Q&A PART 1 / "Are you really happy, young man?" / The Crowns Vlog

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The Crowns Vlog

The Crowns Vlog

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@whitedragon153 8 күн бұрын
Love your Vlogs! Keep up the great work. You won't ever get away from haters. You just have to look at all the possessive instead, like you seem to do already, just keep it up 🙂
@alveradavis9537 8 күн бұрын
Why is it a foreigner is separated with his Filipino wife and he said he cannot have a woman come live with him if he meets another woman ? Please remember in your frustration with your viewers that their understanding is based on the variety of “vlogger info”. Who wants to read the laws, it is not that serious, just share and correct with patience after all you are the one that is “putting yourself OUT THERE” I believe every person lives what they deem important, as the saying goes : ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS !
@Revfredtravels 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the QandA love it Merry Christmas bro/sis
@knarlisrocks 9 күн бұрын
I looked online and it says foreigners can apply for divorce in Germany. Next time Andre goes home to work in Germany, Charmie should just go with him to file for divorce in Germany. She has already met the primary requirement of living separately from her spouse for more than one year. Then apply for recognition of the divorce at the Philippine Consulate in Germany.
@TravisGinther 8 күн бұрын
Are they actually married?
@knarlisrocks 8 күн бұрын
@TravisGinther Charmie has said several times that she is married to her ex. The problem is that divorce isn't a thing in the Philippines, and relying on the annulment process is not a good plan. You throw money at it, and it all depends on the judge that makes the decision.
@rolandmueller7218 9 күн бұрын
A Filipino citizen can remarry after a divorce from a foreign spouse if the divorce is validly obtained abroad and recognized by a Philippine court. An annulment is not necessary.
@robertlewis4998 9 күн бұрын
Your videos have been interesting to watch I hope next year will be a better one for you,I wish you both a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.😊
@askme1108 9 күн бұрын
Is it a Philippine thing to use a spoon while eating spaghetti? In America we use a fork and twist it around the fork.
@annalisagomes2743 8 күн бұрын
Fork & Spoon go hand-in-hand in the Philippines. You prepare the table and serve food with the dishes with a spoon and fork. It is not a Philippine thing. There is no such as a Philippine thing.
@HumansLiveForMoments 9 күн бұрын
Omg. So Andre doing all this boat work in germany etc and they cannot marry
@r.r.y7026 9 күн бұрын
@adamkent3545 9 күн бұрын
If the people who make negitive comments on here worried about THEIR OWN LIFE rather than yours ... they probably wouldn't be so miserable 😂 ... And that's why the girls dump you!!! 😂 Andre & Charmie you guys rock... an amazing couple in a very REAL RELATIONSHIP!!! Have a wonderful Christmas 🎊🥂 may you be blessed
@teniellesingleton5337 8 күн бұрын
I love you guys vlogs and your transparency in your relationship. I don't ever comment on vlogs but this one is a little special to me. I truly understand what you guys have said about the laws there on divorce/annulment and I can understand the side of comments being made on the part of Andre being safe with the legal action that can be taken against him. what is important to understand on both sides is that nothing and I mean nothing in this life is for certain other than death... meaning that you are saying that Charmie and the husband are ok and everything is good and so on BUT, things can change... like you said Sir Andre, things aren't black and white, its gray in there too. please don't take this as I'm bashing or hating or even being negative on you guys relationship. that is not what this comment is about... it's about nothing is for certain until it is finalized and done. keep up the great vlogs and much success with both businesses guys.
@riptide10x60 9 күн бұрын
This poor guy is getting sucked dry, he just doesn’t realize it yet
@Pim-v4h 9 күн бұрын
Depends in what way I suppose 😂 I think they are a good couple that work for their business together and split financial stuff where possible. As it should be.
@caloalfredartoflife622 9 күн бұрын
Zu allererst einmal: FROHE WEIHNACHTEN für euch und eure Lieben. Alles Gute und Gottes Segen für alles, was ihr für die Zukunft geplant habt.❤️❤️❤️
@cyralenegraham7370 9 күн бұрын
She only want your money she will finish you
@DennisSleeswijk 9 күн бұрын
The easiest way for a divorce would have been if Charmie would have had citizenship in Germany. She could go to Germany and file for the divorce and have that legalized in the Philippines. That's why foreigners have no issues to marry and want to divorce later. They just go back home alone to do the above. But between two Filipino citizens, the annulment is the only way. And Cebu has a higher succes rate for such.
@knarlisrocks 9 күн бұрын
Do you have to be a German citizen to apply for divorce in Germany. I would think Charmie could apply for divorce in Germany because her spouse is a German citizen. Then file the divorce with the Consulate in Germany to get your right to marry again in Philippines.
@tomtommy-mf5sj 9 күн бұрын
@rolandmueller7218 9 күн бұрын
Her husband can divorce her because he is foreign.
@tomtommy-mf5sj 9 күн бұрын
@@rolandmueller7218 only if there married in the guys country if they got married in phillippines a no
@rolandmueller7218 9 күн бұрын
@ Where they got married doesn’t matter. The foreigner can divorce. But, his filipina exwife has to go through the extra step of getting the filipino court to accept her divorce.
@randyowen3907 8 күн бұрын
Divorce is not possible but annulment is. That’s different in ways but still a way to end the marriage.
@jaybrown5661 9 күн бұрын
Isn’t being married and having a boyfriend go against all rules in the church? Knowingly sinning is the same as not knowing. This is not a bad comment I just want to know the difference
@jtv848 9 күн бұрын
The simply answer is that there are many exceptions to any rule 😁
@ianwatson3315 9 күн бұрын
Church? The laws are what? The church can’t take them to court🙄
@ivomithans1201 9 күн бұрын
Hi. I had a simular problem with divorce. And the same reason that she spend money for lawyer 😁. But ok, the diworce law has pass the congres already. You two must find a good lawyer , if posible someone who is spcialy in to this matter.
@robwright8649 9 күн бұрын
Maybe instead of summer do Easter bunny and Xmas next year
@ChuckKerr 9 күн бұрын
Why does the EX not pay for it
@NeonReactionsPierre 9 күн бұрын
Where's my food? .... that was the best part hahahaha
@maryannestamaria9039 9 күн бұрын
I don't know the laws in the Philippines, can you get just a legal divorce and not the annulment from the church and move to Germany the get married lawfully there?
@HumansLiveForMoments 9 күн бұрын
But do all this without marriage first is backwards. Its like couples who get pregnant before they get married. Or couples who live together before marriage
@derekweller2798 9 күн бұрын
I think the problem as I have heard is that filing and paying for an annulment in the Philippines does not guarantee that it will be granted. That's the scary thing. Especially after paying and paying.
@tomtommy-mf5sj 9 күн бұрын
@StephenRedman-w5u 9 күн бұрын
i think is very rude of those people asking you your personal business,,do what you have to do when you feel the time is right,,and good luck,,have a very good christmas,,love you both,,
@gotaplay 9 күн бұрын
Kids scream , its not your fault .. Merry Christmas ..🎁🎁🎁🎄 I truly believe that divorce WILL be allowed in Phills soon it has been brought before government
@tomtommy-mf5sj 9 күн бұрын
O god run as fast as u can she is scamming ur a fool
@michaellindemann3915 9 күн бұрын
Sorry but I think she will never get a divorce
@tonymccreath4540 9 күн бұрын
In Dominican Republic, international divorce can be granted to foreign couples approximately 30 days and costs only $1,200 usd. One of the couple needs to travel there and have need to have power of attorney of the other. Once divorce is granted, it is internationally granted and recognized. The Philippines can accept and verify the grant of divorce from other countries. This is faster, cheaper than annulment in Philippines with less risk.
@MrFraenker 9 күн бұрын
Es ist sieht nicht wirklich gut aus, wen ihr euch während eurem Vlogging Nahrung in eure weit offenen Münder schaufelt . Sorry, aber schon in eurem letzten Video fiel es mir auf, das das echt unprofessionell aussieht. Ist aber natürlich nur meine Meinung, müsst ihr selber wissen, wie ihr euch darstellen wollt. Falls ihr meint, dass ihr so einfach nur authentisch wirkt, nein, es sieht einfach nur übel aus. Und nein, ich möchte euch nicht beleidigen, es ist nur ein gut gemeinter Tip. Die Qualität eurer Videos wurde immer besser, aber nun macht ihr einen echten Schritt zurück, sorry. Müsst ihr euch vielleicht mal entscheiden, mampfen oder vloggen...
@thecrownsvlog 9 күн бұрын
Hallo, Vielen dank für deine Meinung. Wie wir schon mehrmals betont haben, sehen wir unseren Vlog als "lifestyle vlog" wir möchten weder als professionell noch als Schauspieler wahrgenommen werden. Wir filmen und vloggen unseren Alltag und möchten die menschen daran teilhaben lassen. Und die Nahrungsaufnahme gehört nunmal dazu Wir empfinden die Vlogs an denen wir Abendessen als eine Art "Tischgespräch" und möchten einfach die zeit effektiv nutzen um sowohl unsren Alltag, Boot, Charmies Nagelstudio als auch unsere Vlogs zu vereinen. Wir bedanken uns aber für deinen Tip in der Zukunft werde ich eine art "Spieleralarm" als Warnung einblenden und dann kannst du dich entscheiden pb du diesen Vlog schauen möchtest oder nicht. Wir haben diese videos in den letzten 2 Jahren mehrmals gemacht und um ehrlich zu sein bist du bis jetzt der einzige, dem das negativ aufgefallen ist. Demnach denke ich, ist eine Warnung am Anfang des Videos eine gute Lösung. viele Grüße und frohe Weihnachten Andre
@MrFraenker 8 күн бұрын
@@thecrownsvlog Na lass das mal lieber mit dieser "Spielerwarnung", was auch immer das sein soll. Wenn du davon überzeugt bist, dass ich der einzige bin, dem dieses unmotivierte Vloggen beim Mampfen auffiel, dann ist das nun wirklich nicht notwendig 😉. Wie gesagt, es war nur ein gut gemeinter Tip, ich werde das überleben. Es ist einzig und allein eure Sache, wie ihr euch der Internetwelt präsentieren wollt. Ich muss allerdings auch zugeben, das ich nicht wusste, dass sowas nun "Lifestyle" ist - gut - man halt lernt nie aus😀. Frohe Weihnacht und alles gut.
@thecrownsvlog 7 күн бұрын
@Mrfraenker Das wort sollte "Spoiler alarm" werden :-D Zum Thema lifestyle, es gibt Channel wo in jedem video der Content creator sich beim essen filmt. Das wird dann als ASMR verkauft. Keine Sorge das ist nun wirklich nicht was wir machen wollen. Wie gesagt es ist für uns nur eine weitere Möglichkeit, unseren Alltag mit KZbin zu verbinden. Es soll aber sicher nicht die Regel werden :-D Viele Grüße Andre
@sweetsmcarthy8961 9 күн бұрын
Geezz in philipines woman always right as well ? thought different from america ...lol...
@kmvv434 9 күн бұрын
Thatcher the trut an Nottingham but the trut so help you GOD !!!
@glenntrcalek6523 8 күн бұрын
You guys that post these negative comments do NOT know Charmie and Andre, and what they have together. I have the privalidge of knowing both of them on a personal level. Those who think Charmie is taking advantage of Andre have no idea how hard she works, how much she contributes to their finances, and how she is totaly committed to Andre.
@thecrownsvlog 7 күн бұрын
@@glenntrcalek6523 Thank you Glenn ❤️
@randyowen3907 8 күн бұрын
Yes and if he changes his minds and no longer on god terms, your husband could bring charges against you both.
@thecrownsvlog 8 күн бұрын
Nope because he would automatically put himself in the same situation because he knows that charmie has proves that he had relationships as well 😅 so what he accuse charmie would fit to himself as well 😅
@tomtommy-mf5sj 9 күн бұрын
@Upyours-skank 9 күн бұрын
@sallybulaybulay7887 9 күн бұрын
I think divorse in Philippines is no applicabile yet..but annulement yes....or u can go in Thailand to get marriage ..I heard some couple did .
@lubeulooksocutetogethertal4275 8 күн бұрын
Brother u r a good man she will never get a divorce just wake up and smell the fresh air
@1-point-of-veiw-among-many93 8 күн бұрын
The fillipina Pea has just posted her version of a santa give a way like you did last year. I wonder where the idea came from first lol merry Christmas all.
@george-1234plus 9 күн бұрын
Andre, you are acting like you got no time..... You are truly shocking. And .... To lose weight you have to forget your quality of life and change your diet. Get away from snacking, sugary rubbish and stop eating carbo hydrates. That will make you lose weight quickly and easy.
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