"Pride Comes Before A Fall..."

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Spirit Science

Spirit Science

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@elmonte5lim 3 ай бұрын
From a sixties refugee, who's a big fan of David Hawkins and has learned humility the hard way: this is an impressive piece of insight from a relatively young man. Nice job, man!
@professorcrap.8437 3 ай бұрын
I agree that pride is a problematic slogan and shouldn't be the goal for LGBTQ. Is there a reason they would attach themselves to the word pride though? I think its captivating because its something they probably lack in themselves. If there was a more clear path to righteousness that would be appealing, but it seems like something they lack the affinity for. Righteousness is a hard sell for those types of spirits. I don't think they desire anything other than pride coming from a position of lack. What is righteous about having sex with poop? these must be some STRONG desires amess with justifications to be that irrational. Your soul should shudder at that, in the same way you would feel weak making excuses for unrighteous behavior under the guise that it is a part of the process. You were not born here to never feel righteousness, no one is. Its the same as hopelessness and addiction and anything else that can get you "stuck" in a thought web. There are endless excuses, your thoughts can spin whole worlds to live in just to cope, chasing pride should be the first sign. How is that mentally strong?
@dank311 3 ай бұрын
At the end of the day, we are all human/consciousness. All other labels and boxes are just ego.
@votejello 3 ай бұрын
Which is exactly why the system pushes identity politics so hard. It's lizard brain bs.
@GlubWub 3 ай бұрын
I would argue possessing a sense of individuality and having the ability to use discernment between self and other an incredibly valuable trait that distinguishes us as human beings. That’s what the ego is. It allows us to take personal responsibility for our actions, to discriminate who and what we interact with. Having the freedom to choose good action or evil ones. To your point, the ego should not be worshipped, but held with poise, recognizing the eyes of another in yourself strengthens the relationship of yourself to source. Claiming sovereignty as an individual, meaning you own yourself and no other, is the first step to manifesting the condition of freedom and peace within reality. Eliminate the ego, and collectivistic tyranny will slip in. Diversity of human thought, expression, and imagination will all become endangered, and hive-mind, external “authorities” will be scapegoated, instead of claiming personal responsibility for one’s own wrongdoings.
@dank311 3 ай бұрын
@@GlubWub Well said, and somewhat agree. However my point in this context is we live in a society that puts way to much weight and attachment into their ego (even things such as career, looks, achievements, and so on). This may lead to an unhealthy relationship with your ego versus a healthy relationship with you ego. Especially when it comes to the context of this video which is LGBT. Some make their entire life about their sexuality...an obsession. This often leads them to having a very similar behavior to obsess over labels for everyone. This too can lead to hive mind biases within their own bubbles, as they see other labels that is not like their to be separate from themselves. This can also lead to the ego overpowering true self. Where one forgets that we are all just humans. This leads to division, even hate, violence. You can however have healthy individualism, and see us as different version(expressions) of the same. But its unfortunate that people sometimes get caught up in the ego too much to remember. Humble personality > Pride personality.
@TheElynoir 3 ай бұрын
Spot on
@Alexander-wq7qo 3 ай бұрын
But at the same time communities and collective experiences and traditions matter
@DaniGilbert 3 ай бұрын
Wow, a lot of negative judgement and prejudice in the comments. How about we try to lead with more compassion and understanding for each other and each other's pain, letting each of us have our differences, seeing the different points of view not as division but as strengths for the collective?
@Cherokee.Sunrise44 3 ай бұрын
I Appreciate this Perspective. KEEP IN MIND Words have the intention that you give to them. I didnt grow up Catholic so never ascribed to Religious and Social Conditioning that "pride" is bad nor the "7deadly sins". To me, pride has always been the same as when God created the world and then took delight in his work or saw good for his work. It is Positive. I also recognize that it could also be negative so I appreciate your words on this subject. I always thought the Pride Movement was to establish a sense of confidence in who you are, regardless of what others may think of you, but again, my starting point with the word Pride was not a negative one. Everything can be used for good or bad. BTW LOVING YOU Just Being You Without Patchman ❤
@NandoDisco 3 ай бұрын
Love this way of looking at it. Pride is a love and acceptance in who you are despite the worlds harsh treatment of you. It can also mean a huge unreasonable self esteem and looking down on others.
@guro.b0y 3 ай бұрын
the message is wonderful and full of love and understanding, but being out here capitalizing on pride month is a little hard to ignore my guy 😭 if ur queer urself then by all means do ur thing ❤️ bit if ur not, i urge u to keep in mind all that the lgbtq+ community has had to go through for decades to fight for the rights that we have today, and that we are still fighting to keep
@daveschmelling962 Ай бұрын
You must be queer. Tell me why isn't the queer are the ones that want to get into everybody's face To prove their acceptance. Queer people are the 0.01% of the population. Do your stuff and keep the rest of us out of it. Inquiry you're losing your battle!
@TheOnlyChifilo 3 ай бұрын
A lot of these words are really easy for you to say when you don’t have to live in fear of getting murdered depending on what state (or even city) you happen to occupy. I get what you’re saying, but don’t pretend like the queer community using the word pride is the reason human consciousness won’t rise when it is in fact those who actively seek our destruction that keep humanity behind.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 3 ай бұрын
We're more on the same level than you think! Check out our new episode of Everything Explained! kzbin.info/www/bejne/jpKWqZqGbsR7qZY
@TheOnlyChifilo 3 ай бұрын
@@SpiritScienceOfficial we really aren't. See, I wouldn't commit SA
@hatasmuveletinspiracio 3 ай бұрын
Pride is not self confidence. You need self confidence not pride, this is what we need to learn. ❤
@psychedelicartistry 5 күн бұрын
True. Self-confidence can be present while also being humble. I've seen self-confident people and compared them with prideful people, and the difference is night and day.
@ArielleDistel 3 ай бұрын
Holy crap! I came into this expecting something completely different and was about ready to run away. I'm glad I heard the video through to the end though. Wise words!
@edwardtjbrown1979 3 ай бұрын
In the context of the Pride movement, maybe the intention was to, in the late 1960s, help build self-esteem and a sense of worth in a climate that oppressed marginalized people.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Very fair - we might consider that back then the overall consciousness levels were a lot lower - and so PRIDE was still a movement upward!
@nohaybando9586 3 ай бұрын
​@@SpiritScienceOfficialI'm pretty sure you're that guy who committed sexual assault.
@NandoDisco 3 ай бұрын
@@SpiritScienceOfficial And judging by a lot of these comments, it still needs to be. It's a step just below affirmation and courage.
@billiemike100 3 ай бұрын
Very well spoken my friend. The sincerity of your words and tone were beautiful. Thank you for your time, energy and just being you ☺️ Love and light 🥰🥰🥰
@michaelk4740 3 ай бұрын
@MP90y7i7 3 ай бұрын
Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only true antidote to shame - Uncle Iroh
@rtc600 3 ай бұрын
Based on Wikipedia's definition, you cannot selectively choose ideas to create a narrative that erases historical events. Don't try to rewrite history. LGBT people face oppression, and this person doesn't understand what oppression means. Sadly, they may never fully understand. Pride results from a powerful movement, much like the civil rights movement. You can't dismiss something just because you weren't involved initially; it makes you sound jealous, which is another deadly sin. How about we focus on ourselves, and you do the same?
@NandoDisco 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I was into the videos but then to publish this and not contextualize why the Pride Movement is even a thing is disingenuous and lazy.
@GoddessMaicaJ 3 ай бұрын
I'm sure it took some courage to make this video. Thank you! ❤ I actually just heard of this concept yesterday, and the universe has been trying to show me my own pride 😅. I feel like I'm stepping into courage, but I'm still trying to take pride with me in that space sometimes
@reverendprosperous5146 3 ай бұрын
"Pride is dependant on external conditions." Exactly. It also breeds negative emotions such as jealousy and hatred of others.
@hcr4life 3 ай бұрын
Bro can't be even more correct than he already is. Thank you
@its_not_me69 3 ай бұрын
Pride comes before destruction
@JoeyoyYT 3 ай бұрын
to be fair, everything comes before destruction
@TheOnlyChifilo 3 ай бұрын
Congrats on regurgitating the same bs that’s on MAGA pages
@adoe2305 Ай бұрын
Pride comes before the fall.
@lissaglasgow5492 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, I think the biggest issue is people can’t get ahead of their discrimination and felt victimized that people have a rainbow flag. We didn’t realize the pushback low vibrational behavior from other people who maybe it wasn’t their thing growing up in the 1970s it was a thing if you had Jesus in your heart, and you were had God in your heart, you were part of the rainbow tribe, so so what another group of people are using the rainbow why are you gonna let that bother you? I like the color purple other people wearing the color purple is gonna bother me. No, we’re bigger than that. I would’ve thought but what we’re seeing with this violence toward the 🏳️‍🌈 community is Hysterical in many ways sadly because the Christians will tell you their persecuted and prosecuted yet here they are doing it to another group of people hypocritical and sad
@michaelk4740 3 ай бұрын
Being gay is your religion. Your identity revolves around who you like to have sex with. How sad
@austinlee- Ай бұрын
@@michaelk4740 Look at you, barking like a dog thinking you’re so higher than thou yet you look so pitiful down there coping… refusing to acknowledge plain nature. It doesn’t care what you think, the sky is blue, the grass is green and it’s not your choice. Look at how you come to spark negativity and spew hate at this person when all they did was leave peaceful comment sharing their experience. It’s very telling to the kind of person you are, you are not in touch with logic and reason. The cognitive dissonance is made very clear by your desire to insult and dismiss reality. Mother nature doesn’t care about your feelings, the universe and life expresses infinitely beyond our comprehension for reasons unknown, not to satisfy your religious dogmas. Grow up.
@zoe0640 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your analysis, Jordan. I think with reference to the "Pride Movement," this is nomenclature from 1971, is it not? Certainly in those days - and we can see it still replaying in certain sectors today - there was an undeniable element of trying to *force* respect from a bigoted society. My own experience of Pride events have been more recent. Prior to the pandemic, I lived in London and I loved going out into the city during Pride events. This was before I even identified as part of the LGBTQIA+ Community. I can tell you that what I *felt* during those times were Love and Acceptance, not Pride. But for reasons, I doubt anyone will be changing it to Love and Acceptance Month. The more the community feel love and acceptance from society in general, the more everyone is raised.
@artemismoonbow2475 Ай бұрын
Basically agree. Language has meaning even if it is dualistic and prone to confusion, and words than mean everything have no meaning. When an LGBTQ person uses the word PRIDE as a general movement, it is about empowerment and self-esteem in the face of overwhelming abuse. When it is said in this context, it IS about intrinsic strength. But it is correct that pride does indeed goeth before the fall for the very reasons that it is stated, a focus on extrinsic validation is a set up for a crushing fall into the very things being escaped from. This is also why the Christian "fake it til you make it" positivity and belief change technique works but is also dangerous. I don't like the word either and like even less the corporate control, vodka peddling, and collaboration with state institutions of force that are allies today and murderers tomorrow and yesterday. Cops in parades and pride days at CIA is not positive change.
@yungdemonslayer888 3 ай бұрын
and we got another sellout. bye
@luditebreaker5065 3 ай бұрын
Confusion between dignity, Pride and honor. National Pride= Nationalistic National Dignity= Nationhood Home proud= Cleaning disorder dignified house= Ethical actions undertaken by its occupants Pride of Beauty= Vanity Dignified beauty= poise Gay Pride= Unapologetic in choosing the person you love and have physical relationship Gay Dignity= the right of a homosexual person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically.
@austinlee- 3 ай бұрын
Exactly! We all have pride to a degree. I never took gay pride to emboldened me to act like I’m better than others or non gay ppl it was just a stepping stone that dispelled self hate and loathing into self acceptance and self love so I can move to a state of joy
@RippDrive 3 ай бұрын
You're kind of presupposing the possibility of homosexual relationships. There is no relationship, it's a purely carnal act.
@silentfriend369 3 ай бұрын
​@@RippDriveno it isn't. You're so prejudiced. You don't know us. You don't even know yourself!
@austinlee- 3 ай бұрын
@@RippDrive Homosexual relationships are definitely possible. All sexual relationships are a cardinal act no? To say a same sex-sex relationship is the only one and that it’s purely carnal is begging very disingenuous. Why do old gay couples stay together when there is no sex?
@RippDrive 3 ай бұрын
@@silentfriend369 I don't "know you"? What does that mean? How would I even go about that? If you think there is something I'm missing don't be cruel and deny me that information. Unless you're trying to encourage me toward homosexual experiences. If you're gonna claim that's what's needed to understand I'm not interested.
@shivashakti4261 3 ай бұрын
I get what you are saying, it would be better if you discuss the reason and the history why pride march/ pride month, was called in the first place. If i have a choice I would elevate it and make it unequivocally positive because of your video, Now, I appreciate the TRANSJOY movement.
@moonwatch7963 3 ай бұрын
I always think of that quote or saying, everytime anyone says they should be proud of anything! It's like they are courting disaster.
@Schoenmann3 3 ай бұрын
Always loved you and Patchman :3♥
@betzyberumen6910 3 ай бұрын
This is so important to say and has been needed thank you! ❤
@Manny888Festo 3 ай бұрын
These ideas have been trying to manifest in my own personal gnosis I just couldn’t put them into words. Thank you 🙏🏽
@laravladimir493 3 ай бұрын
Pride on the chart seemed like it's in a good position. U need pride to step up to courage
@NandoDisco 3 ай бұрын
And affirmation of self.
@newbengraham4775 3 ай бұрын
i just realized that etymology of english words are not completely reliable.
@Ta2dwitetrash 3 ай бұрын
Theres a reason for the narrative. We cant manifest together if we are constantly torn apart.
@Vshamann336 3 ай бұрын
It does make sense and in my awakening I took a hard stop into my ego before out, and I am seeing that kind of be the norm for many. I think whats going on is that is simply part of claiming your individual sovereignty. How could you claim it unless you truly know yourself? You see, its the first time they've been secure, and proud of them selves in any way, and it exuberates ego, and well you'll find no lack of egotistical people to share that vibe with. and it can be a trap if you let it. But its really just a lesson.
@kathyingram3061 3 ай бұрын
~In nautical terms, a proud plank, on the hull,or deck, etc., refers to a board that sticks out further than the rest, usually meaning theres dry rot, etc., underneath it~
@sactownsluckylady 3 ай бұрын
Bravo eloquently put together. Also, I’m very happy that you touched on the 12 steps of recovery. You didn’t specifically say the 12 steps, but you covered them. Character defects shortcomings That is a formula to be able to get through the pride. and in my experience pride blocks the sunlight of the spirit!
@silentfriend369 3 ай бұрын
What you've done with this video is green lit hatefulness in your community. And I know you participate in this judgmental philosophy because you liked a comment calling those who have experiencex PTSD triggers related to discrimination "preschoolers". You are the one who should be examining themselves to locate where their Shadow influences their identity and behavior. You are choosing a path that ignites and emboldens the oposite of love, compassion, dignity, kindness, wisdom etc. You are PROUDLY drawing a line in the sand and calling it wisdom. It's fear. It's ignorance. It's another person being led away from the path of enlightenment by the Ego's delusional ways. If you cannot see the bigger picture behind the necessity for holidays to celebrate diversity, in this world full of fear, hate, and ignorance galore, then you will contribute to those very things. You will make a home for yourself in these delusions, and you will call it righteous. You will call it courage. You will call it anything that the unenlightened mind requires in order to maintain its fragile sense of stability. Reflect. Deeply. Because this is a cross roads for you, my friend. I will not be following where this leads.
@austinlee- 3 ай бұрын
I had this feeling too and I didn’t wanna believe it, but when he replied “LOL” to a comment on the gender video that said it’s “Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve” I knew. It’s such a classic repeated saying used for religious dogma to oppress and demonize gay couples there is no way he doesn’t understand what that implies. Never would have thought from the first video I’ve seen of spirit science almost 10 years ago that helped me accept myself to be here now asking, where is the love?
@questionwyteshamans 3 ай бұрын
Great job. You've just given the new age spirituality to fascism pipeline more ammunition by being pedantic. Well done.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 3 ай бұрын
@questionwyteshamans 3 ай бұрын
@SpiritverseOfficial You're a smart guy. Feigning obtuseness is a tactic I'd thought you'd be beyond. Tearing down a community's survival tactic because of the word they chose to represent it gives ammunition to the right wing new age grifters. You, as an authority, basically blessed their dismissal of gay rights. Pretending you don't know what I'm talking about because you don't like the topic is irresponsible at best.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 3 ай бұрын
@@questionwyteshamans yeah, I disagree- I specified this was a video about language as opposed to human expression. I think your attachment to being right is getting in the way of seeing a higher understanding.
@questionwyteshamans 3 ай бұрын
@SpiritverseOfficial You overestimate the intelligence of all your viewers. And to be honest your choosing this topic right now in the interest of creating controversy to pump your view numbers is gross & incredibly suspect. But it's cool right because you're 'above' all the very real harm your homophobic dogwhistle video will cause. Seriously, courting controversy like this ... im so disappointed.
@questionwyteshamans 3 ай бұрын
you've turned out to be such a disappointment. I used to believe in your project. Now I know you're exactly the people I was talking about. 🤮
@_sacredseven_ 3 ай бұрын
Making a Lifestyle out of a Fetish, and Identifying so much with our sexual preferences is certainly not the Way to Cultural Progression. We all have Logs in our eyes. We're all flawed. It's not out place to Condemn other people for their faults. But it is our responsibility to help Carry eachother Burdens if we want to be close to Christ. Inspiring eachother to Keep Carrying our Crosses is an act of compassion, not conviction. Pride is certainly alive in all of us. But Humility comes before Honor. Deep down when people are honest with theirselves, it's easy to admit that we all need advice sometimes. And nobody really knows what's best. But Were all still learning. New information is available to us every day.
@Daylight-nu3rt 3 ай бұрын
Well you can get rid of pride. I did. Ever heard of the word, "CONTENT". That's what everyone should be, without being content, you become covetous, and being jealous of what others have. Pride is a sin.
@smokeyoak 3 ай бұрын
You both nailed it ^
@silentfriend369 3 ай бұрын
Well... It's been nice while it lasted. Ridiculous video targeting a group of folks that have been historically discriminated against and violently targeted. It is fully an attack. Your comment section shows the sort of people who agree with you. Disappointed but not surprised.
@policematrixx 3 ай бұрын
yes how dare someone not like what you like clearly they are evil!!! lol
@SpiritScienceOfficial 3 ай бұрын
You must not have watched the video... This was a criticism of how we use language and an encouragement to be mindful of that. I was very clear about this.
@RippDrive 3 ай бұрын
They're not a group though. Anyone can be gay.
@OrbitZombie 3 ай бұрын
The "New Age to Right Wing" pipeline is real. Conspirituality is a cancer.
@silentfriend369 3 ай бұрын
​@@SpiritScienceOfficialI am not blind to your Shadow projections. But you are. May you shine a light on your dark corners.
@melissaloyd1058 3 ай бұрын
I think you should be more concerned with greed than pride
@Vshamann336 3 ай бұрын
I dont get why pride would be a sin unless its will ignorance youre taking pride in, and all the info is in your face to know better. But there is positive pride and you should be able to be proud of things at times right.
@ezraburton4788 2 ай бұрын
I’ve always thought of it as being that (in the context of the 7 deadly sins) it isn’t the emotion that is the problem, it’s the perversion of it. So like, greed. It’s okay to want more for yourself, 100%! But it isn’t okay when it becomes perverse, taking away from others, accumulating too much to ever use, etc :)
@Vshamann336 Ай бұрын
@@christopherscott932 I think it's all relative and I think that it's more proper to have balanced pride and balanced humility.
@adoe2305 Ай бұрын
Sin separates you from God. When you are proud, you think you do it on your own, which is not true. You do everything thanks to God.
@J3rs3y_G1rl 3 ай бұрын
You and I are possibly on the same wavelength. Very well presented and very spot on.
@lissaglasgow5492 3 ай бұрын
Personally, I’m not gonna lose one more community member child who happens to be LGBTQ who lives in a world that doesn’t find them honored accepted, valued, and loved this is why we celebrate pride Not one more person to ever feel that they are not valued because of someone else’s limited, hateful viewpoint on who they choose to love, never again not one more
@Lyran7 3 ай бұрын
As long as everyone is of age, consenting and keeping their personal business private, most people don't care The original movement did a GREAT job with that. Its this new c/u/l/t that is repulsive to many. Its doing the exact opposite. And why are you assigning adult shex uality on to kids. Kids are just kids, not s/l/g/b/etc.
@OrbitZombie 3 ай бұрын
​@@Lyran7congratulations, you let grifters direct your feelings towards queer people. The "protect the kids" narrative is decades old and a narrative created by bigots to justify their hate of LGBTQ people. To make it seem reasonable "no I'm not a bigot! I just don't want them around kids!". It has no basis in reality. Most LGBTQ people realize they're different at a young age.
@lissaglasgow5492 3 ай бұрын
@@Lyran7 trying to demonize and disparage your community over what you think goes on if you don’t know what goes on automatically thinking it’s negative says something way more about you than anything
@Lyran7 3 ай бұрын
@@lissaglasgow5492 I mean much of it is recorded, proudly.
@RippDrive 3 ай бұрын
As someone who has lost loved ones to LGBT lifestyles... You're a horrible person for wanting to do this to children, or anyone for that matter.
@corujas_da_noite 3 ай бұрын
You are so right! The movement was the ladder we had to climb from very mean and hurtful things done to those who expressed themselves differently but we must keep going up & up to raise the consciousness levels of humanity Good job 👏 💗❤️💗❤️
@work4yhwh 3 ай бұрын
@OrbitZombie 3 ай бұрын
Thinly veiled dogwhistle. Cant say I'm surprised.
@michaelk4740 3 ай бұрын
Go away
@dafttool 3 ай бұрын
I’m not going to be too critical, because I’ve seen how hateful some of your subscribers are to the LGBTQ community. I just want to say that you got hung up on the semantics of the word “pride” without even addressing what Pride seeks to accomplish. It’s not just about empowering a marginalized community, but also handing a lifeline to the youth who are at the greatest risk of not only harm from others, but also self-harm. Regardless of their home life or school life, they need to know that they have a larger family in the LGBTQ community that has their back. Those that have been made to live a life of societal shame are shown pride instead. Don’t go through life afraid, cowering about what others think of you. Own your own agency. Hold your head high. You are not alone. Pride saves lives. 🏳️‍🌈✊🏽🏳️‍⚧️
@Daylight-nu3rt 3 ай бұрын
Yeah do all that, but just know people have a right to reject what they feel is uncomfortable to them also, and they should have a voice as well to reject what they don't want in their life, and not have it pushed on them by force. Being charged for desecrating a so-called "pride" flag is abuse of law. Do what you want to, but don't expect everyone to go along with it.
@dafttool 3 ай бұрын
@@Daylight-nu3rt KZbin keeps censoring my response. Arrgh So I will be extremely brief. Casual rejection is not the problem, & you know it.
@Daylight-nu3rt 3 ай бұрын
@@dafttool it is the problem, and you know it. If it wasn't there wouldn't be a issue with the month and the pride celebration. I just saw where they have so many days of the year in each month for their recognition. Straight people don't walk around wanting to be treated like they are special...."ALL THE TIME"!!!!. They brought this indifference on themselves by trying to make people recognize them for being who they are. And to be frank, no one cares, and especially not if you want me to recognize it. That's like saying, "hey look at me, look what I can do". That's childish behavior. No one cares about your pride, or your choices. As long as you keep what you do to yourself, it's no problem. But don't go beating drums to get attention, that just makes it even more annoying.
@Daylight-nu3rt 3 ай бұрын
@@dafttool and please don't tell me what I know. I know I'm a heterosexual male, and I'll never switch sides.
@dafttool 3 ай бұрын
@@Daylight-nu3rt From that paragraph you wrote, obviously someone cares enough to clutch their pearls in melodramatic flair.
@syd_santon 3 ай бұрын
This is a fascinating thought, thank you for sharing!
@mjfentertainment6927 3 ай бұрын
Even with the new format, your production is always top tier 👏 Love your take on the subject
@ryebread7224 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate you making a video like this. This content is obviously going to be controversial to some people, but I like the overarching message. At the end of the day, it's important that we remember we're all One. It's very difficult to remember that at times, especially with how polarizing the world currently is. But I am grateful for videos like this that help center me.
@Marayot 3 ай бұрын
I think that attachment is the issue. There is nothing wrong with Pride as an emotion or a state of mind but with the story we attach to it and how beliefs become dependent on pride thriving. I agree with you, my friend! Much love ❤
@R3l3ntl3sss 3 ай бұрын
Also the exalting of bodily pleasures
@jer103 3 ай бұрын
I think we can have multiple definitions, as well as vibrational levels, for one word. Some can see pride as a 175 energy level, or someone else can see it as Acceptance at a 350 level.
@adoe2305 Ай бұрын
Pride is not acceptance
@jer103 Ай бұрын
Pride is not acceptance. Yet, there is pride at a lower level, and pride at a higher level. (Was what I was trying to say more.)
@tayloredash3264 3 ай бұрын
I haven't read that book by David Hawkins though now I will be on the hunt for it haha - but what I like about this is thr positive aspect of pride even though it's below the 200 mark. In a sense what this means is that every thing in that table below and above 200 has a positive and negative aspect to it that will either knock you down a notch or elevate the positive aspect of the emotion below it. For example the positive end of pride ultimately ends in courage - which is absolutely true. It takes true courage to show up authentically. But the negative end of that is anger and so pride would be manifesting out of a place of anger and I would say resentment which is destructive in the "pride movement". Anyway I find this interesting because you can apply it to anything
@Davidsavage8008 3 ай бұрын
Pride = Peoples Religions identification devotion education . Pride and profesionalism was our motivator aboard uss midway cv-41 Atlanas fell when all the workers left to work for the tower of babel. The inspiration was pride to practice their religion no matter what religion you are you were welcome to labor in babel so, Atlantas sank.
@empathysays 3 ай бұрын
The Tower of Babel always sounded like a story of how humans were once telepathic, like animals are still today.
@LanguageBLOX1_Alt 3 ай бұрын
yk it could be that, completely
@sheilagraddy2290 3 ай бұрын
I know. My dog and cat totally read my mind. I try my best not to even think or put in my mind the image of the vet when they need to go. My dog loves to go on rides, and if I think I 🤔 might take him on a ride today, he goes crazy trying to get out of the house. And if he makes it, he runs straight to my car. And my cat goes and hides at the same time. Afraid she might be made to come. She hates the car.
@Blessed2XS 3 ай бұрын
Nah, telepathy is a good concept, the Tower Of Babylon, was not a good concept, it was the hub of the first NWO. It was horrible.
@spiralspeck 3 ай бұрын
I have had that thought before as well about the telepathy.
@Blessed2XS 3 ай бұрын
No it wasn't telepathy, it was the hub of the nwo.
@jakefocht5715 3 ай бұрын
Pride is easily offended(the EGO)and goes to wrath. Wrath is the lowest energy frequency the human soul can go to in this life. Wrath leads to destructive urges. Pride meets fall. P.s. John 1:4 Gods Word is the Inner Child. John 14:10 Not about Jesus. About God. John 14:26 Learn from God yourself. Col. 3:9-11 God's Kingdom. John 6:45 God's Goal.
@integratedalchemist Ай бұрын
I've often looked at this, the whole obsession with gender identity and pride as being a last sort of existential phase where the being, in this case a good part of society, is at odds with their physical body and is having glimpses of the non-duality of the soul and nature, but since they're still of the rational mental based state, they tend to project it onto themselves and their bodies as they slowly start to transcend a purely physical existence. And think that what they know is quite profound and almost prophetic, so they vocalize it loudly and proudly as though what they're experiencing is beyond the mundane, which it kind of is. Quite a confusing state to be in having the rational world view be sort of disintegrated and clinging on to a shifting identity, or lack there of, and not really being able to see the source of it, while moving into a state that isn't as heavily based on identity . Not to write off peoples sexuality, it is what it is, but I think this is at least a part of what is going on right now
@yzu_ 22 күн бұрын
A word can have multiple meanings and thats okay. Pride in this case has nothing to do with the pride state of consciousness. Pride is actually a word of love in this case; letting a group of people who have felt so ashamed of themselves know that you can not only not feel this way but actually a positive sense of acceptance. Another note I would add is that perhaps using the word Pride was intentional, knowing that it is a sin associated with the Church who historically has brutally oppressed them for over a thousand years. I would find that to be karmically justified and right. I think anyone associating LGBT pride with sin is probably making that judgment from a state lower than pride.
@joshualee6702 2 ай бұрын
As a Two Spirit Storyteller, O approve of the term Unity instead of Pride! It fits my heritage mich more appropriately. Fantastic work distilling concepts into Dino-Nugs, I must say; Observing your evolutionary growth with interest!
@African_Fairy Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the amazing work you are doing. your channel was how I got into enlightenment years back and to see it grow and see the impact it had on me and others is something else. I am sending you love and light to you and yours. Camagu (light) ngwana (child) Ra ☀Ma 🌙Sedi🕯(God/Light)
@psychedelicartistry 5 күн бұрын
Good video it's important to stay humble while also practicing self-love. Self-confidence and self-love means setting healthy boundaries and fostering compassion for oneself. It means having standards. Pride is just "I'm the best. I AM SO SMART.. S-M-R-T" although it's not usually that blatant. People who always act like they know everything about everything and will never admit they are wrong are people afflicted with pride. And yes pride cometh before the fall.
@Thorrson7 21 күн бұрын
I ALMOST subscribed to this channel UNTIL I saw this crap. And yes, I'm TRIGGERED. Because if I want to be proud and have parades and whatever and I'm NOT violating the law in any way, then people can just NOT attend pride parades or even look at what they don't want. Badda Bing!
@MJ-vl9eu Ай бұрын
Only after you learn to let go can you hope to begin to see reality more clearly. Just be. We are all one, all together.
@KH-ks8ze 3 ай бұрын
Proving why I unsubscribed from you a year ago…bummer that you still pop up in my feed here and there…yikes…I encourage your followers to look up videos exposing you
@SpiritScienceOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Did you watch the video at all? I played with a triggering thumbnail but the video’s actually not what you think:
@KH-ks8ze 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@SpiritScienceOfficialsure did and the majority of the comments made here is not the by crowd I want to be lumped into…just imo…why play with the thumbnail…you’re part of the problem…just be authentic…bummer…I liked your old videos…but we all grow and sometimes that’s in different directions…blessings
@Adamethyst Ай бұрын
As if ur latest video isn't as Controversial, you know how to play the YT algorithm don't u my man
@shivashakti4261 3 ай бұрын
Pride is antithesis to Shame
@chloebelle4923 3 ай бұрын
Make shame great again -- it helps maintain a moral society,.
@bryantwhite5662 3 ай бұрын
He's not gay at all!!
@TheOnlyChifilo 3 ай бұрын
That’s why it’s so easy for him to say this as though it’s not the hatred of conservatives that will keep humanity back, not queer people being happy they can exist authentically
@Neptune-space 2 ай бұрын
You contradict yourself so much in this video
@SpiritScienceOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Do I?
@GraceEunity 3 ай бұрын
Queer people should be prideful because of everything they’ve fought through just to live & survive!!! The AIDS epidemic, hate crimes, conversion therapy, gay marriage was only legalized a decade ago. I think they deserve to be prideful! It’s not easy to go against the grain.
@AyaTimberlake 3 ай бұрын
Yucks 🤮🤢
@teeraudi 3 ай бұрын
@michaelk4740 3 ай бұрын
Against the grain?? 😂😂😂 The entire culture promotes it! Corporations, public school systems, the GOVERNMENT. Open your eyes and have a look at reality
@thesacredgempath 3 ай бұрын
I'm commenting based off the title... Many people think pride is a positive trait, because that's what they were conditioned to believe through school mainly. Pride is actually an ego trait, that's why it's one of the 7 deadly sins. The 7 deadly sins are all ego driven, The 7 virtues are all spirit and soul driven... Humility is the opposite of pride, be humble, not overly proud.
@lightsnow123 3 ай бұрын
First, it's coming off religious to reference the 7 deadly sins. Something we need to separate from spirituality. Second, I'd argue the opposite of pride isn't humility. It's self-hatred. Instead, I think a balance of both is needed.
@thesacredgempath 3 ай бұрын
@@lightsnow123 yeah it sounds religious, until you rediscover it through spirituality... I used to think the same way you are right now about religion. But now I'm open minded, find truth in all religion, because religion is based off spirituality to begin with, it's just that they created rules to live by, and that's what created religions... But the teachings still have truth. They still align with the things you discover through spirituality. And actually humility is the opposite of pride, it's the balancing opposition. Pride is an ego driven trait, the reason why it's the opposite of humble is because pride leads to self-centeredness and arrogance, humility promotes self-awareness and empathy towards others. By embracing humility, individuals can overcome the pitfalls of pride and cultivate a deeper relationship with the universe and others.
@rnbsteenstar 6 күн бұрын
"And, all I've been doing is protecting a lie for the sake of my pride. . ." - Amazing
@RyutaroYamamoto-o2v 3 ай бұрын
You are wonderful! I love your work, it helps with my hope for the future and the world we live in, thank you for that! ❤
@KalEl0 15 күн бұрын
Pride 🌈 and pride 😤are different. Let's get that on the table right away.
@wwjd777maf 3 ай бұрын
I get where you’re coming from but is this best use of your platform? It’s pride month. You might have the intelligence to sort through this discussion but for others (many) it just confirms a pre existing prejudice. Smh this doesn’t promote love. Also, the click bait title was cheap. Unsubscribed
@JohnVanDyke46 Ай бұрын
I appreciate you and your perspective. Thank you so much
@CliffCoultas 3 ай бұрын
Just follow the Tao. She'll fix your gay. ☯️
@adoe2305 Ай бұрын
Proof to me, evil and the devil exist
@bubbsrio 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful Message!! Thanks for sharing.
@bafflea9 2 ай бұрын
new age crypto-conservative detected
@FD1111Ministries 3 ай бұрын
I’ve grown to appreciate etymology . It has helped me in my studies. This presentation is well done, I specially like the chart. We can measure the growth of humanity and our personal growth. Still Happy Pride to everyone 🌈
@MontreBible 3 ай бұрын
Interesting ....pride is only good compared to lower levels. Its dependant on rivalry ...perhaps it should lgbt unity month.
@girthBrookssss 3 ай бұрын
thank you for the saiyan pride nod... its why vegeta is my fav... also how tf isnt your channel so much bigger after all these years?!
@michaelk4740 3 ай бұрын
That saiyan pride nod was awesome 😂. Unfortunately, I think this channel might be shadowbanned. It should be bigger
@misty2604 3 ай бұрын
🎉🥰🕊️👍🏼🤲🏽🤲🏻🙏🏻well said, & TY 🎉🎉🎉
@bialaus8175 3 ай бұрын
Beautifully explained 🙏😊
@leonthedane4467 3 ай бұрын
The pride flag is also the chakra upside down. With the root being on top and the crown being lowest.
@R3l3ntl3sss 3 ай бұрын
It’s by design. A war over perspective
@leonthedane4467 3 ай бұрын
@@R3l3ntl3sss yearhh, its kind of their thing, flip things upside down.
@afcirca82 3 ай бұрын
Doubt it. Isn't it based off the rainbow? Red on the outer arc, violet on the inner arc? Roygbiv? But whatever fits your story.
@leonthedane4467 3 ай бұрын
@@afcirca82 Red: The Root Chakra. ... Orange: The Sacral Chakra. ... Yellow: The Solar Plexus Chakra. ... Green: The Heart Chakra. ... Blue: The Throat Chakra. ... Indigo: The Third Eye Chakra. ... Violet: The Crown Chakra.
@afcirca82 3 ай бұрын
​@@leonthedane4467 Thanks for the insight, but I don't look at a rainbow and think that damned rainbow is putting muladhara above sahasrara. The flag mimics the rainbow, simple. No other meaning than that. I'm all for a good theory, but this is a stretch.
@Zoom_1012 3 ай бұрын
I think you’re taking the word “pride” when used to refer to the LBGTQ+ community is being taken as too literal. The English language has SO many tiny nuances and you have to reasonably take everything in context and not strictly literal. “You’re such a cool person” doesn’t really mean that person is actually cool in a temperature sense. 🌴☀️🌴
@chloebelle4923 3 ай бұрын
They chose that word and live a life that embodies that word as well. It's their choice...it's no coincidence that word was chosen. It's to be rebels against morality.
@iheartsvt8412 3 ай бұрын
right like i promise it’s not that serious
@RippDrive 3 ай бұрын
Have you been to a pride parade? The word strikes true.
@chloebelle4923 3 ай бұрын
@@iheartsvt8412 It's quite serious when it harms children around the world.
@Leonardo2992 3 ай бұрын
@@chloebelle4923 It's not a coincidence because the community needs pride to overcome the shame. Can a more fitting word be chosen instead of pride? Sure. But pride is needed to get through the guilt and shame, and ascend to higher vibrational levels.
@rockstarM5542 3 ай бұрын
Yes ,,,, But no worries 😊
@Dragiero 3 ай бұрын
Do not revel in success
@oceansunset6147 2 ай бұрын
0 - 175 = narcissism
@Blessed2XS 3 ай бұрын
Well done, Brother Jordan! 🕊✝️🕊
@11ThreeDoctor 3 ай бұрын
as a gay man, maybe I should be telling this….??? 🤬
@lu1sfernandes 3 ай бұрын
@Lyran7 3 ай бұрын
Whose stopping you
@RippDrive 3 ай бұрын
A man. Simply a man.
@11ThreeDoctor 3 ай бұрын
@Lyran7 3 ай бұрын
@@11ThreeDoctor do you mean Jordan? If so, how is he stopping you? You have free speech. Did he tape your mouth? Is this all in your imagination?
@gbernile 2 ай бұрын
Title: YES
@phoenixpv 3 ай бұрын
Great video
@kendiamond4251 3 ай бұрын
One pronoun, We.
@HeartOfTheSource 3 ай бұрын
In La'kesh Ala K'in: HuNab Ku... Eternally 🙏✨
@HonorTrees 3 ай бұрын
Well, said
@sophiarivera7364 3 ай бұрын
Today, June 12th, is the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting. It happened in 2016, the year after marriage equality was federally recognized in the United States. Pride Month is to highlight them, those who weren’t allowed to live freely. Those who did anyway and left a legacy of martyrdom, love and authenticity.
@Daylight-nu3rt 3 ай бұрын
But who cared? No one that's who. The shooting was uncalled for, but that's what happens when you call undo attention to yourself, and hence the reason pride is not a good thing. Somethings are and should be between yourself and your god.
@sophiarivera7364 3 ай бұрын
@@Daylight-nu3rt “that’s what happens when you call undo attention to yourself”??? We are literally just existing… We are allowed to be proud of who we are.
@Daylight-nu3rt 3 ай бұрын
@@sophiarivera7364 but nobody cares about your pride.
@sophiarivera7364 3 ай бұрын
@@Daylight-nu3rt you must lead a miserable life. Hope you find healing.
@Daylight-nu3rt 3 ай бұрын
@@sophiarivera7364 if your just existing, why do people need to know you exist. If your not my next door neighbor, I don't need to know you. If what you do with your life is your business, why should the world know or care, if your just existing. Ever heard of the word, humility? Pride is a attention getting mechanism, used by people with low self-esteem, a confident person doesn't need pride. Nobody cares if you or I or anyone else is, "just existing". Especially not if your minding your own business. I'll say this in it's simpliest term, nobody cares for your pride.
@lesworks 2 ай бұрын
Bravo 👏
@JimmyDaTruth 3 ай бұрын
You’re mad right here. These qualities describe so most of my lgbtq peers, not all though. They just seem overly prideful as if they deserve special attention . (Ironic coming from a black man, I know)
@chloebelle4923 3 ай бұрын
Yes, they're very self-focused and lead with something that is supposed to be private and that, frankly, none of us really wants to hear about anymore. Dignity over pride!
@tbtnumbah8 3 ай бұрын
You on point
@JimmyDaTruth 3 ай бұрын
@@chloebelle4923 🎯
@chloebelle4923 3 ай бұрын
@@JimmyDaTruth 👍
@FireRabbit1987 3 ай бұрын
​@@chloebelle4923 And that is why they are saying they are proud because people like u dont wanna hear it anymore and think is should be kept away hidden in secret. Like imagine saying that about your Heterosexuality it should be kept quiet and not spoken of anymore like its shameful. So take pride in who u are as a lgbt person til the stigma that u guys give them go away
@IcarusFlyby 3 ай бұрын
I worked in forest resource management in the 1990s using cutting-edge geographic information systems. That was where I learned that the map is not the territory. Maps are great for guiding you to a location or showing boundaries, but they can also show a road on the wrong side of a lake. My consciousness is restricted by the boundaries of my culture. So is yours. We are all pushing against cultural boundaries. IMHO: We should all push harder. Anger lights a fire. Courage leads to Action. Pride to greater accomplishments. Which side of the lake you are on ... matters.
@reintjuh 3 ай бұрын
I hear what you are saying. Pride is still below the 200 line. That’s definitely true. In the other hand, it’s still way higher than shame and guilt. The emotions most people in the community experience. Whether it be at first, or throughout their lives. Based on where they live, their background, family and social circles. Like you said yourself: pride has its positive sides. That’s what the community is getting at with pride. They mean the heightened state of vibration compared to shame and guilt. For me personally, pride has helped me in some way to accept who I am. Because of later experiences in life, I’ve grown further then pride. It’s just helped me grow from the lower end of the spectrum, to the higher. So again. I get what you’re saying, but still… the world is a cruel place for lgbtq people in lots of places around the world. So pride is what you make it. It depends on your perception (as does everything in our reality). Look at it from higher states of being, you start looking down on it. Look at it from the lower states of being, and it’s something to look up to. I think, until the world has become a more accepting place to lgbtq people, pride will be the word used for the movement. Only when the community as a whole feels pride isn’t the next step, but another higher state of being, only then will the movement change. But that will probably mean it’s gonna be a completely different movement.
@RubberTrampsReviews 3 ай бұрын
If you get triggered, enroll yourself in preschool because you are a child
@silentfriend369 3 ай бұрын
Wow, he liked this incredibly unkind and judgmental comment. Alright. Wish I never donated a penny to this channel.
@rexwater1 3 ай бұрын
@RubberTrampsReviews 3 ай бұрын
@@silentfriend369 when you base reality on your feelings you are going to lose every time. Truth is still the truth weather or not it is spoken in soft soothing tones or yelled in anger. Grow up.
@Lyran7 3 ай бұрын
@@silentfriend369 so he's great when he says what you want to hear and he's bad when he says something you don't? That's ridiculous. You're not special or more important than anyone else. Nobody has to 🐼 to you. We don't all have to agree.
@TheSlowLos 3 ай бұрын
I'm just upset they stole the rainbow 🌈 #makerainbowsgreatagian
@lissaglasgow5492 3 ай бұрын
Nobody stole the rainbow. The rainbow can be shared amongst many people that you’re so hurt that gay people use. It says way more about you than anything else.
@iheartsvt8412 3 ай бұрын
byeeee ur ridiculous
@RippDrive 3 ай бұрын
A rainbow has seven colours. Their symbol is something else.
@100foodreviews5 3 ай бұрын
@@lissaglasgow5492 Rainbows have been admired by humans since time immemorial for their incredible natural beauty, but now gay people have made it so that anybody that sees a rainbow today will just think of the social movement and homosexuality in general. I have nothing to do with gay people, so misrepresenting myself in that way is unfair to both me and the gays. I don't have a problem with gay people as long as their just trying to live their lives and don't make it their whole personality, but if I'm broadcasting to the world that I'm gay just for having a rainbow on my clothing or something, I'm not very happy about that.
@lissaglasgow5492 3 ай бұрын
@@100foodreviews5 sad that you have such I’m gonna use hatred in your heart. No one could take the rainbow for me back in the day in the 70s learning about Jesus and God if you were a child that had Jesus in your heart, you were part of the rainbow tribe the rainbow is big enough to share with everybody.
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