Today I try the Hokkien Mee from Jackie, soup base nice prawn taste is on par, add on cili more nice.. Ingredients given a lots base on RM8 compare with others.. To others should given a chance to Jackie... I will recommend to my friend n family..
Hi, this is Nelson Lai. I am a business owner in NYC, Ipoh Mali. If Derick is still looking for a job, let me know and I can help him out. I can pay around 3K RM for stay at home job.
I really salute you, You are not only helping those Hawker who need help but also Help those under privilege who need help, I was from Penang before but now residing in Singapore, You really make me feel proud about Penang people.. I have been watching quite a number of your productions, good job. keep it up. God bless.
@ttchiam5604 Жыл бұрын
感恩世上有阿宏和六叔這么無私的好人,Great !
@missydolce8888 Жыл бұрын
@zeedtienyap3848 Жыл бұрын
A simple episode, but to the one who desperately needed help? You are their "lifesaver". Salute to you and 6th Uncle. You might have just saved a whole family from potential financial hardship.
都系一句jer.你指正得几多啦?一般都会解释比较喜欢以马来西亚华人自居。(在中国生活时)别人想了解多点为何你的普通话那么好时,才会说我系华人。其实在大中华地区(中澳港台),大马的确不系每个人都知道,一般顺口都叫马来,他们有点都会叫新加坡人,坡仔/波子啦。其实我们系唔系玻璃心呢叻?站在另外一个角度来睇,如果马来西亚华人想马来人不要那么种族化,首先我们必须自居是马来西亚人,并不是第一句就是系马来西亚华人。没意思的。我在菲律宾生活过超过一年,这里好多华人或者华人血统(我认为比例应该多过马来西亚,只是很多已经不在乎血统),不过他们都系以菲律宾人自居。你详细再问他们,他们才会说自己是华人血统。所以我们马来西亚华人成日都说我们没有种族化,实质上我们的观点已经系有这样的问题的。新加坡人都不会以新加坡华人自居的,他们都说自己系新加坡人。当然每个人的观点都不一样,就算之后有人再攻击我,我都不会回复了。Proud to be a malaysian. Malaysia Madani.