Q217 - Q4 Is pleasure wasted if you forget it?

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The fourth of 217 questions that I plan to tackle, about life, money, power, values, love, ethics, and all that jazz.
Support me on Patreon: / lindybeige
Why go to a concert? To enjoy it? What if you couldn't tell anyone that you were there? Would you still enjoy it? Would you get value for money? Is it important to have a good childhood, or will you turn out a good adult regardless of a bad one?
Lighting effects by putting a bit of orange film around the bulb.
Musical sting at the end by David Gildas.
More of my videos here: • Talk videos
Lindybeige: a channel of archaeology, ancient and medieval warfare, rants, swing dance, travelogues, evolution, and whatever else occurs to me to make.
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@KnowArt 7 жыл бұрын
Very interesting question. And I think you went over it a little too quick. If you would forget everything that happened in that year, everything you learned and everything you did, it's like a dream that you forgot. Totally worthless. Yes, of course you would've been happy for a year, but after that it's like you just lost a year of your life for absolutely nothing. I think I wouldn't do it. I can be pretty happy without it and still remember stuff that I learned, did and saw. I wouldn't throw away one year of my life for something that doesn't 'exist' afterwards.
@thitherword 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I got this instantly, but Lindy seems to have missed the mark on this one. Forgetting renders the entire year of happiness literally worthless.
@UngodlyFreak Жыл бұрын
​@@thitherword With that same reasoning you could say your whole life is worthless, because you won't remember it when you die. Why not just be happy while you still have the chance?
@yvindblff5628 7 жыл бұрын
A re-phrase of the question: Would you be willing to forget one year of your life, one year of experiences, of interactions and of learning new, interesting things, if this year was also the happiest in your life?
@Zwavelpoeder 7 жыл бұрын
I think finding out afterwards via friends kind of cheating the question
@78endriago 7 жыл бұрын
i had brain damage, and i don't remember most of my life. so hearing stories about my childhood, is not much different than hearing other people's stories.
@TheOneLichemperor 7 жыл бұрын
Is it though? Going by the 'rules' of the question; you would never again feel those same feelings, no matter how you were reminded of them. I'm not even sure it would be a pleasant experience to be reminded of such things.
@TheEdwardvansloan 7 жыл бұрын
Gotta get *real* technical on these questions.
@tjonchen9420 7 жыл бұрын
Hmm, living in perfect happiness could also give you a few extra years, a full year without stress does a lot...
@masterblob7196 7 жыл бұрын
True pleasure is: Hannibal riding his elephants through the Alps armed with a spandau which fires fire arrows faster than the bren gun with a battalion and a platoon of katana wielding roman legions commanded by Stoke Mandeville, astronaut and gentleman. Also the elephants have bouncing germanic axes which they parry on the edge with.
@LadnyVoid 7 жыл бұрын
master blob So many facebook points for Hannibal.
@rickparry255 7 жыл бұрын
how did you forget the POMMELS!?!?
@matthewfanous8468 7 жыл бұрын
these are not as high on the production quality, so they come out much quicker than your other videos, and they still have the amazing charm that you have, which is why i love them so much already!
@valentinpedersen6144 7 жыл бұрын
Impressing others is really important for getting a job, for your career and so on. However in the concert example, i think you're completely right
@briangonigal3974 7 жыл бұрын
As I interpret the question, the salient point is that you will have absolutely no memory of an entire year of your life, total amnesia starting the minute the year is over, in which case FUCK NO, I wouldn't want that!!! Whether or not the year is one of perfect happiness or not is almost immaterial, losing an entire year of your precious short time on Earth, all your experiences & memories of what you did that year would be terrible, be they good Or bad. To flip it around, if it was a year of total Hell, the absolute worst year of your life then MAYBE, if it was devastating & traumatic enough, you *might* be better off forgetting everything about it, but even then you'd be giving up on all the learning experiences & growth that comes from dealing with adversity & trauma. There's probably a certain point past which the emotional & mental damage of a traumatically bad year isn't worth whatever positives are to be gained from remembering & learning from the experience, but outside of that extreme negative case I think it would be kind of horrifying to lose all memories of the year you just experienced.
@RobertFisher1969 7 жыл бұрын
I’ve found that being happy is generally a choice. So most of my years are now mostly happy ones. Given a choice between a perfectly happy year that I won’t remember and an imperfectly happy year that I will remember, being able to remember it tips the balance in favor of the imperfectly happy year. It isn’t that the memory is more important than the experience. It is that the incremental improvement to perfectly happy isn’t worth the cost of the memory.
@Abelhawk 7 жыл бұрын
That was a great explanation, but I have one qualm with it: I really enjoy reminiscing and reading my journals. No one ever reads my journals, but I find enjoyment from them on my own. I guess I'd still rather have a year of perfect happiness in written form even if there were no actual memories associated with it though.
@jackmaverick5481 7 жыл бұрын
This is a great question on so many levels and it sparks so many similar deep questions about why we choose the way we do. 👍👍👍
@sidremus 7 жыл бұрын
I concur with Lindybeige on this one. Living a year in total happiness without remembering it, really doesn't have too many downsides. However, a more interesting question might actually be whether you would do the same if you could, in fact, remember that year. I certainly wouldn't do it then. Knowing that the best year of your life, however much effort you put into it, is already behind you... now that would be a nightmare!
@lostyogi8712 7 жыл бұрын
I'm Russian on my mother side, total happiness would make me miserable............
@pointlessgimmickyusername9196 7 жыл бұрын
total happiness sounds unbearably awful. At least you won't remember it, I suppose.
@lostyogi8712 7 жыл бұрын
my grandmother is all Russian and is never more happier than when she is miserable........
@MCShvabo 7 жыл бұрын
Same here.
@Tectonix26 7 жыл бұрын
I think another good way to spin the question, would be the option to live a year in perfect hapiness, and not forget it. Knowing that you can never be that happy again.
@ReScqAkaPantee 7 жыл бұрын
If I would remember that year I´d probably not want to live in that year of total bliss. Because this would probably lead to living in the past (the memory of that gorgeous year) for the rest of my live.
@nicolasmorel1058 7 жыл бұрын
Imagine that, you have a relationship for a year, perfectly happy because you're on the love cloud. Then at the end of the year when you break up you keep no memories of it, avoiding the sorrow of the loss. This question is actually Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind's plot.
@WorldCrafterPrime 7 жыл бұрын
As an avid concert goer, few people are worse than those there for bragging rights or drugs. Music is the point.
@amritpalsingh517 7 жыл бұрын
That's why I take minimal pictures when I go somewhere, the whole purpose is being there and have a nice experience, not post a bunch of pictures on facebook which no one really cares.
@MrVeps1 7 жыл бұрын
I greatly value my memory, and the thought of losing an entire year of memories quite frankly horrifies me. If I could choose to get whisked off to a place outside of time, and spend a year in happiness, I would consider it, but losing a year of experience with other people would be unacceptable to me. I once heard that the point of your life is lying on your deathbed, looking back at your life, and realising that your life was worth dying for. I can understand this sentiment.
@luxnova8211 7 жыл бұрын
The statement on the travel to the concert, I personally would have said yes, even though I couldn't tell. I would LOVE to go to BrainCandy Live, but if I did and didn't get to tell anyone, well its no loss. I LOVE BrainCandy.
@Wingedshadowwolf 7 жыл бұрын
Somehow this one didn't show up on my feed until now. I think I liked this one the best so far!
@sertangsirus 6 жыл бұрын
I say that as someone who lost a bit of my memory following an incident; If I was about to live a year that I knew I would completely forget, I'd make sure I was forced to do things that would benefit me after the year was to end. How I enjoyed myself feels completely irrelevant as I would probably feel like the one that lived during that year was not me at all (that's even something that I was a bit paranoïd of after losing my memory, I was afraid that I could have done things that I wouldn't have done otherwise, like if someone else took hold of my body)
@djhalling 7 жыл бұрын
The trouble with this sort of question is that so much depends on the details we are not given. I took it to mean that I had no memory of the year, and no way of finding out about it. If I would be unable even to remember why I could not remember a year of my life, I think I would find that very disturbing. In that case, it might not be worth it.
@Hallgrenoid 7 жыл бұрын
I went "hmm, interesting question", but you managed to convince me how obvious the answer is. Which made me instead think about the fact that i thought it was an interesting question in the first place.
@TheAIKnowledgeHub 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with this one, but not for the same reason. As far as I can tell, there is no downside to spending 1 years of being happy other than not remembering it. So the question is really 1. You spend 1 year of being happy, but you forget it after that year 2. You remember that 1 year, but it's at the current state. What's the actually benefit of doing 2?
@ronysgames 7 жыл бұрын
I'm really enjoying this series, please continue :D
@pchips6300 7 жыл бұрын
I like how Lindy interprets the questions :D. His logical nature is unique I think
@RADdodo 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah... the thing is that i would have a blank space in my memories of a COMPLETE YEAR. I personally prefer a year full of learning than a year of absolute happiness that is then forgotten, because in the end what i would regret in this life would be not reaching my full potential. Also, the uncertainty of not knowing what i did or happened would be annoying to me, and it might actually torture me a little because afterwards i would feel that someone else lived that, not me. So long story short, no, i wouldn't take the year of happiness if i had to forget everything. Maybe i would if it was a day or a week or something like that, but a full year seems like too much to me.
7 жыл бұрын
Having no recollection of the past year, I wouldn't know that I in fact had a pleasurable year. At the end of the day I feel like I'd lose a year of my life.
@Thaddios 7 жыл бұрын
I would not. The question is asking you to give up a year of your life, a year that could have some low points, but also could be full of plenty of happy ones. Are we not a sum total of our experiences? Sharing good stories with others is a great way to relive happiness for yourself and spread joy to others as well. If you do not remember it afterwards you might as well have been in a coma for an entire year.
@TheJALOBE 7 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you. It's this superficial way that people represent themselves that is really toxic and annoying. I'm sick of scrolling through feeds of people doing stuff like climbing (for example). There will be a selfie of them smiling at the top but if you ask the person they went with, they'll say that they complained the whole way up.
@holtg007 7 жыл бұрын
I would, because doing something actually builds the neuro networks in the brain to be happy stronger... so out of it you are going to be much happier because your brain will be better wired for that emotion
@ifanga000 7 жыл бұрын
I'd argue that loosing memory of that year might even be beneficial. It probably would be stressful to say the least to return to your normal life after a whole year of constant pleasure.
@LadnyVoid 7 жыл бұрын
I already forget the first 6 or 7 first years of my life, probably the happiest ones.
@havuvuorilehto8490 4 жыл бұрын
But not totally. You remember bits, skills, emotions, they have forged you as a human.
@henrysclafani9279 7 жыл бұрын
I think the question is you go to a "magical" place and at the end your memory is completely erased and you don't know you were happy and you lose a year of your life. You can't look at it like you're about to go into the year because why wouldn't you want a year of happiness. Imagine right now that you had took that deal already and you don't know you did but you lose one year of your life you could of had. It depends on what you believe will happen when you die that will determine what your answer is. If you believe you just stop existing then take the year it doesn't matter you won't remember because you won't remember your entire life when you're dead, but if you believe in an afterlife of sorts there's room to debate.
@jamoecw 7 жыл бұрын
interesting take on the question, I assumed that the year would be a complete loss. imagine if you were in a coma for a year while your pleasure centers were overloaded, afterwards you would simply have lost a year. heck one could argue that we have all had a super year of our lives without remembering the year, namely the first year of life.
@VonBlade 5 жыл бұрын
I've got, sort of but more complicated than that, PTSD, which means I forget most things that happened the day before, even special events that should be memorable. I'm probably going to forget anyway, but I'd much rather forget a year of utter contentment than a year of grey Tuesdays.
@franksierow5792 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of lots of things: things I have thought about theoretically and things that have actually happened. In 2017 I had a illness that came on suddenly (within a few hours) that was initially very painful. But I don't remember that very painful bit, and only know about it because I was told about it later. The reason for not remembering it was probably the drugs I was given when I was taken off in an ambulance. Now I have a very significant event in my life that is not part of what I remember, and I sort of wonder whether it happened to "me" or just to my body. Traumatic events in one's life can lead to PTSD. Can one have PTSD about something if the memory of that thing has been blocked out by drugs? Later in that hospital there was a very unpleasant procedure I they said I needed: a tube up my nose and down into my stomach. I knew it was going to be unpleasant because I had had it before, but the tube accidentally slipped out again. Can I be sedated? I asked, and they said no. They said it was important, so I said to go ahead, but they could not get it to go down the right tube. They tried a light sedation I think next, but still failed to get the tube in. Finally, two doctors came in and said "We're going to have to use forceps" and they were going to give me something stronger, and said "You won't remember this". And the next thing I knew was they were packing up and leaving saying "Didn't work; couldn't get it in". I don't think it was a general anaesthetic they gave me, because that would have involved much more elaborate preparations and recovery. It might have been something that just made me not care much about what was going on. I think they later decided it wasn't that important to get the tube in. I have tried asking people "If you were told something was going to be very painful, but they wouldn't remember it, would that be a comfort to them?". I think someone said "yes, that would be fine", which I found surprising. Maybe they thought that it would be like a general anaesthetic where they would not know it was happening. Being happy and then not remembering it reminded me of a film (Total Recall) where the converse happens: someone pays for the *memory* of a good holiday. So instead of experiencing and not remembering we have remembering without experiencing. And finally... recently I was watching with a friend some videos that we had made on holiday about 20 years earlier, and there were some bits that we had completely forgotten we had done. We had definitely done these things, because we could see ourselves doing them in the video! So that was like the question in the book.
@mortimersnead5821 7 жыл бұрын
Happiness? I don't care about happiness, but if I lost a year of memory it would slow down my ability to grow in understanding of the world around me, and that I do care about.
@BigDave15 7 жыл бұрын
Having an entire year missing from memory could be pretty disconcerting.
@extrams0 7 жыл бұрын
I would do it , but I wouldn't WANT to remember it - because for the rest of my life, I would horribly miss it ...
@krahnjp 7 жыл бұрын
I don't know, If I wake up and realize a year has passed that I have zero knowledge of, the anxiety of not knowing what happened might bother me so much to wonder if the year is worth it. Now if I at least remembered that I went into a year that was great, and in theory nothing bad happened (or it wouldn't be perfect happiness) then it's a different story.
@nicholasmitchell4717 7 жыл бұрын
I like this idea of Facebook points. Someone should pitch it to the Facebook team.
@goodlookingcorpse 7 жыл бұрын
Apart from anything else, your health would benefit from a year of perfect happiness (unless 'remember' is defined so broadly that this doesn't happen).
@cola98765 4 жыл бұрын
I know it's an old video, but whatever... Lloyd changed question a bit. First he talked about "[...] If you could not tell anyone what happened, but you remember". And in later part "[...] If you didn't remember, but could restore info from others and notes". First one? YES PLEASE! It's not like I don't have friends that I can tell my holiday stories to. Second one? It would be like a dream I written down and forgot, or reading a book made by myself, for myself.
@nathanberrigan9839 7 жыл бұрын
But what if boasting is the thing that brings the person happiness? e.g. I don't fly on a plane because I enjoy flying on a plane; I fly on a plane because it enables me to be in Hawai'i, which I do enjoy. The concert itself may not bring them joy, but it enables the person to boast which ultimately does bring them joy.
@martinan22 7 жыл бұрын
Lindybeige misunderstands life. Happiness is a part of our cybernetics system, it is not an end in itself. The value of happiness is the behaviour it rewards. Not the feeling in itself.
@spairus4492 7 жыл бұрын
I liked the phrasing you gave in the title more than the book's questing. I would even prefer if you actually answered that one. I've thought about it myself exactly as you wrote it and I think it's generally a more interesting question, but oh well. I got it In the sense that: Is pleasure a waste, if you can't remember and rejoice and relive your happiness through the memories you made at that time? Like, I think the question (once again -_-) drove you into missing the point. You end up talking about the "would you rather" scenario more, rather than the most important part, which is, how much is pleasure worth to you if you can't keep it as a part of who you are. You sort of answered that with that childhood part, but I don't feel satisfied :)
@Gnarlf 7 жыл бұрын
This one would be a strockt no for me. Memories are very important in my opinion and life is to short to waste a minute of it. What if in this perfect happy year my child is born. that would be a very happy moment but i would forget all of it, the first steps, maybe the first words. no. Even if i could tell everyone how happy i am in that year, i still wouldn't do it, because nothing of it stays with me. So in a way i understand your argument, but it leads me to a very different conclusion. if i couldn't remember the great times i had with my grandparents that would be a big loss for me. I generally don't tell anyone about it, but the memory itself makes me smile. granted normally i wouldn't know what i lost, but in the circumstances of the question its obvious.
@domvasta 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't, it would be a wasted year, I couldn't learn anything or have new experiences to help me through the rest of my life. Happiness isn't the goal for me, discovering meaning is, you could argue that discovering meaning is what makes me happy but if you erase all my knowledge of that, I don't have it anymore so it's not worth it, I'd maybe to a week or even month of happiness with memory erased, but >1% of my life is too much time to go without memory of.
@trevorlambert4226 7 жыл бұрын
It doesn't have anything to do with telling people about it. It has to do with whether whatever happened during that time matters if you have no recollection of it. Try changing the question to this: If you could go to sleep for a year, and wake up not even remembering any dreams, would you do it? Because it's effectively the same thing.
@MadHatter42 7 жыл бұрын
To me, the question is a bit of a contradiction in terms. A year of perfect happiness would involve things like finding the love of my life, landing the perfect job, adopting a healthier lifestyle, proudly serving my community, etc. A yer of perfect happiness would, for me at least, involve things which leave long-lasting impact on me and the world around me. So if I were to forget it all at the ed of the year, does that mean I would just suddenly wake up one morning with no memory of the last 365 days and find myself mysteriously married, living in a new home, with a new job and new friends, and not have any notion of who/what they are and where they cam from? Now, if it was, say, a DAY of perfect happiness, that'd be a valid question. Like, just a really good day, where everything goes right for you, but ultimately has little to no long-term consequences. And that would totally be worth having because if you don't have it, you're not really losing anything. There is a salient question in there, it's just wrapped in a poor example.
@Blind56 7 жыл бұрын
and also. in terms of numbers what exactly are you choosing from? living in happiness for a year or living a normal life remembering it? the question should be: would you live in happiness for a year or not.
@Lilitha11 7 жыл бұрын
Sounds like he took a very positive outlook on the vague question. If it didn't disrupt your life, and all your friends were around, and you came back healthy then it might be fun. However, in a lot of ways it could be very disruptive and I would be concerned by the large lapse in memory. I suppose it depends on what is actually happening here.
@dalmacietis 7 жыл бұрын
Actually, it is to your benefit if you can't recall the year of perfect happiness. Because, if you could, everything after that would seem dull and miserable in comparison...
@LukeE94 7 жыл бұрын
You sir are the physical embodiment of my subconscious. It's like my thoughts have taken the physical form of a whimsical messiah :P
@Vedvart1 7 жыл бұрын
It should be considered whether happiness is in fact a good purpose for life. But aside from that, assuming it is, doing things to impress others isnt necessarily wasted energy. You may not enjoy the act, but the social reputation you gain from telling people and sharing your experiences could lead to new friends and whole new life experiences with those friends. Who knows, you might meet a life long lover at the concert, or you might meet her passively in a ring of people you're telling a story to.
@ErwinPommel 7 жыл бұрын
It occurs to me that the only way the asker of this question can know for sure that you'll remember nothing of this perfect year is if they kill you at the end of it. I wonder how that would affect the answer.
@Terezar 7 жыл бұрын
If you cannot remember it, what is the point. The experience of the pleasure, the happiness, everything about it disappears from existence at the end of the year.
@macmcleod1188 7 жыл бұрын
your experience would be, "yes" and then the year would be over the next instant. anything you learned would be lost. from your perspective, you would not remember the happiness. so from your perspective, you would just instantly be a year older. before you judge my approach. i would say yes as well because i remember almost nothing from over 2 years ago. but i have a really bad memory. if you have a good memory tho... and also, i do keep skills i learned. so i would lose a year of skills and skill improvements.
@DEMERN 7 жыл бұрын
Nobody's gonna read this so I'm just gonna say it: I'm sexually attracted to Lindy Beige
@thenerdylad882 7 жыл бұрын
DEMERN's Music He's single last I checked, you have a chance ;)
@johnsmith-xl9yu 7 жыл бұрын
Everyone lets thumb this up so it stays at the top of the page.
@jajijame2679 7 жыл бұрын
I read it but I agree
@Eric-sy1xu 7 жыл бұрын
DEMERN's Music I think it's assumed that everyone is
@JhimX 7 жыл бұрын
Better start wearing beige
@johnhamann5861 7 жыл бұрын
More Please!
@sureguy1144 7 жыл бұрын
This may be a bit picky for others, but the title says pleasure whilst the original question was about happiness. This implies the two are one in the same, which unfortunately is a mistake made all too often nowadays. First, I want to give a definition of pleasure and happiness to explain my stances. Pleasure, in my opinion, is a short-term false sense of happiness, induced by doing something enjoyable. Happiness, in my opinion, is a more long term result of living to self standards (or religious standards/standards of others) and achieving meaningful goals in life. My stance on the question with PLEASURE as it's subject is: Pleasure ultimately unimportant. Thus it cannot be wasted. To live in a year of complete pleasure, lets say I'm a heroin addict that always gets his fix, sure I would have pleasure, but after that year I wouldn't be happy. Then what was that year for? Perhaps it's time we should be more concerned about wasting in this question... My stance on the question with HAPPINESS as it's subject is: If you were to have a full year of happiness, then surely if you forgot the year, and it's contents, you would still have achieved the goals you had in that year, still reaping the rewards from such goals attained. Happiness being one of them, so certainly a year of happiness forgotten is still worth while, unless perhaps you were robbed of what you achieved and thus reducing the happiness you attained to that of mere pleasure, short term and insignificant. If you disagree with my definitions of pleasure and happiness, then you may simply disregard all of this. Have a good day!
@philipbossy4834 6 жыл бұрын
This video is missing in the Q217 playlist
@Blackmark52 7 жыл бұрын
Lindy seems to be making a lot of assumptions about the aftermath of the year -- not to mention what the year itself would be like. My considerations of the question tended to be wary of both. What if I were happy for a year, but was doing nothing for the betterment of anyone I care about? Why assume that friends and family would have any association with or knowledge of the year that I have no memory of. What if after my year of happiness I come back to a state where my life has passed me by, I've lost my job, my friends have moved, and my family has been killed in a catastrophe? Nothing in the question implies that life after the year will be roses. Indeed, how could abdicate all trials and tribulations for a year and not come back to a mess and a year behind in any progress you would have made in life? And what if the only way to experience perfect happiness for a year is to divorce oneself from reality completely? This question smacks of an alternative question : if you could go insane for a year and have nothing but pleasant thoughts, would you?
@0NBalfa0 7 жыл бұрын
it actually kind of depends on what one implies by perfect happiness. Like based on the brain activity you will have after that year as if it is at an arguably worse point than before that year, then it is surely not worth it as it is 1 year removed from your life from which you learn nothing at all and you reduce the amount of stuff you will be able to learn (assuming that within the experiences you would have in that year, there isn't something you deem important and you can learn afterwards only had you chosen the year of happiness) else, sure go for it.
@eliseweusthuis 7 жыл бұрын
I feel like there are probably some negative effects of having a year of memory loss though. Like what if you find true love and then you don't remember that person? Or you get your ideal job but then you don't remember it and you only find that you quit the job you had a year ago.
@matteospeedwagon8139 7 жыл бұрын
This one's actually super interesting
@baconghoti 7 жыл бұрын
A year in perfect happiness, but then not be able to remember it afterwards? Well, for a year I'm really going to enjoy it so why deny myself perfection and those who journey with me? Also would you want to remember perfect happiness afterwards, knowing you're never going to be as happy again, ever? I know which year I would select if I could. Statistics on cause of death for my gender, social status and country states that my last year of life has a very high probability of being fairly shitty. Going out on the bang of my life sounds pretty, ducking good!
@davidcook2 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't to learn and create is too important for me. and seeing family and friends and remembering the times is super important to me. also I wouldn't be able to listen to the music and games I made in that year
@futurepig 7 жыл бұрын
How about the opposite approach? If you were offered to have whole year of happy memories implanted in your brain (Total Recall style) which you could remember as perfectly real, but never happened... would you accept it?
@anomamos9095 7 жыл бұрын
If you haven't already you should see the movie Pay Cheque a Phillip K Dick based story It;s a very enjoyable movie about a guy who lives this question. The questions has to be asked What would be the cause of the memory lose and would you remember making the choice? If the cause has no medical consequences then the answer is yes , but if you don't remember choosing you won't remember being happy but you will know you've lost a year of your life which could cause you to be unhappy.
@ilmioincubokafkianodellita6128 7 жыл бұрын
i was wondering if using antidepressants was worth it. you gave me the answer.
@rzq100 7 жыл бұрын
I can't really say whether I would or wouldn't do it. My reasoning is that yes it would be nice to have a year of perfect happiness but afterword you're left with a wasted year of your life that you don't even have memories of. It would be almost like it never happened. Not to mention if you further expand the hypothetical do you disappear from your life during that year or do you simply continue on with your life but happier. If it's the former then you're left having to try to explain to everyone you know where the fuck you went for a year. If it's the latter then it's basically like you were struck with amnesia and have no memories of the past year of your normal life but everyone else you met does. You might forget meeting new people. You might forget important developments in your life or the lives of those around you. For all that confusion you won't even have fond memories to look back on and appreciate.
@omerle4393 7 жыл бұрын
Don't you think that the comparison should be to your avarage year? If you are happy enough with your life, and can still remember a given year (so you can relive key moments via memory) isn't it better than living a better year but not being able to relive it?
@mapesdhs597 7 жыл бұрын
The comment responses here show that the question is flawed, it relies far too much on how one interprets what the question means. Some clearly infer that forgetting what happened means one will not be capable of learning about those events later from others, and most of the people who disgree with Lindy's choice don't mention this aspect of Lindy's discussion. I liked Reece McDude's logical extension of what many are saying who don't agree with Lindy, to quote, "Do you think life is pointless because you won't remember it after you die?" Well put! Likewise, I'm sure if one could ask a coma patient whether they'd prefer to never have had whatever positive experiences they live through before ending up in a coma, if they could know in advance the coma was inevitable, they would say well of course one would still opt to have those experiences. Again though, all of this hinges on how one interprets the question. It says nothing about how one's memory will behave after the event. If this were an exam question, I would insist on a clearer question before risking a particular answer, atm the question is vague. But then, so many questions like this tend to be vague.
@havuvuorilehto8490 4 жыл бұрын
You would loose a year of memories!! Hellou! What?? What if you learn a lot of stuff, and then remember nothing of it?
@Strategiusz 7 жыл бұрын
So it is about one year of not learning anything? Or in other words about one year amnesia?
@Steeks 7 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't that just be a year of coma with sweet dreams. I think I would say no to that.
@bennettmosher 7 жыл бұрын
I award 100 KZbin points for the take-down of Facebook points.
@ichko3 7 жыл бұрын
Pfff, just use the loophole. Write everything down every day in a diary and then choose happiness. :D
@DarkPock 7 жыл бұрын
Yes I would do it If I couldn't say. I would doubt if I couldn't remember, because it would be a lost year.
@pered5 7 жыл бұрын
That's a silly premise, no years are lost years, time can't be wasted. When you're on your deathbed it isn't going to matter how skilled you are, or how much money you have gotten, you'll still die. Legacies are overrated and being mediocre is a gift.
@DarkPock 7 жыл бұрын
pered5 I didn't mean the usefulness. It would be exactly the same as being perfectly unhappy for the year. Id rather be normal but remember, happiness is overrated.
@nkroondijk 7 жыл бұрын
You already had your year of perfect happiness......, Don't you remember ?
@tk-xd-m8no9 7 жыл бұрын
I would, without a doubt.
@kahrkunne3960 7 жыл бұрын
I'd just like to point out that if we all folowed Lloyd's advice here humans probably wouldn't have gone to the moon, climbed mt. everest or discovered America.
@gnarlytreeman 7 жыл бұрын
maybe we wouldn't want to find out what would really make us happy? it might be scary...
@zetsevs 7 жыл бұрын
Id do it too just the amensia might be a kicker and itd make me think I finally went bonkers
@marcuspayne2426 7 жыл бұрын
You already had that year, don't you rememb....oh, never mind.
@spilbeen5213 7 жыл бұрын
question!, if it were actually somehow physically impossible ever to tell anybody else that i have don this thing do i still want to do it?. well yes i will keep playing with my self!.
@paulbrule5897 7 жыл бұрын
tomorrow never comes for the ones who do not sleep
@LunchboxGaming 7 жыл бұрын
What if you lost memory of a whole year and were simply told at the end that you were in bliss the whole time? Is there any difference?
@Ilamarea 7 жыл бұрын
I'd rather have my normal year, and be able to grow and learn during it than enjoy a year-long cocain-induced coma. Remembering stuff is pretty much what makes us human and alive.
@LeeSpork 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't, because that just seems like a waste of a year to me. If I'm in perfect happiness, I wouldn't be productive at all. I'd get nothing done for an entire year and have nothing to show for it. And I'd be one big step closer to my inevitable death. But if you didn't take the year off, you could do things that would set you up for life later on. Maybe you could start a new career to set yourself up for retirement better? Maybe you could search for and work hard for a job that lets you retire early? That certainly wouldn't be perfect happiness, but you life could become much better later! But then again, I'd probably procrastinate the entire year away anyway. Eh, pretty much the same thing.
@d4nnyh 7 жыл бұрын
you could argue if you cant remember it, its a waste of a year of your life
@gabrielstarling526 7 жыл бұрын
Do you think it would be possible for you to make a video on the gender wage gap? Like actually analyzing the ways people can play with statistics to make it seem like either gender earns more than the other even though it's illegal to pay different amounts for the same worked HOURS (not weeks/years). I'm tired of seeing studied people claiming that women make x cents on the dollar based on a yearly salary or an industry wide average (yes I said "dollar" and I know you are in the uk, but the same happens here in Brazil and from what little I've read it also goes on in the uk). #Loydrants
@Bent773 7 жыл бұрын
One year of happiness but not remembering any of it solution: Gopro the whole thing.
@christopherbrice5473 7 жыл бұрын
When are you getting that armor, again?
@dmaster225 7 жыл бұрын
It doesnt tell you how you will spend perfect happiness. What if it means being hooked to a machine and just being in a computer simulation? Then all those points about meeting other people that you dont remember are null because you would have met no one, and all your experiences are in a computer simulation. I wouldnt take it. Because the question can be rephrased as would you be willing to forget a year of your life?
@kylenetherwood8734 7 жыл бұрын
If you couldn't upload these videos onto KZbin would you still make them?
@themagikarpmaster4105 7 жыл бұрын
shlibber Well writ good fellow.
@MrTohawk 7 жыл бұрын
If you wouldnt get money for your job would you still work?
@kylenetherwood8734 7 жыл бұрын
Kemal Rogers But in his videos he speaks to an audience and not like how one would talk to one's self.
@Blox117 7 жыл бұрын
if you could live forever and never die, would you?
@Blox117 7 жыл бұрын
lets say you have to take a gamble on what state you are in, but you would live eternally regardless
@DidntKnowWhatToPut1 7 жыл бұрын
Sounds more like a year long bender involving copious amounts of drugs and alcohol followed by a swift rehabilitation in time for christmas.
@triggerhippy2826 7 жыл бұрын
been there done that - no regrets. I believe it was know as "University"
@TheOneLichemperor 7 жыл бұрын
Back in your day maybe. These days us students have to maintain multiple job positions in order to be able to afford to survive!
@Mike-ls3bs 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheOneLichemperor laughs in european
@whatisup4811 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mike-ls3bs laughs in 60%+ taxes
@JamesSmith-dw1uz 3 жыл бұрын
@@whatisup4811 Well, so? I'd rather have high taxes & affordable university/healthcare than low taxes and being in debt for life and afraid to go to the doctor.
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