Polynesian Spirituality: Mana, Taboo, Cosmogony, Afterlife, Trickster, Common Deities & Ancestry

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This is Spiritual Studies session #34.
This session focuses on the various beliefs of the precolonial spiritualities across the Pacific Islands. With a predominant focus on the Hawaiian and the Maori, this labor aims to restitch together the beliefs of their common ancestor by investigating the similarities between the beliefs throughout Polynesia.
Oddly enough, the myths and deities investigated have stark similarities to seemingly well beyond the Polynesians, most notably the Greeks. This session sets the tone and gives a broad stroke in order to further investigate the individual spiritual traditions of the Polynesians

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@Awakenwithdante 3 жыл бұрын
This is exciting to see someone who is not Polynesian study our culture, i respect you highly for this
@Baro_Kiteer 3 жыл бұрын
Not even just studying and researching, but doing it respectfully
@waydebain9672 8 ай бұрын
I agree polynesian people, mythology, culture and history that completely unknown and often unheard of by the wider world and pop-culture which is why personally I found Disney's Moana so disappointing they messed up a perfect opportunity to put all of this into that movie.
@lonosensei5242 6 ай бұрын
Nonsense, this guy needs to learn way more and not pretend to be a teacher of others cultures. Bored with your own peoples history doesn’t give anyone the right to be a “respectful” culture vulture. Tell your own stories not ours
@Awakenwithdante 6 ай бұрын
@@lonosensei5242 uso im samoan and i respect this, seems like hes done more to teach about the culture than you have on youtube, instead of bringing others down, see the positive aye 🤙🏽
@producedbypeni6958 4 жыл бұрын
You’re very Respectful I must say, our spirituality before colonization and Christianity is spoken about less, you’d be surprised some are offended when you speak of our ways of life before Christianity (brainwashed by the west) it’s sad. But it’s cool to know (I’m assuming) not of Pacific Islander decent is taking time out their day to research our culture. You were spot on tho. I’m of Tongan Fijian Descent and very interested in our true way of life, most of our people have given up a lot for the Bible god or they think, not to say my people were not the most peaceful but we were in tune with nature like you said. Good content anyways. Peace and Love from Tonga and Fiji.
@producedbypeni6958 4 жыл бұрын
And trust my people were navigating the world and made it to the americas long ago. Some even say we come from the Americas partially) it’s just head scratching to figure out where we come from truly. The scholars say Taiwan which is partially true but in some of our chants and passed down stories Pacific Islanders are of African Asiatic Descent, some elders may even say we have ties Egypt, The sun God being Ra and in Pacific islands in Fiji the sun is Ra and Tongan it is La and pretty much throughout it’s the same. And another point on the American connection, the story is Maui (polynesian Demigod great navigator myth) he went to the Mayans and gave them the knowledge of the stars in return of the Sweet potato.
@cgdahlin 4 жыл бұрын
@@producedbypeni6958 Thank you sincerely for reaching out. I was nervous pulling together research on this topic, being mindful of not wanting to step on toes. I'm elated to hear it matches up. In regards to origin, it is tricky. I struggled in the same way when it comes to where the Native Americans really came from. In every case, it's more complicated than simple. We too often want the "all in one" answer. I too wholeheartedly believe Polynesians met Americans far, far before European colonialization. As I've proceeded in the course, I've found more and more uncanny similarities between the native Polynesian beliefs and the distant nations of Eurasia. If I'm taking a guess, you find the splitting of the Earth and Sky trope first in Sumeria, then outward, to Egypt and Polynesia, but this is reductionist. There seems to have been a story created in the days of animism that has been carried all across the world. But hey, here's to the goose chase. I hope to get back to focusing Polynesia and focus on individual islands/ancient peoples. Your future feedback would be cherished.
@sionelaungaue4881 3 жыл бұрын
@@producedbypeni6958 we are the tribe of NAPHTALI. There is nothing asian about us physically, culture n customs etc. We didn't come.feom Taiwan but we came through Taiwan theres a big difference.
@jnavsslick3764 2 жыл бұрын
@@sionelaungaue4881 it's the other way around.. If you have time please watch the starting of the Cartoon.. Moana.. Its talks about the start! Viti /Fiji was the Mother land.
@jnavsslick3764 2 жыл бұрын
@@producedbypeni6958 Everything started from Viti/Fiji..
@operationscoordinator7566 2 жыл бұрын
Your knowledge of Polynesian cosmology is impressive. Despite a few minor errors, you have captured much of the in depth "mauri" (essence) of our spiritual beliefs or taha wairua (spiritual side). That said, please allow me to clarify some important details. Kane or Ka(Car)-ne(ne as in "neck") Car-Ne, is how the Hawaiians pronounce the name of the forest and land god. It is a Polynesian dialect variation of the Maori god Tane (Tar) - Ne. They are the same. Maori, Tahitians, Hawaiians, Easter Islanders, Rarotongans, Tongans, Samoans and many other pacific island nations, all share common ancestry. We preserve these connections by whakapapa ("wh"="f") or geneology. Also the void is called "Te Kore". Te (as in Tear without the "ar") Ko (As in core without the "re") re (rolled re with "e" used as in "egg") and literally means "The Nothing" or "The absence of all". Interestingly, Te Kore also implies pure potential of all things because to us, creation was/is formed from The Nothing. The different names for Te Kore (and there are many) are descriptions of the voids attributes and sense perceptions according to the supreme creator being, "The Parenless One" as it became self aware, the first feelings, on its way from nothing to something which became Te Po or "The Night" Te (as above) Po (as in poor without the "r") The same process continues with Te Po, until the dawn, Te Wheiao (pronounced Te Fay-Ah-Or) and then the light. Te Aomarama (Te Ahh-Or-Mar-Ra-Mar with out the "r") The cosmology does go deeper in its meaning but you are definitely on the right track. Perhaps due to genetic memory of your own, recognising ancient knowledge once known by much of the old world? Something to ponder :)
@cgdahlin 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely the type of comment I love to see. Informed and contributing to the conversation. I am very grateful for you. Your help with pronunciations is very helpful being that it's not something easy to ascertain in reading. Your intuition may be serving you. I have polynesian ancestry, though untraced.
@yahushaiscomingsoon5896 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your mannerisms in to sharing your understanding of our innerstanding. It is a humble approach, and I'm sure most of us would agree that if you approach our story with respect, many would support your work. We know our story. We know our genealogy. We lack the need for the western world to tell our story, but are flattered by the attempts made. It is a story that only open minds could comprehend. Kudos!
@triviumlinguistics5628 4 жыл бұрын
Great channel here! Nice work. I grew up in the northeastern US. But have been living in Taiwan (and now Mexico) teaching English. It has been really interesting learning all this stuff these last few years. The Pacific Islands are a mysterious and interesting aspect of history.
@jollimaiahtacksworth 3 жыл бұрын
I've always wanted to know exactly (or at least as close to exactly as possible) the ins and outs of my culture, I'm from Samoan and Māori decent and it's awesome to hear this.
@itsjustjk5065 3 жыл бұрын
I'm researching Gods of Hawaiian/Polynesian mythology for a Dungeons and Dragons world I'm developing and this was very insightful. I enjoyed your cross examination of different related and non(directly)- related belief systems and the implications of their shared stories. I know this is the tip of the iceberg but even this was a great help in guiding my inspiration. Thank you.
@Wizardesss 3 ай бұрын
Wow!!! That's awesome to know someone is doing this ❤How is the D&D development going??? Interested to hear from you 🙏
@MsTintomara 3 жыл бұрын
Very informative and captivating! I went to O’ahu with my family this summer for the second time in my life and I am eager to learn more about Polynesian culture, traditions and mythology. I think you approached this topic in a very respectful and humble way. I am of Swedish origin and thus very familiar with Norse mythology. I appreciate the Loki reference! 🙌
@themakuachronicles Жыл бұрын
Respect and love for The amount of time, and Aloha that was put into Developing researching and presenting my Beloved history and and the complex metaphysical speech and practices that guided and taught my ancestors from the beginning of creation, and the longing, we are intrinsically share to return to Akua, ❤our father
@rainbow_flo 2 жыл бұрын
Lawless and disorderly sounds exactly like what we know as lower astral realms. With the earthquake before sleep-the human body experiences vibration before astral projection (visiting the other realms)-as above and below...the earthquake is attempting to restore or know itself, shaking the tree tai chi?? Animals in the wild when nearly captured or injured stomp and shake off energy. These modalities help us return to a harmonic state when imbalances are created within ourselves/ planet. Our ancestors left us beautiful wisdom within the mythology...
@JadeThompson-r1m Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your time brother 🙏
@Ms.tique27 10 ай бұрын
When talking about genders and “society positions” it is important to mention that in many Polynesian cultures we have a third gender Fa’aFafine (Fa’a=in the way of Fafine=Woman) this title is given to men who wish to follow their lives in the way of a woman or another case a Fa’atama (Tama=man) a title given to a woman who wish to follow the way of a man
@st4r444 8 ай бұрын
In the after life, polynesian spirits go back to south america where they came from and be reborn again in antartica where the maori landed first many centuries before yt men discovered it.
@Pans_Shadow 10 күн бұрын
The Hawaiian word for lightning is “Uila.” Which sounds kinda like Julia, meaning “sky father” and a reference to Jupiter.
@salenachristie8527 3 жыл бұрын
Kiaora your on bro a tohunga of history tapu and mana are a two faced coin learn tapu you will know mana our iwi is on east coast urewera te Whakatohea you are accurate about alot of poly history I'm a Maori from Aotearoa and my papa was a part Tahitian whangai and our ancestors changed their last names alot post colonization would love to talk more with you btw my kaumatua taught me young that tikanga trump's te reo/ understanding means more than language which is why the reo
@salenachristie8527 3 жыл бұрын
Te reo is called the language and Maori is the people you are well versed man Haere Mai nau Mai piki Mai, tihei mauri ora
@Larzsolice 3 жыл бұрын
If Man is made from maggots, then the Polynesians might have been the Dwarves of the Norse. The Norse are the tree people of Mayan mythology, and the Semites are the clay people. It is therefore interesting that the Mayans were the people made from corn... This implies a route of descent, where each culture receiving the Mystery includes their original creation stories on top of the old
@islandbeast848 Жыл бұрын
Pacific Islanders
@jondoealoe Жыл бұрын
Excellent study! I believe that Mu was a real place, and Polynesia is more connected to the rest of the world than is commonly believed; and it seems like a good idea to point you in this direction... The Irish letter A, in old dictionaries is a Palm Tree. The only palm tree that grows in Ireland is endemic to New Zealand. A Maori brother posted an excellent thread on Culdian Trust about the similarities between Maori and Gaelic. King Kalakaua wrote that the Hawaiians were Israel or had contact with Israel... V and W are represented by the same letter in Hebrew and Hawaiian. If you translate Hawaii into Hebrew, Hav can be interpreted as Love. Hava can be translated as Being or a Palace, and the two I's in Hawaii would be the hands of Yah, meaning the Palace is Yah's possession. Hawaii could be translated as, The Palace of Yah in Hebrew. Chief Paleiolani gave us the, Ho'okumu Ka Lani Ho'okumu Ka Honua: where he tells us, The first Hawaiians came from Alaska; and they're related to the Haida's of Haida Gwai, aka the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Haida were sailing at least as far as New Zealand, and they were major slave traders. Muscovites in California was written by a Jesuit priest in the 1700's. He was stationed in China and met a Canadian woman he knew in Canada there. When he asked her how she got to China, she was traded as a slave across the Bering Straight. He also wrote about a Spanish woman who was captured in Florida during the conquest, and ended up being sold as a slave in Tartaria. Old maps of Tartaria show Dan and Naphtali right across the Bering Straight from Haida territory. China had a colony in Haida Gwai in the 4th century, and it probably would have been hard for someone to transport slaves through Haida territory without their consent. Dan was famous for ships and his family was trading slaves when Abraham was born. In Hebrew, Hai could be translated as The Breath of Yah, and Da could be the first two letters of DAn. Dan lived in the Tartarian Empire. The spiritual capitol of Tartaria was Tara, Tibet. Tibet is where the priests wear feather crowns like the Hawaiians, and Tara could be related to Torah. The capitol of New Zealand was originally named Tara too. My friend Jonah I is Hawaiian Ali'i. I overheard him telling a friend of mine his last name, and I told him it could mean he's a king in Hebrew. It turns out that he is a king and wears a red feather cape in our parades honouring kings. He claims ancestry from Sumeria. Anu is God in Sumeria. An is one and U is sky, Anu means, One Sky. They called rainbows The Great Bow of Anu. Hawaiians call it Anuenue. Wai means fresh water in Hawaiian. Since U, V, and W were originally the same letter, Wai could be translated as, Fresh Water From The Sky, in Sumerian. The AI we see in Wai, can be translated as Island in Hebrew, so Wai could be fresh water from the sky and Island. Anu in Sumeria is Ani in Israel, Amu in America, Ahu on Easter Island, Aku in New Zealand, Atua in Tahiti, Akua in Hawaii, Anito in the Philippines and Agni in India. Hawaiians have a boar God and a goddess who came from an egg, Vedic literature has a boar god and a god born from an egg; and the Mahabharata explains that they're really the same God. That's exactly the way my Hawaiian Kahuna friend explains Hawaiian religion. Oh, yeah. King Kalakaua wrote about the Hawaiians having Aryan roots... Ar could be translated as Mountain in Hebrew, Yah is God's name, and the N suffix would mean Nation. Considering the fact that Hawaii is the biggest mountain on earth, I find it interesting that ArYAHn, can be translated as, The People Of the Mountain of Yah. I have a Hawaiian friend who claims his ancestors were originally from Hawaii nei, and they didn't migrate here. Auntie Snookie the Molokai genealogist, says Molokai used to be the capitol of Mu. Hori is a common name in Polynesia. Esau married into Hori's family in Genesis. Hori had a cousin named Alvan and lived near Ai. Hori is Hor in the Poetic Eddas, Hor had a cousin named Alvin and one named Ai. Voluspo describes their family's migration north across fields of sand with Esau's family. Hori lived in the earth in the Bible. Hor lived in the earth in the Eddas. They were called Dwarfs and couldn't stand in the sun. The Hopi claim they lived in the earth too. I believe that they were Neanderthals. They lived in the same area where Neanderthals and Sapiens are believed to have first bred with each other. There's an underground stream in New Zealand that Maoris believe comes from Hawaii. There's legends of lava tubes joining the Hawaiian Islands. There's an 8,000 mile tunnel between Turkey and Scotland, and I believe that there's underground passageways people have traveled between New Zealand and Hawaii too. The first king of Samoa was named Batuko Longskull, and he was a white cannibal. I believe he could have been Neanderthal. They had bigger brains and eyes than we do, and their brains were more devoted to vision than ours. I believe that they were able to travel through tunnels better than we can. Check out Plummtree Productions for more obscure Polynesian history. Check out Phonicia. Org to learn more about Hori's international shipping industry that he ran from Israel before Abraham arrived.
@Raised_byKingz77 Ай бұрын
Treasure Island is about an Island supposedly Samoa. David Tusitala the villagers call him, this man was a man Samoa loved. A story teller who lived amongst the Islanders. Villagers say a group of King Priest men like warriors sailed from South America. At the time Churches invaded, the King Priests arrived on Samoa Island buried these treasures. A story becomes Treasure Island 🔥🌴
@ChrisEAdlay 2 жыл бұрын
Speak to the guy who runs Tagaloa Tradition. He's very knowledgeable about this stuff as well. Nice video
@khaleesithechill Жыл бұрын
This was so great.
@Self_revealed 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this 🙏🏼
@tufflion3344 6 ай бұрын
A well put together video. In Fiji we say tabu as the Maori say tapu.
@ericthegreat7805 2 жыл бұрын
The connection of the divine fire of knowledge with trees reminds me of some Kabbalistic interpretations of the Tree of Life containing the divine Light versus the Tree of Knowledge being the false Light... Edit 1: Maui was surprisingly accurately portrayed in Disney's Moana Edit 2: by deduction if Hina is moon Mahina clearly means Mother Hina. Edit 3: Genetically there are some deep connections between Northern Eurasians, Melanesians and Native Americans
@nk1645 28 күн бұрын
Women did fishing and hunting in a lot of cases and elderly women were considered to be the most skilled fishers and hunters etc
@4-2fo-ou69 2 жыл бұрын
Polynesians literally looks as if the outcome results of Melanesian/Micronesian interbreeding, with Mela. being the "father" race (soToSpeak) and Micro. being the "Mother" race, thus Poly. the "Child" race with child-like tendencies, playing, dancing, exploring, jumping around having fun all around the swimming pool play ground a.k.a the Pacific Ocean. Wallah!....By the way, such a lovely presentation you've presented here maaan👏👍very very interesting!
@Fatueiki 3 ай бұрын
Oh! Thats explains why when us Tongans have large feasts at weddings, any occasions, etc. From a birds eye view, we literally look like a bunch of maggots feasting on a dead corpse. People standing on the side waiting there turn, tables full of hungry appetites, people walking doing this and that, refilling or taking from the tables packed with food. And preparation of the food really does make a big big mess, earth oven, cutting leaves to wrap our food, I mean a big big mess. But the best part is, the food is good for about a week then goes kind of bad afterwards.
@asmallyoutuber6533 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the wonderful knowledge of my ancient ancestors there alot I didn't know. How ever Maori people's spirits go back to a place called Cape Reinga which is the far north of the north island where a light house is located, at the bottom of Cape Reinga's cliff there is a tree that Moari people's souls/spirits leave from and take a journey back to our home of origins which was apparently called Hawaiiki, which does not appear on the map, the theory for that was Hawaiiki had submerged underwater.
@mwariwemwenjewacho 10 ай бұрын
1. Dynamic order constant orientation 1:8760 (As afuture (min 70%) So ago (max -30%))
@jusafimusic1241 4 ай бұрын
This sounds 90% identical to Yoruba spiritually . Wow thank you for making this
@mydearmarsters8935 3 жыл бұрын
Very good insight.
@william7835 Жыл бұрын
When I first listened to this so called "Historian" when he said Women status wasn't affected by the Colonialism, that's whe I knew that this guy must have been working for Labor not Ffff,,, ng Ready 😮👽
@LaekSide 3 жыл бұрын
Aswel in our culture our spirits are welcomed into the underworld by Hine-Nui-Te-Po daughter of Tane and Hine-Ahu-One who gave birth to Hine-Titama Hine-Nui-Te-Po is her second name
@4-2fo-ou69 2 жыл бұрын
In the Friendly Isles it is Tapu to- whistle @ night, sneeze @ a funeral, eat while standing, eating father's leftover food, sweeping @ night, laugh aloud @ cemetery in foreign village, clicking noises with the tongue, being in the middle of three while being photographed, husband or male to ever witness his wife or female giving birth, pregnant women to ever rome around at night, children to ever touch any belongings of father, ever to argue or talk back to father's oldest sister, rinsing your hair while leaning back and many many more....or are those just a handful of superstitious beliefs???
@3-DtimeCosmology Жыл бұрын
That's wholesome. 😊
@JackAdogoff 9 ай бұрын
People who haven't actually studied anthropology but have an interest in it often make the mistake of thinking matriarchal societies were run by women. Usually anthropologically it just means that family lineages were traced through the maternal side. In some societies the man and woman would have a kid, the kid would get a name linking them to her tribe, then her brothers would raise the kid.
@tgixnz2769 2 жыл бұрын
I am indigenous māori and alot of stuff you said was very factual, respectful and educational, some of the pronunciation was off but im not holding it to you, for example the word "tāne" isnt said like "kane" it is said like "ta-nei" and "tāpu" isnt said like "tap-oo" it is said like " ta-poo" and alot of our words are said like this, i hope this can help with your pronunciation, as i said im not putting you down just educating on how to better say out words
@mjade1673 Жыл бұрын
🤲When i was a kid my mother would say "manna from heaven" and i would say no, mana IS heaven. And she would explain to me the story of the saying. And i would say but i think at some time mana was heaven and god. And she would ask me well which one? And i would say, its no different. Its same thing. And she would remind me that for many its categorically different. And i would shrug my shoulders like okay. ...i realize now i had a near death experience before age of 4 and i was shown things about past lives and the universe in that time.
@Fatueiki 2 ай бұрын
Western Taboos; Its taboo to walk under a ladder, its taboo to eat with elbows on the table, its taboo for siblings to have children together and if breaking that taboo your children will be born with birth defects, for example.
@MirroCosmoKenisis 4 жыл бұрын
Love and peace
@glennsimonsen8421 17 күн бұрын
People stamping on the ground to keep the earthquake god awake is "wholesome"? Apparently, I have a different understanding of wholesome.
@Raised_byKingz77 Жыл бұрын
I would like to pick your brain 🥰 trippy I only just watched something on shanism I say but you know what I mean and what lock me in is the tree it looks exactly like a tree one of a few God's dwelling in Samoa apparently it's where these God's initate and all that basically this place is how I would see today a parliament house or church a meeting place for order and the law so thank you for your truth knowledge and wisdom I believe we all as humans owe it to ourselves from the work of our forefathers to continue the journey ✨ Thank you I want to know more!
@CallemJayNZ 8 ай бұрын
You are wrong about mana, you are wrong about tapu. You can't learn Polynesian spirituality from books.
@lonosensei5242 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, annoying outsiders love to tell our stories instead of their own…. No lived experience , I cannot
@salesiteisina7098 5 ай бұрын
Eh, go dig ya ass. I agree with you that you can't learn polynesian spirituality from foreigners. Books. But bruh I watched his whole video. He was very respectful regardless how bad he butchered or got alot of facts wrong. He is showing genuine interest in my race and shows a willingness to learn.
@salesiteisina7098 5 ай бұрын
@@lonosensei5242 Braddah lmfao. I feel you frfr and we both know get plenty of mainland fakas always tryna get down wit da brown and think they know what they talking about. I watched his whole video. Got alot of fact wrong but was respectful and showing a willingness to learn.
@kapulono 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@salesiteisina7098that’s cool if you think it’s cool this haole guy is interested in Polynesian culture and spent plenty time to study and learn. I ask why? As Kanaka, we do things with purpose with a goal, we know why. Why does this haole academic want to fancy himself a voice with a platform to teach Polynesian culture that he hardly understands from reading plenty? I don’t want to call him a culture vulture but I’m unimpressed with his respectful and polite descriptions. I’m not flattered or feel validated by someone outside who reads and studies about the culture I live everyday. I’m more interested to know what the mōʻokū’auhau of this narrator/producer of this video. Does he know where his ancestors come from? Is he connected to them and his ancestral homeland? Or is he not interested and finds other cultures more exotic and fascinating? That’ll tell you everything you need to know about his motive and goals. Could be innocent curiosity and interest but too many times, it’s a nerd half-narcissist trying hard to be his own white savior to any other indigenous or native culture and people.
@dallasraika1751 Ай бұрын
Can't learn from u either lol u got no platform no channel so shut the fugk up😂😂
@lemonadeutube 3 жыл бұрын
22:30 In the beginning..
@gnarcassis8775 Жыл бұрын
Im from Hawaii. Great video, I learned a few things I didnt know. The pronunciations confused me a bit though. Io is pronounced ee-oh and Kane is kah-nay.
@DouglasHinz 7 ай бұрын
Land and Sea = Matter and Consciousness. Ancient mythology is all metaphors.
@squizzythecreative 2 жыл бұрын
Kiaora... 👍 Tāne is pronounced, Tah-neh The macron above the "a" makes the a sound elongated.. Tangaroa is a separate Atua, Tangaroa, is God of the Ocean Maori vowel sounds: A-E-I-O-U ah-eh-ee-or-oo
@squizzythecreative 2 жыл бұрын
I'm actually impressed though, brother, with your effort and respect... Keep up the awesome work...
@tunui1 3 жыл бұрын
He forgot to mention that the islands were the mountaintops of a huge continent, and the islanders were the survivors of the continent being destroyed by plate shifting/volcano eruptions. The surviving maohi/maoli/Maori remained on the spared mountaintops which we now only know as Polynesia. Interisland travel by water between the islands and other countries happened AFTER this event. So NO... we are NOT descendants of Asia.... I mean look at us, can't compare us with petite Asian people (no offense)
@ANTSEMUT1 3 жыл бұрын
Lol just say you've never been to asia if you actually think we all look like what you describe. Also Micronesian are not as stocky as polynesian and they definitely are closely related to polynesian.
@asrrw80231 2 жыл бұрын
Asians now or.. let's minimize it to south east asia since austronesia starts from Taiwan. The current south east asian mostly have mixed blood with austro asiatic race. Maybe that's why we look slightly different (not much on facial difference actually, only difference on body size and height)deutero malays (malays, Javanese, phillipines etc) from proto-malays, negrito, polynesians and malagasy people. Also please don't compare to majority taiwanese now. They actually migrated from China. Aboriginal taiwanese are austronesians
@tunui1 2 жыл бұрын
@@ANTSEMUT1 I'm part Melanesian and Polynesian. Traveled through Asia back in the day. Met several people of many Asian nations. Besides, my point was about the origin of Polynesians before the event happened where after inter Island migration began. This fact is neglected by modern western historians.
@luciddreams5272 Жыл бұрын
The continent is probably Zealandia its a continent lost to the sea next to Australia
@TomiDeLuna 3 жыл бұрын
Mahalo nui loa!
@tiotiwilliams8311 3 жыл бұрын
Your %100 with Polynesian religion have similarities with the ancient Greeks.
@rainbow_flo 2 жыл бұрын
Right!! Gee, I wonder where the Greeks got it from!!☺🧐
@tiotiwilliams8311 2 жыл бұрын
@@rainbow_flo Greeks culture is older then ours
@rainbow_flo 2 жыл бұрын
Based on the current evidence, I’d say 100% Greece is far younger than Egypt by 3000 yrs according to scholars. We know the Minoans came before the Greeks and they were dark haired darker skinned people also…I’m leaning towards Polynesian or Melasians/Asians as the elders for sure;)
@BarHawa 2 жыл бұрын
@@rainbow_flo Polynesian here,yeah our oral traditions certainly predate the greeks. I wonder where we crossed paths or if there's any historical overlap
@TheSpeedstur Жыл бұрын
Greeks learned the Kemetic mystery school system. Kemet = Ham. Polynesians have ties to Ham as well.
@MalafuHustleTV 3 жыл бұрын
English = Taboo Tonga = tapu Hawai'i = kapu Samoa = tapu
@ANTSEMUT1 3 жыл бұрын
English actually borrowed that word from them in the first place, just added a few letters so it wasn't obvious.
@asrrw80231 2 жыл бұрын
South east asian = tabu
@BarHawa 2 жыл бұрын
@@asrrw80231 what part of SEA says that? I'm interested in learning more
@LaekSide 3 жыл бұрын
Lol Tane - is pronounced sounding like Tar neh
@TdubHQ 3 жыл бұрын
and 'Tar fidi ma deh a' for Tawhirimatea
@MalafuHustleTV 3 жыл бұрын
Funny how the front cover of the tongan Bible is titled, "Tohi Tabu" basically the king James version translated into tongan language! Tohi means to write or writings ✍ Tabu means Taboo Writings Taboo or Taboo writings Mind U the tongan alphabet does not have a letter B! 🤔
@907wolf 2 жыл бұрын
Mooni aubito!! Aupito😂😂😂
@lonosensei5242 6 ай бұрын
Yeah honestly I was turned off by the narrator within the first minute with the definition of Polynesia and the pronunciations… I know I’m biased but I’m tired of others learning our history and culture and then retelling it as if they are experts on the subject.. Just tell your stories about your peoples past. It doesn’t bother me that much but nah I’m not listening to this to actually learn because I know it’s flawed and it’s authentic. It doesn’t come from a lived experience it comes from an academic research project perspective. It doesn’t suck but it’s not the source of knowledge and wisdom - flawed… Tell Eirpoean stories instead
@nshorus5001 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder if them being matriarchal societies was the reason the Christian church was so obsessed with converting them.
@AmberHarris-e8v 6 ай бұрын
Jesus didnt put me in my mother belly or jesus didnt create me so i am not going to disrespect my mom who created me with my father. People who love jesus or dont believe in any God that they just came here. Now there is God and people who call me crazy might just not have a soul since they show no feelings at all.
@ClintonPotaeRota 5 ай бұрын
The heart is the Mana Not the language, here is my example because the church changed don't mean we have to,, if you find your unkles etc, there wallet full of cash, or belongings, your heart will lead you to true Mana,, I call my miss my kumara, people laugh, Nd IL say well she's my staple diet nd my sweet potatoes😜💯%
@Kowaitakuingoa 3 ай бұрын
I respect what you have learnt brother . However. If you wany a full exlamation on histpry all oir voyages and orogin land . And explaining the truth behind tyeboralnsacredvknowledge . Tapu means sacred/forbiden english word isnt taboo. . Certain knowledge is segregated for a very important reason . A direct instruction from the beginning. For a prochecy was in place ... No papa does not mean mother . . Im a direct Tuakana royalty a tohunga granfson of a chief . O Ngapuhi tohi tonu. Im specually gifted . . You are confusung the acrual words andesning . Papatuanuku . And Tiki tane . No ypu ate wrong sorry . You need to learn tye prooer words anf pronounciation is vital because your pronouciation translates a different word . However um able to decipher your pronoucuation . Teina the younger person or family Tuakana is oldest . Tane means male Tiki Tane was the firsr being . Son of Matua Io the creator
@gemahina9249 8 күн бұрын
Stop n learn the history of the Polynesian people because you’re making a fool of yourself.
@CallemJayNZ 8 ай бұрын
You're talking a whole lot of crap, where are you getting your facts from? There are too many instances to name, I heard about 12 false facts in less than five minutes. To top all of these inaccuracies off, you proceeded to butcher our languages.
@moungasikuea9384 Жыл бұрын
Were not from Taiwan Polynesian are one of the lost tribes of Israel
@themakuachronicles Жыл бұрын
Yes we are all female form until the dominant impulse in the chromosomal structure is developed. It’s why men have nipples and do not lactate.🧬🧔🏻‍♀️😂
@danielwebster5748 Жыл бұрын
You would think they would be many Polynesian statues as there are European have been unnerved that clearly saw a white man with a beard. What makes this amazing is the Indians usually grow nothing if anything at all a tiny bit of peach fuzz and they certainly did not have full beards. Yet scores of statues have been found that clearly show White people. Including in Mexico where I think they should be showing more Polynesians. There's even some stories that not only did the Polynesians come here but the Indians went there. I made sure there is plenty of evidence that many white people came here the Phoenicians, according to ancient Rome there was a land called Brazil fifteen hundred years before it was officially discovered, the Irish almost certainly came here and so did the Welsh. It has been proven that the Vikings came to Canada and since I believe in the Kensington runestone I believe they also made it to mainland America. There is also stories that the Chinese came here both in the 400ad and 1400s ad. View lands had been discovered as much as the Americas starting with the native American ancestors which we believe come from Asia but there's no clear evidence that that's where they came from. As a matter fact the gearheads more closely resemble European. I'm not so sure I believe the Chinese made it here twice because I believe their strong traditions would have lived on. They said it was common knowledge to Roman sailors that there was lands beyond the pillars of Hercules including continents. They discovered a land which they called brzl so they practically named Brazil fifteen hundred years before it was discovered. And then when the pilgrims got here they discovered Indians that were both white skin and they did old Irish customs as well as well as Welsh customs. They sent Lewis and Clark to the west and they told them what they really wanted them to look for was claims by the welsh to the land. Clearly they would want these destroyed because that would make their land claim valid.
@Wafflecat09 Жыл бұрын
Yay so much salad dressing Yippy thousands
@elliottjames671 Жыл бұрын
Polynesians taught greeks
@Kowaitakuingoa 3 ай бұрын
Maori pronouced moldy . Mel ree 🤣 Theres also a prophecy to that too ..
@petronellaeiksson1699 3 жыл бұрын
You know the idé of men as hunters and women as gatherers is not upp date? Love your work here.. but... I know fore a fact that people being intrerpretated as men because of whepens and hunting things has been proven to be female.. it was not that simpel.
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