Рет қаралды 635
Battacking machine bring to use for new production maby 15 days never broken any once , after that appearane apply up broken and using repairing it during 8 hours we can see and found the problem ( you know that i was check many place of machine , such as control box make test on it many time still not see the problem, the only one think that electric baord problem broken , test on it agian and agian still the same. But the biggest problem at on the motor rotation losing the two screws to make motor rotation so wake can not contact to the presser foot shaft . so i want to showing that when we don't know the problem , we will be use many duration for repairing it . For this video showing you about the Battacking machine broken and telling you when you see the same this problem can watch this video. The peoples joined maybe ten persons for this problem.please tolerance me too , if i have mistakes thank you. Amazing technology# Amazing teaching# factory working# awsome skills work# Amazing video# primitive skills# ខ្ញុំយកម៉ាសុីនទៅប្រើប្រហែល១៥ថ្ងៃមិនខូចសោះស្រាប់តែថ្ងៃបន្ទាប់ វាក៍មានបញ្ហាខូចកើតឡើងហើយ ខ្ញុំក៍បាន ចំណាយពេលធ្វើវាអស់រយះពេលប្រហែល៨ម៉ោងបានរកឃើញបញ្ហា( តើអ្នកដឹងទេថាខ្ញុំបានពិនិត្យមើលវាស្ទើរគ្រប់កន្លែងនៃតួរម៉ាសុីនទៅហើយនៅតែរកមិនឃើញបញ្ហារហើយគិតថាប្រព័ន្ធ អេឡិចត្រូនិកខូច ហើយធ្វើតេស្តម្តងហើយម្តងទៀតនៅតែដ៍ដែល បញ្ហារដែលធំបំផុតនោះគឺ ម៉ូទ័រទាញដងជើងទារបូតខ្ចៅពីរគ្រាប់ ធ្វើអោយម៉ូទ័រខ្សោយហើយលើកជើងទាមិនកើត។ ខ្ញុំចង់ប្រាប់ថាបើអ្នកជួបបញ្ហាដូចនេះអាចមើលវីដេអូនេះបាន។ បើមានកំហុសឆ្គងត្រង់ណានៅលើវីដេអូនេះ សូមអធ្យាស្រ័យផង។