Alicia, thank you so much for sharing your wisdoms in this video.I am feeling so touched and confirmations about my questions related to this world. There was enlightenment and a new awareness about how I have been limiting myself living in this world. All I have done have been trying to follow and imitating how it was done but I have never been able to get the motivation to do it for a long time. It often time lead me into feeling frustrated thinking that why I couldn't be like them and all. So it is okay that none of them suit me well, I will find my own way 🙏
Hi Alicia, 我也有观看Carla and oliwar 的影片。他们有分享过有些人可能是NPC。不确定你说的没有前世的人会不会就是npc? 还是这个NPC概念是不准确的?看了很多视频,学了很多资讯。想把这些资讯做relation 。谢谢~
@aliciahealingstudio11 ай бұрын
npc的概念在我这里是不存在的,每个灵魂回来地球不只是为了苟活!we don’t exist for the sake of existence!我们的存在都有某种意义、而且生命就是一个奇迹!其实最近网络太多有用VS垃圾的信息!不要全部信以为真包括我讲的,你也需要用脑去思考!毕竟我觉得学海无涯,我也不可能对时间万物都开悟🤪我也有错误的时候
@peiwei698 ай бұрын
@@aliciahealingstudioread Dolores Cannon books. You might find the answer there
@展章11 ай бұрын
@welongchua421911 ай бұрын
@JBro-gu2ys4 ай бұрын
@kyliekitchen852711 ай бұрын
@kk-tf3nm11 ай бұрын
@wr374011 ай бұрын
Alicia, 您好像沒說您在山洞和天上的事情呀?哈哈😆
@michelleong759211 ай бұрын
@SSTan-cz7eo17 күн бұрын
My take is ,his previous life might be from a higher plane maybe deva or the even higher brahma level. So you may not be able to see until that level. In buddhist sutra story , a very highly develop man can see anyone and everyone's future reincarnation life even if they will be born in the brahma world. He challenge Buddha in this aspect.Buddha gave him the name of a recent past away monk. The man seaches high and low ,all the way to hell and brahma world and cannot find where that monk will be re-born Finally he admit defeat and ask Buddha.Buddha told him the monk had reach arahantship and reach nirvana. My take is no one including the greatest Satan , except enlightened one , can view what is nirvana.
@铁拳老曾11 ай бұрын
@NicholasCST11 ай бұрын
alicia ever consider join 俄罗斯通灵之战 ? challange to next level
@@aliciahealingstudio Halo Alicia, 新年快樂,心想事成! 首先,很高興與你互動,再來,我不是什麼通靈的,沒有天眼通,陰陽眼,和佛教稱的其他神通,更不是什麼大德,只是與你分享個人觀點。 你提問的問題,其實在你這個視頻不就自己給了答案麼。 再來,你提出的問題,在這個 Era, 已經不是一句兩句說得清,這 Era, 已經由簡變繁。已經不能用壹加壹等於二了。 既然有果,哪能沒因呢?因果論,佛家 道家都著重。 預知道答案,你就要下決心修,往內修,但很多人,都卻往外求。這 Era 很多人覺醒,有很多所謂的靛藍小孩,彩虹小孩等等之类。在我個人認知,佛家所說的,叫覺悟,但是離開大徹大悟還是有很大的距離的。 建議你不妨與佛教結緣既然 you are gifted, for a reason. 佛教講緣,如若與佛教的佛菩薩(既所謂的高靈)有緣的話。你該知道的,都會如願。在佛家來講,佛度有緣人 不度無緣眾生,參考。 還有就是,神通再大,也敵不過業力所以擁有神通,也不能隨意,後來在佛陀時代,佛祖後來也禁止弟子運用神通。或許也說明了,即便有神通,也要承擔業力。佛祖自己也不例外。所以也不要糾結類似先有雞還是先有蛋之類的問題。所以在出手幫助他人時,要謹慎,因為有些人,可憐之人 必有可惡之處。Great powers meaning great responsibility. 對了,既然 you are gifted, 我鼓勵你在你的地方,或所去之處,如果方便,多做煙供(藥供還有食供),幫助十方衆生,再加上唸經(可以唸六字大明咒,六道金剛咒,三字總持等)給他們,看看是否能度脫他們,幫到他們,于大家分享。 不是說你不好,相反,你很棒,很有勇氣。無意冒犯,加油↖(^ω^)↗!
@aliciahealingstudio11 ай бұрын
@@gremlins99999 这个宇宙很大,不是每个宗教信仰都有因果轮回的说法没有前世不代表是错误的,不代表其他宗教是错误的。 islam christianity catholic都是没有轮回的说法,那他们也可以说这个轮回的theory is wrong哈哈我知道你没有冒犯只是大家分享的时候也要be open minded that other posibilities do exist
@gremlins9999911 ай бұрын
@@aliciahealingstudio 我都說了,you are gifted, 對妳來說,不知道是好事麼,因人而異。或許比其他人佔了優勢更能通達。 其他宗教怎麼說,個人不想評論太多。至於你問,其他宗教也可以說這個輪迴的 theory is wrong.你在你的這個視頻,不就已經給了答案,是最好的印證,難道說你還在矛盾,還在質疑你自己麼。你要不就你的自性,忽明忽暗。西方滿多學者也一一證明前世今生,也通過催眠等,回縮前世,療育和治療了很多個案,都很科學。 你講得很對,宇宙很大,浩瀚無邊無際,大致無外,小致無內,而佛教事實上不是宗教,講的也可以說是宇宙之法,只是後來的需求和時代演變,也就是因緣吧,才到今天這樣五花八門,沒對或錯,應以何度衆生,就以何方便法門度化,令其棄迷開悟。 魔法時代的來臨,邪師邪說也很多。所以更需要正能量的人,有能力的人維護正道,帶領和幫助有緣人。 對了,我不是佛教徒,真正的佛教徒是已經皈依了。再來,順道分享,你可知道,舍利子麼,至今,科學還無法解釋佛教的奇觀,奇特現象。
Maybe the reason for falling birth rate in modern cities is that human are more informed of the effects of karma, they did more good during their living years and exit from the realms of reincarnation, so less babies can come back into the human cycle ..... 吧?🤭