I was looking around and found the dev's broke windmills the other day. They put out a Hotfix 1.205.026 on 25th Oct that has resolved this issue. So maybe you recorded this before the patch or just haven't updated yet. That whoopsie really wound up the SE community, all sorts of people freaking out. I'm hoping for your series that you build either a rover or a small ship to buzz around the planet you're on. I'm wishful to see you find some of the new planetary encounters that the "Contact" put into the game. You probably should put some blocks over your pit... sure as hell the minute you run out of hydrogen you will fall into it. I did.
@redsgamescompany2 ай бұрын
This episode and the next one were both filmed on the 24th 🤦 I actually made the thumbnail on the 25th and had to do some movie magic to keep the one from spinning, so good it's fixed at least. I do plan on taking a little trip to visit the neighbors sooner rather than later, so stay tuned!