Protestants Can't Experience True Worship

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The Catholic Skeptic with Hugh J Quinn

The Catholic Skeptic with Hugh J Quinn

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@timboslice980 Жыл бұрын
I was just confirmed this year, having been a protestant most of my life I can tell you, a video like this should make protestants think about what happens in their services and what doesn't happen.
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@timboslice980 Congratulations on your confirmation, and welcome home , God Bless.
@dantelepanto Жыл бұрын
Glad your home.
@39knights Жыл бұрын
@getrit3007 so sad you lost your faith and salvation. Now you make your money leading others astray. A firm pass on your website.
@timboslice980 Жыл бұрын
@getrit3007 Ahhh protestants. Do you guys actually think we haven't heard this stuff 1000 times? Do you guys think we just want to be unbiblical? Or do you think after 2000 years we may have some good reasons why believe the things we do? I was a protestant most of my life and in fact, it's unbiblical doctrines are what led me to the catholic church. I was baptized methodist but left the church around 18. I just had too many questions, too many apparent contradictions for me to accept it as truth. After about 10 years of studying eastern philosophies, conspiracy theories, alternate history, and theoretical physics I discovered that God was very likely real and true. One of my main problems in finding the right church was it seemed every group of Christians had their own interpretations of the Bible. Every single group seemed to disagree with eachother on what the Bible said. It became a little aggravating but I decided to just test them... one after another until I felt like the spirit would eventually give me a sign that I was in a proper church. First I tried non denominationals for about 6 months till I realized they don't go past the surface lessons of christ. Then baptists, that church seemed obsessed with money... then pentacostals... totally crazy. I'd bring up the passage about Paul's warnings pertaining to the use of tounges. I saw a debate with James White and that got me interested in calvinism. It was about 10 years after that before my journey to catholicism even started. I had lost faith in one of the 5 points... specifically irresistible grace. Another point was about to fall and the entire theology was falling apart from that weak point. The only things all these churches had in common is lack of authority, misunderstanding scripture, oblivious as to where the Canon of scripture came from, and lack of historical basis. The catholic church isnthe only one that qualifies as Christ's church. Jesus set up a church in the gospels and said that the gates of hell would never prevail against it. Either Jesus lied or the catholic church is the true church. It's the only one that predates the new testament. Have you heard of Ignatius, polycarp, or Irenaeus?
@timboslice980 Жыл бұрын
@catholicskeptic thank you! I've never been so happy to be a part of a church. Feels more secure than anywhere I've been before by a long shot!
@vinb2707 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I first learned that the Jewish people, even up to today, consider themselves as participants in the actual Passover event, and not just merely memorializing that one time event. That is exactly what we do at the mass. Why is it that when somebody comes to Christ for the first time, they can expect to be excepted by The Lord? It is because of the sacrifice of Jesus that is still available to the sinner and presentable to The Father.
@MrJohnmartin2009 11 ай бұрын
Without the Eucharist and the priesthood the Protestants cannot offer full worship. Their prayers and singing are praiseworthy but very deficient.
@catholicskeptic 11 ай бұрын
@MrJohnmartin2009 Very True, amen!
@MrJohnmartin2009 11 ай бұрын
@@catholicskepticYour presentation is so easy to understand its a wonder why more Protestants dont leave Protestantism.
@geoffjs 6 ай бұрын
The more I think about Protestants, their services are more like the activities of a synagogue ie praying and teaching.
@michaelhoerig4430 Жыл бұрын
We were taught about 'sacrifice' in Catholic grade school! Praise God!
@eddyrobichaud5832 Жыл бұрын
​@@_ready__ Catholics believe that their sacrifices will make them acceptable in front of God.
@michaelhoerig4430 Жыл бұрын
That the Mass is the very same redeeming act that happened on Calvary offered continously throughout the world in an unbloody way. It is not simply a 'memorial'. It is a real sacrifice. The bread and wine truly become the body and blood of the Savior, exactly as Jesus promised at the Last Supper.@@_ready__
@michaelhoerig4430 Жыл бұрын
Sir, you could not be more incorrect. If you must, I will refer you to the Cathechism of the Catholic Church--#1330, 1360, 1361, 1367--just to cite a few examples. If you choose to misrepresent what the Catholic Church believes and teaches, continue at your own peril. The Mass is memorial AND it is sacrifice!@@_ready__
@michaelhoerig4430 Жыл бұрын
Paul never wrote a gospel and he was not one of the twelve. I would have thought you'd at least know that.
@michaelhoerig4430 Жыл бұрын
Hugh never said it wasn't a sacrifice. Please stop saying that.@@_ready__
@kofiadjei-frimpong9279 Жыл бұрын
God bless you too. You are doing an outstanding job for Christ.
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@kofiadjel-frimpong9279 Thank you, all by His grace and unto His glory. Pray for me.
@johnlacorte1928 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff Hugh, I love your content, and I thank God for your good fight. I just joined RCIA at my local parish and am very excited to fully participate in the Holy Mass. You attract a plethora of very zealous protestants, so much so that some of them have commented hundreds of times on your channel alone. (Sometimes I wonder if they actually watched the video because most of their comments are unrelated to the video or copy and paste from their past comments on other videos.) Keep up the good work and may God preserve you in His Love.
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@johnlacorte1928 Thanks John, glad your doing RCIA, I serve in that ministry in my own parish. God Bless. And yeah, why some of the Protestants keep commenting over and over is a mystery to me. But thanks to the algorithms of youtube, they help grow the channel and thereby help spread the Faith, despite their opposition against it. 😆
@ralf547 Жыл бұрын
Haven't watched yet. But will. Can't wait to see the comments.
@atrifle8364 Жыл бұрын
​@trollpatrol7215- I know right?
@michaelyocum616 Жыл бұрын
Another great video.
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@michaelyocum616 Thanks , all the glory to God.
@josephabad4148 5 ай бұрын
I’m a fan of you now sir after listening to a few of your contents or videos. I am a cradle catholic and a struggling one as well. I struggle with temptations just like others. I’m trying to combat it by watching some apologists (Catholics), like the catholic answer, Trent horn, reason and theology, jimmy akin, and also the coming home network, sometimes random catholic channels. With that being said, I’m not trying to flatter you in any way but I truly like the way you teach. I learn easily when you explain the verses. My only tiny critic is sometimes you talk a bit faster than normal lol 😂. I’m so grateful to GOD that HE showed you the way to HIS church and a great defender. Just like the other converts who are one of the strongest defender of CHRIST’s church. I will pray for you always. GOD bless always…
@robertdean741 Жыл бұрын
thanx Hugh for putting all the study & effort in bringing this very insightful teaching on "true worship"
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@robertdean741 Thanks, Glad you enjoyed it.
@PabloFalca Жыл бұрын
Fantastic… thank you for covering this topic. God Bless you and your ministry via this channel !
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@PabloFalca Thanks Pablo, God bless you and you's as well. Pray for me.
@atrifle8364 Жыл бұрын
44:45 - One of the many goals of the liturgical reforms of Vatican II was to better highlight the sacrificial nature of the Mass. There's a line in the Novus Ordo that is spoken aloud by the faithful, which I will not type out. (This is a 2nd attempt and I suspect KZbin automatically pulled the first one because of that line.) It is whispered/spoke by only the priest in the older rite as he goes to confect the bread/wine. If someone took an objective play by play of both Masses, I suspect they would find not all that much different except some tweaks, such as the speaking line of the Novus Ordo. What appears to be a constant is that people attracted to the Latin Mass are already "in the know". Thus we have maybe some over hyping of a modern experience that mostly has to do with a very small self-selected group. The effect strikes me somewhat like my own experiences. My home state has bit of a local mythos about it, which I believed for a long time. It then became apparent we needed to move. After moving, I discovered not one, but many much nicer places. So much so that I wondered why I was so attached in the first place. The older rite is still Holy, but it's a bit trapped in time. To vary the analogy, it's a bit like hanging to one of those ye olde big wheel bikes when there's a shiny new safety bike available with multiple gears and great brakes. Yes, you can do it, and yes grace/Jesus is still there. But the existence of beginner bicyclists using a safety bike who fall a lot does not make the older bike style an objectively better experience overall. The only people who attempt to even use the older bikes are experts anyway.
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@atrifle8364 That a very insightful take on comparing the two versions of Holy Mass. My only caveat, is when I read through the prayers of the 1962 Missal, the prayers themselves seem richer and deeper in content, than those in the Novus Ordo. I wish the designers of the Newer one would have kept the fill content of some of those prayers. Thanks for the comment, very unique and fascinating take on the subject. God Bless.
@dianerupert5196 Жыл бұрын
Great explanations of the scriptures and the true meaning of the sacrifice of the mass
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@dianerupert5196 Thanks, glad you liked it, God Bless.
@martinmartin1363 11 ай бұрын
A memorial is a remembrance of the dead a commemoration is a remembrance of the living, Jesus is not dead. In the Latin vulgate it says at last supper Jesus said do this in commemoration of me and not memorial. The Jews celebrate the commemoration of Passover they are truly part of the exodus and thank god for saving them from pharaoh.
@catholicskeptic 11 ай бұрын
@martinmartin1363 Yes! A very important distinction, thank you.
@martinmartin1363 11 ай бұрын
@getrit3007 James 2:17 Sic et fides, si non habeat opera, mortua est in semetipsa. 2:17 Thus even faith, if it does not have works, is dead, in and of itself. 2:18 Sed dicet quis: Tu fidem habes, et ego opera habeo. Ostende mihi fidem tuam sine operibus: et ego ostendam tibi ex operibus fidem meam. 2:18 Now someone may say: “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works! But I will show you my faith by means of works. 2:19 Tu credis quoniam unus est Deus: Bene facis: et dæmones credunt, et contremiscunt. 2:19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. But the demons also believe, and they tremble greatly. 2:20 Vis autem scire o homo inanis, quoniam fides sine operibus mortua est? 2:20 So then, are you willing to understand, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? 2:21 Abraham pater noster nonne ex operibus iustificatus est, offerens Isaac filium suum super altare? 2:21 Was not our father Abraham justified by means of works, by offering his son Isaac upon the altar? 2:22 Vides quoniam fides cooperabatur operibus illius: et ex operibus fides consummata est? 2:22 Do you see that faith was cooperating with his works, and that by means of works faith was brought to fulfillment? 2:23 Et suppleta est Scriptura, dicens: Credidit Abraham Deo, et reputatum est illi ad iustitiam, et amicus Dei appellatus est. 2:23 And so the Scripture was fulfilled which says: “Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.” And so he was called the friend of God. 2:24 Videtis quoniam ex operibus iustificatur homo, et non ex fide tantum? 2:24 Do you see that a man is justified by means of works, and not by faith alone? 2:25 Similiter et Rahab meretrix, nonne ex operibus iustificata est, suscipiens nuncios, et alia via eiiciens? 2:25 Similarly also, Rahab, the harlot, was she not justified by works, by receiving the messengers and sending them out through another way? 2:26 Sicut enim corpus sine spiritu mortuum est, ita et fides sine operibus mortua est. 2:26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. The only place in the New Testament where it says faith alone 🤣🤣🤣🙏
@catholicskeptic 11 ай бұрын
@getrit3007 Sacraments are an outward sign of an inward grace, they are the means Christ uses to transmit Grace to us, they are not works. ( 1Peter 3:21, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, John 6:53, Hebrews 5:9, 1 Corinthians 10, 11, for example).
@martinmartin1363 11 ай бұрын
@getrit3007 As you and all Protestants you are your own pope and counsel you are the arbiter of your own church or you look for a Protestant denomination that fits into your thinking and there are over 40 thousand different denominations or you could form your own church, but here’s the dilemma if the Holy Spirit is guiding you from error and he is also guiding millions of Protestant denominations from error then why are not all Protestants one Church rather than 40 thousand denominations with different versions of the truth but yet guided by the Holy Spirit.
@martinmartin1363 11 ай бұрын
@getrit3007 I’m sorry but we are not entitled to our own opinions what if my opinions are evil like Hitler and as a Protestant my church is about genocide , and others followed me, as a Protestant l cannot be in error because the Holy Spirit guides me and my church, and so this is the Protestant dilemma which Protestant denomination is truly guided by the Holy Spirit, quoting the bible etc doesn’t change the fact what makes you correct and all other Protestant denominations wrong if they too are guided by the Holy Spirit.
@anthonym.7653 5 ай бұрын
So does this still apply if it's a clown Mass, or surfing on the beach mass, or a rapping priest mass, etc...?
@soteriology400 3 ай бұрын
Didn’t we have a conversation about big expensive buildings for house of worship not too long ago?
@martinmartin1363 11 ай бұрын
Luke 22:14 Et cum facta esset hora, discubuit, et duodecim Apostoli cum eo. 22:14 And when the hour had arrived, he sat down at table, and the twelve Apostles with him. 22:15 et ait illis: Desiderio desideravi hoc Pascha manducare vobiscum, antequam patiar. 22:15 And he said to them: “With longing have I desired to eat this Passover with you, before I suffer. 22:16 Dico enim vobis, quia ex hoc non manducabo illud, donec impleatur in regno Dei. 22:16 For I say to you, that from this time, I will not eat it, until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” 22:17 Et accepto calice gratias egit, et dixit: Accipite, et dividite inter vos. 22:17 And having taken the chalice, he gave thanks, and he said: “Take this and share it among yourselves. 22:18 dico enim vobis quod non bibam de generatione vitis, donec regnum Dei veniat. 22:18 For I say to you, that I will not drink from the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God arrives.” 22:19 Et accepto pane gratias egit, et fregit, et dedit eis, dicens: Hoc est corpus meum, quod pro vobis datur: hoc facite in meam commemorationem. 22:19 And taking bread, he gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them, saying: “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this as a commemoration of me.” 22:20 Similiter et calicem, postquam cœnavit, dicens: Hic est calix novum testamentum in sanguine meo, qui pro vobis fundetur. 22:20 Similarly also, he took the chalice, after he had eaten the meal, saying: “This chalice is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you. 22:21 Verumtamen ecce manus tradentis me, mecum est in mensa. 22:21 But in truth, behold, the hand of my betrayer is with me at table. 22:22 Et quidem Filius hominis, secundum quod definitum est, vadit: verumtamen væ homini illi, per quem tradetur. 22:22 And indeed, the Son of man goes according to what has been determined. And yet, woe to that man by whom he will be betrayed.” 22:23 Et ipsi cœperunt quærere inter se, quis esset ex eis, qui hoc facturus esset. 22:23 And they began to inquire among themselves, as to which of them might do this. 22:24 Facta est autem et contentio inter eos, quis eorum videretur esse maior. 22:24 Now there was also a contention among them, as to which of them seemed to be the greater. 22:25 Dixit autem eis: Reges Gentium dominantur eorum: et qui potestatem habent super eos, benefici vocantur. 22:25 And he said to them: “The kings of the Gentiles dominate them; and those who hold authority over them are called beneficent. 22:26 Vos autem non sic: sed qui maior est in vobis, fiat sicut minor: et qui præcessor est, sicut ministrator. 22:26 But it must not be so with you. Instead, whoever is greater among you, let him become the lesser. And whoever is the leader, let him become the server. 22:27 Nam quis maior est, qui recumbit, an qui ministrat? Nonne qui recumbit? Ego autem in medio vestrum sum, sicut qui ministrat: 22:27 For who is greater: he who sits at table, or he who serves? Is not he who sits at table? Yet I am in your midst as one who serves. 22:28 vos autem estis, qui permansistis mecum in tentationibus meis: 22:28 But you are those who have remained with me during my trials. 22:29 Et ego dispono vobis sicut disposuit mihi Pater meus regnum, 22:29 And I dispose to you, just as my Father has disposed to me, a kingdom, 22:30 ut edatis, et bibatis super mensam meam in regno meo: et sedeatis super thronos iudicantes duodecim tribus Israel. 22:30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and so that you may sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” 22:31 Ait autem Dominus: Simon, Simon, ecce satanas expetivit vos ut cribraret sicut triticum: 22:31 And the Lord said: “Simon, Simon! Behold, Satan has asked for you, so that he may sift you like wheat. 22:32 ego autem rogavi pro te ut non deficiat fides tua: et tu aliquando conversus confirma fratres tuos. 22:32 But I have prayed for you, so that your faith may not fail, and so that you, once converted, may confirm your brothers.”
@fnkrodigaz1841 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for you're effort in typing scripture. God bless you, brother.❤✝️❤
@TheAegis1000 5 ай бұрын
In all of the descriptions of worship in the New Testament, ... there is no mention of sacrifice. In fact, the writer of Hebrews warns the Jewish converts against falling back in the practice of sacrifice. Jesus has finshed the sacrifice ... and sat down at the right hand of God. Hebrews 10:12 But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. 14 For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.
@geoffjs 3 ай бұрын
Jn 6 51-58 is the basis of the Holy Mass where the sacrificial Calvary is REPRESENTED in an unbloody manner. Refer 1 Cor 10 13-17 1 Cor 11 23-26
@atrifle8364 Жыл бұрын
16:00 ish - My understanding is that reception in hand replicates the posture of the first Passover.
@ednewcomer Жыл бұрын
Commitment involves a sacrifice. Christianity is a slow form of martyrdom as we carry our cross and die to ourselves.
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@ednewcomer Good point 👍. Thanks. 🙏
@rehbeinator Жыл бұрын
I'm a bit confused as to what the specific claim is. Are you saying that protestants can't experience true worship only insofar as they deny the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist? There are many protestant denominations which affirm the real presence via consubstantiation, sacramental union, or other mechanisms. Can these experience true worship since they acknowledge the real presence? Or are you saying that affirmation of the specific mechanism of transubstantiation is necessary in addition to general acknowledgement of the real presence? It is always difficult to make broad claims about "protestants" because there is such a wide variety of different doctrines under that umbrella.
@trevorsrq6179 Жыл бұрын
Consubstantiation is a Heresy-it’s a tradition of men. Nothing more than an invented opinion. It was just a way tweaking truth ever so slightly. The tell of a heretical sect is that they always change something ever so slightly. Anything to not be Catholic… Protestantism came 1500 years later-it’s not even a player in the game. Every single protestant sect is a tradition of men.
@fantasia55 7 ай бұрын
Worship is via the Mass.
@ralf547 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you in this video, except when you used the word "un-bloody." You make a point to say that in the Mass, Jesus is not re-sacrificed. But if not re-sacrificed, you don't need the descriptor "un-bloody". Raised a Catholic, I was taught that Mass was re presenting Jesus as an un-bloody sacrifice. You here, disagree with what I was taught in Catholic School and for Confirmation. I went to the USCCB, and they use Matthew 26:26-30, Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:14-20, and John 6:22-59. Reading those references reveals no mention of un-bloody or re presentation. Reading Paul in 1 Corinthians does not mention un-bloody, or re presentation. The Lord's Supper is not something we present back to God, it's a great gift we receive. The idea of the priest presenting Christ as a sacrifice is a human invention not found in the early church. But as you referred to, the true presence of Jesus in the Sacrament is taught in the early Church. You mentioned that the terminology "transubstantiation" didn't come into use until a council in the 12 hundreds. You did such a great job of explaining to all those in your audience who regard the Eucharist as just a way of reminding themselves of Jesus' sacrifice, that it is truly the body and blood of Christ. While the elements truly become Body and Blood, we can't explain how. You said that the bread is only an appearance of bread, which means it's actually Jesus' flesh. But you say it's not literally His flesh because we aren't eating Jesus' liver. I agree. But if the elements only appear to be bread and wine, don't they have to be literally flesh and blood? The USCCB uses St. Thomas Acquinas to say it is no longer bread and wine, it only appears to be ( As St. Thomas Aquinas observed, Christ is not quoted as saying, " This bread is my body," but " This is my body" ( Summa Theologiae, III q. 78, a. 5).) Acquinas is highly regarded and often quoted in Lutheran scholarship, but this argument is silly. Jesus didn't need to say "this bread" when He was holding bread and giving out bread to each disciple who then ate bread. Also, Acquinas makes St. Paul out to be either misinformed or a liar. You quoted from 1 Corinthians 11. In verse 26, Paul (writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) says that we eat bread and drink from the cup (of wine) and in so doing we receive Jesus' Body and Blood. Jesus makes it so. My Lutheran understanding is that we truly receive Jesus' Body and Blood. We treat it with appropriate reverence. We believe the scriptures which say that we eat bread and wine in the Lord's Supper because that's what scripture says. We feel no need to explain it. Still, we receive Jesus' true body and blood. Why Catholics and Presbyterians feel compelled to use human reason to create concepts that God's Word doesn't, is beyond my comprehension. Just accept Jesus' words. Lutherans would never parade consecrated bread around the neighborhood of our churches because Jesus instituted the Sacrament as a meal, not a parade. I love the Lutheran handling of Scripture. We don't add to what isn't revealed (Catholicism), or explain away what they don't want to accept (Presbyterians, Baptists, etc). To be bound to teachings that aren't defendable with scripture is putting yourself under the authority of a Church instead of solely Christ. If it's sacred tradition, is there an unbroken documentation of teachings from Book of Acts times down to today? You included the Orthodox in with Catholicism regarding the Eucharist. Why didn't you include Lutherans? What reason is there not to include us among those who believe and receive the true Body and Blood of Christ?
@catholicskeptic Жыл бұрын
@ralf547 You know you and I have communicated long enough, for you to stop doing those shall we say, "cheap shots". You know I am a Catholic, and this is a clear definite Catholic channel. I did mention Lutherans do believe in a real presence of Christ, i certainly know you believe that. The Orthodox are mentioned because their doctrine is nearly identical in regards to liturgy and the Church acknowledges their Bishops in valid Apostolic Succession. Unbloody is used several documents, sorry if your childhood memory of Catholic education doesn't remember that. The reason we use the term unbloody is because Christ does not die again; does not get re-crucified ; is not re-sacrificed. The Mass is a miraculous, re-presentation of that once and for all sacrifice. The rest of the video is very clear, as are my other two videos, "What is the Sacrifice of the Mass?" and "The Bread of Life". I respect your Lutheran convictions, but obviously do not agree with them. And you know darn well we thoroughly reject the sola scriptura belief. We believe Jesus words, we believe the Eucharist is the Body and Blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, and yes, we worship and adore Him in That form. Read and believe John 6.
@ralf547 Жыл бұрын
@@catholicskeptic I was taught in the Catholic church that it was an unbloody sacrifice. It's still called the sacrifice of the Mass. Seeking to clarify isn't a cheap shot. Scripture clearly says it's bread and wine & Body and Blood (1 cor 11:26), not Body & blood that only looks like bread and wine. Also, criticize my rejection of the proclamations of councils and popes that are declared infallible and binding on Catholics. But that makes them as authoritative as God's Word. When they are validated by God's Word, fine. When they aren't they are only pious musings and shoukd not be binding on anyone's conscience. If they contradict God's Word, even on minor point (if such points exist), they should be refuted. Salvation is thru Christ alone and His special revelation is sufficient when applied by His Spirit. You disagree with that? You are doing apologetics of Catholicism, aren't you? If your target audience is only Catholics with erroneous beliefs, say so.
@Kitiwake 11 ай бұрын
Dear raised a Catholic. The reason not to include you is that your ministers don't have holy orders and are merely apeing the consecration which occurs in a Catholic or Orthodox mass.
@barbwellman6686 11 ай бұрын
God required Moses to build a table covered in gold to hold the showbread (Bread of the Face of God) as part of worship at the Temple. "Three times a year, when the children of Israel made the pilgrimage to the Holy Temple-on Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot-they were shown the table and the showbread. “Look at how beloved you are by G‑d!” the Kohanim would tell them, pointing to the showbread, which stayed hot and fresh even though it was left out for a whole week.9" 9. Menachot 29a.
@omni1562 Жыл бұрын
protestants can't, catholics can't, orthodox can't. Only people who have a true heart of worship can, regardless of their denomination.
@trevorsrq6179 Жыл бұрын
God decides how he is a Worshipped. Not you. God killed people in the Old Testament for worshiping him the wrong way. Worship is liturgical and involves sacrifice-protestants only praise, they don’t worship. You guys don’t even have an altar-Yet you have alter calls.
@geoffjs 7 ай бұрын
@@trevorsrq6179great points. Protestantism doesn’t understand what true sacrificial worship is.
@lewis7315 Жыл бұрын
Paganism was brought into the Roman church by Constantine. Today Rome has abandoned & preverted every doctrine of the christian faith.
@trevorsrq6179 Жыл бұрын
How do you know? Were you there? Parroted Protestant Idiocy. Catholicism existed for nearly 400 yrs. Constantine didn’t start the Church. He merely signed the edict of Milan, LEGALIZING Christianity & outlawing persecution. He didn’t mix Tamuz worship with Christianity. He deferred to the Bishops. His mother Helena was already Catholic. As an Ex-Protestant who believed the same stupid crap you do, I can authoritatively tell you there is no paganism in Catholicism. Paganism & idolatry are condemned by the church.
@paulsmallwood1484 Жыл бұрын
Protestant response. Once again my dear Catholic brother you are conflating real presence with transubstantiation. Classic historic Protestantism (Anglican, Lutheran, Reformed) teaches the real presence in the Eucharist. Serious Protestant scholars affirm that real presence was believed by the primitive church. However if you read the church fathers, you will see that while all the church fathers taught the fact of real presence, they differed on the how of real presence. Transubstantiation is merely one way of explaining the how of real presence. Several theories on the how of the real presence have existed throughout church history. Transubstantiation as a way to explain it is a Johnny come lately. It was unknown in the primitive church. Bodily presence for sure was known in the early church (the Lutherans for example believe Christ is bodily present in Holy Communion but they deny transubstantiation as a way to explain it). Transubstantiation as a way to explain Christ’s bodily presence was not known in the primitive church. In fact Transubstantiation was not declared official dogma until the Middle Ages. Please read historic Protestant theological formularies on the real presence. The early Protestant systematic theologians were not merely symbolic or merely a remembrance people. They were solidly in the real presence camp. All affirm the centrality of Word and SACRAMENT in the worship of God. Note: When the primitive church spoke of sacrifice in the Eucharist it did not carry with it the meaning Catholic apologists want to ascribe to it. Catholic apologists continually want to read the medieval church back into the primitive church. Some Evangelicals try to fit some of their beliefs back into the primitive church too so it isn’t just Catholics doing this. BTW I think Heshmeyer is a horrible Catholic apologist. He continually misrepresents the Protestant position (I am tempted to use the word lie but I want to be charitable). He constantly engages in straw man arguments. If you want to hear what Protestantism actually teaches, don’t go to Heshmeyer.
@atrifle8364 Жыл бұрын
The man who starts the discussion by redefining words to his personal liking knows he has lost the argument before it began. Reality doesn't bend to redefining the words that merely describe it.
@paulsmallwood1484 Жыл бұрын
@@atrifle8364 I have no idea what you are talking about. What you just wrote is jibberish. I redefined nothing. Sorry but when I see someone rewriting history I point it out.
@atrifle8364 Жыл бұрын
​​@@paulsmallwood1484- That was my reaction to what you wrote. I was merely saving us time.
@paulsmallwood1484 Жыл бұрын
@@atrifle8364 You may have saved time for yourself but sadly you wasted mine. Let’s part as friends shall we?
@atrifle8364 Жыл бұрын
​@@paulsmallwood1484- You don't seem to care if you are wasting the time of others. I am supposed to take you seriously, as if Jesus has entered the room. Others can have nothing to say to you. It is what is. I will happily for pray for both of us though. Cheers.
@xrendezv0usx Жыл бұрын
If "true worship" is bowing down to images or praying to the deceased, then YES protestants cant experience true worship. But as far as experiencing the true fullness of the real presence of Jesus Christ in Communion, or experiencing the true worship that is born of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I can assure you that we experience "true worship" all the time. When my sins are washed away and I am made as white as snow by the Blood of the Lamb, what else can I do but fall to my face in worship? Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. I worship His Holy Name.
@FlexCathedrafromIG Жыл бұрын
Without a duly ordained priesthood offering the one eternal sacrifice of Christ there is no "true worship". Bowing, crying with arms in the air, and songs of praise is not worship. You can be in ecstacy and tear till your eyes fallout singing God's praise, but without sacrifice there is no worship. Did you even watch the entire video?
@xrendezv0usx Жыл бұрын
@christianabreu3741 Jesus Christ is my High Priest, and He performs the eternal sacrifice. As it is written: "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession."
@FlexCathedrafromIG Жыл бұрын
@@xrendezv0usx okay? I'm not saying that he's not the high priest. I agree with that. But you're missing the fact that Jesus instituted a priesthood. As you even try to look at Christianity in the first 200 years since the resurrection? There was a priesthood that has withstood the test of time and is still with us. Jesus is still the high priest but that doesn't change the important component of their being priest beneath the high priest
@xrendezv0usx Жыл бұрын
@christianabreu3741 I'm just pointing out what nonsense it is for catholic priests to believe they have exclusive control over the Lord's Communion. If there is power in the sacrifice, it 100% comes from Jesus Christ, who is our High Priest and who performs the sacrifice for us. And who is truly present whenever two or more believers are gathered in His name. All this other stuff is worldly nonsense, worldly men trying to claim control or authority over the Body and Blood of Christ. It's exactly the type of thing Jesus warned us against, including His specific warning against His church leaders calling themselves by God's title of "Holy Father." Maybe He knew that when men start calling themselves by God's title of "Holy Father" these men would overstep themselves, and mistakenly believe that they actually speak with the same divine authority and infallibility as the Word of God? Or claim exclusive control over the divine sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Doesn't work like that. You aren't my Holy Father, you don't speak with the same divine authority as the Word of God, you are not my High Priest, and you are not performing the sacrifice of my High Priest. You are just a silly little man with a funny costume and hat pretending to be God.
@FlexCathedrafromIG Жыл бұрын
@@EPH-re2xj The Church has always taught that the Eucharist IS a sacrifice. There's many patristic writings that also say the same. The only way one is unable to understand how the new and eternal passover is not a sacrifice is if one has a very deficient approach and understanding of the Old Testament.
@philoalethia 7 ай бұрын
"Protestants can't experience true worship." You say a lot of absurd, thoughtless things in your videos. This may have topped them all. People's praise, prayers, presence, and lives are living sacrifices. The third Eucharistic prayer implores God to make of us living sacrifices, and the running theme throughout the Scriptures is precisely that the sacrifice acceptable to God is a humble, contrite heart. To pretend that Protestant/Evangelical Christians are not engaged in sacrificial worship is just profoundly ignorant. One could just as easily say that Roman Catholics can't experience true worship, given that so few of them actually have a humble and contrite heart. There are many excellent things about Roman Catholicism. It is possible to promote what is good and true therein without veering into this kind of rhetoric. Your mocking of your brothers and sisters in Christ spreads ignorance, animosity, and division. You are doing a disservice to the Church of Rome and harm to the Body of Christ.
@fantasia55 7 ай бұрын
Church Fathers disagreed with you on this, but you know better because...
@philoalethia 7 ай бұрын
@@fantasia55, your ambiguous claim is meaningless and, as such, fits perfectly with this channel. "Some ambiguous guy who I can't even name probably said something that differs." Ya? Who cares? I can go find a billion people who agree. What I wrote comes from Scripture and from the very prayers of the Church of Rome, for Christ's sake, and your retort is this? Do you really want to play the, "there is someone who disagrees" game? If you are going to make such absurd claims, at least (1) cite the church father who disagrees with what I wrote, and (2) explain why his opinion should matter.
@fantasia55 7 ай бұрын
@@philoalethia Church Fathers and all early Christians believed the Mass to be a continuation of Old Testament temple worship.
@viapotentiaacademy5380 7 ай бұрын
@@fantasia55, ​ @fantasia55 , again, you are just making ambiguous claims. ANYONE can say or write "those people over there disagree with you." It is a pointless claim. If you are not willing to cite your sources, explain the relevance, and explain how that source matters, your posts about "some guy or people disagree" is really quite pointless. Did you want to have a mature, adult discussion, or just make fruitless statements?
@fantasia55 7 ай бұрын
@@viapotentiaacademy5380 Your argument is with the Church Fathers, not me.
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