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Why do people dislike this Final Fantasy so much!?
This is merely for review, analysis, breakdown and constructive criticism purpose, I do not claim the audiovisual product I reacted to as my own.
#reaction #finalfantasy14 #ffxiv #ost #jhulianr

Пікірлер: 324
@timeshade Ай бұрын
Anyone telling you ffxiv is bad is pushing nonsense hate.
@unlimited971 Ай бұрын
looks like wow andies who can t even stand having to read
@LikeAFemaleDog Ай бұрын
Game & Developers : This game is focuses more on the story than it does on the gameplay Gamers : Ok, that's fine. Game proceeds to focus on the story first Gamers : wHy nO gAMePlaY!? Although, not to say the gameplay portion is bad, it's just not the focus.
@yeetusdeleetus4697 Ай бұрын
@@LikeAFemaleDog No, thats not really true at all. The game was heavily gameplay focused for most of its lifespan ever since 2.0. Then a bunch of twitter uwu losers came in and decided they run the place because they have a weird parasocial relationship with Yoshi P
@Fighter600 Ай бұрын
@@yeetusdeleetus4697 So a bunch of twitter people somehow infiltrated the Creative Business Unit 3 development room and change the focus of the game? Through what, mind control? Do you think before you type?
@yeetusdeleetus4697 Ай бұрын
@@Fighter600 Yes thats what an intelligent person who read my comment would glean. CBU3 is a business that is out to make money. The ShB/EW player surge 5x'd the playerbase. The new players heavily out number the original players of the game who the game was catered to. Now the average player is a socially anxious twitter activist who has panic attacks when they go into a level 26 dungeon and hates that they have to do dungeons for the story. These same idiots also whale out super hard on the mogstation on fantasia, it would be stupid of CBU3 to not pivot to cater to these subhumans.
@Ziraa Ай бұрын
The story of FFXIV is absolutely one of the best i've ever experienced in my long journey of gaming
@supernicktendo64 Ай бұрын
After the wrap up of 6.0, I have cried, felt, and thought more than any other game has ever bid me to do. From the very moment that you take your first steps unto Eorzea, you were bid to "Think, Hear, and Feel". After more than 10 years, anyone who has deigned to do so understand the depth that phrase really asks us to delve. A story, I cannot imagine, could have been told in any less an amount of time. It is worth it. Every bit of it. And everything, every little details, feels like it has meaning in the end. FFXIV is one of the best stories and journeys ever taken, and sprouted so beautifully from an MMO that was doomed to die only to be reborn again.
@Ziraa Ай бұрын
@@supernicktendo64 Just reading your comment made me tear up
@supernicktendo64 Ай бұрын
@@Ziraa It do be like that. And now, we emotional vampires at the end of 6.5 content just keep chasing those sprouts experiencing it all over again. Weirdest addiction I've ever heard of, but there is something just so human about it all.
@Hiroyashy Ай бұрын
@@supernicktendo64 There is something cathartic about watching someone else live through the same experiences as yourself, so I can't fault anyone for doing so. Can be annoying sometimes, though.
@Adrasteia__ Ай бұрын
​@@supernicktendo64 Honestly there was even one other 'phrasing' I somehow latched on to that gave me insane chills at the end of Endwalker and if I wasn't ugly crying already, I would have ugly cried. *Attention spoilers!!!* When you first meet Urianger, he quotes at you: "Dawn may banish even the darkest night" and at the end of ARR Minfilia says to you: "As long as your flame continues to burn, the light of the dawn may ever be relit!" And what happend at the end of EW? Dawn banished even the darkest of nights. (The chills I had, when dawn broke). And then comes the whole speak by Zenos about burning or not burning through the candle of someones life. In retrospectiv it almost seems like a prophecy everybody was somehow aware of and was more than once willing to make sacrifices to get the WoL to the End. So to me the moral of the story was: "As long as you survive, no matter the hardships, no matter how dark and hopeless it seems to be, there will be light as long as you continue to be there to light it." And pulling even the smallest strings together to deliver a conclusion that could be interpreted as such made this story not only good, but outstanding in my opinion.
@kenshinleo Ай бұрын
FFXIV: one of the best story of FF, and one of the best antagonists of all time in the latest expansions. And I listen to the OST everyday.
@EveKagamine Ай бұрын
emet is a very very good
@TheDarkChaplain Ай бұрын
Those comments shown on screen? They're awfully salty and far from reality. Unlike stuff like WoW, XIV actually wants and requires you to engage with its story - it's a Final Fantasy first and foremost, after all. If you're in for some magical "endgame" grind, like far too many folks were during the wave of the WoW-exodus from a few years back, you're in for a lot of hurt, because the game won't just let you skip the story and ignore it like other MMOs. The Journey is the point, the "endgame" is simply where you end up between patches once you're caught up. The base game story is slow, however. It takes a while to get going, even with some trimming down of the questlines they did a few years ago. It's there to establish the world, the political status quo, and most of the main cast that'll stick with you throughout. It's providing the groundwork for all that's to come, and your player character is still pretty green and not an obvious hero character with a big reputation, so quests aren't as world-shatteringly important yet. Once you reach the end of the base game's storyline, things start to change, with Heavensward hooking people for good. That being said, I think the latest expansion, Endwalker, would do a good job putting your mind at ease and possibly solving some of those depression conundrums. It's very much an emotional, healing experience by the end.
@alder96ontwitch88 Ай бұрын
Im kinda inaktiv until Dawntrail comes out, but think about logging in from time to time Im was there when the world ended and was new Reborn, and I never stopped loving this game its story an characters
@TheDarkChaplain Ай бұрын
@@alder96ontwitch88 I've been having problems committing to the game again after finishing the Endwalker MSQ; I still haven't gotten past the first patch! The way EW ended left me so deeply satisfied with the story, characters and overall message, how can I ask for more? Which means I got a lot of catching up to do now - but every time I try to play lately, my internet goes down due to ISP problems. Really annoying...
@alder96ontwitch88 Ай бұрын
@TheDarkChaplain I finished the recent patch and got my jobs,crafting and gathering on max but I never really was a big raider and I don't have an active fc so I don't wanna hang around solo but I know some of my friends said to return for dawntrail and I'm looking forward to it the new areas look great and the story wich sounds intriguing ( the last two.patches maby will get you in to the new story line hint hint XD) And I'm.also totally looking forward for Pictomance and Viper and I haven't decided wicht to get first But I probably stay healer for the seventh time
@ninjafoxgamesgeekery Ай бұрын
"There was never any one meaning..." After all the hopelessness and despair, it's so wholesome of a message. Moreso if you do all the tribe quests.
@KainArkanos Ай бұрын
@@TheDarkChaplain I don't think the post-patch EW is the best follow up it could've been, but in reality I don't consider EW anywhere close to a wrapup, simply the end of the arc that started in ARR, but not the end of the story to be told since 1.0.
@garion128 Ай бұрын
"This words must have some lore, some meaning" oh boy, if you knew...
@Amaquieria Ай бұрын
So much lore. All through out all the expansions with an amazing culmination in endwalker. It is a liet motif as well.
@Salt_Mage Ай бұрын
This song’s meaning has changed a lot as the game’s story has evolved. It is a testament to the strength of will inside of mankind, that though life may be full of sorrow and pain, we are strong enough to carry on. In the face of despair, in blackest darkness, we are the light - the beacon to guide others to a better tomorrow.
@cptncutleg Ай бұрын
The meaning has never changed, it's just that more and more meaning has been revealed, allowing us new interpretations.
@Umega101 Ай бұрын
@@cptncutleg This. They already had a good idea where a lot of things were going with the story and knew the power of the song. It is the only way they pulled off a story this well woven together over the course of ten years I do wonder how much they planned the now infamous "Walk" with a certain someone and the final revelation of this song's meaning in Endwalker... it had to be a lot for that hit like it did. A lot
@kevenmonge1390 Ай бұрын
Like Hydaelyn said: “Darkness and Light, Despair and Hope As goeth one, so goeth the other. Become light, become Hope”
@MorgothGamingTrove Ай бұрын
In the end, I think we will all agree that this game has been an insane journey and that for a massive amount of people, Answer is where it started.​@Umega101
@Forien Ай бұрын
@@Umega101 They rewrote all Ascian thing between ARR and HW, so no way they knew this when they made the song (in 1.0). They made story to Answers, not Answers to the story. And this is why meaning evolves. And it's great. Even more impressive that they were able to make everything fit the song so nicely!
@DefenderX Ай бұрын
FFXIV has loads and loads of awesome tracks. It's very worth checking them out.
@RasenCore Ай бұрын
The story of XIV is probably one of the best I've EVER experienced. It does starts kinda slow in 2.0 but consider that they had to rebuild the game from the grounds up since 1.0 flopped super hard (they managed to turn the game being remade into an actual in-game event while Answers played so it's kinda cool). It has also one of my favourite MMO systems since you can play with every job (class) on a single character and I'm playing on console, the controller gameplay is made masterfully but I still have a keyboard for chatting.
@JackWolf1 Ай бұрын
Lots of people have probably did the same thing in the comments, but it bears reiterating: Is FFXIV worth playing? Yes. Is it for everyone? No. Is it for anyone that wants a deep story with emotional depths, moments of levity, severe gut-punches, and companions with character growth all set to some of the best music in video games? Absolutely. Even it’s only to “take a peak” at the game, it’s worth going into the free trial. There’s a lot to do, even without an actual sub, and chances are you’ll be invested enough in the story to get the full package.
@Biscuit-1337 Ай бұрын
I do try to give anyone I get into the game a big heads up at just how slow the base game is. It sets the big foundation that all the expansions build on, and it didn't feel slow playing it as it all released, but now, it seems like a nearly interminable grind to get to heavensward. Once you get there though, you're in for such a treat with all the rest of the story quests through all the expansions. I definitely don't judge anyone who decides to story so to heavensward and just catch up on story vids.
@Hawkeye446 Ай бұрын
It's crazy to me that saying "it isn't for everyone" feels like something you need to say even though it ought to be akin to saying "grass is green" or "the sun is hot". The idea that a game might be for everyone should be ludicrous. Nothing is for everyone. Chocolate isn't for everyone. Ice cream isn't for everyone. Heck, not even WATER is for everyone (water allergies are a real thing and SUUUUUCK) so where did this idea that a game might conceivably be "for everyone" come from? I'm not attacking you for saying it btw, I'm just baffled you're right to say it when it should be so obvious that it doesn't need to be explicitly stated. Anyway, all that aside, yes FFXIV is amazing and no, it's not "for everyone" so you're not wrong if you bounce off it. That said I do highly recommend giving it a shot. Millions of people love it, and with good reason, and the free trial is amazingly generous. Check it out if you are even remotely interested
@JackWolf1 Ай бұрын
@@Hawkeye446 because society in general is wrong and humans like to make assumptions, then get mad when their assumptions are wrong
@daeamiralis Ай бұрын
The gameplay of the modern ffxiv is pretty good. Its an mmo, there's some standard mmo conventions. The controller controls are actually fantastic, and I play with controller even on pc. Storywise, people criticize the base game for being boring. Thats probably true for a lot of people, it's slower and more mundane than the storytelling later on, but it really helps establish the world in a way thats important to the setting
@broad_cat Ай бұрын
I will agree and add on that its sort of like reading a Dickens novel. Its not a fun light read like the Hobbit or something, its slow, and requires investment in the characters. But that final third where things kick off is all the more engrossing for it. Gameplay wise, its definitely an MMO with all the good and bad that entails. I've tried to get friends in who didn't like MMO's and it was rough. Its not the most engaging gameplay wise especially during story missions. Harder content is fun, but even then its fundamentally a puzzle to solve socially with friends. Not riveting moment to moment decision making. I would recommend, but its definitely not for everyone, and there's no shame in that. :) I think its all good, but it takes all sorts. But FWIW, it is some of the best long-term story telling in video gaming imo. Especially Shadowbringers, imo, is independently such an incredible story with such compelling villainy it really makes you think. But you gotta enjoy the whole journey to there too. /rant Love the game, but its polarizing, and for somewhat justifiable reasons.
@daeamiralis Ай бұрын
I've played just about every final fantasy and Heavensward is my favorite story in the whole series. Shadowbringers is a very, very close second.
@boogsloogus Ай бұрын
People saying ffxiv is bad is just insane cope. First game to have driven me emotionally to such an incredible degree Yeah there's a lotta cutscenes interwoven, but it helps further immersion to an extremely effective degree
@oliverurbanik9647 Ай бұрын
Well, its a Story Driven Game in the first place. True - the main Story is some kind of Walking Simualtor between Cutscenes, with some Dungeons between some points. But - oh boy.. the Story IS THIS FKN GOOD ... i cried like a baby on many occasions... FF14 is no sprint - its a nice afternoon walk in the park - with a lot of tissues at hand. And if you want, a lot of Raiding/Trials/Ultimates, which wont get out of fashion as 'Old' content in WoW. I was to long poised with WoW and this mindset - tried FF14 3 times - but 3 years ago it hooked me with Heavensward. Never looked back. Good game. Would cry again.
@bug-deal Ай бұрын
this song hits so hard every time
@Sephalia Ай бұрын
FFXIV is a slow slow burn. It starts as a good game, but it's real strength is how well it builds upon its own world and its characters and just keeps getting better and better and better. This song definitely makes you think about life, and the game really explores that throughout the expansions. How do different characters deal with loss, how do they deal with finding purpose in their life, where are their sources of hope and inspiration. And sprinkled throughout are just great characters and story moments. If you like a good story, I can't recommend this one enough.
@swaswj414 Ай бұрын
Would highly recommend FF14. The story, music, and community are top notch. There's a free trial through the base game and first two expansions, so you don't need to commit any money toward it until you're sure it's for you. Even if you don't end up playing, there is a wealth of fantastic music
@sharenone876 Ай бұрын
First three expansions are part of the free trial now
@swaswj414 Ай бұрын
@@sharenone876 Just Heavensward and Stormblood. Although A Realm Reborn is 2.0, they don't technically categorize it as an expansion because 1.0 is no longer available. So ARR, HW, and SB are included in the free trial. ShB, EW, and DT are paid/subscription.
@sharenone876 Ай бұрын
@@swaswj414 you’re right, sorry. I wasn’t meaning to call ARR an expansion but had an error in my thinking And reading comprehension which led to me then misspeaking. Yes, we are in agreement; ARR, HW, and StB are all part of the free to play as of now. I know full well that ARR is the base game, yet for some odd reason (my error in thinking here) my brain wants to call every section of the game an expansion 😆 😵‍💫
@KyzulVT Ай бұрын
I will try to get into this without spoilers and getting too deep, so some details may be off to people that know, but I figure it would be best to obscure meaning as to not reveal too much. The male choir at the beginning and throughout represents people who have begun doubting their faith, which is represented by the female lead. Why must we suffer so and continue on when I can barely lift my feet? Well, everyone has a different answer. "Thy life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow." It's up to you to find the Answer (heh) to what gives your own life meaning. To quote from the game itself: "To live is to suffer. To drink of calamity and drown in anguish. To toil and be tested, always and ever. 'Tis a perilous path you walk. Death lurks in the dark, and is the sole promise that awaits at journey's end. You will tremble with terror. You will weep tears of anger and despair ...but do not avert your eyes. See your life for what it is"
@drachepumpernickel7056 Ай бұрын
It's nihilism. Nihilism takes 2 paths. Destructive nihilism which is the whole life has no meaning, nothing you do matters so why bother? And there is hopeful/constructive nihilism, which is best summed up as "life has no meaning or purpose? So what, we'll make our own. Create our own path" life means whatever we ourselves choose for it to mean. It's a great expression of free-will. We rise or fall on our own. I think it's a beautiful message that sums up the human spirit and the core of the message of the game.
@k.vn.k Ай бұрын
FFXIV is a chilled MMORPG where rushing is not the way to go. So you need to slow down, experience the beautiful journey and story. It’s a mature game so you can expect smooth, clean and complete gameplay.
@sebastianoltean1952 Ай бұрын
Make sure to check out the song "Flow" also from FFXIV, it goes hand in hand with Answers. (also incredibly important and meaningful). Answers is such an important song with how it manages to portray what being human means. This is peak human artistry. The song talks about what it means to be human so obviously suffering and despair are part of that ("Thy Life is a Riddle to Bear Rapture and Sorrow"), but it's also about hope ("To listen, to suffer, to ENTRUST UNTO TOMORROW"). We are an insignificant part in the grand scheme of the universe, we aren't long for this world ("In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth LIFE FLOW"), but the new generations will carry on what we entrust unto them ("Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow"). So what does it all mean? We're just some small beings with short lives living on a random rock, there is no meaning, so all we can do is just live our lives, try to make our world a better place for us and for others, and if we find any meaning during that time fine, if not that's fine, you lived, you saw, you realized. ("Thou must LIVE, DIE and KNOW.") Other cool songs from FFXIV to check out: What Angel Wakes Me Dragonsong Return to Oblivion Dedicated to Moonlight In the Balance Scream Footfalls Beauty's Wicked Wiles
@austinmartin612 Ай бұрын
Good choices of tracks to suggest there, I agree
@Biscuit-1337 Ай бұрын
I both like and hate to also suggest Close in the Distance. It's such an incredible song, but it's also a journey that builds a you go through the final Endwalker zone (being vague in case you haven't finished EW).
@KharaChmiel Ай бұрын
Dont check out flow if you are going to play the game. Play 200 hours first :)
@alyssaphillips1744 Ай бұрын
and I sense a new sprout has formed. as to what is happening in the song, this song is happening from 2 points of view. The male choir is speaking from the point of view of mankind as war after war plagues them and it's just suffering on a grand scale. The female singer is from the point of view of Hydalain, who is a goddess of sorts that has been trying to guide them for several millenia, but is forced to watch as the forces of darkness continue to torment the world.
@Ladywizard Ай бұрын
especially since you can play the base game and first 2 expansions for free then you can buy complete and play the rest(and including the dawntrail next month if you buy after it drops)
@johnoden5932 Ай бұрын
The story of FF14 is for sure amazing and worth the cost in money and time as it is a story that was built over a literal decade of time another good song to check out is dragon song them if you want to see how much they can vary the music check out scream.
@akroma443 Ай бұрын
Welcome to the wonderful world of FFXIV music. So many of this game's songs really hit deep. I hope to see you in the game if you decide to take the plunge!
@voidtalongaming4637 5 күн бұрын
The first time running The Dying Gasp is unbelievably hard. I count myself lucky to have done Coil of Bahamut Turn 13 shortly after Heavensward launched and had to actually do the fight. A bit easier to due to gear/level than during ARR but I was so glad to have done it. Later again doing UCOB is one of my highlights of the game. esp, given my struggle with depression.
@atomos100 Ай бұрын
Anyone telling you ffxiv is bad is just nonsense hate or they are just lazy and can't appreciate a good story. plus most likely a story skipper. lol
@vikteren8723 Ай бұрын
It's so nice we get a free game to go with Soken's soundtrack.
@Tazrael Ай бұрын
See also: Darren Korb and Daisuke Ishiwatari
@linkpwnsevery1 Ай бұрын
FF14 has an amazing story. The only problem is that the beginning of the game feels slow because it's like a big tutorial, but once u manage to get to level 50 and up, it's just get better. This game does have a lot of amazing songs and bosses.
@utialtec Ай бұрын
This song at first when it was released back in ARR it had one meaning, at Shadowbringers this same song added another meaning on top of the previous one, and at Endwalker IT ADDED another level of deep in the lyrics. According to famitsu poll they made in Japan, one of the best villains in Final Fantasy is from FFXIV. The story hits like a train because it makes you to care about the characters and the story, there's all range of emotions in the story of this game and the most is crude and raw realism, for some is depressive for me is the thing that make a story connect with the people. The parts were you don't know what to do, and need help from others. Like in FFIX "You are not alone".
@Kidonlast1 Ай бұрын
Man I've listened to this song dozens of times and I still get misty eyed. Not out of sadness but from the Joy of living this game's story. The journey WAS worth it. Anyway, if you want to have yourself a pick me up after this song I'd suggest checking out the new main theme for XIV's next expansion Dawntrail, Open Sky.
@add8chicken Ай бұрын
Ayy love me some FF14 music! I personally love it but I know mmo’s aren’t for everyone!
@daeamiralis Ай бұрын
If you care to play it and don't want spoilers, but still want to analyze the music, try to find non-video versions. The lead composer for XIV is known for his leitmotifs, and is an absolute legend.
@georginaraven1691 Ай бұрын
Ever since I finished the story and reached endgame (took years) I cry every single time I hear this song. This game is about the journey, the music, the loves, the friends and allies made along the way. Your enemies' viewpoint makes YOU the villain, at one point you don't even want to go on, but you must for the sake of your loved ones. There are no real villains, there are just people with dreams and hopes, some better, some worse, some scheming, some psychopats, some tortured, broken, desperate, some have such a strong goal they think it justifies all means... but others: heroic. It is about the friends you lost. The ones sacrificing their life for you, for hope, for the greater good. It's about remembering. Them, history, and finding yourself. And most importantly... remembering that they once lived. Finding out no "gods" are what you think they are. It's about arrogance and playing god can destroy worlds, yet hope has the potential to save everything. It's about there is no dark without light, balance is a must. What is a warrior of light to some, is a warrior of darkness to others. It's a metaphore for real life. I still feel as if those NPCs were real life people, my friends. And I still grieve them after all the time since Endwalker was released... No game has ever made me feel like this. And maaaan I play a lot of games, including mmos.
@VincentOcyris Ай бұрын
I will recommend it. Infact the endwalker expansion not only has you address such topics, but has you actively confront them.
@unixtreme Ай бұрын
I watched this video before ever playing FFXIV, and for some reason it also hit me hard, they managed to convey so much of the lore of what's going on with just the music and the lyrics.
@RoxyLuffer Ай бұрын
My condolences for the loss of your kitty. I lost mine just this last Sunday. These lyrics always bring me to tears, and with the story, and future music, this song has so much more punch.
@Jhulian_R 24 күн бұрын
Thank you, my condolences for the loss of yours 🥲 I know those first weeks are so harsh, but we must carry on ❤️‍🔥
@kagamine14 Ай бұрын
100% recommend if you’re looking for an MMO to get into! It’s definitely one of the best out there, and imo has the best story in any rpg. If you like reacting to music, you should check out all of the recommended songs from this game too. It ranges from orchestral cinema, grunge rock, techno, and everything in between. Any genre the game doesn’t have, you can bet we’ll get a track of it in the future
@LegitBowl Ай бұрын
FFXIV is not just an MMORPG with a great story. It is one of the best stories in an RPG, one of the best stories in any game, and throughout any type of media. It really is truly a fantastic story that I think everyone should at least attempt to experience. There will always be people who don't like the story, or who don't care for it, like any story. But for anyone who is even remotely interested in fantastic storytelling, then FFXIV is a must play.
@weertangel7231 Ай бұрын
FF 14 is a great game to play, it has a very extensive new player program(U can play it for free up till the 3rd expansion Shadowbringers) and the story is interesting while does take some time to build up its more then is worth it. Gameplay wise its slower then WoW or some others but its very singleplayer friendly and has a very friendly community. They had to remake the game becouse the initial FF 14(referred to as 1.0) and they somehow made it(there's a 3 part documentary if u are interested) so to do it storywise they decided to blow up the world, wich is where this song is from as well.
@gagff9762 Ай бұрын
This has honestlly been one of the most interesting interpretations I've seen for this song, and your insight into the lyrics versus the chord progression/key changes is awesome. Love the analysis and introspection! As many others have said, the game is definitely story-heavy and this song here is very important in several different ways. While the game may not be for everyone, it's definitely done a very good job of creating a world and mythos over the years that makes you, the player, feel a part of it. The journey is the point, however long that takes you.
@FluffieXStarshine Ай бұрын
I had the privlege of attending a Distant World's concert where Susan Calloway performed Answers and Dragon Song. It was a few years before I started playing 14, but I've been a FF fan my whole life. I tear up every time I hear it, and after seeing it performed live it just made so much more of an impact when I encountered the music in game to this day.
@Piretfreak87 Ай бұрын
The comments shown on the screen could not be further from the truth. Final Fantasy 14 has one of the best (for me personally THE best) stories I've ever played and it puts lots of single player games to shame. Yes, there are many cutscenes and yes you have to read a lot even though later on more and more important cutscenes are voiced. But side stories aren't so you have to still read a lot. But that's part of the game. It's a story MMO. And the music is a masterpiece. It's as simple as that. I never had a game where I stopped fighting an endboss just because I wanted to listen to the music. In FF14 I did just that (it was this song "Answers" that made me stop and this song means so much more and hits so much harder if one knows the story). I can't tell you if you'd have fun with this game. It's not for everyone just like any other game. Some like it, some don't. But the comments are wrong. Just because one doesn't like a game personally does not mean that it is a bad game. And FF14 is far from being a bad game.
@InimicalWit Ай бұрын
15:05 This video is also the full version of the song, only heard on the soundtrack. The video edited for the backdrop uses the Intro, combined with reward scenes that are given when the Player completes a specific side quest to learn more about the day the Lesser Moon, Dalamud, fell. 💙 Ingame lore, no one really completely knew what happened after Bahamut burst forth and laid waste to Eorzea (the event that signals the end of 1.0, when SquareEnix remade the game almost from the ground up, due to reception), known as the Calamity. Thus, the new version of the game, 2.0 (A Realm Reborn), the first expansion. Heavensward is 3.0, etc. 💙💙
@sGSuicude Ай бұрын
One of the very few songs that brings me to tears without fail
@Steve-YT383 Ай бұрын
I've been playing off & on for over 10 years. The trial gets you to level 70 & through 2 expacs. I'd recommend trying for yourself to see if it clicks for you or not.
@matthewpoirier3564 Ай бұрын
You are absolutely correct that this song has a place in the lore of the game, though I won't give too many details in order to not spoil it. While it wasn't their original intent with the re-release of the game in A Realm Reborn (2.0) , since they weren't sure if it would flop like FFXIV 1.0 did, the story became a 10-year-long journey for players, culminating in the latest story in their Endwalker (6.0) expansion. I will admit that A Realm Reborn is a bit of a slog to get through story-wise, and it can be very tempting to want to rush through and skip a lot of story, but I implore you to be patient and give it a chance. It's a lot of world-building initially, and lays the foundation for later story. A story that I have no doubts will leave you in awe and in tears alike. As a long-time veteran of the game, if you choose to play: Welcome to Eorzea, and get ready for the experience of a lifetime.
@VincentOcyris Ай бұрын
"And maybe some of you guys can bring a little bit of light into this" you have no idea how fitting that sentence was.
@InimicalWit Ай бұрын
12:28 For sure. So much in life, to love, to fear, to fret, to yearn, to mourn, to look forward 💙💙💙
@fyxation Ай бұрын
It's one of the few games I have actually gushed over to such an extent that it got some of my friends (who do not play MMOs) to try it out. The music has always been fantastic. Between Uematsu and Soken, the soundtrack is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I'll be humming the Shadowbringers theme while cruising around the nursing home some day.
@eyepatchless707 24 күн бұрын
I hope you're coping well after the loss of your cat. A song I've found therapeutic is "Yaad" by Bloodywood. As for FFXIV, the official KZbin page has a playlist for music videos. My suggestions for more upbeat songs on that list would be "Open Sky", "A Long Fall", "Ultima", "Rise", or "Metal - Brute Justice Mode".
@heypepper Ай бұрын
FFXIV pushed MMO story telling to the edge, bringing to it's fan base one of the most emotional experiences you can experience in gaming. This song, Answers actually comes full circle, as the most recent expansion, Endwalker closed out a storyline that had been going for 5 games. Your analysis of the emotional impact was actually pretty spot on to how the story plays out, and it was absolutely mindblowing how this song actually TOLD THE ENTIRE STORY WITHOUT US KNOWING IT. I'm not sure how much of the story they had planned out when they wrote this song, but the developments team was pure genius the way they threaded music into the story. If you are looking for an amazing musical experience along with a story line that will grip you, this is the game for you. Gameplay gets a B- because, while incorporating a lot of nostalgia as far as abilities, and enemies from almost all previous FF11, the actual combat system plays on most modern MMO tropes, Storyline, visuals, and Music all get an S+ though. You should listen to all the expansion opening songs. And the song "Flow" from Endwalker, it's unreal.
@imaninerrah3127 Ай бұрын
I feel like the FFXIV music is a very deep and fascinating rabbit hole, only eclipsed by the actual story.
@woadwarrior9857 Ай бұрын
This song isn't just a flashy trailer. Everything you see, hear, and even feel are all sowed into it's story. It is one of the greatest odysseys of our time.
@Lhunuial Ай бұрын
FFXIV has one of the best stories out there. Gameplay might not be to everyone's taste, but the story, the characters, the side content, the music is top tier. There are so many awesome songs. I've been playing this game ever since ARR was released. This song is incredibly important to the whole game. I would definitely recommend to check out all the music.
@InimicalWit Ай бұрын
17:04 A lot of Final Fantasy games have a very western feel to the lore - but that’s because the original FF was (literally) based on D&D. FYI The series is called “Final Fantasy”, because that’s the name it earned during production, as it was believed to be the final game the company would produce. However, it then (arguably, single-handedly) *saved* the company and spawned a sequel, Final Fantasy II - where they held on to certain tropes that would continue, but immediately began the trend of introducing a whole new world and lore for each installment 💙💙💙
@segafan2437 Ай бұрын
i would say nonsense hate, but for sure it is a game people will either connect with or bounce off because they don't like reading a story, even when the story is well written. and that is fine, but i have been playing for almost ten years and listen to songs from the game daily when not playing. especially the music used in the game's bossfights. final fantasy 14 has some of the best and varied soundtracks, you will be actually shocked by the sheer quantity and quality you can find in this game's music. pretty sure it has the record for the most songs for a single game at a whopping 384 original songs. from the majestic orchestrial rock of "ANSWERS", to the crushingly emotional "Dragonsong" and "Tomorrow and Tomorrow", to the light and playful "What angel Wakes me" and the unexpected trumpets of "Metal: Brute Justice mode". basically, lot of juicy youtube react content here for you buddy. i will certainly click on any vid with a FFXIV's music involved. and if you do decide to play, the free trial is free and had literally 800+ hours of content available to you, for free. it has a slow start, it is very long. but the best way to enjoy it is at your own pace.
@gray6980 Ай бұрын
this song played when the world was destroyed in final fantasy 14 1.0 and the game was remastered into a new world with final fantasy 14 reborn. the female voice can be refered to the mother crystal of creation speaking to all people at the brink of the end of the world "to all of my children...". cool thing about is: the destrucion of the old world became lore in the game and is part of the mainquest. this cinematic played and this song for all logged in players at the same tame at the end of ff14 1.0 server shutdown and directly lend to ff14 reborn server. there is really no shame crying at this song. happens sometimes until today for me whenever i hear it
@ShanaAbee Ай бұрын
The story of ff14 helped me put myself together again. There is one section at the end of the game where the 4th wall is broken and YOU are asked if YOUR journey was a good one. After a ehole 10 years of story to play and all the loss that reminded me of my own life, all the shit that the characters had to go through and stood up again, what i couldnt do for a ling time. After a whole night of crying i quit my old job and vhanged to who i really became..i have a light autism and i am a proud human being. I quit the connectiin to a lot of people that i dont feel good with, even family and i got a new job. I am happy again. After all that was done i couöd finally laugh gain. The shit they are going through together with your chracter really is therapeutic
@stavi82 Ай бұрын
What amazed me is how the song didn't change over the past 10 years, but my interpretation did as the plot unfolded. The story is an absolute masterpiece.
@jpxenovore Ай бұрын
The lore behind this song makes it even better. I get chills every time.
@keybladesrus Ай бұрын
This song did have some lore context back in the day, but then the Endwalker expansion brought things full circle and tied its plot to the lyrics of this song, completely recontextualizing it. The scene where that really hits home still gives me chills.
@uzumakiigor 8 күн бұрын
I LOVE how even without contex this music is fo freaking amazing and touching. FFXIV is labbled as slow at the start.. but its all world building for the first expansion. RPG players are used to it. FFXIV still the best experience I have ever had in any kind of media. Books, movies, music, games.. It beat it all with a really amazing package
@austinyun Ай бұрын
Yours is a never ending quest. A quest to find your purpose, knowing your end is assured. To find the strength to continue when all strength has left you. To find joy even as darkness descends... And amidst deepest despair, light everlasting.
@Adameia_ Ай бұрын
While this song/music video is the opening cinematic for the base game: Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn. This song also heavily references the fact that A Realm reborn- is the SECOND launch of ff14. The initial release was not well recieved by fans so the shut it down. Re-made it and then released it again. It hints at this throughout the song, but the line that most obviously refrences it outside of the quite intro is: Judgment binds all we hold, to a memory of scorn. It's almost cemented when it immediately follows with: Tell us why, given life, we are meant to die?
@InimicalWit Ай бұрын
2:03 I get choked up *every single* time I view videos of this 2.0 Intro. I always shed tears, listening to this song 💙💙
@Caym1234 Ай бұрын
Please react to FFXIV expansion trailers!! They all have legendary soundtracks and visuals and all of them hit HARD af
@txmale1977 Ай бұрын
Been playing the game since January of last year, and NEVER regretted it.
@samsonwhj Ай бұрын
About the music, when she sings "The Land's alive so believe", the melody was in D minor, but went to D major at the word "believe". It is quite a common choice of chord considering many anime songs in the 2000s do go from minor key to major chord ending (like Dm to D), or major chord to major sixth ending (like F to D).
@justinhartwig7168 Ай бұрын
Liked, Subbed. FFxiv has one of the most nuanced and expertly crafted soundtracks I have heard in a game. If music is your hook, continue to dig on how it is layered for this games. There are some really good videos on this.
@Dhalin Ай бұрын
This song was made at the very beginning of FFXIV, more than a decade ago. The song was re-purposed during Endwalker, the expansion that's about to end here when Dawntrail comes out here in a couple months. I have to be vague here, as to not spoil anything, but a certain cutscene that this song is played in, re-contextualizes the entire song and its lyrics and make them so perfectly click within the game's over-arching plot. It's just an amazing setup and execution... and it isn't even at the end of the game, it's somewhere in the middle of Endwalker. Also, throughout the game's story through all of its expansions, various remixes without the lyrics are played at various points and the leitmotifs associated with it always hit hard.
@YayaAkhabila Ай бұрын
The gameplay is AMAZING!
@TAiiNE Ай бұрын
One thing I would highly recommend is looking up 'The Meaning of Answers 2.0 - FFXIV Lyrical Lore' by The Eorzean Archives. The big thing to know about the music in FFXIV is it isn't just music, its not just a theme song. It has real meaning to the lore of the world. I get this is a reaction to the music but it also is worth learning WHY the lyrics are the way they are. Like with the opening being the people of the world, facing a world destruction as seen in the cinematic asking, if Hydaelyn is so great and filled with compassion and power to change so much, why must they suffer? Where are they to go? What are they to do? Thus the song's called Answers... it is her answer to the many voices that call out to her.
@wakirk Ай бұрын
This was played at the ending of Final Fantasy XIV 1.0, and the start of 2.0, and in Endwalker, it's meaning is brought to new levels that once you hear it after that, you will never forget. The story is as deep and has as much meaning as these words convey. If you want to understand the game, listen to the words, reflect on their meaning, and you will know if you want to play this game or not. That theme of loss, age, and rebirth play into the story. The game proffers an answer in its story (thus the song's name) Anyone who tells you otherwise has not played it. It's a long burn, yes, but it wouldn't work if it wasn't. Anyone who's "it's too slow" or "it's boring early on" etc. Someone who needs that "hit" of adrenaline won't last long. But, if you enjoy a long lasting JRPGMMO, you will get your sub's worth out of this one.
@koristrange9655 Ай бұрын
If you're going down the FF14 rabbithole, try Dragonsong and Close in the Distance.
@axessenter Ай бұрын
I know I'm late, but still wanted to leave my 2 cents here as a long time FFXIV player: FFXIV definitely has its ups and downs like many stories, especially those that span over the length of 10 years. But, as a story teller, when it works it REALLY works, and the soundtracks really bring those emotional highs and lows home 100%. Just yesterday with DT approaching I decided to look back on all the trailers for each expansion and it's really interesting to see the difference over the years from Answers to Footfalls to the newest trailer, especially after the change from Nobue to Soken (the f**ing legend). I remember when I watched the ARR trailer with Answers for the first time, I had no context but I was BAWLING. Answers is still, next to Dragonsong and Close in the Distance, my hands down fave OST in the whole game. If you like good storytelling (especially Shadowbringers has exceptionally well done and well pased storytelling) and unique, stunning and adventurous soundtracks I definitely think FFXIV is for you. When you start you just have to realize that ARR is basically what Fellowship of the Ring is to many LotR fans: It establishes the world and will feel a lot slower than other expansions. Also, the storytelling can still be kinda clunky and the Soundtrack is fewer and more sparingly used than later own, but I'd always see it through the lens of a game that came from the brink of death with quite a few limitations. And for that it's just as amazing as the other expansions. Without ARR HW, SB, ShB, EW and DT would never work. So if you do decide or did decide to pick it up: Enjoy it and welcome to Eorzea!
@Khotetsu Ай бұрын
As somebody with over 2,500 hours in FFXIV: there's a damn good story that comes free with this music playlist. You're gonna get a lot of recommendations now on FFXIV music, because it's fantastic and spans almost any genre you can think of. From waltz to 2000s era Evanescence and Powerman 5000, it's got it all.
@RocRolDis Ай бұрын
Answers has had many uses in FFXIV from it's start in ARR as a lament for the 1.0 world that we see being destroyed in the cinematics to an inspirational song of having the strength to carry on to brighter days despite the weight of the world. If you want to know where we're going in the upcoming expansion, some lyrics from the Dawntrail theme, Open Sky, should clue you in. Time - Seize the day and hold on tight The sun is rising Life - Take it slow and take a bite One day at a time Eyes - To the dawn we set our sights A new horizon Fly - Ever forward starry-eyed To an open sky
@Tazrael Ай бұрын
Forge ahead~
@robbaskerville253 Ай бұрын
I cannot overstate how great the story of FF XIV is. It just twlls it at it's own pace. And this song hits so much harder after finishing Endwalker and knowing... spoilers...
@InimicalWit Ай бұрын
00:48 I’ll say, as well: The rest of the “trailers” are also worth a watch. I see you’re a musician, so I’m not sure if you’re reacting to the game videos that serve as the Intro to each expansion or just the music that accompanies said Intro. These Intros give you scant indication of the plot that you’ll see while you’re actually playing each expansion, and several Intros actually show you truncated conversations that happened *leading up to* the respective expansions. (Each expansion has a “post” era, with Main Scenario Quests that show the aftermath of the “end” of the previous expansion and how the events lead us into the “start” of the subsequent expansion. The entire story of the game’s expansions is 1 huge narrative arc. That arc begins with the story events of 1.0; which have been “lost”, but is explained with ingame lore.)
@proudlarry8225 Ай бұрын
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
@Ractrin Ай бұрын
IF you can fight through the first 40 levels of world building and character building the game does, then you'll enjoy this game. The beginning is a slow burn, but when things happen that lead to the Haevensward expansion, this game's story comes alive. This is by far one of the best stories in gaming that I have ever experienced.
@voodooapostle Ай бұрын
"These words must have some lore, some meaning." So, so much. The amazing thing about this, though: this song was released in 2012 , and the players didn't get the full story behind the song until midway through the Endwalker expansion in 2021.
@pansarhund_5915 Ай бұрын
Those comments are straight up false and should be treated with a handfull of salt.
@sherrij5566 Ай бұрын
You should watch the other trailers. The music is great. This song is the start of a very long story that goes to some dark places but we come out the other side with hope and faith and an understanding of our place in the world that is the game. Don’t let the aesthetics of the game fool you. It goes places. There is magic, tech, religion,politics, all done in a way that, if you pay attention, can be thought provoking. The storytelling, if you let it, can speak to you on a level that can create an emotional connection with the other characters, or people, the zones or the music. This song in particular holds very deep meaning for a lot of people in the community. I for one cry every time I hear it-this song is that significant. It is so much more than an MMO, it is a living breathing world with amazing music. It is a time investment, but if you give it a chance, it can be a beautiful experience. Great video. Excellent analysis. I hope you feel better.
@Dharengo Ай бұрын
The game in general has an important message about life, death and loss. To live is to suffer. Yet in suffering, find strength.
@stevehall364 Ай бұрын
The story that the song tells and that the game as a whole tells over a 10-year long story... Boils down to understanding that without the pain and suffering we go through in life the joy and happiness we experience would be meaningless. For example knowing what it's like to lose a pet cat also enhances and deepens your understanding of the joy and happiness of having a kitty
@dieselsandwich42 Ай бұрын
It's like clockwork, someone plays Answers and my eyes play Tears Flow Abundant
@TheMightyOnus Ай бұрын
Every single keystroke, every single letter in the lyrics in this song hits with the force of a freight train. I cannot listen to it without being moved to tears.
@GhalionRabbit Ай бұрын
Definitely the absolute best mmo I have ever played I can't recommend it enough. It's also in my opinion one of the top final fantasy games
@aennaenn7468 2 күн бұрын
Answers IS the story, prologue to epilogue, if you've played, you understand.
@Xeanowos Ай бұрын
This is one of the best trailers for any game ever made period
@samsonwhj Ай бұрын
It's been a few years, but I still tear up when I hear this song and remember "the scene"...
@BabyShenanigans Ай бұрын
People who say FFXIV is bad, haven't played FFXIV. It's the most amazing piece of media I've ever consumed in my life. I've been playing for over 10 years, since the original launch of 1.0 in 2010. I have over 15,000 hours of gameplay on my main character. Never has a game affected me the way 14 has. Absolutely give it a try. The free trial goes to level 70. Edit: Also this song is the core of the entire game. After the most recent expansion (Endwalker) it will jar your entire soul. Amazing how much you picked up on just from this initial listen.
@PazuChill Ай бұрын
Uematsu's body of work is arguably (in my opinion definitely) the most incredible of any video game composer. I highly recommend checking out more of his stuff, especially of the first 10 Final Fantasy games.
@subzeroquasar1384 Ай бұрын
From a gaming perspective, 14 is a great mmo with tons of content. From a musical perspective it might be one of the best games ever made. Its main composer has the world record for songs composed for a single piece of media
@eMRunElle Ай бұрын
the male choir was written to represent the people living in the world of this game, while the lead vocalist represents the call of the goddess of the world of ffxiv: whats even more interesting though, is that through the gameplay and story, the meaning behind the song itself changes as more context is gained - on a surface level the meaning behind the lyrics is deep and easy to understand, but the fact that everything has a second meaning as well once you get far enough in the story to learn about it? never experienced a game like this one before
@KendaraDark Ай бұрын
As an RPG person I can say, ffxiv has one of the best stories I've ever played. The characters, the music, and setting and art it's all good. It's not really a sad story, it's one about over coming striff through love, determination and hope. I would recommend Dragonsong if you plan to do any more from this.
@vagabond142 Ай бұрын
When you mentioned the voice sounding like that of a higher being, and this isn't story spoilers, the voice is that of Hydaelyn The Mothercrystal, who is literally the Goddess of Light and the polar opposite of Zodiark, the God of Darkness. To put it in Earth context, this song is literally Mother Nature singing to us.
@Forien Ай бұрын
I'm a simple man. I hear Answers, I like and I cry. This song hit me hard from the first time I heard it. And after every expansion it meant more to me as I discovered more ways it could be interpreted with the game's story. Especially Shadowbringers and Endwalker. The story is great. Yes, it can be slow in ARR, but it's great. And it only gets better as the devs learned more and more. Also this is jRPG first, MMO second. So I think you would like the game.
@snakkupakku Ай бұрын
The two most powerful things in this game are its story and its music and with those everything else is interconnected. Fight encounters like major raids have stories woven and tying them together, with music that is dynamically timed with the fight and their mechanics. It's an epic spectacle when all thrown together and even if only one part of the game or another appeals to you, it's bound to leave an impression. This song itself was originally debuted in the shut down of the original game, returning after the new version relaunched -- and became the epic final theme of the first raid's final boss, with the fight arranged around the powerful points of this music. There are people who live and swear by the story, the music, or those who take no part in the story and care only about the raiding; beyond that there's people who only care about fishing, fashion, photography, socializing, interior design, crafting, collecting, and more... there's a lot in this game and isn't too hard to find a corner that appeals to you. It's a journey. A long one, sometimes even tedious, but a journey well worth it with all the hardships, laughter, and triumph to be felt to make it a full adventure. Added note: It's a game about the dark times and overcoming them and fighting light in the darkness. It will have dark and even depressing moments, but beautiful life lessons of moving on and finding peace and hope to always move forward.
@Dhalin Ай бұрын
If you want, I can give you another recommendation... "Wayward Daughter". Now, keep in mind, that this game's central theme is "overcoming adversity" .. there's a LOT of dark moments in the game, but for every depressing moment, and bit of despair... there IS a dawn afterwards. And there's plenty of levity too, lots of comedic humor. From the constant puns in quest titles, to some witty sarcastic humor from certain NPCs, to a whole clown show that is Hildabrand, there's plenty of humor to help you through the game's darker moments.
@ArsisKytori Ай бұрын
When you reach a certain point in the Endwalker Story, this song makes much more sense.
@celebrian995 Ай бұрын
In the beginning, the game may feel slow, but just keep in mind that is the building of a very rich and deep story. And those small (and big) story beats WILL pay off later on. I have been constantly impressed by how they forget nothing, and I haven't noticed any unresolved dangling threads .
@aronth Ай бұрын
10 years later this very song took on a whole new meaning and purpose bringing it full cricle of events that happened thus far
@Hawkeye446 Ай бұрын
The FFXIV story is a lot of reading. It's also one the best stories I've ever experienced. The gameplay at early levels is slow, but it ramps up to crazy difficulty levels in later fights, especially the optional trials and raids. The slow start can be frustrating for gamers, but it also makes the game accessible to non gamers like my mother who wouldn't even try most games, but is now closing in on the end of the final expansion and has even cleared some extreme trials. So yes, the game is absolutely worth giving a try. Immerse yourself in the story and world and you will not be disappointed, and if you're looking for some hardcore gameplay, just make it to level 50 and take on The Coils of Bahamut at minimum I-level. I DARE YOU 😂
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