I think this group was an absolutely important turning point in Korean K-pop. - the background of the times - A time when the Korean market was transformed into a performance type It was a time when the existing songs-oriented singers collapsed When singers were lip-syncing on stage Even boy groups without singing skills made huge profits with their handsome looks and strong fandom A time when talented singers lost their market competitiveness and were collapsing It was a time when all the big agencies put on the market good-looking singers who were profitable. It was a time when people who really loved music started not listening to music. A grim time when the mainstream of K-pop was only a teenager. It was a time when it was common knowledge that idols are not singers. - The Story of Big Mama's Appearance - They were not beautiful-looking women who could never debut as singers due to common sense in the market at the time. However, their singing skills were the best. It was a challenge to the market at the time and an experiment. YG Entertainment's early days were hip-hop. It was hip-hop's unique rebellion against the music industry at the time. - The Meaning of Big Mama - They were a huge success in the market. They were defiance and lessons learned from the music industry at the time. In particular, people who criticized the music industry at the time and did not treat idols as singers returned. They cheered, saying that this was once the Korean music industry and that this was a singer. There was a lot of criticism about the poor performance-type idol market. In the case of lip-syncing at a broadcasting station, lip-syncing marks start to be put on the screen or ban lip-syncing. This was the first generation of K-pop. (Actually, dividing the K-pop generation refers to the emergence of idols like this.) - A change in K-pop - There was a lot of criticism because the first generation almost ruined the music industry with such shallow techniques. Singers who are really good at singing lost their place. That's why they started to regulate strongly socially. "No lip sync." The second generation of idols with singing skills have appeared. SM's "Girls' Generation" and YG's "2NE1" are here. Of course, singing skills are important because lip sync is prohibited. (That's why many people call the second generation the best even now. They performed murderous performances and live performances with crazy schedules. It was a time when all environments were worse than today.) This was the beginning of K-pop's heyday, including fierce competition, appearance, performance, singing skills, stage skills, and even entertainment skills. This, coupled with serious competition, is why K-pop idols don't survive in the market if they don't have everything. This has become competitive. PS) YG's foundation is Hip Hop and Skills. Among them, the first generation of YG is Big Mama. The 2nd generation '2NE1' is a combination of Hip Hop + Skills. The 3rd generation 'BLACKPINK' added 'pretty looks' to it.
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
As usual, you provide outstanding insight. Thanks for taking the time. Clearly they are an important and beloved group. We can see why this kind of talent was disruptive to the environment you talk about.
@Courteous080925 күн бұрын
wow.. thank you for your explanation!
@intothewish20 күн бұрын
But gen.1 girl group - S.E.S - was really good at singing :) But even though they had skills, they gave up live vocal performances for the costume concept and bold dance.
@natura88koree20 күн бұрын
좋은 설명 감사합니다만, 한국인이 보기에 다소 잘못된 내용이 있어 바로 잡아드립니다. 1세대 KPOP 그룹들이 실력이 형편 없었다거나 시장 전반에 악영향을 끼쳤다는 건 다소 근거없는 주장일 뿐입니다. 물론 일부 그런 부족한 그룹들이 있었지만 1세대 아이돌들의 시작점부터 KPOP은 실력이 첫째 조건이었고 외모나 매력등은 두번째 순위였죠. 팀으로 구성된 경우 반드시 메인보컬이라 하여 출중한 보컬실력을 갖춘 멤버가 있었고 그 멤버를 필두로 1세대 그룹들은 특색있고 대중적인 컨셉과 음악성으로 한국 음악시장에서 아이돌이라는 새 지평을 열었습니다. KPOP은 1세대때부터 무대위에서 노래를 부르고 퍼포먼스를 해야 하는 가수라는 본분을 잊지 않고 실력을 최우선으로 해왔기 때문에 오늘날의 성공에 이른 것이라 생각합니다. 실력도 없이 외모에만 치중하는 그룹들은 그냥 한번 보고 듣고 마는 일회성 그룹들로 금방 사라지고 말아요. KPOP의 흥행이 전 세계적으로 저변이 확대되면서 해외파 멤버들이 늘어났고 때때로 충분히 훈련되지 않은 해외파들을 급하게 데뷔시키느라 현재의 KPOP에 만족 못하시는 분들이 계실 수 있다는 건 저도 충분히 인지하지만 한국에서는 변함없이 노래를 잘 할 줄 알고 춤을 잘 출 줄 알며 무엇보다 무대 위에서 제대로 자신의 음악을 선보일 줄 아는 가수를 최우선으로 인정해주고 있습니다. 그 시작은 단연 1세대 그룹들이었고 SM에서 데뷔한 HOT, SES 등의 음악은 그 정체성이 분명하고 듣기에도 보기에도 완성도 높은 음악입니다. 당시 라이벌이라 여겨졌던 젝스키스와 핑클 역시 마찬가지고요. 한번 찾아보시면 좋겠네요.👍
@lazycozy17 күн бұрын
@@natura88koree 음악이야 받아들이기 따라 다르겠지만 완성도가 높을 수 있죠. 저는 일반적인 한국인 대중이고, 세대 구분은 좀 어색하긴 한데요. 1세대 아이돌 H.O.T, S.E.S 라 보고 특히 SM엔터테인먼트 그룹들 노래가 괜찮았다고 기억하고 있는데, 이는 어차피 그룹들과는 살짝 별개로 봐야하지 않나 저는 생각합니다. 곡은 작곡가가 쓰는거고 퍼포먼스나 가창은 가수가 하는거니까요. 그 다음 실력적인 부분에서 개인적인 생각을 얘기하자면 SM그룹의 1세대 아이돌은 실력도 좋았지만 그게 반드시 보컬실력은 아니긴하죠. 말씀처럼 메인보컬만 실력좋고 나머지 멤버는 당시 기준으로 외모나 다른부분으로 승부를 보는 식이었으니까. 그걸 실력이 1세대 부터 좋았다라고 말하긴 어려운거 아닐까 싶습니다. 보컬실력과 댄스, 음악적인 부분 등은 따로 구분해서 볼 필요가 있다고 저는 생각해요. 특히나 멤버들이 만들어내는 것들과 그렇지 않은 것들의 구분은 해야한다 보이네요. 하지만 지금이 몇 세대인지 모르겠으나 최근 나오는 아이돌들은 상향평준화 되었다고 보여요. 춤이면 춤, 노래면 노래, 비주얼 등 모자란게 없어보여요. 작곡은 어떨지 잘 모르겠습니다만 아마 멤버가 작사작곡을 직접하기보단 회사에서 해주는 경우가 많겠죠? 이렇게 완성되어오기 까지 1세대 아이돌이 없었다면 불가능했을 것이고 거기서 얻은 성공과 실패의 데이터 등으로 보완되어 상향평준화 되어 온 것이겠죠. 시대가 흐름에 따라 당시에는 실력좋다 느꼈던 점도 지금와서보면 사실 별로였구나 느껴지기도 하는건 어쩔 수 없는 것 같아요. 마지막 언급하신 젝스키스와 핑클을 저는 좋아하지만 솔직히 음악성이나 실력적으로 뛰어나다고 보진 않았습니다. 기획과 컨셉이 잘 어우러져서 듣기좋고 보기좋을 뿐 팩트로 놓고보면 실력은 특정인물만 출중하고 나머지는 그렇진 않았던걸로 기억해요. 빅마마는 아이돌은 아니지만 원 댓글의 K-POP 전반적으로 중요한 전환점이 된 그룹이라는 점은 상당히 동의합니다. 당시 어찌보면 외모나 비주얼이 최우선 순위였던, 립싱크가 판치던 시대였는데 휘성, 빅마마, 거미 등 M-boat쪽에서 실력파, 라이브 위주의 가수들을 대거 내놓고 그게 먹히면서 립싱크 문화보다 라이브 문화가 자리잡게 될 수 있던 계기가 되었다고도 생각하고, 가수는 외모보다 실력이지 같은 의견들도 점점 나오고 받아들여졌다고 생각해요. 하지만 원 댓글의 '1세대가 이런 천박한 테크닉으로 가요계를 망칠 뻔했다는 비판이 많았다.' 이 부분은 모두 그렇진 않았는데 모두 그랬던 것 처럼 들리는건것 또한 사실입니다. 어딜가나 너무 단순하게 표현해버리면 그런 오해가 생기는 것 같아요.
@peppy310018 күн бұрын
Currently, all Big Mama members are working as practical music professors at universities. :)
@atxy0427 күн бұрын
Big Mama was a 4-member Korean vocal group debuted in 2003 under M-Boat (a YG Entertainment sub-label), In March 2007, Big Mama left YG Entertainment,the group is known for focusing on its members' singing abilities rather than their looks.The group disbanded in 2012, but now active again
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
Thank you for the info. They blew us away.
@굥사탕15 күн бұрын
2년 전 영상이라... 그럼에도 사람을 울리죠 굿 초이스..
@DoctorChange10627 күн бұрын
I was in SEOUL working Nov 15 1999 and my Korean friends took me to DAIBO an old fashion restaurant for my birthday and the staff served the meal, girl sat next to me at the table, and later got up and entertained her and all of them - I was overwhelmed - that is what BIG MOMMA makes me feel like. stupendous thanks Coach
@airyfairy239626 күн бұрын
Big Mama's members are currently all professors teaching students in the Applied Music departments at Korean universities. I'm glad you can experience their performances : ) And Sohyang from Korea is also a singer you absolutely cannot miss. She is one of the best-of-best female singers worldwide, and I'm confident that when you listen to her versions of 'You Raise Me Up' or 'Bridge Over Troubled Water,' you'll be speechless, thinking 'How on earth did I not know about this amazing singer?' I hope you'll give a chance to her performances. You definitely won't be disappointed. I appreciate your open mind towards singers you haven't encountered before! : )
@adorable254526 күн бұрын
맞아요,,queen so hyang . 소항을 목격하신다면 무덤을 파게 될것입니다, Bridge over Troubled water. I have nothing. Arirang Alone. Everyone . O holy night.
@adorable254526 күн бұрын
맞아요,,queen so hyang . 소항을 목격하신다면 무덤을 파게 될것입니다, Bridge over Troubled water. I have nothing. Arirang Alone. Everyone . O holy night.
@CoachCastTV26 күн бұрын
Thanks very much. We did add her to the "to-do" list.
@Daniel.Karlsson27 күн бұрын
Big Mama are old school Kpop. As you could tell from this video, they are a bit older at this point, but my lord they can still sing. Not sure how much of their songs they wrote, but I know they did most of the vocal arrangements even from the start. They aren't really active as a group anymore, but most of them have moved on within the music industry to be vocal coaches and those sort of things. I think one of them works at the university music department. I love this Killing Voice.
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
They blew us away. It's great to hear that they are still impacting the music industry. There's so much talent here.
@Veronica.137127 күн бұрын
@fn42227 күн бұрын
Before Mamamoo, there was Big Mama.
@ChangWookS212 күн бұрын
감수성 깊어 보이는 이 형님, 낭만있다..
@minjujung101126 күн бұрын
I didn't mention it because I thought someone might have mentioned it, but all four of them are professors of practical music at a university, and they're all in their 40s and 50s now, married, so they don't have a lot of time between parenting and teaching, so since 2021, when they got back together, they've been playing mostly during vacations😁
@CoachCastTV26 күн бұрын
Very cool. It's good to see they are all teaching others now. They have so much talent.
@whatyousay91527 күн бұрын
Big Mama also in YG Entertainment in their past. Same agency with Blackpink.. And happy you react them ❤
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
We didn't even know that. Thanks!
@mikkj127 күн бұрын
And now you know why this was so recommended. ;) Even folk who aren't into this kind of music are blown away when they hear them. All you need to know about them is that they disbanded in 2012, but, when they decided to get back together in 2021, their first performance after nine years was to walk on stage at Killing Voice with nothing but microphones and sing - no problem. ;) Glad you finally got to them, I know that these are tough to schedule.
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
Yeah...this is a perfect way to introduce someone to K-pop in our opinion. Wow!
@sondrarothermel142124 күн бұрын
The male idol group BTOB introduced me to Big Mama and both these groups have become my favorites of all time. If you liked this Killing Voice, you will definitely like the BTOB Killing Voice.
@btomelo24 күн бұрын
I love Big Mama! Thank you! If you've seen "Big Mama," I recommend BTOB's killing voice!! BTOB is so talented that they are called female MAMAMOO and MAMAMOO is also called male BTOB! All three groups are the ones I love!💙💙 And! When BTOB members were college students, Big Mama taught them because she was a professor! I like the relationship between these three groups : )
@tempestrimuru100926 күн бұрын
Overseas, you may think that Korean singers are only group singers who focus on Kpop singers who dance and sing spectacularly, but in Korea, there are many talented singers of various genres. - AND - We recommend that you also react to the ‘Urban Zakaba’ group video on the Killing Voice channel.
@whojang200026 күн бұрын
All 4 members are working as professors in different colleges.
@ebioniterevival646015 күн бұрын
Great reaction. One of my favs is their performance of the gospel standard "His Eye is on the Sparrow". And there is a video where they sing that last track "One Day More" live behind kids who think they are listening to a recording through headphones: the name of the video is "Kids listen to mp3 file but... LIVE Singing behind the kid". But I think their most melodious new hit is sung in the video titled "퇴근한 직장인 귀 때리는 빅마마", where they surprise office workers who have finished a gruelling work day with a live performance.
@CoachCastTV15 күн бұрын
Great info, thank you!
@jonathonkrueck402827 күн бұрын
I've been waiting for you guys to see this.
@kkanipae26 күн бұрын
Aloha Coach & Mama Coach😉🤙🏽 I hope you and your Ohana is doing well and everyone is safe.. Big Mama one of my fav groups these ladies have vocals that to me is just amazing.. I put them on the “TOP SHELF”...! Great reaction Coach and keep up the good work,Aloha😉🤙🏽🏈 P.S.- Killing Voice Lee Hi,I promise you’ll enjoy her music too....🤙🏽
@CoachCastTV26 күн бұрын
Thank you. We hope you are well, also.
@purpleprincess898324 күн бұрын
Aloha! Glad to see I'm not the only Hawaiian across the Pacific who absolutely loves Big Mama! I've been a fan since their beginning in 2003!🤙🏝
@crazypassionbhl287926 күн бұрын
Big Mama is one of K-pop's various features. Let me introduce another singer. Forestella's cover song 'Sound of Silence' / So Yang' cover song - 'Bridge over Troubled Water'
@jadetattu11 күн бұрын
HYNN on Killing Voice is AMAZING!!!! She is IINCREDIBLE!!! You need to see her!!!
@GAMC08 күн бұрын
from the left Shin Yuna (51) Lee Ji Young (45) Lee Young-Hyun (43) Park Min hye (42) these four legendary ladies are(were) professor from the universities as music and vocal part. Today, Koreans in their late 20s and those in their 30s, 40s spent their teenage and twenties listening to their songs, and because of them, Koreans have good memories and received a lot of cultural and musical influence.
@지수별이27 күн бұрын
I've been waiting for the reaction of Big Mama's killing voice. Thank you for your great reaction as always. I agree with the Queen of Soul. I am BLINK and there are many talented groups in Korea, but I think Big Mama is a group that can represent Korea with its vocal skills. Big Mama debuted in 2003, so I think it's rated as the 1.5 generations. The woman in the white pants is the main vocalist in the group and her name is Lee Young-hyun. If you have time, I recommend you to listen to Lee Young Hyun's solo song Forsake. It's my favorite song and it has a lot of Korean sentiments. Karaoke culture is common in Korea. It's a concept where Lee Young-hyun sings in front of young students in karaoke. It will be fun. I'll attach the link. kzbin.info/www/bejne/jqa4pmedjbaWl6M
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info and suggestion!
@minjujung101116 күн бұрын
It's interesting to note that when the public asks who the next Big Mama is, or a group close to them, many people say Mamamoo first. In fact, when Big Mama was in Mboat (under YG), the composer who produced Mamamoo, Kim Do-hoon, was also in Mboat and wrote songs for Big Mama. One of his songs is the MV “Sound,” which I introduced in the comments about 10 days ago. When he later produced Mamamoo, he must have had Big Mama, the best vocal group in Korea, in mind😁
@eunsunko475425 күн бұрын
I really love your guy's reactions!!! I just got into Big Mama as well this year, and I'm in love with their music ^^, they were under YG Entertainment, same as BlackPink and Babymonster ^^, they debuted in 2003 but unfortunately disbanded in 2012, but they have such good feel good and emotional music I think you guys would all love ^^. I think one or two of the members of this group I heard/read has also taught another group called BtoB (Born To Beat) a few of their members how to sing? And they also have a killing voice as well! I hope you when you guys get the chance to you can listen to theirs as well^^, But I do also love the girl in the white pants voice so much (Her name is Younghyun) and her emotion and facial features in the song she sang 2009 was really amazing, they all have unique vocals. I'm glad I finally started watching their stuff, it's not all about pop music, but soulful music as well, and I love all genres that they have.
@CoachCastTV25 күн бұрын
Great comment. We would agree that their sound is very nice, and it certainly makes you feel good.
@SK-kw5ey21 күн бұрын
Love that you finally did a reaction to this! They were one of my favorite group growing up. I had been off Koop since then until Mamamoo came around and they always sort reminded me of them. Bigmama are vocal queens, now are all vocal coaches in universities I believe. Morisette had actually also done a cover of Resignation and she had sung in Korean as well. Great reaction. ❤
@CoachCastTV21 күн бұрын
Thanks...we enjoyed this one.
@jonathonkrueck402827 күн бұрын
Imagine if you've never came across Blackpink documentary and never ventured outside US's music. Never would you have ever heard this. Another blown away moment is hearing Sohyang live performances. Sohyang has done some covers of songs I'm sure you know... Bridge over troubled waters, you raise me up, I will always love you, etc.
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
It is interesting how small moments can set your life (or musical tastes) on another course.
@Angelwonderlandd27 күн бұрын
QUEEN ❤️🔥👑🛐
@joet.798027 күн бұрын
The long solo was her iconic song "Resignation ". You should add Morrisette's cover where she sings in English, Tagalog and Korean. Its equally as stunning.
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
Thanks for that info. We will definitely keep that in mind.
@sendyeaster84003 сағат бұрын
Big Mama Legends❤
@minjujung101126 күн бұрын
In her debut year, she became the first rookie to top Music Box for eight consecutive weeks and won the Singer of the Year, Top 10 Singer, and Producer of the Year awards in the same year. This is a feat that no other Korean singer has ever accomplished. They are legends in Korea as singers. This MV lets you hear the entire 7th song, “Sound”, which is too short. It's an old video so the quality is not great.😅 kzbin.info/www/bejne/a4Oqkph4oaqkgrM
@lkc48084 күн бұрын
저기 나오신 분들은 아이돌이 아니고, 4인조 여성 뮤지션인데요~ 4분 모두 음악 보컬 교수님들 이십니다. ^^
@tommullenix949327 күн бұрын
Hey team ‼️ Good reaction again. Definitely some talent in those ladies👏
@avyanschannel24 күн бұрын
I'm glad more youtubers are finding these belting queens, can't believe a monster group like Big Mama managed to skip my radar for so long. I've been hooked ever since, and I have Dingo's Killing Voice to thank for it, there's so much talent on display there. One of my favorite artists to appear on Dingo's Killing Voice is Ha Hyun Woo. Pretty sure nobody sounds quite like him, given his unique compositions and singing style. And, as if that wasn't impressive enough, he's got range, power, and stamina for days! His appearance on Killing Voice was a huge treat, they allowed him to sing so many of his songs, letting his chops shine brightly. I highly recommend you check his Killing Voice, he's got one hell of a voice, even by Korean industry standards.
@richard-r2i6n24 күн бұрын
Nobody does it Better than Big Mama.Nobody.
@poppygarden125 күн бұрын
12:00 내가 20년전 이 노래를 듣고 며칠 동안 미친 사람처럼 울었던 기억이 납니다. 최고의 케이팝 명곡 중 하나에요. 이 노래가 발표된 이후 오랬동안 한국 여성들이 노래방에서 즐겨 부르는 노래 1위 였습니다. 영어로 된 노래 자막은 너무 단순해서 실제 한국어 가사의 감정을 잘 표현하지 못하고 있습니다. 좋은 가수를 소개시켜줘서 감사합니다.
@jinaqkrtjdrb3226 күн бұрын
We like your fantastic reaction. many thanks.🥰🥰💗💗💗 👍👍👍👍😅😅😄
@bobby66666626 күн бұрын
Very nice. It would be great to see some videos performing back in the day.
@EvanEllis-zp3nx27 күн бұрын
YG entertainment has had 5 girl groups Swi.T, Big Moma, 2NE1, Blackpink and Baby Monster ❤
@Gillie51-bl8su18 күн бұрын
Wow! K-Pop all grown up! Such beautiful richness to their voices, with deep emotions and stunning harmonies. I am truly impressed. It's very refreshing to see singers thoroughly enjoying sharing their vocal talents live, moving seamlessly from one song to the next, changing the tone of their voices on the fly as they switch between lead and back-up, effortlessly harmonising as required. True talent. Thank you for this reaction. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
@CoachCastTV18 күн бұрын
This honestly surprised us. It should be first-viewing for introducing someone new to K-pop. Then at least there would be a level of respect because how can you not respect talent like this? Good to see you!
@mercury20927 күн бұрын
다른 설명들은 이미 되어 있으니 빅마마 추천 영상 몇 가지 알려 드릴께요. 킬링 보이스와 비슷한 컨셉으로 라이브 무대를 하는 it's live 라는 채널이 있는데 it's live big mama 검색하시면 재결합 한 후 발표한 몇 곡을 라이브 무대로 보실 수 있습니다. 그리고 12~13년 전에 발표된 곡이긴 한데 세번째 멤버인 이영현이 참여한 diva project 'mermaid' 를 검색하시면 한 편의 뮤직비디오를 볼 수 있습니다. 이 곡은 한국의 여자 가수 중에 가장 노래를 잘한다는 평가를 받는 4명 중 3명이 참여한 프로젝트 곡으로 또 하나의 명곡입니다. 그 영상에서 아쉬운 점이 있다면 중간 부분 초고음 애드립이 시작되는 부분에서 이영현이 약 4~5초 가량 부르며 시작되는데 영상 편집이 잘못되어 마치 소향이 전부 부른 것처럼 나온다는 점입니다.
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
Good info. Thank you for sharing!
@raynarasantos767627 күн бұрын
Big Mama🎉
@소용돌이-b3p12 күн бұрын
He truly knows how to enjoy music
@htp_overthemoon24 күн бұрын
So glad you got a chance to react 🙌♥
@muhammadamree13189 күн бұрын
Well most people know Mamamoo for their vocals and harmony. Well, these 4 are the Original Mamas. Normally a single group will have 1 or at most 2 main singers, but to do it with 4 very distinct powerhouse, that's what made Big Mama Legendary. And I think you're right, they're 2nd generation Kpop. On that note the first song Breakaway was their debut song and you should definitely check out the Music video they put out. It was a head of its time
@CoachCastTV9 күн бұрын
Thanks for this info!
@kevenkim574917 күн бұрын
리액션 감사합니다. 행복하세요.
@janghannae19 күн бұрын
두분다 진정으로 들어주셔서 감사합니다
@KimJefferson-l6m25 күн бұрын
I love Big Mama. ❤️ I
@JungChoi-i4l24 күн бұрын
There is also a great singer named Sohyang who is called Mariah Carey in Korea
@Daniel_Colavecchio20 күн бұрын
Sohyang is my favorite vocalist. There are many great singers, both solo and in groups. I am listening to Kim Sejeong, Lee Hi and IU a lot lately (I've been in a mellow mood).
Hello! Big Mama are the queens with Mamamoo about their singing abilities. I love that they are so free of idol image. Thanks for reacting to Big Mama. I recommend the Kings of ballads in kpop, BTOB, two of them were students of Big Mama's members at university. They are so good in harmonies and high notes. Mamamoo and BTOB have their killing voice episodes too. 😊
@CoachCastTV17 күн бұрын
Yes, the Mamamoo version is the current most viewed video on our channel. Thanks for watching.
@dennissr141617 күн бұрын
@CoachCastTV So, BTOB could be the next one. I really like your mamamoo reaction.
@CoachCastTV17 күн бұрын
@@dennissr1416 Thanks. If we don't do Red Velvet next, I'm convinced people will hunt us down. LOL
@신박템Sinbaktem27 күн бұрын
Davichi (kpop female duo) sad promise music video reaction plz!!!!! 🙏 They caught criminals, but became criminals by killing people.road scene is police in front of them and they don't have a choice. Last scene is maybe heaven (they death) or be a rich (earn money from caught criminals and eat steak)
@임선수-j1x27 күн бұрын
Pls react to Sohyang who is the Korea best Diva.
@adorable254525 күн бұрын
World best amazing ccm singer. 어느 전문가가 한말~지구상에서 최고 노래 잘한다고 말했지요,, You Tube 조회수 최고죠,,,
@sun-z3n24 күн бұрын
딩고뮤직 마마무 좋음 ㅋㅋ
@raynarasantos767627 күн бұрын
Akmu Killing Voice plesssees❤❤❤
@JohnT208826 күн бұрын
AKUMU- Sibling group. Both are sister and brother. From YG entertainment also The sister also judged and mentor Baby monster before in baby monster last evaluation.
@vanillasky840425 күн бұрын
I love your reaction to Big Mama. Please react to Sohyang’s Bridge over Troubled Water, or Arirang Alone.
@CoachCastTV25 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@kyreb.3153Күн бұрын
리액션보러왔다 내가 취해버렸네 ㅋㅋ
@CoachCastTVКүн бұрын
@이홍식-o5i26 күн бұрын
안녕하세요😉 잘봤어요😉 빅마마 저에게 노래가 뭐지 보여준 그룹이자 사랑하는 분들입니다🥰
@CoachCastTV26 күн бұрын
They are impressive!
@pichhhn.213624 күн бұрын
BTOB killing voice is super recommended for you guys
@나는SULO10 күн бұрын
Forestella. Listen to Sohyang's song too~~
@EvanEllis-zp3nx27 күн бұрын
So Big Mama t is kinda like 2NE1's older sister group😊
@bollyjeff27 күн бұрын
Now you must like ballads
@epikh1gh53619 күн бұрын
Big Mama is the real vocal queen OG. I would say Mamamoo is second to them.
@wiinnnn___27 күн бұрын
@Xepherboy26 күн бұрын
React solo lee young hyun - Forsake member from big mama
@minjujung101116 күн бұрын
Some people think of church when they watch Big Mama, and this video will make even the most anti-Christian want to go to church😆😁😄 It's actually a live video of a cover of His Eye Is On The Sparrow from Big Mama's first album, Like The Bible. kzbin.info/www/bejne/kGiopXRuerVpeJo
@exooutsings21 күн бұрын
Would recommend reacting to EXO's and BTOB's killing voice, they have best vocals among boygroups in kpop
@suelenporfiriodasilva915027 күн бұрын
@이지강-k1n21 күн бұрын
빅마마 리액션은 못참죠!! 리액션 감사합니다!! ^^
@비가내리는-z2t22 күн бұрын
참 일찍보시네요 ㅋ
@이네기-e9l26 күн бұрын
There's more than just BTS and Blackpink in Korea A singer who teaches singers, a regrettable Korean legend group that debuted too early These are the singers who best fit the title Killing Voice. No need for a review. How can I write a review?? There is no singer in the world who sings like this.
@epikh1gh53619 күн бұрын
lol i got the soul in south korea. Good one
@peach_x_o_x27 күн бұрын
@rayneechen26 күн бұрын
Nobody will sing cover songs on “Killing Voice”,all of them are their original songs
@CoachCastTV26 күн бұрын
Good to know.
@JohnT208826 күн бұрын
ITZY "Imaginary Friend" released recently. A whole lot better than Gold. Gold to me was like a experimental song of their
@CoachCastTV26 күн бұрын
We hope to get it soon.
@JohnT208826 күн бұрын
They are related to YG , well I guess former past but looks like Coaches also have a bias in Agency haha . Most of your reaction are from YG entertainment artist and or YG sub label agencies. You can definitely say they do not promote their artist or release more song than other agencies so its one of their CONS but there is no doubt they train their artist in vocals, singing, rapping and dancing to be the best. They are one of the best in vocals but you already know why they cannot be mega stars; Sadly they do not fit the image concept of main stream media.
@CoachCastTV26 күн бұрын
YG definitely knows how to find talent and train them.
@길다옹11 күн бұрын
@raynarasantos767627 күн бұрын
It's amazing how bad a company Yg is, but all the artists are absolutely perfect. If there's one thing YG knows how to choose, it's capable artists. BlackPink, 2ne1, Babymonster, Big Mama, Akmu, Gdragon.....
@akki802427 күн бұрын
I think YG is getting better now
@JohnT208826 күн бұрын
@@akki8024for now with baby monster but its too early to tell. They promoting their artist well 2024
@JaeMinJung.26 күн бұрын
@@raynarasantos7676 I wouldn't say it's a bad company at all since out of the 4 major Kpop companies they're the ones who have the more balanced financial ratio between their artists with most of the cuts going to the artists themselves, they're the only company who have former artists signed under them that STILL mention and hangout or work with the company. BUT I will say they're an understandably questionable company given some of YG's decisions or moves do raise some eyebrows.
@JohnT208826 күн бұрын
Bad maybe as in not promoting them as much as they should be but as an agency its one of the top. The talent they bring and train is top notch. YG does not promote bad quality or talent at all.
@suelenporfiriodasilva915027 күн бұрын
Very good
@jamescurfman328427 күн бұрын
Yeah. GIANT difference between young voices who are just starting out (as young as 13 years old in some extreme cases!), and mature veterans who have been at it for a couple of decades (and were GREAT to begin with). These ladies are amazing. The ONE reason they fell off at all in Korea was their ages. They are all above thirty so SUDDENLY the population doesn't think they fit the 'Korean Beauty Standard'. The 'KBS is just B.S., it's a stupid fetish that some guys came up with decades ago. Even those guys don't fit the damned thing anymore. But they successfully marketed that fetish over all of the Media for so long that everybody in Korea is brainwashed, grew up believing it. Never mind all the skills that any world-class seasoned performer worked so hard to perfect for all those years. Never mind that they are still fully capable and could teach the new generations how to actually sing. Somehow in Korea, none of that matters after somebody hits 30. It's one of THE MOST STUPID things I have EVER heard of about any country; just invalidate somebody's abilities because of their age...just...absolutely senseless, completely brainless...
@CoachCastTV27 күн бұрын
They sound fantastic and it is truly sad if people write them, or any artist, off due to age alone. Talent is talent at any age. And we've read about the KBS and it's really a shame.
@jamescurfman328427 күн бұрын
@@CoachCastTV Agreed. I am and have always been a huge opponent of the KBS. I love learned skill over raw talent (I pick Function over Form every time). But I especially hated finding out that Hwasa was called fat and ugly when she was just a teenager with a dream. Those were the reasons given why she was rejected by so many companies. Never mind that she was always a great vocalist (obviously already a hard worker to make that happen on her own) with a unique sound (which everybody seems to love these days); just reject a kid for being over-weight compared to the stick-figures and skeletons of the Chinese Thin-spo models and for having a darker complexion than descendants of the Royal Houses. Invalidate somebody's entire existence just over their appearance (and we already know there are ways to get around both of those 'problems' but whoever that was, was thinking short-term without any thought at all to the long-term). These people make absolutely no sense when picking-and-choosing trainees.
@JKChow-u4i26 күн бұрын
Killing Voice are always nice !! Any plan to check the Killing Voice of any of the below artist out? Gummy Taeyeon AKMU LEE HI Ailee Im sure Coach and Mrs Coach will love Hwasa's LMM both the MV and Musicgraphy: MV: kzbin.info/www/bejne/ppzNdqN6mql_hck Musicgraphy: kzbin.info/www/bejne/rIiQo4KLmdx7d5Y
@CoachCastTV25 күн бұрын
Thank you. We have Red Velvet and Twice probably on the next to do list for Killing Voices, but Taeyeon also gets a lot of requests as well.
@초아연-w3k26 күн бұрын
Zion T killing voice please❤
@saalihahwilliams615526 күн бұрын
Please react to HYNN KILLING VOICE.
@akki802427 күн бұрын
3rd like 👍
@suelenporfiriodasilva915027 күн бұрын
React to j-hope at Lollapalooza please
@imyourcandy143522 күн бұрын
@ysyu10126 күн бұрын
한국에는 많은 소울 풀 가수들이 있는데, 그 중에서도 소향은 독보적이예요. 소향에 대해서도 리액션 부탁드려요.