Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu Scriptures - The Puranas - Dr Zakir Naik

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Dr Zakir Naik

Dr Zakir Naik

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Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu Scriptures - The Puranas - Dr Zakir Naik
Let us first discuss Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu scriptures.
The Hindu scriptures can be broadly divided into 2 categories. The Shrutis and the Smritis.
Shruti means that which is revealed, which is understood, which is heard. The Shruti according to the Hindu scholars is considered to be the word of God and they are divided in to two parts, the Veda and the Upanishads.
The Sanskrit word ‘Veda’ is derived from the word ‘Vid’, which means knowledge par excellence. And there are four types of Vedas. Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda. Though exactly when did these Vedas come into existence is not know. But according to Swami Dayanand Saraswati, who’s the founder of Arya Samaj, he says the Vedas are 1310 million years old. But the majority of the Hindu scholars they say the Vedas are approximately 4000 years old. In which part of the world did it first come is not known. Who was the person to whom it was first given is not known. Inspite of all these ambiguities it is yet considered to be the word of God and it is the most authentic and the most higher scriptures amongst all the Hindu scriptures.
The next in the authority are the Upanishads, derived from the Sanskrit word, ‘Upa’ which means near, ‘Nee’ means down, ‘Shad’ means sit, “sitting down near.” When the pupils and students sat next to the teacher to acquire knowledge, it’s called as Upanishad. Which means knowledge which removes ignorance. There are more than 200 Upanishads, but the Indian culture gives a figure of 108 out of which some are picked up as the principal Upanishads. Some may have picked up tens, some twelve. Sri Radhakrishnan has picked up 18 and written a Book “The Principal Upanishads.”
The next type of scriptures, are the Smritis. Smriti means that which is remembered. It means memory. The Hindu scholar say Smritis are scriptures written by human beings, by Rishis. And they are next after the Shrutis. The Shrutis are higher than the Smritis. They are also called as the Dharm Shastra, because they tell how a life should be lead by an individual, by the community and by the society.
One of the most important Smritis is the Puranas. Purana means ancient. It talks about the stories of deities, about the creation of the universe, about literature. And Maharishi Vyas, has compiled the Puranas into 80 voluminous parts. One of the most important Puranas is called as The Bhavishya Purana. Bhavishya means future. This Puranas speaks about the future.
And It’s mentioned in the Bhavishya Purana, Parva III, Khand 3, Adhyay 3 Shloka 5 to 8,
“A Malechha will come along with his companions from the desert and his name shall be Muhammad (pbuh). And Raja Bhoj will give this Maha Dev Arab a bath in the Panch Garv and will welcome him with honour and address him with reverence and say, ‘O pride of humankind you have created a great force to fight against the evil people’”.
This prophecy of Bhavishya Purana, Parva III, Khand 3, Adhyay 3 Shlokas 5 to 8, it says a Malechha will come. Malechha in Sanskrit means a foreigner. He will come along with his companions talking about the Sahabaas. From a Marusthal. Marusthal in Sanskrit means a sandy tract or a desert. His name shall be Muhammad (pbuh) Raja Bhoj will address this Mahadev Arab ...
#Prophesies #Prophet #Muhammad #pbuh #Hindu #Scriptures #The #Puranas #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Fariq #Naik #FariqNaik #FariqZakirNaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #Allah #Allaah #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #ComparativeReligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise

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@endadulhoque7047 3 жыл бұрын
No one is more hatred than who speaks the truth. Zakir Naik is the living example of it.
@shaikmohammedmansoor 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed .
@endadulhoque7047 3 жыл бұрын
@@shaikmohammedmansoor yup
@ZiIIous 3 жыл бұрын
True. They disbelieve and call him liar, yet they only believe whatever fits their belief... cowards!
@endadulhoque7047 3 жыл бұрын
@Rama Krishna B Holy Books of Hindus predicted about Mohammed (pbuh): Sri Sri Ravi Shankara. Is everyone lying? The ego can not accept the truth.
@sawdasiddika3611 3 жыл бұрын
This dunya is not a resting place, It's a testing place.
@jzfg758 3 жыл бұрын
@@allah547 christainity is disappearing 😂😂fast
@jzfg758 3 жыл бұрын
@@allah547 lol, not all Americans are Christians , today most Christians in America are changing to athiesm 😂
@jzfg758 3 жыл бұрын
@@allah547 People are leaving Chrisitianity in USA , do something for them instead of spreading hate comments here
@Titan-ub5op 3 жыл бұрын
@@allah547 Soon... And Muhammad SAW was a human not God. Therefore he can die! He was just here to convey a message.
@8-d-27-aponayan8 3 жыл бұрын
@@allah547 prophet muhammad sm is dead
@TruthandBelief 3 жыл бұрын
I invite All people who love to know about our beloved prophet Muhammad saw
@sach11234 3 жыл бұрын
What was the reason for MHD to marry a 6 yrs old baby child?
@shaikmohammedmansoor 3 жыл бұрын
@ADropOfKnowledge 3 жыл бұрын
Humble invitation to all
@sach11234 3 жыл бұрын
It also says allah is the best of deceiver
@mariyarybak6109 3 жыл бұрын
@@sach11234 where lol
@sach11234 3 жыл бұрын
@@mariyarybak6109 in Quran..LOL
@Just_A_Stranger 3 жыл бұрын
Similarities Between *Kalki Avatar* and *Muhammad* : *[1] -* The name of the Kalki will be Narashangsha, which means praised human, the meaning of the name Muhammad is also praised man. *[2] -* Kalki will born on 12th day of Madhu month, the first month of the hindu lunar year and the first month of summer, Muhammad similarly born on the 12th day on Rabiul Awal, the third month of the Arabic lunar year but astrologically the time was summer season according to solar time. Kalki will born on Shambhala village or island, which means place/house of peace and a land beside water or sea, it also means Arab and Asia minor according to the world map division of Hindu religion, Makkah is Muhammad's birth place which is also beside sea and it is in Arab and Asia minor and its another name is Darul Aman, which means the place/house of peace. *[3] -* Kalki's father's and Mother's name will be Vishnuyash and Sumati, which means slave of God and peaceful lady. Muhammad's father's and mother's name are Abdullah and Amina, which also mean slave of God and peaceful lady. *[4] -* Kalki will be born of the family of the main priest of Shambhala, Muhammad was also born of the family of Abdul Muttalib, the main priest of then the Makkah. *[5] -* Kalki rides on miraculous flying white horse named Devadatta (meaning: given by God) given by Shiva to destroy the evil, Muhammad also rode a miraculous flying white horse named Buraq given by Allah and destroyed evil. *[6] -* Kalki will fight with Khaksha means sword, Muhammad also used to fight with sword. *[7] -* Kalki will go to hillside after birth and receive messages from a mount from Parshurama (spirit of Raam or God, verbally Raam means God of the World) and then will go to north and after that he will return, Muhammad also received messages from God through Jibrail in mount Jabal al-Nour, and another name of Jibrail is Ruhul-Amin which means spirit of God, and he also went to Madina situated in north of the Makkah and after that returned to Makkah again with victory. *[8] -* Gods will directly help Kalki in war, Muhammad was also helped by the angels in the battle of Badr. *[9] -* Kalki will defeat demon kali with the help of his four brothers, Muhammad also defeated Satan by the help of his major four closest companions, later known as Rashidun Caliph. *[10] -* Kalki will destroy the robbers as hidden as Kings, Muhammad also destroyed the oppressors who were kings and leaders at that time. *[11] -* Kalki will be impressively handsome (Anupama Kanti) and incomparably beautiful (Apratim Dyuti), Muhammad was also known to be handsome and impressive and had been described as the most beautiful man of contemporary Arabia. *[12] -* Fregrance will come out from Kalki's body, Muhammad's body odour was also renowned for charming fragrance. *[13] -* Kalki will be adviser of a very big society, Muhammad was also an adviser of a big society. *[14] -* Kalki will have eight divine virtues (Ashtaishwaryaguna): Wisedom, born of noble family, self-control, remembrance (heard from God), physically powerful, less speechful, charitable, advisor of Gods verses and gratefulness. Muhammad also had these eight virtues.
@cure4islamophobia649 3 жыл бұрын
When replying to this question, we must first define what is meant by "equal" and identify the aspect which worries us in terms of gender equality. Islam regards women as spiritual and intellectual equals of men. For a Muslim the important issue is who can become closest to God and earn the greatest reward. The Qur’an answers: "Whoever does deeds of righteousness, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise, and not the least injustice will be done to them."[4:124] "For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for truthful men and women, for patient men and women, for humble men and women, for charitable men and women, for fasting men and women, for chaste men and women, and for men and women who remember God often - for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward."[33:35] There is no difference between men and women as far as their relationship to God is concerned. Both are equal before God, and they are both accountable before Him. Women, like men, are commanded to worship God, and both are promised the same rewards and punishments according to their intention and conduct. Economically, every man and woman is an independent legal entity. Both men and women have the right to own property, engage in business, and inherit from others. Both have the equal right to receive an education and enter into gainful employment. Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim, and to prevent women from getting an education is contrary to the teachings of Islam. However, one fact mentioned in the Qur’an and now recognized is that all things are created in pairs. Had there been a similar function for all, the creation of two counterparts would not have been necessary. To ignore inherent physical and psychological differences is surely unrealistic, but there is no reason to assume that one sex is superior to the other. The creation of male and female means a natural division of function, meaning distinct roles for each, which are both complementary and collaborative. Thus, absolute equality between men and women in all matters is neither possible nor reasonable. But this does not mean bias in favor of men to the detriment of women. While some rulings may be seen to favor men, many others favor women. However, most Islamic rulings apply to men and women equally, and both are bound by their obligations towards one another. The main distinction between the two sexes is in the physical realm, based on the equitable principle of fair division of labor. Islam allots the more strenuous work to the man and makes him responsible for the maintenance of the family. It allots the work of managing the home and the upbringing and training of children to the woman, work which has the greatest importance in the task of building a healthy and prosperous society. It is also true that sound administration within any organization requires a unified policy under a just executive. For this reason Islam expects the husband, as head of the household, to consult with his family and then have the final say in decisions concerning it. This degree of authority in no way means that the Creator prefers men over women but is simply the logical way of apportioning responsibilities in a household. Men and women are two equally important component parts of humanity, and the rights and responsibilities of both sexes in Islam are equitable and balanced in their totality. Although their obligations might differ in certain areas of life in accordance with basic physical and psychological differences, each one is equally accountable for his or her particular responsibilities.
@shaikmohammedmansoor 3 жыл бұрын
@cure4islamophobia649 3 жыл бұрын
The One Who Mutilated His Uncle Hind b. ‘Utba was the wife of Abu Sufyân and the daughter of ‘Utba b. Rabee‘a, two nobles from Quraysh who were both staunch enemies of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Hind also boiled with venomous hate and personally campaigned against Islam and the Muslims. She was among those who essentially hired Wahshi to kill Hamza b. ‘AbdulMuttalib, the paternal uncle of the Prophet ﷺ, promising him great rewards for avenging her father who was slain at Badr. Many early chroniclers report that she had Hamza’s ears and nose cut off and used for a necklace, and some hold that she gouged out his liver and attempted to eat it. When the Prophet ﷺ located his uncle’s mutilated body after Uhud, he wept like never before and bade farewell to his beloved uncle by saying, “May Allah have mercy on you, my uncle. Indeed, you maintained the ties of kinship, and always rushed to do good.” Five years later, Hind stood at the Conquest of Mecca, protesting against Quraysh for surrendering to the Muslims. She soon realized that resisting was futile, and that the heavens really did support Muhammad ﷺ, and so she went with other women to him ﷺ and took the pledge of allegiance while veiled. When she announced her identity, the Prophet ﷺ kindly replied, “Welcome, O Hind.” Touched by the magnanimity of the Messenger ﷺ, she proclaimed, “By Allah, there was no household that I wished to destroy more than yours, but now there is no household that I wish to honor more than yours.”[93] 52. The Assassin Wahshi b. Harb was an Ethiopian slave belonging to Jubayr b. Mut‘im. Due to being an acclaimed spear-thrower, he was promised his freedom in exchange for killing Hamza b. ‘Abdil-Muttalib (ra) at Uhud. Wahshi succeeded in doing so, pleasing the vengeful from Quraysh whose relatives had been killed by Hamza at Badr and devastating the Prophet ﷺ. Ibn Mas‘ud (ra) says, “Never did we see the Messenger of Allah ﷺ weep as intensely as he wept for Hamza.”[94] At the Conquest of Mecca, Wahshi fled, knowing full well that killing a ruler’s family member warranted his death. However, the Prophet ﷺ was unlike any ruler. Wahshi said, “I heard that no matter how grave a person’s crime against him, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ always chose forgiveness.” This encouraged him to eventually return to Mecca, embrace Islam, and see firsthand how the Messenger of Allah ﷺ forgave his enemies.[95] Wahshi could hardly believe he lived to see this day; he would always remember it and say, “Allah honored Hamza b. ‘Abdil-Muttalib and at-Tufayl b. an-Nu‘mân [with martyrdom] at my hand, and did not humiliate me at their hands [by dying upon
@ankitsuri3662 3 жыл бұрын
Doctor Sahab, I have very little knowledge of vedic jyotish, from which I have no reservation to compliment :- You are not a ordinary soul. I salute the wealth of knowledge you have learned and earned. Please accept my Pranaam with touching your foot, I seek your blessings. Bajrang Bali bless you with good health and happiness.
@khalidahasan3984 3 жыл бұрын
@Volk Tyson then why are you waiting? Go to him and prove that he was wrong.
@ankitsuri3662 3 жыл бұрын
@Volk Tyson Firstly, Dr. Zakir Naik is not selling & promoting Islam. He is only clearing the misunderstandings about Islam/Muslims because many people because of Media & dirty Politics have developed a wrong impression/hatred/distance from Islam/Muslims. Secondly, Muslims have been living with Hindu’s since the 7th century. Islam reached India in the very early period and it is believed that one of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)'s companions Malik bin Deenar came to India's western coast in the 7th century and a mosque was built there which still exists. The Cheramaan Juma Mosque is a mosque in Methala, Kodungallur Taluk, Thrissur District in the Indian state of Kerala. A legend claims that it was built in 629 AD, which makes it the oldest mosque in the Indian subcontinent which is still in use. Thirdly, as little as I know the first Hindus to accept Islam were people who were considered untouchables in Hindu society, not allowed to take water from wells, not allowed to enter the temples, etc etc. It’s natural to accept anything wherever one will get EQUAL love/respect/rights isn’t? For example:- People migrating to USA/UK/Canada from India, because as a country and society they have developed, everyone there gets equal rights and services. Discrimination is a crime there. Even now after 1400 years, there are many Hindu’s who still suffer because of caste discrimination. How often there is the Aaraqshan Aandolan on the streets & media in India? Vishnu Purana is one clear evidence that God does not permit and appreciate the caste system. I request to you with folded hands - Please once read-watch-listen, the Vishnu Puran one of the eighteen Mahapuranas, a genre of ancient and medieval texts of Hinduism. You will find a worrying conversation taking place between Vishnu Ji & Lakshmi Ji, discussing bad deeds of King Kartavirya Arjuna who was also called Sahastrarjun, when he was dividing Hindu’s in the caste system to make Kshatriya caste superior by killing Brahmins/Rishi-Muni’s, burning gurukuls, ashrams etc, in that revenge Parshuram, the son of sage Jamadagni and Renuka who was the sixth avatar of Vishnu Ji & student of Shiv Ji killed many Kshatriya warriors. So the roots & fact of Hindu religion is :- 1. God didn’t want & didn’t make the caste system. 2. There should not be a caste system in the Hindu religion. Some selfish Hindu’s in the past divided humanity and our society into caste systems & even today’s 21st century educated Hindus still discriminate, believe & follow the caste system. If they are not fighting for internal caste aaraqshan, rights etc etc then they are busy fighting on Hindu-Muslim. I am sure Vishnu Ji & Lakshmi Maa will NOT be pleased with such a Hindu’s because that’s not how God wants us to live on earth. God made land, man-made boundaries. Instead of complaining, blaming, or misunderstanding people like Dr. Zakir Naik, let’s make our religion & society more beautiful and complete that no one feels the need to migrate to any other religion or country.
@khalidahasan3984 3 жыл бұрын
@Rama Krishna B then why your pandits failed in the debate with him. Tell them to talk with him face to face in front of the whole community and prove that he was wrong.
@khalidahasan3984 3 жыл бұрын
@Rama Krishna B By the way I love Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, christan all people. Cause our prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) teaches us to love all and be patient and be forgiving. An evil never teach you good things. But you confessed that your religious scripture spreading hate by calling him an evil
@devikarajeev7179 3 жыл бұрын
@@ankitsuri3662 huge salute to you.. we want people like u in india which would make our country the best.. m vry happy to see an understanding hindu who is not unnecessarily blaming islam for everything.. we r hindus who accept everyone.. nd muslims r also taught in quran to respect every religion.. still people target each other.
@cure4islamophobia649 3 жыл бұрын
. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) after he married Sawdah bint Zam’ah (may Allaah be pleased with her). She - ‘Aa’ishah - was the only virgin whom he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married. And he consummated the marriage with her when she was nine years old. Among her virtues was the fact that the Revelation did not descend when he under one cover with any of his wives other than her. She was one of the dearest of all people to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and news of her innocence was revealed from above the seven heavens. She was one of the most knowledgeable of his wives, and one of the most knowledgeable women of the ummah as a whole. The senior companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to refer to her opinion and consult her. With regard to the story of her marriage, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had grieved over the death of the Mother of the Believers Khadeejah, who had supported him and stood by his side, and he called the year in which she died The Year of Sorrow. Then he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married Sawdah, who was an older woman and was not very beautiful; rather he married her to console her after her husband had died and she stayed among mushrik people. Four years later the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), and he was over fifty. Perhaps the reasons for the marriage were as follows: 1 - He saw a dream about marrying her. It is proven in al-Bukhaari from the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her: “You were shown to me twice in a dream. I saw that you were wrapped in a piece of silk, and it was said, ‘This is your wife.’ I uncovered her and saw that it was you. I said, ‘If this is from Allaah then it will come to pass.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 3682). As to whether this is a prophetic vision as it appears to be, or a regular dream that may be subject to interpretation, there was a difference of opinion among the scholars, as mentioned by al-Haafiz in Fath al-Baari, 9/181. 2 - The characteristics of intelligence and smartness that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had noticed in ‘Aa’ishah even as a small child, so he wanted to marry her so that she would be more able than others to transmit reports of what he did and said. In fact, as stated above, she was a reference point for the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) with regard to their affairs and rulings. 3 - The love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for her father Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him), and the persecution that Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) had suffered for the sake of the call of truth, which he bore with patience. He was the strongest of people in faith and the most sincere in certain faith, after the Prophets. It may be noted that among his wives were those who were young and old, the daughter of his sworn enemy, the daughter of his closest friend. One of them occupied herself with raising orphans, another distinguished herself from others by fasting and praying qiyaam a great deal… They represented all kinds of people, through whom the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was able to set out a way for the Muslims showing how to deal properly with all kinds of people. [See al-Seerah al-Nabawiyyah fi Daw’ al-Masaadir al-Asliyyah, p. 711]. With regard to the issue of her being young and your being confused about that, you should note that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) grew up in a hot country, the Arabian Peninsula. Usually in hot countries adolescence comes early and people marry early. This is how the people of Arabia were until recently. Moreover, women vary greatly in their development and their physical readiness for marriage. If you think - may Allaah guide you - that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not marry any virgin other than ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), and that all his other wives had been previously married, this will refute the notion spread by many hostile sources, that the basic motive behind the Prophet’s marriages was physical desire and enjoyment of women, because if that was his intention he would have chosen only those who were virgins and beautiful etc. Such slanders against the Prophet of Mercy (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) by kaafirs and others of their ilk, are indicative of their inability to find fault with the law and religion that he brought from Allaah, so they try to find ways to criticize Islam with regard to issues that are not related to sharee’ah
@cure4islamophobia649 3 жыл бұрын
Al-Quran [29].Surah Al-Ankabut [The Spider] Ayat 41. The likeness of those who take Auliya (protectors and helpers) other than Allah is as the likeness of a spider, who builds (for itself) a house, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider’s house; if they but knew. Tafseer of Surah Al-Ankabut (The Spider) Ayat 41. The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the spider´s house;- if they but knew. The Spider’s house is one of the wonderful Signs of Allah’s creations. It is made up of fine silk threads spun out of silk glands in the spider’s body. There are many kinds of spiders and many kinds of spider houses. Two main types of houses may be mentioned. There is the tubular nest or web, a silk-lined house or burrow with one or two trap doors. This may be called his residential or family mansion. Then there is what is ordinarily called a spider’s web, consisting of a central point with radiating threads running in all directions and acting as tie beams to the quasi- circular concentric threads that form the body of the web. This is his hunting box. The whole structure exemplifies economy in time, material, and strength. If an insect is caught in the net, the vibration set up in the radiating threads is at once communicated to the spider, who can come and kill his prey. In case the prey is powerful, the spider is furnished with poison glands with which to kill his prey. The spider sits either in the centre of the web or hides on the underside of a leaf or in some crevice, but he always has a single thread connecting him with his web, to keep him in telephonic communication. The female spider is much bigger than the male, and in Arabic the generic gender of ‘Ankabut is feminine. Most of the facts in the last note can be read into the Parable. For their thickness, the spider’s threads are very strong from the point of view of relativity, but in our actual world they are flimsy, especially the threads of the gossamer spider floating in the air. So is the house and strength of the man who relies on material resources however fine or beautiful relatively; before the eternal Reality they are as nothing. The spider’s most cunning architecture cannot stand against a wave of man’s hand. His poison glands are like the hidden poison in our beautiful worldly plants which may take various shapes but have seeds of death in
@ADropOfKnowledge 3 жыл бұрын
Humble invitation to all
@cure4islamophobia649 3 жыл бұрын
Finding and Following Jesus: The Muslim Claim to the Messiah Jesus was “God’s word conveyed to Mary and a spirit from him” (Qur’an 4:171) but he remained only the son of Mary (Qur’an 5:110), not of God. The Qur’an understands literally the notion of a son and therefore rejects a consort for God (Qur’an 6:101; 72:3) who has no son, only honored servants (Qur’an 21:26). There are no saviors, only prophets who warn. Nor are there any intercessors-unless God wills otherwise. He alone has the power to forgive sins and to answer His creatures’ prayers for help and guidance.Yesous Yeshu‘a, rendered ‘Joshua’ in English. The Hebrew original contains the idea of being a savior. ‘Isa has no meaning in Arabic or in Hebrew and its use might startle Christians since they expect Yeshu‘a or Yesu‘a to be the relevant Arabic transliteration. God made Jesus and his mother ayah) for humanity, a mercy (rahmah) from God, his miraculous birth “a matter foreordained” (Qur’an 19:21). Muslims proclaim Jesus as a sign of God (ayatu Allah) for all humanity (Qur’an 19:21) but not a (or the) son of God. The Qur’an also calls Muhammaﷺrahmah to all the worlds (21:107) and eulogizes the Word of God as a mercy and healing for believers (17:82; 41:44). The Greek Christos (anointed one) is a translation of the Hebrew meshiakh, meaning someone selected for a sacred role or special honor. It can refer to any chosen or regal personage. Al-Masih is probably an Arabic transliteration of the Hebrew. But what does al-Masih mean or intend in the Qur’an? The Arabic verb ma/sa/ha, like its virtually identical Hebrew cognate, means to rub lightly with water or oil; formal washings before Muslim ritual prayers require this light touch or anointment with water (Qur’an 5:6). The Qur’an’s description of Jesuعليهالسلامal-Masih ‘Isa ibn Maryam (3:45). In Judaism, ‘the Christ’ functions as an indefinite description since the identity of the true claimant must be distinguished from false pretenders. The referent of the phrase remains disputed: Jews are still waiting for the messiah. In first-century Palestine, the messiah’s lineage and identity were topics of fierce sectarian dispute. The self-segregated Qumran community expected two messiahs, one royal (of Davidic descent) and one priestly. In prophecy, an indefinite description is made partly definite; a proper name may or may not supplement the title. Thus, “His name is Ahmad” (Qur’an 61:6) can function as an attributive adjectival appellation or merely a proper (nominal or content-less) name while “His name is John” ( Yahya; Qur’an 19:7) simply introduces a proper name. The Qur’an denies the crucifixion (4:157), a fact that further defines the Messiah. God would not permit such a one to die a shameful death. In later Muslim piety, Jesu was ‘translated,’ a technical Christian term for describing ascent into heaven, without the normal precondition of bodily death. Allah exalted Jesus to himself. The Qur’an’s denial of Jesus’ crucifixion obviates the need for his resurrection but the Islamic scripture attests to Jesus’ ascension, understood as his miraculous entry into heaven through God’s direct intervention (see Qur’an 3:55; 4:157-8; 5:116-117). Only Luke mentions the Ascension of the risen Christ (24:50-51) after his resurrection and adds in Acts (1:1-3) that this event took place forty days after his resurrection. (Mark 16:19 mentions it too but this passage is absent from the most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses.) IV. The New Testament Jesus in the Light of the Qur’an The New Testament writers considered Jesus to be the messianic descendant of King David . For Christians, Jesus’ humiliating death was simply a fulfillment of divine prophecy: he was innocent of the accusations made against him by the establishment. While claiming that Muhammad’s advent was promised in antecedent scripture, the Qur’an never calls Jesus the promised messiah. This may be because the Qur’an recognizes at best only the Torah (Pentateuch of Moses) as scripture. For Jews, the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible, what Christians effectively dismiss as the ‘Old’ Testament, has three levels of holiness. After the Torah, the prophetic oracles quoting direct divine speech form the second holiest portion, the Nebi’im (Prophets) division. The messianic prophecies are concentrated here but, as in the third portion, the Ketub’im (Writings), much of this prophetic material is humanly composed and has been partly corrupted in transmission and through unauthorized scribal amplification. al-Injil) to confirm the Torah (al-Taurah). The Qur’an reveals that the Gospel vouchsafed to Jesus was a relaxed version of the Torah (Qur’an 3:50). Some laws imposed on the Children of Israel seemed prejudicially rigorous but, the Qur’an explains, these laws were intended to be conspicuously rigorous-as a just punishment for their specific iniquities and persistent delinquencies (Qur’an 6:146). However, the Qur’an does not suggest that the Gospel was a law-free version of the Torah or in some way legally or morally superior to it. The Qur’an concurs with the sum verdict of Matthew’s gospel: Jesu Abba (heavenly Father) scandalized his Pharisee critics. The Jesus of the Qur’an enjoys a close relationship with God, despite not addressing him as Father. So long as the believer does not obliterate his or her identity but remains distinct from God, Islam salutes the closeness of such mystical piety. The Qur’an speaks of the signs of God in nature and human nature (3:190; 30:20-25). John’s gospel, too, sees the actions of Jesu In the Qur’an and the Prophet’s canonical sayings, al-Masih is the Lord’s anointed, an accolade conferred uniquely on Jesus Islam pays special tribute to Jesus but not in a way that would satisfy the highly ambitious credal and ecclesial requirements of orthodox Christology. For Christians, the Muslim Jesus is a dull, predictable figure, a mere prophet, of whom there are legion in the Bible and the Qur’an. He would resemble the harmless figure of the cultural Jesus whose message can entertain kids at Christmas and Easter. This may sound like a caricature or parody of the Qur’anic Jesus but the Christian point is that only the adult version is the real Jesus, the incarnate God who suffered on a cross to secure redemption for sinful Adam and all his descendants. The Islamic Jesus appears as the real Jesus but minus the distinctive and unsettling aspects of his life, nature, and mission. as a miraculously created being, appointed a prophet and messiah, the seal of the prophets of Israel, and essentially no more. Otherwise, the Christological deadlock shall remain permanent. For Muslims, the Jesus of Christian faith will remain a divisive figure whose mission cannot provide a basis for genuinely harmonious coexistence among the adherents of the Semitic trio of revealed faiths. The Qur’an envisages these three groups disputing in front of their Lord on the day of resurrection (Qur’an 5:48).Muslims are religiously obliged to demonstrate that Jesus himself preached only a pure monotheism. Only then can we prove that the Muslim Jesus was the true leader of the Jesus movement. No Muslim can take as a leader someone who rejects or compromises strict Abrahamic monotheism. This is an essential qualification for anyone who claims to be a leader or exemplar for Muslims. entertained the prevalent Jewish view, he would have seen his role as that of a revolutionary, a zealous prophet and a human messiah who would deliver the Jews from the political bondage of Gentile nations. Christian tradition has bestowed countless honorific titles on Jesus who, as Christ, enjoys the role of messiah, naturally, but also prophet, priest, and king. According to Christian doctrine, during Christ’s divinely willed but humanly accepted humiliation on earth, he was a mere servant under the law, voluntarily divested of his regal divine majesty; in his later exaltation as Lord, after the resurrection from the dead, he rose above the law. Leaving aside the Muslim caveat that Allah would never humiliate his messenger, did Jesus proclaim himself the Son of God and/or God? . Objective historical and critical scholarship on Jesus for the past 100 years confirms the truth of the Qur’anic portrait as both converge on a Jewish Jesus. Islam is not annexing or colonizing the Christian Jesus, merely rescuing the historical character from the clutches of later church conjecture and dogma. Christians are called to change and meet Muslims on Muslim ground since the entire Qur’an is unchanged and unchangeable. By contrast, both testaments of the Bible are widely acknowledged by Jewish and Christian scholars themselves to be mainly edicts that evolved over centuries, under human if inspired redaction, the texts being, in the case of the New Testament, in demotic Greek while reporting the classical Aramaic speech of Jesus
@ADropOfKnowledge 3 жыл бұрын
Humble invitation to all
@FactsaboutIslamofficial 3 жыл бұрын
Assalam alikum! To anyone who likes short Islamic reminders, you are invited! Jazaakallah khairan ❤
@nashrashid8465 3 жыл бұрын
Allahu akbar ALLA ya Rahma Sheikh Ahmed Deedat would like to thank his family nd Dr Zakir nd the youngest Fariq Naik am glad nd proud may Allah REWARD you nd Us Janatul firdose inshaa Allaah.
@ALzzanam 3 жыл бұрын
جزاك الله خير الجزاء وبارك الله فيك و وفقك لما يحب ويرضى
@cure4islamophobia649 3 жыл бұрын
Praise be to Allah. The Arabic word ightisaab refers to taking something wrongfully by force. It is now used exclusively to refer to transgression against the honour of women by force (rape). This is an abhorrent crime that is forbidden in all religions and in the minds of all wise people and those who are possessed of sound human nature. All earthly systems and laws regard this action as abhorrent and impose the strictest penalties on it, except a few states which waive the punishment if the rapist marries his victim! This is indicative of a distorted mind let alone a lack of religious commitment on the part of those who challenge Allaah in making laws. We do not know of any love or compassion that could exist between the aggressor and his victim, especially since the pain of rape cannot be erased with the passage of time - as it is said. Hence many victims of rape have attempted to commit suicide and many of them have succeeded, The failure of these marriages is proven and they are accompanied by nothing but humiliation and suffering for the woman. Islam has a clear stance which states that this repugnant action is haraam and imposes a deterrent punishment on the one who commits it. Islam closes the door to the criminal who wants to commit this crime. Western studies have shown that most rapists are already criminals who commit their crimes under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and they take advantage of the fact that their victims are walking alone in isolated places, or staying in the house alone. These studies also show that what the criminals watch on the media and the semi-naked styles of dress in which women go out, also lead to the commission of this reprehensible crime. The laws of Islam came to protect women's honour and modesty. Islam forbids women to wear clothes that are not modest and to travel without a mahram; it forbids a woman to shake hands with a non-mahram man. Islam encourages young men and women to marry early, and many other rulings which close the door to rape. Hence it comes as no surprise when we hear or read that most of these crimes occur in permissive societies which are looked up to by some Muslims as examples of civilization and refinement! In America - for example - International Amnesty stated in a 2004 report entitled “Stop Violence Against Women” that every 90 seconds a woman was raped during that year. What kind of life are these people living? What refinement and civilization do they want the Muslim women to take part in? The punishment for rape in Islam is same as the punishment for zina, which is stoning if the perpetrator is married, and one hundred lashes and banishment for one year if he is not married. Some scholars also say that he is required to pay a mahr to the woman. Imam Maalik (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: In our view the man who rapes a woman, whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a “dowry” like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case. End quote. Al-Muwatta’, 2/734 Shaykh Salmaan al-Baaji (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: In the case of a woman who is forced (raped): if she is a free woman, the one who forced her must pay her a “dowry” like that of her peers, and the hadd punishment is to be carried out on him. This is the view of al-Shaafa’i, and it is the view of al-Layth, and it was also narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him). Abu Haneefah and al-Thawri said: the hadd punishment is to be carried out on him but he is not obliged to pay the “dowry”. The evidence for what we say is that the hadd punishment and the “dowry” are two rights, one of which is the right of Allaah and the other is the right of the other person. So they may be combined, as in the case of a thief whose hand is cut off and he is required to return the stolen goods. End quote. Al-Muntaha Sharh al-Muwatta’, 5/268, 269 Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The scholars are unanimously agreed that the rapist is to be subjected to the hadd punishment if there is clear evidence against him that he deserves the hadd punishment, or if he admits to that. Otherwise, he is to be punished (i.e., if there is no proof that the hadd punishment for zina may be carried out against him because he does not confess, and there are not four witnesses, then the judge may punish him and stipulate a punishment that will deter him and others like him). There is no punishment for the woman if it is true that he forced her and overpowered her, which may be proven by her screaming and shouting for help. End quote. Al-Istidhkaar, 7/146 Secondly: The rapist is subject to the hadd punishment for zina, even if the rape was not carried out at knife-point or gun-point. If the use of a weapon was threatened, then he is a muhaarib, and is to be subjected to the hadd punishment described in the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “The recompense of those who wage war against Allaah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter” [al-Maaidah 5:33] So the judge has the choice of the four punishments mentioned in this verse, and may choose whichever he thinks is most suitable to attain the objective, which is to spread peace and security in society, and ward off evildoers and aggressors
@farmanullahpardise2115 3 жыл бұрын
@abdulrahiman4368 3 жыл бұрын
Masha Allah
@salahuddinbinabir537 3 жыл бұрын
Love dr zakir
@ae-rr3ek 3 жыл бұрын
[الدعاء إذا تعس المركوب] 99 - الدعاء إذا تعس المركوب 210 - " بسم الله" (2) . ]دعاء المسافر للمقيم[ 100 - دعاء المسافر للمقيم 211 - «أستودعكم الله الذي لا تضيع عنده ودائعه» (3) (2) أبو داود 4 / 296 وصححه الألباني أبي داود 3 / 941. (3) أحمد 2 / 403 وابن ماجه 2 / 943 وانظر صحيح ابن ماجه 2 / 133. الجزء: 2 ¦ الصفحة: 121 لتكملة الأدعية وأذكار في الكتاب راجع كتاب حصن المسلم
@RehmanVlogs4k 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice
@sakeenaashraf3521 3 жыл бұрын
ما شاء الله
@AsadMalik-qi9gx 3 жыл бұрын
Salaam Zakir Naik, my question is: to which prophet of god was VEDAS revealed, please let me know.
@gutesherz9049 3 жыл бұрын
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وان محمد رسول الله םבםב ﷺ اللَّـــهُمَّ صَـلِّ عَــلَى مُــحَــمَّدٍ وَعَــلَى آلِ مُــحَــمَّدٍ كَــمَــا صَــلَّيْتَ عَــلَى إِبْــرَاهِــيمَ وَعَــلَى آلِ إِبْــرَاهِــيمٌَ وَبَــارِكْ عَــلَى مُــحَــمَّدٍ وَعَــلَى آلِ مُــحَــمَّدٍ كَــمَــا بَــارَكْــتَ عَــلَى إِبْــرَاهِــيمَ وَعَــلَى آلِ إِبْــرَاهِــيمَ فِي الْــعَالَــمِين َ إِنَّــكَ حَــمِــيدٌ مَــجِــيدٌ 🌼 اللهم اعز الاسلام والمسلمين واذل الشرك والمشركين ودمر اعداء الدين وانصر عبادك الموحدين 🌼 اللهم ارحمنا برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين. 🌼 اللهم ارحمنا و أرفع عنا البلاء. 🌼 اللهم اغفر لنا ذنوبنا وكفر عنا سيءتنا وتوفنا مع الابرار. 🌼 اللهم أمتنا مسلمين مؤمنين طائعين. 🌼 اللهم اجعلنا من المتقين وءهدينا جنات النعيم. 🌼 اللهم اغفر لموتانا وكفر عنهم سيئاتهم وجعل قبورهم رياض من رياض الجنة ولا تجعلها حفرة من حفر النار
@swagnikbhattacharjee9258 3 жыл бұрын
I have not seen the video but still came to the comment section
@salahuddinbinabir537 3 жыл бұрын
@seeker5313 3 жыл бұрын
- اللّهم صلّ على سيدّنا مُحمد. 💛Quran recitations if you’re interested. 🕊 💛☁️🌿 🤲🏻🤲🏻💙💙 💖 💝😔💖🤩
@aceeduventures 3 жыл бұрын
իսլամները ատողներն ALLAH IS GREAT, LOVE YOU ALLAH 👇👇👇👇👇❤❤❤💚🤍🤍🤍💛💛💛
@ae-rr3ek 3 жыл бұрын
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
@Peace-bn4iy 3 жыл бұрын
@udayakumaraudayakumara5201 3 жыл бұрын
Om namakshivaya🙇🙇🙇
@SayemTalukder_Ex-HinduAjayArya 3 жыл бұрын
God Is One
@AbcD-ju9un 4 ай бұрын
salute doc
@bennymuhammad2988 3 жыл бұрын
@venunaidu9086 2 ай бұрын
Zakir naik....may u find peace....pbuu
@sadikahsan2492 3 жыл бұрын
Hindus purana are not pure most of the hindu think it was written as literature. I think vedas are main hindu scripture
@cure4islamophobia649 3 жыл бұрын
Question: Allah says: "So let man see from what he is created. He is created from a water gushing forth - proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs" [Sûrah al-Târiq: 5-7] This verse states that sperm originates from between the ribs and the spine. The problem is that it is a known fact sperm is created in the testicles. What is more disturbing is that this same idea was espoused in ancient Greece by Hippocrates about 1100 years before the time of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Please clarify this matter for me. Answered by the Scientific Research Committee - It is inconceivable that the true word of Allah could ever contradict scientific fact, since the universe is Allah's creation, and Allah fully knows what He created. A Muslim, when faced with what appears to be a contradiction between the Qur'ân and a scientific fact knows there can only be two possibilities: 1. That which is being construed as a scientific "fact" is not in actuality a fact. 2. The verse that is being construed as being in conflict with science is being misinterpreted, misapplied, or misunderstood. Any claim being made that there is a contradiction between science and the Qur'ân has to be evaluated individually. The factuality of the scientific claim needs to be assessed as well as the true meaning of the verse that is supposedly at variance with it. It is an inarguable fact that sperm is created in the testicles. Therefore, we must make sure we are understanding these verses correctly. We must look carefully at the verses to ascertain exactly what the Qur'ân is saying and - more importantly - what it is not saying. There are some serious problems with this translation and the assumptions made therein. To begin with, these verses say nothing whatsoever about the creation of sperm or the creation of anything else. Consequently, they do not inform us of where the creation of sperm takes place. They merely say that the substances under discussion come out form the places being described. The word being used is "yakhruj" meaning "to exit, leave, come out, emerge". It in no way implies anything related to creation or origination. Secondly, the phrase "mâ' dâfiq" (emitted fluid) is not restricted in meaning to sperm but is used in Arabic for both the sperm and the egg. Ibn Kathîr, in his commentary on this verse, writes: "It emanates from the man and the woman, and with Allah's permission, the child comes forth as a product of both." Thirdly, the words translated as "backbone" (sulb) and "ribs" (tarâ'ib) are not understood in Arabic to belong to the same person. Arabs understand the "sulb" to refer to a part of the male body and the "tarâ'ib" to a part of the female. Ibn Kathîr states: "It refers to the 'sulb' of the man and the 'tarâ'ib' of the woman, which is the area of her chest." He then quotes this interpretation on the authority of the Prophet's companion Ibn `Abbâs. This same understanding is given in all the major classical works of Qur'anic commentary. Moreover, the word "sulb" should not necessarily be translated as "backbone". This word has many possible meanings and backbone is only one of them. It is also quite commonly used to mean the loins of a man. This is how it is used elsewhere in the Qur'ân. Allah says: "Prohibited to you (for marriage) are.wives of your sons proceeding from your loins (aslâb, the plural of sulb)." [Sûrah al-Nisâ': 23] There can be no problem with sperm coming out from the area of a man's loins. Likewise, when we look at the word being translated as "ribs" (tarâ'ib, the plural of tarîbah) we find that it is used linguistically for the general are of the chest and the abdomen. In al-Qâmûs, the famous classical dictionary of al-Fayrûzabâdî it is defined as a number of things: "the bones of the chest or what comes after the two collarbones or what comes between the collarbones and the chest or the four ribs to the right of the chest or the four ribs to the left of the chest or the hands, eyes and feet or the collarbones." Some Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and some Successors had also provided many possible meanings, like the lower ribs and al-Dahhâk's statement that it is the area between the breasts and feet and the eyes (a mere indication of centrality). This word clearly has a very broad and diverse definition. It is so ambiguous a word that the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) could not give it a precise definition. Scholars of Qur'ânic commentary have consistently admitted to there being at least three different possible meanings for this word as it is used in the verse. This is an admission that they do not know for certain what the tarâ'ib are, except that they generally agree it refers to an area of the woman's body. It can apply to any region nearing the ribcage. Therefore, the area of the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, or the uterus can easily fit into the general area that is being indicated by these verses. What we are dealing with here is a gross error in translation and not a scientific error at all. Source: Return to Refuting Claims of Scientific Errors Being Present in Islamic Teachings Return to Homepage
@zachariadiallo2874 3 жыл бұрын
Who wrote the Hindu scriptures ?
@Sa_At 3 жыл бұрын
Dr.zakir Salam alaikm I have a question plz help: does islam give permission for girls to use bicycle? plz answear!
@ZiIIous 3 жыл бұрын
But why would prophet Muhammad be in the Hindu scripture?! Did Allah send a prophet to them among the 124k prophets?
@ZiIIous 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sure he already questioned himself this question... the description is very specific! Subhan Allah
@aashirali2172 3 жыл бұрын
@@ZiIIous yes I'm sure Hinduism is also a derived religion cuz Allah says that there is no corner of the world where his message won't reach and there were 124k prophets who came to this world at different times but with the Same message.
@user-ie2ww7cn8g 3 жыл бұрын
@artanay3827 2 жыл бұрын
But most of our Hindu brothers r not ready to except the truth. Because most of them don't read their scriptures with meaning and with explain
@sahadev915 3 жыл бұрын
@fourqanealhaqq8542 3 жыл бұрын
DEMONSTRATION OF THE EXISTENCE AND ONENESS OF GOD 1- introduction and divine uniqueness 2-existence of God 3-rules of application. 1- First of all, let us define reason and see its reliability: reason consists in understanding, ordering, prohibiting or administering through its distinction between good and evil to reach the reasonable one who serves and does not serve. Let's see if reason is reliable:everyone of good reason confirms that reason is educated by its environment from a young age in order to distinguish good from evil,true from false,it starts with: fire or needle hurts, milk makes good, then truth and lie, with internal and external verification by experience, then we generalize to the extension of reason (like happiness and unhappiness) and to the abstract by returning from time to time to the experience of reason by recognized examples, so we can say that reason is reliable. As for the ego, the self, it has its importance in my subject, because it compares and seeks (in cooperation with the reason) the ideal, the most powerful because the top is the most reasonable for him otherwise if a strong thing is not enough for him,he will get tired of it and look for something stronger than it, he'll be unhappy, in relative insecurity, because he's looking for the solid pillar, hence the expression "in myself something" to say that it's not satisfactory. Definition of worship in religion: to submit oneself to a being or a thing by love and veneration, to believe that it is useful and harmful (we see the link with the definition of reason and its combination with the ego and that then we live to worship anything and in a correct and reasonable way we seek "summit" happiness (for the ego, the summit is the most satisfying for the heart-ego) through that being or that thing since we take the reasonable). Definition of a god:a god is a being or a thing that we worship or is worshipful (worshipful=which deserves to be worshipped),we will be satisfied (this is the goal) to take the definition of a god as a being or a thing that is worshipful Equivalence "a god" and "he is a creator (from nothing)": A creator (from nothing) is a god: everything around us is made up of already existing elements, so creation from nothing is superior and it is the most impressive form of creation so it is summit (the heart and the ego confirm), so any creator from nothing is a god. Every god is a creator: if a god was not a creator then he would not deserve to be a god because God the Necessary Being (see part 2) is a creator (the creator see 2), therefore superior to that god, therefore that god does not deserve (for reason and ego) to be a god, he does not bring anything more, hence every god is a creator.Hence the equivalence. God the creator, the necessary being is the summit for the heart-ego: if he had a superior then that superior would be unknown, erased, moreover for the heart-ego it would imply that the necessary being is no longer a god (the heart-ego sees higher) therefore no longer a creator whereas it is the necessary being (contradiction) therefore that superior is not a god therefore is not a creator therefore God is uncreated and is at the summit. God is unique: if there were two different gods (at the summit), then either their will is different, then either each god applies his will (as they are gods it applies to the whole universe (not erased god)) then it is impossible (if their will is different at the same point),seeing the universe as it is without defect, and it is harmonious( else:if the different will of each god at a same point applies we then have a form of contradiction, from which we have the same will (contraposition)) and If one of the two gods imposes his will on the other, then the other is weak and therefore is no longer a god (contradiction), so their will coincides on everything, so it means that one flatters (strokes) the other, so it makes the ego-heart feel a weakness of this god in its power, so is no longer a god, so there is only one god, or again: if the two gods have their will which coincides in every point ,then they constitute a god of their union but God being at the top (the ideal), an indivisible god who creates, possesses and administers everything by himself is more impressive than several gods together, hence God is unique in every case. This reasoning applies even if there is a universe we do not know, because God (worshipful) must act everywhere otherwise he is no longer a god. 2-existence of God: There is an administrator for the universe:any example:a palace hyper organized in decorations,arrangements,household,if you are told:this palace does not have a butler(administrator),you will answer:it is not possible that it happens by itself without anybody,your distinctive healthy reason rejects it (you are not crazy),therefore all the more so (a fortiori): (organization much, much better than the palace) all the organization and harmony of nature and the universe make you reject that there is no administrator for the whole universe (we can already say that it is unique, the cycles and others are the mark of the same author, for example nike is the mark of a single manufacturer, example of all the atoms of the universe same process therefore same mark therefore same author), so there is an administrator for the whole universe, and even it is obliged to think that otherwise it is chaos,. ..and many many other examples like the ship without a captain,... there is a creator of the universe: You see a humanoid walking around and you're told no one created him. You're not crazy. Your reason will reject that.So a fortiori,all the more so Your good reason will reject that man has no creator.So There is a creator of the universe, and so on throughout creation, but again the whole universe has the same mark (like nike), so the same author, so the creator is unique and the administration of his creation is the same (layout, arrangement of the way of creating) so the creator is the administrator. As He is unique, He is the great owner of the universe, and He is the one who makes the rules of the universe (such as the instructions of the electrical appliances (operation, maintenance), so it has been proved that the universe has one Lord (the Creator, the owner and the administrator) and He is the only one who deserves to be worshipped, so He is the only God. Otherwise, as God the Creator is at the top, He is also the owner and the administrator. All this is the domain of the reasonable and if you come out of it you are no longer in the reasonable (chaos). Conclusion: Divine existence and oneness are then demonstrated by reason, but reason does not say everything that God wants from us, hence the prophets and messengers. 3- Application: The verse of the Qur'an that says that there is no god except Allah means that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah, so it means that there is no imperfection on any face, so the Qur'an, its word, has no imperfection since it is one of its characteristics and therefore one face of its perfection, Therefore, by the perfection of the Qur'an (read it in Arabic to see this reality and its explanation) and the uniqueness of the true (you must respect the rules of this book if you are honest) you must take the best interpretation of the verses and the Sunnah (path) of the Prophet (the Qur'an calls to follow the Prophet therefore apply his hadiths (hadiths=words in Arabic) and you must reconcile between the verses (of the Qur'an) and the verses, and verses/hadiths hadiths/hadiths (authentic) because the truth is quite unique and the best sought after is perfection (so correct yours intentions), for example the thief the penalty starts at 1/4 gold dinar, it costs (recently) 39€ for its weight in gold whereas a meal costs 5€, source: the pious predecessors (rule: the Koran says to follow the prophet and the prophet spoke of the first three generations which are the best and he said (ask your heart for clarification), and Allah calls in the Koran to the good and known between the good people (conciliation), etc,. .go on with the rest of the rules of Islam if you are honest (seek the best, perfection, truth, conciliation). There are rules in Islam and if you don't follow them you find imperfections (which reflect your bad intention), while when you correct your intention you find perfection (it exists, scholars communicate it to each other, I have been reading books about Islam in Arabic for a long time, I testify and I testify that this perfection exists. Why don't you take it if it is possible and the rules of Islam are to take it, hence your attacks are unfounded since this is not what God and his prophet mean (i.e : your words that it is imperfection). ..
@AS-jj4dv 3 жыл бұрын
Until today there are no conclusive demonstrations that god exists and that he created the universe and life. If everything and everybody have been created by a creator, who created the creator (god)? If god is uncreated (as an exception to the rule that everything has a creator), it could be that the universe itself is uncreated. There might be dome alternative explanations of the “creation” and the universe, more plausible than the existence of god and creationism. Parallel to the big bang theory, which up to this day is solid, there is the possibility that the creation of the universe come from "nothing", (, or according to Penrose, Nobel Prize, it could be that the universe in some sense has always existed ( No need to invent a god. In astrophysics, theorised phenomena are often difficult to grasp and often, at first, speculative (but that is also the case of the existence of god). Maybe we will never know 100%, but it does not follow that ignorance should be replaced by the god hypothesis.
@umer1778 3 жыл бұрын
Sir, i'm from India. Mere freind ne mjhse se ek question puchha ki , vo admi jo Adivasi(Tribal) hai , vo jannat mein kaise jaega, kyunki use deen ke baare mein koi knowledge hi nhi, vo allah ko bhi nhi jaanta... To sir, agar apko ye question munasib lage toh please iska answer zaroor kijiyega. Assalamualaekum.
@artanay3827 2 жыл бұрын
Bhai, question toh aapne Zakir Sahab se pucha, aur main bilkul unki Tarah utna educated nhi Hoon. Phirbi jitna main Janta hoo utna main apke saath share Karna chahunga. "Haar insaan ko specially Jo Muslim nhi hai unko unki puri zindegi Mein,maut se pehle Khuda unko ek Baar na ek Baar aisa miracle dikhayega jisse unko aisa lahega ki Khuda hai, Khuda ek hi hai, aur mujhe Islam ko Kabul Karna chahiye.agar uss wakt usne Islam ko Kabul kar Liya toh MashAllah,nhi Kiya toh nhi Kiya, non Muslim ban kar hi marega." Bhai I'm not saying that I'm 100% correct. Maine aisa Sirf kisise suna,aur apko bataya. Thank u
@hl9252 3 жыл бұрын
Who was the evil people Mohammed fight
@deepukkanal846 3 жыл бұрын
Don't fool people by comparing Islam with Hinduism.. You follow your religion, We didnt ask you to preach about hinduism..
@sanju8733 3 жыл бұрын
I puranas it was mentioned that one mohammad will come and create islam.. Hence prooved hinduism is most superior religion...😀😀😀😀
@user-gw7ek1yp2s 3 жыл бұрын
Boycott French products
@smollick7607 3 жыл бұрын
বাংলায় না হলে হিন্দিতে ভিডিও দিন
@sunstar2599 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing. Shocking news . Hindu s scriptures tell these things? Really? I cant believe my ears . 🥶. How much long before the profet existed the scripture?
@indian7617 3 жыл бұрын
He is the greatest lier.... Shame oh him for doing such stunt....
@indian7617 3 жыл бұрын
@Sufiyan Op brother pls don't tell me to read my scriptures i already read them all so pls..... He is just making full out of u all and nothing else.... He don't give u full coding bczs if he do so than he will be caught... Kalki avatar is definitely not Mohammed and there are lots of evidence to it.
@indian7617 3 жыл бұрын
@Bayju Noyan he never accepted that.... That's the problem my friend u only listen what Dr Zakir naik wants u to listen.... I have many proof that shows that kalki avatar is yet to come and not Mohammed
@indian7617 3 жыл бұрын
@Sufiyan Op already read bro.... And I had watched that debate too.... Pls u go and read than decide who is rit...
@indian7617 3 жыл бұрын
@Sufiyan Op ya ofcrs, bt my god is not egoistic and I don't believe in hoor....
@indian7617 3 жыл бұрын
@Sufiyan Op let's stop this yr... This is of no use, I just wanted to say that this man is fooling by quoting half versus.... I simply believe that let u believe in quaran and let me believe in veds why people what to convert other into thier religion!!!
@SAJEDMUNIR 3 жыл бұрын
*Allah does not become His creation, nor does He change His nature.* Christians believe that Allah the All-Mighty, and the All Powerful became a baby and got His nappy changed by Mary. Allah said: "How can I have children when I have got no wife?" Qur'an Surah 6 Verse 101 and Allah is unique and there is nothing like Him. Qur'an Surah 112. Also read in Qur'an Surah Maidah 5 Verses 110 to 120 where the miracles of Jesus (pbuh) were done by Allah. Also read the mother of Jesus in the Qur'an Surah Maryam 19 explaining that Jesus (pbuh) is a prophet and messenger of Allah. *NOTES: Please can you read the Al-Hilali and Muhsin Khan translation of the Qur'an.*
@aamirmirza8796 3 жыл бұрын
Please make it for Christiannety as well.. It may help us in convincing other people
@ADropOfKnowledge 3 жыл бұрын
Humble invitation to all
@aamirmirza8796 3 жыл бұрын
@Ajay Kotecha I suggest you to take a look at similarities between Islam and Hinduism
@aamirmirza8796 3 жыл бұрын
@Ajay Kotecha that is the thing .. You have to think about your religion , but for us Muslims, religion is the life. Hmmhmhmhmhmhmmmmm
@aamirmirza8796 3 жыл бұрын
@Ajay Kotecha that is not what I meant bro I can't have a long conversation in chat.. But if you want to talk to me in more detail. You can just contact me on plus91 630 94906 50
@aamirmirza8796 3 жыл бұрын
@Ajay Kotecha theek hai yaro. Lyt lello ab
@aunsoomro2005 3 жыл бұрын
Sir please tell all the muslims that please stop playing pubg mobile because they insult our islam in season 6 sor please tell all the muslims 🙏🙏
@ramprasadbhat570 3 жыл бұрын
The puranas have been corrupted over the years unlike the vedas...Naik picks out such an interpolation which suits his ilk and as usual with a bundle of words arrives at a stupidity....there are so so many lines which are fully against the Qur'an but he ignores them... probably the entire Purana...haha
@ibrahimparkar6900 3 жыл бұрын
You yourself admit that your scripture is corrupted so if it contradicts the Quran that part is corrupted.
@ramprasadbhat570 3 жыл бұрын
@@ibrahimparkar6900 only the puranas... from where Naik quotes...other than those 2 or 3 lines on Mohamed there is nothing which really matches the Qur'an.... for a start if god is impartial why does he create the soul of the child which dies at birth and give it jannath but makes us slog through life
@ibrahimparkar6900 3 жыл бұрын
@@ramprasadbhat570 bro both of them have and advantage over the other. The child doesn't have to suffer so he doesn't get higher stages of jannah, a person who suffers has the opportunity to reach a higher stage in jannah. If you didn't know we have stages in jannah.
@ramprasadbhat570 3 жыл бұрын
@@ibrahimparkar6900 I know brother...but then Allah is depriving the child of a better he is not impartial....also we see animals behave better than humans and vice fact if you Google reincarnation there are many universities all over the world doing research on this there for all to see in black and white...that is for those who want see truth...for others who would prefer to gloss over it ....well... Cheers
@ibrahimparkar6900 3 жыл бұрын
@@ramprasadbhat570 if Allah is depriving the child of better heaven in exchange the child doesn't have to suffer and a person who suffers in the world has the opportunity of going in a better heaven. I call it even. Bro if incarnation was true the population of the worlds creatures shouldn't be increasing. All living things population should be a fixed number so if i die as an ant i become a human so the number doesn't change cause its -1 from total living things population and +1 in total living beings population.
@joshuadsa4906 3 жыл бұрын
I hope to see dr zakir video in the KZbin trending page oneday In the comedy category
@brucenesmith6670 3 жыл бұрын
We know tree ring tells how old the trees are. We can tell from Adam and eve and follow there blood line from generation to generation.The problem is. We dont. Know how long after he made Adam how long the world was in where in the bible does it say anything about Muhammad. Brother you better get out of you're tradition and false religion.God say if you are a leader speaking the gospel. You judgement will be alot harsher than a none believer.Because you herd the trueth.And are not excepting the are sending the blind and the true followeres that want to know the trueth straight to hell.I hope and pray in you meet him before you die..Before you and million of you're followeres are decieved.Like Jesus told all the religious people in his days.You know the scripture by heart and every word of the laws.But you're heart was harden.And you had no youre enemies love the kindness and mercy to the lost.Most of all. love Jesus with all you're heart mind and soul.You love your religion and you're traditions .You Call God Allah.My bible and you're Quran says the bible is not corrupted.If you have any doubt go to the people of the .book.then later Muhammad goes. Against the christians jews.If you are not a Muslim may Allah curse you.Jesus and Christian's on the death bed said forgive my enemies and bless them. Muhammad did the opposite. prayed to Allah and said curse us and Jews. Wake up if you follow this teachings of the religion this man or there prophet.Jesus is going to judge you all.and us.God says his name is YAWAH. NOT ALLAH.THAT ALONE IS WHAT GOD SAID SO WE KNOW ALREADY THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCES IN TITTLE OF GOD.PRAY AND FIND THE TRUETH SATAN IS LIKE Z ROARING LIOn who is he going to take with him.By that auditorium he will be taking alot with you to hell.Stop twisting Gods words.Thats satan.
@AS-jj4dv 3 жыл бұрын
Humans appeared through Evolution (by natural selection and random DNA changes creating thereby a variety of life forms) and not through the created couple Adam and Eve, i.e. a myth copied from the bible into the quran, as an idea originated in Mesopotamia. The actual homo sapiens exists only for about 200’000 years, originating from humanoids with an evolution history of 2 to 4 million years. Thus, we had to wait for 198'000 years to get the most important revelations by god, sent to unimportant regions and people, and before, he sent numerous prophets who were not able to get it right with the hundreds of present and past religions. The communication skills of the all-powerful but undetectable god is and was catastrophic.
@brucenesmith6670 3 жыл бұрын
@kanthan3ppr 3 жыл бұрын
You should watch Zakir Naik 25 mistakes in 5 min videos 😂😂. As you will see he doesn't know Qur'an properly let alone Hindu scriptures.
@sairbashir182 3 жыл бұрын
Ok he doesn't know anything, so why your pandits were failed to debate him. Why sri sri ravi shankar was destroyed by him?😂😂. He could not find any lie in his speach.
@oneworld2724 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you now you certify the Santana Dharma scripture was from GOD. The first and original.
@armansaiyed8860 3 жыл бұрын
if you believe in "First" then why not in "Last"
@jiturokz 3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha stop telling half truth, Muhammad in Bhavishya purana is called pisacha, which means demon.
@charliegarcia6677 3 жыл бұрын
This guy literally get one sentence and think it refers to his pagan. He doesn’t even read the whole concept of the scripture in who it is talking about.
@abdulsamad. 2 жыл бұрын
Lol then give ur explanation about these lines he mentioned
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