Which track in this compilation is your favorite? The most voted tracks will be entered into our NOSTALGIA playlist on Spotify! > open.spotify.com/playlist/5xsjhhPPg0TUfV8Rn8jMqZ --- 00:00 Kalax | Kawasaki Warehouse | kalax.bandcamp.com/album/iii 02:31 Laura Dre | Kyoto Dreams | lauradre.bandcamp.com/album/kyoto-dreams 06:07 Vulkari64 | Tape Drive | synthetixmusiclabel.bandcamp.com/album/vulkari64-starset 10:05 Phaserland | Pulse and Run | phaserland.bandcamp.com/album/lens-of-a-dream 13:33 The Future Kids | In The Clouds | thefuturekids.bandcamp.com/album/80s-dreams-album 17:48 The Magic Portal | Garden of Stars | themagicportal.bandcamp.com/ 21:44 Morgan Willis | Iza | morganwillisofficial.bandcamp.com/album/dreamer-3 26:52 Morphoice | Tokyo2086 | morphoice.bandcamp.com/album/vinyl-city