Pr. Hector Torres - El Movimiento Adventista en El Tiempo Del Fin

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Iglesia Advenimiento del 7th Día Los Tres Angeles

Iglesia Advenimiento del 7th Día Los Tres Angeles

9 жыл бұрын

Пікірлер: 34
@blasinaaquinocontreras882 2 жыл бұрын
Bendito seas Dios. Tanto tiempo que no escuchaba un mensaje cómo esté. Dios sigas iluminando a esté pastor. Hoy día en nuestras Iglesia. sólo se puedes hablar del amor De Dios . En otras palabras.. vivas cómo quieras. Porqué cómo Dios es amor .. podemos hacer de todos. Tenemos que volver andar por la sendas antiguas.. qué Dios nos ayude.??
@007labuenasemilla Жыл бұрын
Video link kzbin.infomR35trw7SrM
@zosimolinaresperez9929 3 ай бұрын
Gracias por este hermoso mensaje que encontré en la redes sociales en éstos Días y lo estoy compartiendo para que otros lo vean, estos mensajes no se predican en nuestras iglesias,
@Doritossss964 Жыл бұрын
Mi hermano pastor Dios le bendiga gracias precioso y verdadero mensaje nada sabemos por aca peru todo mal la iglesia matando buey para comer por aniversario y el padtor el primero en edtar presente quw pena gracias a ustedes los mensajeros del tercwr angel que predican la reforma sabemos compartire estos mensajes
@Doritossss964 2 ай бұрын
Gracias Dios le de mas sabiduria un me saje de Dios lo compartire
@jorjegimenez227 6 жыл бұрын
Excelente Dios le siga dando sabiduría para compartir
@007labuenasemilla Жыл бұрын
Video link kzbin.infomR35trw7SrM
@gloriaalvarado9804 2 жыл бұрын
DIOS continue dandole sabiduria pastor para q nos la comparta en sus predicas y. abramos nuestro entendimiento de la verdad
@EL_RORO701 7 жыл бұрын
Interesantes conceptos bíblicos, me da gusto oír predicar la verdad sin tapujos, pero por otro lado me da nostalgia al ver lo contaminada que está la Iglesia incluso por alguno de sus líderes.
@patriciadiezgutierrez4394 5 жыл бұрын
Debemos de ser proveedores y hacedores de la santa Palabra de Dios
@007labuenasemilla Жыл бұрын
Video link kzbin.infomR35trw7SrM
@velasana3767 6 жыл бұрын
por favor hermanos pongan más volumen a video que no se escuchan, gracias y no me quiero perder la verdad presente, desde Venezuela
@007labuenasemilla Жыл бұрын
Video link kzbin.infomR35trw7SrM
@MariaJimenez-tv3ks 8 жыл бұрын
Alguien sabe donde predica este pastor, que ciudades visita? Como consigo su informacion, su calendario Yo vivo en el sur de California, donde encuentran iglecias de sosten propio? En Jalisco, Mexico hay iglecias de sosten propio?
@iglesiaadvenimiento 8 жыл бұрын
Vive en Sopokane Washington, lamentablemente no sabemos si existen iglesias en el lugar que usted menciona.
@mariobulnes7272 7 жыл бұрын
Maria Jimenez Hola si hay en México pastor Alejandro Maya
@isidrohernandezdominguez3052 6 жыл бұрын
La direccion de una iglesia de advenimiento en villa
@idualbertromero6456 6 жыл бұрын
Buenos dias estoy recibiendo buenos materiales de este pastor ..pero tengo una pregunta, que diferencia hay entre la iglesia adventista del septimo dia y la iglesia advenimiento del septimo dia los tres angeles,es necesario cambiar el nombre y formar otro grupo a parte de la iglesia adventista del septimo dia ?asi no crear confusion y division ..muchisimas gracias por sus respuestas.bendiciones..!
@miguelguerra1641 6 жыл бұрын
cuando se predica los principios dados al adventismimo...El matrimonio, el Sábado, la reforma pro salud - indumentaria y el sistema de Diezmos y primicias,entontes te dicen los líderes que no escandalices al pueblo, que si se dice la verdad del papado y sus herejías eres fanático, es ahí que te desfraternizan, entonces a unirse con los rechazados por los líderes, pero no por de la reforma y veo que la iglesia advenimiento siguen los principios puros Amen!!!
@revolucionyrestauracionrey5732 6 жыл бұрын
END OF 1700 YEARS OF APOSTASY The church of the Messiah in Judea 2000 years ago, was subjected from the beginning of the evangelization, until the 4th century, to persecution and death of its faithful by the Sanhedrin and the Roman Empire. Two hundred and fifty years after the Apostle Peter announced the second epistle, he began to fulfill and formalize the heresies of scriptural prophecy, mixing the good with the bad, coming to change and deny the Holy Name of the Messiah and his doctrine. 2nd. Kefá / Pedro bet: Because the prophecy was never brought by human will, on the contrary, men spoke on behalf of [Elohe YAHWEH / יהוה] ours being inspired by Ruach HaKodesh. There were also false neviim / prophets among the people, as there will be among you false morim / masters who will covertly introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Sovereign who rescued them. The Apostle Paul also prevented apostasy, writing 1st. to Timothy 4: 1 Now the Ruach speaks expressly, that in the yomim acharomim / last times some will depart from emunah / faith, listening to ruachim / seducing spirits, and teachings of shadim / demons. Under the fulfillment of these prophecies, there arose apostates of faith, in rebellion and desire for power, independent of the Holy Spirit and of one Gospel with in Mashiach YAHSHUA; beginning to delineate the new apostate Church, with the edict of Milan ordered by the emperor Constantine in the year 313, for political purposes, to prohibit the persecution of the early church and allow religious freedom, to strengthen the empire. In May of the year 325 the emperor supported the realization of the Council of Nicea where the organization of the religion of the Roman Catholic Church began, with syncretism of customs and rites, polytheists, to achieve the acceptance of a single religion in the world, receiving influence from a mixture of foreign deities. The Council of Nicea introduced norms such as: garments of purple of gold and priestly garnet (Rev. 17: 4), celebration of holidays (pagan date of Christmas), construction of temples (forbidden, Acts 7:48) and order to all the attending bishops, to destroy 266 testimonies, invaluable of the life of the Messiah, to leave alone, 4 gospels. In addition a creed was written, of obligatory fulfillment by the subjects, in all the empire, where fidelity was oath to the Roman catholic church, sealing therefore, the separation of the primitive church, under the pressure of persecution, jail or death to which oppose In the year 380 with the edict of Thessalonica of the Roman emperor Theodosius, the consolidation of the church of Rome began and he ordered all the peoples: that it be the Catholic Church of Rome, the official religion of the Roman Empire. (With apostate doctrine to change and abandon part of the fundamental beliefs ordered by Mashiach Yahshua). In the year 381 the council of Constantinople was convened, summoned by the Emperor Theodosius, where it is resolved against one God, and the Holy Scriptures 1ª.Corintios 8: 6. 1ª.Timoteo 2: 5-6 when introducing the trinitaria heresy to accept the equality of the Divinity of the Creator Father and Elohe / Omnipotent and Present, that One is and does not share its glory and Divinity, with its envoys, the Masiajh mediating Son Yahshua and of the Holy Spirit consoler; in which, he manifests his will and power directly with his Presence in them, without dividing or distributing his Glory and Power; without converting the Saints of his Kingdom, into Absolute.John 14:10 The holy trinity of the son and the Spirit in one God is against Isaiah 42: 8, Deuteronomy 6: 4, Matthew 1:23 (Elohe YAHWEH / יהוה in the Messiah Yahshua), Matthew 19:17, Matthew 23: 9 , Mark 12:29, John 14:23, Philippians 2: 6 (Spirit). The official church of the empire, the Roman Catholic Church, separated from the guidance of the Holy Spirit, completed its apostasy, with the heresy arising in the change of the Holy Name that invalidates the Christian bible, by reference, of the identity supplant Jesus called Christ . In1ª. Corinthians 3:11 The Holy Spirit tells us through the Apostle Paul "No one can lay another foundation than he who is laid, which is YAHSHUA / יהשע Ha Mashiach" The church of Messiah Yahshua, has nothing to do with Babylon the great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, official church of the empire, called the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church whose task was to consolidate the deceit and lie of Jesus Christ, altering and erasing more than 7,000 times the sacred Name of Father YAHWEH / יהוה and supplanting the identity of the life of YAHSHUA / יהשע HaMashiaj in the Holy Scriptures, for the loss of his followers, during 1700 years of deception, dragging the lukewarm into disgrace and Protestants, who did not seek in justice, the Kingdom, or the Truth.
@moncholenyas 6 жыл бұрын
La palabra "rapto" no esta en la Biblia pero la describe asi como la palabra "trinida" tampoco esta pero dice que son tres los que dan testimonio en el cielo , el Padre El Hijo y e Espiritu Santo.
@sinnombrenosepuede8795 6 жыл бұрын
Dios lo bendiga hno Moisés la palabra trinidad no esta pero si la palabra deidad
@joseharoldalbanmoreno6862 8 жыл бұрын
Queridos hermanos. Me parece que este pastor va a ser porseguido-
@007labuenasemilla Жыл бұрын
Video link kzbin.infomR35trw7SrM
@revolucionyrestauracionrey5732 6 жыл бұрын
END OF 1700 YEARS OF APOSTASY The church of the Messiah in Judea 2000 years ago, was subjected from the beginning of the evangelization, until the 4th century, to persecution and death of its faithful by the Sanhedrin and the Roman Empire. Two hundred and fifty years after the Apostle Peter announced the second epistle, he began to fulfill and formalize the heresies of scriptural prophecy, mixing the good with the bad, coming to change and deny the Holy Name of the Messiah and his doctrine. 2nd. Kefá / Pedro bet: Because the prophecy was never brought by human will, on the contrary, men spoke on behalf of [Elohe YAHWEH / יהוה] ours being inspired by Ruach HaKodesh. There were also false neviim / prophets among the people, as there will be among you false morim / masters who will covertly introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Sovereign who rescued them. The Apostle Paul also prevented apostasy, writing 1st. to Timothy 4: 1 Now the Ruach speaks expressly, that in the yomim acharomim / last times some will depart from emunah / faith, listening to ruachim / seducing spirits, and teachings of shadim / demons. Under the fulfillment of these prophecies, there arose apostates of faith, in rebellion and desire for power, independent of the Holy Spirit and of one Gospel with in Mashiach YAHSHUA; beginning to delineate the new apostate Church, with the edict of Milan ordered by the emperor Constantine in the year 313, for political purposes, to prohibit the persecution of the early church and allow religious freedom, to strengthen the empire. In May of the year 325 the emperor supported the realization of the Council of Nicea where the organization of the religion of the Roman Catholic Church began, with syncretism of customs and rites, polytheists, to achieve the acceptance of a single religion in the world, receiving influence from a mixture of foreign deities. The Council of Nicea introduced norms such as: garments of purple of gold and priestly garnet (Rev. 17: 4), celebration of holidays (pagan date of Christmas), construction of temples (forbidden, Acts 7:48) and order to all the attending bishops, to destroy 266 testimonies, invaluable of the life of the Messiah, to leave alone, 4 gospels. In addition a creed was written, of obligatory fulfillment by the subjects, in all the empire, where fidelity was oath to the Roman catholic church, sealing therefore, the separation of the primitive church, under the pressure of persecution, jail or death to which oppose In the year 380 with the edict of Thessalonica of the Roman emperor Theodosius, the consolidation of the church of Rome began and he ordered all the peoples: that it be the Catholic Church of Rome, the official religion of the Roman Empire. (With apostate doctrine to change and abandon part of the fundamental beliefs ordered by Mashiach Yahshua). In the year 381 the council of Constantinople was convened, summoned by the Emperor Theodosius, where it is resolved against one God, and the Holy Scriptures 1ª.Corintios 8: 6. 1ª.Timoteo 2: 5-6 when introducing the trinitaria heresy to accept the equality of the Divinity of the Creator Father and Elohe / Omnipotent and Present, that One is and does not share its glory and Divinity, with its envoys, the Masiajh mediating Son Yahshua and of the Holy Spirit consoler; in which, he manifests his will and power directly with his Presence in them, without dividing or distributing his Glory and Power; without converting the Saints of his Kingdom, into Absolute.John 14:10 The holy trinity of the son and the Spirit in one God is against Isaiah 42: 8, Deuteronomy 6: 4, Matthew 1:23 (Elohe YAHWEH / יהוה in the Messiah Yahshua), Matthew 19:17, Matthew 23: 9 , Mark 12:29, John 14:23, Philippians 2: 6 (Spirit). The official church of the empire, the Roman Catholic Church, separated from the guidance of the Holy Spirit, completed its apostasy, with the heresy arising in the change of the Holy Name that invalidates the Christian bible, by reference, of the identity supplant Jesus called Christ . In1ª. Corinthians 3:11 The Holy Spirit tells us through the Apostle Paul "No one can lay another foundation than he who is laid, which is YAHSHUA / יהשע Ha Mashiach" The church of Messiah Yahshua, has nothing to do with Babylon the great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, official church of the empire, called the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church whose task was to consolidate the deceit and lie of Jesus Christ, altering and erasing more than 7,000 times the sacred Name of Father YAHWEH / יהוה and supplanting the identity of the life of YAHSHUA / יהשע HaMashiaj in the Holy Scriptures, for the loss of his followers, during 1700 years of deception, dragging the lukewarm into disgrace and Protestants, who did not seek in justice, the Kingdom, or the Truth.
@007labuenasemilla Жыл бұрын
Video link kzbin.infomR35trw7SrM
@mariateresa8780 11 ай бұрын
Dios le bendiga pastor 🙏😮 porque husted pastor en muchas beses husted ase chiiip después chiiip eso párese chiichiii párese 🐍 serpientes
@moncholenyas 6 жыл бұрын
Usted esta mas confundio que un plato de spaghetti
@007labuenasemilla Жыл бұрын
Video link kzbin.infomR35trw7SrM
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