You should make a video about how to bring your friends into hunt, best ways to help them avoid how initially frustrating this game can be, so they can really get into the game
@s.h-d6074 Жыл бұрын
Would love to see you play with two "noobs". Bet its hillarious
@killerspawn6299 Жыл бұрын
No, let them fight
@alanashark9684 Жыл бұрын
Ive recently tried bringing in a handful of people *exactly* like that panicked white shirt, and they all play exactly the same way, getting panicked and doing silly things
@granddd7273 Жыл бұрын
Whenever I play with people who have 2,000+ hours I always ask them what advice they have for new players. Almost everybody says "don't crouch walk. Never stop moving."
@xGRIMxGHOSTx Жыл бұрын
@@granddd7273 well I agree with never stop moving, sometimes crouch walking can be essential in stealth when relocating or attempting to ambush. My best advice to you would be find a play style you enjoy, and don’t let others tell you what you enjoy is wrong. The moment you let the opinions of others get to you is the moment the game becomes less enjoyable.
@snazzysnek Жыл бұрын
I can relate to that panic, my hour count keeps steadily climbing and yet any time I get shot at I get startled, and flinch my camera around every time
@sarterius6225 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, i have that too, but it gets better with experience! Just keep at it and you will be as cold as steel if you get shot and keep 'em nerves!
@captainprometheus3102 Жыл бұрын
I remembered stopping Hunt for a few months due to being out station for work. Waiting for friends to come on, decided QP was good to retrain. Was in DeSelle and then passing the Prison just after getting the clue in the courtyard heading SoutWest to 7 Sisters, hearing a shot gun right behind me, my lord I forgot how loud it was and I immediately got shocked and my hand moved my vision looking upwards.. hit behind the boxes just near the boss lair exit. Punched him to death with my K.Knife cause I had no confidence in two tapping him. Didn't heal at all. It was a rush I tell you.
@sarterius6225 Жыл бұрын
@@captainprometheus3102 These are the moments, where you feel the adrenalin rushing through your body, hahaha!
@lexbotkin3100 Жыл бұрын
I used to get that all the time. Hunt can definitely be a horror game! I actually miss those days.
@snazzysnek Жыл бұрын
@@sarterius6225 I have about 220 hours lmao, didn't think it would still be scary at this point
@RandomLombax37 Жыл бұрын
That start is just sad. Four clean on an uppercut and no climax... I mean death sound.
@ynegkor_2799 Жыл бұрын
I think Mike should try to do a cheeky self revive tactic on the extraction. I saw one video about it today, and its super disgusting). Basically you take a bear trap with you to one of the extractions which bounty holders most likely will use, then you wait for bounty to start moving to that extraction. After that when you are sure, that bounty is coming, you kill yourself at the nearest bushes to the extraction. Then you just listen for bounty to come, they feel that they are safe. You press self revive, throw a big dynamite bundle at them, and immediately shoot with Springfield(explosion ammo). Bounty dies, pure evil
@4nlimited3dition_4n3d Жыл бұрын
Works with shotguns as well. Specially crown and cringe. And even better if you set traps on the exit. You revive when you hear a trap go off. Also best to have regen and stamina shot in you so that you regen immediately after getting up and are not out of stamina.
@ledzep215 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the content you're putting out lately!
@boiboh2954 Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen 3 star randoms do this. I had a partner who was actively being punched by a hunter frantically trying to use his medkit while facejumping into a brick wall. Hell I’ve had 3 star randoms refuse to bring *medkits.*
@CaptainRezo Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah, nice to see some love for the Berthier Deadeye thats my favorite sniper in hunt :) awesome for most distances.
@wakingfromslumber9555 Жыл бұрын
Love the way you explain the reasoning behind your actions.
@TracksterTV Жыл бұрын
psychoghost pumping out content like crazy xoxoxo keep up with the great content!
@A00565911 Жыл бұрын
Love your content Mr Ghost!!! Keep up the good work!
@nickmcbride5213 Жыл бұрын
I was playing against trios the other day and killed the same guy three times and was pretty hyped… then saw he was a one star at the end of the match and was pretty sad
@millebrasco Жыл бұрын
so they really exist? it is not a myth :O
@headnathan Жыл бұрын
"I'm too close... Maybe I can sneak up." - Mike
@jasq8498 Жыл бұрын
There's exactly one thing keeping me from liking deadeye scopes. When you start aiming down the deadeye while another animation like running or darksight hasn't fully finished (I'm assuming it's also with gear swapping. Can't exactly remember.), it'll take some extra time on top of just raising the gun to align the sight properly. The time to reach the proper sight picture depends on how bad the previous animation and aiming overlap. This actually happens with iron sights as well but unlike with irons, the scope will momentarily block the view of your intended target and it really throws me off. Actually the scopes will always block your view for a blink of an eye even if you start aiming while sitting perfectly still and not having the animations overlap. While not aiming, the scopes will show on them an opaque image of a reflection. This reflection will only go away and let you see through the scope once the gun is nearly all the way raised. That blocking of the view makes quickly acquiring targets with scopes a bit tougher already but having the alignment delay on top of it hurts the deadeyes in a disproportionate way in my opinion. I think it's fair to have on marksmans and snipers but speeding up the animation for deadeyes or making it so that the misaligned sight wouldn't take away more than 1/3 of the full sight picture at worst would make them a lot more usable.
@BepSea Жыл бұрын
whenever I really start to panic I start to spin because I don't know what's going on
@joshmclovin Жыл бұрын
Glad you shouted the Vertelli out, that's my favorite variant too is the dead eye. Always love the longer videos.
@RandomLombax37 Жыл бұрын
Got a guy last night about 100 meters with a vandal deadeye with HV rounds in one shot. I was hiding in some reeds and domed him getting the bounty.
@boiboi2674 Жыл бұрын
Vetterli deadeye is the best deadeye riffle
@theartofcompetition5965 Жыл бұрын
i love deadeye so much better than a mosin iron sights imo.
@9-b_b-9 Жыл бұрын
As someone who also dislikes deadeye scopes I also have a single one that works and for me its the Martini. No clue why maybe because I feel less pressure with a single shot to hit headshot but I just works for me.
@TwerpAV Жыл бұрын
when i play my panic button is dark sight
@druidjuicer636 Жыл бұрын
Venison sandwiches, eh Mike? 😄I'm only a few hundred hours in and this game can be cruel BUT I am playing Quickplay mostly and now I'm actually enjoying playing people who are a LOT better than I am, dying a lot but winning some against the odds then matchmaking in Bounty for a chill afterwards. Hunt is definitely my favourite game of all time.
@GabrielScar Жыл бұрын
In that station, with all the wire blocking you, it was as if Joe had been in there. 🤣 Musical greetings from Belgium, Gunther (zanger en tekstschrijver van Gabriel Scar)
@Despresso-ht6ce Жыл бұрын
@bob1268205 Жыл бұрын
I remember my time back in 2018 in Hunt for the first time, where i paniced as a solo when people were rushing with knives. If it was any other ranged combat or stealth involved, no panic at all. Now, I can just Banzai in with a knife and win the encounter, when the oppertunity presents itself. lol
@jernogan Жыл бұрын
The berthier is honnestly my favorite gun, so good
@Palefox27 Жыл бұрын
That's one of the best rifles in the game.
@ebenezerscrew Жыл бұрын
We are a team of of us played 600+ hours on controller only, takes only 1 loadout every single game (vetterli+bornheim and no vit shots), he gets scared all the time to the point where basic instincts just stop working. Even after all this time playing with him i still feel bad every time i have to spectate him because i got downed. It's so sad and hilarious at the same time😆 We're still having alot of fun, people are just different😁
@lethalghost9294 Жыл бұрын
Long videos are awesome!
@sike3000 Жыл бұрын
me *books Friday & Monday off for a comic con* Mike *Uploads Multiple Videos* Me "cowabunga it is"
@Kilroy101 Жыл бұрын
20:35 Funny enough - they might be not a Bambi at all lol I've met some people with prestige 10-15 playing like this lol
@gabrielfunez3863 Жыл бұрын
Regretably, we're seeing more and more of those bambis in South America since the MMR changes. Lots of 3 stars thrown into matches with trios of 6s and 5s. If it isn't too much to ask, I'd love if you tell the devs about this issue Mike, they might hear you. The MMR changes in SA are a terrible idea. We only had two lobbies before: up to 3,5 Match MMR (mostly 3s and one 4) and everything after (two 4s and a 3 were in the same lobby as three 5s, two 6s and a 5, etc. you get the idea, high elo lobbies in SA were sweaty as heck and very unfair to new players). Three friends that I recommended the game have stopped playing because they are two 4s and one 3 and get stomped by 6s and 5s with 4.000+ hours of Hunt. And the new update to MMR makes things even worse. We never had empty or half populated lobbies in SA, the MMR changes shouldn't have been applied here. Sorry for the long post mate, keep up the good content. /edit: typo.
@AizaakThurston Жыл бұрын
The more I play Hunt the more I think allowing solo is a mistake. I don't play solo often but I find it hilarious when i'm against 3 star players as 5 star, it feels like dev sanctioned bullying.
@zacharywood3182 Жыл бұрын
Algo love
@weaston243 Жыл бұрын
Every once in a while my friends I play with regularly will panic like this. I will hear them fumble hard with their keys, or if I'm spectating, see them fly through their inventories, almost seemingly at random, until they get killed. Always gets a chuckle out of me!
@Drippy_dripster Жыл бұрын
What I don’t understand is if I get knocked to 3* as a solo I get lobbies of bots and have several games in a row getting 6+ kills and it takes forever to get back to 4* then in 4* lobbies I’ll still get 4+ kills, have a few good games then say I get knocked once then boom back to 3* for a year
@variend490 Жыл бұрын
Yesterday I watched the video you uploaded after 2 mins of uploading, now it's 4 mins. I gotta beat my record and make it 1 min for the next
@19guenni63 Жыл бұрын
they simply would not let mike get his gator trap. they did not know with whom they were dealing - with mike, the hunter who killed bambi. and bambis parents… so sad 😂❤
@Lustik1990 Жыл бұрын
wait wait was the intro music from v rising?
@PsychoghostGaming Жыл бұрын
All music listed in the description :)
@howitzer551 Жыл бұрын
I sort of agree with you Mike. While I don't hate the deadeye scope as much as you, I find it a little pointless. The ranges it is useful most guns I would prefer the iron sight and for longer than that it doesn't have enough zoom. I would have to check, but you are losing cqb effectiveness for like 5 more meters of good accuracy over the iron sight, not worth it in my mind. Still the Berthier deadeye scope has one of the better sight pictures so at least you have that going for you, that is probably why you like it the most out of all the deadeyes (crazy long ammo RoF doesn't hurt either)
@theartofcompetition5965 Жыл бұрын
you use mosins iron sights for cqb? I love the deadeye scopes. SO many times ill be at mid range with iron sights rifles and its just tougher to line up headshots. With a little zoom and a cleaner image its so much easier with deadeye. For those that rely on stealth i think deadeye is better.
@howitzer551 Жыл бұрын
@@theartofcompetition5965 I am very confused. The Mosin only has a sniper scope or iron sights on all its variants. I has no deadeye, and I am certainly not using a Mosin sniper in CQC. Maybe I would hip fire but most likely just use my other weapon. So, I am confused what your point is. Also, close quarters battle (CQB) tends to relate to overall strategy and have to do with pretty much any Urban fighting, in hunt showdown terms how you approach and deal with compounds. Which is what I am talking about, you seem to be talking about close quatres combat (CQC) which is how one person or up a unit of guys deals with an enemy right next to them, whether across a street or in the same room. Either way feel free to use the Deadeye scope there is nothing wrong with it I just tend to not use it on anything besides the Berthier. In my humble opinion most other guns that use it don't have enough projectile speed to justify the extra cost of the weapon.
@theartofcompetition5965 Жыл бұрын
@@howitzer551 I only use deadeye with berthier and veterelli with high velocity. I also realize mosin doesnt have deadeye variants im simply comparing the options. between mosin iron sights or veterelli or berhtier deadeye. I feel those are better options for mid and long range than iron sights. if you want to use long ammo for close quarter battles why not just use an uppercut. the sway is irrelevant at that range therefor almost no difference between mosin and uppercut at that range.
@howitzer551 Жыл бұрын
@@theartofcompetition5965 You are literally describing exactly why I tend to not like the Deadeye. Except the two guns you mentioned (and the Veterlli needs the high vel bad), most of the Deadeye guns can't use the range the scope gives them. These are made up numbers but it's just to make my point. Let say the Deadeye scope lets you see 30 m more than the iron sight and aim accurately at targets at that distance. Unless they are holding still or moving on flat ground in a straight line it will be very hard to hit them at that range with most of the slower bullet deadeye guns. Maybe it gives 10 m more effective range where you can lead and hit a moving target in my mind that is not worth less close range effectiveness, more cost and probably needing high vel just to make it work. But hey, that is me, if you like it more power to you man. I like that the game is balanced enough that while there is a meta there are plenty of viable builds of off meta stuff that people can like and actually play with. Also, I don't know why you said the uppercut stuff. I said I wouldn't use a Mosin at close range and would prefer to use my other weapon. IDK why you assume I am a long ammo boy that needs an uppercut, but my secondary choice is a 3-way tie between Scottfield, Pax, and Officer with FMJ conversion in close second. If I am using a Mosin, I would probably be using the Officer out of those 4.
@theartofcompetition5965 Жыл бұрын
@@howitzer551 I misunderstood I thought you said you like to use mosin in cqb. Lets forget the other deadeye variants because as i said before i agree i also dont use them. veterellie and berthier as i said before are what im talking about. we are both failing comprehension class lol. that out of the way... if you are staying at range then the deadeye vet and berth > than iron sights mosin or lebel etc. you will have a significant advantage vs him. If the mosin wants to have an advantage over the deadeye vet or berth then he will need to get closer at which point you can switch to your sidearm. if you have an uppercut he will have a tiny advantage. If you have an officer you might have the advantage depending on the situation its kinda a wash. In all these example im assuming money is not an issue because paying for high velocity is not really an issue for most people. All that being said you are right it really depends on your playstyle i suppose as well. Im more conservative and keep my distance more often rather than subject my self to the high variance of going into a compound and getting third partied sandwiched. Also i find it exhausting to use iron sights.
@bathe-in-glass5133 Жыл бұрын
Please do the Django unchained build my friend Vega and I invented. It is dual uppercuts with a single uppercut sidearm. Fanning is a must. Makes for some insane plays and clips and is something i think your viewers would enjoy
@GM-vy1wy Жыл бұрын
"To be fair, this is a very nasty gap"....that's what I said to your mom! 😮😂
@DrHotdogsMD Жыл бұрын
@amnesicturtles4145 Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one with a lot of trouble seeing at what distance people are when using dark sight?
@killerspawn6299 Жыл бұрын
Same but if I see anything they're already too close
@killerspawn6299 Жыл бұрын
Same but if I see anything they're already too close
@PsychoghostGaming Жыл бұрын
Depending on blob size they are close or far, it gets better with some practice :)
@MrEisenhaupt Жыл бұрын
.....but we still love you 😉😂
@omnyy_ Жыл бұрын
If I do half of how he is playing I die from a new team coming and having the best timing or from a solo sniper at 150m 🙃
@PsychoghostGaming Жыл бұрын
Me too, but that doesn’t go on YT haha
@ReyNoxSix Жыл бұрын
Average Groot hater: 5:37
@iMost067 Жыл бұрын
im on a side of Lebel Aperture over deadeye. picture is clearer and for some reason it feels much more zoomed in.
@panaku3963 Жыл бұрын
its me or sometime the hit-box in this game is broken.. like i my aim is clearly on is chest, and the game say no hit the arm, is the lower chest.. like wtf.. even on zombie can see it easy how the hitbox is weird
@th3lon3cooki39 Жыл бұрын
it could be your ping to the server. you shoot, but the server doesnt register your shot for a second later and the enemy moves slightly but you dont see it on your end, and then it shows you hit the arm. unfortunately might be an internet or computer issue. kind of out of your control
@panaku3963 Жыл бұрын
@@th3lon3cooki39 my computer not the issue that for sure. got it all max out, i see many time that the game put me in server where i play vs german people and other country far from me.. so yeah maybe ping not helping. i get many time server where i get close to 100ping . thx
@th3lon3cooki39 Жыл бұрын
@@panaku3963 yeah you can set region in the main menu. And then un-click the secondary option so that it only puts you in your main region. That should help with your ping a lot. Only sacrifice is maybe longer queue times. But lower ping is worth it in this game. Good luck buddy
@panaku3963 Жыл бұрын
@@th3lon3cooki39 i do it its like both us server selected and still got to play on server far away
@PsychoghostGaming Жыл бұрын
Recording and watching slow-mo helps. But sometimes …
@Redrobin516 Жыл бұрын
+1000 Bucks for bullying
@russellbaker7579 Жыл бұрын
"To be fair this is a very nasty gap" .....Thats what she said.....
@Steve-gp6gl Жыл бұрын
@akaLuckyEye_G Жыл бұрын
Toxic content creator bullying bambies. kappa
@GhostGrave_ Жыл бұрын
@Novalistria Жыл бұрын
@skd9da Жыл бұрын
because aim punch exist in this game and whenever I get sneaky hit with something powerful my mouse go 360 always