Pretty Powershell

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Chris Titus Tech

Chris Titus Tech

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@mehdiaghaei6908 Жыл бұрын
Hi Chris, Terminal Icons are missing here which make your terminal so beautiful, *Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery* In the Profile: Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons
@ChrisTitusTech Жыл бұрын
What an awesome module! I'll have to make a video about this in the future. Love this addition. Github link for those that want to see the code:
@somdobomk Жыл бұрын
I miss this module every time I'm using macos and arch.
@barungh Жыл бұрын
@@somdobomk use lsd , instead of ls
@lombervid Жыл бұрын
Omg, I didn't know about this module. Thanks!!! :D
@somdobomk Жыл бұрын
@@barungh I had been using exa. Guess I overlooked the -icons flag.
@TofuBug24 Жыл бұрын
I feel like you're completely missing the point of PowerShell. What you call ugly those of us that build and maintain modules and scripts call beautiful in its consistency. Aliases are an amazing idea its why someone like you that just wants to use PowerShell as a glorified bash shell can do just that ( same for windows cmd users) it's an easy on ramp into PowerShell However when you get into actually writing scripts and modules Aliases are AWFUL. The power in PowerShell comes from the agnostic nature of the verb-noun pattern and the consistency that offers. I can hand off code to someone else and they universally understand that for instance Get-ChildItem gets the children of the current location be that files, registry keys, certificates, or even if utilizing a custom PowerShell provider written to use the same Get-ChildItem cmdlet to navigate wiki pages backed with a REST API. Yes it's a learning curve to move beyond treating it like just another shell but the benefits especially the collaborative benefits make it worth the time. Plus you add in the concepts of splatting and you can have clean elegant functions that not only keep things readable and easily updatable, but can be universally understand by anyone windows, mac, or linux that understands PowerShell. Your reliance on aliasing isolates you from a huge part of the PowerShell Community and I personally think that's a mistake.
@Photonarmy Жыл бұрын
He's got Powershell Newbitis. He is limited to thinking of a shell as an interface, so the bigger picture of powershell is difficult to process. But I get it. On the flip side, my nephew asked if he should learn powershell or python. He heard powershell was cool, but he didn't understand what you're supposed to do with it from the tutorials he watched. He doesn't work as an admin or anything, so I said python. He sees powershell as a programming language, so the bigger picture is again, difficult to process. The power of powershell is that you can make advanced tools without advanced programming. It's a shell but not an interface... and it's an abstraction of the .NET framework, not a script engine. So yes, it is frustrating when people post videos clearly missing the point... but it is what it is. :)
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Possibly Chris was the one that had taken some Drugs and at the start was a bit over excited , and over emphasising with the entertainment presentation effect of his video. To some extent he is just perhaps getting good at handling KZbin as you have to be successful in it, - sniffing something just before you start a video can possibly help. Smarter people can be annoyed I think when he often says wrong contradictory things, but for a layman like me, if you don’t take all he says too seriously, you can learn a lot from his videos, at least I do and can. I had to watch the video a few times before I caught the very last bit: Check out the video right at the end - he had calmed down a bit and said words to the effect that PowerShell was great once you are used to it and for a windows user it is worth the effort to learn. In a few weeks he probably will have forgotten what he said at the start when he was high on the drugs or alcohol, or whatever he takes to get started. I expect he will do a video soon entitled Powerful PowerShell.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
This video is at the intermediate level perhaps. A professional scripter that knows PowerShell very well will be a bit annoyed by his mixed up, wrong, seemingly short sighted comments at the start. A newbie will probably get mixed up with, _ the Aliases Chris is talking about, (which could be described as "globaly available", personalised, or user defined functions), , and _ the shortened Command/ Cmdlet abbreviations that are referred to as Aliases. These latter abbreviation type Aliases you often learn about at the start of Tutorials on PowerShell. Often you are advised to avoid them initially when learning. Like any short-cut abbreviation thing in coding, it is often advisable to avoid them initially when learning. Best to get into bad habits later, Lol, once you know what you are doing. For someone in the middle, like me, who learnt some basic PowerShell recently, the video is OK. It seemed obvious to me that he was talking rubbish at the start, but the basic content of the video I found useful and interesting. He explains some things well and in detail, - just IMO.
@TofuBug24 Жыл бұрын
@@alanelston2330 To be clear my comments aren't meant to diminish his contributions to the conversation of PowerShell. Heck he's technically correct 98% of what he says. He's inadvertently proven that PowerShell is so flexible and powerful that it can be utilized and molded to your whim regardless of your knowledge of PowerShell. I've always been interested in how this language manages to create a world where you could spend your whole life sailing on its vast surfaces being genuinely productive and having a blast and I could plumb the darkest mountains and valleys in its deepest depths with similar productivity and personal satisfaction. The fact that its the same language doing both is just amazing to me. Now the 2% that's just ignorance plain and simple and I can't fault someone for what they don't know. For instance as you pointed out "Talks about aliases" ... "shows poorly formatted functions" that seems like a silly thing to nitpick about but a lot of my career has been teaching my coworkers PowerShell. In some cases its getting our help desk techs to his level comfortable in the shell to do user account tasks quicker. In other cases its taking people from semi competent function writing to polished pester tested module creation. But in all those cases I spent more time dispelling misconceptions they had gotten from other sources than actually teaching them new stuff. One guy we actually walked through the exercise of writing our OWN Where-Object advanced function to show him the inner workings of a command he viewed as god tier complexity to visually drive home how utterly simplistic the inner working actually was. 236 lines in case your interested but ignoring the extensive param block to match the native Where-Object's parameter sets. 3, THREE lines of code the longest being 100 characters! That's it to create the same functionality as the native command. The point is spouting ignorance especially in an overly animated way that attracts equally ignorant people causes real harm to at least someones growth and development. And frankly there's hardly an excuse when he could have spent 5 minutes on the literal Microsoft page Using Aliases and realized what he thought are Aliases isn't what PowerShell defined Aliases as. I'd have a completely different take on this if he'd come on and said "hey for shell people like me it can be daunting to understand PowerShell and I'm sure lots of you are in that boat. So let me show you how I've learned to wrap these commands in my own functions to recreate the old linux commands we're used to. We'll also show how they can all be loaded automatically and finally if you stick around We'll wrap it up with how you can write your own simple function." Instead he made assumptions, never checked his assumptions, just like his code looks like it was copy pasted from someone else who barely understood it when they wrote it. Which brings me to my biggest pet peeve, if you don't understand something don't present yourself as an source of knowledge. I'm absolutely not saying don't speak on the things you know, or to not query about the things you don't. I've had one concrete rule for the teams if worked with over the years. It's perfectly fine to copy someone's work even from the internet but you had better be sure you fundamentally understand how it works before you even think about using that code in production! Bottom line, you're going to take the time to put out a video take the time to make it as accurate as possible and try to check your feelings and bias before you record.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
@@TofuBug24 Nice reply, Thx (BTW you seem to be one of the lucky ones at KZbin. I can’t post more than a few lines. A few people like me cannot easily post a lot. I have to split the comment up. So that was 1 of 10 I rest my case - I had to make several attempts at this post 1……
@logaandm Жыл бұрын
"it's just more intuitive" says the Linux guy about the Linux terminal. There is nothing intuitive about a UNIX terminal, if it were, there wouldn't be so many complaints by new Linux users about having to use the terminal. It is just what you are familiar with. Powershell WAS developed by Microsoft. It is now open source. Take that for what you will, but Microsoft does not own or maintain PowerShell. That is why there is a PowerShell for Linux and MacOS. Microsoft's supplied PowerShell is based on version 5 to maintain backwards compatibility with IT admins. The latest Open Source Powershell is version 7 - it is not Microsoft. I agree PowerShell has more complex commands, but PowerShell is based on an object oriented paradigm. Basically the old UNIX shell idea of "piping" on steroids and updated to the 21st century. Like almost all OOP, it is overkill for most people or even most programming and scripting tasks. PS was developed to overcome limitations of CMD and the UNIX shell in system administration - that is why it is more complex and has stricter rules. You don't really see any reason to switch from BASH to PS. I don't really see much reason to switch from CMD to PS. Right up till PS does something BASH or CMD cannot.
@CMDRSweeper Жыл бұрын
The Linux terminal is way more intuitive when it comes to system management if you look into the server space vs what Windows is offering, this is where terminal is king these days, as even on Windows server, the default install is just a command line Window with no GUI, you have to actively specify you want that now. Now with the default Windows you have to type a long ass command with dsadd user specifying the domain, name etc to create a user. If you run Samba4 for Active Directory to get as close to it, you can add all of that if you please, but the command would be samba-tool add user (username) "Options if you want" Or you can hit enter after username if you are unsure of the parameters and do it interactively step by step. At least to me, once you have to think in CLI terms, the Linux way is more intuitive and logically oriented than the Microsoft way, and I am not surprised it has evolved to become this way, as CLI based servers and users are far bigger under Linux than Windows.
@logaandm Жыл бұрын
@@CMDRSweeper sudo ls -la -R / | grep "intuitive terminal" > null makes no sense to most people. System administration, networking are even more complex. Something that takes 6-12 months training is, by definition, not intuitive. Linux vs Windows administration and shells? I am not surprised a Linux system administrator of Linux servers would find a Linux Shell more useful. Windows administration, is more about managing software distribution on a large number and variety of desktops. Maybe, just maybe, it requires a different set of shell tools?
@RobertSmith-dq5iu Жыл бұрын
I came here to say the exact same thing. There is absolutely nothing intuitive about nix terminals and I've been a sysadmin for both. I honestly thought he was being sarcastic and was shocked when I realized he was serious.
@CMDRSweeper Жыл бұрын
@@logaandm Although I would be first to say that command doesn't make a lot of sense, but yes, rather than obscure strange switches with /X in various modes, I would say it is. I started out with Windows and hated the CLI, even though my origins are from dealing with DOS, Linux did take a bit of getting used to the various tools, but the piping lets you easily string tools to achieve results. But yes, there is a reason Windows servers have been in a decline and are now living in the SMB segment and desktop management only, anywhere else the Linux boxes have taken over.
@borkesahin8729 23 күн бұрын
hi is it possible to add status line, (as tmux also have) at the bottom of Windows Terminal?
@danishdude6750 Жыл бұрын
Linux commands intuitive and smart? Good Lord 🤣🤣🤣
@dus10dnd Жыл бұрын
Heh? PowerShell looks great and distinctive, on purpose and for value. the Verb-Noun pattern is fantastic because when you search on it... you will find results relevant to PowerShell, not something for Bash or otherwise. You're mostly just searching for criticisms that all have logical explanations. Also, I am a Linux guy... PowerShell is better than Bash, qualitatively. The difference in environment variables is because they literally switched from Windows PowerShell to the open-source and cross-platform PowerShell; they work side-by-side.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Chris was a bit over excited and mixed up at the start I think, and over emphasising with the entertainment presentation effect of his video. (Perhaps he had taken something and he was the one on drugs, Lol, :-) ) Right at the end he calmed down a bit and said words to the effect that PowerShell was great once you are used to it and for a windows user it is worth the effort to learn. In a few weeks he probably will have forgotten his criticisms and will do a video entitled powerful PowerShell. To some extent he is just perhaps getting good at handling KZbin as you have to be successful in it. If you don’t take all he says too seriously, you can learn a lot from his videos, at least I do and can.
@TheGraemi Жыл бұрын
I am not a M$ fanboy (there's a reason for my alias😉), but man I disagree that BASH is in generell better.
@JonLondrezos Жыл бұрын
Chris, I honestly don't share your gripes on PowerShell. I love the consistency of the command conventions and usage, the power and cohesion you get by piping outputs, and the ability to use DLL functionality without a performance penalty. So for me it is my goto environment for OS automation. And yes, if you want to play with CLI, then you can alias the hell out of it to whatever you want. For my setup I used aliases to make it work like a RHEL. So if you are comfortable with CLI then you should be comfortable with aliasing your CLI without cluttering keywords. So again, I can't see a reason not to love it.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
My Computer programing experience was limited to some very simple command lines and a passable home user knowledge of MS Office VBA, mostly in MS Excel. I got interested in PowerShell partly from seeing what Chris was doing with it in his win10script. I found it very easy to pick up, possibly because I was familiar with the .Net Object Oriented Programing ideas in VBA. I found it a little bit convoluted, but not too bad, especially when I stopped using the shortened command versions initially, (those are what are usually referred to as Aliases in PowerShell. That’s a similar idea to what Chris is talking about, but only a single thing rather than lots of things shortened. The things Chris is talking about would normally be referred to as functions or custom commands (custom CmdLets) when learning PowerShell. There is a lot of useful stuff in this video, but he is also confusing the things himself a bit, IMO, Lol.)
@JonLondrezos Жыл бұрын
@@alanelston2330 I don't disagree. My point really is that I still don't get why Chris thinks less of PS. I remember the time when I had to learn csh/bash.... it was (and still is) a horrible experience, full of inconsistencies and prayers that things would work. I will take PS with its advanced object model any day.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
I am also not quite sure why Chris thinks Microsoft should be doing this for us. Perhaps I missed the point, but I thought this is effectively making some shortened command lines. Shorthand, abbreviations, and general customising to suit the individual. I don’t think Microsoft can be expected to read everybody’s minds and present them with customised PowerShell environment that suits them. MS have given us the ability to customise to suit the individual if he/she chooses to. That’s good of them isn’t it? Maybe Chris means they should make the default customisations to suit him, because he knows best. Well, maybe, - we will see how everything develops in the future, Lol. :-)
@davidkovarik483 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree with you more!
@TheGraemi Жыл бұрын
@@JonLondrezos I completely agree with you. The discoverability from posh is really good.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Chris, there may be some partial reasoning to the different profile path place thing. (BTW I think you got it the wrong way around). - It is not just different versions. PS5 is part of the traditional stuff shipped with windows, and sometimes referred to as Windows PowerShell PS7 is a separate install from the built-in PowerShell. PS7 runs side by side with the built-in version. But PS7 is the new, cross-platform, open-source version. So it’s not quite just different versions of the same thing. Alan
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
I also thought that PS5 was the default shipped on both windows 10 and windows 11. I thought you might need to download PS7. I could be wrong or it might have changed. You can easily check what you have or are currently using by typing a variable command thing in the PowerShell window. If I try to give you that, the KZbin Comment Police Bot deletes the comment. So I try it a bit differently. So it starts with a dollar sign, then these words all joined together without any spaces PS Version Table
@diabilliq Жыл бұрын
@@alanelston2330 PS5 is stock with 10, 7 and the windows terminal is on 11...forget which build though. the big difference between PS versions that is likely the reason for different profile is that PS7 is built on .NET Core, a big difference vs 5 and hence there are a bunch of modules that aren't compatible in 7 that work in 5 and probably vice versa.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
@@diabilliq Thx for the info, Bill I have a few win 7 and win 10 machines and just one win 11. What you say seems to tie up with what I have seen so far. All (including the win 11 machine) seem to have PS5 (Windows PowerShell) as shipped. To get PS7 I have to download it. PS7 generally seems to be referred to as PowerShell or pwsh and gets put at C ProgrammFiles PowerShell PS5 is to be found in C ProgrammFiles WindowsPowerShell (So it’s approximately the opposite of what Chris said in the video) By default, by opening powershell I get PS5 in a blue window. If I have PS7 installed, I can get PS7 by typing pwsh in that blue window, (and it stays blue). If I either double click on the pwsh exe file, or type pwsh from the command prompt run thing, then I get PS7 in a black window.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
I have never tried the windows terminal that is new since windows 11. (I am just a computer Layman, but some computer professionals have commented to me that they think both PS5 (windows power shell) and the new terminal will fade out and the open source PS7 + will become the most common. But that is just their opinion. I can’t comment as I have just experience mostly with the simple command prompt, and PS5, a bit of PS7, and no windows terminal experience Chris seemed to like windows terminal a lot when he first stasrted using windows 11, but he changes his mind a lot, Lol)
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
@@diabilliq I was a bit surprised that you mentioned the Net stuff as a difference between PS5 and PS7, because: I thought I picked up from Tutorials that the Net and Object Orientated Program stuff was the big difference between _ power shell generally (PS5 PS7 and earlier PS versions) and _ the earlier simple black command, cmd, window stuff, (the simple command stuff which works like the very early non windows computers) I may have misunderstood what you meant
@chaminda512 Жыл бұрын
When someone learned to use PowerShell to some extent, even if they love bash they will eventually understand that PowerShell is much more powerful and consistent you could do so much more with it compared to bash People who use PowerShell know those verbose outputs and commands make much more sense Also if you get familiar with aliases for day-to-day use it can be quick
@alexstone691 Жыл бұрын
I did not like powershell before, bash is simple (until you get into very advanced things) and used to like that now i started learning powershell and im loving how consistent and how quickly i got a working script while i would have several bugs along the way in bash Havent even got to using C# or dll stuff which sounds amazing, wonder if you can do that on linux too with shared libraries
@galaxyguy9873 Жыл бұрын
This. I have decided to switched to pwsh as my default shell on my linux machine, for at least a few weeks, and am loving it so far.
@alexstone691 Жыл бұрын
After a while only thing that kinda made me hate pwsh is how they cant follow their own pattern, like with WhatIf that is followed by some commands but not all While pwsh is really powerful im again using bash but i learned its features better like {var:?} which errors out if the var is not set or is empty which will prevent this nightmare 'rm -rf /${var}'
@macethorns1168 Жыл бұрын
If by "more powerful" you mean "more convoluted and complex" then yes, I agree.
@ericr5481 Жыл бұрын
Which is more intuitive? Test-Connection -ComputerName stationA -Count 1 -TimeToLive 30 or ping -c 1 -t 30 stationA Seems like the Test-Connection command is more intuitive and easier to remember. Top is PowerShell and bottom is POSIX. If by a mess you mean consistent and well-structured then I agree. Microsoft makes their command output object oriented, which is waaaaay nicer to work with too.
@henryvaneyk3769 Жыл бұрын
Who has time to type all those characters?
@theritchie2173 Жыл бұрын
@@henryvaneyk3769 People with more than 2 fingers? People who heard of autocomplete?
@fredrikkacsmarck8971 Жыл бұрын
I don't think they forgot about the path but rather the switch from the PS 5.1 and earlier (win-only) and the core/cross platform version. Backward compatibility and all that.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Yeh, There may be some reasoning to the different profile path place thing. (BTW I think he got it the wrong way around). - It is not just different versions. PS5 is part of the traditional stuff shipped with windows, and sometimes referred to as Windows PowerShell PS7 is a separate install from the built-in PowerShell. PS7 runs side by side with the built-in version. But PS7 is the new, cross-platform, open-source version. So it’s not quite just different versions of the same thing.
@rolling_marbles Жыл бұрын
Aliases are great, but i’m an advocate of not abstracting the interface into another but rather use each one natively. i do use Bash and Powershell, even use Powershell launched from Bash. I also love the pneumonics of Powershell being Verb-Noun. it’s more natural way of thinking.
@wydx120 Жыл бұрын
Heads up, it's mnemonics, not pneumonics. It has nothing to do with breathing, but rather with memory. English phonetics of Latin/Greek prefixes are a bitch
@cantis Жыл бұрын
I'm a little baffled by this one, PowerShell isn't bash, making it into bash is? Why not really use the updated Windows Terminal it's far superior and the customization you're doing is supported there as well. Trying to create sudo on windows? Just open an Admin Terminal if you've pinned it then it's a keyboard shortcut to open as admin. Want to edit a file? vsCode not vim, want to install software then use winget at an admin PowerShell prompt, want a new folder ni -I d want a new file ni (ni is a stock alias for new-item) want to edit that file then code . Don't try and make PowerShell into bash - it isn't.
@Dem0n1337 Жыл бұрын
Hey Chris, Just wanted to talk on the powershell 5 and powershell 7 differences. Microsoft specifically made powershell 5 and 7 different because older versions of windows cannot accept 7. But more than that there are commands in 5 and not in 7 that are needed in older versions of windows. So 7 is its own stand alone thing.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Yeh, they are not quite the same thing, ( and so there may be some reasoning to the different profile path place thing where they are, which I think he got the wrong way around) PS5 is part of the traditional stuff shipped with windows, and sometimes referred to as Windows PowerShell PS7 is a separate install from the built-in PowerShell. PS7 runs side by side with the built-in version. But PS7 is the new, cross-platform, open-source version. So it’s not quite just different versions of the same thing.
@thainguyen4530 Жыл бұрын
@@alanelston2330 Similar with me 7 in ~/ProgrammFiles/PowerShell 5 in ~/ProgrammFiles/WindowsPowerShell Chris got it wrong way round
@ThePowerRanger Жыл бұрын
Powershell commands are good though, they follow a consistent naming scheme and tell exactly what they are going to do and the official documentation is also really great. I would say Powershell is better than bash. I say most people like bash is because they are familiar with it. I mean how does "touch" mean create a file whereas "new-item", now that makes more sense.
@bitocouillu Жыл бұрын
Yeah I have noticed with people who are new to IT that they will become autonomous with Powershell far quicker than with bash. With powershell once they understand the object oriented and get-command, get-help and get-member they are good to go. With bash it's harder
@hellohigoodbye Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree with you.
@ceremus Жыл бұрын
100%. The Verb-Noun format may seem long winded at first, but it's immediately intuitive, and tab-completion is ubiquitous for every command and their possible parameters. So it's not only easy to understand, but object-oriented input-output make it extremely powerful and versatile. You can string together as many commands in a pipeline as you like and never have to worry about formatting the input or output as long as you look up the I/O type of the commands you're using. Or build your own commands and modules with their own independent functions, and have them work together like Lego.
@ArniesTech Жыл бұрын
True, Mr. Power Shell Ranger 😁
@RedBearAK Жыл бұрын
The main purpose of the “touch” command is not to create a new file but to update the time a file was last “touched”. So the name is perfectly logical. There must be a similar command in Powershell.
@HumanShield117 Жыл бұрын
The "touch" command doesn't actually do what you say. Well, it does as a side-effect of what it actually does. When you "touch" a file, you actually update it's most-recent-edit timestamp. It also creates the file if it's not already there.
@metamaverick Жыл бұрын
The more notable flaw to his touch command is that it clobbers/erases an existing file's contents! This is definitely not what you would expect from touch. The fix for this is of course to supply the -Append and -NoNewLine options to his function. You could also use the -NoClobber option but this will emit an error if the file exists which is kind of ugly for day-to-day use. Hopefully Chris will see this and fix it ASAP. This is more in line with what one would expect for the default behavior of touch (no other options other than the file specified): function touch([string]$file) { "" | Out-File $file -Append -NoNewline $d = Get-Date $f = Get-Item $file $f.LastWriteTime = $d $f.LastAccessTime = $d }
@SamSamTutorialMan Жыл бұрын
"wget" already IS an alias in powershell for Invoke-WebRequest! I get what you're trying to say but that was literally the worst example you could come up with. lol
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
I think perhaps what Chris is doing here might be along similar lines to what you can do in VBA to make Sub routines (other short available codings/ programs) generally available in your coding. In Excel VBA, for example, you put these Sub routines in a Personal macro workbook, then they will generally be available to Call from other Workbooks I am not sure yet exactly how similar it is, whether for example more than one command line into what he is referring to as his Aliases. It is interesting, he has sparked my interest to try out these things.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
If you are new to PowerShell you may be slightly confused with the use of the word Alias in this video. Usually when you learn PowerShell you will come across Aliases as meaning the pre available shortened versions of commands and CmdLets. The things Chris is talking about would normally be referred to as functions or custom commands (Custom CmdLets) when learning PowerShell. But it’s all down to the same basic thing in the end: Having available a short cut or abbreviation. Often it’s suggested when learning PowerShell to avoid using the (pre available) Aliases. If you do that you may not find PowerShell so convolute and may be not need to use your own (custom) Aliases. There is a lot of useful stuff in this video, IMO. But you may be advised to avoid it if you are just starting to learn PowerShell, or otherwise you might get in a real muddle with your Aliases and Aliases, Lol. :)
@handsomejack1018 Жыл бұрын
PowerShell is the way it is because it uses C# on the backend and I use methods that are a part of C# in my scripts and modules. Good project but your bias is showing, I am new to BASH and it isn't hard for me to remember that touch is similar to New-ChildItem.
@yoxinator Жыл бұрын
After setting up PowerShell with Windows terminal, terminal icons, psreadline tweaks, ohmyposh, and scoop, it's better than bash. Fight me. The first thing I do on my Linux machine now is install PowerShell. This way I can use PowerShell commands and bash commands :)
@TheFlexxoo Жыл бұрын
😂 if you don’t like how Powershell works and operates then don’t use it and use Linux or MacOS, there’s no point to change something that it wasn’t meant to be, Powershell is awesome the way it is!
@DigitalDependance Жыл бұрын
I don't think your criticisms are even remotely valid here. Your complaint is effectively that the commands aren't like linux that your used to. The reality is the commands in linux aren't often logical nor descriptive but some weird esoteric abbreviation of what it does. Power shell has a consistent cmdlet naming system at-least that usually indicates exactly what it does. Your just not used to them. Making aliases for linux commands is fine but i don't think the criticism is, your more used to linux commands, fine
@MrMysticphantom Жыл бұрын
man..... in this vid youre ramblings are sounding like how windows peons complain how Linux isnt setup like windows is, because that is what theyre used to and therefore their preference..except this time its a linux guy doing that for windows. dont do that.... we dont want to come full circle
@TerryDenham Жыл бұрын
"NOT GOING TO BE A MICROSOFT BASH SESSION" and he continues to bash Microsoft. It is a waste of time to watch any Chris Titus Tech videos that deal with any Microsoft products. I use all OSes, WIndows, Ubuntu and MacOS. All of them have their pros and cons, but Chris only finds fault in Windows.
@Rayyan-hi2ge Жыл бұрын
I only find faults in windows and macos
@nikunjkhangwal Жыл бұрын
Because it does always have more issues than others. Besides he had been a windows user for years and at least he's not biased. You're overreacting.
@azuroth8609 Жыл бұрын
Just a heads up - 'uptime' does not work correctly in Pwsh 7. the ConvertToDateTime step just returns a blank
@elatedbento 11 ай бұрын
Same here. I also get a blank with Pwsh 7.
@skatterbrainz Жыл бұрын
"'was the standard for Windows 10"... lol! PowerShell 5.1 is still the default on Windows 11
@arthurpizza Жыл бұрын
"Not going to be a Microsoft Bash session" No, it's a powershell session.
@christosbinos8467 4 ай бұрын
Microsoft very much knows about the $PROFILE variable. The reason they are have different paths is so that both powershell 5.0 and 7.0 can run on the same system without compatibility issues.
@justin.emmons Жыл бұрын
More PowerShell videos. This was excellent!
@KaderRocks Жыл бұрын
I stopped watching when I noticed you had UAC prompts disabled. Imagine giving “power user” advice and not even following the most basic best practice in windows.
@kanemetal Жыл бұрын
man where are your single letter variables and short-hand flag names? I thought it was too much trouble to Verb-Noun -fullFlagName
@RoryIsNotACabbage Жыл бұрын
Re: alias vim=nvim (Although the code is for zsh so maybe edit for powershell) --- alias vim="$EDITOR" if (( $+commands[nvim] )); then export EDITOR='nvim' elif (( $+commands[pvim] )); then export EDITOR='pvim' elif (( $+commands[vim] )); then export EDITOR='vim' elif (( $+commands[vi] )); then export EDITOR='vi' el --- Lets you load the one config anywhere and get whatever flavour of vim you have, in order of preference
@ChrisTitusTech Жыл бұрын
dig it, i'll commit that to the profile.
@ChrisTitusTech Жыл бұрын
Worked on this a bit. Ended up with this code for Powershell Profile based on your Pseudocode - Thanks for putting the idea out there. Function Test-CommandExists { Param ($command) $oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' try {if(Get-Command $command){RETURN $true}} Catch {Write-Host "$command does not exist"; RETURN $false} Finally {$ErrorActionPreference=$oldPreference} } # # Aliases # if (Test-CommandExists nvim) { $EDITOR='nvim' } elseif (Test-CommandExists pvim) { $EDITOR='pvim' } elseif (Test-CommandExists vim) { $EDITOR='vim' } elseif (Test-CommandExists vi) { $EDITOR='vi' } Set-Alias -Name vim -Value $EDITOR
@LilHoss Жыл бұрын
I am totally lost, the "One Click Install" throws up a whole screen full of errors. I think you are four layers down into the cake, and I'm still licking the frosting. I can run PS, then i see "I’d recommend running it from an admin elevated prompt for installation of OhMyPosh." never heard of OhMyPosh, so I go and install that and read about it. It seems like I'm trying to solve a puzzle and several pieces are hid under the couch!!!! I think you're assuming your viewers are experts at this stuff....or I'm watching the wrong channel. Is there a "Blues Clues" version of this?
@LilHoss Жыл бұрын
I got the profile to install, couldn't run the One Click Install though, I downloaded it from github and unzipped and did a "run in powershell" on the setup,ps1 file.
@Lanzetsu Жыл бұрын
Thanks! I've been expecting this since the last week when you announced it
Жыл бұрын
it's true, i was there, i was the terminal. they were on drugs
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Chris was a bit over excited and mixed up at the start of this video I think, perhaps he had taken something and he was the one on drugs, Lol, :-)
@ControversialOG Жыл бұрын
I had been using ohmyposh since last six months, it makes terminal look cool but it has its own flaws.
@bobbybologna3029 Жыл бұрын
Okay I busted up laughing, I had no idea that Powershell could be "bedazzled" I might just do this to show off to some buddies and get made fun of 😂. Suggestion for some videos, I learned some bash through you from your old videos (where you were next to a kitchen!) have you thought about doing some videos on basics of Powershell and DOS? In Linux I can get around like nobody's business but when I land in Windows I am definitely a fish-out-of-water, I just like your delivery over others, you take a very realistic approach to everything. Maybe do it as a sort of "How to kit out a Windows system for a Linux nerd" or something 😁
@ArniesTech Жыл бұрын
Bamboozled 😁😅
@comesignotus9888 Жыл бұрын
Have you tried gsudo (winget install gsudo)? It elevates the current prompt in quite a Linux-like way, instead of opening a new one, might be a good replacement for your "admin" script.
@alx8439 Жыл бұрын
Probably it's the time to tell Chris there's such a software exists as cygwin. Who dares?
@revenge977 Жыл бұрын
he knows about wsl so he probably knows about cygwin as well, sometimes you just have to use the powershell.
@Elvgr Жыл бұрын
Hello, what software do you use for a explorer context menu like this? Thank you
@Elvgr Жыл бұрын
@Unfounded Yes, thank you, I found it
@donaldmickunas8552 Жыл бұрын
Hey Chris, NICE!!!! I love aliases. I actually considered learning Powershell a few years ago. When I saw what a wordy convoluted mess it was, I scraped the idea. I don’t use Windows anyway. It was one of my hair brained ideas. I imagine those aliases could be expanded quite a bit. Bash on Windows by way of Powershell!!!!! LOL
@DominicVictoria Жыл бұрын
If you have wsl2, just type bash on powershell. You’re welcome. 😊
@donaldmickunas8552 Жыл бұрын
@@DominicVictoria True though since I don’t use windows, your comment doesn’t apply to me.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Chris mentions towards the end of the video the usefulness of using the (PowerShell) Command level Interface (CLI) in tandem to the Windows GUI interface when learning PowerShell. Along similar lines, when learning and developing PowerShell script, I would recommend using the ISE (preferably opened as Administrator). You will find the script development window environment thing of the ISE particularly familiar if you are familiar with other similar development environments such as the VB Editor in MS Office VBA. When you open that for the first time, check the view tab options so that you can see both the code type script window and the blue PowerShell window. You can run a script that you write (or paste into the script window) immediately by hitting F5 or the play button. Or in parallel you can run a command from the PowerShell window. An interesting learning exercise, for example, is to 1) write that function dirs thing that Chris explains at minute 3 into the ISE script window, (or copy it from Chris’s powershell-profile ps1 file over at G Hub, then paste it in) 2) run it 3) now you can write dirs in the ISE PowerShell window, and it will work! I always run Chris’s win10script and winutil script this way, as then I can do simple mods to the script, and immediately try them out. Great learning experience.
@metamaverick Жыл бұрын
If I am not mistaken ISE is not for PowerShell Core though (which is what is likely recommended for anyone getting started unless they need to tend to legacy stuff). For Core you should use the PowerShell extension in VSCode.
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
@@metamaverick Ahh, OK, good points, Thx. I have no experience with Visual Studio. Judging by the comments coming in the whole story of PS7 and or PS5 would appear to have been missed by Chris, as has most of what PowerShell is all about, Lol. Not criticising necessarily, his tangents sometimes reveal interesting things, but clearly this video is missing a lot of important points and issues
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
I do remember that when following some of Chris’s early PowerShell stuff, I discovered that some things the scripts were claiming to do, they couldn’t because the script code to do it was only available in PS7, not PS5. (Back then, he was using the built in shipped with windows PowerShell, so PS5, most of the time.) Half the time the code lines were not even in the script anyway, they got lost or never put in due to the endless chaos over at G Hub where he loses control of his scripts. A lot of stuff was missing or mixed up, and still is half the time, Lol. But still all interesting and entertaining stuff, IMO.
@macethorns1168 Жыл бұрын
CLI is command line interface, and use VSCode instead.
@deviouschu Жыл бұрын
Bad video, PowerShell is amazing and easy to understand, unlike bash, stop bashing PowerShell.
@Cowb0yDan 5 ай бұрын
I started with PowerShell way before learning bash scripts and it always perturbs me when people claim powershell is convoluted and difficult to understand. I’m just glad we don’t have to use command prompt as our main shell anymore lol
@Pepe-ej3wv 4 ай бұрын
As a person who both used i find both bash and powershell very easy to understand .powershell also is easier to read.the only minor downside is that powershell is a bit slower but not that much .i would not even consider it a problem because the delay is very small.
@deviouschu 4 ай бұрын
@@Pepe-ej3wv agreed, you don't notice the difference.
@Mojo_DK Ай бұрын
What is your opinion on fish?
@Pepe-ej3wv Ай бұрын
@@Mojo_DK fish also is good.its like bash but easier for a beginner as it has auto complete auto suggestions and more .in scripting also is different and more modern (so easier to use)
@BartvandenDonk Ай бұрын
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Powershell is een Object Oriented CLI. Linux doesn't have that. Neither in Bash, Born or Corn. Every Output from Powershell is en Object NOT a string. It give "living" data so te speak. If you put the Output in a vaiable you can ASK it anything.
@ashujain6479 Жыл бұрын
Please make a video on "is kms safe to active window and ms office"
@carstenschlegel6975 3 ай бұрын
You can use ii (Invoke-Item) to start any type of objects. Directory was open in explorer, Files was open in the App and so on. ii . Open current directory in explorer. It works on Windows, Linux, Mac. (on Linux & Mac PowerShell Core you can also use all Linux commands like fzf, tmux, grep, ...)
@davewiebe2582 Жыл бұрын
Why not use the ISE?
@garthor 5 ай бұрын
FYI: I think according to the docs $profile is different in v5 vs. v7, because they run as two separate programs... stuff in v5 might break v7 and vice versa... so they kept the profiles separate, so you aren't scratching your head asking for version info when you might break something... your old v5 profile will work out of the box, because it only goes to the v5 profile path, likewise with the v7 profile path... Why they didn't just make that obvious by tacking on a version number to the path? Idk... but that's the reasoning.
@DarrylWright 3 ай бұрын
This is super-helpful but one of the things I noticed is that when you make changes your profile .ps1 file, it automatically replaces itself when you reload it (deleting your changes). Is there a way you can add your own functions?
@ReaperRGXB 12 күн бұрын
Is this no longer active? I love the look and function of this profile specifically.
@floppa9415 4 ай бұрын
0:25 Funny I find the exact opposite to be true. I find PowerShell leagues more intuitive than other shell environments. Starting from the syntax which is much close to a programming language, the consistent naming of stuff and the consistent handling of arguments, ... I much prefer it to shoot myself in the foot with MY aliases
@borkesahin8729 23 күн бұрын
hi is it possible to add status line, (as tmux also have) at the bottom of Windows Terminal?
@OlafSoyk 6 ай бұрын
Depending on where you come from I totally disagree, that the commands used on the terminals in a Mac or on Linux are intuitive and smart. They are as far from intuitive as it gets. On the other hand PowerShell cmdlets have a - most of the time - logical naming convention and a consitent structure. ... just my 2ct. 🤷🏼‍♂
@beardo-baggins Жыл бұрын
I hate how cmd prompt opens in, what seems like, a random location on my screen every time I open it in the new version of Win11. I'm currently on 22H2 build 22621.755. I use to have it always open in the bottom left corner of my screen. But, I can't seem to find a way to do this since the last big version update. So, my question to you @Chris Titus Tech or anyone who can help me. Is there a way to get this done, in a way that even a n00b can do?
@longphamthanh3792 Жыл бұрын
I'm using FancyZones from PowerToys. So basically with a predefined layout, every time I launch an app, it will snap to its previous location. You can also overwrite the default Windows+arrow keys to make applications span across grids.
@ElementalCode 4 ай бұрын
ii . That's double lowercase i and then any file or folder and it will open it with the default program. It's a shorter way to open the current directory than explorer .
@GabrielMontenegro-k5n 6 ай бұрын
Why is it that anything that's 1+ year old from Chris, ends up broken? LOL Video should be taken down and re-upload a more up to date version.
@markusTegelane Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that Verb-Noun structure of commands is something I never Get-UsedTo
@TheGraemi Жыл бұрын
together with PSReadline it makes for better discoverability/usability.
@ashisharya65 7 ай бұрын
You should not be bashing PowerShell until you learn it. There pros and cons of PowerShell over Bash so do not underestimate the power of PowerShell. ✌️
@BruceLee-qc2lm 11 ай бұрын
Wish the customization was better UI. I want background to be black, but then some of the brackets and other commands are black by default. So you have to dig through each one and change it from black. Very annoying if you want a dark theme.
@markselvenis7273 Жыл бұрын
Copied and ran link, received errors
@markselvenis7273 Жыл бұрын
Chris, I able to install from iex on your GitHub page
@comesignotus9888 Жыл бұрын
Have you tried gsudo (winget install gsudo)? It elevates the current prompt in quite a Linux-like way, instead of opening a new one, might be a good replacement for your "admin" script.
@echobucket Жыл бұрын
If you have scoop, I do scoop install coreutils then I remove a bunch of the default powershell aliases and I have the GNU coreutils like I have in Linux
@afeef2152 Жыл бұрын
Awesome! I love eyecandy for terminal too
@shutterassault1 Жыл бұрын
Not a huge powershell user, but a lot of the new commands seem to only work in Powershell 5? Not the newest 7. For example, Get-WmiObject isn't recognized in 7. MS definitely confused Powershell for me with all the different install directories and versions.
@bitocouillu Жыл бұрын
It's probably because get-WmiObjet is deprecated, use Get-CimInstance instead
@shutterassault1 Жыл бұрын
@@bitocouillu Thanks for this..
@alanelston2330 Жыл бұрын
Yeh, they are not quite the same things. PS5 is part of the traditional stuff shipped with windows, and sometimes referred to as Windows PowerShell PS7 is a separate install from the built-in PowerShell. PS7 runs side by side with the built-in version. But PS7 is the new, cross-platform, open-source version. So it’s not quite just different versions of the same thing.
@ezclap3301 Жыл бұрын
Hi Chris, Can you share the tweaks used for a explorer context menu, looks clean and functional.
@ezclap3301 Жыл бұрын
@Unfounded thanks for the info.
@TheTheThewillow 2 ай бұрын
You know you can use tab with astrics to find shit😅
@somdobomk Жыл бұрын
Been using starship with terminal-icons module for wsl arch, powershell, and macos but oh-my-posh looks pretty cool. Gonna have to try it out.
@drescherjm Жыл бұрын
As a c++ programmer I still use a cmd.exe window as I have for around 30 years since I have had windows. These days its in a windows terminal and I typically have 4 to 6 tabs open at all times.
@RafaelLorenteSalgueiro Жыл бұрын
Hi Chris nice video like always After install Oh-my-posh you can use as admin "oh-my-posh font install" to install nerd-fonts, you can add 2 PS modules for a better look and feel "Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery" for icons when you use ls or ll or dir. "Install-Module -Name z -RequiredVersion 1.1.9" just like autojump you use with linux anter use "cd folder" one time you must configure fonts in windows terminal Defaults>Appearance FontFace
@garthor 5 ай бұрын
Wait... you use VIM? you lost me there... you monster!
@darkangelo Жыл бұрын
every time i try to install your stuff it freaks out my antivirus lol
@mrgeebee1622 8 ай бұрын
Could you make or update this for PS 7?
@BartvandenDonk Ай бұрын
ii . (is far easier than explorer .) ....
@velbby Жыл бұрын
This dosent work it just ruined my windows powershell
@krakendeez7415 Жыл бұрын
for some reason i get the "The '
@krakendeez7415 Жыл бұрын
and then its a whole row of errors when using the script
@metamaverick Жыл бұрын
The answer to your question depends on what operation you expect the < to perform. If it is for comparison of two numbers then, just like bash, you should use -lt. For more info on comparisons, search powershell docs for about_Comparison_Operators.
@krakendeez7415 Жыл бұрын
@@metamaverick i meant when i ran the script
@ZombieLurker 5 ай бұрын
Too bad this doesn't work anymore.
@RandyWSims Жыл бұрын
A good bit of that Powershell config could be replaced with tools that are available on both Windows and Linux: ls=exa or lsd, cat=bat, find=fd, grep=ripgrep, du=duf or gdu, ntop & procs for viewing processes. zoxide eliminates the need to shortcut directory hops. gsudo lets you run a elevated command. fzf could be spun in to a multipart series, integrating it with other tools to fuzzy search files (w/ preview), complete commands, etc. It's amazingly versatile. bat is cat on steroids. chezmoi lets you manage all your configurations files, even across OS. scoop install gsudo chezmoi curl wget diffutils exa zoxide broot lf gdu ntop procs duf fd fzf grep gsudo bat less ripgrep sed winfetch lazygit sysinternals Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons Install-Module -Name PSFzf
@thewalrusdragon9579 4 ай бұрын
My PowerShell profile.ps1 is completely empty. Is that normal?
@Geezr 3 ай бұрын
Yes, you need to add what you want to auto load when you start powershell. You get to configure and load your preferences vs learning someone else's.
@zvanmilisavljevic8879 Жыл бұрын
@yetanotherbloke Жыл бұрын
Hi Chris, mostly I agree with what you're saying - some of the Powershell commands are downright wordy. However, the rationale was that they wanted to be consistent with their naming. Fixing it is exactly what your profile is for. Your profile supports your habits and preferences no matter what OS you're on. Case in point, in bash if I go "cd.." I get an error (DOS habit). So my bash profile gets an alias for it. Now I get to keep my hair.
@lcasper2607 Жыл бұрын
Lewis Menelaws VS Chris Titus
@utubepunk Жыл бұрын
This video was perfect for the Drakeposting Meme as a thumbnail. Boring PowerShell on the top, upgraded shiny PowerShell on the bottom! 😄
@muddyexport5639 Жыл бұрын
After viewing, thank you seems like a lame understatement. But, anyway, as it's the best I can do, "Thank You!!"
@TheOne299 Жыл бұрын
For some reason after following your instructions, my prompt doesn't look like yours. I have the colors, but not all the parts of the prompt are displayed. I get strange characters. (look like small boxed question marks) Did i do anything wrong?? (I did install the Cove Nerd fonts)
@thabolefleur9655 Жыл бұрын
Mac terminal is ugly too
@IBENF Жыл бұрын
Man, my mind went back to Dos 3.* days. WP and several other programs fit on a miniscule hd. No telemetry. A simple printer. I wish we could have that back again, obviously without threats to security or privacy. I could live without the Internet. Just an old man's nostalgy or is that actually possible?
@freem4nn129 Жыл бұрын
When the font is acting strange don't forget to change the font in powershell to the cascyvadia cove font. my powershell looks sweet right now ^^ thx chris
@SirMoefe Жыл бұрын
To reload your profile in PowerShell, you can type ". $PROFILE". It's like the source command in bash etc.
@AhmedSamyeg Жыл бұрын
I use oh-posh on windows Mac and Linux with my owns custom profile it’s amazing
@brineeggliang5460 Жыл бұрын
nilesoft shell user I see
@PH0T0N Жыл бұрын
is there any way to reset my powershell to default?
@Z.Matyas Жыл бұрын
That's my question too. I got stuck at the beginning and that's why I would like to reset it. Certain characters have also disappeared in the Terminal, they are replaced by squares.
@TheGraemi Жыл бұрын
Add to it to have a good look at PSReadline. Already installed on W11 (but update) and a must install on W10.
@Petoj87 Жыл бұрын
If you like a nice PowerShell terminal give PowerType a try it adds autocomplete for cli tools like npm and docker (it's still a work in progress).
@UltramarinePrimaris Жыл бұрын
This was a nice birthday present. Thanks, Chris !
@shoddits2156 Жыл бұрын
I use MSYS2, I don't bother with powershell
@gl5638 Жыл бұрын
OK very nice video! Only thing missing now is you should make a video about installing neofetch on windows.. :D :D
@ChrisTitusTech Жыл бұрын
Next Monday!
@arturorochoa9359 Жыл бұрын
Pretty Powershell is just PP. like, Pretty Printer in Haskell
@sunnyheheheh9401 Жыл бұрын
thanks for the video it made the exp better it is really a pain when I start using pwsh after using bash (i have dual boot) , btw how can i make cd go to the home directory( can't write ~ , writing tilde ~ hurts my fingers) the cd command doesn't work in the old powershell 4 and it just hurts so much i don't want to use PowerShell 7 it is cross platform and slow AF (it just sucks) , pls help
@bitocouillu Жыл бұрын
set-location $HOME
@ArniesTech Жыл бұрын
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