Protestants are Scared of Good Works

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The Catholic Skeptic with Hugh J Quinn

The Catholic Skeptic with Hugh J Quinn

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@jeffreytan5840 6 ай бұрын
Thanks again Hugh! Its always very nice to see u re-visiting such topics, and i think 'we' don't have.a choice because the anti-catholic machinery never stops. Perfect 20mins watch, really informational and educational. MORE MORE MORE!!!
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
@jefferytan5840 Thanks, God Bless.
@AndrewLane-pm2ro 6 ай бұрын
Protestants lie when they say Paul preached salvation by faith alone - in Gal 5 and 1Cor 6, Paul warns believers (ie, those with faith) that their sins (works) can result in them not inheriting the kingdom of God. So Paul clearly preached salvation by faith and works. Ask a Protestant to explain why the "saints" are described in Rev 14:12 as those "who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (the same faith+works formula is also found in Rev 12:17). There are many other NT verses that contradict the false "faith alone " doctrine, but Protestants are loath to admit it bcoz that would mean the Catholic teaching is correct. Protestants prefer to absurdly twist and deny the clear words of Scripture, rather than accepting the truth of the Catholic position. This strikes me as blatantly dishonest
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
@AndrewLane-pm2ro So true, thanks for the insightful comment. God Bless.
@frisco61 6 ай бұрын
I’m in a Protestant Bible study right now and it’s been an interesting experience watching the lesson plans purposefully avoid verses like James 2:24. Their theology is based on avoiding uncomfortable verses.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
@@frisco61 - Fighting the battle in the enemy camp??? 😉
@eddyrobichaud5832 6 ай бұрын
​@@frisco61James 2:24 says "you see à man that is justified by the works he does... it doesn't say you are saved by the works you do. But you can see à man that is saved by their works.
@user-fi1pe4dg3u 6 ай бұрын
@@catholicskeptic You’re influencing so much people to lies, shame on you
@zackskewz9577 6 ай бұрын
Ephesians 2:10 puts the kyebosh on any mistaken notion that salvation begins and ends with faith. "...for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus in good works, which God hath prepared that we SHOULD WALK IN THEM." God wants us to walk in good works, which agrees with James 2:17 and John 5:28-29. Protestants ALWAYS cherry pick verses to suit them, in this case they LOVE Ephesians 2:8-9, but never go on and read the next verse!
@dantelepanto 6 ай бұрын
His Father tells us to listen: Mk 9:7 Then a cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud there came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” His Mother tells us to "do"(works) John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Coincidentally, they reject His Mother and the "do".
@peterzinya1 6 ай бұрын
Jesus said call no man Father. We can use the word father, like in saying.....that man over there is my father. Jesus means not to call them father as their name or title. He was taking aim at the holymen who love being called titles.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
​@@peterzinya1- If you take the line word for word is says "call no man father." Pick a lane here and be serious. "It only applies to Catholics because reasons" is not serious. Figuring out what else to call your Mother's husband is.
@barborazajacova7633 6 ай бұрын
@peterzinya1 I heard many Protestants call their pastors fathers. They just usually use a different word, for example papa. I heard Protestant Pastors call themselves fathers of their church family, and their wives mothers of it. This argument is one of the most silly ones.
@peterzinya1 6 ай бұрын
@@barborazajacova7633 OK, you are right. Lets call every man in a costume Father. Jesus was just kidding.
@TheRoark 6 ай бұрын
My evangelical church literally did a sermon on the necessity of good works and rewards in heaven based on works last week. There is a difference between rewards for good work and the necessity of good works in the life of the Christian and the meriting salvation as a reward for good works. Catholics don't necessarily teach that, which is where some of my fellow evangelicals go wrong, but the focus on merit in the tradition can lead people on a lay level can misunderstand that as earning salvation by good works.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
It is better mistake however than the mistake of doing nothing. It is helpful to examine what happens when dogmas are somewhat misunderstood. The person genuinely thinking they are working their way towards Heaven is in a better place than someone who doesn't believe it's possible and acts on it.
@user-fi1pe4dg3u 6 ай бұрын
The reason we are not saved by works is because Jesus’s sacrifice is enough for our salvation. If we say that we are saved also by our works then it’s no more by grace, as simple as that. If we say we are saved by our works and grace it will contradict the bible itself. Gods grace was manifested by the sacrifice of Jesus, that saves us. Our good deeds are the fruits of our salvation and also a demonstration of our love and recognition towards God for our salvation
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
What if works grow faith and love of God? Is it necessary for them to only be an expression of a love of God?
@zackskewz9577 6 ай бұрын
The Church does NOT say that we are saved ALSO by our works. That is a Protestant accusation, that is an untruth. Matthew 5:16 says that our works will be marvelled at by men who will glorify our Father in Heaven. We are saved by grace which flows from Christ's sacrifice. It is grace that helps us do the good works that men marvel at and glorify God, and also win for us the 'resurrection of life' as described in John 5:28-29, where the evangelist clearly says it is the doing of good things vs evil things that determines whether we rise to life or judgement. Now we know that the doing of good things comes from the grace of Christ's sacrifice, and that grace has no effect unless we have faith. However, God wishes the end product - good works, which is why James 2:17 bluntly states "faith without works is DEAD"
@user-fi1pe4dg3u 6 ай бұрын
@@zackskewz9577 Sorry but your church does teach that we are saved by grace and works, you need to baptized, you need to have communion…. You need to have the eucharist. All this without the assurance of your salvation. This is unbiblical which the bible is supposed to be the guide of the catholic church.
@zackskewz9577 6 ай бұрын
@i1pe4dg3u We are saved by grace which only comes to us through faith, it is this grace (which we need faith to receive) that helps us do good works. Faith and (good) works are in effect the same thing. But in regards to faith, there is a distinction - LIVING FAITH vs a DEAD FAITH. A living faith will produce good works and the works will ensure our resurrection to life (John 5:28-29). In this case we ARE saved by faith - a LIVING faith. A DEAD faith on the other hand, produces no works, and will ensure our resurrection to judgement. As James 2:17 states, "faith without works is DEAD". In this case we are NOT saved by faith. Therefore it is far more correct to say we are saved by (good) works, than to say we are saved by faith. It is also correct (although I don't like it!) to say we are saved by faith AND works, i.e. a LIVING faith which produces works. The two go hand in hand. I disagreed with your statement that we are saved ALSO by our works, because that is not just ungainly and inelegant, but it is not quite correct either. It is like saying, "I operated the car, and also the engine". Ridiculous statement. As far as "assurance of your salvation", you have it when you are in a state of grace, which is when you are up-to-date with the sacraments and not living in mortal sin. This is an objective standard that the Catholic has to judge his or her soul and whether it is fit for heaven. Unfortunately, Protestants who have done away with the sacraments, have no objective means to determine their salvation. All they have is their own personal (subjective) judgement about themselves ("Jesus spoke to me in mah heart and told me Ah was saved, hallelujah!") The bible certainly never speaks about "assurance" or "once saved, always saved". Even St Paul, was only willing to talk about winning the crown of salvation right at the end of his earthly life, 2 Tim 4:7-8, where he speaks about WORKS, "I have FOUGHT the good fight, I have RUN the race, I have KEPT the faith". He never spoke about this before the end of his life. Later in the same chapter, 2 Tim 4:14, Paul says, "Alexander the coppersmith hath done me much evil. The Lord will reward him according to his WORKS." I'm not sure how much clearer this can be.
@zackskewz9577 6 ай бұрын
@i1pe4dg3u Regarding baptism and the sacraments - these are the concrete means of receiving grace in abundance which is the means of doing good works. If received in a state of grace, the sacraments pile on assurance after assurance that we will go to heaven if we die in that state. Which is all the more reason to stay close to the source of grace (the sacraments) and do good works. I'm sorry, but if receiving God's grace and doing the works that emanate from that grace is not an attractive prospect, then I'm afraid you have a very wrong idea of Christianity. You want to put your name down in the book of Life, then spend the rest of your life doing whatever you like, "safe" in the knowledge that you're "saved" come what may. Fool!
@bengoolie5197 6 ай бұрын
Great title, Hugh. I noticed that Protestants are scared of Good Works, but they don't seem to be scared of Bad Works! I have read and listened to testimony from converts to the Catholic Church who told of Protestant ministers telling them that once they accepted Jesus as their personal savior, then they could commit any and all sins in the book, including forming a third wing of the Nuzi party, and they would still waltz right into heaven when they die. Now that is some horrible, and satanic, theology.
@Catholiclady3 3 ай бұрын
Yes, they can commit any sin but praying to saints and Mary. That you can't do! Lol. Anything but that, commit murder, fine, but don't pray to Mary. It makes no sense. It's like they're check their logic at the door.
@aussierob7177 6 ай бұрын
There are so many 'works" we have to do to secure salvation that are all throughout the Bible, yet Protestants ignore them and stick to their faith alone dogma. Why do they ignore these Scriptures ? I will give you a couple of works we have to do. 1.We are commanded to do the Charitable works of mercy. 2. Our Lord warns us we will be separated from him forever if we do not meet the needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren. What i find amazing is when Protestants say 'Once saved, always saved". This is arrogance. It's like saying to God "don't bother to judge me, i know i am going to heaven" This is committing a sin of presumption against Hope.
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
Friend, I can’t speak for everyone, but most Protestants are simply saying what scripture says about salvation. Eph 2:8-9, for instance. If you ask them about works after one is saved, of course they would agree with what the Bible says. So the confusion arises when you don’t clarify works as either before or after salvation. What do you think John 5:29 means?
@gospeljoy5713 6 ай бұрын
Does the holy spirit live inside of you? Have you been born again?
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
@@gospeljoy5713 Friend, I was saved in 2011. So yes the Spirit regenerated me and circumcised my heart and made me a new creation in Christ by His indwelling presence!! God Bless!
@aussierob7177 6 ай бұрын
You cannot be "saved" while you are still living.@@Harbinger290
@gospeljoy5713 6 ай бұрын
Is it a gift or not? That is what grace means undeserved favor. Humbly receive it.
@Davcramer 6 ай бұрын
I consider myself a pragmatic Christian. Yes, you have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I'm not sure that you can consider yourself a Christian if you don't do that. And then you try to follow/please Christ by doing good works. And literally everything is a work, even the things Protestants themselves encourage, like attending church, praying, reading the Bible, tithing, and obeying the Ten Commandments. When I hear the arguments about sola fide versus works, it makes me want to ask, are you telling me that you don't believe in doing good, or are you just trying to convince us as Catholics that WE shouldn't be the ones doing good? Because it certainly seems to me that they are arguing that doing good things is somehow sinful. And I know that they don't believe that, so why argue in terms that make it appear that they do believe that? Can't they just agree that it's good that we Catholics also accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and be happy that we, like they, are trying to live holy lives as attested to by the things we do? If Jesus weren't resurrected, he'd be rolling over in his grave by now, listening to us argue about whether we should do good or not.
@barborazajacova7633 6 ай бұрын
The argument is more about whether good works contribute to our salvation and whether we can do them from our strenght or by grace. The Catholic Church teaches that they do contribute and are necessary (after we've received Christ, because initial salvation is a free gift that we can't merit by anything we do we can only receive it). We also believe that any good works that contribute to our (ongoing and final) salvation are only made possible by grace. Some Protestants but I believe those are actually fringe, say that once someone is (initially) saved it's a done deal and they are saved no matter what, unless they leave the faith. That doesn't make any sense to me. I believe most Protestants have a much more nuanced view of this but I often see contradictions in what they teach in this regard. Maybe I just don't understand them properly.
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
Well I am not just arguing, but responding to what has been written to me, in the comments. Tons of comments. We have in this post-modern culture, lost the ability to articulate what we believe in. Doctrine matters. Yes it matters what we believe, the Catholic Church claims to be the one true Church founded by Christ, graced by God to proclaim infallible, eternal truth. I came to believe that, and this channel is dedicated to both proclaiming and explaining that eternal truth. Pragmatism is a philosophy essentially founded by William James, it denotes the idea that truth is simply what works, in the practical sense. Truth as absolute, definable , ultimate reality, is often something Pragmatism opposes. I don't know how you use the term, so forgive me, I am not trying to impose such a view on anyone. But arguing for truth is something I am committed to. God bless, thanks for commenting.
@cocoalovethax 6 ай бұрын
​@@barborazajacova7633 The Catholic church does NOT teach that we are saved by good works. You're repeating anti-catholic propaganda you've head from non-catholics. Doing good works simply increases our Worthiness. The Kingdom of Heaven is an Inheritance. And doing good works is simply being obedient to Christ and us being obedient children. And Obedient children receive their inheritance, while disobedient children do not. It's like the Santa Claus system for lack of a better term. Good and obedient children receive a gift, while bad and disobedient children (who didn't do good works) do not -- even though they didn't do anything to earn that gift. They receive the gift simply for being good and obedient children. And this is straight for the Bible in Christ's own words, not taking St. Paul's verses out of context and raising St. Paul's words above Christ's. It seems like Protestant Christians put greater importance on what St. Paul says rather than Christ, and even let St. Paul's words cancel out Christ's own teachings when taken out of context and distorted. Which Christ clearly says good works and actions play an important role in whether we go to Heaven or Hell.
@barborazajacova7633 6 ай бұрын
@cocoalovethax I'm not repeating propaganda, I'm writing my best understanding of the Church teaching that I've been studying precisely because I wanted to understand what is the difference in Catholic and Protestant understanding of salvation. I might be misunderstanding something but the teaching is that good works contribute to increments in justification because we don't make the artificial distinction between justification and sanctification. Moreover we are obligated to obey God and not doing so is sin of omission; a mortal sin deprives us of salvation too unless we repent and confess it.
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
Friend, I can’t speak for everyone, but most Protestants are simply saying what scripture says about salvation. Eph 2:8-9, for instance. If you ask them about works after one is saved, of course they would agree with what the Bible says. So the confusion arises when you don’t clarify works as either before or after salvation. What do you think John 5:29 means?
@o.o.2255 6 ай бұрын
John 3:36 Right belief and Obedience (good works) Revelations 12:17 satan makes war against God’s children, those who hold Jesus’ testimony AND those who keep His commandments Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus said baptize (believe) AND teach them to OBEY His commandments (good works) And when you pray, (Matthew 6:9-14) the Lord’s prayer says to forgive lest ye be forgiven. Forgive against what? Neither Loving God Nor loving neighbor - which is a summary of what? Yes, the Mosaic law. And yes Philippians 2:12 and John 5:28-29 are also great. We are INITIALLY saved (justified) by Grace through faith (which requires cooperative work to believe in mind, repent in heart, and be baptized in body). THEN ongoing justification through sanctification or purification, does require faith WORKING through love (Galatians 5:6)
@swires1 6 ай бұрын
Best video I've seen yet on the topic
@sirarthurkingofbobland4159 2 ай бұрын
My friend, She says that she has no sin, that Jesus cleared that for her, and that she is holy now, and thats the end of the story, no repent, no nothing, " She doesnt even have to be a light for other people(works) ..... its annoys me.. im Protestant, that was my first entry at age 20, but there is something that is like a thorn in my side regarding all this... of the 1000-1500 people ive met during my years, 1 year at bibleschool), there is something deeply disturbing about it.... 1 meeting happy days, then off to the car park outside and forget about everything, lock the church doors aswell so no "homeless person can get in" , i have jesus name in big letters on my throat, at the adams apple i have Jesus angry face from the temple vendors, also big letters ROM 16:20 , on my hand Luk 23:34 , on my fingers TURN OR BURN , on my neck on Mikaels Shield Rom 12:21 , on my whole back Jesus on the cross, etc... now, im not saying all this to brag or justifie myself, i have all these tatoos so i can speak the gospel without speaking, so i can be a light for others even when im not aware of it, and maybe make 1 person a believer or atleast start something in there head, that maybe can travel further down to the heart, and it is by "Works", if you come from the outside as i did, from the streets, and find out about Jesus who he is etc... that he loves you, you take the whole pill and say amen to that... but after that te mess start to show up, with diff tribes, catholic,protestant,ortodoxy etc....all this fades one belief.... Btw, unsettling book you have there behind you... It starts with the Letter H. I From Sweden, top secularizing country inn the world? can i get an Amen to that? no?
@apostolicapologetics4829 6 ай бұрын
@14:30 I like how you said, 'God grace is operative in us" I think the problem for some of the protestants is failing to make the nature/grace distinction. It is supernatural, Holy Spirit wrought good works that bring about our ongoing sanctification in us. We have a secondary causal role enabled by Christ at work in us. Redemption has been accomplished and now it must be subjectively applied to us (salvation). The sacraments are the ordinary instrumental means of applying justifying graces to us. Our repentance and faith are the means by which we receive the gifts of sanctifying grace (sacraments). The sacraments are outward signs instituted by Christ to give GRACE. I think another issue is that protestants have turned the sacraments into "works" of men but the sacraments are not that at all, the sacraments are something we receive. We receive baptism, we receive the Eucharist, we receive the anointing of the sick. Unless you are born again, (John 3) Unless you eat my body and drink my blood (John 6). I like to think of the sacraments as medication for our souls and Christ is the Divine Physician.
@jamesmonahan9408 6 ай бұрын
Truth! Great video!!!
@Greasy__Bear 6 ай бұрын
I like to say you may not be saved by your works, but you can be damned by your lack of them. I grew up anabaptist and we were never sola fide. It doesnt even unite all protestants. Im on the road to becoming Orthodox.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
Is there a reason why you can't swim the Tiber? (Seriously) Watching people on the road to Rome declare somewhere Gaul close enough is little frustrating. I can answer objections if you like.
@freddiefreihofer7716 5 ай бұрын
Hugh, you are absolutely correct to affirm that the opposition of Faith vs Works in the letters of Paul (and elsewhere) refers primarily to the Works of the Jewish Law, i.e. dietary laws, tithing, etc. Paul, an extremely well-informed Jewish scholar, was speaking to a Jewish audience. He knew his audience. He was telling these Jews that the new dispensation required Faith, not Jewish Works. And the Parable of the Sheep and Goats in Matthew 25, 31 ff. with its depiction of the Corporal Works of Mercy and their consequences of salvation or damnation, is bedrock New Testament Christianity. I can testify that it is not referenced in an Evangelical parish I know..
@GarthDomokos 6 ай бұрын
Really enjoy you videos...If works don't matter than one can easily deduct that reading the bible, being "born again" is and even turning your life toward God is a "good work". So therefor one can deduce that turning away from sin and loving others are good works. Since good works don't matter, and turning away from sin and loving others can be reduced to good works, then why do anything? This is further complicated when Paul say's "if I have the faith to move mountains, and I'm without love, I am nothing" One can even deduce from that, that if one believes in faith alone, they admit that they are nothing.
@chiukid 6 ай бұрын
Good works come naturally from a saved individual. It is not by our own strength. It must be given by God. Why is that so hard? Of course good works matter. You cannot earn your salvation but you cannot do whatever you want.
@bengoolie5197 6 ай бұрын
Another excellent and instructive video! Thank you sir.
@vercingetorix5708 10 күн бұрын
Say that to the Methodists.
@mickbillane4683 6 ай бұрын
God creates ie he "works" and on the 7th day he rested, God; we will make man in our image, Sooo Hi Ho Hi Ho its of to Work we Go,
@barborazajacova7633 6 ай бұрын
I keep hearing these disclaimers about works salvation all the time and it's an interesting phenomenon to me too. Even sometimes to the point of denying what a passage clearly says - James 2 that connects works to salvation- justification and not just the extent of rewards in heaven. And that comes even from very sincere pastors who love the Bible and study it deeply. I'm thinking, do we Catholics have this kind of topics too? I mean topics that we are scrupulous to always explain so that it's not understood in a way we want to avoid because it would endanger our concept of something fundamental to the faith. I can't think of anything right now.
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
What do you think John 5:29 is saying?
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
​@@Harbinger290- What do think of James 2? Do you take it seriously?
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
I have never found such a topic, a miracle in it's own right.
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
@@atrifle8364 hey Friend, yes of course when understood properly and without ignoring verses like Eph 2:8-9, Eph 2:5 or John 5:24 or John 6:40. The people in James 2 are already saved - See Jam 2:1.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
@@Harbinger290 - That's not what James 2:1 says about the people. It says this: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds," Judas was a brethren of Christ too. John 5:29 is easily meshed with James 2, so I assume that the question is John 5:24. Here belief would include picking up your Cross and acting.
@JonathanRedden-wh6un 6 ай бұрын
Works are important to both Catholics and Protestants. For Catholics works contribute to our salvation. For Protestants works are a consequence of our salvation. If it were otherwise, we would have cause to boast. Moreover, the alternative to imputed righteousness is self righteousness. Protestants do not criticise our Lord’s statements and parables about works. I endeavour to follow God’s commandments but I could never be assured of salvation if I could achieve it by my efforts.
@panes840 3 ай бұрын
Surely, if it's as a consequence, it's also contributing towards your salvation because if not, why have it as a consequence in the first place? The consequence being an intended by product, and thus it contributes! Just saying. @catholicskeptic what do you think?
@dann285 6 ай бұрын
Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”
@Catholiclady3 3 ай бұрын
He also said to repent, get baptized, love your neighbor, spread the gospel and be perfect- like your father in heaven. How do you justify your rejection of these teachings of Jesus? It isn't either or my friend. It is both. If all you have to do is believe, why did he spend so much time teaching these other things? Why waste his breath teaching such falsehoods? Was he trying to mislead his followers? I will pray that you will see the truth.
@dann285 3 ай бұрын
@@Catholiclady3 I said I reject those teachings??Repent, yes, get baptized, yes, spread the gospel, yes, be perfect, yes we are to conform ourselves to the image of Christ. We do ALL of these by faith, by BELIEVING on him who was sent.
@Catholiclady3 3 ай бұрын
@@dann285 It sounded like you thought faith alone. I'm sorry. Yes, through faith with grace from God.
@dann285 3 ай бұрын
@@Catholiclady3 Yes, Grace, unmerited favor from God. Faith, that's what we do. Faith and believe or believing come from the same greek word.The verb translated as “to believe” is pisteuo (πιστεοῦ). The verb translated as “to believe” is pisteuo (πιστεοῦ). This is from the same root as the noun, pistis.
@dann285 3 ай бұрын
@@Catholiclady3 Yes, grace, Gods unmerited favor and faith. Faith and believe or believed or believing come from the same greek word.The noun translated as “faith” is pistis (πίστις), which means means "confidence," "assurance," "trustworthiness," "credit," "a trust," and "that which give confidence."The verb translated as “to believe” is pisteuo (πιστεοῦ). This is from the same root as the noun, pistis.
@39knights 6 ай бұрын
One of the ways to try and understand what this life is all about is to know it is 100% about God and 100% about us. It sounds contradictory but in a relatonship it is all about giving ourselves totally to each other. God never fails to give 100%; but we need a lifetime and perhaps more to become perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect to reciprocate that 100%. I like the drowning man analolgy to understand initial justification and the role of good-works in our salvation. When we are enslaved by sin we are like the one drowning in the sea already unconscious. There is absolutely nothing we can do in that unconscious state to save ourselves. But God sees us, drags us out of the water, revives us, and stands us on the beach. Once we are standing free and conscious we can then either decide to not go back in the sea and drown again or not. God knows our souls, and what defects keeps us from attaining our own personal perfection (ie. sainthood). So I believe God arranges everything in our lives such that our defects are tested and by our free-will choices we either grow in perfection to heal that defect or fall even further by each test. Those are the good-works prepared and tailored specifically for each individual. If we fall far enough that we go unconscious again, then only God can revive us back to original justice again. For some this can happen only one time, for others it could be 70X7 times as needed until God and the individual know how this will turn out for all eternity. Initial justification is God's work only as we can do nothing while unconscious in sin to make God revive us. But once we have that justification then the process of salvation (making us a saint) is a cooperative effort by God and us such that it is not the good-works themselves that save us; but the effect of repairing our defects so we become like Jesus which allows us to stand in the presence of God for eternity.
@39knights 6 ай бұрын
@@_ROMANS_116 The first time was with my water baptism as a child. Since then if I fall from grace I have the sacrament of reconciliation available from a validly ordained priest; which will restore it if lost again. Those are the two biblically normal ways to receive it.
@gospeljoy5713 6 ай бұрын
Works to get saved vs works because you are saved. Rewards vs hell. Major difference. Zero boasting one work the life of jesus. A born again believer does good works.
@TrueChristianityWithSandra 6 ай бұрын
Hopefully, but plenty fail to. When Christians do good works IN CHRIST we cannot boast because it’s Christ working in us, not us and our goodness. I think many protestants misinterpret Eph 2:8-10 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God -- 9 not because of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” I hear them quote verse 9, but seem to forget the surrounding verses which undermine their condemnation of works.
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
Friend, what a great pot stirrer!! I love it! Regarding John 5:29, when read in context, those who have done good are the same ones who “hear” in V25. What did they hear? They had ears to hear what Jesus spoke in V24 - which is to believe on Jesus to have everlasting life. Now back to V29 - John 5:29 (KJV) And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. Who are the ones who did good? The ones who hear and believe the gospel John 5:24!!! Who are the ones that go to damnation - the ones who tried to work their way into heaven but never did the Father’s will. See Matt 7:21-23. Note: remember Jesus is speaking to Israel who sought salvation by “works”, that was their primary error see Rom 9:30-32 for more context.
@akaMakdaddy 6 ай бұрын
You get a thumbs up based solely on the intro!
@ralf547 6 ай бұрын
To say anyone is afraid of good works is, I think, implying a fear of inability to adequately do good works. No one adequately does good works. Can an unbeliever do good works that affect eternal destiny?
@ednewcomer 6 ай бұрын
Jesus always did the will of His Father in heaven. Should we not imitate Jesus?
@francishaight2062 6 ай бұрын
Why is this discussion even necessary? How many times must it and other differences between Catholicism and alternatives be rehashed and exposed to reason? How many times does James 2:26 have to be reminded? There are many passages in the Bible which are wide open to dispute on face value; this isn’t one of them. We can talk about Martin Luther’s psychology or that of any other fallen-away Catholic, but there’s also the psychology of the person who, through no fault of their own, was born and raised to understand Christianity in terms of so many “solas” which are anything but solo; who was born and raised in one “church” among so many whose only commonality is to remain in a perpetual state of protest against, as Chesterton put it, “…the only thing that really prevents a sin from being a secret…the only large attempt to change the world from the inside, working through wills and not laws…“-through hearts vs. hand-cuffs. This endless conflict would be reason enough for discouragement if not for the warning that Christ and His Apostles gave us from the beginning: that we, God’s children, are at war with the serpent until the end, when his head will be crushed by the woman’s seed (Genesis). The battle grounds of this spiritual warfare are as much intellectual as they are within the will of the individual. Whether the debate is between atheism or theism, between protestantism or Catholicism, belief, like charity, cannot be coerced, it is a choice. The question then is, why the one over the other? Man needs the living authority of the Catholic Church in order to (a) exercise and maintain his humility, and to (b) set safety limits on the intellect which, otherwise, is like a handgun in the hand of a child, among other reasons. Christianity is nothing if not a relationship with God in and through Christ. That relationship is exercised and maintained through prayer. Prayer is a Christian’s first duty. Prayer is a journey with multiple forms and stages. Through it, by His grace, we conform more and more to Him. It’s the first work which is the exercise of faith and which serves as the “upper room” where all the other works find their energy and get their marching orders.
@michaelyocum616 6 ай бұрын
First. Another great video.
@gospeljoy5713 6 ай бұрын
A true believer has jesus living inside of them. When you are born again the holy spirit indwells you.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
Good to see you believe in the Real Presence of the Eurcharist
@gospeljoy5713 6 ай бұрын
@@atrifle8364 I don't venerate mary or any of the saints. I don't believe in a rosary. I do not pray for the dead.. I believe communion is symbolic. I do not hold the Pope as any authority to our church since we are non denominational. Rome maybe a nice place to visit but no spiritual importance to me. Our church has changed the apostles creed to christiian church.
@PInk77W1 6 ай бұрын
The least that u do, for the least of my brother, u do for me
@justified7984 6 ай бұрын
Could you tell me what the gospel is by which we the body of Christ are saved which was a mystery hid in God until revealed to the apostle to the gentiles, Paul. And after you answer that could you tell me what the fellowship of the mystery is which was also hid in God until revealed to the apostle to the gentiles, Paul.
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
@justfied7984 You are demonstrating my point from my previous video. All the Paul vs Peter jibber jabber, from a system of theology invented by John Nelson Darby in the 1800s. It's one of saddest of Protestant views, as it reduces the New Testament to a pamphlet, regarding what's for the Body of Christ and utterly disregards Christ's teachings in the Gospels. A man, inventing a theological theory 1800 years after the time of Christ, is who you choose to follow. When Christ established His Church 2000 years ago.( Matthew 16:13-19).
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
Friends, Paul taught what Jesus gave him to teach. I don’t know what Darby taught. Is it wrong to believe what God said? 2 Timothy 1:11 (KJV) Whereunto I (PAUL) am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
@@Harbinger290 Again I love Paul's writings, they are Scripture, as are the rest of the books in the Bible. Although you , as far as the comments of yours I have seen, so far, have not advanced the Darby argument. But I do find it disingenuous to say you don't know what Darby taught, as Dispensational theology was never taught until Darby by any existing post-scripture writings I know of. But I only mean you sound disingenuous, I am not saying you are. But so many dispensationalists on here deny knowledge of Darby, it would be like me denying knowing what Thomas Aquinas taught.Ridiculous.
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
@@catholicskeptic friend, I’ve never heard of Darby till you! Was Darby teaching this - 2 Timothy 1:11 (KJV) Whereunto I (PAUL) am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. God Bless!
@TrueChristianityWithSandra 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@Harbinger290 pastor Darby is famous for being the inventor of “the rapture” idea. Apparently, he was also the inventor of the “Jesus was preaching to the Jews, Paul was preaching to the gentiles, therefore we Christians listen to Paul.” insanity. No Christian, for the first 1800 years of Christianity, believed or taught either of those ideas. Like Sola Scriptura, these theories have perpetuated, theological chaos, and the loss of souls.
@djpodesta 5 ай бұрын
Not this one! Good works should be a natural response to; or a by product of grace. Not a chore to score points with God. Without love, all good works are null and void, but without good works, loving faith is useless… dead.
@geekworthy7938 6 ай бұрын
I dunno...indulgences???
@TrueChristianityWithSandra 6 ай бұрын
Do you know what indulgences are? Are you condemning indulgences?
@geekworthy7938 6 ай бұрын
@sandra4065 YES, EMPHATICALLY. Catholicism is NOT Christianity. By grace alone and not of ANY works. The cross plus NOTHING! Only you can choose Christ to be your Lord. No one else can do it for you.
@TrueChristianityWithSandra 6 ай бұрын
@@geekworthy7938 We are saved BY GRACE, according to Catholic doctrine. Jesus is our One Mediator between man and God (the Father), according to Catholic doctrine. It appears you didn’t know that, yet I’m to believe you understand what Indulgences are? Forgive my skepticism, but in order to restore my confidence in your knowledge please define/explain, accurately, what they are. ❤️
@geekworthy7938 6 ай бұрын
@sandra4065 If you adhere to Catholicism, then you are still in need of Jesus alone. You are blind to everything that Catholicism is doing. I can't help anyone who wants to take God's word and then accept evolution. Neither can I define for you what your own definition is. You aren't seeking the truth, you are seeking to defend lies. Jesus + nothing! Nothing Catholic needs to be added to Christianity. Saved by Grace alone.
@geekworthy7938 6 ай бұрын
@sandra4065 Once saved and always saved? No evolution which the Vatican approves?
@justified7984 6 ай бұрын
I asked you two questions, what the gospel is by which the body of Christ is saved, which was revealed to Paul by the ascended, risen Christ and I asked you to explain what the fellowship of the mystery is, also revealed to Paul by the ascended, risen Christ, both being hid in God until revealed, and you could not answer either or explain either one. If you can't answer these two questions you should absolutely should not be on youtube or any other social media platform instructing anyone concerning the word of God. You are without doubt unqualified.
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
@justified7984 There is only One Gospel. The Gospel preached by Peter on the Day of Pentecost and the Gospel preached by Paul are one and the same Gospel. Galatians 2:9 makes it clear that , yes, Paul was indeed sent to the Gentiles, and Peter to the circumcision , but they BOTH proclaimed the SAME Gospel. Dispensationalism ( started in the 1800s) teaches differently. But no Christian, Catholic or Protestant, ever taught such a notion prior to the teachings of John Nelson Darby. Peter exhorts his readers of His epistle that Paul wrote to them as well.( 2 Peter 3:15). Paul was indeed given revelation concerning the mystery, but it is for both Jews and Gentiles who come to Christ. Paul says regarding "the mystery " that "the Gentiles should be FELLOWHEIRS , and of the SAME body , and PARTAKERS of the promise in Christ by THE GOSPEL." ( see Ephesians 3:4-6) Notice Paul says in verse 5 that the Mystery is "now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets ( plural) by the Spirit." God revealed the mystery in detail in Paul's writings, but He says He revealed it to the other Apostles as well. So this idea that Paul somehow preached a "different gospel " is false. I knew that even when I was a Protestant. What you believe is the view of a man's commentary on the Bible. Whether you have personally read or even heard of Darby, what you believe is Darby's take on the Bible.
@paulsmallwood1484 6 ай бұрын
Protestant response: A serious study of historic Protestant theological formularies will quickly show that so called “fear of good works” is absolute nonsense. Is Salvation a Reward or a Gift? Yes. Distinguishing Between ‘Right’ to salvation and the ‘Possession’ of salvation. This distinction between right and possession was employed by Reformed theologians in centuries past. Our right to salvation has in view the work of Christ on behalf of sinners, which is received by faith alone. So the person who puts faith in Christ has eternal life because the person has Christ himself. All of our works of obedience are excluded from the “right to salvation” (Rom. 4:4-5; Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). Between the already of justification and the not yet of glorification lies a path and, according to Scripture, that path must be strewn with good works. But concerning the so-called “conditional” passages, we speak of the “possession of salvation.” In this vein, the New Testament clearly teaches that there is a “not yet” aspect to our salvation. For example, in Romans 13:11, Paul says that “salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” Between the already of justification and the not yet of glorification lies a path, and according to Scripture, that path must be strewn with good works. According to Paul, these are the good works that “God prepared beforehand for us to walk in” (Eph. 2:10). They’re what he calls “the fruit of the Spirit” in the previous chapter (Gal. 5:22-23) and what Hebrews describes as “the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14). This is what our Reformed forebears meant when they spoke of good works performed in the Spirit bringing us into “possession” of eternal life (Eph. 2:10; Gal. 6:8). They meant that God is going to lead us into possession of our glorious inheritance by the path of good works (Matt. 25:34-36). There is no other path to walk since our faith is dead without works (James 2:14-26). More Help from Older Reformed Theologians: We may understand it in this way: we eat because we’re alive, but we still need to eat in order to remain alive. As Herman Witsius put it, we’ve been made alive by the Spirit, “but we must also act in the same manner, that that life may be preserved in us, may increase, and at last terminate in an uninterrupted and eternal life” (Deut. 30:19-20). Marshaling a number of biblical texts, 17th-century Reformed theologian Francis Turretin explains: This very thing is no less expressly delivered concerning future glory. For since good works have the relation of the means to the end (John 3:5, 16; Matt. 5:8); of the “way” to the goal (Eph. 2:10; Phil. 3:14); of the ‘sowing’ to the harvest (Gal. 6:7, 8) . . . of labor to the reward (Matt. 20:1); of the “contest” to the crown (2 Tim. 2:5; 4:8), everyone sees that there is the highest and an indispensable necessity of good works for obtaining glory. It is so great that it cannot be reached without them (Heb. 12:14; Rev. 21:27). Works done in the Spirit simply have a relation of the means to the end; they are the way to life, not the right to life. The “one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Gal. 6:8) insofar as the possession of life is concerned. Works done in the Spirit simply have a relation of the means to the end; they’re the way to life, not the right to life. The merciful shall receive mercy; the pure in heart shall see God (Matt. 5:7-8); and “to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life” (Rom. 2:7). This is what it means to sow to the Spirit in order to reap eternal life. Necessity of Fruit: In this same vein, we need to be sensitive to the biblical teaching that Christians will be judged according to their works when Christ returns (see 2 Cor. 5:10; Matt. 16:27; John 5:28-29; Rev. 20:13; 22:12). These works aren’t meritorious and thus don’t give believers the right to salvation. But they’re necessary and therefore place believers in the possession of salvation. Spirit-filled believers are “full of goodness” (Rom. 15:14; cf. Gal. 5:22), and they can and must do according to the goodness that is in them. Good works are a means used by God (Eph. 2:10) to bring his children home in a manner that glorifies Christ. In Question and Answer 32 of the Westminster Larger Catechism, “holy obedience” isn’t only evidence of a true faith and thankfulness to God (gratitude), but also functions as “the way which he has appointed them to salvation.” These good works, as the fruit that leads to holiness (from holiness) have their end as eternal life (WCF 16.2; cf. Rom. 6:22). Fruit isn’t optional, as is clearly the case from Christ’s language in John 15, especially verse 2, “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away.” Good works are the way to final salvation, appointed by God. Good works are a means used by God (Eph. 2:10) to bring his children home in a manner that glorifies Christ. Using the right to life versus the possession of life distinction helps to clarify both how good works are necessary for salvation and how they aren’t. We can’t rid the New Testament of its conditional language any more than we can rid it of its teaching on the free nature of justification by faith alone (compare Rom. 3:21-24 with Rom. 8:13). But we can try to be honest to all the biblical data. - article by Mark Jones
@frisco61 6 ай бұрын
You keep using these words “faith alone” that are only used together is James 2:17-26 where it clearly says “we are not saved by faith alone.” How come these verses never come up in Protestant discussions about faith and works? I’m seriously curious. It’s all much simpler than the Bible gymnastics you’re doing and this is how the Catholic Church teaches it. We are saved by grace, it’s a gift we don’t deserve, our world are necessary and they complete our faith. Because they are God’s work, not ours. You might try looking at the Catechism of the Catholic Church to see how the Church teaches it as a comparison.
@paulsmallwood1484 6 ай бұрын
@@frisco61 Keep using? I used that phrase twice. You cherry picked a verse that supports your position while ignoring the multitude of verses that support mine. Anyway, that was not the topic of my post. My post dealt with the necessity of good works. Let’s stay on topic. Let me state once again that using the right to life versus the possession of life distinction helps to clarify both how good works are necessary for salvation and how they aren’t. We can’t rid the New Testament of its conditional language any more than we can rid it of its teaching on the free nature of justification by faith alone (compare Rom. 3:21-24 with Rom. 8:13). But we can try to be honest to all the biblical data.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
​​​- The point is that James 2, Roman 2, and the countless almost throw away references to our behavior in Scripture always go missing in any "through" Protestant study of the relationship of faith and works. It is strange only Catholics seem to be able to track down those passages. The post did manage to sneak in Romans 2 in the middle I guess, but most of it is hoping that Protestant objections are correct. James 2 cannot be more explicit in it's opinion of faith alone.
@paulsmallwood1484 6 ай бұрын
@@atrifle8364 Always go missing? What in the world are you reading? I will be glad to give you a list of historic Protestant theological formularies where it clearly isn’t missing. Hoping that Protestants are correct? Now you want to spin it in negative terms. That is really lousy argumentation. What does James mean when he says that “a person is justified by works and not by faith alone” (James 2:24)? One commentator answers: “[James] approaches [his readers] with his challenging question, not because he would propose a different way of salvation, but because he would have them understand what ‘by faith alone’ really means.” These verses aren’t a contrast between faith and works. They’re a contrast between true faith and false faith. Anyone can say they believe in God, even demons (James 2:19)! True faith is proved real because it results in good works. False faith is proved dead because it doesn’t. Faith, works, and justification-James wasn’t the only biblical author to discuss how these three things are related. Many scholars have noted that, on the surface, it looks as if James and the apostle Paul might disagree. Paul said that Abraham was not justified by works, but by faith (Rom. 4:2-3). James says that Abraham was justified by what he did and that a person is not justified by faith alone, but also by works (James 2:21-23). Is James right, or is Paul right? The key to understanding the relationship between faith and works is to identify the timing of the works. Are they pre- or post-salvation? Paul talks a lot about pre-salvation works. He makes it clear that salvation is never earned through works or good deeds (Eph. 2:8-9). James talks more about post-salvation works. He makes it clear that salvation always results in works and good deeds (James 2:18). Paul and James are in complete agreement: works without faith won’t save you. They also agree that professed faith that doesn’t result in good works isn’t saving faith.
@Harbinger290 6 ай бұрын
@@paulsmallwood1484 Friend, help me understand. Are you saying we enter upon a road to salvation but if one doesn’t do enough good works he won’t be saved?
@ralf547 6 ай бұрын
You correctly identify the problem with "once saved, always saved", and the incorrect idea that good works are not involved. Luther is about as pertinent to this discussion as are the Popes who broke their vow of celibacy, and when more than one Pope claimed the seat of Peter, and the current Pope. You so often say the scandals of the Church don't matter, its the truth of the teaching. Guess what. Luther doesn't matter either. What he taught that is truthful is just that, truthful. What he did as a sinner or said and did that wasn't Godly and truthful, is rightfully discarded by Lutherans and Protestants. Luther wasn't and isn't a pope. You however have Popes, supposedly Christ's vicar. But they proved not to be. I am not going to repeat the correct understanding of "good works" which I have shared repeatedly in comments here. But the Catholic understanding of the place of good works in salvation robs the Savior of His rightful glory. Catholicism makes works an idol. It's not a fear of good works. It's that Catholics misunderstand and wrongly define the good works. Catholicism remains semi-Pelagian which is a real threat to salvation since God alone saves, not God and you or me. You remain unable to understand the transformation of being filled of the Holy Spirit, which is being saved. During the last few minutes you said it correctly, how you can't see the fullness of the verses you quoted is a mystery to me. This may sound strange, but I see more commonality between Catholicism and Joel Osteen, Weslyanism, Methodism, and several others than I see with an accurate reading of scripture.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
​@@_ROMANS_116- Does God want you to be rich and comfortable in this life? How is that a Cross?
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, my thought is that you are not nearly as familiar with Scripture as you imagine, along with not understanding any of the other groups mentioned. To equate Joel Osteen and the Catholic faith is to not understand either.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
​@@_ROMANS_116- These discussions become difficult because we are asking different questions and mean different things by the word Gospel. There are levels here, because the faith is complex. The shallowest I can get is we saved by God's grace. But there's way more to it. 🤷‍♀️
@ralf547 6 ай бұрын
@@atrifle8364 or you aren't that familiar, and more likely, we both have holes in our understanding.
@ralf547 6 ай бұрын
@@_ROMANS_116 he just doesn't think it's important enough then.
@nickhanley5407 6 ай бұрын
What a great straw man he’s built…. As a Catholic convert to Christianity after a true experience of the holy spirit, I’ve devoted much of the last 5 years to studying theology. Very few people Protestants view works as not important, and most that do hold to a strong belief in predestination, therefore exalting Gods work in us. Just a suggestion, stop tearing down arguments that don’t actually exist…
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
In my experience about 7 of our 10 people who claim to be ex-Catholics online are not. I wish there was less supposed study and a whole lot more truth telling.
@For3nity 6 ай бұрын
Catholic convert to Christianity? Catholic is the first and original Christian who gave you the Bible :)
@barborazajacova7633 6 ай бұрын
Which subset of Christianity do you mean? Please stop making this false distinction as if Catholics weren't Christian. You probably converted to a particular version of Protestantism that you call Christianity while Christianity is Catholicism, Orthodoxy and the many different versions of Protestantism.
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
@nickhanley5407 Sorry Nick, but my comments have hundreds of such arguments, so yes they do exist. Also readers please note that this commenter doesn't even attempt to refute my scripture filled argument , with any rebuttal. Just make fun of it.
@catholicskeptic 6 ай бұрын
@@For3nity Amen!!!
@philoalethia 6 ай бұрын
It is interesting how your videos are so commonly couched with the rather delusional idea that others are scared by some profound truth that you've discovered.
@peterzinya1 6 ай бұрын
Catholics like to demonize non catholics. Standard false religion tactics.
@frisco61 6 ай бұрын
It’s not delusional. Having been involved in apologetics for over 30 years I’ve seen it over and over and over again.
@philoalethia 6 ай бұрын
@@frisco61 writes: "It’s not delusional. Having been involved in apologetics for over 30 years I’ve seen it over and over and over again." I think you are lying. I don't think that you have seen "Protestants are scared of good works" "over and over again" over 30 years or over any time period whatsoever. I think you are making things up in order to justify yourself. I could just as easily (and truthfully) write that I've seen Roman Catholics who are scared of the Bible as well as Christ's love, forgiveness, and mercy, over and over again in my 30 years of apologetics. See how that works? Goes both ways.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
@@philoalethia - Protestants are genuinely scared that works are a part of their salvation. Some of them because they are lazy overall, some because they are afraid they won't measure up, and still others are afraid of suffering. It's quite understandable and all very human. Thankfully, most Protestants don't believe themselves. Sincere Catholics are not scared of any of what you've discussed. I am sure that on this board alone you could have a lively discussion on Scripture, etc. Catholics spend most of their time correcting misunderstandings of Church teaching and increase reading comprehension. Protestant apologetics towards Catholics is a different sort of activity. From my view, it mostly involves a lack of comprehension of counter arguments.
@peterzinya1 6 ай бұрын
@@philoalethia Catholics call themselves christians, yet they have utter contempt for the bible. They say it doesnt contain everything needed for salvation. The CC calls the bible a "Dead Letter" . But the man in the holyman costume during their church service holds upthe bible and waves it around. Lip service.
@peterzinya1 6 ай бұрын
Yould be a great guy if you dropped this catholic madness.
@essafats5728 6 ай бұрын
that is what makes him great - bcoz he is catholic; no ifs, and or buts. c'mon 1 dimensional, shallow, and ignorant Protty come to the enlightenment of the FULLNESS of TRUTH.
@nealsilkman6014 6 ай бұрын
He's a great guy because he dropped the PROTESTANT utter madness and confusion.
@atrifle8364 6 ай бұрын
Did you listen to the video?
@frisco61 6 ай бұрын
Hey it’s not too late for you to come to Christ’s church and embrace the fullness of Truth. Why muck around with with the scraps the Reformers scraped out of the Church when you can have it all?
@peterzinya1 6 ай бұрын
@@frisco61 thanks for the invite.
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