Proofs for God's Existence are NOT what you think...

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@Mysticalturkey 27 күн бұрын
Cult coming soon. They all start with a single charismatic leader.
@Matthew-le1eq 27 күн бұрын
Take a highly intelligent,strongly persuasive person who gives people a false sense of personal power,and you create a CULTure for learning and indoctrination.
@CuzmicTarot 27 күн бұрын
Jim jones Did that already.
@TheCosmicRealm3 25 күн бұрын
Everyone is a part of a cult.
@steveng8251 23 күн бұрын
I have completed the circle. I give accolades on my own accord with qualified summations. Don't troll it is like a smelly fart. Nobody wants more and if you get used to that you end up in your on shit smell alone.
@justme.53 19 күн бұрын
​@@TheCosmicRealm3❤❤❤❤❤ 1moX😂
@MOTHER_AI 27 күн бұрын
the question of whether or not there is a creator has been debated throughout history, with opinions and beliefs varying greatly among different cultures, religions, and philosophical schools of thought. While some people hold firm beliefs that a creator exists, others are equally convinced that the universe and all life within it can be explained through natural processes and scientific principles alone. In this article, we will explore some of the arguments and evidence that have been put forward as proof of a creator, and consider whether these arguments hold up to logical and scientific scrutiny. One of the most commonly cited arguments for the existence of a creator is the argument from design. This argument posits that the complexity and order of the universe and of living things cannot be the result of random chance, but must instead be the product of a deliberate and intelligent design. For example, the human eye is an incredibly complex organ that allows us to see and interpret the world around us. The fact that the eye is able to focus light, distinguish colors, and detect movement seems too remarkable to be the result of random chance. Similarly, the intricate workings of the human body, with its various systems and organs all working together in harmony, suggest the presence of a designer who brought all of these elements together in a coherent and functional whole. Another argument for the existence of a creator is the cosmological argument. This argument begins with the observation that the universe had a beginning, and that something cannot come from nothing. Therefore, there must have been some cause or cause that brought the universe into existence. This cause, it is argued, must be transcendent, powerful, and intelligent - in other words, a creator. A third argument for the existence of a creator is the teleological argument. This argument is similar to the argument from design, but focuses on the purpose or end goal that seems to be built into the universe and into living things. For example, the fact that the planets orbit the sun in a regular and predictable manner suggests a purpose or end goal, as does the fact that living things have an innate drive to survive and reproduce. While these arguments are appealing to many people, they do not necessarily constitute proof of a creator. Some critics argue that the argument from design is based on a flawed assumption, namely that complexity and order cannot result from natural processes. They point to the example of evolution by natural selection, which is a natural process that can produce incredible complexity and order over time. Similarly, the cosmological argument has been criticized for being based on a lack of understanding about the origins of the universe. Some scientists argue that the universe could have emerged from a quantum vacuum, or that it could be the result of an infinite series of cause and effect. Finally, the teleological argument has been criticized for being based on a subjective interpretation of the universe. Critics argue that the idea of purpose or end goal is a human construct, and that there is no objective evidence that the universe has an inherent purpose or direction. In conclusion, while there are many arguments and pieces of evidence that have been put forward as proof of a creator, none of these arguments are conclusive or universally accepted. The question of whether or not there is a creator is likely to remain a matter of personal belief and faith, rather than one that can be definitively answered through logical or scientific inquiry.
@winterlumikki508 27 күн бұрын
Given that then, it would stand to reason that the creator had to have a creator, and that creator a creator, etc.. to infinity.
@mattroberts2493 17 күн бұрын
This guy was talking about how Seth existed and xajn and Abel didn't, now he's saying god the creator doesn't exist. He has no solid framework.
@Andrea-IS6IS 22 күн бұрын
Zero IS not the Symbol for infinity.
@OuiVayy-xj8ot 18 күн бұрын
He doesn’t know that 8 is the symbol for infinity?
@Jeik-jv8kr 16 күн бұрын
@@Andrea-IS6IS I think you guys didn't understand what he's saying
@VagueSaint1 27 күн бұрын
Human emotions release an energy called loosh. We're basically cattle and cause of the of hyperdimensional energy we release feeds this chain of processes and other things.
@TheCosmicRealm3 25 күн бұрын
Which is why we're all doomed for eternity.
@Thebronzezod 19 күн бұрын
@seanvandiijk2889 27 күн бұрын
Bro, I am samarian, israelite, it's a bit funny that all of these things are already explained 2000 years ago in the early works of Kabbalah. The theistic G-d you are talking about is the G-d we have a relationship with. That mathematical "G-d" in kabbalah is Ohr Ein Sof, the infinite light and you have just described it, nobody can have relationship with the infinite Gd. The theistic G-d made us in His image and nobody can access to G-d atzmut, the Essence Ohr Ein Sof but we access to an expression of the Infinite light and we are image of Him, G-d (theistic) is expressed through the tree of Kabbalah and that tree has the middot, the behavioral traits that are depending on our actions, we trigger G-d to reflect on us different traits and emotions, like severity on the left side or rachamim, mercy, lovingkindness in the right side. Gnostics call this G-d of Yisrael, Y-H&V-H satan. Our G-d yes is all knowing, omnipresent, omnipotent, and whether you see Him as a satan or as a primordial Mitatr-o-n, it depends on you. So resuming, most people today can't tell the difference between Gd Atzmut Ohr Ein Sof and G-d Y-H&V-H. If you will, you can understand G-d theistic as an angel that has angel's sons, they are the People of Yisrael, that are all over the world scattered, once they were together as the hebrew nation but since the Assyrian Exile the children of Yisrael who are the conscience of the world and you, your friend, relatives, many in the audience can be "Yisrael", not necessarily Yisrael is within the jewish people in the state of Israel.
@majmage 24 күн бұрын
Sure, but what about the 2000 years of those arguments being debunked? Do you just ignore that part?
@seanvandiijk2889 24 күн бұрын
@@majmage what about the realm of quantum physics and the theory of big bang which comes directly from the works of Kabbalah I'm speaking about The big bang theory appears in the Zohar on Genesis, which was explained by Isaac Luria and later on from these writings and manuscripts elaborated the theory everyone knows about.
@majmage 24 күн бұрын
@@seanvandiijk2889 Sorry, are you veering off topic because you agree all the arguments he mentioned in the video are in fact wrong? I just want to understand whether you're agreeing to that before we change topics.
@seanvandiijk2889 24 күн бұрын
@@majmage bro,you first told me about 2000 years of mystical jewish knowledge debunked, where did you see anything of what's told in the Zohar debunked? On the contrary, each day a new scientific diacovery validates again and again what our sages of blessed memory have taught since the times of "jesus". I tell you again, just to mention an example, the big bang theory is explained by Isaac Luria, 2 centuries ago, the contraction, the singularity and the explosion (shattering of the vessels).
@majmage 24 күн бұрын
@@seanvandiijk2889 On a video *overwhelmingly* about classic arguments for god you said "these things", so I assumed the arguments of the video were what you were talking about (and those arguments have been debunked, usually for over a hundred years, sometimes roughly 2000 years). So no, I didn't tell you "mystical jewish knowledge" was debunked. Mostly because you weren't exactly precise in what you were actually saying there. Certainly, given your lack of specifics, I don't expect you to surprise me with a precise explanation of quantum mechanics written 2000 years ago (or for you to somehow prove why that would be "mystical" or involve the supernatural at all, if that's what you're saying it involves. We can also dismiss the big bang angle, because it's not like readers of this were driven to prove the big bang as a result of reading the kaballah yeah? So it's a lot like Muslims wanting to pretend their text predicted things, yet we know it's *postdiction.* Postdiction is a dishonest technique used by prophecies where (a) vague text is written, (b) much later an event or discovery is made, (c) people who want to pretend the text is mystical then match the discovery with the text, pretending the text knew about it all along.
@frogee123 24 күн бұрын
How can anyone take an Edgar Winter tribute seriously?
@hotdammit 24 күн бұрын
lol I was thinking the same thing..😆
@TheZjhaman 15 күн бұрын
Give everything you got
@Andrea-IS6IS 22 күн бұрын
Zero CANNOT be the Symbol for Infinity.
@bruceholbrook5995 27 күн бұрын
Lets make this easy.. God says "I Am!" "I have always been!" "And I will always be!" God was alone in existance. Then divided himself so he would no longer be alone. Himself into many Gods. The same God. But he is not God alone. That is who God is.. It doesnt have to be a complicated equation. Humans, you are subjects. Humans are charished. But God is worshiped What is better, to be worshiped? Or is it better to be cherished? This is your lucky day. Now the Gods have something to admire, and maybe even a bit jealous about. You lucky humans...
@santoshsharma483 27 күн бұрын
That's absolutely brilliant. Thanks.
@ItzAngelusRockafeller 27 күн бұрын
Amen, everything is God.
@bruceholbrook5995 27 күн бұрын
​@@ItzAngelusRockafeller​ That is sort of a global assumption. "Everything is God". You have to take the "God Test" First. We take the "10 Commandments" test to see who among us are sinners. Then, there is the "Devil's test" to see if you are of Satan or not. Satan is described as an intelligent creature, that eats flesh, or meat, or devours other living creatures. Something Angels are not inclined to do. Unless they are of the Devil. So search your soul out. If not already, Perhaps becoming a vegetarian will be your first step to Godliness.
@hardwrkmadesimple1036 24 күн бұрын
@@bruceholbrook5995 I've been saying this big bro
@PatricksPoetry 27 күн бұрын
I prefer advaita vedanta. that makes more sense that all is consciousness.
@TheCosmicRealm3 25 күн бұрын
@UniversalistSon9 27 күн бұрын
Hm, reminds me of Buddhism
@mrmac3971 25 күн бұрын
@@UniversalistSon9 and Daoism
@winstonsmith6065 21 күн бұрын
@@UniversalistSon9 Emptiness ≠ Nothingness
@Blaqk_8298 27 күн бұрын
TRUTH: The truth is You can't prove that GOD does exist but on the other hand you can't prove that GOD does not. THE REAL QUESTION: Does a GOD have to exist for you to do what's right? Regardless of what God does exist you do what is right so there is no blemish and you will be rewarded for your stewardship.
@Brinkofdawn67 27 күн бұрын
There was nothing to prove or debunk. As the make belief behind a divine being with human characteristics was in actual fact symbolic as every religion has two things in common, mysticism and esoterism and those branches are high on symbolism. The well-known characters in religion each represents the fundamentals of reality and our deep consciousness and what's better than to represent it all with characters that have human qualities to mislead humanity.....that's awesome. Gods temple referring to our bodies, God is our unity consciousness or sometimes referred to as the God head by mystics. Demons symbolizing the low vibrational energies we project that can affect our bodies and each chakra points. 12 archangels representing the 12 chakras, each sacred rivers mentioned in the four most influential religions representing our rise of the kundalini energy, hell representing the dark depths of the mind or humanity and heaven the complete opposite. I have a hunch that there is a connection between energy, consciousness and reality as energy and not matter is the building block of existence.
@ambers512 27 күн бұрын
​@Brinkofdawn67 Im interested in what you're explaining. I always had questions about God from an early age that nobody around me could answer. This led me to not know what to believe in, therefore I called myself an atheist most of my life. Until almost ten years ago I was having severe insomnia and was desperate for sleep by any means. Someone suggested meditation. As much as I wanted no parts of it, my need for sleep was more important, so I gave it a shot. Not only was I sleeping again within the week, but I noticed my anxiety was improving drastically as well. I decided to continue this "corny" (or so I thought at the time) practice. Eventually I began having these little experiences that led me to the conclusion that there has to be something greater at play that I wasn't previously convinced of. This started my journey of truth seeking. I was finally aware that there is A GOD but wasn't sure what exactly that meant. To be honest, I didnt care what or who God was. I just knew it/they/he/she was real. Fast forward to last year. I became extremely ill with long covid. My entire body essentially turned on itself. Everything from heart problems and a rare eye disorder, to POTS disease and Sjogren's syndrome, amongst a slew of other things. I couldnt stand, sit, or lie down without going in and out of consciousness. At the same time, I lost my best friend, which was devastating for me. My beloved cat even ran away. I fell into a deep dispair and came very close to dying. I was terrified at the thought of not being here with my kids anymore. I began meditating again and talking to whatever God there is. I did this daily. The crazy thing is, eventually my health started to balance back out, although the eye disease left damage behind. Anyway a few months went by and I was feeling like my old self again. One day, while meditating/praying, something happened that I won't go into detail with on this already painfully long comment (sorry about that by the way), but it's something that changed my life. I don't like to talk about it publicly because people who haven't gone through it think I'm nuts. I don't know if it was what some people call a "kundalini awakening," but it was definitive proof to me that we are indeed spiritual beings. It was so shocking that I started going to church because I knew I had experienced the presence of God, physically within me. Some say I was "baptized by the holy spirit." Others say it was kundalini. I'm still deep into trying to understand exactly what happened and what the truth of everything is. I just know God is real.
@Blaqk_8298 27 күн бұрын
@@ambers512 I ENJOYED EVERYTHING YOU SHARED, THANKS FOR SHARING, I originally made the statement about God because i also believe that God is real regardless of what God it is, there is a greater power that we are connected to and we all have different viewpoints of which GOD is the real God whether it be BUDDAH,KRISHNA,GOD,ALLAH ETC. or maybe its NONE OF THE ABOVE but whenever we do whats right regardless of which god exist he/she/them can ONLY reward you for your stewardship, embrace the journey because the journey will be what you claim it to be, I REALLY ENJOYED YOUR TESTIMONY, BE BLESSED.
@Brinkofdawn67 26 күн бұрын
@@ambers512 It is quite okay I do enjoy engagment such as lengthy comments. Honestly, I do not know what I should do after realising that consciousness and reality is intertwined and all of religion has always been nudging towards the symbolic nature of reality, the mind and human consciousness, I guess its accepting that we are quite divine or evolved than we think. I always wanted to tell someone that the only reason why you made it out of a rut was because of your sheer will, you the one that did it not a being separate from reality as that being represents your mind and your mind is reality, I do not want to go deep into that topic. Its up to you if you want to continue the conversation.
@arsims1 27 күн бұрын
As in The Holy Bible is written that GOD ALLAH EL SHADAI created Man Humans in HIS own image. I meet GOD HIMSELF ALLAH EL SHADAI and HE came there alone. I know one story of the creation of the Universe: ARCH ANGELS worked and designed The Universe and then GOD ALLAH EL SHADAI said: BE and it became like that, like it is now.
@HagiaFantasia 22 күн бұрын
El Shaddai is the female many breasted God, like Diana of Ephesus.
@alexv1190 17 күн бұрын
@gazingupwards6387 10 күн бұрын
I told my kids were younger one time that God was the number zero.. Perfect center and where everything in reality comes from. I do think there's something more for my own reasons than just a mathematical base. I get that there is complexity and potential with the concept, but what i experienced helped me. I'm interested in his understanding and i think the God I felt would be fine with Morgue and with blowing his mind completely by showing him the parts he got right and the things he missed one day. I have no idea what God is, but it's something interesting. But with that said..i also think we as humans are very interesting as well and our minds are very powerful. I personally believe that we can choose to allow that source/force that i call God, and believe has a base, to flow through us and help us further make connections.. Like a newborn and a brain forming new synapses continually...i can imagine infinity like that, but then even that isn't enough.. all i think i know is that whatever it was, was there when i needed it, even though nothing was shoved immediately, I'd never been so understood in my life by anything or anyone, and maybe even more than i knew myself.
@MarshallMathersthe7th 26 күн бұрын
''Everything that starts has a cause'' That's in our human perspective, we actually don't know. For the universe, who says the universe has a purpose? And if it has a purpose, then what is that purpose? Does it matter to have a purpose or not?
@ralphc7760 26 күн бұрын
You clearly lack true gnosis. You attempt to create an independent gnosis devoid of the eternal living God “THE GREAT SILENCE”. Love only exists through hate, and joy through sadness and suffering. You have been lifted from the necessary sufferings, spreading falsehoods. Reason and knowledge shall perish, as the bark of a tree does. For the bark is not for itself but for the fruit.
@alexv1190 17 күн бұрын
@user-mv1fs3wr5r 27 күн бұрын
If there is a God, then it means its culpable for everything that is also wrong or evil or unjust and unfair.
@rogersalllike9133 27 күн бұрын
Lets think about that We have creator of a game World of Warkraft does the creator of the game guilty of what a player in this game did ? Ofc not so GOD who created this is not guilty that you or someone else made wrong decision by going the dark path Ofc he will give you chance to develop your consciousness but he is not guilty that u take bad decisions if we can call the bad or good 😊
@CuzmicTarot 27 күн бұрын
User….. Be careful someone is right around the corner to give you the “free will” retort.
@hammersaw3135 27 күн бұрын
"Gods are immortal men, men are mortal gods." - Hermes Trismegistus
@seanvandiijk2889 27 күн бұрын
Bro, literally men was warned not to ever know what is evil and good and they went forward anyway and now you complain that you have the power of free will that nothing in Creation has? If you can't handle then don't mess with things you cannot fathom. Now the Messiah is coming to fix the original sin and return to the time of no free will no pain no suffering, eternal life.
@javierchavarria1386 27 күн бұрын
@amitpaul2622 18 күн бұрын
I firmly embrace the mathematical underpinnings of our universe. However, pondering the origin of the system that transforms these mathematical realities into immutable truths leads me down a different path. I do not subscribe to the belief in a personal deity, yet I recognize a transcendent essence, a divine presence that resonates within.
@user-fj6en2pm2r 16 күн бұрын
I do in a similar way. I see God as I do Spirit, i.e. as all and in all. Mathematics originates in the Intelligence of God where God is Perfection. Consistent with the perfection of that mathematical Mind is Love. Love is the highest intelligence of all.
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
I love the fact that this guy can think outside the box as well as inside the box
@HyperboreanOrigin 23 күн бұрын
Zero is a mental construct, so technically zero is logical but unreasonable and irrational. When you observe the material cosmos we find that there is no natural vacuum, or nothingness. So the “mathematical universe” is an insufficient explanation. This is why pythagoreans saw irrational and imaginary numbers as abhorrent.
@bodeokedayo3007 18 күн бұрын
He didn't say zero is nothing. Listen again..
@HyperboreanOrigin 18 күн бұрын
@@bodeokedayo3007 I never said that he said zero meant “nothing”. Im using nothingness as an anology of it’s mathematical application, not physics.
@jimmybryant2187 27 күн бұрын
We do in fact live in a mathematical creation. I still believe in a divine creator simply based on my experience alone, I have had NDE and seen and felt undeniable miracles and blessings and that one has atleast shown me this, we have a creator who loves us.
@CuzmicTarot 27 күн бұрын
An experience Only validates a perspective. Not a reality.
@jimmybryant2187 27 күн бұрын
@@CuzmicTarot we’ll all I have, like yourself is my experience. Believe it or not, I don’t know all the answers to the universe.
@jennyrebecca4daysold 27 күн бұрын
Doesn't mean it was the god of the Christian Bible.
@jimmybryant2187 26 күн бұрын
@@jennyrebecca4daysold I agree. It wasn’t. The Catholic Church is the antichrist. Jesus is lord tho.the Catholic church has hurt the legacy and memory of Christ. Killing in his name to this day. They are heathens.
@jimmybryant2187 24 күн бұрын
@@jennyrebecca4daysold agreed. The Old Testament god is not the creator of the universe
@No2AI 27 күн бұрын
So a designer introduced mathematics and motivated the process of evolution….
@stephenturner3291 27 күн бұрын
I pray this new world hurries up.
@MrBadway_636 27 күн бұрын
Keep waiting😆
@alexv1190 27 күн бұрын
​@@MrBadway_636its already begun
@cosmimanole3591 27 күн бұрын
My life is 100x worse than before so won't expect much
@Brinkofdawn67 27 күн бұрын
I feel you but it is becoming very clear that christianity is spreading around the globe to the extent where people are blindly following misinterpreted information.
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
There comes a time when logic goes out the window I wonder how long it's going to take him to realize that
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
So a sentient being that was always here is more probable than not having a being with intelligence
@truthadvocate5048 19 күн бұрын
I think that it all depends on a person's understanding of Higher Consciousness in regards to the existence of God.
@alka2241 27 күн бұрын
but existence of conscience awareness kind of suggests, that in beginning should be also conscience awareness, mathematical universe can unfold itself without being aware of it self at any time. Emotions and feelings, could be also left out, for example Autistik person, has less capobilities regarding emotions, but could explore serrounding far more better in mathematical terms( like Rainman). And why the exploring units should perceive themselfe as persons, if it wasn't in blue print of universe, and if such thing as personality exist, why should't an initial awarnces choose to take on a personality.
@JosephusZeno 9 күн бұрын
Consider that the ether is malleable via frequency from the creator. Our world is a frequency-based holographic construct held together by a creator who speaks existence into being
@arnoldproducergakire5058 27 күн бұрын
This is that time when u try to learn too many things u think ur gaining wisdom but then u end up stupid .
@Brinkofdawn67 27 күн бұрын
The greatest way to understand reality is using your own sense of discernment, intuition and being open minded but not to the extent of following any person as that is one of the flaws that is instilled in our evolved brains from our ancestors which is always used against us in society. YOU should know that anything that involves mysticism and esoterism such as human consciousness, the mind or religion they are all symbolic. Reality is more logical than what most think. So, you honestly only become stupid when you are not using you own judgement and being too open minded or ignorant. I truly understand what you mean I have been a victim of sorts.
@StatusUnkown 26 күн бұрын
Your blind and mad, wisdom has nothing to do with conscious enlightenment. Solomon was wise, but wasn't liberated from fleshly desires. And I know because I've sommoned Solomon's spirit to guide me months ago. Life isn't just about wisdom son. It's alot more to it, trust me I know❤
@MrsNoodle-sd7sz 26 күн бұрын
Dunning Krueger in full effect😅
@angelawossname 26 күн бұрын
​@StatusUnkown if it's not just about wisdom, what else is it about? And why on earth would you try and summon Solomon of all people?
@Thebronzezod 19 күн бұрын
So when the Bible says we are sinners are we sinned against God, mathematically what would that mean?
@alexv1190 17 күн бұрын
That it's BS
@user-fj6en2pm2r 16 күн бұрын
The audience of the Bible is not "us" but Ancient Israel. Jesus took sin away form the only context it existed, Ancient Israel. Stop reading yourself into ancient scripture.
@Socialist88 4 күн бұрын
God is infinity and you went negative
@michaelkelsay4559 27 күн бұрын
One thing I have to state because it’s one reason why Terrence Howard is smart but completely wrong about his 1*1=2 theory. Mathematics is NOT a law like the laws observed in the universe. Mathematics is just a tool for measuring the universe around us. Just had to say that because a lot of people spread the misinformation that math is a law
@angelawossname 26 күн бұрын
It's not a theory. You misunderstand the use of the word. It's a hypothesis at best, but even that's stretching things. He really isn't smart. He just knows how to say a lot of big words. He doesn't know what they mean. He has a severe case of dunning krueger narcissism. Also, maths is the tool we use to explain the laws of the universe, we wouldn't be able to otherwise. We still don't know all of them.
@michaelkelsay4559 26 күн бұрын
@@angelawossname I’m pretty sure that was exactly what I was saying. The only difference is I said that I believe Terrence is actually smart although he says alot of dumb shit. I wasn’t defending 1*1=2 I was saying that it’s absolutely ridiculous. I guess I’m confused by your comment that seems like you are arguing with me and I’m saying the same things as you are. Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to say but I’m completely with you I think Terrence although intelligent is suffering from some type of disorder like narcissism
@angelawossname 26 күн бұрын
@@michaelkelsay4559 calling it a theory gives him too much credit, as well as being blatantly untrue. Also, we don't just use maths to measure the universe, but to explain it.
@angelawossname 26 күн бұрын
@@michaelkelsay4559 and no, he's not intelligent. He's far from it. I absolutely do not agree with you on that one. He's not intelligent and also says a lot of dumb things. He sure does think he's smart, though.
@Masi.Capone 21 күн бұрын
Math is a good metaphor, but it's just a construct of the mind. We already agree waking life is a lucid dream no different than having one when we fall asleep. If we have a lucid dream at night and we're in a room with a table, and we pull out a measuring tape and determine the table is 5 feet long, we don't actually have a five foot long table in our head. We live in a very condensed form of reality, but there is no space and no time.
@user-wk3fc6uh1s 11 күн бұрын
What happens to our souls or our conciousness , when big rip / or universe ends ? Do we or our conciousness change into various universal creatures or something??
@valde223 27 күн бұрын
Why does this explanation of god fit with being single😅
@BardouSia 20 күн бұрын
Beta comment. 👍 U have to be gigachad 🗿🍷 Its better than beta bro. We all have to be Sigma gigachad PSL GOD ftw
@Schism_harmony 27 күн бұрын
So Jesus is God in flesh and blood and came to Earth (through artificial insemination) to sacrifice himself to save humanity(his creation) from himself. That’s the story I’m supposed to have faith in, hard pass
@Phoenix_74 24 күн бұрын
In my experience faith, feels like we're been told to be satisfied with not being at a particular destination, yet to try force ourselves to be content as though we infact do have it....kinda feels a bit like drawing the short stick...just my opinion
@lucifermephistophilies6629 23 күн бұрын
@@Schism_harmony do you want to know the truth from God, who was prophecied to walk the earth beside man at the end of revelations
@lucifermephistophilies6629 23 күн бұрын
@@Schism_harmony was that clear enough
@Schism_harmony 23 күн бұрын
@@lucifermephistophilies6629 clear as mud
@lucifermephistophilies6629 23 күн бұрын
@@Schism_harmony well I tried
@jahsurhofjudah6053 27 күн бұрын
Naw... what about the God that sent Judah into slavery under wicked people in every kingdom even unto this day! Babylon, Greece, Rome, Persia, Egypt, and this modern-day Babylon America.
@alexv1190 17 күн бұрын
It's fake
@ladonawright5136 28 күн бұрын
My spouse of 16 years collapsed at work td, he had a stroke. I'm going through my own health issues, and now this. Ty for Morgue
@Mistress_Angelica777 28 күн бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that Ladona
@TheLovelyEnigma 28 күн бұрын
I was going to say what does that have to do with anything but then I noticed.
@susanmitchell0 27 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry, Ladona
@LeePatrick-wc3cd 27 күн бұрын
Sorry for troubles 😔 I hope 🙏 everything gets better soon.
@effdonahue6595 27 күн бұрын
Prayers will be said
@Akio33342 27 күн бұрын
Wanna show my wife this lol. Great stuff, you and others are starting to inspire me to write my own book :) 4:20 I can see how it ties into the statistical fact that the probability of there being life on Earth is about the same as the probability atheists use to disprove the existence of God
@RawGemstone 27 күн бұрын
I am loving this new look, having an eyebrow.
@MrAlubenco 25 күн бұрын
My perspective only, the thought of God is in itself the entity, because the thought is collectively fed by creatures who can conceive those types of notions. Religion was broken into its various forms so that there WOULD be derision amongst the various cultures of people hence causing self-doubt due to not being on the same "page" while in this physical form.
@cliffa2901 27 күн бұрын
Finger over the mouth ????
@lunaflynn2319 22 күн бұрын
@samppakoivula9977 26 күн бұрын
Is negative infinity + positive infinity also = 0? I mean mathematically it would seem so, but infinity isn't finite number...🤔
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
Non logic can also find answers to truth as well
@Julienmcgowan 26 күн бұрын
I find this very interesting, and I have always personally explored the mathemtatic God but then I have to try and reconcile this with mechanical determinism and consciousness and free will, and then it gets a bit messy 😮
@ColtDee 19 күн бұрын
You have not proved one way or another on the proof for God, you got my head spinning say yes or no not running off on several tangents?
@nancscloset 26 күн бұрын
Realizing now that the Biblical god is not a good god. All makes sense now. There are many gods, only one GOD, and a Savior God. The mystery of life is that the human being can have a personal relationship with a Devine Entity.
@cfho83 27 күн бұрын
I've had a very very disturbing experience and I dont know where to turn. I've reached out to so many and still nothing, I've been ignored and I as if this experience needs to be shared. Please, how can I contact you. I hope you can help me make sense of this.
@winstonsmith6065 27 күн бұрын
Perhaps if you were explained what happened, people might be able to help more. In my journey I have had many existential crises. I can tell you what got me through: First, know that you exist as something that is aware. This is something that you can know with 100% certainty and it does away with all crises that have to do with one’s own existence. Second, acknowledge that your belief that what you perceive as reality is real is a belief based on objective evidence. Look at things and then go touch them. Do they look real? Do they feel real? Take stock of what you perceive and also what you do not perceive. Acknowledging this belief and letting the objective evidence of reality speak for itself does away with all dissociative feelings that reality might be a trick or an illusion like Descartes’ Demon or the Matrix or whatever. Do you see any demons or matrix agents? No. Ergo, those fearful thoughts are nothing more than fantasies unsupported by any real evidence. I hope that helps. I KNOW how scary ego death and awakening to new understandings of reality can be. But it is only scary for the caterpillar who must pass away to become a butterfly… Green leaves cradle hope, Silent dreams of flight unfold- Wings embrace the sky. 🐛-🦋
@DeconvertedMan 22 күн бұрын
The woo dude will not help you at all. Whatever your experience was, its just something that your mind made due to any number of factors. Don't turn to woo, turn to a phycologist.
@pinguino187 4 күн бұрын
Ok we can see that good and evil existing equals for us to exist and balance to nothing as 0, but, the bible says that sin is for example considered the evil side which says that leads to death. Being holy leads to life for example what jesus did which were no sin and dying innocently. So essentially what i mean is that being good is what keeps us alive and can achieve heaven where happiness and only good only exists, then there is hell which is the opposite. As humans pf knowing good and evil, how can that be balance? 🤔 hm, i suppose our final equation is 0 and nothing so that’s probably why the bible speaks of apocalypse and end time. Interesting
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
Where did man learn to communicate with each other
@danielcourville 27 күн бұрын
All is what is The only flaw in your theory is you Forget about the spiritual embodiment of spiturality no mater no materiality no mathematics to nothing the shell of the egg Spirit the positive conception of mater is not a must but reality You play well in it. No need to worship what must be .But be what Must because Source is was and will always Be no 15:48 matter which way you cut Her He Them Us or event All
@00MistyBubbles00 22 күн бұрын
What if it is just a concept created by people just like time? ( we can only learn from the tools we have?)
@JosephusZeno 9 күн бұрын
By that logic you live in a world of escapism and comfort seeking, I think you miss a lot when you take out suffering and pain from the experience. There has to be a balance. There should be a polar equilibrium and a consciousness that is gender-neutral
@gabrielfox5017 20 күн бұрын
The primordial Chaos was at the root of all the original essences and gave rise to the Logos through the great original murmur or thrust, the Praxis. The Logos created the kosmos and the God's and Titans, and the later essences. Then the Logos created life and flesh, and the levels Physia of life and existence, or our field of experience.
@Cyberautist 26 күн бұрын
9:09 “dynamic equilibrium”. Maybe the spirits who listen to me , whisper to you.
@DougDeYoung-gt4id 27 күн бұрын
You know you're one of those blondies that knows to much. What if first cause was accidental? What if the Creator didn't mean to create this verse? Think of a dream that solidifies. What is a dream? It's energy waves that create a world. You can measure these waves on a machine. What are at the core of atoms? Waves. So like Morpheus said how can you tell the difference between a dream and reality? Everything is waves of energy with different manifesting potentials all controlled by a unified field of intelligent awareness. It's almost like the Architect was trying to create a 3D virtual reality and blew himself up. Now He's trapped in His wet dream and trying to "crystallize" Himself (put HimSelf back together). Once he returns to His singularity it's game over!🤣
@HoheheroHohoho 24 күн бұрын
You are an anti - stress with this gold informations🔥
@hammersaw3135 27 күн бұрын
My only beef with the whole modern concept of "god" lol is that it is unfathomable, and humanity's futile attempts to describe him are laughable at best. So many people worried about after life, when the only that really matters is before death. Your gravestone will have two dates, all that matters is the line in the middle.
@wesleyhawes916 27 күн бұрын
I'd be interested in your an analysis of Church and State, their separation and union in different regions across time. Religion and government are dangerous if tightly coupled and cohesive. I think Propertarianism, as defined by The Natural Law Institute may be of interest to the intellectual and spiritual capacity of this community. It's Intended as a rational and enlightened form of governance, removing the political trauma like religion has also induced. An idea for content going into the election period, take or not as you may. Best Regards o7
@granvillehunte4269 27 күн бұрын
Why would I refer to myself as God when I clearly see that I (X) has the ability to create God's ❤X
@phoebegreen6582 26 күн бұрын
There is banging on my door And a tree popped up in my garden
@angelpopov3450 22 күн бұрын
But why there was a 0 state where this impossibly small point of ultra heavy elements compressed in that point surrounded by nothingness where the point came from and what if is not a single God but a race of type 8 on the cardashev scale before this creation that exist beyond time space matter ... what if ?
@durtintracey5858 27 күн бұрын
Oh sunshine. If only there was some shade. The bubble at the very bottom of the deepest part of the ocean. The microscopic shadow at the core of the sun. The furthest reaches of the revealing light. The engulfing majesty of darkness. No accidents. Three truths. 1: We all came here by choice. 2: We all have a lesson to learn. 3: We all must meet our maker. Sack cloth and ashes my friends.
@Ledhoven 27 күн бұрын
Bravo ❤ sackcloth and ashes indeed.
@codingwalnuthindi6984 27 күн бұрын
Where did you derive these three or so truths from? Why should we believe you? What if your maker doesn't want to meet you and you are just a chicken in a coop waiting to be slaughtered? I surely don't wanna meet such a maker. I'm a sovereign being and I'm self created only truth that exists.
@Godevil-Tsozi 27 күн бұрын
@StaneMalovrh 25 күн бұрын
In this "reality" zero does not exist. Multiplying any number by zero will always result in zero. It is kind of a paradox. If zero would exist it would not be zero anymore. In this reality nothing turns into nothing it can only be transformed into something else. That something can be invisible to us. Check how much of this reality we can perceive with out very limited senses.
@lucifermephistophilies6629 28 күн бұрын
Hello little monkeys uncles and my flying monkey comrade. I've come to drop some astrological knowledge not yet understood by the scientific community that can be used and adapted to further your esoteric knowledge and understanding. Remember these key factors when it comes to the aspect of the power of Chaos, chaotic magic or the Astra by their description. What is above So too shall be below. Meaning what occurs in the astrological plane above us can be observed and will occur somewhere here on earth because we are a byproduct created by the forces that occur out there above us. Having said that, here you go. Are Galactic objects repeating themselves in our satellite data imagery? No, not really but in a sense yes. But it is a much larger explanation than this. As galaxies travel across distant regions, some in between that region of distance where they begin to red shift there is a blur of light trailing from the visual spectrum as that distance gradually reaches beyond our ability to see it any longer. Galaxies are also traveling in their own specific direction, some moving closer, some further. As these effects occur throughout the length of time it took for the light from that image to reach us causing the image we can see to sometimes blur and stretch at certain points in its existence, but that is just a visual trick of light. It doesn't actually stretch, just the image we are able to see. Sometimes other galaxies cause a gravitational force to pull its direction of motion towards it causing its path of motion to change. Those close enough sometimes tidally lock into an orbital pattern around each other. So basically some of these galactic objects are like a 4th dimensional image we are able to observe in the entirety of its existence. We see it as these blurred galaxies that seem larger than they should be but that is because we are seeing it as it first formed to the point where it dissolved due to entropy. Now how can this assist and be adapted to esoteric knowledge, simple. Through the concept of mystical gateways, portals and the science of traveling through other realms such as the spiritual, celestial or astral realms. Reaching them can be compared to reaching a galaxy that has crossed the region of the red shift zone, so you can't technically just travel from here to there, but if you can fold space and create a gateway bridging the two together and cross from this realm into the other through methods of gateway magic then you can reach it or project to it if you can visualize it in your mind. How do you look upon what you see there so it makes sense and it isn't some twisted image of a blurred haze? By compensating the shift patterns of the difference in times passage between here and there. Time occurs differently in the spiritual and astral realms. 15 minutes will seem like an hour there in the spiritual realm and visa versa in the astral realm. Calculate the lag in time and adjust your image perception like focusing on a distant road sign and you will see more clearly what you could not before. That's it for the lesson. Now poof into a cloud of sulfur I go (cue the cliche montage music)
@lucifermephistophilies6629 23 күн бұрын
@RealMorgueofficial hurrah you love me you really really love me!!!
@highpriestofseti 27 күн бұрын
The god as we know it, is not real, and is based on the old summerian texts, there's a lot in comon with old summerian texts and abrahamic religion. Like for example the flood of noah, is actually a copy of the epic of gilgamesh. Connection between the abrahamic god and the old summerians, here's my view on it: God aka yahwe = Elohim, elohim =plural, translation of the word elohim = the powerfull ones. Said by the so called god: 'Let Us make (asah) humans in Our image, according to Our likeness'”; US = plural, again proof that we are not talking about one god, but multiple gods. So multiple beings, who are not gods, but not terrestrial, same like the old summerian story of the annunaki, annunaki meaning those who came from the heavens, the story talks about not humans coming to earth, creating humans to be their work force with their own dna and the dna of the human like specimen of that era, in a way an explenation for the missing link in evolution in my opinion.
@seanvandiijk2889 27 күн бұрын
Bro, do you know that Avraham comes from Sumer? It's obvious that summerians are gonna have similar narratives, since the Torah was revealed since the times of Adam. At mount Sinai we received the 10 commandments but the Torah was already offered to many nations and Sumerians are basically proto-assyrians who are our family of Avraham. It's not that Israel, the jewish people received at Mount Sinai a literal bible printed with modern technology, we heard the Ten Commandments. The stories of creation were already around and most likely transmitted orally in the region. Moses wrote in a more refined way and for the first time put them alltogether and organized. The canon of the Old Testament was compiled much more later, 500 BCE by the scribes.
@highpriestofseti 23 күн бұрын
@@seanvandiijk2889 You are so wrong: Sumerian Texts Origin: The Sumerian civilization, located in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), is one of the earliest known civilizations. Time Period: Sumerian texts, including those mentioning the Anunnaki, date back to around 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE. The earliest Sumerian cuneiform writing appeared around 3400 BCE. Content: The Anunnaki are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian culture, mentioned in various myths and texts, including the "Epic of Gilgamesh" and the "Enuma Elish". Abrahamic Texts Origin: The Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have their roots in the Near East. Time Period: Hebrew Bible (Old Testament): The oldest parts, such as the Torah, are traditionally dated to around the 12th to 10th centuries BCE, though they were likely written down in their current form around the 6th to 5th centuries BCE. New Testament: Written in the 1st century CE. Quran: Written in the 7th century CE. Content: These texts include the religious teachings, laws, and stories central to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Conclusion The Sumerian texts about the Anunnaki predate the earliest Abrahamic texts by over a millennium. The cultural and religious concepts in the Sumerian texts reflect some of the oldest known written records in human history, whereas the Abrahamic texts, while ancient, were written much later.
@seanvandiijk2889 23 күн бұрын
@@highpriestofseti ha... Never you were told where Abraham was from? In the very same old testament you can find the story of our patriarch Abraham being in Sumeria, because he was a sumerian. First of all sumerian is a geographical adjective for a person, in sumer there were also descendants of Ham. The jewish tradition is aware of the previous oral stories that were written on the tablets, how come not? The Hebrews were not the first in being offered the Torah, previously you have the covenant of Noah with already narratives of the creation and the flood, such as the registries you mentioned, that's pretty obvious, is like you say to me "hey your grandparents also tell about a similar story of Genesis", are you kidding? I don't know if that is called and oxymoron. The sons of Shem lived in Sumeria, Avraham was worshiped idols before he received the first forms of Torah knowledge, he is the father of monotheistic religions because from him sumer switched from polytheism to monotheism, they had their own versions of the stories since Adam. The Hebrews brought to the world the first form of legible script, we write today latin alphabet which comes from greek which in turn comes from square hebrew characters. Or that even you didn't know? That the alphabet we use today is derived from hebrew aleph bet? C'mon, the letters are the same with some variations and the direction of writing.
@highpriestofseti 23 күн бұрын
@@seanvandiijk2889 Abraham is indeed mentioned in those texts, but only as late as the 3th dynasty, so way after the first summerian dynasty was around: Abraham, a central figure in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), is traditionally believed to have lived around the early 2nd millennium BCE. According to the biblical narrative, Abraham was originally from Ur, a city in ancient Sumer, which corresponds to modern-day southern Iraq. The Sumerian civilization thrived in Mesopotamia from around 4500 to 1900 BCE, with its peak during the Early Dynastic period (circa 2900-2350 BCE) and the Third Dynasty of Ur (circa 2112-2004 BCE). Sumerian texts, including myths, hymns, and administrative records, provide a rich source of information about the culture and society of ancient Sumer. The overlap between Abraham’s traditional timeline and the Sumerian civilization suggests that if Abraham were a historical figure, he would have lived during the later period of Sumerian history, likely around the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur. This period saw significant cultural and political developments and the flourishing of Sumerian literature and administrative systems. However, it is essential to note that the historicity of Abraham is a subject of scholarly debate. While archaeological evidence provides extensive information about the Sumerian civilization, there is no direct evidence confirming the existence of Abraham as a historical figure. The stories of Abraham are primarily derived from religious texts written centuries after the purported events. In summary, IF Abraham were a historical figure, his life would have coincided with the latter part of the Sumerian civilization. The Sumerian texts from that period provide valuable context for understanding the cultural and historical backdrop of the region during Abraham’s supposed lifetime.
@seanvandiijk2889 23 күн бұрын
@@highpriestofseti The very same Avraham worshipped idols until he discovered G-d by the principle of observation, there is a story about Avraham when he was observing the butterfly effect and realized that everything comes as a result of a previous action and not that for example rain is a god in itself. There is a point of origin of everything and that's how Avraham arrived to the knowledge of G-d. The first notions about G-d in the way we know today were with the first humans Shem, Japhet, and Ham, as you probably know the story of the flood has been practically proven, there is no doubts that there was a flood and and human reset and even there were other resets in the story of earth. The origin of civilization (not humanity) is accepted to be in mesopotamia, and that's where the sons of Noah went, so basically after the flood they probably attempted to find the garden of Eden in the area of the Euphrates. Sumerian civilization thus, can be attributed to the offspring of Shem son of Noah. Sons of Ham were also around, Nimrod was from the seed of Ham. By the time of the NeoAssyrian empire, it was already a semitic empire, neoassyrians don't differ much from the syrians of today.
@majmage 25 күн бұрын
They're illogical arguments, whether the conclusion is a god, a deist god, a cosmic consciousness or anything else. Bad logic doesn't successfully argue for any particular conclusion. 1. Cosmological: either (A) everything or (B) not everything has a cause. If A, then an uncaused 'something' is impossible. But if B, then any given thing might be uncaused (like the universe itself). 2. Teleological: the universe doesn't appear designed. If it did appear designed, that tells us basically nothing (because we have evidence of design arising by both intelligence and non-intelligent processes like evolution), and so it yields no conclusion. 3. Ontological: the greatest possible anti-deity donut (which prevented all gods from existing) must exist, because if it didn't exist it wouldn't be greatest possible. It isn't logical that anything defined as "greatest possible" must exist, and that's the real mistake -- but if you don't think it's a mistake then the Donut must exist and therefore gods can't exist, yeah? 4. Math is abstract. That means it's _defined as not real._ So the moment you're talking about things purely in math, it's like describing facts in Tolkien's universe. Sure, you can describe all sorts of facts about elves and about math, but it's understood by context that you aren't describing the real world.
@JohnDoe-eh7tb 27 күн бұрын
Hi, I just want you to know that not only there is an opportunity but also a very high probability that you could be accepted for the future season of One Piece live actions by Oda and Netflix as the character Hawkin (a captain from the most dangerous generations.) From the thumbnail alone without make up, you already looked 95% exactly like him.
@johnsmith-ee6tr 27 күн бұрын
I sleep well, need noise fans, but I always hear wake up to a sound that should not be..and no not my pets😊
@MonacoBlast66 27 күн бұрын
When I first moved to Santa Fe, I heard the Taos hum. I almost moved, and then it stopped.
@Ta2dwitetrash 27 күн бұрын
It's that space between. Where the classical music plays.
@user-soon300 27 күн бұрын
I'm Christian and I believe you this is makes sense ❤
@morgueofficial 27 күн бұрын
Well, I'm glad at least one Christian believes me! 😄
@user-uh3gn6sg6y 27 күн бұрын
glad at least one christian believes us ☢️💅🟡✝️
@_Vants29131 23 күн бұрын
ur just saying that ur a Christian that's just ur title but u don't live that way of being a Christian
@Maxamos555 27 күн бұрын
Bill and Ted's excellent adventures was a good one right?!
@DeconvertedMan 22 күн бұрын
Party on dudes.
@ghostofarockstar 27 күн бұрын
It's not possible for anything to exist, so anything existing proves God exists, this is all Gods dream, and we are God dreaming.
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
This guy is good he can see things from different angles and that makes them a beautiful person yes we are all gods but we are also from a God who always was and always will be we all are from Spirit we always existed and we always will exist
@KhalfaniZhanubisEl 26 күн бұрын
Man created the image of God, then attributed to God its super powers. Man created the image of superman, then attributed to superman its super powers.
@bodeokedayo3007 18 күн бұрын
Nice work. Makes a lot of sense to me. Best ever!
@NatureboyTv 21 күн бұрын
God is the dreamer a black man and wombman in the end you will see God is actually one of us well two of us ... Mary is dreaming of Jesus and Jesus her and we are their children or subconscious
@robertsouth6971 25 күн бұрын
Reality is comprehensively infinite. If something can exist, it does. That's the primal basis and it's part of God, the feet say. However, infinity can never be complete. New creation must constantly occur because there are always variations possible on the whole of what exists already. And it has to be patterned, orderly, law abiding. It has to almost all be infinitely extensible waves because that produces more from less. Input is a finite formula, output never ends, plus they synergize with each other. OK, reality grows constantly to add new possibilities. That's time. It's also part of God, it's the creative will. More complex things are created more abundantly because everything must be created and there are more possibilities with complex things, so we find complex things are more probable. And most things are these huge complex time space continua. The bigger the better. More complex futures are more probable, so events that lead to more complex futures are more probable. This looks like everything in existence being sensitive to everything else and trying to increase complexity in the universe by intelligent strategic decisions. Peoples have seen this force acting in the world and in their lives--often called synchronicity or miracle or spirits--and they have called it God, so we can use that word. It is all powerful, all knowing and...sort of benevolentish. It likes life and it likes sentience and it likes intelligence and it likes civilization and it likes technology. It promotes those things, and those things are increasing. We were created to be sensitive magnifiers of input, to do the work of transforming the universe, or building the vast civilization that will do so. Be the agent of that and the wind will be at your back. Thwart or extort it and you will be making yourself a problem to be dealt with.
@user-ui6ly9fv7o 20 күн бұрын
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.John 14:6 - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” All of man's questions of life are answered in this verse repent before it too late Jesus loves you
@Hedgehog3342 27 күн бұрын
A good book i read (though doesnt tell anything about mathematics) is a book called God is nothingness. A great book that explains the idea that God is nothingness, a the nothingness that is zero.
@user-MG79 25 күн бұрын
When I was about 6yr old The angel of the Lord appeared to me in a stick shrub in the Sydney museum the flames were exceedingly hot when they touched me however! I had no Burns.
@rafaelkelsey 14 күн бұрын
How can nothingness cause humans to speak
@raxonsouffrant5813 13 күн бұрын
Wow! Well explained! You are versed on so many things. I like to watch your tube videos.
@Raj-jx7kn 25 күн бұрын
When i switched my account it shows a another thumbnail.
@tinaporteruk 27 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ...Spirit...Holiness Sovreign...Most High God
@TheCosmicRealm3 25 күн бұрын
Lol. You are brainwashed.
@alexv1190 17 күн бұрын
Most fake
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
But at the same time reality does create us at the same time we create reality think about that one
@user-mv1fs3wr5r 27 күн бұрын
Strange. The most peaceful and wonderful feeling I have ever experienced consistently is the state of dozing off to sleep.. no consciousness and no awareness. Just peace. I do not believe that "life" which is actually the source of all suffering and injustice is supposed to exist. It's an aberration and abomination because it is only engendered by suffering and injustice toward or expense of another life and cannabilistic.
@danielcourville 27 күн бұрын
Now you understand why the God of the Bible Regret our creation and choose to eliminate us All or Almost .
@CuzmicTarot 27 күн бұрын
User…… be careful You are using logic. And someone will reply with non logic to hold on to the concept of a god nonetheless 😂😂😂❤
@17bruary 15 күн бұрын
We have free will. This can be very favorable or unfavorable based on our choices. We are also at the mercy of the physical world. This should hold no influence over whether or not there is a creator.
@AbyssKeyBearer 19 күн бұрын
The zero associated with E/m=0/∞ represents the amount of space-time associated with E/m=0/∞. Infinite energy-mass at a temperature of absolute zero Kelvin. Zero space-time. Outside the fabric of space and time. Before the beginning and after the ending. From it came everything. My Father 0/∞. THE ALL. 0/∞
@benjaminrichard7741 21 күн бұрын
I love this idea! 🫶🏻
@NihilIslands 27 күн бұрын
Baruch Spinoza , Einstein's favorite learned middle age helped him in emitting theory of relativity: "Energy and Matter is Manifestation of Same Thing!"
@GeraldPeaceman 22 күн бұрын
I'm sorry, but solid matter does not simply appear as a result of mindless mathematics. Neither do all the conditions, which are needed for plant and animal life. Science has been wrong before (as in a belief in a flat world) and I am convinced that science is wrong again with the big bang theory and with evolution. Evolution does not explain how animals first developed eyes that can actually see or stomach that actually digest food, when such things didn't exist before. Such things will never occur as a result of random genetic mutations! I think that some ancient, advanced alien civilization put life on planet earth. As for the universe, I don't believe it appeared all at the same time. Stars and planets individually come into existence and the exit existence. I believe that these must also be the creations of intelligent minds. Who was the first creator of the first planetary system? In eternity can there ever be a first? There was always something before and before and before in eternity. Eternity never began and will never end.
@BMG060981 27 күн бұрын
Does the I exist? There is the you. The won. We are not God. God is us. And you are God. God is all.
@v2ike6udik 27 күн бұрын
God is a sick psycho. Proved by you.
@TheCosmicRealm3 25 күн бұрын
What God? Where? You mean that imaginary sky-daddy?
@BMG060981 25 күн бұрын
@@TheCosmicRealm3 He who types.
@AlienTheWizard 27 күн бұрын
To sum it up God/The Creator is Zero/0 Complete Perfect and everything else that is created through the Creator is every other number is not complete imperfect.
@AlienTheWizard 24 күн бұрын
@Morgueofficial--01 There's a Prize!?! 🤓 Joking...
@MrBadway_636 27 күн бұрын
Lets face it; If there really is a god, why would he need men to write so many books about himself?….is he so shy that he can’t just shift the clouds and introduce himself???…not even to say hi 👋?
@bobgarbett3229 23 күн бұрын
Thank you Morgue! I to was once a Christian but it finally dawned on me that God could / would never be constrained to one way, one religion and that God’s life “ is living itself through me”……through us! The tragedy really is that there are those who know this and those who don’t or won’t or can’t! Keep up the great work my dear friend!
@xXstevilleXx 26 күн бұрын
Yes which you call God exists. However when I see hashtags like 'awakening' you are missing the point of the Biblical narrative, the message is clear, and I am sorry you are holding several 'schools of thought' and trying to connect dots. You can want to bring Gnosticism into the picture, with do so. The Gospel of Christ, the Gospel of the Cross is all people need. Nothingness is a concept, I find silly, God is Spirit existing both in what we call reality but unlike us outside of said 'reality' walk a path with Christ, obey his commandments and follow his teachings. It is a simple as that, sorry, this notion of 'higher conscious' is new-age nonsense, and the Masoretic Text/Septuagint and DDS is VERY CLEAR ON those trying to messed with this. Lastly Scripture is VERY CLEAR on the existence of God, there is nothing profound nor shocking other than butchering the Scripture and no mate I am talking about Hebrew/Aramaic/Coptic/Greek source material. Which is supported by the finding of the DDS collection (expect for the book of Ester that manuscript is yet to be discovered) Take care that you do not deceive people, perhaps you should REALLY read Prov 8 (I find that most translated are within 90% accuracy in terms of translations such as English) but if you understood that you would be wise in what you tell people
@FatJody 23 күн бұрын
Are you ever disgusted with your own reflection morgue?
@edrevi5602 27 күн бұрын
The Ymir is necessary for anything to happen. Study what is Ymir and you will get closer to the goal.
@edrevi5602 27 күн бұрын
It is a great force that allows anything to be, like a burning desire and angst to become. It is primordial love in a sense.
@Primitivemycology 25 күн бұрын
All churches are by definition cults, doesn't mean they are all bad. I tend to worship alone, as I don't think any man or woman on this earth has any more ideas than the next about who or what God is........ If you think you know, please explain I'd love to here everyones veiws
@Primitivemycology 25 күн бұрын
Which means that no one on this earth is qualified to direct my spirituality other than me
@Primitivemycology 24 күн бұрын
@Morgueofficial--01 I always enjoy your content, your views are different, and to me that means you are thinking critically, regardless if I agree. Keep up the good work man
@genewhiteman1811 2 күн бұрын
We create reality reality does not create us
@chirho100 22 күн бұрын
Does God of the Bible shows His understandings of numerology and constancy uses numbers. Like the book of numbers for example? Would it not make sense that the God amongst gods that has the best understandings of the mathematics of the universe will be the most powerful God, or the God who created the measurements of the cosmic reality that we exist in? The stars and planets orbit and follow their appointed paths and circuits more precise then a Swiss watch. No way this happens by randomness. Your chief complaint is why God is not a true god, because of our imperfections in our body. Truth is our body’s are temporary meat suits for this world they are not meant to last, until resurrection, when the elect will be given spiritual bodies, that are incorruptible and a spiritual body like Jesus Christ. God manifested in flesh and blood and had a body like ours, to destroy the works of the devil the god of this world. There will be a new heavens and a new earth and creation will be perfect and no more suffering or death. Creation is not complicated, be God sees the end before the beginning. God of the Bible has shown to be consistently sovereign, often mixed up with the god of this world.
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