The End/Redemption - Fresh Account

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

6 жыл бұрын

Journeys End has arrived as we knew it would. I haven't included much conclusion talk in this one as I want to have a few more days to go over the info I provide here. Looking forward to it!
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Twitter: @Preachgaming
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The Good Book - / preachgaming

Пікірлер: 851
@Sachnix 6 жыл бұрын
After all this time, did it never occur to you that you could have easily increased your dps by 10% if you went and farmed some transmog for a decent mog? disappointed
@samuelemonaci 6 жыл бұрын
Sachnix everybody knows that if you look badass you do more damage
@mavirwow2364 6 жыл бұрын
Sachnix yeah wtf
@Sachnix 6 жыл бұрын
I thought he just forgot to mention it, was giving him the benefit of the doubt... But then i checked the armory..
@faelirra 6 жыл бұрын
10%, did you know since 7.3.5 it's been 25%
@streetpaladin 6 жыл бұрын
you make me so proud
@charlesmiller3725 6 жыл бұрын
Fantastic series. Very insightful, and I know it took a lot of time and effort into producing. Thanks.
@rscotthopson 6 жыл бұрын
This series has been one of the best pieces of content I've ever seen on KZbin. Thank you.
@Guyinurshado 6 жыл бұрын
Great series. I was sitting on a 940 hunter for the longest time, turned off by mythic plus from what I had seen before and unmotivated to try and fit my way into looking for raids in Antorus. The series, along with the get good for christmas stuff, helped motivate me into not only getting mythic +15 done, but also managing to get my way into heroic. I snagged AoTC on a Monday before reset and now I'm rocking a sweet 950 hunter. Thanks for helping motivate me with the series, even if it's supposed to be an experience for someone brand new to the game. Definitely got me where I was wanting to be!
@dijigo1587 6 жыл бұрын
Incredibly useful video(s) for a returning player (i.e. me!). Really appreciate the time you took to do this series.
@callumsmith3048 6 жыл бұрын
Gonna miss this series. Gratz big man
@HoneyHeartstrings 6 жыл бұрын
I don't even play World of Warcraft, but I enjoy all of your videos. This series has been my favorite. Thanks so much for all of your hard work.
@GreedySalvation 6 жыл бұрын
Ty, for this series Preach! It really inspired me to put myself out there more and start looking for a guild!
@AEresss 6 жыл бұрын
I can see your aff-lock rotation is getting better. Thank you for the series, was very entertaining
@akamaih6463 6 жыл бұрын
This was the best series I've seen in a long time. Hopefully you find another mystery or adventure to unravel in future !
@Xectos 6 жыл бұрын
Binge watched this entire series. Really good watch. Preach preaching truth about the pug world.
@ridmarkgaming 6 жыл бұрын
LOL at chat at 11:12. Preach: "I'm going to give my 2 cents to try and help out...... Nah, no one is listening to anyone anyway, so why bother." I feel this soooo much. lol
@ondrishjay5270 6 жыл бұрын
great series man! really nice to see all options available respectively. also you showed me how to play and have more fun, thanks again :)
@buscava 6 жыл бұрын
I've been living in this same spot for ages. Started watching your vids, especially this series. Thought fuck it, push out. Ended up smashing out a +16 yesterday on my Paladin tank, first plus over 11 i've done. Got a guild invite from one of the guys. Great series Preach thanks very much!
@Demonamic777 6 жыл бұрын
Loved this, it was a really refreshing perspective to hear and see. To understand how everything is currently working and why it is that way. I've noticed from time to time that my shit geared characters would be top of the board and I later figured out it was simply because I wasn't dying to easy mechanics. Perhaps another project you could tackle for fun, maybe a bit more relaxing is exploring the world of Role Play in WoW and the communities for it. It's one of the #1 reasons I still play WoW, even DnD style out of game but with the Warcraft lore.
@DamageIncBHS 6 жыл бұрын
Hey preach, I'm a long time viewer of this channel. Just dropping in to say that I felt that this was one of the best pieces of content you have created on this channel. I would love to see more content like this, even if not the same thing!
@lajudicedaniel 6 жыл бұрын
I wish they'd just remove the need of a tome to respec your talents when its obvious that you should be changing them for most bosses. It might even make many players understand that you're supposed to instead of keeping it one way. Blizzard wants us to change talents to optimize for each fight , why are they making it more annoying than it needs to be.
@trysephiroth007 6 жыл бұрын
They said they didn't want people to feel like they have to keep swapping talents for trash packs then back for the boss. I hate the talent tomes as well though.
@Preachgaming 6 жыл бұрын
the sad part is people just specced for trash then as its more useful in dat to day wow life and made boss killing much harder
@EvelynDayless 6 жыл бұрын
They need introduce setable talent templates that you can swap between easy >.>
@xXSocksGamingXx 6 жыл бұрын
Truck'N Boats Tip: If you wanna make your point, maybe you shouldn’t assume so much about the other person and stop calling them little kids. Honestly it makes you look more like a little kid than you accuse them of being. Have a nice day!
@kloaf1131 6 жыл бұрын
Truck no your attitude is what's cancer in the wow generation. Tomes only exist to keep inscribers doing things. They literally serve no purpose. As someone who using a dozen minimum a week they exist to just put money into someone's pocket for literally no reason.
@AndrewO83 6 жыл бұрын
What a damn fine series. I was enthralled from beginning to end and I have this series saved in my watch list. I have previously levelled 110's but I recently resubbed and I haven't pre-purchased BfA yet so I still have a boost coming. I am in a newly formed guild already so I might stick with them I reckon and work on the background stuff when they're not doing anything. Can't for another series because this is seriously good viewing.
@jerboody2773 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome, awesome series! Thanks the amount of legitimate research you put into this. I’ve always pretty much felt your conclusion to be true so definitely interesting to see the evidence to back it. I’m about as casual as you can get and have a very irregular schedule so I cant even be there on the same night of the week each week yet I almost always get aotc before the current content becomes stale (I truly have no desire to delve into mythic raiding whatsoever). I took the time and effort to eventually find a casual guild with a good raid leader who isn’t afraid to sit under-performers if we’re stuck on a boss. When I am available on raid night, I sign up in advance, come prepared, and pull my weight. If I’m unable to raid with my guild a certain week, I can almost always get into pugs to down at least a few bosses so I’m still giving myself a chance to increase my power and that’s because, again I come prepared and play my class properly. When there are bad wipes, I’m not the one getting kicked. Bottom line I think you nailed it, bad players are bad BECAUSE they’re basically lazy; if they’re not willing to spend time finding a guild and learn fights through progression, they’re probably not willing to spend the time to learn to play their class properly either. Of course it doesn’t stop there as they’re too lazy to acknowledge their shortcomings and blame their performance on bad legendaries, bad trinkets, or item level. Maybe you should do an experiment where you and some competent friends create “pugs” and allow people with suboptimal item level and no aotc to join...smash your way through the first 10 bosses and then kick everyone below 1 million dps (or some other indicator of being a bad player) before Argus...just to see how many people in the pug world still looking for the aotc are actually contributing to the pugs they join. Keep the exceptional videos coming!
@The_Kenster 6 жыл бұрын
10:20 oh yeah my favorite boss, Kin'Gorothi Worldbreaker
@r_e046 6 жыл бұрын
what? XD
@iDPSthings 6 жыл бұрын
hahaha I noticed this as well
@MagicMarty90 6 жыл бұрын
Hit that boss with your Doombringer
@cjdesantis2131 6 жыл бұрын
Kenny Green yea isn't it great when people drop the aoe on the whole raid
@Fheele 6 жыл бұрын
I genuinly enjoyed following this seies. Thank you for the great content!
@ericm5328 6 жыл бұрын
Word Preach! Well done buddy and an awesome investigation of the pug life!
@ricksmith7063 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great series. Really enjoyed it. Well done.
@fatestick 6 жыл бұрын
Great series, Preacher. I'm really impressed by the constraints you gave yourself and the way you reflected on your conclusions. To the latter, I'd like to propose that you look into the guild scene in WoW. Imagine what a new player or a reforming "solo hero" player following your advice from this series would encounter: guild types, guild "shopping," do's and don'ts, preparation and application, getting on a raid schedule, how to handle drama, and when to leave. I'm one of those players who has been a guilded raider before - always very middle of the pack, admittedly - and the experiences I've had have been so bad that I outright quit in MoP and didn't come back until Legion, and even then I remained ardently guildless. I know that Drama Time covers the funny cases that sometimes come up, but just the everyday social games and politics of a guild are something I've never seen handled well by any guild, ever, and I'd really like to know what I should do. What I'm trying to say is that there are reasons why a person plays WoW this way, and I'd really like to see you look into them and give your advice on how to get past those reasons and get out of this swamp.
@Zasaramel 6 жыл бұрын
That's not really something anyone can give someone else advice over other than just the generic do's and don'ts that should be pretty clear. If a guild has people who are overly rude/selfish/aloof then it might not be a good place to be. If raids are cancelled a lot or late due to people afk'ing or not showing up, then its probably not a good place to be. Outside of that, dealing with people and forming social bonds so that you enjoy the group you are playing with is a different experience for everyone. There's no clear-cut right or wrong way to go about trying to make friends or handling drama. The best thing you can try to do is know yourself. Know what kind of people you like to be around and those you don't, find your limits on dealing with people who get angry/make jokes/talk too much/think they know everything/etc so that when you encounter them you can make an informed decision. It's impossible to ask a KZbinr how you should handle making new friends or how to deal with friends in a guild situation when things get tense. Best thing he or any of us could tell you is to be as patient as possible, try to see things from their point of view before reacting, and give yourself time to calm down before making decisions after a tense situation.
@melissarecord7102 6 жыл бұрын
Nice project, I really enjoyed following it and I am glad you were successful with it even if it was very painful.
@Gelanabird 6 жыл бұрын
Loved this series. Preach, seriously, major kudos for this. I did not want to comment on this until I finished the series. I haven't lived in the full pug world in quite some time. Heck I don't really know if I ever really lived in a pug world from when I started playing back in TBC. I was extremely fortunate to get into a guild almost immediately and make friends almost right away, many of which after 11yrs I still play and talk to today. However, pugging back then is nowhere near what it is today because it goes into the whole server community and so on and so forth. Toxicity definitely dose exist in the game and within the player base, and truthfully it's always been there. I think it's smaller than what people like to claim it to be, because we all know a negative experience far outweighs a positive one. I fully agree with you that "bad" comes nowhere near to and accurate description to some of these players. To be honest I find this very sad. Quite frankly I blame systems like LFR where mechanics are so cheesed that you gain no real learning benefit for it. In my experience LFR is so bad in comparison with toxicity and just general cheese I think this sets a bad example of what organized group content actually looks like in the game. I also think it sets up a false narrative that you can just smash and grab through the entire game. Quite honestly I really do blame Blizzard and the scenario it's created with the community. Ilvls have become ever increasingly important. However, with the caches and other ways to gear up your character the community now no longer relies on ilvl alone. You have and logs. These are great tools, but now have become another step in the gating process. Thus as you stated the players that logged while you were raiding. If these didn't exist, would you have gotten into the group? Do I think it's possible, absolutely. Why people choose to go through the game "solo style" is beyond me, because you will have to at some point interact with people in some form or fashion if you wish to do any of the harder content. I could place theory after theory on the dichotomy of guilded players vs the solo mentality from my personal experiences over the years, but that would seriously make up a novel.
@erikbraun473 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Preach, long time watcher, first time commenter here. I really enjoyed this series. It reminded me how fun and rewarding truly playing with friends is, which I think is the point here. Find friends and play with them. You will accomplish more and have more fun doing it even at higher content levels. Thanks for the reminder mate and cheers!
@nicolainkh5242 6 жыл бұрын
Next serie, how to find a guild :D
@pharynx007 6 жыл бұрын
finding a guild isn't *too* hard. look on wowprogress, for a guild with some sort of progress on this tier. find out who the guild leader is, and start talking to them. find out what raid days are, what their goals are, see if it is a fit for what you want to accomplish. using the in game guild finder tool is worthless, and honestly, even the official forums are pretty bad for finding guilds. yeah, you have to take a little time, and talk to people. but it isn't that difficult imo.
@gitogal 6 жыл бұрын
he already done that many times
@criticalmass3993 6 жыл бұрын
Not sure if its thing anymore but guilds used to have their own websites where you could submit your application, check their progress, current roster etc..
@chiangsean9554 6 жыл бұрын
find a "good" guild that you can stick with for a long period of time, would be the challenge
@badassoverlordzetta 6 жыл бұрын
You're a good man Mike, better than the community deserves. There won't be enough people who gain the value of your experiences here, but there will be some. Just another small reminder that there ARE people who care, people who are tired of excuses, who want to get better that you've directly inspired. Keep on fighting the good fight, your fellows on this journey are with you every step of the way.
@marcus2914 6 жыл бұрын
Recommended this series to couple of friends. Good job!
@squelch13 6 жыл бұрын
Would loved to have seen this series done by Emma to truly show how it's like coming in all new and fresh, and seeing how quickly and easily she could have done it.. that way you can have an unlearned experience..
@JBrandonMercer123 6 жыл бұрын
As an affliction warlock, I can confirm that we have to respec all the time and it is extremely annoying. It is, however, less annoying than bottoming out the meters and being a burden to the group.
@DieSerah 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Preach for this Video Series it was Great Fun to Watch
@nathanfurniss4996 6 жыл бұрын
First off, loved this series preach. I have recently moved relms and boosted a new character to play with some friends. I am an avid pvp'er. But dont have the time or flexibility with my job to commit to a raid schedule so i find myself often in this "pug world" if i want to try to do a M+ or the occational raid to boost my ilev. As we all know gearing through pvp is impossible these days. This video series has given me a lot of insight with respect to how I should spend my limited pve time in order to maximize my +ilev/hour. Thanks for posting this it has been a pleasure to watch all the vids in this series.
@jamesandrews3535 6 жыл бұрын
Love this series, good job dude :D Props to the RL too!
@hannahlanai 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO MUCH, Preach, for putting in the time, effort, and patience to do this challenge. It was super interesting to me and I really liked the breakdown of ilvl gained per hour in different contexts. Personally, I wish Blizzard would increase the base ilvl of items that drop in M+ to higher levels for higher keys. For any decently geared player, 940 items are just instant Chaos Crystals, and considering you have to farm M+ for some BiS gear that you can’t get in raid (for some classes), you’re forced to basically spend hours of time just for a rare titanforge of and item with good stats. Once you’re geared in Heroic or higher gear, doing M+ is basically pointless unless you’re working on your score or farming a specific item (which will probably not WT/TF anyway) other than the weekly chest (which can yield unusable garbage as well). I hope anyone that’s in this pug life situation takes your advice and joins a guild. Personally I wouldn’t be playing if guilds didn’t exist. Also: Preach, I know you said you’re not playing your Lock anymore, but with your newfound prowess at Affliction, would you consider doing a guide of how to play Affliction well? I just picked one up as an alt a few weeks ago, and I’d love to hear some of the finer points of how’re you’re getting those pretty, orange parses for your ilvl. Just a suggestion/request, and thanks again for the series- super interesting to watch.
@bongosock 6 жыл бұрын
Hey preach, I gave up on wow in warlords (no surprise there) but still kept an eye on your vids. This series made me want to give Legion a go. I know it was personally expensive for you to set up (in both time and money), but really appreciated it. Thanks very much for your time and trouble :)
@TheArcaneWonder 6 жыл бұрын
Preach, I gotta hand it to you, doing all this research has been incredibly enlightening and I hope blizzard is paying attention to make some positive changes.
@KeesRomkes 6 жыл бұрын
Best video you've done (and I've seen fully) thanks!
@TaguianBassment 6 жыл бұрын
This series was so good
@MrDeemio 6 жыл бұрын
This has been some great videos. Thank you!
@pixi301 5 жыл бұрын
I really liked this series! I used to be part of this pug world for the entirety of Legion before I joined a guild when Uldir launched and I'm honestly not sure if I'd still be playing if I had not made that change. Besides the fact that I'm progressing through raid content drastically faster while spending only a fraction of the time that I used to (maybe excluding the first week or two of new m+ seasons) I think the best part about it is that I actually enjoy spending time with the people I'm raiding with.
@NomadicAssassin 6 жыл бұрын
So I just got my Ahead of the curve last night with my guild (shout out to my amazing guild :D), the coincidence of your timing is impeccable. Grats to you on the achieve though, feels good :D
@thispandaispurple 6 жыл бұрын
TLDR: Join a guild.
@slickepinne100 6 жыл бұрын
Fuck guilds
@WordofBob 6 жыл бұрын
Hethrus Joining a guild doesn't fix the problem for most when it comes to mythic+ as there is still the in crowd when trying to form up for anything. If you're not in that group, you're still pugging.
@fadithedog 6 жыл бұрын
Word Of Bob Find a better guild, I recently came back and my previous guild had a huge roster change and I didn’t recognize anyone anymore so I left and found another guild. New guild helped me get my mythic 15s done
@thispandaispurple 6 жыл бұрын
You literately don't get to complain about organized group content being too hard if you PERSONALLY DECIDE not to join an organized group.
@WordofBob 6 жыл бұрын
Hethrus who was complaining about hard content? I just said end of the day you're still pugging, even in a guild. Wow is better in a guild, it's just not the cure all that some think it is.
@lytherael2309 6 жыл бұрын
As a complete noob in WoW who just joined at the middle of Legion I greatly enjoyed these videos.
@atlasxsanity 6 жыл бұрын
Well I enjoyed the series I hope you enjoyed making it Preach.
@raymontus 6 жыл бұрын
I have really enjoyed this series Preach, more than you I suspect. I would really appreciate a contradictory series where you either start a new toon, or take this one and show the process of choosing and integrating into a guild and how mythic + and raiding differs. If that is possible that ok would be incredible. Grats on curve btw
@Nem_FFXIV 6 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this series, thank you!
@Chocoboel 6 жыл бұрын
@preach now you need to go back onto your main account, with the guild, make a boosted character, immediatly join the guild and have the exact same goals as this run through, and show people the comparrison. your saying 0.8 ilvl per hour. show them how useful a guild can be.
@SwedetasticGames 6 жыл бұрын
Rogue Beast probably should get Into a guild that isn't pissing on Mythic tho. Get Into a friends one that is pissing on HC would be more Fair of a comparison I believe.
@jthompson6189 6 жыл бұрын
This would be fun to watch. I would imagine a person can be 960 in one reset, minus the dumb time gating for the second leggo.
@MrOPD 6 жыл бұрын
That comparison would do nothing... because most people don't just randomly join 11/11 mythic guilds that willingly equip their 870 alt in a week. Who cares how fast you can equip an alt with the help of a guild? No guilds gonna do that for your main character.
@sddulloo 6 жыл бұрын
They do it for my alts. Also i agree he should join hc guild not mythic. There are 2 ways a new player can get in. 1. Join hc guild and become a raider and make friends. 2. Join a mythic guild as social. Both ways will get you curve. You might get more gear faster in the long run as a raider in a hc guild over a social in a mythic guild
@Outwardpd 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe not join his main guild, but join a random guild on the account he has his warlock on and basically repeat the process without the restriction of 'no guild'. He should also make all the videos before he posts the first one otherwise people will obviously find out it is him.
@purplegurl76 6 жыл бұрын
Loved this series, Thank you! .... Now do it again as alliance ;)
@mrborgeusborg9164 6 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on curve!! This is a goal for so many. What I see is this series is also a guide. You should do a last video with "go to this site, click here, you can here look at what talents your class and spec are using for this fight" I know it's warcraftlogs, but does the big mass that? A guide for new players to learn HOW TO IMPROVE your raiding. I know of weak auras and CD-managment video that you did 3 months ago. It helped me to the degree that I today usually have between 70-95% on Garothi and Varimathras. It's worse on Felhounds, Antoran high command and Aggramar.
@dudda5000 6 жыл бұрын
Brilliant series, thanks for this. As someone who used to raid in previous years I only pugged in legion thus far so won't be doing that for bfa
@_naichog4425 4 жыл бұрын
the intro, the first 15 seconds... so fkin good. cant really tell what i like about it, but man
@bansheeownz 6 жыл бұрын
This really was a great series. Really brought home a lot of things I've felt about the game for a while now. If you don't have any friends in this game, make some. You can bypass so much frustration if you do. This is why I don't touch the pug world on a new character until I've completely exhausted as much solo content as I can. From MoP until now I've played this way. You can completely bypass the LFR tier without even touching it. It's been an undisputed waste of time for years. By the time you've grinded the solo content, got your veiled Argunite gear, your leggos, and bought your raid mats, all of a sudden you can destroy most content and you've passed a majority of player characters in terms of power and you are ready to start the Normal-Heroic grind. The same was true for WoD and MoP. You don't need runes, the satchel, or wakening essence. You'll get more wakening essence from Normal then you would from LFR. I know some people like to run their daily heroic, but even that I find to be a waste of time. Everything you can get from this content, you can get better from other sources with not much more initiative. You're better off spending the least amount of time running frustrating content and starting on your next character then you are to fall into the pug world trap. Just keep up on your 15 or the highest you can get into, Normal, and Emmisary quests and spend the rest of your time doing whatever you want.
@BSwitchGTG 6 жыл бұрын
This has been a really good series. I don't really know why, but I've never once done an M+. I've done maybe all the dungeons on M-0 difficulty, but likely not more than once each. After this series, I'm going to give it a spin. I got stuck in the LFR cycle back in Dragon Soul, and honestly haven't done much outside of the easiest faceroll content since. I can't agree more with your comments earlier - why would anyone want to do such a pointless grind?! The truth is, being stuck in that routine has caused me to play less of WoW lately than ever. Honestly, this series has been more motivating to push for something higher than anything else. They said "Oh, LFR will make people want to push because they'll get a taste, exposure, and will be able to learn the basics in a stress-free environment." Nah, that's BS. My thinking was, "Well, I've seen all the content now. What's next..." So thanks Mike - gonna try to push outside the comfort zone a bit and, I dunno, actually enjoy parts of the game I've not tried in years again!
@r_e046 6 жыл бұрын
This might be kinda weird but I wouldn't mind helping you both out-and ingame. Unless you are on the US servers :P
@tristancaldalt2942 6 жыл бұрын
Similar to what ruud said, but if you are on US servers. Assuming you would want to improve and are open to criticism.
@tbuksuperfly 6 жыл бұрын
I'd definitely take the above guys up on their offers. I'm sure a lot disagree but I think m+ is some of the best content bliz have come up with. I remember farming heroics back in tbc (shadow labs #neverforget ) and it was always the same (didn't play much after that until wod), yet the m+ affixes bring different elements and tactics to the run it helps keep the content fresh no matter how many times you've done that dungeon. Some affixes mean you have to completely change your playstyle to overcome it. That combined with the ramping difficulty scale as you increase your +number keeps it current and interesting. Excellent idea.
@cashnelson2306 6 жыл бұрын
Steve Paulson why would you do this to yourself? Join a damn guild
@mrborgeusborg9164 6 жыл бұрын
Steve. If you are EU alliance. Send me a message with your battletag. I will join you! I have alts that can complete +20, +15, +8 and I can also start from scratch. It would be awesome to join you in this trip!
@Sindragozer 6 жыл бұрын
Great end to a great series, Preach!
@evansloan2579 6 жыл бұрын
Best serious since legacy vids. Well done mate
@tickleyourmango2206 6 жыл бұрын
Fantastic work on this project Preach. Really well fucking done. I would easily put this in my top 10 favorite videos/video series on KZbin, and that's coming from someone who watches KZbin as someone else would watch Netflix/Hulu/Cable TV. Not only was this series so enjoyable for me to watch because I connected with it being that I am a returning Emerald Nightmare raider who had missed ALL Legion content between EN and Antorus, but it was also so enjoyable to watch because you struck such a fantastic balance in this video. You didn't just spit a bunch of information at us and say "Well here's what's most efficient, I'm not going to tell you why, but trust me. Don't forget to smash that mother fucking like button." you explained in perfect detail your experience with the entirety of this project/journey. It was educational, it was funny, it was interesting, it was damn near perfect in my opinion. You nailed this video project and this is why I follow your videos so religiously. I find it hard now-a-days to find well produced and coherent content, but I am never disappointed with yours. Alright enough sucking your dick, just keep this shit up man. Great work.
@dontatme4431 6 жыл бұрын
I started playing this game a year ago and this is not how it closely even went... I knew about WoW for a long time ago but a year was the first time I stepped into subbing to play. This series was very nice, but it was nice to the examination of the pug world, that's it. No excuses Preacher.
@subaveragejoe2 6 жыл бұрын
...what? This was always about the pug world.
@castiex9391 6 жыл бұрын
Great video series really enjoyed it hope u put something similar soon 👍🏻
@James-StJames 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent work sir.
@Dantarn 6 жыл бұрын
If this was this hellish for Preach imagine what it'd be like for someone that has no idea what they're doing in the game xD Be that as it may, awesome series Preach! Of course we'll never get someone's real perspective on what it's like to be a total noob unless it was like, your wife playing and no one told her what to do or helped, but your insight into each situation really trumped having that be the case
@gilesgilbert2404 6 жыл бұрын
Well said and well played Preacher!
@annier6171 5 жыл бұрын
I have really enjoyed this, thanks :)
@WarwallTheFaithful 6 жыл бұрын
Way to walk the walk Preach.
@MrKrille93 6 жыл бұрын
What a scrub, am I right
@alfonsanteros2271 6 жыл бұрын
get emma to do it
@Moritz606 6 жыл бұрын
i think emma actually has the achievement from getting carried by his mates xD
@blackhand95 6 жыл бұрын
I'd watch this holy shit
@NeonAtari 6 жыл бұрын
I learned a lot from this series.
@raineyrobb 6 жыл бұрын
Glad to see Preach could get shit on by the pub world for a bit. Sad he couldn't get every boss, but it also makes me chuckle.
@flech3025 6 жыл бұрын
That is fucking awesome, that in the end skill payed off for you in this experiment. And the skill demonstrated carried over even though you didnt demonstrate your skill to anyone in the raid that got you curve. At the end of TBC I was doing PUG raids with people from the top guilds on the server and many months later when I applied to one of those guild in Wrath part of what got me invited to the guild was how I played in those PUGs. I am glad this aspect of the game is not completely dead in spite of everything Blizzard has done.
@victor_schroder 6 жыл бұрын
Like the videos a lot, thanks for making them
@evamuhlhause 6 жыл бұрын
Ideally this game is played in a guild with friends, that's the best experience. Hopefully with the new expansion coming out there'll be more guilds at all levels recruiting. Thanks for all the effort you put in.
@Anonymous-mp2ln 6 жыл бұрын
It is good to see you kept to your word and achieved both Mythic 15 and AotC. I have little doubt you will be happy to leave the Hotel California we call PUG life.
@moviac 6 жыл бұрын
hell yeah, preach preaching the preach
@Tobeh 6 жыл бұрын
11:20 Watching Preach tell himself "They aren't worth it, keep your cool man!" wrestling with his inner demons as some one in chat probably says something wildly incorrect about the boss strategy.
@Craxler 6 жыл бұрын
Do the same thing but try and get into a guild ASAP so there is a somewhat clear comparrison on what a guild helps you out with? :D Really enjoyed this series even though i havent played WoW since cataclysm :D
@jobi7651 6 жыл бұрын
Grats preacher!
@reelwheel7974 6 жыл бұрын
preach, im glad u got to experiance this project,i myself did this troughout legion,i used to be hardcore heroic raider when i started the game but due to work i couldnt find a guild that raids at like 1 in the morning because tahts about the time i gothome from work, i got back into wow, but all i could do to gear up was doing M+ and omg its fking hidius, but to be verry honest, if ur a tank is soooo muuuuuuuch EASIER!
@xannaya8584 6 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this series. I was sorely tempted to resub after the first video but watching the rest reinforced why i no longer play ; RL commitments mean I cant commit to raid guild times - not willing to put myself through this just to keep playing for nostalgias sake.
@PinkDevilFish 6 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you did this project as I found it interesting. I'm kind of in this boat at the moment as my guild I've been in since Firelands recently disbanded and I'm left with few people to play with. Have been hoping a new guild would reform from the ashes but I should probably start looking now. I really wonder what it would have been like for you if you hadn't gotten that hood on your lock so quickly.
@martins458 6 жыл бұрын
loved this series
@brianscomics4900 6 жыл бұрын
Best intro of 2018
@thegoblin3629 6 жыл бұрын
I watched all episodes of this and it really confirmed my early experiences back when WoW first came out. This play style isn't fun! I didn't want to be in a hardcore guild because it required more time and dedication than I wanted to give. I was in a guild with friends I met PLAYING THE GAME and we did all the Late game 5 man Dungeons together. We glitched into the Sands of Time and glitched into Mount Hyjal. The world is worth exploring! That's what I loved in the game. Having a team that worked well together. We didn't have legendaries. We didn't have loads of alts and every spec and profession covered. But We each had a role, and friendship on forums and MySpace. Anyone who decides to be a loner and just kinda show up to a raid with selfish intention is missing more than just what it is to play World of Warcraft. They're missing the best part of being human.
@horrorkesh 6 жыл бұрын
it may be that I was raised (so to speak) in a raid environment but I always look at class guides and sites like icy veins so I understand why my talents are chosen and things that work together as well as figuring out why things need to be used together
@TacBlades 4 жыл бұрын
Just watched this series, and its exactly the same at the end of BFA now. Without a nice guild its very hard, and to find a nice guild is also very hard.
@Philwastaken00 2 жыл бұрын
just watched this series, and its exactly the same in shadowlands hahaha
@Loggern01 6 жыл бұрын
Can someone tell me what addon he has, that shows his character menu like this? 7:51 ?
@timeless_1337 6 жыл бұрын
I'd like to share a little story that, I feel, supplements this series very well. I have since quit WoW (again), but during Cataclysm I started playing WoW after having taken a 1-2 year break. I came back when the Dragon Soul patch was released. I leveled up 4 characters; my main alliance Druid, and then a horde mage, warlock, and death knight. I am an experienced raider from Vanilla/TBC, so as soon as I capped my characters and got the appropriate ilvl from heroic dungeons, I immediately started forming PUG Dragon Soul runs. I had been out of the game for a long time and remember the clown fiesta that most guilds were. So I formed my own guild and only invited my own characters to it. I would form a group 5 nights out of the week with 1 of my 3 horde characters. I began attracting attention and it wasn't long before I had a group of 5-10 guys that would regularly came to my runs on their alts. I used voice chat, but didn't require everyone to join it as long as they weren't consistently fucking things up. I always formed the group and acted as raid leader. Within about 2 months I had cleared DS Heroic on all my horde characters, and even beaten my alliance guild to my first Deathwing kill. I also gotten the rare mount from Deathwing. I won the roll fair and square as I refused to loot it for myself, though only 4 people in that group rolled against me with the rest agreeing that I deserved it. I always think back on this experience whenever people talk about how bad WoW has gotten if you aren't part of a community. Granted, I was much more experienced at the game than most people at the time. I was also dedicated enough to my own gaming experience that I watched countless hours of PreachGaming class guides and FatBoss raid boss guides to make sure that I understood as much as I could. My stance with WoW when it comes to raiding is "If I need it explained to me, then I haven't done enough research." This approach was instilled in me by my first ever guild which was a hardcore vanilla raiding guild. Was top 100 in the world at one point during the first year of WoW's release. If you didn't understand the fights, and needed more than just an explanation as to which strategy we would be using, you were immediately kicked from the raid and replaced by someone who was prepared. I guess the point is, the PUG world is really only in the state that its in because all the newer players are used to having everything spoon fed to them. Then entire game has been dumbed down and simplified to point of almost mindlessness until you reach the raiding/mythic+ level. And even then there are levels within those tiers that spoon feed you even more. Lets be honest with ourselves, WoW is not a mechanically intensive game and does not take a lot of skill to play. The most complicated characters top out at about 60 APM (at least last I checked). What truly separates most people in this game is knowledge and anticipation, and the gameplay itself has stripped people of the drive to learn things for themselves. I believe I had a leg up on people when it came to my PUG raiding DS because of my background, but ultimately it is because I cared about knowing what I needed to know in order to lead and direct people that was the key to success. So many PUG raid leaders now-a-days expect to invite 19 (or however many) other players with a minimum item level that rivals gear you get in the raid and that already understand every aspect of every boss fight. Its just not going to happen, and the logic behind why you would expect such a thing is so backwards its crazy to me. You can't always expect to be taught everything, sometimes you have to learn it on your own. And you can't always expect things to go the way you want if you aren't taking control and directing them to the destination you desire.
@iljagobeyn8914 6 жыл бұрын
i loved this project man. Going to link the shit out of it XD
@adamriley5640 6 жыл бұрын
I’m not trying to nag the experiment or anything but I am curious. The only addons I use is a damage meter and a bag combiner. I use the original ai and wondering how much of a difference the addons help with the raids.
@NLcloud13 6 жыл бұрын
I'm recently new to Wow but what are logs & procentile?? i did check for addons did not find it. oh and BTW Deadly boss mod is really a mess but is needed for a pull timer. how are you guys playing with a full UI??
@Jazza889 6 жыл бұрын
Loved this series
@torstengreulich2207 6 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know which WA / AddOn that is which keeps yelling "YOU ARE THIS MARK" in raids at him? (7:10 for example)
@Tjlo1339 6 жыл бұрын
As a decently successful mythic raider, (Cutting edge on all content I played) that stopped playing before tomb mythic came out, I believed the weekly chest was fantastic. It was a great way to supplement the very specific gear that you get from raids. I played an Enhancement shaman and for some slots of gear I had no optimal secondary stat drops form the raids. So having that potential each week to get a piece of gear in a slot that did not drop in the current raid tier in any combination of good secondary stats, was great.
@EdyGlockenspiel 6 жыл бұрын
What is the addon he uses to show his AP bar in his character info tab next to his trinkets and weapons?
@TehFiishy 6 жыл бұрын
Well done for pushing through. And because of this I've made my warlock's logs public instead of unlisted. I have some decent % on there, and hopefully it might help :D (I play destro though so yeah, we'll see)
@Tijuanabill 6 жыл бұрын
No Cutting Edge??
@unbeatablelucka4213 Жыл бұрын
Hey preach love the series, you reckon you'll do the flip of this experiment where you get AOTC on a character that joiner a guild??
@sexdrugsnviolence 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome videos dude
@ZynReckless 6 жыл бұрын
Does somebody know the name of the song in the background?
@peatbogfaierie 6 жыл бұрын
Lovely post Preach....i gave up wow at Mists..wish i could start again in vanilla wow in Teldrassil on my lvl 5 hunter when a lvl 60 warlock ran past me on a burning mount...holy feck ,this was the game for me !
@Woelock 6 жыл бұрын
Holy, when you described the aggramar, I saw night and day eu vs na. If a lead said that shit in na, 7-8 times out of 10 the group might have just died right there.
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