CATCHING A CHEATER in World of Tanks!

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@QuickyBabyTV 5 ай бұрын
BZ-176 enjoyer ✅ Plays at 4 am ✅ Gets 10k+ dmg 4 times in an hour ✅ Plays with the same plays 5/6 games ✅ Knowingly uploads their own replays publicly 🤯
@berkosmansatiroglu 5 ай бұрын
İnspector sir william. Dadadaaa.
@Phaevryn 5 ай бұрын
Can't fix stupid.
@antinotice 5 ай бұрын
At least the dude is farming bot accounts and not real players... There are services that don't use bots but a modification that lets you see enemy tanks without them being spotted so you can farm "invisible" tanks. They do it by relaying enemy position via their server from somebody with the same modification on enemy team. Filling teams with bots is harder to do and easier for WG to notice, meanwhile if there's only 2 cheaters in the battle (1 on each team), it's almost impossible to catch them. If you'll ever notice some suspicious blind shots, especially when you are not in bushes/obvious positions or on the move - you are facing a cheater. I believe polish CC did a video detailing it.
@philipprichter397 5 ай бұрын
"generally, this was the 3rd time in my life that I was on EU4 and I came across such battlesand I myself applied for it, which I can prove" his answer of that he rigged, @QuickyBaby
@philipprichter397 5 ай бұрын
"generally, this was the 3rd time in my life that I was on EU4 and I came across such battlesand I myself applied for it, which I can prove " was the answer of did you see the video of QB . and he has 12k block with bz 176.
@Eppeltsy 5 ай бұрын
Him playing BZ-176 makes me so much happier, especially if he gets banned. Then there will be one less BZ-176 in the world.
@vodka4gaben 5 ай бұрын
First ban is 3 days. So it doesn't really matter
@jbjb8335 5 ай бұрын
@@vodka4gaben but this is an exploit so its gonna be a month minimun if not perma ban
@kmykz 5 ай бұрын
wanna upvote but you are at 69 upvotes -.-
@Mr_suduwoodo 5 ай бұрын
Yeah that is if you kil a team mate or misbehave rigging is on a whole other level so I dont think WG wil just do 3 days atleast a week if not a month
@rkanava7245 5 ай бұрын
​@@vodka4gabenThat's not how it works. Not everything is equal offense
@Try_Again_Bragg 5 ай бұрын
Possibly doesnt know that it uploads which makes it even funnier.
@Blush290 5 ай бұрын
when he stopped winning games he was probably helping someone else to get their tank marked
@ToyTaanic 5 ай бұрын
Maybe but when quickybaby looked at the replay it looked like everyone was moving and not afk like the other games
@Bynk333 5 ай бұрын
MAybe or they return acount to his owner after they make final mark. :D
@dockingtroll6801 5 ай бұрын
Or, what we watched was that he paid someone to mark his tank, and then got it back and now its himself playing..
@jakobusswart1376 5 ай бұрын
​@@dockingtroll6801 Yeah, that happens...seen another CC show off accounts where the accounts matches played the entire week were exactly the same as the padders 'great' games...and thats the issue with bans, the toons off accounts that you can pay to let you kill them, probably have alt accounts that they can swap to...even if it's a 3 day ban, do they even consider 3 day IP ban(Atleast give them the pain of VPN changing)
@ProteinStyleAnimalStyle 3 ай бұрын
@ollyjohnson6763 5 ай бұрын
I'd actually say that Sozi was farming his account up to sell, then likely moved onto another account to farm up a mark 3 to sell on to someone else. I don't play the game much anymore but players like this sap the fun our of the community, making it harder to earn a mark 3 for real players and turning it into profit so they can expand this and create more bot accounts/computers. Truly sad.
@vlm7239 5 ай бұрын
I just dgaf about 3 marking any tank. Play for fun and farm credits and exp to get tier 10 tanks I want. Don't want to turn the game into nervousness and worries for the sake of 3 marks, had 2 marks on T34 and 3 marks on Type T-34 on my previous account, which got hacked and all tanks sold...
@dr_zotiac 5 ай бұрын
If my account got hacked I'd put the game down forever. ​@@vlm7239
@stefancarking1337 5 ай бұрын
If wg make 3gm just cosmetis like Decals, they would lose so much value.
@bettyrose959 5 ай бұрын
@@stefancarking1337 Why do that? You mean to tell me you still believe in Stats? That is what causes this crap to happen, people stare at a number thinking that is what makes them a good player. I can tell you after 13 years of playing this game, my stats suck. But, also playing for 13 years I know I'm better than most at playing WOT. Stop worrying about another players stats, they don't mean anything. It's just a number.
@bettyrose959 5 ай бұрын
I'm sure you're right. I'll bet you it's 3-4 guys with multiple computers. The next account are those on that list. This is common in free to play games. Specially the older titles. One just has to hope that when WOT bans these account (it's a constant battle) they also adjust the totals out of the mix and mark that tank accordingly after they do so. Many have ground their ass of to mark that tank.
@jakabrobert96 5 ай бұрын
I found one of these riggers in the past. Was odd that some of our tanks have parked in a bush, sideways, then they suddenly started losing HP when no enemy was nearby. They got 3 day bans only, and frankly, I think the minimum should be 1 month for this.
@David-ps6pq 5 ай бұрын
for a run of games like in the video it should be auto perma ban. this is blatant. if he wants to try again let him make a brand new account.
@imma5761 5 ай бұрын
If you do less than 20% of your hp in 10 games, you should get auto ban.
@MrHerrS 5 ай бұрын
I also found 2 of my games rigged, where 4 high HP tanks got blind shotted completely from one enemy player, right from the beginning. The blind shotted players all moved to one position and showed their back to the enemy base. I sent the replays to WG. Their automated response. Thank you, but we close the ticket, due to missing reason. WTF. I responded in the tickets and some prob. real person answered, that their automated detection is taken care of cheater and they don’t process tickets regarding cheating accusations. That was 1 year ago and I bet nothing has changed. None of the (bot) accounts involved received any ban in the next 3 weeks.
@prenomnom8101 5 ай бұрын
@@MrHerrS lol WG support are all troll with automatic response
@klixxalot 5 ай бұрын
@@MrHerrS Same, I filed two tickers for mark rigging and provided video evidence on WGs discord. I GOT BANNED FROM DISCORD for violating their harassment policy. Fuck WG support.
@watercannonscollaboration2281 5 ай бұрын
The “self-own” is just hilarious, but kudos to tomato GG, those are some really cool features for stat aggregation, especially the post-battle minimap replay
@Bmuelr 5 ай бұрын
QB and Claus are both exposing these toxic players, thank you!
@michaelholycross2633 5 ай бұрын
Claus has been on cheaters for at least a couple years now.
@Big_Gaz_1 5 ай бұрын
Claus really goes to town on cheats but WG are obviously colluding with the cheaters otherwise they would have been banned by now...
@johnnykotletti4614 5 ай бұрын
@@michaelholycross2633 Uhh, Claus the clown ? Haven't watched a video from him in years ... has he stopped with his conspiracy/tinfoil hat BS ? He was known for mostly talking BS and making stuff up.
@armandosignore3120 5 ай бұрын
@@johnnykotletti4614 ......he is entertaining!
@thuering6229 5 ай бұрын
I don't like QB, but putting Claus into one sentence with QB is a MASSIVE insult for QB. Claus is tinfoil hat scum. That guy has no clue of WoT game mechanics. For Claus everybody is a cheater who is playing better than him.
@David-ps6pq 5 ай бұрын
ban this guy forever. including his ip
@aaroncook5928 5 ай бұрын
IPs are temporary buddy. You have to ban on hardware finger points to have any success.
@danielpope6498 5 ай бұрын
​@@aaroncook5928 could also ban the payment info, make it as annoying as possible to get back in
@touficjammoul4482 5 ай бұрын
banning IP make no sense, it's a temporary address on the internet, even banning the MAC address of the device makes no sense, MAC adresses could be masked with some tools or simply he could buy a new device. It's on WG side to implement a threshold base MOE the detect any abnormalities in the gamer patern.
@Jean_1999 5 ай бұрын
@@aaroncook5928 Well at least ban him so that he is not able to log in to world of tanks from his location and Internet connection.
@Jean_1999 5 ай бұрын
@@touficjammoul4482 There are online games out there having that already. But I guess its too complex for wargaming to implement something like this
@maniac3905 5 ай бұрын
poor sod, investing all that time setting up just to win vs ghosts
@m.redleg252 5 ай бұрын
To some people, stats are the only thing they have in life. Their only "accomplishment" is getting good stats in a fake tank game, cheating or not.
@sodmadhaven 5 ай бұрын
What that wasn't me😂
@EDMmemories 5 ай бұрын
Honestly sad that somebody would spend any amount of time for fucking WOT stats.
@nigerbear2642 5 ай бұрын
That is many of the top players. They have to cheat and rig to get 11-15k dmg. Most top players are not actually that good. Look at their competitive stats.
@Chris-hw4mq 5 ай бұрын
If you get this wanker in a real game you will be able to farm him easy
@Valoric2345 5 ай бұрын
Claus Kellerman has been making videos like this for a long time. He has reported these people. WG does nothing. WOT is a cheater's game. I believe the Fair Play Policy is for show.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
because WG IS IN ON IT. their EULA gives away their intentions
@dashippo4372 5 ай бұрын
This account had not been online for several days
@Mut4ntG4m3r 5 ай бұрын
nah, they do
@MegaJohn334 Ай бұрын
Cheaters game? lol I would not call this cheating, cheating means you have an advantage over other players. Cheating is impossible in world of tanks because of the way the servers work (typical cheats in other games like ESP, wall hacks, etc are not possible in wot because everything is serverside) This lobby manipulation to farm marks of excellence doesn’t affect you unless ur one of the unlucky 1 or 2 players to land in the lobby(but even then you get to farm so who really cares?)
@wolverine343534 5 ай бұрын
It’s also how they get the 279e. It’s why, when you see some 279e, they can’t play, cause they haven’t actually earned it.
@MatthiasBouillon 5 ай бұрын
I saw so many 46-48% WR players driving in the 279e... Yeah, seems legit 😂
@kostantinoskutrumpussis2011 5 ай бұрын
@@MatthiasBouillon the thing is that i understand a player that sees around 279 killing everyone and he mayby says I WANT IT TOO... and he pays... ok HE PAYS he get a tank... THE MOE people that pay for getting MARKS what they get in return? lol... absolutely nothing
@MatthiasBouillon 5 ай бұрын
@@kostantinoskutrumpussis2011 fake prestige? 😂
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
and wg runs these services, the devs have tons of unmarked account or they use other peoples accounts that have quit the game to fund these services, wg is legendarily corrupt they made their game blatant pay to win.
@Mrduckhead 5 ай бұрын
I have a 279 and shame on me but I can not play with it.......and i am not a cheater.😘.and I did all mission myself.
@richardh5983 4 ай бұрын
Dear Quicky - First I wanted to thank you for all the videos, I have learned so much over the years by watching you and learning about the game. Secondly thank you for bringing this subject to light! I'm an older disabled vet (26 year), who has played WOT for a long time now (Over 8 years). I'm a mediocre player at best, but after spending numerous amounts of money on the game it disheartens me to get beat by cheaters. I still believe a few things in this world are free - your integrity, your honor, being fair and respecting others. If your that desperate to have to cheat in a simple game I feel pity on you! Thank you again - a big fan - Rich / Dark_Insanity
@BlueBaron3x7 5 ай бұрын
Hats off to QB went called for.
@typeviic1 5 ай бұрын
The "players" on both sides that were colluding are equally as guilty.
@menfaaanda 5 ай бұрын
Sometimes it's one player controlling them yeah equally guilty :P
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
does it matter? the devs also do the same thing by making free to plays lose often against paying players. people need to stop supporting wg
@PatrickPalder 5 ай бұрын
@@soldier22881 dude stop smoke $hit, you lose cause you are bad not bcs someone got a premium account lmao
@bettyrose959 5 ай бұрын
@@soldier22881 Players just need to stop paying those companies to do things for them. People act like they've never played a video game on line before. WG can't do anything about it if players pay someone to grind tech trees, do missions, or mark tanks for them. That's who these people are. They are only there because there's a market for it. You all can yell and scream at WG all you wish. It's the players who pay them for achievements that are the problem. The person who paid losses their account if reports, the company just makes more accounts and continues on. Act like this is something new. They fricken advertise for it. You can pay them for most games on the market to do things for you. Sorry folks, this is a player issue, not developers. As long as someone is paying them to grind, they'll continue to operate. They're in countries where they aren't breaking any of their laws. Stop paying them, problem solved, they'll move on to where they make money.
@Skerrry 5 ай бұрын
Copium ​@@soldier22881
@TheSavageRepairman 5 ай бұрын
I doubt very seriously that WG is going to do anything about this.
@-saklo-2256 5 ай бұрын
Yeh WG will do nothing... I have reported so many times... I see those accounts never get banned even for a day... lol
@kostantinoskutrumpussis2011 5 ай бұрын
mayby will do mate mayby will not.. the point is that we all knw what are those bots.. they are SITES boosters bot accounts... that sell MOE or whatever to people... even if u ban those people and accounts they have TONS... and the amount of money they make its so big that they dont even care if u ban 10 or 20 accounts... in day they will make more... AND honestly i think the other possibility aswell.. mayby WG knows all that.. but if they ban all chieaters who will remain in game? so i think that intentionaly they leave some cheaters go away to not autokill the game....
@PranasPilinis 5 ай бұрын
absolutely nothing.. imagine you're on the other side and you get a report about your kid having fun (with your permision of course). What would you do? Yeah - right: shift+delete such report.
@Mut4ntG4m3r 5 ай бұрын
they did and will do. I once reported a rigged battle in Steel hunter solo inc replay and they (although WG said they are not at liberty to tell) at least banned them for a day or more, the palyers couldno be found anymore
@danielpope6498 5 ай бұрын
This guy better catch a perm ban for this
@56-1Hast 5 ай бұрын
Best Wargaming can do is a 3 day ban, probably
@gregh8720 5 ай бұрын
You think he'll get a perm ban? He's a paying player.
@menfaaanda 5 ай бұрын
Some of these guys actually disappears from the server. I have seen some guys with obvious cheater stats in the past with like 23-24K damage battles and average dpg from 7-8K to 11-12k. A few days later you wont find their account on a search which you would do if they had a ban. They get terminated it seems.
@sladjanteodosin4607 5 ай бұрын
I found a player with insane amount of battles, did a quick math, he should play about a hundred battles for the past ten years, every day. Sent info to WG, DM to Eekeboo, nothing happened.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
people talking about banning them instead of talking how wg is the ones behind it as they do the same thing with the match maker giving free to play players constant losses against paying players
@janschaffstall8261 5 ай бұрын
Ytsubtitles: today im going to catch a cheetah. Me: good luck mister qb
@MrJflagel17 5 ай бұрын
And how are you even shocked by this? It’s been going on for years. Klaus used to make videos on this all the time but people only called him crazy or a tin foil hat wearer.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
those that call him out do the same thing on forums, the devs hire trolls to protect their game image by attacking those that would call them out. the game is blatantly pay to win, real money tanks stronger than tech tree, free to plays will lose often because they dont spend money.
@mightyminx6653 5 ай бұрын
the only ones that do that are the ones that are rigging the battles. I can tell you right now. at least 8 of 10 battles .. Are rigged
@britttaylor2843 4 ай бұрын
This is one of those sites that you can pay to get your MoE done. They have a team and they join battles together on a countdown, get the MoE and then afterwards he stuck around to help some other tank get some mission or MoE which is why you see 0 damage on those last 6 or so battles.
@T51B1 5 ай бұрын
This issue (and others) would be fixed if WG would just enable skill based MM. In the end, WG doesn't care that much because they NEED to retain as many players (and payers) as possible. Somebody rigging 3 games at 4AM in the morning to get that extra star on their tank really doesn't make much of any difference.
@fcprimaria 5 ай бұрын
LORDUCIGASUL is a Romanian nickname (ucigas = killer; ucigasul = the killer). However (this is just a theory), the original creator of the account might be oblivious to this rigging. As Klaus points out, in his videos as well, these riggers are regularly using hacked accounts that had been dormant for a long time.
@argonlitium2837 5 ай бұрын
contul meu a fost hakuit nu folosesc moduri decat rar de pe WoT Hub si cineva din Rusia imi consumase freeXP si jucase cu un tank dar poate ca a vazut ca nu am mult gold si nu a schimbat nimica apoi dupa juma de an am vazut ca nu mai am un tank in garaj FMM WG si hakers
@argonlitium2837 5 ай бұрын
doar o data am intalnit serverul cazut si toti din tabara mea erau liber doar inamicii erau inghetati 2014-2016 nu mai stiu
@donVicanio 5 ай бұрын
Cum a facut sa intre cu 29 de boti odata?
@ImRandomDude 5 ай бұрын
​​@@donVicaniosearch up "multiboxing", you get the idea
@CalinCETERAS 5 ай бұрын
MICHU could be an English version of "Mișu", which is a colloquial Romanian version of "Mihai" (Michael). Nanu Pavel Cristian is also a very Romanian name. Probably just a coincidence.
@michaelharder3055 5 ай бұрын
World of Tanks and integrity in the same sentence as if they were connected. LOL
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
yep, their match maker is designed to make free to play players lose often against paying ones. real money tanks that are super strong and free to play tanks tech tree tanks uber weak
@jojobelu 5 ай бұрын
Finnaly! You speack about macmaching cheaters after 3 years and after multiple smaller KZbinrs presented multiple cases. I feel betrayed by bigger KZbinrs that did not spoke anything about this and find them guilty by omission.
@TwistedFire85 3 ай бұрын
Why do you think I stopped playing WOT. This and other reasons made me stop after playing over 10 years from the alpha and the beta. Most money I ever spent on a game but I think it was worth it for over 10 years of playing and roughly $4k spent on it. Was pretty much the only game I played.
@robaerto71 5 ай бұрын
QB, I think you drew a wrong conclusion! He is not "correcting" his WN8 to avoid suspicion, I think he used his tank like all his other bots to three-mark another tank!
@Supernaut2000 5 ай бұрын
And this is why WoT is failing. Sadly WoT will do nothing even after this detailed video highlighting a cheater.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
artillery and dev greed does way better job than the boosting services they run.
@forgerofsouls9126 5 ай бұрын
Zero to hero to zero. That is this guys story. He the most epic way possible.
@dimesadozen1545 5 ай бұрын
You know, QB has been covering WOT for so long I'm surprised he isn't some form of mod or admin already
@skorpion7132 5 ай бұрын
mod or admin for what? He's aa content creator, the best affiliation with WG is presumably: "I sort of know them" but he isn't their employee.
@SpartanChief01 5 ай бұрын
You are mistaken… he is an AI generated image.. it is inevitable
@why1638 5 ай бұрын
@@skorpion7132 yea the best affiliation sirFoch 100% agrees
@kc5402 5 ай бұрын
I don't think QB would be even slightly interested in being associated any more closely with WG. They're not the type of company good people want to work for or with.
@staredsky 5 ай бұрын
there are ways for the community to discover it... and WG not caring at all.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
i mean are you surprised though? the devs are in on it, they literally made their match maker make free to play players lose often against paying players. wg also use unmarked accounts as bots to make free to plays lose against paying players
@MrGlibic 5 ай бұрын
Get them banned QB,im not a viewer but you have the biggest influence on the game and Im glad that u are doing good for the game!long live QB❤
@Drogoran 5 ай бұрын
stuff like this is exactly why marks of excellence means nothing unless the journey is well documented
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
its a bad system in general encouraging selfish farming style play rather than team work
@linyarin 5 ай бұрын
Claus Kellerman has covered this activity in full for months
@RT-tq4zr 5 ай бұрын
There are so many bots accounts in the game. It is nothing new. Just check the stats of players. A lot of them do zero damage over a crazy amount of games. And the worst part is that I am sure that WG is complicity.
@Iceman7711 5 ай бұрын
It's free to play, so setting up a bot account is easy, and doesn't require a stolen key to start, meaning WG loses no money. It would also require WG to spend money to monitor games to find riggers. Even thou rigging hurts the player base, causing paying customers to quit, losing WG money, but WG doesn't look at it that way since most companies only care about the bottom line right in front of them.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
can confirm that wg is very much running these services as well, they sell very op real money tanks, they make the match maker pit free to plays to lose against paying players using real money tanks. they very much are running these boosting services. if you call them out on forums you get banned or censored. they are 100 percent complicit
@mattesc3345 5 ай бұрын
Congrats, you got him. Question: what do you think will happen? Answer: a fcking NOTHING, because WG is more Interested in selling loot boxes and premium tanks. Reason why: banning cheaters doesn't create any cashflow into your pocket.
@iainansell5930 5 ай бұрын
i get the impression WG don't care, as long as the bots and riggers are paying up with ingame purchases and premium time...
@scoutboy776 5 ай бұрын
exactly this
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
they not only dont care, they also run these boosting services, they can even use your account for them, read the EULA "you give consent to use your account if it has been inactive for a certain amount of time"
@N8TiVNewYorker 5 ай бұрын
I uninstalled over a year ago, and after watching this, the odds of me ever playing again is probably zero. People spend money on bonuses to be used in battles, and when you end up losing a game because of a cheater, you realize there is no point in supporting a game, that allows this level of cheating.
@molochz 5 ай бұрын
WG don't care.
@theoddball4262 5 ай бұрын
I really hope WG investigates into this. Kudos to you QB for making this video. Thank You!
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
why would they investigate themselves? they are complicit and behind it as well
@jb2278 5 ай бұрын
Good job,QB. Too frustrating when I have so much invested in this game.
@darby5987 5 ай бұрын
QB, this is old news. A year and a half ago we regularly followed this particular brand of cheating on Claus Kellerman's channel. We even pointed out to you that this was going on on a regular basis. Those games were being played by gangs of players from pay-to-boost stat boosting "companies". They somehow got a hold of 8-10 year old abandoned accounts, were all counting in together often late at night in order to hugely increase the chances of controlling individual games using those accounts, were communicating with each other from both teams in game and doing what you saw - just a lot more subtly. Not only were they stat boosting they were absolutely promising reward tanks, specifically the 279e, for their clients. They were charging each client about $200. We would check the stats on the canon fodder accounts. They would have several hundred consecutive games where they scored close to zero XP, zero damage and almost zero damage assist (they would accidentally spot the enemy once in a while). The damage the canon fodder tanks did tended to happen when an enemy rammed them - ramming an E-100 or Maus wasn't really a bright idea. They weren't firing their gun. We also noticed that many of the same players were showing up in the rigged games. We were ignored. You ignored us. WG also ignored us because we weren't one of the players in the saved games. If you aren't one of the players in the saved game WG will not even listen to your complaint.WG didn't want to get involved even though we had absolute undeniable evidence in the form of the replays. Many people at that point uninstalled. This went beyond silly cheating. It was criminal fraud. Players who were honestly trying to earn a 279e were using real money to buy modules and other boosters for their tanks. But the cheaters made it all but impossible for them to compete when the opposition in the rigged games were counting in platoons of E-100s and Mauses that would sit sideways in a bush and reveal to their cohort on the other team where they were parked. They'd never be spotted but all 2k HP would be farmed. If a non-cohort got into their games and tried to kill the canon fodder tanks the stat boosters would actively interfere with those honest players. This was happening every day. The cheaters were going so far as to advertise exactly what they were doing and how much it would cost using the in game chat. Now you take notice 18 months later. Just a tad late my friend.
@illuminator7709 4 ай бұрын
this is just calling out a singular player and not the entire cheating process and history lmfao. taking all this work to type allat out just for nothing shows who you are
@jerrymeek2436 4 ай бұрын
It's not the same.. THIS guy has ghost accounts that he somehow gets into the game with, that are not even being controlled.. It's different than the games Claus was examining.. Claus found games where several people would enter a game, but one player would farm the damage of the other players who wouldn't do anything.. It's not the same thing.. This guy is doing it all on his own.. As for me, I'm just glad to see ANY and ALL cheaters exposed, and hope WG will actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
@darby5987 4 ай бұрын
@@jerrymeek2436 Jerry - I fully understand and agree with your assessment. My comment was limited to the fact that there are major avenues available for cheating in WOT that don't require any software mods.
@MegaJohn334 Ай бұрын
@@jerrymeek2436somehow gets into the games with? He has dozens of shill accounts, and he uses a bot to run dozens of instances of world of tanks and queue up at the same time as him at 4am, 99% chance they enter the same lobby
@MegaJohn334 Ай бұрын
“Criminal fraud”? What 😂😂😅
@4rv1dast 5 ай бұрын
Like as always, QB goes deeper. Don't STOP doing this, Well done mate :)
@davidmcgill2150 5 ай бұрын
Thank you QB for pointing it out hope WG gets the pig Banned for being part of a ringing group of cheaters
@molochz 5 ай бұрын
He was still playing yesterday. WG don't care in the slightest. If they did they wouldn't need to be videos like this. Tons of people are rigging and cheating. They don't care and will do nothing about it.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
why would WG ban them when they both create and condone them? they literaly made random battles make free to plays lose often against paying players. for all you know they are running these services as well, they are very greedy devs with very blatant pay to win game
@polyphonics557 5 ай бұрын
There's so much evidence of cheating in WOT that Wargaming know full well what they would need to look for in real time to spot the cheaters. The fact that Wargaming don't crack down "smells"......either they don't want to hurt their number of active accounts stats, or they have some stake in the cheating or it's employees with a side hustle. Whatever is going on has put me off as a 14 year veteran who got all their achievements without any mods or clan play. I haven't played since Christmas and I thank you for this video that has reminded me why I've stopped.
@Bohemian7Vagabond 5 ай бұрын
Greshn1k, translates as sinner, another nickname translates as I don't want to sweat. Great sence of humour 😅
@hobbypriester2252 5 ай бұрын
Sind bestimmt Spieler aus der UA.
@MotherScreng 5 ай бұрын
You are dead-on correct about encouragement. After all of the evidence and testimony of the cycling doping scandal revealed a fairly shocking truth - *none* of the dopers tried to cheat to get an edge - the dealers started rumors about a lot of innocent bikers, and so all of the people who ended up using illegal substances were not trying to gain an *edge*, but believed they needed to cheat just to get *even* with the field. Which ironically meant that the false rumorsabout players ended up eventually becoming true as they panicked.
@CCM1199 5 ай бұрын
This is the very reason why I quit playing world of tanks. I just got tired of wannabe tryhards rigging the system. It was the same issue when the global events were up and people were rigging for vehicles.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
my reason was artillery and the blatant match maker that makes free to plays lose often against paying players.
@Nuh_Uh-zo4lf 4 ай бұрын
I only got 2 marks on Crusader and AT-2 😅 even then i struggled asf
@ScottCampanaro 5 ай бұрын
WoT Wargamming investigate... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
yep they are in on it too
@shannonriley8299 5 ай бұрын
another reason why i am glad i quit playing this game almost 10yrs ago....but I still love watching quicky do his thing.
@rolandoreyes5291 5 ай бұрын
poor guy, cheating just to fulfill self satisfaction.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
most likely being done for profit, wg makes alot of money from these boosting services on top of making the match maker in random battles make paying players win often while free to plays lose often.
@theoddball4262 5 ай бұрын
Really appreciate the time and effort you put into this for this analysis. Great video QB
@pageton86 5 ай бұрын
I have had this happen on the SA server, i went into a random and it was like 12 Patton the tanks on each team and they dont do anything, the bot tanks randomly would come alive to try and kill me 1 at a time. as the person they were rigging for was capping on the other side.
@djhollywood73 5 ай бұрын
Well, that explains the super weird game I had about a week ago where only four people on a side actually played.
@robinkhn2547 5 ай бұрын
It really boggles me how WG seemingly refuses to do anything against those bot accounts. I mean those kinda accounts must be easy to detect, because for example, if you have an account with 100k battles played but the WTR is still at 2k or even below, this really then is an obvious sign that this is no legit account. But I guess those bot accounts inflate the player numbers, and therefore WG can show off how much WoT is played.
@imma5761 5 ай бұрын
They seem to act way more on chat and "mean words" than people ACTIVELY DESTRYOING GAMEPLAY. Even if chat is ultra toxic you can block it completely. Rigging team you cant just block
@Big_Gaz_1 5 ай бұрын
That's the free game play for you...if it was only pay to play, we wouldn't have all these free player accounts rigging the game
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
because WG RUNS THOSE ACCOUNTS, they are complicit and profit off these boosting services. they even make random battles not random, instead free to play players will lose often against paying players. lets not forget real money tanks are far stronger than tech tree counter parts.
@iyurki3189 5 ай бұрын
As a frequent player of the EU4 server, I cannot agree with these accusations, because meeting such a team on EU4 is about a 99% chance
@MrRez808 5 ай бұрын
This is absolute gold 😂😂😂 I hope WG will do something about this.
@Guildforsucks 5 ай бұрын
dream on, WG has never banned any bot accounts or riggers lol
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
wg runs these services, and they made random battles not random by making free to plays lose often against paying players.
@milosz5602 5 ай бұрын
Dude, you just rate this person, tell how terrible he is - grow up. Did you at least try to contact him and ask him about his pov? Polish community is in disbelief of what youve just did. You are not the man i used to subscribe and I cant sub you anymore. Polish youtubers already made their own videos about yours. Its really sad that you mislead your own subscribers to GET MORE VIEWS. To everybody else: casozi posted battles on the site as he had nothing to worry about, he was not the creator of the rigged battles, just landed in them. He also contacted with wg support right after the games occured. Friend of his also got proofs for innocence. The funny thing: there is no tutorial what to do when you land in rigged battles, ask yourself people, what would you do if you landed in one: i think on 99% you would use such situation. And no, im not connected to casozi, im just troubled with babys condition nowadays
@jakubgruszczynski4069 4 ай бұрын
Nie sraj ogniem.
@peterholmes2089 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for highlighting this. I would like to think WG will do something about this, but I don't have much confidence. So many bots in the game that they could easily detect and ban, but nothing seems to happen.
@moorheals 5 ай бұрын
Yet, if you call it out in game, you get chat banned! ROFl Wargaming are pathetic. I used to spend about $500 a year on this game, but decided every time I get a chat ban for calling someone out I would reduce that by $100, It's been 3 months and I have been chat banned 7 times so no $$ for Wargaming.
@Memflix 5 ай бұрын
This is one of the main reasons that make you lose the desire to play, especially if you are trying to do the 279 campaign missions and you lose the missions because of these bastard sons of bitches
@kostantinoskutrumpussis2011 5 ай бұрын
i remember when i tried to do ma missions for 260 and 279... was playing grille 15 to do the 7000 damage td missions.... battles was finishing in 4 and 5 mins... u dont even had the chance to pass 5000 lol.... was a pain.... people running with ebrs and die like playing SEGA
@munjozz 5 ай бұрын
So how many times they ruined your missions?
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
artillery players and the toxic community do far more to lose players than the boosting services the devs run ever do.
@iDieGrowls25 5 ай бұрын
I had a Ferdinand do something similar a couple days ago on the NA server. It turned around away from the battle after being spotted and drove backwards asking to die.
@jkollner6768 5 ай бұрын
Great job, QB. The account should get a permanent ban.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
and they will simply make another account. the devs are in on this you know that right? they made match maker pit free to plays to lose against paying players.
@PotatoChrisWot 5 ай бұрын
he got unbanned
@Lb_Collects 5 ай бұрын
it's the auto repair tracking mod that pisses me off. That shit needs to be auto banned. How WG still haven't fixed shitty coding on walls / rocks, soap rocks and anti cheat is beyond me, no wonder it never carried on flourishing in esports and is now dying. Sad af.
@michaeldoyle9354 5 ай бұрын
and you kidding me?! another cheater ruins a game ive been enjoying... this saddens me a ton. people please do better, and actually try to get better rather than making yours and others games or matches worse
@kosta3930 5 ай бұрын
Dude it doesn't impact your games like at all.
@michaeldoyle9354 5 ай бұрын
@@kosta3930 it may not impact my games directly when it's from the uk. But it still hurts the game as a whole
@disillusionedidealist3446 5 ай бұрын
Well done are awesome
@paraklash8912 5 ай бұрын
It’s makes all the more sense why it’s so hard to mark certain vehicles, their may be players that could get those marks on their own but their few and far between for how many of those players actually exist
@paulpasca3244 5 ай бұрын
LORDUCIGASUL - is actually a romanian name. it should be written like : Lord Ucigasul (there are 2 words, one of them is english as you may notice already). the translation is : Lord Killer.
@art0rius1976 5 ай бұрын
I dont understand wg! There are lot of options to analyse riggers and the feeling is, they do nothing to protect the game.
@WarriorsOfAden 5 ай бұрын
It turned out eventually, that he was not cheating. Will you upload the video with apologies now...? I thogught so.
@whit3chick3n 5 ай бұрын
How is that? What is your proof? Bc that’s awful suspicious to not be cheating
@BigJuris 5 ай бұрын
wow I did not know that tomato GG has this nice feature of showing the progress of the battle on minimap. that is super COOL.
@PieluX 5 ай бұрын
You accused an innocent man and didn't even bother to see that he posted the replays himself... and reported the fact to WG.
@MrJflagel17 5 ай бұрын
Wargaming allows boosting companies and probably even profits from them so this is going to happen And perfectly acceptable after all Wargaming is a Russian company
@glenn6820 5 ай бұрын
This is why I stopped playing WOT a year ago. War Gamming doesn't care about cheating, in fact it is obvious that War Gamming employees are involved in the rigging of games though working for/ participating in rigging sites.
@mustauffa1996 5 ай бұрын
Yet WG will do nothing to this account, if anything a 3 day ban. This should be a permanent ban and the only chance of regaining the account would be by providing evidence it was hacked. I would even go further to ban the user's hardware from WG completely. Make them buy a new motherboard if they want to play and make a new account, that will make them think twice about cheating. If they did hardware fingerprinting they could eliminate a lot of bots outright and make botnet creators have to spend new hardware just to operate.
@VirtualLunacy 5 ай бұрын
no matter how many times you report this info to WG, they will shrug and ignore all the info that they already know.
@Drosera420 5 ай бұрын
He definitely had map vision from the other team because every time he avoided the enemy team to go farm, and seemed to know where they were going to be.
@attilakatona-bugner1140 5 ай бұрын
Lorducigasul is a romanian name :))
@infeedel7706 5 ай бұрын
Englishman that cannot English... "Catching a cheat."
@catalinionut7426 5 ай бұрын
How can someone rig a match, that's my curiosity rn
@joelaramie9704 5 ай бұрын
They put their account along with 30-50 bots into the queue at the same time, leading to frequent matches with a high percentage of bots. It doesn't work during busy hours, so the guy did it at 4 AM when there are maybe 3-4000 total accounts.
@hebrewhammer4086 5 ай бұрын
Very easy, get a bunch of people you know, drop in together, and then they go afk. thats why he was playing at 4 AM, not a lot of people online so easier to get into the same match.
@rogerk6180 3 ай бұрын
Have loads of bot accounts click battle at the same time early in the morning when very few players are online. Big chance most of the players in your battle are your bot accounts that remain afk..
@hobbypriester2252 5 ай бұрын
Solche manipulierte Gefechte sieht Man öfter, nach dem WG auch die UA Server mi den EU Servern zusammengefügt hat. Auch der Chat im Spiel ist toxischer geworden.
@Zaonce 5 ай бұрын
Bro starting to cook like Claus Kellerman
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
except getting them banned does nothing when the developers are in on the boosting services on top of creating a match maker that blatantly makes free to play players lose often against paying players.
@etiennebrun8760 5 ай бұрын
GG QB. Once again : great job ! I appreciate how you are fighting to maintain our daily drug clean. Thank you
@hebrewhammer4086 5 ай бұрын
I mean of course he uploads the replays. WG doesn't really ban people that often unless its clan wars time. tho thanks for exposing him! maybe WG will actually do something about this specific incident. It is kinda sad that some people need to do this to 3 mark a tank.
@-saklo-2256 5 ай бұрын
People go to this length to cheat in a freaking Video Game??? That too the one that is no even in the top 100 games played. What for? Just a fake ego boost in this fake small world of tanks??? Seriously the world is crazier than I thought... lol
@thomasgallagher1945 5 ай бұрын
Unfortunately I fear that this has been going on for YEARS! Good for you QB shining a light into this dark closet!
@SpybotAF1 5 ай бұрын
Wow, QB, you found something that's been going on for years.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
yep and the devs are in on it too. best part.
@seeulatergaming385 5 ай бұрын
I had 4 games last night in a row where in each game 5 to 7 tanks never fired a shot. They did move around the map some, but never fired.
@peternagy6260 5 ай бұрын
Some people's lives are soooo sad. They are so keen on proving that they are good that they cheat to acquire their goals. They need a hug from someone.
@chrisb.2937 5 ай бұрын
I just went and checked. He is still doing it. I'll try to remember to check him out daily to see how long it takes WoT to do something about him.
@chrisb.2937 5 ай бұрын
He hasn't played in 3 days now. Great work QB! TY
@George-qw8ss 5 ай бұрын
All them names, minus the ones that gorlt put into it without them trying to cheat , all be banned. Like an ISP and game ban. Permantly.
@soldier22881 5 ай бұрын
yet another person that doesnt realize banning does not stop cheaters, you make them more dedicated in their craft. the devs are also in on this boosting services.
@gofast8878 5 ай бұрын
totally agree with you QB. WG should do more about this things
@boris4491 5 ай бұрын
It's like robbing a bank, recording it and posting it on YT 😂
@patrickmcintyre8023 5 ай бұрын
I've seen older videos of this same game rigging strategy. This rigging has been going on a long time and nothing yet has been done to stop it. Until more people quit playing the game or at least stop spending money I don't see why the company would change it. Well documented and presented in this video.
@voice7819 5 ай бұрын
What do you think should be done?
@leonschroeder4771 5 ай бұрын
Honestly 5 out of 15 players doing dmg and the rest just dying suiciding afk is about average for wot 2024
@Boza5070 5 ай бұрын
WG is famous with not doing improvement. DDOS start using very often
@dizzcostu 5 ай бұрын
One problem here is we've probably all witnessed these players/bots, but are helpless in doing anything about it. Reporting them is useless and who really has the time to create a ticket with all of the supporting evidence?
@JoeVaucher-m2r 5 ай бұрын
Ive always suspected this happens in the early morning hours on both the NA and EU servers. A lot of games are so suspect. Always seems like there is very odd behavior way too often.
@tonixu4782 5 ай бұрын
Here also comes another two questions: how those players' accounts so easily to be hacked? And how come WG not notice this even it's so easily to be spotted?
@LostDream3r 5 ай бұрын
Amazing work as usual QB, Thanks. But, how weird is it, that the "Top Battles" function just disapperared a few hours after your video was uploaded... ?
@davidgarrett4796 5 ай бұрын
Not at all surprised that it's a BZ-176 player
@Gre-unit 5 ай бұрын
WG heroically springing into action to close out of the youtube video and ignore the problems.
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