Alvin. Please go to watch this movie: Soul. It's what you explained.... The jelly civilization. The main character went to that jelly-like World. It's a cartoon. I think it was from Dreamwork
@lemon-mint12047 ай бұрын
So good to hear this podcast done in Cantonese. Both of you speak fluent Cantonese. Keep it up. Ta
@无限音符InfinityMusicNote7 ай бұрын
冲着 Alwin Wong 来
@Yipcc6 ай бұрын
@Siubakkoi17 ай бұрын
James Leininger - kid who remembers being WW2 pilot. Dr. Jim Tucker is the doctor who documents
@sharonytcy7 ай бұрын
wawawa….getting interesting Alicia! really appreciate your effort to make your channel more fun with local actor…. hope you can talk more about cultivation and how normal ppl could unlock gifts
@yeohccn7 ай бұрын
When I listen your story, I feel my last life was something flying. Since I was kid until recently I had countless dreams that flying in the sky. Below me all the houses and building. I love that feeling as well.
@aliciahealingstudio7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@cylee20496 ай бұрын
Alvin Wong the underrated actress
@lls5286107 ай бұрын
敲碗下一集 2人互动很好
@patricialeehl7 ай бұрын
Wow..stories from interesting. Love these kind of metaphysics topics!!
我记得很清楚我小时候在窗边(window ledge)看到黑色的手,有着长指甲。我住在4楼。当时告诉我爸有黑色的“妖怪手”,可是记得他跟我说:“没有啦,哪里有。” 还有多一个经验是,我记得小时候的我(好像在读小一),可以在房间里面飞行。现在回想起来好像是梦,但又觉得好真,似乎真的有发生过。但现在长大了,是一个平凡到不能再平凡的人 - can't see and sense any spiritual thing. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise? But spiritual stuff fascinates me a lot!
@asdfghjkl617007 ай бұрын
about Alice's dream, doesnt that sound like Gautama buddha?
@aliciahealingstudio7 ай бұрын
😅 i aint no buddha haha
@jenchan93047 ай бұрын
廣東話好親切,and I like this topic; pls do more. Btw do catholics have incarnation?
What Alvin dreampt of is not 'jelly', but a kind of force field There are way too many different forms of 'sentient' in the universe, in my own encounters, I've met sentient in the form of astrological bodies, maybe a rock or a little planetoid To us, it's just a piece of rock, but to those who are floating out there for billions and billions of years, some of them have gained a 'sense of being' ---- Alicia was one of them, way back when, in the beginning Only after Alicia's 'being' come into mother Earth that she/he becomes part of Earth's ecology (maybe as she described, a Buddhist monk) As for those so-called 'brand new souls' I believed they originated from extra-territorial AI objects (I've kinda met those 'aliens' but they are not really alive, they can move and 'converse' and do things, but they do not have a 'full soul', for their bodies are but a 'shell' produced by the mothership or whatnots to survive the very very long journey it took for them to travel across the galaxy) All these are very hard to explain
人生路长长 Yan Sang Lou Cheong Cheong 何必要烦恼 Ho Pi Yeu Fan Nao 一心一意来 Yat Sum Yat Yi Loy 念佛向西方 Nim Fat Heong Sai Fong ( Cantonese from Shakyamuni Buddha ) One's life is quite long and weary Why need to bother ourself With a single heart and mind Recite Amitabha (Buddha) towards Western Pureland 一个推一个拉 释迦牟尼佛推 阿彌陀佛拉 Push and Pull factor Shakyamuni Buddha push all towards Western Pureland And Amitabha Buddha pull everyone 南无阿弥陀佛 Namo Amitabha Buddha