Pressure Makes Us

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Nike Soccer

Nike Soccer

13 жыл бұрын

Pressure is always there.
There's no fighting it.
There's only thriving on it.
Join the USWNT on a 9-month journey to conquer the pressure.

Пікірлер: 117
@CesisolutionsOrg 13 жыл бұрын
The US has been great! We love to watch them!
@ambitiouspants 13 жыл бұрын
@MJCINC I was there for that match. The stands weren't full, but they were definitely NOT empty, there was a great crowd. And the crowd had a lot of girls and young women, proudly wearing their USWNT and WPS jerseys. It was certainly more inspiring than any USMNT crowds I've seen, and with a proportionally greater number of US supporters.
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
that and its the sport that tests the human body the most in all ways pains endurance etc
@marrymetracecyrus 13 жыл бұрын
So excited for tomorrow; GO USA! Amy Lepeilbet is love(:
@billabongmuffins 13 жыл бұрын
idc if its womens soccer or mens, i love soccer period, and the uswnt is nothing to FUCK with, true soccer fans stand up please
@omfgitsmirs 13 жыл бұрын
AWE YAH USA YAH. I absolutely love this game, and I hope they take it all!
@MRADR1AN5 13 жыл бұрын
Man dat goalie dey got is to awsome she plays better den some guys do in goalkeeper HOPE SOLO is de shit
@xxBeniiJxx 13 жыл бұрын
God, I love Hope Solo...
@emilyydx 13 жыл бұрын
Hope Solo is a freakin beast
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
and y never ever know when you need to fight for that 1 inch. y never ever know when that 1 hustle sprint will pay off youll be star that maybe wins that close game
@Thrombosebanane 13 жыл бұрын
I´m waiting for the world cup! Hopefully the us team will be in the final against the germans ;) so two great teams will fight for the cup!
@10zancia06 12 жыл бұрын
definitely Hope is :)
@Y0utubeIsFuckingHomo 13 жыл бұрын
I know declare America a football nation our Women's team is beast,our mens team is great but we need to improve.
@DoughJames 13 жыл бұрын
Truthfully, they cracked under the pressure.
@ezekiel2517lim 13 жыл бұрын
Hope Solo
@BlackHowling77 13 жыл бұрын
Ali Krieger repping PWC! Bring that cup home girl!
@mountaingirl132 12 жыл бұрын
Second grade lesson- if you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!
@Anonymous.user.157 13 жыл бұрын
@BeingNobody1956 In soccer, you do what you can get away with. And yes, you are SUPPOSED to flood the box on corner kicks. That happens in every game, with every team, on every corner kick. Jersey pulling isn't a huge deal. Pretty much every soccer player has done it...
@NearsL 13 жыл бұрын
omfg, SEND THESE GIRLS TO THE GOLD CUP AND TAKE THOSE QUEERS OUT -__- I am soo determined that the Women's team is better then the mens. Hope Solooo
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 i respect abby wambach i so so many times when she was alone trying to make the play and if only the other 2 forwards hustled after her sometimes youll get easy goal even if looks like youre to far away out of the play. so many times in all sports that 1 person that hustles no matter what will make play of game. like movie football is about inches 1 inch will make difference in game.
@juliameme 13 жыл бұрын
at one point yes, 1.1 million people went to see the 1999 WWC in person, 30 million on TV, and the post celebration tour was sold out-30,000+ per match. when was the last time the mens team filled the stands with American supports, that right they have not, the women at least have. How much u wanna bet that the GC final will have 95% Mexicans even if the US reached it?-thats with a usa mexico final, if not, u wont see a fraction show up I support both teams, a true us soccer fan does.
@fznutmeg83 13 жыл бұрын
@cysoccer95 yeah I know...but they barely broadcast their matches!!!You have to be lucky to find their games on tv!!
@goe5 13 жыл бұрын
@emilyydx Ayumi Kaihori (Japanese goal keeper) is literally a beast haha
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
i saw so many times when the foward was alone alone and her teammates never chased hustled and she missed or got blocked but if her teammates hustled they would have been thier to score an easy goal. happens so many times in a game its the 1 who hustles the most makes unbelbale plays. like me for american football and rugby i could claim best athlete in world for rugby as i was the best at hustliing. even football id make unbelbale plays becuase i hustled like no one elsem make an int out wide
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 i have a form of add i want to do 6 things at once im 100 mph, which maybe if ben had my form of add so he had field vision could take in 6 things at once he would not throw as many interceptions. probally what nfl scounts should look into equally with the arm my version of add field vision
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
i played rugby with the year group that won the world cup in england, in high school in engalnd thier soccer players also played rugby, i was slected for distrcit team, i never met 1 man that could compete with me i was in my own world with hustle fitness etc. i broke our 2nd best soccer players collar bone in a legal hit as he jocked america the most. i did cilrces around all the soccer players. no joke i can actually claim best athlete in the world no man can match me, but u will not belive me
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
i have played football got big 1 year to late 277 and plsu found out at 300 pounds i could not get sports girls so i gave that dream up or id be playing in the nfl i was stronger than the raiders center right now same age 20. got the best compliment in the world ever by if not for a freak injury would be the washington redksins starting center right now brandon noble he knicknamed me ironahead after rammed the qb head to head possible conccsuion, as never did shet rest of the game.
@mountaingirl132 12 жыл бұрын
I think it's Lloyd in the background.
@ThreeKing74 13 жыл бұрын
Looks like they're playing in the world's largest kitchen.
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@deLasChivas i agree i could not stand to watch mens soccer not just becuase im a man but you girls play with desire passion enrergy and joy hustle men do not, u are #1 team in world for last 20 years, while rest of the world laughs at usa mens soccer, i lived outside london for 3 years as a kid i got non stopped jocked for how bad usa men were at soccer even by school teachers. truth
@awesomness4u 13 жыл бұрын
I believe that we can win it this year!!! GO US WNT!!!! And the women's team really is better than the mens, women deserve the same respect and attention, and plus their games are more intense which makes it all more interesting :) USA!USA!USA! haha
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@timlebrasseur try doing non stop sprints where u launch yourself head 1st into 250 pound men,get in a pile up hit every which way every body part metal studs then get up and do it again sprint 40 yards. Yes I am special like the movie withoutlits where the coach says to pre cylce it pace your self, i was full throttle start to finish id make as many tackles and hits as every one on my team combined its the truth. even normla rugby players put every athlete to shame in the world
@Anonymous.user.157 13 жыл бұрын
@kksmalll Agreed, women work just as hard if not harder than men to get to where they are. There are millions of people who are behind the women's soccer team in the US alone so if there are a few people who want to be sexist then that's fine. Women's soccer is on the rise whether they like it or not. Soccer is NOT just for men! :) They're realizing that there are 100 Martas out there in Brazil who just haven't been discovered. That means that's 100 players better than any man JUST in Brazil.
@xRawrItsIan 13 жыл бұрын
@rasenganbeast well shit there's a bunch of ppl saying crap about how bad they did and how they lost and it gets annoying. If you aren't gonna say something supportive, dont say anything at all.
@lilamazon 13 жыл бұрын
oh gosh, never thought that there're still those SEXIST DINOSOURS around here in this modern-day era. btw, US WNT you are great!!! such good role models for all girls around the world!!! don't be discouraged. we'll stand by you all the way!!!
@houselies 13 жыл бұрын
hope freakin solo.
@xRawrItsIan 12 жыл бұрын
@deathchibi1 you ever think that maybe the ladies don't play for the money? They play because soccer is in their heart. Look at the men, they get paid such crazy amounts & most of the time, they fall on the floor like babies to get a card. Do you see the ladies flopping around everywhere for cards? No, they get back up and play because they put their hearts into it. They play for the love of the game, not for the paycheck.
@Y0utubeIsFuckingHomo 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 Apparently you don't watch Dempsey.
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
i know abslultey nothing about soccer the other kids never let me play as a kid to rough and hyper, can not stand to watch mens unless scotland or glasgow my scotish grandfather was fantaical over them. i do have 2 peices of advice contact bill romaski for a guest semiar or atleast read his book heel get you in the zone for the world cup. 2nd 1 moto i have u never know what gogin to happen..ou need to chase the ball better, even if it looks like youre to far away chase it. i saw so many
@awesomness4u 13 жыл бұрын
@awesomness4u They're both great teams though, and I support them and our country the same. However, with Solo as starting goalie (from what I've heard) and if she plays the whole time, the other teams shouldn't be able to score much or even one. She's amazing :) the rest of the girls, especially the non-existent mid field needs to pick it up. Also, I really hope that they play Alex Morgan, she'll definitely benefit them in the long run even if it is her first WC. :D
@billabongmuffins 13 жыл бұрын
@billabongmuffins of*
@Y0utubeIsFuckingHomo 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 Sad...
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 what i like most about rugby besides only 3 subs have to play hurt, is thier are no hemlits to protect u, its the ultimate game of chicken what football is to, see who flinches or goes into head to head contact with doubts, as u have to know beyond a doubt u will win . my top goal is to go to head to head with crazyest man in the world schlak burger knocks out more men than mike tyson makes ray lewis look like a cuddly teddy bear, see who wins, matt daman movie invictus present day
@Anonymous.user.157 13 жыл бұрын
@DG214 Men's soccer has far too many fake injuries and diving. I hate hearing people say that soccer players are "pussies" but honestly when they watch some games, players take a small hit and fall to the ground in "pain." I love soccer and have played all my life, but there are a lot of men's soccer players who are giving it a bad name. Diving is just something that doesn't happen as often in women's soccer. They work just as hard as men, so to say "women's soccer sucks" is just chauvinistic.
@awesomness4u 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 The men's US team isn't TERRIBLE. They're just not amazing. They got pretty far in the world cup and they made the finals in the Gold Cup which I think they have a chance of winning. And honestly, I have no idea. I know that both the men's and women's teams are improving year by year, I just think that women maybe take it all a little bit seriously, if you look at it closely, you could say that Hope Solo is the female version of Tim Howard and Wambach is like Donovan.
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
then the next day i wake up from head to toe stuck to the sheets in blood stains, the fair tales litle girls heard as a girl those princess marry rugby players. princess diana dated a rugby player when 1st divorced queens granddaughter just married a rugby player, future king of englands favotire sport is rugby. the rest of the world the men with most testserone play rugby
@Anonymous.user.157 13 жыл бұрын
@PolakZor Yes I watched the game. I didn't say it NEVER happens. But I have noticed that it happens less, and that's all I was saying. I believe that women work just as hard as men to get to where they are, yet they are criticized. If one criticizes women's soccer then they criticize what I do, and I WILL stand up to them. If you don't like women's soccer then just don't watch, but people must know that it is becoming more popular every day. And I agree with you, worst ref EVER!
@Anonymous.user.157 13 жыл бұрын
@deathchibi1 And typing in all caps to get your point across is about as effective as Mr. Potato Head putting in his angry eyes.
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@timlebrasseur i have not been a coach potote in my life since i was 13 years old when i found football, unless football or rugby or womans sports i can not stand tv, not watched 1 tv show since the 90's cheers coach 1 other. i tried tv for the 1st time in 10 years it bored the hell out of me. right now im bored as hell stuck in charlotte waitiing for the people to give me my money they owe me but normally im the most active person in the world
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@fznutmeg83 its very remarkable no one points this out for men 45 for football then what 22 for basketball of every highschools top eleite men play those sports 1st no other sport comares. then the scrub men make up other sports. for woman the elite woman go to soccer or tennis. elite men in america play football, so lets compare thier counterparts, best of the best pro bowl u have peyton manning tom brady pitt rothernbergr, rodgers all figtiing over 1 roster spot, thats the usa womans soccer
@xRawrItsIan 13 жыл бұрын
@rasenganbeast are your caplocks suppose to scare me lol wtf is so wrong about being supportive of the ladies team, geez. DOES THIS HELP?? lol
@mountaingirl132 12 жыл бұрын
To all of you sexists- this video, tickets to want games, and everything that has to do with this team is out there for the people that really enjoy it. Honestly, if you have so much disrespect for this team it doesn't make any sense y your here. This for people who are inspired and love this team and the sport like me. Stop wasting your life on something you don't care about and do something productive rather than wasting our time having to give you all a lesson in common sense. Second grade l
@awesomness4u 13 жыл бұрын
@onlymadness We'll see how the French do against Nigeria on the 26th. Have you actually seen any of the people from the US WNT play?? They sure know how to play football/soccer. :)
@StowAlex 13 жыл бұрын
Brasil down, now get past France ! C'mon ladies ~ GO USA ~
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
read bill romaski's book romo what its like to play a blood sport u have no idea the pain we go through. he is my carbon copy exaclty. even before a snap against him yud be pissing your pants with intimadation. never even mind the actual contact,
@MrOverSuper 13 жыл бұрын
women's world cup? is that a sandwich making competition?
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
no sport in the wrld matches the pace and action of rugby, football is awsome as you dont do as much but more special when u do, i have played both it was equal until the nfl feg rule no head to head hits, so now rugby is the best sport in the world until the overule the gay rule
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
if not for his docter got him infected duriing surgery hed be starting ng for the redksins i played with him in highschool. he was the only man my entire life my age range that could kick my butt besides my heart and hustle i had no chance. what was best he was 1 of best men ever met class act he knew he was a man as he was.i got jocked for 1 week for my sack dance he stopped it. sad stroy ever coaches dream perfect player in prime of his life but getting knee surgery the docter got him infected
@juliameme 13 жыл бұрын
@MJCINC why are u watching this anyway? and yes i did watch, can u not read, i said AT ONE POINT, i can guarantee u that all those women can kick your ass at any level, and besides u clearly cared enough to watch to know the results, if i dont like something i am not going to waste my time to watch and make a comment, get a life u really have time to make comments about something u do not like.
@Y0utubeIsFuckingHomo 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 Cant even spell Roethlisberger.
@videobroadcast10 13 жыл бұрын
@deathchibi1 Yeah, I play like a girl. Jealous?
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@timlebrasseur i was not alloud to play soccer with u as a kid as u said i was to rough and hyper for u i did circlres around u even rugby i do cilrces around the best, even for football iwas most hyper, i will admit i had 2 left feet i am a linbacker or same postion as matt damon movie invictus. thier are only 3 elite male sports in the world basketball american football and rugby. try playing soccer after knockking heads with a 250-300 pound ox strong man i can go on and on, its just like nfl
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
before u ask yes right now i have no life waittin for my law suit hawaii owes me, for the 6 rules winning job money/ hang out celbrities winners athletes, how do u meet hottest girls world, do they think youre job is prestigouse, sports a part of it, does help hummanity, passion. according to those rules for me after nfl linbacker i had next best job in america or for males 3rd after nba and nfl/ id tell victirea secre models like ella mcpherson what to do, meet girls in mucle mags
@videobroadcast10 12 жыл бұрын
@wade2bosh Excuse me, but I believe that his "opinion" is very childish and why hate on this video? If he doesn't like womens soccer or soccer in general, why is he here? So he can look at the women? I don't know about you, but I think it makes no sense.
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@timlebrasseur 1st all i would do wasd ram u head to head, i knock more men out the game than mike tyson, last time played rugby against wash dc i knocked thier captina out the game head t head never ever saw him play again. that is why i am the best athlete in the world im as physcial as ray lewis who is awsome i admire but have the endurance of prefotinae. i have weakness im no barry sanders , t im scoka id just run over 2 people. and i can do most amazing play in all of sports upand under
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@Y0utubeIsFuckingHomo the boxer what does that have anything to do with anything
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@timlebrasseur did u still play, see y just answered my argument in football or rugby u still play hurt with brocken bones with concussions even they nfl might be changiing that. u have no idea what a football lineman or rugby player goes through pain after 1st game youre hurt with some body part, with a brocekn fibia u still play entire season. i myself played 28 games w frozen shoulder and brocken achilles, talk to a nfl lineman and tell him your story u have no idea what he goes through
@xRawrItsIan 13 жыл бұрын
@rasenganbeast I don't see how me supporting my women's soccer team makes me a pussy or me being annoyed by haters and sexists. As if your derogatory comments make you any more of a man than me, but do what makes you feel good I suppose LOOOL better?
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@MacMaraScott rule is rest of the world its football but when in america or talking on a american form its soccer. this is petty. do not cut down american sports especially our woman. maybe usa mens soccer or mens rugby is retrded in america. but do not cut down our woman. you are more than welcome to cut down anything else about america u want, be so easy should be on a politcal forum. ill even agree with what ever bad things u say about america as u are right.
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@timlebrasseur u have no idea 2 years I will be playing professional rugby europe at 250 pounds already did it before. Rugby is the only sport in world that is all round combines everything blood kicking passing but tops no other sport takes your body to limit like rugby. I am prefontinate wihoutlimits of rugby no man in world can match me fast and furouse for 80 minutes like soccer only 3 subs so u have to play hurt, not even navy seals can match me i am ray lewis combined with pre nike
@barcamanity 13 жыл бұрын
somehow i doubt they worked that hard
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@tazwildcat7 u can talk, 1st not about me. 2nd i am the greatest hustle player in the world im ray lewis and prefontiane of withoutlmits i can claim best athlete in the world no man alive can match me for 80 minutes in a blood sport. for a male if u do not play a blood sport does not count
@Soccersisterful 13 жыл бұрын
if your gonna get on here and criticze womens soccer just dont come on at all. Your just being ignorant
@Soccersisterful 13 жыл бұрын
@deathchibi1 wow...... g'luck findind a wife
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@fznutmeg83 i do i am a elite male, i can not stand to watch mens soccer. to me soccer is a girls sport. in america if you do not play football or basketball rest of the world rugby youre not a true man. elite men play blood sports or basketball. its the other way around buddy if thse girls were men theyll be payeton manning brady, ray lewis mike sinletary they are the elite out of woman tennis soccer basketball. they are elite. for mens soccer only the scrubs play or the midgest of high school
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@awesomness4u every 1 the rest of the world laughs at mens soccer in usa. think about it top 66 men in high school play football or basketball so only scrubs left over, top woman in america play soccer. these girls are peyton manning, tom brady, michel vich, rodgers, ben rothersberger not the scrubs counterparts men soccer who the rest of the world thinks sucks to hell gets no respect. why are our girls number 1 while our men a laughiing stock i wonder why
@roosemberth123 13 жыл бұрын
usa mens soccer soccers complete balls but atleast the chicks won 2 cups i belive . us soccer is jsut traght up bad
@awsomegamernerd 13 жыл бұрын
lol they're goin to lose the cup XD im betting
@Lifeeisgoodx 12 жыл бұрын
No Messi is:)
@deathchibi1 13 жыл бұрын
@footballskill19 13 жыл бұрын
...women's soccer... hahahah
@MJCINC 13 жыл бұрын
@ambitiouspants k cool the only reason usa women are good is half of the world doesnt allow women to play hahahaha
@tazwildcat7 13 жыл бұрын
@timlebrasseur then tell me this, the usa soccer girls are the best in the world, yes brazil ermany might challenege, but they are the favorites, if america men soccer players were thier equal why are the men the laughing stock of the world, why do u suck while they are the best thing since peanut butter and jelly. i know little about soocer, but i got jocked non stop as a kid outside london about how bad usa men are at soccer. if u were our best men like our best woman ud be best in the world
@TheGreatDanyz 13 жыл бұрын
Aww......Nice Try :(
@deathchibi1 13 жыл бұрын
@videobroadcast10 women's soccer and soccer in general is fucking boring lol
@MJCINC 13 жыл бұрын
@juliameme hahahahahah US soccer sucks anyway so why does it matter? the last womens game was vs mexico and they won 1-0 and did u see the stands...oh ya they were empty:)
@deathchibi1 13 жыл бұрын
wanna here a joke? women's sports HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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