Yes! Never would've thought my go to Japan reactor would be reacting that boi Sora the Troll's awesome skits for his fellow gaijin. I say fellow gaijin cause while he puts on a good act he's not actually Japanese so don't be fooled! 😅
Just FYI, this guy is targeting his audience in non-Japanese people, making jokes of Japanese culture with exaggerated stereotyping expressions. Don’t take him too seriously my guy, he knows he’s not entirely right lol
東京は家賃高いよ! Rent rooms are so expensive in Tokyo Japan.
@ichiroutakashima4503 Жыл бұрын
Watched the video about reacting to trash taste and them getting canceled. However, there really are some issues within that video that wasn't mentioned. Either there is a mistake in the translations or this is malicious intent that they are purposely translated wrong and you're farming views.
@geremietipsword6244 Жыл бұрын
I'm American so I'm not sure what was translated well or not but the video he reacted to itself is really disingenuous. The video was heavily edited to make them look badly. Most of the comments I read from Japanese below the video were things Trash Taste actually said in the discussions that were edited out of the video. The video cuts all the context out of the videos to portray them as hating Japan meanwhile 95% of the videos Trash Taste make are extremely positive about Japan. Whoever made that video just hates them and wanted to create a video that portrays them badly.
I l❤ve Sora the Troll, he makes me laugh so much. I started watching anime a few months ago and I love it 😍. The first one I watched was Spirited Away. When I visit Japan, I'm definitely going to the Studio Ghibli park 🫶
なんでアニメ好きって答えたら日本人は喜ぶという変な設定をしているの、この人? 人によってはドン引きされるよ。だって外国人の超オタクなアニメ好きってなんか変だもの。 アメリカで例えるなら、日本人がダースベーダーの格好で街を歩いているような印象だもの。 アメリカ人だって、人によっては喜ぶ前にドン引きすると思うけど。 時々アニメ好きらしい外国人の動画を見かけるけど、たまにアニメキャラ(主に女の子)の名前だけがカタカナ or ひらがな or 漢字で書かれたTシャツを着ている20~40代ぐらいの人が何人もいて(そこそこの頻度で見かける)「それ、どこで手に入れた?ってかそれを着て正解だと思っている感じ?日本人でもドン引きする人がわりといると思うけど、大丈夫そう?」って思うことが多々ある💦
In the old days, it would be "Sukiyaki, Tempura, Geisha, Fuji-san, Sumo" and so on. Anime is also often made in China or Korea these days (it's hard to tell because it's labeled as a Japanese work).