I've done that hill in the other direction on a few occasions. It's one of those that you just have to keep pedaling and push on. Once completed it's a feeling of relief.
@glidewatch3 ай бұрын
Got some speed up there and no noises! 🙂
@flatoutste59713 ай бұрын
very nice nice mate
@peterbeardsley4193 ай бұрын
What's going on? "Enjoy, see you in a bit". Another great route thanks.
@brooksey2343 ай бұрын
Ha Ha, yes, got a bit tongue tied & jumbled up my words!! That was also my second attempt at the intro!!! One of those days!
@JoeRogersGuitarChannel3 ай бұрын
Bro, im into the ebiking too, let me tell you it is easy to come off in the wet and your speed down some of those hills considering you are not wearing a full face helmet, id slow down on the downhill sections, you nearly copped it with that blue car as well and no way would have been able to stop in time if you couldnt squeeze through. If you come off it you will become a meat crayon, get a full face helmet.
@JoeRogersGuitarChannel3 ай бұрын
Yeah, i watched this all and is cool and everything but you are passing people too fast, WAY to fast downhill and you are going through guinels and blind corners too fast, anybody could emerge in the guinel you went through, way too fast, you need to chill out a bit and that lid helmet is not going to protect you if you come off, at some points id say you were doing close to 50mph, if you come off you might die.
@JohnWilson-jh5iz3 ай бұрын
What bike are you riding it sounds quite loud
@brooksey2343 ай бұрын
Hi its a Haibike Hardseven 6, it is actually quite silent. The microphone location on my camera where it is mounted is pointing down at the motor & the quiet motor frequency seems to get mega amplified by my camera, it really isn't as loud as it sounds on the footage.
@gavjav13 ай бұрын
What sort of bike do you have?
@brooksey2343 ай бұрын
Its a Haibike Hardseven 6 www.haibike.com/gb-en/p/hardseven-6-hhcn1/?COLORCOM=cool%20grey%20%2F%20black