She never did. That was tasha k, she’s a known liar. Even in her response to the criticism she is shameless and admits she’s lying. Yes Japanese women are beautiful but a lot of men were lusting very hard and heard what they want to hear. Black men believed these videos of “black men will be paid 75,000 dollars to breed” white men believed the videos explaining “breeding visa for foreigners” with the implicit understanding it means white men because white men believe that they are worshipped in Japan.
河合ミナさんにインタビューした外国の方の動画で、河合ミナさんはFunny in Japan, People date to f※ck. と言っています。そして結婚とかみんな気にしないの?と聞かれて、Not many actually no. They date for fun.デートを楽しみたいなら日本に行こうと言っています。これはどういった意図があるのでしょうか??