Very useful! thanks. If i have kept the anger for so long and won't have a chance to express. How should i handle this anger?
@nicolefok19358 ай бұрын
我係憤怒 但沒有出聲 但變左自己屈住屈住 5知點表達忿怒好 人地就覺得我好嘏
@JamesChow-z3e2 жыл бұрын
@TreeholeHK2 жыл бұрын
講得冇錯, 判斷係一種智慧~
@hoyingyuen3292 жыл бұрын
Dear Peter sir : 💗l am Benner Yuen who is a Christian. lndeed, l've also experienced a very unfair treatment. Once l worked in a hospital, always I had been forced to cooperate with a bad workmate who often did harm to patients. According to my perspective, l must care for the patients by heart but my attitude had been jealous by "the wild animal". On one occasion, l quarreled with him vigorously, but our madam/sister seemed to criticize me negatively. 😓 As a conclusion, may a staff holding longer experience get a greater right ?😡😡
Good summary, 關於期望同憤怒有興趣可以睇吓呢篇論文:
@loksteven73892 жыл бұрын
@stijnzoe98502 жыл бұрын
試過被個日資公司interviewer串我"讀master係useless, 話佢地公司只得一兩個人有master, 其餘60幾人都無, 話佢自己都無master係靠係呢間公司做左廿幾年先有今日呢個位, 話我唔好妄想有master就覺得自己好威可以好快上位就直接apply manager位, 話佢地無請manager, 唔好妄想我一入黎就可以做manager, 最多只係比個officer你做" 當時好想即刻拍枱企起身妖爆佢老母, It's an insult. He was insulting me (female). 但當時忍左佢懶有氣度, 又怕憤怒嘅後果 跟住我話: "雖然我係主動apply呢個manager位, 但你HR寫招聘嘅時候亦都係話請manager, 我亦都係因為合乎基本條件而申請, 如果你跟本唔係想請manager又唔係想要高學歷, 證明你地同HR溝通好有問題, 而唔係申請人嘅問題" 最後條友問我: 'if we give you the offer, would you take it?" 我話: "Depends. You're not the only company I am interviewing with." 然後條友塊面黑到爆炸話"Ok, thank you for your time" 我都回敬佢一句: "You're welcome. It's good to know that we are not suitable for each other." 行出間公司之後其實一路好嬲, 又好嬲自己當事無開火妖爆條仆街, 同埋覺得自己當時對住呢條仆街仍然太有禮貌, 應該要再串啲 Peter你又覺得我當時應唔應該嬲? 唔發嬲又係咪最好處理的方法? 唔發嬲又覺得對唔住自己, 發又驚個後果影響自己