Aggron is a wonderful Pokémon it's very underrated and nice to see Vileplume getting used on a team I used one in Leaf Green in a recent playthrough and it's great I tend to use Bellossom more as I like its design and think it's also underrated. This is my current team on Sapphire Blaziken Altaria Manectric Crawdaunt Seviper Cacturne Seviper can be a really useful Pokémon to have on the team as it can learn Flamethrower which is useful but it's Poison Tail can do some major damage and as Seviper is my favourite Hoenn Pokémon I use it on many Hoenn teams it also does very well in Contests. Cacturne is a great Pokémon as well I caught it in the desert on Route 111 as a Cacnea. Crawdaunt is a great Pokémon not many think of using it as their Water type in Hoenn if Mudkip isn't chosen as the starter.
@iAmSoSelfAware2 жыл бұрын
Great team! You've got your bases covered and can take and dish out both physical and special attacks. I've always wanted to use Crawdaunt and Cacturne. I love both of their designs but have never found room for them in a team.