Prince's Purple Rain Movie, would it be censored today?

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@MakeArtNotWar2023 Жыл бұрын
@6:15 at that part of the movie, the Kid became an anti-hero (which is unusual for this type of story) because that violence was added to his character, possibly to create tension like most dramatic films do, but it was also showing that the apple (the Kid) doesn't fall far from the tree (his abusive father). That was the point, to show how abuse is passed down from one generation to another. They become a product of their abusive environment. It's a bad cycle that needs to end.
@hodgesmuzick70 Жыл бұрын
Apollonia's character took him back at the end because she understood that his life was chaotic. And because his father was in the hospital, she saw how his performance of Purple Rain moved not only the crowd but the emotion that he showed, she knew that life circumstances made him do the things he did. She saw the good in him.
@ChrisP3000x Жыл бұрын
"life circumstances MADE HIM" abuse women. So you claim that he didn't make his own choices, life MADE HIM do it. Sounds like you are projecting yourself into the character.
@lkendrix7782 Жыл бұрын
Purple Rain! We should celebrate it’s premiere! 39 years ago on a Friday night I was standing in a very long line that wrapped around the outside of the Mill Road theatre with Prince Fans waiting to get in to see Purple Rain ☔️! Once inside I quickly took my seat! The movie soon started. There I sat not knowing what was about to come across that screen. Once the movie 🎥 started I forgot to blink! Had to remind myself several times to swallow, breathe then blink! I didn’t want to miss a single thing that came on that screen! Once the movie was over I had nothing but praise for Prince and the Revolution! Prince! You did well. Couldn’t wait to go to Minneapolis! I went back to the theater several times just to see Purple Rain again! At one time movie theaters had dollar nights whereby you could get in to see as many movies as you want during the week days for only $1!
@LaRochePosay04 Жыл бұрын
The reason why the Appolonia character put up with the Kid's mistreatment is because she's supposed to be only 19 (young, in love and naive). Hard to believe because she looked so old.
@dejagreen806 Жыл бұрын
She looked 30 it would’ve been more believable if the age was 21 at least.
@LaRochePosay04 Жыл бұрын
@@dejagreen806 I know right? Looked like Prince's aunt in the movie.
@dejagreen806 Жыл бұрын
@@LaRochePosay04 She always had a mature look to her face even back then.
@hodgesmuzick70 Жыл бұрын
I don't think anyone saw the violence scenes and cheered. But those are realistic scenes. The scenes should not be removed and it doesn't place a bad light on the movie. If one has a problem with it then they just shouldn't watch it. Purple Rain is a classic film and a historic one as well. Stands the test of time.
@rudyramirezjr2309 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think it would have been censored. It’s mild compared to stuff that’s released these days.
@Modernaire Жыл бұрын
Compared to what? What PR has specifically is more along the lines of misogyny and patriarchy, that's the sore spot. The religious, spiritual messages are so well hidden, so those aren't the target of today's censors.
@stephaniemeals4983 Жыл бұрын
I wish they would release the uncut version or get an unofficial copy.
@anetricejones4263 Жыл бұрын
This was great content tonight Mike
@bodhisattvanow9788 Жыл бұрын
Peace Michael Dean! thinking deeper about it, Prince slapping Apples WAS NECESSARY 2 the film as it showed how P was unconsciously becoming his father & exhibiting the same behavior he saw as a child… THIS IS REAL!!! This is what goes on in ALL communities… plenty women will stay in those situations 4 the same reason - THEY SAW IT AS CHILDREN TOO - when doves cry was the perfect self reflection of these themes… saw nah, cancel culture needs 2 be canceled, fo real!
@anetricejones4263 Жыл бұрын
O my where do I begin..I love Purple Rain and have watch it 1 million times..I wouldn't change nothing about the way the movie was produced, I love the actors, of course the music...In today's world because everything and everyone is so sensitive about how women get treated in the world ..I would say the Me To movement probably would have tried to shut it down...It made me laugh it made me cry, it was overall one of the best Rock movies out there in that time..Yes Prince and the crew did that..Yes I consider myself a diamond plus fan of Prince..Rest Easy Prince, I will always speak your name.💜💜
@dwightdavis5894 Жыл бұрын
Definitely an instant classic. It still rocks!
@artfull334 Жыл бұрын
PR still has cult movie status to this day. I don’t think it would be censored but it’s content would create a lot of discussion these days about safeguarding children and adolescents from the affects of family abuse. The bedroom scene was meant to be arty but may be seen as cheesy this day and age and would probably need to be replaced.
@anildash Жыл бұрын
I think Prince was still at a point in his career where he was listening to good advisors, and they would have told him that a film with that script, stuff like the lead actor slapping a woman, or the comic leads throwing a woman in a dumpster, or making homophobic jokes would have overshadowed what was great about the movie, so they would be useful to cut. Which would be fine! Nobody would compromise the spirit of the story or the excellence of the stage performances, and that would still hold up.
@astrogirl5283 3 ай бұрын
Michael from "The Godfather" actually smacked Kay in the face after she revealed she had an abortion.
@RogueComicsCT Жыл бұрын
I agree with Mike on this one. However, I wouldn't call the characters "despicable" (well, maybe Morris & Jerome), i'd call them "flawed".
@mdean Жыл бұрын
@paulalong8185 Жыл бұрын
Shane's ' o Conner told prince tried to fight her in the outside of his yard one night. Know anything on this?
@saa9099 Жыл бұрын
Thanks podcast juice, that might be the story they were telling then, but after hearing all of prince's love songs, nobody wants to see him putting a hand on a girl. I think it would be censored today. I think the director did take some parts out of the original, maybe the girl laying on the bed, had both legs up to the kid's shoulders, they went with just one leg up in the air, still implying oral sex. Prince seemed to have a dark side in him that he learned how to control, while seeing what he could get away with. The part you read in the movie's draft about rape, I think is the real reason Denise didn't take the part. She didn't want to be that girl. Movie's today shouldn't show a man hitting a girl, our children are watching, as prince said. Great topic.
@garfieldharrison510 Жыл бұрын
So to Prince's defense as being a good actor in his first film. No he was not. But, that wasn't the point. It was about seeing the Live work and his team out there . Like a cult movement. The movie probably would'nt do as well today, becaue some of the misogynistic behavior. I thought it was riskee. Blck people related to it ,beause of Morris and Jerome antics in the film. The humor for that time was great. Because if it was just Prince alone in that film. It probably would'nt work. Apollonia was really refreshing to see. She also carried that movie real well. Jill with that look. Don't forget Lisa and Wendy's part in it. It worked. Prince killed it in his performnces. Plus the music was off the chain.Was it perfect. No. But, the story they were telling worked. It was ambigious,but the mental health issue was real. I related to it. Prince's character in the film was going through something traumatic. He released the tension through the music, sex and violence. Lots of issues. But, his music redeemed and demystify what he was going through. I saw the movie back in 1984. I just viewed it recently. It still holds up. No Doubt! Classic! Because of the theme of mental health and the indelible characters and music. By revealing that the Parents had issues. It made his performances in the film more potent.
@PrinceLeaker Жыл бұрын
No, The Weeknd released a show earlier this year and that was even crazier than Purple Rain. No censors, no edits, all raw. Purple Rain is very mild compared to the Idol. If the Idol wasn't censored, neither would PR. It would get a small disclaimer and all today talking how it wouldn't be accepted in todays times.
@dejagreen806 Жыл бұрын
You wasn’t victim blaming Mike! Everything that happened before the slap Apollonia chose to do on her own accord. Prince didn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to do. She willingly did those things cause she was feeling him and wanted him to like her. She was just naturally goofy and allowed herself to get played and talked to crazy. She could’ve easily made sure to stay away from him after the Lake Minnetonka scene. Remember after he sang the TBO her ass was outside waiting for him he didn’t go and get her. Also she spent her money that SHE NEEDED FOR RENT to go buy him a guitar the next day after she gave him the 😻. Like you said A REAL SISTA wouldn’t have done those things that she did.
@docchristian9124 Жыл бұрын
6:16 Mike, I always appreciate your commentary, editorializing, and viewpoints (probably because I typically agree 😂)
@mdean Жыл бұрын
@PsychedelicLiterature Жыл бұрын
I don’t think it’s a question of telling stories only with perfect or righteous characters. As W. E. B. DuBois stated, “All art is propaganda,” even if it’s unintentional. We can create art about any topic, including pimping and mob culture, but is the point of the work to glorify or denounce it. To glorify this behavior in art but to be critical of it in real life is to be hypocritical. Thus, there is a two-fold question about the ending of Purple Rain that must be answered. One, what statement or message is articulated when the character that assaults the woman ultimately gets the woman? Two, are the songs, “Purple Rain” and “I Would Die 4 U,” enough of an apology and show enough of a change of character of the Kid to keep the film from expressing that domestic abuse is acceptable. Without showing significant change in the Kid, the film would be guilty of excusing , if not promoting, domestic abuse. To be clear, when I saw it opening weekend at the age of 14, I loved it immediately even though I wondered if the Kid’s character had been developed enough to show that who he is at the end of the movie is not the same as who he is at the beginning. But, that’s because I had parents who were serious consumers of art, especially from a sociopolitical context as well as from a craftsmanship context. As such, I ultimately decided that, while the execution of the Kid’s transformation is thin, there is enough of an inferred transformation to warrant him having a second opportunity to make amends for his past transgressions. On a final note, although I can accept that the Godfather series and Scarface are well-crafted films, I have never seen either for two reasons. One, the Italian mob purposely sold drugs to black people and kept it from their own communities. So, as a black person, I would be excusing that behavior by supporting those films. Two, those films do more to glorify negative behavior than to denounce it, which keeps them from being the types of art I support. Of course, I don’t have a problem with others enjoying them. It’s just not the type of message that I patronize. But, I appreciate you being willing to have this important conversation to force people to think seriously about what art we like, why we like it, and what does it signify about us for liking it.
@Modernaire Жыл бұрын
How is denouncing, creating art that hopes for positive outcomes, changes, PROPAGANDA? Propaganda has negative connotations, as it should. I'm not certain there is positive propaganda🤔 And your over analyzing it, and don't take this personally, but over analyzing it for political purposes or statements, perhaps to absolve any guilt in actually LIKING and PRAISING Purple rain, all that is EXACTLY why Purple Rain wouldn't be made or we'd see an extremely modified version of the original story. This kind of extracting every bit of WHY to proceed watching Purple Rain with detrimental preconceived notions, is anti-art, that it will RUIN the experience of the person watching the film for the first time, or 300th time. Leave as is. All that was part of the emotional fictional exciting story, to push and pull you in and out, that's all, and all encapsulated by fantastic music and performances.
@PsychedelicLiterature Жыл бұрын
@@Modernaire Your ignorance or limited understanding of words causes you to make ignorant statements. As such, propaganda "is the more or less systematic effort to change other people’s beliefs, attitudes, or actions by means of symbols (words, gestures, banners, monuments, music, clothing, insignia, hairstyles, designs on coins and postage stamps, and so forth)." That's all that propaganda means. Of course, all words have a denotative and connotative meaning. While the connotative meaning of propaganda has "become" something negative, not all propaganda is innately or organically negative. As such, your entire premise is flawed. If you create a work of art about a flower, you are propagandizing the flower as either something good or something bad. That's it. You are either making a positive statement about the flower or a negative statement about the flower. If you are too stupid to understand that, please stop responding to me. Next, if your ignorant self would have actually read my post, you would see that I enjoyed the film when I saw it opening weekend. However, just because I enjoy something doesn't mean that I can't be critical of certain elements. Nuanced thinking is what constitutes analytical or critical thinking. Clearly, you don't have the intellectual faculties to be nuanced in your thinking. Finally, I never said anything about changing the film. Show me where I said one word about changing the film in any way. I simply raised the question of whether or not the songs, "Purple Rain" and "I Would Die 4 U," constitute enough of a change in the Kid's character/behavior to ensure that the film is not justifying or promoting domestic violence. Again, if you are so stupid that you don't understand a simple question based on character development, climax, and denouement, then you probably shouldn't be having discussions about art because it only reveals just how asinine you actually art. So, do both of us a favor. So, responding directly to me. I don't respect you intellectually or morally. And, you don't respect me. As such, it's useless for you and me to engage each other. If you have noticed, I have not responded to one of your posts since our initial interaction because, again, I don't respect you, which means I don't care enough about what you write to respond to you. So, stop responding to me so that we can end our useless engagements because nothing you say makes sense to me.
@chica4530 Жыл бұрын
The movie is definitely a cult classic. We have to remember it was done with a limited budget with Prince putting up some of his own funds to finish getting it made. Also, it was made in about a month with only 1 real actor. Morris and Jerome were the comic relief to the "Kid's" dark persona. I will end this by saying Morris didn't steal the movie, the MUSIC stole the movie. Also, movies today are made with much more abuse and violence. This was tame compared to today. Prince took a chance and it worked for him. I still love it after 39 years (even with the bad acting, lol).
@byronb. 11 ай бұрын
To this day no pop star has made a movie superior to Prince's Purple Rain. Definitely a classic. Clarence Williams III was awesome. Morris was hilarious. Prince was electric. By the way, why the hell is Lucas on this podcast?!?
@dorothyedwards7225 Жыл бұрын
Mike I'm sorry I missed your impromptu live video a few days ago. I'll try to catch the next one.
@dorothyedwards7225 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate this constructive discussion.
@candelise Жыл бұрын
Anything from five minutes ago would be censored today!
@lovesexy71 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say that the girl that was thrown in the garbage dumpster was a whyte girl! Her voice tone alone indicated she was not a whyte girl and on top of that with all those black people with high yellow tones throughout that movie - i am surprise that you labeled that chic as whyte. I am just saying - lol
@mdean Жыл бұрын
Ok 😂
@jojodirtbike 9 ай бұрын
Purple Rain is the best pop / rock movie ... every make ... the end ..
@gorgeouslady5612 Жыл бұрын
If anyone can Prove! What Prince was doing was Worse! than what people are doing now in Movies! and Music I will buy them a House! and a Car!.
@debliedel Жыл бұрын
P did say he was sorry to Applelonia, Mike u did impressions so good! I think Tricky was great in P R and UTCM !
@anetricejones4263 Жыл бұрын
Yes it would be and Me to ..
@soahdoll Жыл бұрын
michael please dont ever stop ill celebrate your 30 yr anniversary with you here,,
@dwightdavis5894 Жыл бұрын
Great podcast
@gorgeouslady5612 Жыл бұрын
Has anyone seen the Prince movie HARD LIFE! "Misdirected by PRINCE"?.
@kylechristian7232 Жыл бұрын
Uhhhhhh Yeah
@soahdoll Жыл бұрын
wasnt that Shiela E Morris put in the Dumpster?
@stephaniemeals4983 Жыл бұрын
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