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Singapore's Former Foreign Minister George Yeo at Danube Institute Q&A: Can the U.S. Truly Understand China?! China as a Challenge to the West Due to Its Sheer Size?!
影片來源: Danube Institute @danubenstitute Video source: Danube Institute @danubenstitute
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@ez2024-x9 17 күн бұрын
George is a great wise man to listen to. If European politicians were able to take some wisdom or advice from Mr Yeo, Europe would have not been in today’s position.
@stayprepared2388 15 күн бұрын
why is George Yeois the spokesman for China ? China need a kick out of election Singaporean to take over the China Foreign Minister job ? or make use Singapore brand to influence others .
@jameshk2800 17 күн бұрын
Excellent speaker
@stayprepared2388 15 күн бұрын
why is George Yeois the spokesman for China ? China need a kick out of election Singaporean to take over the China Foreign Minister job ? or make use Singapore brand to influence others .
@sunnyyuki2483 16 күн бұрын
@stayprepared2388 15 күн бұрын
why is George Yeois the spokesman for China ? China need a kick out of election Singaporean to take over the China Foreign Minister job ? or make use Singapore brand to influence others .
@kevenwung 17 күн бұрын
中国人都深受中国式的家国天下文化影响,我们讲究修身齐家治国平天下。所以,中国永远需要优先处理的是自己的事情,是自己的内部事务、内部关系、内部改善。 西方人看中国,也是从他们自己的价值观和行为方式去考虑,他们假设自己国家具备像中国这样的影响力、这样的规模和科技军事水平,会在国际上干出什么事情来作为风险参考。 强盗心思越严重的国家,越是恐惧中国,这一点很难简单改变。 目前,只有一些在中国常住过好几年的老外可以慢慢理解这种价值观和道德取向,而坐在欧洲看书看新闻的看数据的学者看待中国永远是雾里看花。。。。。
@QinQin-dl4xm 16 күн бұрын
欧洲及其扩张来的国家,一直秉承着侵略思维,或者说海盗思维,他们的文化就是扩张侵略。 而我们中国一直是内圣外王的儒家思想,认为把自己的事情搞好了,做为好的榜样,外面的人看到自然而然的就会模仿并服从。 二者相差太大,一个走抢劫的武力路线,一个走样板的文明路线,完全不在一个调子上。
@kevenwung 16 күн бұрын
@@QinQin-dl4xm 不用太高看我们,现在因为我们在国际上在形势上还是处于被压制的状态。等中国真的全方位领先时,你看看届时骄狂的国人对外会是啥态度吧。。。。也许国家秉持的外交策略不会变,但是民心变了,热钱多了,疯狂外流,向外投资,向外挤压现有财阀的利益池。那时候在国际上招致的诋毁和压力可能依然不会少,甚至更高。 中国在国际上需要对手,所以希望美国能更坚挺,能让中国在竞争中达到更高的成就。 希望以后更多竞争转向更加宏大的太空和宇宙而不是最终由经济矛盾引发出世界危机和世界大战。
@scottchu8065 16 күн бұрын
Religion is really important, the Chinese Daoism is really the backbone of chinese culture.
@Kennynbay 16 күн бұрын
I would say it's one of the 3 pillars of Buddhism, Dao and Confucianism.
@youngchan6054 15 күн бұрын
@@Kennynbay 其实中国的文化,这三个教派只是代表,如果了解诸子百家,这三个教派也吸收了其他教派的观点。例如比较著名的法家和墨家。
@pstvision7119 17 күн бұрын
谢谢杨部长,及主持人,现场观众的尖锐问题,扩展我视野及三观。 受益良多,资讯满载而归。。。❤
@wayneyu8158 17 күн бұрын
@stayprepared2388 15 күн бұрын
why is George Yeo is the spokesman for China ? China need a kick out of election Singaporean to take over the China Foreign Minister job ? or make use Singapore brand to influence others .
@shinghokwong2455 16 күн бұрын
George is a good adviser .
@stayprepared2388 15 күн бұрын
why is George Yeo is the spokesman for China ? China need a kick out of election Singaporean to take over the China Foreign Minister job ? or make use of Singapore brand to influence others .
@laurachen3972 17 күн бұрын
@maikeirini4631 17 күн бұрын
The gulf in the grasp of world history between George Yeo and the rest of the panelists is embarrassing!!
@yuhung4521 16 күн бұрын
這世界通用且強勢的語言是英語, 其它語系國家,想在國際上有一席地,必須先學好英文, 也因此這些國家的精英絕對比只須會英語的國家精英更了解,更能體會世界是多樣的人種,文化習俗,學養..而組合而成的, 現在全球會產生許多的問題,糾結,矛盾,不是因為中國崛起⋯⋯而是白人至上主義延伸下來的落寞,因為已經習慣唯己獨尊的慣性思維和行為,突然受到影響⋯⋯
@stayprepared2388 15 күн бұрын
why is George Yeo is the spokesman for China ? China need a kick out of election Singaporean to take over the China Foreign Minister job ? or make use of Singapore brand to influence others .
@internationaldaily9820 16 күн бұрын
China too has many languages and not just accents but of course, the great thing about China is that there is one common language for all. China also does have many cultural differences in different regions although such differences have now blurred but it is more homogeneous than Europe. That's how it makes China so great, unified and powerful! In contrast, Europe is much more fragmented, and it has to decide whether it wants to take its own course or remain a pariah of the US (which is in relative decline). Surely, time will make them go their separate ways. Europe is a continent of colonialists and that's where they have committed all their sins, and after losing all their colonies they are now struggling. Imagine, even a tiny country like Holland could colonize such a big South East Asian country like Indonesia. That is evil, to say the list. Only barbarians behave this way. Indeed, they had massacred the Chinese people, stolen many of China's treasures and done great harm to the China and its people, through the Opium War, etc., and even today, they tried to destruct China with Orange-like color revolutions, sanctions, demonization of China in their mainstream media, etc. They are so evil, yet they have never apologized to China nor feel the least remorseful of what they have done against China. They should first return the artifacts stolen from China, now sitting pretty in their museums. They are just the demons and devils or yaoguais China has to get rid of. Without a doubt, Europe is in decline or relative decline, however you put it. It is still strong relatively speaking but it is certainly becoming less powerful, having lost all their loots from the colonies. Europe has to face its Karma. Hungary is a great nation in Europe despite having been demonized by the rest of Western Europe. If Russia were also considered as part of Europe, it is also a great and powerful nation despite its relatively smaller population and northern cold weather land mass. China Number 1.
@stayprepared2388 15 күн бұрын
why is George Yeo is the spokesman for China ? China need a kick out of election Singapo rean to take over the China Foreign Minister job ? or make use Singapore brand to influence others .
@triiipleb 16 күн бұрын
What a brilliant and intelligent man! He has DEEP understanding of China, Chinese philosophy, Chinese history and more importantly, the comparative studies between European and Chinese history. The syncretism between how Jesuits integrate and transcribe what China was to the Europeans are really on point.
@wmtung 17 күн бұрын
The speech was given on the June 19, 2023.
@seowcherlak9217 17 күн бұрын
@user-jf9sp7tj6k 17 күн бұрын
@gracewu4345 17 күн бұрын
還有川普開頭跟中國的貿易戰(關稅、重塑供應鏈)造成美國的高通膨。 中東加薩戰爭也是因為川普的亞伯拉罕合約要讓支持哈馬斯的沙烏地阿拉伯與以色列關係正常化,使哈馬斯絕望(巴勒斯坦復興無望)奮起反抗所導致的攻擊。 拜登卻繼續川普的這些政策。。。背鍋了。
@wkh4560 17 күн бұрын
@QinQin-dl4xm 16 күн бұрын
@Fatin077 15 күн бұрын
@Leelee-qi1zw 16 күн бұрын
@huangmeilin233 17 күн бұрын
@wkh4560 17 күн бұрын
美國的奧運精神和希特勒差不多,看不起黑人一樣,美國在國內實施民主 ,在國外無法無天
@junizhao 16 күн бұрын
@Fatin077 15 күн бұрын
@georwoogle 17 күн бұрын
@theowltheknowledge 16 күн бұрын
@4ndrew4w44 17 күн бұрын
@keeserchua9789 17 күн бұрын
@toicheung5559 15 күн бұрын
@SportsmenAttitude 16 күн бұрын
@user-gl8lg7gs9d 17 күн бұрын
@Bitheluck 17 күн бұрын
@user-qg9tt5ms8o 17 күн бұрын
❤ so true
@wenhelu3250 17 күн бұрын
@gracewu4345 17 күн бұрын
@PhiloSurfer 13 күн бұрын
Unlike you - you are such a good guy, or good girl? Now, go into a corner and collect your fifty cents.
@chansianfatt5104 17 күн бұрын
Seeing this dialogue abve ----- V see an elephant (chinese spore Yeoh as elephant)in this room sie? 😂😅
@user-un8cc6tj4q 17 күн бұрын
@runnerwu4889 17 күн бұрын
@worldpeaceforever-everytime 17 күн бұрын
@user-dt6iz8hu6h 17 күн бұрын
不参与反中活动,如何体现出新加坡的“价值”? 台湾同理。以此为筹码试图两边讨好处。 但是无论如何都是在X小布所说的菜单上。什么时候被吃取决于一方或者两方掀桌子不玩了。
@HerMan-ih6xj 17 күн бұрын
他會去參加說明他想攀這層關係,說明他不瞭解賴並且想瞭解他,影響他,人的溝通就是說服彼此,這不是什麼壞事。 我一度感覺兩岸在私下不是沒有溝通的,甚至很多時都是在演戲,只是底層的百姓不會知道。大陸的經濟一開始是藉助港台的力量,甚至現在大陸對外貿易最大頭都是台企。都是中國人,合起來蒙美國也不是不可能,畢竟兵不厭詐,民族復興是漢人的靈魂。或許一切都是幌子,過一兩百年就知道了
@worldpeaceforever-everytime 17 күн бұрын
@@HerMan-ih6xj 美國人上層統治者聰明的肯,已經確認英美高階統治者應該是互通的,他們的上流圈子是講夠西式餐卓文化,未來會變成如何不知道,但我知道大陸跟台灣要互相幫助多點,不搞分離主義,種族融合,發展經濟就對,因中國太多民族,以後只會更多。
@worldpeaceforever-everytime 17 күн бұрын
@@user-dt6iz8hu6h 他錯了,他不反中,你每次都幫國際宣傳中國文化,如果你是中國人,我只會覺得你還不看懂世界局世,新加坡就像你外舅會向外人表達你家庭的想法,因為外人比較少與接觸。 如果你不是中國人,是反串的,那就是你為利益做事了,就是破壞中國跟新加坡關係,那中國只會更慘懂不懂,世界每個國家你看待成一個人,多一個朋友對你國民會更好。
@user-ub1df8ti6j 15 күн бұрын
@arthurljt 15 күн бұрын
可能吗? 你对东南亚的地缘政治和logistic了解多少? 1. 货轮从马六甲海峡经新加坡到中国只有1200公里, 只需两天的航程。 2. 每年有130,000艘船只必须经过新加坡开往南中国海. 3. 一条运河能应付多少艘船? 排队要等多久? 收费多少? 4. 开了运河后, 泰国最南的三个回教徒居多省保的著吗? (本来是马来西亚的一部分). 5. 泰国每三五年治政党替换或军人政变. 有很多政客是亲美的.... 6. etc. 等等等等 7. 去把你的功课作好........ 8. 希望你学到一点东西! Good Luck!
@user-ub1df8ti6j 15 күн бұрын
@@arthurljt 你是失败者吧,列举的都是失败不成功的点,你的负能量太多了,梦想还是要有的,万一要是成了呢
@arthurljt 15 күн бұрын
@@user-ub1df8ti6j “万一要是成了呢“ 愚昧无知!一知半解. 还敢在这里卖弄小聪明. 人家泰国已在2020废弃克拉运河计划改成陆桥.... The concept of a sea passage linking the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea was dismissed by the government in 2020; the dream of a Kra Canal became a Thai Land Bridge, utilising road and railway networks to transport goods to and from deep sea ports on each coast.22 Sept 2021
@kpgong5318 17 күн бұрын
@lvcnlvcn5534 16 күн бұрын
再空,你不是也听了吗? 😂 要么你也上去讲点不空的?
@kelvinho6831 15 күн бұрын
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