Premium Ships and Gambling - World of Warships Blitz

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Fun and Games with Terry

Fun and Games with Terry

8 ай бұрын

Do you need a premium ship? This may sound like a little bit of a weird question, but many games are "pay to win", where you can free-play to a certain point, usually just enough to get you invested, but then you're being steamrolled by players who just open their wallet. It's almost like there's a method behind that. Well, Warships Blitz is not one of those games. Still, premium ships exist, gambling mechanics exist, and stuff costs a serious amount of money, so here's my opinion on the whole.
Opinions are like behinds. Everyone has one.
#warshipsblitz #wowsblitz

Пікірлер: 48
@TheSoulfire73 8 ай бұрын
Premium ships are nice but not necessary in this game. The nicest thing about the premium ships is the ability to swap commanders for free. If you are willing to grind tech lines, battle honors and save your gold from mission crates, you will get a far amount of tier 6 premiums and be able to pick some up from the shipyard or when they go on sale for gold. I’ve been known to grab a ship out of the sonar sweep. It’s pricey but I know I’ll get the ship. I avoid the crates for the most part, due to the horrible drop rates.
@jcwoodman5285 8 ай бұрын
I've been playing since year 2 & have never purchased a premium for full price ( I bought a couple of Sales like Belfast) & have done well in game & still enjoy it! I do not do gambling in WoWb, just crap odds... I do buy Blitz Pass as appropriate 😊
@mdtransmissionspecialties 8 ай бұрын
I’ve spent 120$ trying to get the camo for my Groningen twice now and still haven’t got it. it’s just the risk you take you just have to know where the limit is and stick too it no matter how much you’ve spent.. I spend a lot of money on this game because it’s the only hobby I have. I am terminally ill and it’s what gets me through the day some days.. I do appreciate you for what you do. You’ve saved me a lot of money with your reviews anytime I go for a new ship I make sure you’ve got a review and it’s in my liking and playstyle so I do appreciate you Terry and hope all is well!
@muhammadhuzaifaazam 8 ай бұрын
This is literally the MOST sober, serious, and straightforward video we'll ever get from Terry 🤣🤣🤣.
@JJT15YT 8 ай бұрын
I was a free to play player for half my time playing this game. In the end about two years ago I ended up buying myself a florida, then a graf zeppelin, then a saipan and only a couple of weeks ago I spent $150 to get vampire II. Once you past the threshold and realise you can buy what you want there is no turning back. Like you say there are plenty of free, good ships you can just grind and plenty of events you can get premiums from anyway.
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
I've spent a fair amount of money on the game over the years. I started buying premium bundles when they were interesting, both because I wanted the ship and because I had the money available to spend on it. I've got more ships than I usually play, so I don't really spend anymore, except for giveaway gold. But I'm trying to imagine someone new to the game, seeing everyone sailing their premiums, and maybe coming to the conclusion that they can't compete without - not too far off, because many games work like that, especially MMOs.
@ijsbeermeneer9952 8 ай бұрын
Great dadvice terry! And yes youre right it is becoming an anual PSA xD
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
Worth doing imo 😁
@douglascorreia6428 8 ай бұрын
I have to say Smollensk and Friedland make most if not all the other ships obsolete
@ijsbeermeneer9952 8 ай бұрын
Kinda same for roma, but again theres skil required to play those ships well
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
I honestly think that's a misconception. Yes, they are very powerful ships, especially in the hands of skilled players, but they're easy to counter. Both rely on damage-over-time, and have low alpha. Both are easy to take out, a Hindenburg can two-shot Smolensk, a CC can probably one-shot her. Friesland has no torps, and there's plenty of radar around these days. There are plenty of good tech tree ships around that, in the right hands, can do just as well. In the end, it comes down to players knowing the threat those pose, and counter them appropriately, just with any other ship.
@wheels-n-tires1846 8 ай бұрын
Agree with Terry. When new, Smolensk was ridiculous. I gambled a bunch for it after seeing Terrys reveiw!! Was my first higher tier premium, and i only had one or two t10 twch tree ships back then. But since then, a ton of counters have appeared, and it gets NO free lunch anymore. In fact id say Smol games these days are usually more failure than success... #BuffTheSmolensk
@g23emr38 8 ай бұрын
Buying a ship without a Terry preview is a big gamble. One I won’t make. 🎲 🎲😅. Thanks for the great review Terry. You have save me a lot of money.
@jimmyz003 8 ай бұрын
I enjoy your videos!!! I have been playing f2p for 4 yrs now .. wows has never seen my cc # still having a blast
@bootlegga69 8 ай бұрын
I agree with about the gambling aspect, but I'd say that the very powerful premiums like Smolensk, Friesland, Indomitable, ZdP, etc. provide more than a 5% advantage, I'd say it's at least 25% (or more) advantage. Ultimately though, it's the piss poor matching system that stacks one team with elite players and premiums against the other team. I once played against three Smolensks (and three legendary players) and it wasn't a platoon of friends, it was just terrible matching. Meanwhile, our team had ZERO premiums and only one legendary player. When the odds are stacked against you like that, it can be pretty disheartening and make the game seem like pay to win.
@kardy12 8 ай бұрын
There are a few glaringly OP premium ships that do make the game a lot easier - that said, even with those you still need to develop skills to get most out of them and they’re not a guarantee of winning by any means. I tend to loot premium ship reviews for two main reasons - the more obvious is of course to learn about them and see if it’s worth getting, but secondly even if I don’t want to get it I get a better idea of what I’m facing when i eventually run into them. Maybe one of the things you could address in those reviews is vulnerabilities and how to exploit them? 😉
@a_balloon 8 ай бұрын
Honestly getting tier 1-2 blueprints in these crates... I would rather just get nothing than spend 1k+ gold just to get that
@Pearlio 8 ай бұрын
Terry if I’ve learned one thing from gambling it’s always chase your losses. And rule #2 always split and double down
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
The only one I know is "the bank always wins" 😂
@johnwolfe3447 8 ай бұрын
Quite the racket. Advertise and hype a "service" in the form of an expensive "Premium" ship. Then make it a game of chance where it may or may not be delivered to customer. Then reserve the right to nerf or alter the "service" as often as seen fit. Quite the racket. You're in a tough spot Terry. But you've always provided great reviews of this game's "services".
@mcdonaldssqueeky3345 8 ай бұрын
Some premiums are really nice but not really game changing. Except smolensk fk that thing. If you want a bb then just get yama, it can outdo more than half the premiums in t10 already. For dd get a shima. It carries games a lot. For cruiser americans are one of the best choice may it be heavy or light. Its all about skill anyway I'm not a pro but atleast map awareness can give you wins.
@anthonyalfeo1899 8 ай бұрын
I think that person only watched one of your reviews and decided they knew everything. You have plenty of premium reviews that finish with a question (is it worth it?) and a simple one word answer (yes, no, depends) I stopped doing crates a long time ago unless I just had to have the ship (Marlborough), the roulette thing is grossly over priced (over 35,000 in gold per ship), Blitz Pass is usually worth the money, though I think Rodney stinks the extra captains make up for it.
@drewroberts7016 8 ай бұрын
Screw the hatters T-Money. Do your thing
@StingyTrigger 8 ай бұрын
Game of chance is gambling. Just because loot boxes give you something back doesn't mean it's not gambling. It's not exactly pay to win, but there are pay for advantages mechanics in the game. Two players with the same skill and ships, but the one who pays for the premium camo or captain will have a better chance of winning.
@lesvickroy6537 8 ай бұрын
I really don't understand what your gripe is. Yes, crates, and sonar sweeps are gambling. I don't care because I don't participate. The argument about equally skilled players with or without premium options doesn't hold water either. The last time I looked, it's 7v7. The abilities and ships of everyone in the match determine the outcome. That and RNG. Finally, I have never seen Terry sell ships. He reviews ships, both premium and tech tree, and gives recommendations on their abilities to perform in battle. This I greatly appreciate.
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
The game does, to a degree, hand out free gold, which you can use to give yourself slightly better chances. That's where my "it's 95% skill" statement comes from. In a hypothetical 1v1 scenario, two players with the same ship and the same skill, the one who paid for legendary commander, permanent camo etc has an advantage. In practice, this is almost never relevant, the deciding factors will always be the team. Turn a 1v1 into a 2v1, and the 4% range from the camo suddenly becomes marginal.
@StingyTrigger 8 ай бұрын
@lesvickroy6537 Comment about gambling is to address the one statement that Terry said you still get something from the lootboxes. It's great that you don't participate but this game is marketed to children, and there are dark patterns to entice people to get used to gambling. That said, I don't believe Terry is part of it. As for pay to get an advantage, you're taking it too literally that I'm saying it guarantees a win. I've been in this game from the beginning and have played enough games to have encountered enough games where I have won or lost by the thinnest of margins that I do known that the additional skills from camos or legendary captains made that difference. Also, think about the dynamics of fleets or guilds and why these games promote them. When people join, they become part of a social group that often pushes each other to compete and that drives people to buy. I would say 7 to 8 out of 10 fleet divisions that I run into in randoms, they are usually in premium ships or have premium camos equipped. No, it doesn't guarantee their win, but it improves their odds.
@StingyTrigger 8 ай бұрын
@FunandGameswithTerry True, player skills can overcome equipment buffs, but I've also been able to maximize the effectiveness of those buffs of just a couple percent to make the difference in many last man standing scenarios. Better detection of just few more percent from premium camos have been the most effective for me to clench last second wins. As for gold, it was not that easy to accumulate in the beginning, it's only been the last couple of years that there are daily free gold through Ads.
@jcwoodman5285 8 ай бұрын
Terry, do you have an opinion on sonar sweep? It seems better odds than crates but??
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, I haven't looked into it. The underlying psychological mechanic is to show you a perception of increased odds (fewer items to unlock) for an increasing price, which, combined with "sunk cost", creates psychological pressure to keep "betting". I'm not saying it's good or bad, just looking at the psychological mechanic underneath. I'd treat them as a form of guaranteed crate, with a less transparent total ( not sure if that's visible anywhere). I generally stay away from it myself, but if you wanted to go for it, I'd try to find out the "worst case" total, and then decide if you wanted to spend that
@ZELLKRATOR 8 ай бұрын
Terry why you never sold me a premium ship 😭🤣 that's pretty unfair Jokes aside, great video as always
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
_looks around cautiously, opens half of trench coat_ want a premium? The good stuff, not a black ship, I promise. You not a cop, right?
@ZELLKRATOR 8 ай бұрын
😂😂 hahahaha awesome answer, love it! But wait... is that a Smolensk right there in the corner? 🤨🤨 Can't buy that one. Thats bad stuff. But I'll take one Incomparable to go, can you pack it in a little zip bag? And I'm not a cop!
@johnnyzippo7109 8 ай бұрын
Being that lots of players are playing this on their mobile device several times a day someone receives a call they can’t ignore for the game . Look folks there is NO grand cabal , just chill , enjoy the game.
@paulmalster8383 8 ай бұрын
The black Edinburgh in the shipyard what's the difference ?
@Scot-land 8 ай бұрын
Hi Terry I've just bought myself a gaming mobile and I've downloaded this game as I prefer it to legend's plus it's in the app store unlike legend's but I wanted to ask if you could give me any advice and or tips for a noob such as myself getting in to the game thanks
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын can give you a bit of an overview of the various lines. Otherwise, I'd say just have fun and figure out what you like, maybe up to tier 6 or 7, before you invest heavily in one line to get to T10. A lot of players stick around T8 as a sort of sweet spot. And feel free to ask questions, there's a fair amount of stuff that comes with experience
@thereal_TwentySeven 8 ай бұрын
Well that puts paid to that. 🤣
@g23emr38 8 ай бұрын
Winning is 85% skill, 15% Atlantico 😅😂
@Glenn2597 6 ай бұрын
I preferably like the lower tier premium ships instead of the higher tier ones tbh the higher the tier,higher the price the cheapest ships current is the Mikasa, aurora,katori,and the campbeltown currently and I think the Mikasa and aurora are the best choice(for me)and there’s also the Arkansas which is free but you can get if lucky in the starter crate along with the campbeltown,Katori,yubari,and Aurora and yea that’s it I just put down my opinion rn
@FunandGameswithTerry 6 ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with the lower tier premiums, and it's a nice option for folks who aren't confident playing 8-10. Yubari is still a fun ship, but don't expect too much from Mikasa beyond the historical fun value. The "for keeps" premiums for me are starting around T5-6, ships like Giulio Cesare, Prinz Eitel Friedrich etc are ships I still play quite frequently today, whereas the lower tier ones are ships I pick up if someone wants to division at that tier.
@Glenn2597 6 ай бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry the Aurora is quite a fun ship if you if you play your cards right along with that premium tier 5 Soviet destroyer (I forgot it’s name) I’m still a new player tho but I think the Aurora should have a bit more armor and be a little bit similar to the boygatir the tier 3 Soviet cruiser
@Slai47 8 ай бұрын
Its all on you with gambling but you in no way have to buy a premium ship. Tier 8 is the only tier where the top 10 ships are mostly premiums and even then, there are great tech tree ships that a good player can beat a bad player in a "better" ship with some skill. Sad that you even have to respond to this Terry but might as well nip it quickly before the gremlins get too loud in the back.
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
Listen to the man, he knows what he's talking about 😁
@FunandGameswithTerry 8 ай бұрын
Jokes aside, I make this point from time to time, just because there's a) a bunch of games, especially mobile / MMO where you hit glass ceilings after just enough time to get you hooked, and b) plenty of "OP premium" talk around. Heck, I do the "team with most Smolensks wins" joke myself, so it's good to put it into perspective.
@Slai47 8 ай бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry haha
@Slai47 8 ай бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry absolutely, there are very few areas in the game where premiums are considered OP. It's refreshing since this game is treated like it should be. It's not a Mobile game. It's a live stream game that is built for Mobile
@user-bc3dt5jo1h 8 ай бұрын
Ive spent hundreds, maybe even a couple thousands on this game , and some of my tech tree ships are my favorites while my expensive premium sits collecting dust ...
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