Those young men, were undoubtedly brave fighting for their country. Such sadness for all of those who took part in the war. May we all never happen again however, I think that mankind still hasn't learned from history and continue to make the same mistakes.
Verdaderos héroes niños aun merecieron ganar la guerra Dios los bendiga y a sus familias solo lucharon por defender sus hijos y sus mujeres se merecen el mundo unos de Japón.
Respectfully restvin peace...noble sacrifice for your country. ..young people. ..for a lost cause.
@zdamianek4 ай бұрын
Came back from Japan as a tourist for the first time (Poland). I'm impressed by their letters written to their families, and could feel positiveness and smiles in them , which I could read, see the museums and study about the WWII history and an extraordinary sacrifice to the loved country by the entire Japanese Society. The Hill of Kudan and the Cherry Blossom... I bow down deeply!