 15 күн бұрын
He has no problem with what’s going on. I support the carbon tax. I do not support this level of immigration. I don’t support the MNP corruption in BC.
@jean-marcbissonnette5340 15 күн бұрын
@@Onequietvoice yup by the lying cons
@jayvardy 15 күн бұрын
Pension Boy won't do it. He needs to secure the bag first!
@corvusthule 15 күн бұрын
Same old rambling and nothing ever changes
@littlelittle5 15 күн бұрын
@vitaliyyatsenko7492 15 күн бұрын
@RodneyWolfram 15 күн бұрын
@@vitaliyyatsenko7492 has anyone told him that's impossible without ndp support yet?
@mollago 15 күн бұрын
How niave to think that reducing taxes for corporations benefits consumers
@joyceroberts3886 15 күн бұрын
It never has and never will. The trickle down effect has never worked, other than line the pockets of the CEO's and corporations. That's a proven fact
@brenchyalowicois6748 15 күн бұрын
It literally does tho, if you’ve taken even an Econ 101 class you’ll know taxes are a ‘leakage’ and it benefits everyone to keep taxes low
@terahtricia 15 күн бұрын
@@brenchyalowicois6748people think they know what they’re talking abt without doing any actual research
@Krantzstoner1 15 күн бұрын
@@brenchyalowicois6748 Certainly! Here’s a rebuttal framed with principles from Econ 101 texts: --- **Rebuttal:** The claim that lowering corporate taxes benefits everyone by addressing economic "leakage" reflects a misunderstanding of basic economic principles. Here’s why this argument falls short: 1. **Concept of Economic Leakage:** In Econ 101, "leakage" refers to money that exits the economic cycle, such as through savings, taxes, or imports. Reducing corporate taxes does not directly resolve this issue. Rather, it shifts the distribution of resources. Lower taxes may increase corporate profits, but this doesn’t guarantee that the additional funds will flow back into the economy in ways that benefit the broader public. 2. **Trickle-Down Economics:** According to economic theory, the "trickle-down" effect posits that benefits provided to the wealthy or corporations will eventually trickle down to the rest of the population through increased investment and job creation. However, empirical evidence contradicts this. Studies, including those reviewed in Econ 101 textbooks, show that such tax cuts often lead to greater income inequality without corresponding benefits to average workers or consumers. This disproves the notion that lowering corporate taxes necessarily results in widespread economic improvement. 3. **Impact on Consumer Prices:** The idea that lower corporate taxes will lead to lower consumer prices is based on an oversimplified view. Econ 101 teaches that while lower taxes could theoretically reduce costs, businesses often use tax savings for purposes such as stock buybacks or increased executive compensation. These uses do not directly impact consumer prices or lead to broader economic benefits. 4. **Effectiveness of Targeted Policies:** Instead of broad corporate tax cuts, Econ 101 suggests that targeted economic policies-such as direct subsidies to low-income households or sector-specific incentives-are more effective at stimulating economic growth and benefiting consumers. These approaches can more directly address the needs of the broader population rather than relying on indirect benefits from corporate tax reductions. In conclusion, the belief that lowering corporate taxes universally benefits everyone by mitigating economic leakage is not supported by foundational economic principles. Evidence shows that such tax cuts often exacerbate income inequality and fail to provide the expected economic advantages to the general public.
@cwp2580 15 күн бұрын
Actually the consumer ends up having more money to spend
@fischook1238 15 күн бұрын
.......‘Poilievre is a weirdo-it’s really quite simple’........ He should publicly give up his pension and lead by example....
@Vayner447 15 күн бұрын
I’m still waiting for Poilievre to state how his policies will lower housing costs and grocery costs.
@Vertignasse82 15 күн бұрын
I heard him explain it in many interviews. They may have been in French, but I'm sure he was asked by anglophone media as well. Basically he has a bill prepared to significantly reduce the time allowed to get building permits. He will ensure high density housing is built near all federally funded public transport hubs. He will sell hundreds of thousands of acres of federally owned land to build housing. Look it up. If you don't know, it's because you didn't try to find out.
@tagagogon6308 15 күн бұрын
@@Vertignasse82 the biggest favor you can give us is to show the links.
@Dragonmist1 15 күн бұрын
He has as much policy as tRump has...none 😡
@bambino198532 15 күн бұрын
He has explained many times. Watch more videos.
@bambino198532 15 күн бұрын
​@@tagagogon6308the videos are out there. It's not our job to do your research for you.
@redauwg911 15 күн бұрын
sell out Singh
@melrobertson2743 15 күн бұрын
Sycophant Singh
@davidascher1801 15 күн бұрын
Dear Mr. Poillievre, nothing you say or do will bring down the cost of ANYTHING. It's all about CORPORATE GREED and POWER. The citizens are mere pawns.
@janisbell1947 15 күн бұрын
If the carbon tax is removed prices will come down.
@bighillraft 15 күн бұрын
Between capitalist corporate greed and corruption in the Liberal-NDP coalition, nothing will happen
@dawsonholdsworth5371 15 күн бұрын
Corporate greed only happens when the government makes it harder to compete in the free market and challenge the status quo. Cutting corporate taxes and red tape makes it easier to challenge monopolies and corporate greed.
@debbiehanisch2099 15 күн бұрын
No, that's the WEF. Trudeau and Singh both past/current indoctrinies.
@joyceroberts3886 15 күн бұрын
Of course it's Corporate Greed and Power, and PP knows it. The public needs to know, how much corporate monies, line his pocket
@somethingsomething404 15 күн бұрын
This is so overdue. NDP need to stop enabling this crap.
@zwicker5585 15 күн бұрын
Enabling what? The ndp and Trudeau tried to introduce a bill to keep groceries down and the PCs voted it down. And now theyve introduced a housing plan.
@francoisleveille409 15 күн бұрын
NDP is the needed barrier against the petroloving and anti-abortion right wing extremist no Canadian wants in charge of the country.
@sotthapana 15 күн бұрын
Just like with PP's comments, you're not even trying to understand the NDP perspective on their supply & confidence deal. The NDP supports the carbon tax, as do most Canadians. All I hear is crying "oh please NDP, stop your deal with the Liberals".
@tyronebiggums69 15 күн бұрын
​@sotthapana lost you at most Canadians support the carbon tax. Its a straight up money grab and has nothing to do with the environment. Everything costs more because of it.
@zwicker5585 15 күн бұрын
@@sotthapana they dont know anything about policy. They think trudeau is the reason it rains 😂
@elmartillo7931 15 күн бұрын
Singh is the definition of a champagne socialist.
@sotthapana 15 күн бұрын
Nah. I'm an actual socialist and the NDP not being serious about socialism is why I can't be fully onboard. A socialist revolution requires the working class to be put in power, and that's never happened in the history of the world. I strategically support the NDP because they simply allow some socialist and humanist influence in their platforms.
@boricuadetorontocanada 15 күн бұрын
​@@sotthapanayeah but the NDP is the closest thing to commies in Canada.
@ZenCorvus 15 күн бұрын
Ya you are a real socialist when you say "it's never been tried." Yes it has numerous times, just under its real umbrella ideology, communism.
@fkb247 15 күн бұрын
It appears that Venezuela is doing pretty good.
@boricuadetorontocanada 15 күн бұрын
@@fkb247 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
@TORHABSFAN1 15 күн бұрын
Gotta live Pierre trying to make the pension a issue when this guy got his locked in at 31 years old.
@BrentsVanLife 15 күн бұрын
I’d love to hear his solutions, instead of consistent whining
@marg3153 15 күн бұрын
He doesn't have any!
@christinegraham8311 15 күн бұрын
@@Doogle999 Unfortunately, I think so too. We will not be better off with PP. He is a fake populist campaigning on bumper sticker slogans.
@Krantzstoner1 15 күн бұрын
@@Doogle999 "The controversy surrounding Pierre Poilievre's KZbin channel and its association with the MGTOW movement has been a hot topic. The tags linked to MGTOW and potentially incel ideologies on Poilievre's videos drew criticism from various quarters, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Critics argue that such associations undermine Poilievre's position and reflect negatively on his stance toward gender issues."
@canadiansfor2A 15 күн бұрын
Read his website...
@rickd438 15 күн бұрын
Trudeau screwed up so badly that it doesn't matter at this point.
@williamburke738 15 күн бұрын
Decades of governments, endless promises, some of which are never kept. Pointing out the faults of the other party's, a favorite pass time of the righteousness brigade. Never able to find a common ground for the sake of the people who work hard to pay their wages. Greed, their apparent priority by the looks of their lifestyles. They're all the same, folks! Is the world a better place ?
@willwebster8711 15 күн бұрын
Poilievre should be more concerned with developing a platform that relies on more than "I hate Trudeau" and trickle down economics than he is in bringing down the government. And it is not his job to tell other party leaders what they should and should not do. His job is to lead the Conservatives, and so far, he just leading off the lemming cliffs of same old same old.
@BarbaraCorbett-ze3my 15 күн бұрын
@emiliooos13 15 күн бұрын
@@Doogle999 Axe the Tax is literally trickle down economics; cut taxes that corporations have to pay and they'll "pass the saving down" to consumers, which literally never happens. They take the savings and do stock buy backs or give themselves raises for how much money they "saved" their companies. ok now you name one of Pierre's policies that isn't "axe the tax", I'll wait....
@johnhess9443 15 күн бұрын
The carbon tax is a middle and lower class killing boondoggle.@@emiliooos13
@johnhess9443 15 күн бұрын
You don't actually pay any attention to what he says, do you? He's just on the other team so your partisan brain deliberately misinterprets... which means you lie to yourself. Pay some attention. Wake up. Two parties teamed up to tank your country.
@Cosmic.cougar 15 күн бұрын
I totally agree...he needs to lower his hateful speeches
@kjames337 15 күн бұрын
Poilievre realizes he can't keep up his anger farming campaign forever. People will start to see through all the mistruths and lies, given time. And he can't have that.
@michaelmizak1990 15 күн бұрын
Anger farming sure, but thats because so many of us are ANGRY! We were way better off in 2014 than we are today.
@rickd438 15 күн бұрын
@@michaelmizak1990 Some folks love having their money wasted with Trudeau I guess.
@Smitty8131 15 күн бұрын
Doesn't have too. Blackface will make sure people stay angry lol.
@fionagall8239 15 күн бұрын
Inflation is already down But sure axe the tax Save big oil mulitude millions Do not think for a minute it would save the everyday worker anything.
@jamesgannon2254 15 күн бұрын
Carbon tax is a tax on all consumer goods as they have to be transported without it prices would not have near what they did. Only a woke NDP liberal would think otherwise
@steveadams1850 15 күн бұрын
He doesn't understand irony. P.P. is complaining about someone getting a pension ????? 😂😂😂
@dawsonholdsworth5371 15 күн бұрын
Pierre isn't holding the government up in the house, then outside the house complain about how bad this government is. Pierre qualified for his pension a while ago.
@Profous222 15 күн бұрын
Can anybody imagine this guy to be a Prime minister? Maybe a stand up in club 54 ?
@margjones4456 15 күн бұрын
poilievre is canada's version of Donald Trump. And whay is he in politics : for the benefits and the pension that awaits him too
@curtislow1506 15 күн бұрын
Ask him to take less from Canadians? Ok 👍
@WallaceMalay 15 күн бұрын
Polievre has had his pension since he was 30. MP salary since 24. Makes over 300,000 dollars a year as Opposition Leader, plus a mansion, chauffer, personal chef, household staff. What a hypocrite.
@schrempskynate8944 15 күн бұрын
And Trudeau still has two nannies for his grown children. Of course Sophie is the one benefiting from that.
@cleigh113 15 күн бұрын
Except he didn't make a deal with the liberals and he's not holding up an election that Canadians want...
@skeptical6307 15 күн бұрын
He's not a hypocrite. He's not making decisions based on whether or not he gets a higher pension. Singh on the other hand, is selling out Canadians and kissing Trudeau's butt so he gets a higher pension.
@user-kn1gz4fy1b 15 күн бұрын
What about your master the dictador . Is all that wealth earn? Heck NOOOOO. ALL BACK DEALS , SINCE HES DAD
@Zhe-Zhe 15 күн бұрын
Hold on there Wallace. Pierre is not responsible for the gluttonous salaries. He entered politics clearly as a person who cares about politics. He gets the same already established salary given to him as does someone in politics who, say like singh, is there, so obviously, to grease his own palms. Perhaps the people of Canada should start to pressure the government, all parties, to begin to reduce the ridiculously high salaries and pensions. Perhaps that would be a really good campaign promise showing, along with the promise, how much money will be saved for the Canadian people. I would agree with you on that. In the meantime, I want housing, mortgages and rents to be affordable, as I do food, gas, and household living expenses. Pierre is the ONLY hope for that. So in provincial and federal elections, I really hope people see that.
@user-uo8zt4mr9u 15 күн бұрын
The real bad news is that Canadian are earning less than used to. What we need are to encourage investment and innovation. Encourage competition. Get rid of quata system in Canada. Break up big companies. Break up railway companies. Break up big Grocery companies, Break up telecom companies. Break up big banks. and Stop limiting the number of nurses and doctor students. We need more competition and higher productivity.
@user-tj2jo6jr1v 15 күн бұрын
The message may just be legitimate, but the Trump style baby acting name calling is turning me off. PP is Canada's DT
@RCOE76 15 күн бұрын
And JT is the Kamala of Canadian politics. No one really voted for him. He was appointed by the WEF. Facts!
@isaacgriffin5690 15 күн бұрын
@somethingsomething404 15 күн бұрын
Yep. It’s all talk too
@Myles00000 15 күн бұрын
Canadians care more about decorum and politeness than corruption. It’s why we’re in this mess in the first place.
@user-ej6zk2ww8x 15 күн бұрын
Exactly and he needs to go!
@luminyam6145 15 күн бұрын
Why would anyone listen to you Poilievre? You are full of it.
@kaycee2066 15 күн бұрын
The pension argument about Singh is partisan politics. PP is the career politician between the two who's been an MP since 2004, go calculate how much income he's derived from the Canadian tax payer. Why is no one crying foul about PP getting an eventual federal pension?
@98engine 15 күн бұрын
That's nearly 21 years and his career is far from over.
@isaacgriffin5690 15 күн бұрын
Lol better to have one politician being in office for 20 years in a riding then to have several politicians coming and going. So instead of paying three pensions, we're paying one. MPs are a necessary evil in democracy. The point is Singh has 0% chance of winning his riding so he does not want an election until he qualifies for that extra pension meanwhile he's killing his party amd Canadians suffer. What a good Liberal apologist you are. Must be a home owning boomer
@user-eo1vz9lt8g 15 күн бұрын
They aren't crying cause he gets a pension, because he won't call an election before he gets his pension, because if he loses he won't qualify for his pension because he wouldn't have been there long enough...as far as I can tell,.......
@Sandra-cz2lh 15 күн бұрын
You're not lying
@AndreInThe416 15 күн бұрын
I'd assume Pierre's pension is fully vested already so this argument is terrible.
@AndyT-se9us 15 күн бұрын
Haha Give it up Pierre, not going to happen ! They are going to ride the gravy train to the bitter end.
@sotthapana 15 күн бұрын
As a Canadian who's excited about the Liberal + NDP national dental care, I see the gravy coming to me. I see how the Conservatives only want the gravy to go to their oligarch buddies.
@tagagogon6308 15 күн бұрын
...and that includes Pierre riding the gray train.
@marciamariethompson6463 15 күн бұрын
​@@sotthapanaEXACTLY TRUE
@coolpiraterapstar 15 күн бұрын
@@tagagogon6308since he was 19
@brianlove5782 15 күн бұрын
For started why would Singh give up the agreement he have with Trudeau? Why do you think polievre when early election? Check is slogans axe the carbon tax. Do you know just because the federal government removed most provinces gonna keep since they were already for the most doing it before the federal government make it for the entire country.
@Upperclassman 15 күн бұрын
Is it only Russian and Chinese bots who love the slogans and name-calling? Mostly.
@garrettjames5673 15 күн бұрын
I was an NDP but jag has pushed me to the conservatives hes a liar I'm a railroad worker and I was kinda back on the NDP side but not unless he does what he said.
@donnarocha4043 15 күн бұрын
Unfortunately his pension is more important then Canada 😢🇨🇦
@cliffm8112 15 күн бұрын
If his pension is tax free then why will he call an election. Jag is going to milk it for all it's worth. Noticed he's gone silent
@oO0catty0Oo 15 күн бұрын
I was an NDP but the closest party was clearly hard right Reform/PC merger party. Sounds legit.
@Dingdong42069 15 күн бұрын
@@oO0catty0OoHARD right? More like centre-right
@trigremlin 15 күн бұрын
@@Dingdong42069 the reform party would definitely be called right wing extremists by today’s Legacy media
@bobmcrae5751 15 күн бұрын
Poilievre, the career politician, has a net worth over $25 million. It should be no surprise that this "man of the people" is opposed to taxing the rich.
@RolanRoyce 15 күн бұрын
Whose idea was it to have Erin O'Toole as Leader in the last election? He's Mr Anti-charisma.
@marg3153 15 күн бұрын
And so is PP😂
@maggypregnolato5517 15 күн бұрын
AND what did you get with JT....lies, lies and more lies...
@RolanRoyce 12 күн бұрын
@@maggypregnolato5517 So it's lies all around in Canadian politics, how unexpected.
@jiggycalzone8585 15 күн бұрын
Are NDP voters going to realize the reason we are stuck with Turd right now is directly because of Singh?
@Paul-vw9tq 15 күн бұрын
Oh we know and we are ok with it. Almost anything is better than having a conservative in charge.
@jean-marcbissonnette5340 15 күн бұрын
thank god, PP is a freaking disaster
@jiggycalzone8585 15 күн бұрын
@@Paul-vw9tq how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast yesterday?
@jiggycalzone8585 15 күн бұрын
@@jean-marcbissonnette5340 only one way to find out
@schrempskynate8944 15 күн бұрын
​@@Paul-vw9tqSo communist economics by price fixing is what your after, eh? Ffs where were you maleducated?
@mapleleaf8948 15 күн бұрын
Singh actually helps Canadians, Pierre just helps himself.
@marierauterberg7135 15 күн бұрын
How does Singh lift a finger to help Canada? Every day this coalition continues undermines democratic process in Canada. No one voted for this.
@ghostman1931 15 күн бұрын
Singh’s legacy is something he should not be proud of.
@sotthapana 15 күн бұрын
He's no Jack Layton, but his legacy looks far better than Poilievre's will. People will remember Singh as someone who cared about all Canadians, and Poilievre as someone who employs the same narrow tactics of MAGA to court the white Christian nationalist vote.
@Krantzstoner1 15 күн бұрын
@ghostman1932 1. **Support for Ukraine**: - **Principled Stance**: Jagmeet Singh’s support for Ukraine is a reflection of his commitment to upholding international law and defending democratic nations against unprovoked aggression. His position aligns with a clear stance against Russia's illegal invasion, demonstrating a commitment to global stability and human rights. 2. **Singh’s Legacy**: - **Achievements and Impact**: Singh’s legacy includes a strong advocacy for progressive policies such as affordable housing, universal pharmacare, and climate action. His leadership should be evaluated based on these substantial contributions to improving Canadian society rather than on unfounded criticisms. 3. **Political and Humanitarian Principles**: - **Consistent Values**: Singh’s stance on Ukraine is a natural extension of his broader values of justice, equality, and humanitarianism. His support is rooted in defending democratic principles and protecting human rights, which are central to his political vision. In summary, Jagmeet Singh’s support for Ukraine is a principled stand in favor of international law and democratic values. Criticisms of his legacy should be assessed in the context of his significant achievements and unwavering commitment to progressive principles.
@ghostman1931 15 күн бұрын
@@sotthapana TRUMP 2024 and POILIEVRE 2025. Time to wake up!!
@ghostman1931 15 күн бұрын
@@sotthapana I’ll say a prayer for you that you come to peace with reality and see more clearly in your life.
@Devilcity6275 15 күн бұрын
Why the Conservatives need help to call an Election , wait your turn Pierre.
@Flo1918 15 күн бұрын
Polievre ...get out..i will support him everytime because you are not the answer !
@Lizzbird_ 15 күн бұрын
Enjoy the higher prices then
@marciamariethompson6463 15 күн бұрын
@Arational 15 күн бұрын
Poilievre's only job has been on the public dime. He qualified for his taxpayer funded pension long ago.
@kurtperner4665 15 күн бұрын
politicians should get the same pension as everyone else.. make some laws that effect the corrupt politicians in Canada.
@MrBuddy-r8w 15 күн бұрын
With all due respect Mr. Poilievre, Canadians are very much aware of grocery prices and the cost of living in Canada. If elected sir, what will you do to fix this? If elected, you will collect an annual salary of $406,200.00 compliments of the Canadian tax payers, many of whom are now homeless. You will also collect a pension $266,000.00 annualy, also compliments of the Canadian tax payers? Will you actually roll up your provebial sleeves, live up to the promises you make and earn your pay???
@daisytwotoes 15 күн бұрын
Give me strength. Poilievre is nothing more than a Trump wannabe, spouting whatever he thinks will get a knee-jerk emotional reaction. His "Axe the Tax" slogan is a perfect example; the capital gains tax, even with the hike, doesn't affect anyone who can't afford it. (Oh, and don't think he's not looking forward to his pension.)
@anthonyquantrill119 15 күн бұрын
I like you Pierre and I identify as a conservative but you and the Conservative party have no platform, and I find it difficult to believe you are the best choice Canada can come up with. You offer zero change Pierre, nothing meaningful in the slightest so why should we trust you?
Then who would you say is better for Canada? Trudeau ??
@emprah387 15 күн бұрын
Keep the status quo and expect the same garbage? Good try, genius.
@shawnscott9704 15 күн бұрын
That big rant and you’ve done zero due diligence obviously.
@anthonyquantrill119 15 күн бұрын
@@ECCLESIAOFBURNINGONESS I would like to see the process change to when any citizen can make a run for office and not have to swear allegiance to the British. I want a President not a Prince Minister.
@AdamBladeTaylor 15 күн бұрын
Conservative Poilievre wants to tax the Canadian people more so that corporations can get bigger tax breaks and thus keep more of their profits. Not once has a tax cut for the rich and corporations ever helped the working class. You want to help the Canadian people? Put a massive tax on corporate profits.
@marciamariethompson6463 15 күн бұрын
@thejayster2849 15 күн бұрын
And companies will either leave or simply let consumers pay for the increase. Basic economics 101.
@WendySorrell-dh8ls 15 күн бұрын
Conservatives have always been in the pockets of big business especially the petroleum industry 😢
@sefrzan 15 күн бұрын
drill baby drill
@spenny3045 15 күн бұрын
PeePee is a broken record. one more year of watching all the weird stuff PeePee does will benefit everyone.
@balloonhatch 15 күн бұрын
Verb The Noun - leave Trudeau and give the country to a guy that has no ideas on how to solve issues. Just really good at pointing out problems. What has Poilievre done to help you? Built less than 20 affordable home in his time as housing minister in the previous ministry. Poilievre has literally voted against unions and laws to help labourers. The first time he was one the side of a labourer was during the trucker protests. He saw the obvious advantage on getting on the side of angry people and handing them a coffee, what has he done to help those people? I really honestly want to know. Please let me know what I can look up cuz I can’t find anything.
@virgilBallinos8380 15 күн бұрын
Exactly. He’s just like Trump.
@tehabnorm 15 күн бұрын
You haven't figured out they are all owned by the same bankers by now ? Mind boggling
@edouardmoulin1269 15 күн бұрын
Poilievre is just another politician, at the end of day ... But by now, he is "the Messiah", lol
@balloonhatch 14 күн бұрын
@@edouardmoulin1269 yes that’s exactly the problem. Toronto raptors grabbed Carter and thought that they were gonna be champs. One person isn’t the party, conservative will remove as many safety nets as they can to be able to say they saved money, sell public to private at top dollar with no guarantees of affordable developments, and move to restrict 2SLGBTQIA+ rights and end up creating an even larger gap by removing the new income tax for his rich donors , friends and him self. He has never done anything but be a politician, that means to me that he has no realistic perspective of a single labourer in Canada.
@joeblack888 15 күн бұрын
If you promise do not want any Pension, I will vote you.
@joyceroberts3886 15 күн бұрын
Good luck with that too
@sefrzan 15 күн бұрын
you can keep your vote lol he will win without your help. In fact a broom could win if its party was Conservative
@joeblack888 15 күн бұрын
@@sefrzan Yes. I agree with you. What I mean is Poilievre No need to attack Singh for pension. He will win anyway. Why not be nicer?
@sefrzan 15 күн бұрын
@@joeblack888 The answer is "politics", when you play the game, you're gonna get dirty.
@joeyjo-joshabadu9636 15 күн бұрын
The last thing we need is an election concurrent with the US one
@rickd438 15 күн бұрын
The sooner we get rid of Trudeau the better.
@joeyjo-joshabadu9636 15 күн бұрын
@@rickd438 I'm not a fan of Trudeau's, but everything Trudeau is bad at Polievre is worse
@rickd438 14 күн бұрын
@@joeyjo-joshabadu9636 Thankfully you are in a minority. More Canadians think PP will be better.
@fuferito 15 күн бұрын
I'm no Singh fan, but him being called out by a career, never held a real job, ever, like Poilievre is political comedy at its unintentional finest.
@warallied 14 күн бұрын
depends. Was he good at his job? did he have genuine importance in a position? Does he uses facts and data to back ideas and executive history? Then whether hes a career politicans or not doesnt matter......since the logic behind a non career would be: He must have prior experience to be good at politics/understand struggles of others.....which isnt a good logic to have
@angiepruden1379 15 күн бұрын
Not just his salary but his pension from being in the Harper government and he's never had a real job remember how disastrous he was in the Harper government cuz that's exactly what's coming
@steveo4253 15 күн бұрын
Lol right, so you prefer people with no experience to manage a country, smart !
@Rhdlm-yo1tv 15 күн бұрын
@@steveo4253yeah real life experience would help….PP has never been off the taxpayer trough
@plumbummanx 15 күн бұрын
What about housing and health care, your campaign is personal. Yes you'll win the next election but you won't last, you'll follow Harper as a bully.
@christinegraham8311 15 күн бұрын
Exactly. PP is a fake populist with bumper sticker campaign slogans. Get ready for cuts and austerity.
@maryjoan4128 15 күн бұрын
Despicable human Mr. Singh
@eh9692 15 күн бұрын
so what is the clown going to do bring down prices
@stevetemplar6367 15 күн бұрын
Says the guy who had a gold plated pension plan before he was forty. Shadddap.
@AR-td3tu 15 күн бұрын
So will PP be foregoing his pension? Or is he just happy making things up?
@cleigh113 15 күн бұрын
Since you're so well versed on this topic what exactly is Pierre making up?
@AR-td3tu 15 күн бұрын
@@cleigh113 I can already tell this is going to be fun....PP is making up the statement that Singh is waiting for a pension before calling for a vote of non-confidence. There is no evidence of this claim anywhere. It also completely ignores the fact that Singh was a very successful lawyer who had his own firm prior to entering politics, and that his motivations are likely more to do with his politics, specifically passing bills like the medicare one as well as dental one. Bills that PP probably doesn't want passed prior to an election due to their popularity. So, now I'll wait for you to provide some sort of concrete evidence (other than your Spidey senses) or I'll assume that you admit that PP's claim is nonsense.
@Uluru484 15 күн бұрын
@@cleigh113 He’s lying about Mr Singh supporting the government so he can qualify for his pension . Singh supports the government and in return he has been able to get legislation passed that the NDP proposed. Poillevre is yammering for an early election because if he’s going to be PM his best chance is now. If he has to wait til the proper time , more people will see that he has nothing to offer .
@freyjaj9644 15 күн бұрын
He talks like he’s trying to follow up Trump
@kathrynryches6660 15 күн бұрын
Whatever Pierre is saying is nonsense, he has ZERO idea on how pensioners live. He STILL has not apologized for ripping off a lot of seniors of their life savings due to his mismanagement of him pushing Bitcoin on them. He get get lost, I am so done with this right wing crap!
@thejayster2849 15 күн бұрын
Enjoy the left-wing alternative: own nothing and be happy.
@NZrq9mq 14 күн бұрын
Trudeau can tax you to oblivion then.
@patrickriordan8617 15 күн бұрын
FO sell out Singh!!!
@roberthewitt9054 15 күн бұрын
Not going to happen. Jagmet needs a few more months in order to qualify for his multi-million pension.
@susanbland6790 15 күн бұрын
And how will an election affect his pension? Singh will not win the Prime Minister's position but he is highly unlikely to lose his seat. And how exactly does PP propose to bring down the price of food? Is he going to go after the big grocery conglomerates? He's a conservative, they support big corporations. Unless they've agreed to control prices in exchange for tax break? Hmmm?
@schrempskynate8944 15 күн бұрын
​@@susanbland6790No one in his riding likes him. He'll lose badly.
@Krantzstoner1 15 күн бұрын
@@Nowhere_Man_1953 1. **Understanding the Carbon Tax:** - The carbon tax is implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by making carbon-intensive activities more costly. The aim is to push businesses and consumers towards cleaner energy sources and more efficient practices. 2. **Impact on Food Prices:** - **Short-Term Impact:** The carbon tax can lead to minor cost increases for businesses, especially those heavily reliant on fossil fuels for transportation, heating, and production. These costs may be passed on to consumers, resulting in marginal food price increases. - **Long-Term Benefits:** Over time, the carbon tax fosters investment in renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, which can help stabilize or even reduce costs. It also mitigates the effects of climate change on agriculture, contributing to more stable food prices over time. 3. **Current High Food Prices:** - **Greedflation:** The current high food prices in Canada are largely driven by grocery store price-gouging, often referred to as "greedflation." This is a situation where companies raise prices well beyond the rate of inflation to increase their profit margins. Studies and reports have shown that the significant increase in food costs is not primarily due to the carbon tax or federal government policies, but rather due to these unethical pricing practices by major grocery chains. 4. **Axing the Carbon Tax:** - **Immediate Effects:** Removing the carbon tax might lead to a slight reduction in business costs, potentially lowering food prices marginally. However, this effect would likely be minor and short-lived. - **Long-Term Consequences:** Eliminating the carbon tax would reduce incentives to cut emissions, worsening climate change impacts. These impacts, such as extreme weather, droughts, and altered growing seasons, could significantly increase food prices over time, far outweighing any short-term savings. 5. **Conclusion:** - The claim that axing the carbon tax will significantly lower food prices overlooks the root causes of current high food costs, which are driven more by grocery store price-gouging (greedflation) than by the carbon tax or federal policies. Additionally, removing the carbon tax could contribute to more severe climate change impacts, leading to greater and more lasting increases in food prices in the long run.
@ms.twiggy 15 күн бұрын
I think your talking point has been provided by a propaganda bot, because none of what you are saying is true.
@WayWillow 15 күн бұрын
So as PM PP would embarrass Canada’s enemies to get what benefits him???? 😂😂😂
@canadiansfor2A 15 күн бұрын
Like trudeau and allowing China to interfere in our elections because it befits liberals?
@solitarybell2836 15 күн бұрын
Jagmeat can’t force an election the deadline for his pension hasn’t come yet
@stevequick487 15 күн бұрын
This is the closest we have come to a MAGA government campaign in Canada.
@ms.twiggy 15 күн бұрын
Someone on another forum called him Tim bit Trump, it suits him.
@user-yc2wn6yu2g 12 күн бұрын
Singh won't do much until he reaches the pension threshold
@musicmusic6788 15 күн бұрын
So all you going to do is cut the carbon Tax in Half ? Why not just get rid of it all together ?
@sweetlife7279 15 күн бұрын
Wish we had a better choice of candidates to vote for, someone like Jack Layton. Man I miss that guy, where is the honesty, morality and ethics for the working class,all attributes of the late Jack Layton, God rest his soul 🙏
@ChrisLoganToronto 15 күн бұрын
I don't care - election, no election - but the one thing I notice is Poilievre never says what he would do. It's always just criticism of everyone else. Point me to a real plan, and maybe I'll vote for him. Secondly, I have not heard Poilievre say he will decline his pension. Just want's everyone else to.
@CamGoldenGun 15 күн бұрын
the longer it continues, the less support he'll receive. It's why he wants an election now while he's polling high.
@snowe8 15 күн бұрын
All talk and bluster, but no plans, isn't he. While I'm not for his party, I'm still waiting for a CHANCE for the guy to put up like even a PowerPoint presentation of what changes he'll directly implement that will change the current environment. Like, housing is such an easy dead horse to beat, cause there's still some kicks left to give, but what has he actually put forward that would get people to listen? 😂😂
@GolfSux 15 күн бұрын
​@@snowe8does trudeau or singh have a powerpoint?
@ryansimpson29 15 күн бұрын
I keep hearing this bogus argument that Poilievre has no plan but he has laid out plenty of ideas on how he will govern including his plan to fix the housing and cost of living crisis when he is in power. The Liberals just criticize those ideas saying they won't work, then they slip in the polls again and implement those very plans themselves and try to take credit for them.
@snowe8 15 күн бұрын
@@GolfSux sorry man, but those two are basically the "incumbents", which puts Poilievre in a disadvantage in general. So he needs to work harder to actually sway the voters. Because if voters actually care, Poilievre has nothing much to go in winning voters if he's doing nothing but complain with no direct messaging of his plans to change the whole policy environment that Canadians can agree on, not just their own conservative voters. Canadian voters could unfortunately keep voting for a Trudeau/Singh pair BECAUSE it's a current situation they know they can get by enough until the next election for someone "better", but the Cons unfortunately have a reputation in putting things more for privatization of things, like education and healthcare. Something that voters don't like hearing. Let's not forget that the previous CPC leader (or two?) were so open about it that it made them lose the election and had to step down (or something like that). Do you remember?
@AUG_XZABER 15 күн бұрын
"He joined to keep his pension." - Conservative Career Politician that never worked a day in his life.
@TheNorthernPatriot99 12 күн бұрын
Never worked? when he was a teenager he worked for Telus and he was the housing minister in the previous Conservative government but I guess it's just typical of you Liberals to spread misinformation
@ThatBallHockeyGoalie 15 күн бұрын
Why is it only him that can call it? Let the Canadians call it
@somethingsomething404 15 күн бұрын
The current system doesn’t allow that. Right now the NDP is enabling the liberals to continue this crap. PP plans to change nothing
@stephencampbell8332 15 күн бұрын
Canadians can in about 1 year from now.
@ThatBallHockeyGoalie 15 күн бұрын
@@stephencampbell8332 I meant be able to call an election, not the results of one
@momtur4875 15 күн бұрын
@@ThatBallHockeyGoalie Maybe you shouldn't vote you don't seem to understand things
@ThatBallHockeyGoalie 15 күн бұрын
@@momtur4875 I don't understand things because one guy who cares about a pension is holding up the election and I want Canadians to be the ones to say hey we want an election? Alright pal lmao
@areacode911 15 күн бұрын
NDP is a sell out.
@loveFFKamloops 15 күн бұрын
High food prices are as a result of the price gouging by groceries stores like Lowblas !
@Paul-vw9tq 15 күн бұрын
No it's because of the oil companies increase the price on gas. They want to recoup the potential money they lost during the pandemic. And if no one is complaining about them why would they lower it if they can get away with it? Everyone is yelling at the wrong institution.
@user-uy8cf1yn3u 15 күн бұрын
Its multiple things all stacking nicely to f us all
@supernovabrightstar 15 күн бұрын
High taxes and interest rates are the sources of all evils just like Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh are the source of all evils for Canadians.
@Voltron5000 15 күн бұрын
They did a study on the economic impact of the carbon tax, if it was eliminated food prices would drop by over 30%
@wadepresley 15 күн бұрын
NDP regurgitation
@miaandlolly7194 15 күн бұрын
If he is a true public servant, he will not propose early elections. Put the people ahead by saving the taxpayers money and reinvestment in the economy not elections!!
@Smitty8131 15 күн бұрын
Yes, save taxpayer money by keeping the super unpopular PM in power for another year while he taxes everything to death, instead of just getting the election over with which is probably what a large portion of the country wants. Genius lol.
@browneyeddog31 15 күн бұрын
Career politician with a pension says what???
@Disgruntledgamer 15 күн бұрын
Is he holding out just to collect it?
@jaapongeveer6203 15 күн бұрын
PP would do anything to be PM and I mean anything. I had enough of Sweater Vests and I'm not interested in more of it from PP.
@matthewthompson7324 15 күн бұрын
This guy is nothing but silly catchphrases and name calling. PP has no plan to bring down grocery prices and food price inflation is largely outside of Canadian control anyways. This is just more of the same populist political posturing he's so adept at.
@edwardfaris8516 15 күн бұрын
Trudeau is that you? 🤔
@MrQuincy27 15 күн бұрын
Are you a Leftist?
@DP-hk6ox 15 күн бұрын
I absolutely do not want a conservative government in Canada. If we do we will follow in the footsteps of the U.S. where we will lose our democracy and our freedom. I have voted for different parties for decades. I do not want a king for a leader who appears to be a wannabe dictator like Trump. I am voting ting for NDP next election.
@marilynjack6031 15 күн бұрын
@GrizzlysEye 15 күн бұрын
Finally a sane person. Thanks!
@rdl8878 15 күн бұрын
Stop repeating baloney.
@rdl8878 15 күн бұрын
When did we lose our freedom? When Justin took power.
@Justin-oo5dm 15 күн бұрын
@@rdl8878 Yet, you're speaking your mind openly...
@jamespeirson1244 15 күн бұрын
That comment about Jagmeet Singh’s pension is Abuse. This little man is is a career politician, never had a real job himself, and we know that his pension means a lot to him.
@isaacgriffin5690 15 күн бұрын
And he's qualified for his pension. He's not complaining that Singh gets a pension, he's complaining that Singh is holding Canadians hostage because Singh wants his pension. Meanwhile Canada suffers so Singh can make his pension. Singh has 0 chance of re-winning his riding. That should tell you everything.
@jo-annn332 15 күн бұрын
Abuse?? Oh my lord. Lol 😅😅
@frakismaximus3052 15 күн бұрын
Words are violence 😂
@Uluru484 15 күн бұрын
@@isaacgriffin5690 Mr Singh has a law practice with his brother. He is well off financially so I doubt he cares about getting a pension. Poillevre , on the other hand has never had an adult job. He has a BA . He’s lived off your tax dollars all his adult life. Now he wants us to pay for an early election thinking he might win and get to be PM.
@bowenli2301 15 күн бұрын
Stop parties' retreats, switch premiers gatherings to virtual meetings. relocate this fundings to support veterans & stop car theft!
@joshdoddadbod 15 күн бұрын
Only in our dreams folks. Singh wont do it. He plans to stay on the plane the Libs are on with destination straight into the ground at mach speed.
@ZenCorvus 15 күн бұрын
Trudeau and Singh both hate canada and canadians and couldn't care less
@FrankSmith-kg3dh 15 күн бұрын
@willwebster8711 15 күн бұрын
Homophobic insults won't win the election bud!
@user-gm6bt9vv7q 15 күн бұрын
Poilievre loves to talk, he hates people asking him questions, if he is voted in we will all live a miserable life, he is a horrible person, he has no empathy,
@NZrq9mq 14 күн бұрын
As if Trudeau is so much better, turned Canada into a third world country.
@NZrq9mq 10 күн бұрын
@mitchdefreitas795 9 күн бұрын
Well this aged like fine wine
@drewsykes8231 15 күн бұрын
this guy pierre) cant be trusted
@donroussy5472 15 күн бұрын
Anyone voting conservative after looking at their track record deserves who they vote for. The liberals and conservatives have historically been self serving. The liberals giving more crumbs to Canadians is the only historical difference. Pierre Poilievre and todays conservatives are so close to American republicans its scary, and yet typical ignorance will show that voters will vote blindly out of a perceived anger. Do proper investigations and historical investigations on all parties and politicians before you start ignorantly casting your vote for a party that will help itself and billionaires, leaving few crumbs for citizens. Remember that you have universal health care because of Tommy Douglas (NDP), who championed public health insurance as Premier of Saskatchewan from 1944 to 1961 and federal leader of the New Democratic Party from 1961 to 1971.the liberals and conservatives did little to pass that bill and in fact, the conservatives tried to stop it. sound familiar? investigate people, or we'll lose all we have to be grateful for
@jean-marcbissonnette5340 15 күн бұрын
it's crazy how people thinks that conservatives would do good. good thing they weren't in power during covid
@@jean-marcbissonnette5340 both are evil. It’s a choice of a lesser people. I think people are blinded and just shaft the blame on Trudeau. There is always a scapegoat in every country. Sadly Trudeau is this scapegoat
@momtur4875 15 күн бұрын
@@jean-marcbissonnette5340 I agree 100% but PP dream is to privatized healthcare look at what ford doing in Ontario and ask people who used it and see what the cost is it not what people think going to pay through the nose people find it hard to put food on the table what are they going to do if they have Cancer or anything else
@rodneythur8754 14 күн бұрын
Regardless of the politics, Canada became the nation it is due to the people living within it. That is about to change with the unleashed immigration policy letting our enemy in through the gate. The cost of everything is beyond the income of most who do not own a home in this country. If you don't own a home, can you buy one? I mean a home, not an apartment or condo.
@mollydcanada7276 15 күн бұрын
F/O PP! We can wait til 2025 to vote - maybe you can't!! Trying to get in on trumps coattails, eh?!?
@fbtd2456 15 күн бұрын
How truly evil are Singh and Trudeau to stay in power to get a pension at the cost of making Canadian's lives truly miserable.
@Polentaccio 15 күн бұрын
and Pierre to say whatever it takes to get elected before doing absolutely nothing. They all suck
@ClarityDetermination 15 күн бұрын
Your comment has no depth or integrity. Poilievre is a lifelong politician and worth 4 million ++
@ClarityDetermination 15 күн бұрын
​@@PolentaccioPM Trudeau has sooooo saved your azz.
@Krantzstoner1 15 күн бұрын
The claim that Jagmeet Singh and Justin Trudeau are "truly evil" and are staying in power just to secure a pension at the cost of Canadians' well-being is a baseless and outrageous accusation. Labeling these politicians as "evil" is a cheap shot that distracts from the real issues at hand and lacks any substantive evidence. The notion that Singh and Trudeau are solely motivated by pensions is not only a gross oversimplification but also a blatant disregard for the complexity of political motivations. Leaders remain in power for various reasons, including their commitment to their political ideologies and their duty to their constituents-not merely for personal financial gain. Furthermore, the claim that their policies are making Canadians' lives "truly miserable" ignores the reality of the situation. High food costs are a result of "greedflation" driven by grocery stores, not just federal government policies. The Liberals have introduced measures to address economic challenges, and it's disingenuous to blame them entirely for the impact of global inflation and supply chain disruptions. Politicians' pensions are a standard part of public service compensation and do not justify the claim of evil intent. Instead of resorting to hyperbolic and unfounded accusations, we should focus on evaluating policies based on their real impacts and effectiveness.
@fbtd2456 14 күн бұрын
@@ClarityDetermination What’s your point?
@sergeikhripun 15 күн бұрын
Libs and Cons have been in charge for 20 years and it’s been downhill for everyone except for millionaires and billionaires.
@SG_CAD 15 күн бұрын
I came to Canada as a teenager 24 years ago and I no longer recognize this country. I did what I was told - got my degree, got a job, pay my taxes and bought a house. I've never been so much in debt, my income hasn't gone up in 6 years my mortgage and other expenses are up 40% since the pandemic. Waited 5 years to get a family doctor and I can't even get an appointment to see him. I've fallen further behind and will take me years to recover. We need lower taxes across the board - we need more competition for Grocery, Telecom, Airlines, Banking, Retail Gas....create the condition to attract foreign investment which will lead to job creations. Stop giving massive tax breaks to EV Battery manufacturers. Bring back manufacturing jobs! Build more pipelines for affordable/sustainable fuel source. Stop buying oil from US, Saudi and Venezuela. The politics, corporations and institutions are stacked against us. Middle class is an illusion and Pierre for God's sake do something about it and not just Axing Carbon tax. There are wider issues that no one is talking about or raising.
@DeeDeerae 15 күн бұрын
It’s like this all over the world.
@hugsandcurses 15 күн бұрын
that is a reality caused by multiple issues, some in canada some outside. if you analyze carefully this started in the regan and thatcher governments where unions were busted and smaller economies had to "remain competitive". This started the race to the bottom where CEOs now get hundreds of times the amount workers get. Poilievre is actually not a bad economist, yet still fails to mention these issues instead looking to scapegoat and play a version of culture politics with name calling instead of fact checking. he has been doing this since 2021. As much as the situation is bad Poilievre is not providing any real solutions and is as cozy with the corporate monopolies that propagate the situation. he is not the answer and does not answer honestly, this is as bad or worse than anything you see with the present government.
@patrickgerard8011 15 күн бұрын
@SG_CAD 15 күн бұрын
@@hugsandcurses we need a leader who has the guts to challenge the status quo and embark on reform. Pierre has my vote, but not the man to bring about massive structural changes. The PM has to contend with environmental, provincial, first nation and economy issues, which leave no room for enacting structural changes. We can't let these corporations get richer on the backs of hard working Canadians.
@Biscotum 15 күн бұрын
You're describing problems with late-stage capitalism, not with any party's governance. But if you think a conservative government is going to approach thing in a less capitalistic way... I dunno man, that's a big ol doubt from me.
@PercyY-ib2vx 15 күн бұрын
Would you give up a $2 million pension? Asking Jagmeet Singh to sacrifice his pension and not sell out Canadians is unrealistic, so don't waste your time asking. We should fix the pension system.
@galkanftw 15 күн бұрын
I wouldn't back Polly if he was the last person running on Earth.This guy never says anything that can help the people of the country all he does is look for angles to attack Tudeua.Yeah Trudeau is a bad Prime as well but Polly could be even worse.
@Spe3D3m0n 15 күн бұрын
Ah so you're the reason the country is collapsing. Always good to know who to blame
@sotthapana 15 күн бұрын
Truth. PP has zero ideas. He's doing the same thing as MAGA... Just focusing on the traditional ideas and fears of the white Christian nationalism base.
@rodneythur8754 14 күн бұрын
The longer Singh supports the Liberal government, the less he is liked. No one voted for the coalition, designed to keep Justin in power in hopes that Singh will implement an NDP plan. Singh had more power before the coalition. I will never vote Liberal or NDP again. Federally or Provincially. Do you hear this Eby?
@jacquidawn1 15 күн бұрын
Ffs. Send the immigrants from the last 5 years back home. Why is no one making the connection between wages stagnating and a lack of housing to mass flooding of low level workers? Incredible.
@Krantzstoner1 15 күн бұрын
@jacquidawn1 CLAIM 1. **“Send the immigrants from the last 5 years back home.”** **Rebuttal:** This suggestion overlooks the contributions of immigrants to the Canadian economy and society. Immigrants often fill critical labor shortages and contribute to economic growth. Canada's immigration system is designed to meet labor market needs and help drive innovation. Studies show that immigrants often contribute more in taxes than they receive in services. Additionally, forcibly sending immigrants back could lead to humanitarian issues and violate international human rights obligations. CLAIM 2. **“Why is no one making the connection between wages stagnating and a lack of housing to mass flooding of low level workers?”** **Rebuttal:** The assertion that wages are stagnating solely due to an influx of low-level workers is a simplification. Wage stagnation is influenced by various factors including automation, globalization, and changes in labor market policies. Housing shortages are indeed a significant issue, but they are also influenced by factors such as supply constraints, zoning laws, and real estate speculation, rather than solely by the number of low-wage workers. Blaming immigrants for wage and housing issues ignores these complex, multifaceted problems. Moreover, immigrants often help drive demand for housing, which can incentivize new construction and development. Addressing housing issues requires comprehensive policies beyond just blaming immigration. CLAIM 3. **“Incredible.”** **Rebuttal:** This is a rhetorical device that emphasizes frustration but does not contribute to the argument's substance. Engaging with evidence-based solutions and understanding the broader economic and social factors at play is more productive than expressing frustration. Overall, it's crucial to consider the broader context and evidence when discussing immigration and its impacts. Simplistic solutions often overlook the complex interplay of factors affecting wages and housing.
@jacquidawn1 14 күн бұрын
@@Krantzstoner1 thank you for your well thought out reply. I respectfully disagree. I see a major demographic change in not just the city I live in, but in every town and city I’ve been to in the last 2 years. It doesn’t take a university degree to know its dangerous and irresponsible to overrun a society with people that are culturally vastly different. I can go on and on with the problems of mass immigration, but really they should be self evident to any adult capable of spelling their own name and tying their own shoes. In moderation, its acceptable. Its totally out of control at the moment, and rife with abuse and fraud.
@Krantzstoner1 14 күн бұрын
@@jacquidawn1 CLAIM 1. **"I see a major demographic change in not just the city I live in, but in every town and city I’ve been to in the last 2 years."** - **DEBUNKED**: This point is based on personal experience, known as an **anecdotal fallacy**-using individual experiences to make broad claims about the whole country. Just because someone notices demographic changes in their town doesn’t mean those changes are bad or happening everywhere. In fact, Canada has a long history of demographic shifts due to immigration, which have enriched our culture and economy. According to Statistics Canada, "immigration has become the primary source of population growth in Canada in recent decades, driving more than 80% of Canada’s population growth"⁸. Immigrants bring diverse skills, ideas, and perspectives, contributing to innovation and economic growth. Cities like Toronto and Vancouver are prime examples of how diversity makes communities vibrant and successful. Instead of fearing these changes, we should recognize the benefits they bring to Canadian society. _____ CLAIM 2. **"It doesn’t take a university degree to know it’s dangerous and irresponsible to overrun a society with people that are culturally vastly different."** - **DEBUNKED**: This statement contains several logical errors. First, it uses an **appeal to common sense** fallacy, implying that it’s obvious cultural diversity is dangerous, without providing evidence. It also employs an **appeal to fear**, suggesting that people from different cultures are inherently dangerous. This is a **hasty generalization**-assuming that all cultural differences lead to problems. However, Canada is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world, with policies that encourage integration and respect for different cultures. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act of 1988 "recognizes and affirms the multicultural nature of Canadian society"²⁷. The real threat to Canadian peace and national security isn’t immigration, but far-right white supremacist domestic terrorism. Incidents like the Quebec Mosque shootings¹ and the vehicular mass homicide of a Muslim family in London, Ontario²⁹, highlight the dangers of hate-fueled violence, not cultural diversity. The idea that cultural diversity is dangerous is not supported by Canadian experience or evidence. _____ CLAIM 3. **"I can go on and on with the problems of mass immigration, but really they should be self-evident to any adult capable of spelling their own name and tying their own shoes."** - **DEBUNKED**: This statement is dismissive and insulting, using an **ad hominem** fallacy by suggesting that people who disagree aren’t smart. It also assumes that the problems of immigration are obvious without providing proof, which is called **begging the question**. The reality is that immigration has been overwhelmingly beneficial to Canada. Immigrants help address labour shortages, contribute to economic growth, and enrich our cultural fabric. For instance, in places like Alberta and the Atlantic provinces, immigrants are crucial in filling jobs and supporting local economies³⁷³⁸. The idea that immigration is automatically problematic is not backed up by evidence, especially in Canada, where immigrants are essential to the country’s prosperity and future. _____ CLAIM 4. **"In moderation, it’s acceptable. It’s totally out of control at the moment, and rife with abuse and fraud."** - **DEBUNKED**: This statement uses a **slippery slope** fallacy, suggesting that if we don’t limit immigration, things will spiral out of control, without considering the actual measures in place. It also makes a **sweeping generalization** by assuming that all immigration is bad based on unproven claims of abuse and fraud. In Canada, immigration is carefully managed through strict laws and policies, with most immigrants going through rigorous screening processes³³. Immigration is vital for Canada’s economy, especially as the population ages. Immigrants contribute by filling labour gaps, paying taxes, and starting businesses, which helps keep Canada’s economy strong and dynamic¹²¹³. The real threats to Canada’s security are not immigrants but rather far-right extremists who have committed violent acts of domestic terrorism¹⁸¹⁹. The claim that immigration is "out of control" and "rife with abuse" is not supported by the facts in the Canadian context. __________ ### Conclusion: The original comment uses several logical errors, such as relying on personal experiences, appealing to fear, and making unfair generalizations, instead of sticking to the facts. In Canada, diversity and immigration have consistently brought significant benefits, including economic growth, cultural richness, and international recognition as a peaceful, inclusive society. The greatest threats to our national security are not immigrants but rather far-right white supremacist domestic terrorists. Instead of fearing demographic changes, we should focus on the real dangers and appreciate the positive impact immigration has on Canada’s future.
@tysonlaplante3957 15 күн бұрын
sell out Singh! he don't care, it's his people getting the jobs.
@DeeDeerae 15 күн бұрын
His people?
@markmaloney3140 15 күн бұрын
@@DeeDeerae Look around. Don't ask childish questions. Look at the truck drivers for your first clue. Google the Humbolt crash that killed 16 young men. That's what he means.
@snowe8 15 күн бұрын
You guys want Canadians working in the jobs you guys are complaining about? Make it interesting, take those jobs back yourselves. Most "his people" kind of people take jobs none of you take 🤣🤣 fast food workers, delivery drivers, drivers for labour jobs, etc. Come on guys, you can do it, apply for those jobs!😂😂 And if you're complaining about food inflation, complain to the actual corporations because corporations are unfortunately considered people in Canadian laws, so they get a say on what the prices are, not the politicians 😂😂 they can however push harder to give pressure along with Canadians who probably would do a petition that would involve millions of signature to demand changes or we'd all publicly boycott Walmart and the like. Rent? That's not politics either, that's people. But we had bad oversight even years prior to the pandemic. But again, I repeat that people should push the politicians to do things ONLY IF the people actually petition for it. Politicians are usually just beating their chest, but without civil people being loud and giving pressure too, corporations and greedy landlords will do jack sh*t. I have a funny feeling that people complain about politicians don't understand that politicians are usually not allowed to overreach their powers on their own unless the public themselves give the permission in a way they listen
@raydawg2115 15 күн бұрын
@@markmaloney3140stop making this about race. It’s got nothing to do with race and everything to do with being a Canadian.
@raydawg2115 15 күн бұрын
@@snowe8 thank you for giving me hope that there are more of us smart and good people out there. I agree with you whole heartedly. Carry on mate 🤝
@glendabilinsky5528 15 күн бұрын
Poilievre, Canada’s Trump wanna be! Can’t seem to campaign without name calling and put downs. I want to hear about policies and how they will be created and implemented. I want to hear about change to better the lives of Canadians. Focus on the future not the past.
@ekimeno3061 15 күн бұрын
"Give me the job bro.... please... before I f this up"
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