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@ashleyd7023 2 жыл бұрын
People taking a 1 year old to an adult party and then baby proofing someone else’s house is next level disrespectful/entitled. Guess who won’t be invited back next year.
@PonyCraft 2 жыл бұрын
Why didn't they just kick em out? Fuckin doormat. I think that OP embellished it a lot, and probably invited them over WITH the kid, not knowing how bad it'd be
@nia789789789 2 жыл бұрын
@@PonyCraft Actually I don't think OP did embellish the story. I've heard similar stories happening to people I know irl. Entitled parents will expect full accommodation for their kid even if the kid wasn't invited or they were told its an adult only get together. Granted I don't think that OP should have let them in since they dragged the kid along knowing that kids weren't allowed.
@PonyCraft 2 жыл бұрын
I think I just can't imagine being a doormat in my own home... all of my social circles would have kicked them out before entry.
@qdllc 2 жыл бұрын
There is no obligation to child proof your home for someone else’s kids. It’s their duty to watch their kids.
@thatmetaldude5190 2 жыл бұрын
@@PonyCraft in other words "it doesn't happen to me so it must be a fake story".
@bluebear3812 2 жыл бұрын
That second story... "Oh, you are a man, you must want to hurt kids!" What is wrong with people?
@shortangel333 2 жыл бұрын
I mean she's an adult in a playground, how do we know she isn't there to touch kids?
@obsidianfrost9514 2 жыл бұрын
Horrible stereotype of most predators being male. While it's slightly true in that there is a higher percentage of male predators vs female predators, it isn't such a massive chasim that they think.
@meemdic8682 2 жыл бұрын
@@shortangel333 because it’s kind of incredibly wrong to assume anyone who just simply happens to be around kids is a predator? Like sure, you *should* be watching your kids closely around other people, that’s true, but you shouldn’t go out there accusing people baselessly That and it wasn’t just a playground there, so it’s not particularly weird for an adult to be there either
@SilverVolo 2 жыл бұрын
@@meemdic8682 I think it was sarcasm, cause they were talking bout the mum
@0wly 2 жыл бұрын
@@shortangel333 it wasnt a playground it was an outdoor gym
@jlyo1991 2 жыл бұрын
The amount of people who think men can’t be fatherly figures or take care of kids without molesting them is depressingly high and part of the reason I don’t want any.
@nia789789789 2 жыл бұрын
I hate that mindset so much. My brother and I were raised by a single father and honestly he did great. Men are just as capable of raising children as women.
@Ajehy 2 жыл бұрын
I know SO many kind, gentle men, including my own father. This is just BS.
@marcokeller3575 2 жыл бұрын
Which is why if I ever walk into a public bathroom and there is a little kid in there alone, I turn around and leave, no matter how bad I have to go.
@foxinthemousehouse 2 жыл бұрын
I have a family friend who doted on me when I was little because he had no children of his own (his wife didn't want any). He's one of the kindest, most gentle people I know.
@NyxyPixie 2 жыл бұрын
My dad was a wonderful and involved parent and so is my bro in law!
@raarasunai4896 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I absolutely HATE that “Respect your elders!” Line. What have you done to earn respect, other than fall out of your mother sooner than someone else?
@kmechwarrior1684 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, respect is earned, not granted by default
@kaedeharakazuha4086 2 жыл бұрын
Same, although it depends on the situation. I absolutely hate most of the elders i meet since they usually boss me around and expect me to be the most obedient child in existence just to carry their wishes or "legacy". Whenever i speak, their brain automatically believes it as "talking back" and they usually start throwing curses at me for being "disobedient". The only few elderly people i like are those who take good care of my friendly puppy and a couple that give me discounts lmao While yes, "Respect your elders" is most likely made since older people has more experience than youngsters, the saying is worthless when grown adults act like impulsive children on their way to destroy McDonalds with a nerf gun because of their pride.
@raarasunai4896 2 жыл бұрын
@@kaedeharakazuha4086 Yeah, I had parents like that who were the sort who treated speaking in anyway that isn’t “yes sir” as talking back. Worse still are those who treat any emotion other than happiness as “an attitude problem.”
@Ajehy 2 жыл бұрын
We need two different words, because “respect” means either “common decency” or “deference”. I will treat people with common decency regardless of age, but the other stuff they have to earn.
@chasm9557 2 жыл бұрын
I don't care if someone else is older than me. Act like a decent human being and you get treated with decency. Act like an ass and you'll find yourself up against a really stubborn person that really feels strongly about making the point that I really don't care what they think and that their opinions are as worthless as they are.
@kikadroid4260 2 жыл бұрын
The movie theatre I worked at had weekly baby cinema, showings of popular movies meant for parents with babies, there was a bit more light and lower sound. I think thats a good idea.
@jeremiahallen5236 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I worked at a theater like that. They also had a rule against children in R rated movies, and most other movies after a certain time.
@M0nst3r0711 2 жыл бұрын
Loved those! I used to go to those when our child used to go to Mother’s Day out programs. I went just in case I got a call or text from the program. Usually they are empty. I also took our kid to those when he was still learning how to act in the theater.
@Son-Michael 2 жыл бұрын
Was about to mention that. Here in Scandinavia it's pretty common. 🙂
@fulanadetal6099 2 жыл бұрын
They have similar screenings for children and adults with autism called “sensory screenings”. It was nice finally being able to take the kids to see a movie (It was Toy Story 4). I loved the laid back atmosphere. Everyone was very nice and understanding, no one was upset or worried about their kids having a meltdown or walking around the theater if they got restless sitting in their chair.
@icaughtalopunny 2 жыл бұрын
Never heard of this before, but it sounds amazing
@juriL 2 жыл бұрын
3rd story: who brings their kid to a party and just lets them loose??? Those parents are so irresponsible smh. If you're gonna bring a kid, at least keep an eye on them. Even better, don't bring them at ALL
@johnwalters1806 2 жыл бұрын
but "uninvited potato", I'm gonna use that!
@darththeo 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people. The number of people who expect other people to watch out for their child is insane.
@triforceofcourage100 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately these people just want to drink and have their spawn be someone else’s problem for awhile sans payment of course. These people were way, way too nice. At the second their kid starting acting out I take away the booze tell them I’m not keeping an eye on the kid. If they continue to not be parents I’ll kick them out. If they whine I’ll laugh and tell them to complain to someone who gives a crap.
@kmechwarrior1684 2 жыл бұрын
@@triforceofcourage100 "Hi CPS? Yeah, we have parents neglecting their kid at our home..."
@triforceofcourage100 2 жыл бұрын
@@kmechwarrior1684 ah the nuclear option I like you
@DisneyFanatic2364 2 жыл бұрын
Damn that funeral story. I remember when my great-grandmother died, she was also the family matriarch. I only saw her every few years cuz we moved around a lot, but I was still heartbroken over her death. Not only did I go to the funeral, but I walked with the coffin along with all the other great-grandkids (I don't know if this is strictly a Catholic or Polish tradition, but the most recent generation seemed to always walk with the coffin at the funerals of my mom's family). It shouldn't matter how involved or present you were in the person's life, a funeral is supposed to be a time for people to say their farewells and make peace, ALL the people who knew and cared about the deceased in life. That entitled mother was just beastly.
@Loveroffood41 2 жыл бұрын
When my grandmother died I didn't get to speak at her funeral and I'm her namesake. It made me feel like I was less important in my family.
@esmee6308 2 жыл бұрын
I have a mother that makes funerals all about her, luckily at my dad's funeral I was too young to get the drama, though I was informed after I grew up by a lot of the guests. (Mostly my mother losing her shit whenever someone said 'there's nothing worse than losing your son, we're so sorry you're going through this' to my grandmother and my mother acting so vile my grandmother didn't dare to get anywhere near my mother and thus the coffin for most of it.) My grandfather's funeral she side-lined my grandmother, his wife, but a bit more considerate and subtle, but by not letting her speak which.. just, jikes. Telling everyone questioning it she was too emotional, my grandmother was just too emotional to fight it. I did hear her plead but it wasn't until a few years later I understood the gravity of the situation It was my grandmother's funeral where I first got to deal with it first-hand as a young-adult. For starters she didn't see a point in me travelling to say goodbye when grandma was dying, so I went anyway and got kicked out and lost all my stuff that wasn't handluggage. At the funeral my mum and I were ok, but she decided the 'important' women would light a candle, this included my (step)sister and I, but she completely sidelined my grandmother's closest sisters, her best friends, who got upset and demanded a change in the ceremony, kinda attacking my sister for 'not even being family'. At which point I suggested my sister and I would light a candle together, which she agreed to immediately due to the pressure, (she wasn't close to my grandmother, but feels loss very strongly.) So my grandmother's sisters could light another together. Mum's never quite forgiven me for that one. On the bright side... likely ran out of funerals to attent with her.
@toysruskid5074 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when my great grandmother died. My grandmother's siblings kids took over everything. They wouldn't help or visit the whole time she needed elderly care or while my grandmother cared for her as a nurse in her nursing home. But they had no problem taking the entirety of her estate. (My grandmother was cut out of the will in her 20s and STILL took care of her mother. If my grandmother did that when she's not remotely a good person, I can't believe the rest of her family is any good. My great aunt only started talking to her sister again after she got thrown in a nursing home by her own kids and my grandmother was the only one who'd visit.)
@1bendykat 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn’t matter what tradition or religion you subscribe to, funerals are never a setting for someone’s ego. Even if it’s an Irish wake (where there’s copious drinking), it’s about remembering/honoring the person that’s been lost, not about a member of the living’s “status”
@Viktor_ginger_Tabby 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when my father (step father, he did not legally adopt my twin and I, but, he did still call us his children) his mother had died, and I remember hearing some of his nephews talking about their memories with our grandmother (their parents literally would just leave their own children at their grandparents'home until the night) as I listened, I remember trying to talk about some of my favourite memories with our grandmother, but they told me to my face that my memories "do not count for anything" since I was not "really a part of the family" (this was due to not being legally adopted by our father, but our mother DID MARRY into the family) what REALLY SUCKS, is that one of my father's older sisters literally stole the house (really, the documents like the will and what not) but she and her husband STOLE these things right as HER OWN FATHER was literally DYING right in front of her, her first response was not to call 911, but to call her husband to help her steal these documents, and essentially, our grandparents' entire "estate" (not that I care, I just miss my grandparents) only a few people in my father (stepfather's) family really matter to me any more, cause they're the only ones who really talk to me.
@ZombieSazza 2 жыл бұрын
If you’ve got someone acting like that at your party, where they refuse to look after their unsupervised child, their kid is messing with your dog, the mother is essentially vandalising your home, you throw them out. The drama caused kicking her out will be much less hassle than dealing with her BS.
@Kati_P 2 жыл бұрын
I would have taken them aside, told them that this was a child-free gathering, and sent them home. I'm not afraid to be the Ahole lol.
@TheLatinaBabyGurl 2 жыл бұрын
Right. I would just tell them to leave. If they complain then tell them that since they refuse to actually be parents then OP refuses to have them there.
@gs4984 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah if you don't speak up for yourself in your own home I haven't much empathy for you.
@silverwings3213 2 жыл бұрын
Not always. But it is the best solution.
@JennyEverywhere 2 жыл бұрын
"You said you have a sitter. Yet here you are with your yuppie larva, causing problems. Take your spawn and leave."
@d.phantomfan1216 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: why didn’t they just kicked them out, the party wasn’t for kids, you weren’t prepared for them, and they said before hand that the kid wasn’t coming.
@ArisuOkami 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, if I was one of their friends in the party and saw that the hosts had to start closing doors and baby proofing, I'd just calmly ask if one of the parents could leave with the kid as there is alcohol involved and that I definitely am getting shit faced in an adult party 🥳🥳🎉 If they weren't going to be leaving then I'd ask everyone except the parents to go for a trip w me to the local pub and tell the hosts that they need to kick them out of the house as it is definitely not a place for a kid. (Ofc I'd suggest it to the host prior to suggesting to anyone else) (the pub trip could be and extension of the party if none of the parents where willing to leave w the kid. They would be that way included in the first half of the party, but not the second as they weren't able to get a babysitter... Tbh if I where in their shoes I would have just called to inform I couldn't come.)
@Alycornz 2 жыл бұрын
Right? Ngl, it was annoying how OP was explaining all the BS stuff they put up with when THEY'RE the hosts! They can kick em out!! Like why put up with that??
@Woogoo336 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah the least satisfying stories on that sub are the ones where op acts like a doormat and complains online. Luckily very few of these.
@hbomb0417 2 жыл бұрын
I think after this incident the couple with kid who brought their children knowing full well in advance that it was a child free adult party and the house wasn’t baby proof not to mention the havoc they caused by not parenting their own kids it’s safe to assume that they were never invited over again by not just the hosts of the party but by others guests who probably knew them who disapproved of their behavior.
@radhiadeedou8286 2 жыл бұрын
I'm from a different culture so if you don't mind me asking, is it ok to kick someone out of your house? Can you do that and still be friends? Cause where I'm from it would mean you'd never talk to that person again, the "rule" is that even if a guest is a little rude you have to stay polite as the host
@DisneyFanatic2364 2 жыл бұрын
So, I used to work at a movie theater. There is a policy that kids under 2 can get in for free, and for R-rated movies, no children under six, even if accompanied by an adult, allowed in after 6PM (because that's apparently when adult theaters get the rowdiest). So, because Spiderman is usually rated PG-13, legally, the movie theater has no reason NOT to let people in with a baby. Though I did have one woman refund her ticket for the previous Spiderman movie five minutes after it started because "I didn't think there'd be explosions in a Spiderman movie!" Like, those ratings are in place for a reason. But yeah, the movie theater can't do anything about crying babies. I didn't come up with it, I'm just explaining why.
@h.flower4539 2 жыл бұрын
YES! I just commented similar because that statement frustrated me... I get it is annoying to have children in those movies be we legally cant stop them from buying a ticket if it is within the law
@maryluger-sartor9411 2 жыл бұрын
My husband and I left a movie because parents brought their toddler and let them run up and down the aisle.
@zmbdog 9 күн бұрын
Well, legally, they don't _have_ to turn away a couple with a baby from any film, no matter the rating. At the end of the day, the ratings system is merely a suggestion. Every attempt to introduce laws related to the ratings have been rightfully struck down.
@dracko158 2 жыл бұрын
EM and EK: **Insults OP** Dad: *"Peace was never an option."*
@TFTN_official 2 жыл бұрын
No way, O.P’s great grandmother was 104 years old before she passed? That’s awesome
@paxhumana2015 2 жыл бұрын
I had a relative of mine that lived to be that old, and was literally still working the very day that he died. He worked for the same railroad company ever since that he was 14 (I think), so he had the same job for 90 years.
@mizstories9646 2 жыл бұрын
Haha until I got to the end of your sentence and seen the question mark, I thought you were really trying to argue that you didn't believe that the woman was 104. Anyway, it IS really awesome!
@worldgamingentertainment5017 2 жыл бұрын
My great great grandmother lived to be 108. It is possible
@MichaelS537 2 жыл бұрын
I think my great grandma was 106 and she made a blanket for her first great great great grandbaby in the days before she passed.
@mizstories9646 2 жыл бұрын
@@MichaelS537 thats really sweet. Do you know if you know if your family still has the blanket. That'd be such a great thing to remember her by, especially since it was one of the last things she ever did.
@guitarbass22 2 жыл бұрын
That first story really hit me in the feels. My sister passed away in 2017, and it devastated my parents and me (as it obviously would). The front row of the church area in the funeral home was reserved for immediate family, and I remember my best friend of (at the time) 4-5 years was hesitant as to if he was allowed to come up with us, and I basically told him, “If anyone stops you, let me deal with it.” Nobody did, thankfully, but they would have gotten an earful from me if they had. I was not going to sit through that service without my best friend by my side, and absolutely nobody was going to tell me otherwise.
@annied1827 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss I'm glad you had your best friend there for you through it all 💕
@xBluegamerx 2 жыл бұрын
When my parents went to go see the original Alien a couple tried to bring their 2 year old into the theater, the attendant tried to warn them that the movie is loud and inappropriate for a baby, they still demanded to see it, so they charged them a ticket for the baby too.
@low-keydrama1260 2 жыл бұрын
The adult party story: That’s how u end up loosing friends and stop getting invited to parties. Those two just showed how irresponsible, entitled, and disrespectful they are to their friends
@Ernoskij 2 жыл бұрын
If it had been my house and party where someone took a kid uninvited and then didn't watch the kid themselve, I would have kicked them out. Basically telling them from the moment they arrived that it's 100% their responsibility to keep an eye on the kid at all times, and if I have to stop the kid, just once, from doing something it's not allowed to do, then they are all leaving the party.
@vintagecameragirl 2 жыл бұрын
I really feel for the op of the last story. During the longest lockdown here in the UK I decided to put money into my garden so I had somewhere to sit. I rent and my landlord refused to clean it. I'm disabled with a chronic illness so the first lockdown I was in my house for 6 months straight. Even isolating from my bf who lived with me. I was miserable. So I took money out of my savings and paid a friend to clean and put some wood chip down. I spent hours and hours cleaning it, painting, and adding pieces to make it lovely. The first day I could actually sit on my bench the neighbour kids were out. Now this was term time and they should have been doing remote schooling, but nope from 9am till it got dark about 9pm they were in their pool, screaming, swearing, fighting. Everytime I'd go outside they'd see me and get louder. I complained and their mother told me, well I can't have them in the house..we're working. I explained my situation & she told me I should just move. Now.. theres a little karma. The guy next door to me (so between their garden and mine) also started working from home, he's a gardener and builds garden fixtures. So he built himself a workshop and would spend every day in there. The kids were scared of him, so guess who's stuck in their own house now. Also because the kids spent so much time in the pop up pool splashing water it made the decking it was sitting on rot. So the mum had to pay out for a new decking and fence. No more pool.
@someoneWhoLovesSunsets 2 жыл бұрын
Omg LMAO Karma is a Bitch 😆 😆 😆
@vintagecameragirl 2 жыл бұрын
@@someoneWhoLovesSunsets and she has a sense of humour. The funny thing is, the guy next door tonme is the one who rebuilt her deck and fence, making it possible for him to make his workshop. I do love it when a plan comes together
@ammiller3911 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine being entitled to all of outside... those kids were also in a pandemic, they were also cooped up, and they were also stressed out. There mom was lovely telling you to "just move" because I would have been alot nastier. What in the actual f* is wrong with you? My God, I hope the neighbors you had growing up weren't this horrible.
@joosoo 2 жыл бұрын
@@ammiller3911 You sound like an entitled parent too.
@SilentPsychopath 2 жыл бұрын
@@ammiller3911 There is a time and place for everything, but people also need to consider everyone around them, especially considering the situation that meant people have to work from home. Yes, the kids might have been frustrated, but they could have been quieter, or actually doing their schoolwork while they were supposed to, or found quieter methods to distract them during certain time periods. I had a situation during the start of lockdown, where my neighbours would entertain their kids during the day with a variety of things, including a kareoke machine. Even worse, the father couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, so it was really bad. Unfortunately, this meant the noise would travel through the walls while I was working. This lead to a bit of an upsetting moment - I work in the registration of births, deaths, and marriages, and one day I was actually having to help a parent register their stillborn child, and all either of us could hear was this constant, ear-wrenching noise. Understandably, this made this a lot harder for both me and the poor woman, who ended up sobbing over the phone. After that, I spoke to the neighbours, and explained the situation. They were mortified, and we talked about it for a bit, and in the end they agreed that between 9am-5pm on weekdays, they would get their kids to be quieter and completely avoid some of the noisiest activities. After 5pm and weekends, they were fine to do whatever they wanted. That agreement really helped me during a time that was both insanely busy and completely mentally draining.
@airmitchbaby 2 жыл бұрын
At the movie theater I worked out, we were only allowed to refuse tickets to people with kids under three if the movie is rated R. Otherwise, we had to let them in.
@360entertainment2 2 жыл бұрын
I remember going to see 300 when that dropped and there were so many little kids running around the aisles. Like the parents had no sense to grab their kids while some of them were literally popping up in peoples faces saying Peek A Boo!
@darththeo 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't blame the ticket takers for it. It isn't their fault, many are just doing what they told or are choosing not to get into a fight with an entitled idiot. I can't blame the ticket takers because if they said no, then the person will demand a manager and get in anyway most of the time.
@michellecrooker8706 2 жыл бұрын
If parents watched their kids it wouldn't be an issue. When my oldest was a baby we did take him to movies with us as we had no family near us that could watch him. We went in the middle of the day, so it was less crowded, during his naptime so he usually slept through the whole movie. We sat in the back row so the one time when he woke up in the middle, I left before he even made a sound. Heck - given that I had a wrap (baby carrier) that I kept him in, half the time people didn't even realize we had a baby with us.
@Annie_Annie__ 2 жыл бұрын
360 Entertainment My mother was the entitled mother sort when I was a kid and she loved going to movies. She preferred buying a ticket for herself for whatever rated-R movie she wanted to see and buying separate tickets for my brother and me for a Disney movie at close to the same time. Then she’d send us in to the Disney movie without an adult when we were around 4 or 5 years old. But sometimes there weren’t any kids movies showing or none at the time she wanted to see a “grown up movie”, so she would just take us to rated-R movies. I can remember it being completely normal for her to do this when I was around 5, so I’m sure she did it when I was a toddler. I never liked gory or violent movies, so when I was around 7 or 8 I started arguing back and lying to the cashier “she’s not my mom, so she can’t take me to a rated-r movie!” Mom would get so embarrassed that she’d buy us all tickets for a family friendly movie or we’d just leave.
@songbird-wj4yj 2 жыл бұрын
I figured there had to be some rule about that. I found it funny that Rslash was like “they just want money” when the people who sell tickets are just doing their jobs. It’s not like they themselves make more money by selling more tickets lol
@Adair.Stewart 2 жыл бұрын
That first story literally had me almost vomit with rage. And I probably would have if I were actually OP. Either that, or when that horrid aunt and her spawn started beaking, I would have probably given the priest/minister a heart attack with the words I directed at her…that shouldn’t even be said around the CHURCH OF SATAN (you shouldn’t even say “WH***” in Church, after all). As to babies in movies…you’re “entitled” because you get upset when someone refuses to take their squalling infant/toddler/preadolescent spawn out of a loud movie that others are trying to enjoy? Sounds like guilt that the so-called parents were too lazy to get a sitter or wait to see the movie in a more private setting.
@ashleyd7023 2 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised in the first story that the dad didn’t step in immediately after the EM called OP a derogatory name. My only guess is that he didn’t hear her since he later yelled at her. Someone be messed up if my parents ever heard someone call me that.
@thedarkdragon1437 2 жыл бұрын
someone be messed up if that guy calls anyone in my family like that. And ironicly, not even from me, but everyone around me
@nia789789789 2 жыл бұрын
Well OP did say that their dad was distraught (it's a funeral, it's expected) so he could've been too grief stricken/ in his own head to the point where he wasn't paying attention to what was going on around him until it escalated. I'm glad that he told EM to get out at the end. A funeral is no place to be entitled or disrespectful.
@robertaylor9218 2 жыл бұрын
As soon as he made recorded threats you should’ve called the police and filed for a restraining order. And installed more ring cameras
@chevgage6210 2 жыл бұрын
Letting a kid run around and harrass your dog and wreck your house without kicking that family out makes them just as stupid. They didn't even fucking confront the parents. Everyone sucks in that story.
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. OP and hisnwife were "embarassed" instead of assertive. Letting people get away with shit like that let's them think it's OK
@quiestinliteris 2 жыл бұрын
*rescue dog. SKITTISH rescue dog. Thank God that poor animal didn't snap, because you know the EPs would have forced them to put it down.
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
@@quiestinliteris Its difficult depends on the Dog.
@adataylor4956 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if anyone knows this but, if you go to a movie theater and someone has a loud child or crying baby, you can ask for a replacement movie or a refund.
@silverwings3213 2 жыл бұрын
Or complain about them being loud. When my youngest was a baby, i took her to tge theater a handful of times, under 3 months. Early afternoons. She slept hard, and when not , she ate..and ate. No crying, which is why I tried it. Only one time did i keave to soothe her, cuz of low fussing, when there was like 1 or 2 others there, at the back ( i stayed upfront, just in such a case) . Not crying. or koud fussing. She settlee down, and I never tried again until it was cartoon movies a few years down the road. I calculsted, planned, prepared, and was ready to leave over anything that was enough for anyone else to hear- her fussing was soft, just headed it off at the pass. As a singke mom, with a very young baby, newly moved in from being homeless, and other kids in school for one month more, I look at that time with fondness. I did this 3-4 times? She slept through 2 of them, and slept/ate through others.
@acopperheart 2 жыл бұрын
GREAT to know because that mess is annoying and inconsiderate. Parents need to understand that there’s just some things you shouldn’t do with kids or there’s just some places you don’t have to inconvenience other people with just because you chose to have kids
@SilverVolo 2 жыл бұрын
@@silverwings3213 you still shouldn't have
@idonotknowwhattonamemyself2197 2 жыл бұрын
@@acopperheart yes
@idonotknowwhattonamemyself2197 2 жыл бұрын
@@silverwings3213 entitled mom
@RobGMun 2 жыл бұрын
The "Kid crashes the party" Sorry but thats the hosts fault for not putting their foot down eariler, they would have told to leave within the hour as soon as all these shenagengs started. There's no way i would allow such disrespect in my house.
@Blaxjax21 2 жыл бұрын
Last one: I am almost 100% certain that the local high school has some teenagers who would go play in front of the neighbors house for a small fee/hrly wage
@TheGreyKami 2 жыл бұрын
"So like, we just do all our rowdy stuff in front of this house, and we get paid?" "*Yes*"
@michaelterrell 2 жыл бұрын
Some would do it, if you just dared them to. 30+ years ago, I was working on a 100+ year old house. I needed to remove a concrete half wall from a patio. a 'street gang showed up as I prepared to remove it. They were bragging about how strong and bad ass they wore, so I laughed and told them that they were too weak to push that wall over. One asked, "What's it worth to you?" I smiled and said, None of you are even worth a can of Pepsi, but that's al you'll get." It took them a half hour to finally topple it. They didn't realize that they had just done a job for about 25 cents each that they would have refused $20 each to do. 😁😁😁😁😁
@limiv5272 2 жыл бұрын
That's an amazing idea
@Coniimationss 2 жыл бұрын
@neilprice513 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid I was walking past a church, that was near my grandmother's house, when I saw a full on riot at a funeral. Police were called. Well I found out later that someone on one side of the family stole from the body, I think it was some old sentimental costume jewellery and it was stolen by some Karen who thought it was real pocketing it. The riot happened when someone noticed and saw the Karen with the jewellery hanging out of her pocket or bag. There will always be entitled people who will ruin a funeral due to narcissism.
@GTSE2005 2 жыл бұрын
I'd have yeeted the entitled parents out of my home the moment they let their kid hurt my pet.
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 жыл бұрын
You'd wait that long? I wouldn't have let them in the door. "You said you had a sitter. This is an adult party. Yes, I know he came last year, but that was when he wasn't mobile, and still needed Mommy's boobs to eat." [Cue snickering as Karen gets all flustered because I mentioned her breasts.]
@Juzokinnie 2 жыл бұрын
The old lady story is so wholesome. That old lady sounds like a very kind and patient woman.
@shadowfang269 2 жыл бұрын
Unpopular opinion, if your child is walking and only knee high. They’re too small to be walking around a grocery store. Put the little gremlin in the cart seat that’s what it’s there for
@DarkbutNotsinister 2 жыл бұрын
I support your unpopular opinion! Especially wearing a mask (still doing that here), I can’t see down very well. I wouldn’t even be looking down for a small, fast moving human. I would totally punt them across the store because I’m not paying attention.
@etcetera1995 2 жыл бұрын
And conversely, if your child is a damn preteen and doesn't use a mobility aid, don't let them sit in the basket. First of all it's already unsafe because they're unsecured, second, they aren't a damn toddler anymore, they're old enough to walk. If you have to hold their hand to keep your little punk from wandering off, then be the parent and hold their damn hand.
@toshiroyamada2443 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarkbutNotsinister I am technically mask exempt in my country though I do tend to wear a mask when I can. While I am wearing a mask I can not see anything in the lower half of my vision range (the reason for me being exempt, due to disability wearing a mask presents a danger or risk of injury to myself and others). If I walk into your small child because they aren't in the cart I don't want to hear shit about how it's all my fault.
@theavatarofinsanity 2 жыл бұрын
I fail to see how this is an unpopular opinion. To me that's just common sense.
@DarkbutNotsinister 2 жыл бұрын
@@etcetera1995 Was it only my mom who told us to put one hand on the cart? She didn’t have to hold our hand & always knew where we were. I had a younger brother & she put one kid on each side. ***This was in the “too old to put in cart, too young to be wandering around” ages. Also, “behave or you’re going to sit in the car by yourself!”. That never happened, but the threat was there!
@johndickerhoff1179 2 жыл бұрын
For that last story I seriously thought to myself “why dont they just turn on sprinklers every time the kids are being a problem”
@Mullac544 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, I love getting people who aren’t controlling their kids kicked out. I went to see the last Jedi the week it came out with my family, who are all huge Star Wars nerds. We got the nice D-box seats that move with the action. Well when the protagonists get pushed back to crait for the final fight this guy was letting his run up and down the little alley way entrance screaming the whole time. So my mom got up to go get a manager while other guests started to yell at him to control his kid. The manager came in with my mom, kicked them out, we all cheered, and got to enjoy the rest of that movie in peace
@dylankia2143 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever you do your old lady voice my fight or flight instincts kick in.
@whee38 2 жыл бұрын
When I was less than a year old my uncle watched Jurassic Park at his house and sped through the 'scary' (action) scenes. I had nightmares for two weeks. My parents were pissed
@OkanaWolf 2 жыл бұрын
That’s so funny to me. When I was 2, my nana put Jurassic Park on and I loved every second of it xD it’s still one of my favorite movies to this day.
@lunamnchld 2 жыл бұрын
The entitlement of some parents is honestly beyond me... I'm just glad that in Germany there're laws to protect children from seeing certain movies at a to young age, which basically means you're not allowed to take a kid with you if that movie is not child appropriate...even with parents admission.
@GamefreakRX 2 жыл бұрын
You can't expect a minimum wage worker at a movie theater to fight Karens with hellspawns all day. Sounds like more trouble than its worth tbh.
@turtlegirl399 2 жыл бұрын
The one with the Spider-Man movie and baby reminds me of something when the grudge the untold chapter came out I was thrilled both my sister and I love horror taking our seats we made sure phones were off all the snacks we in our laps and drinks in the cup holders. During the Previews a man and his daughter who couldn’t have been more then 5 walked in with an iPad she was to watch it with no headphones while he watched the grudge several people told him to turn it off and get her out of the Theatre but he told them to F off finally a higher up came and escorted them out 15 minutes later were we could hear the wife screaming at him. Best guess is it was his turn to watch the kid and being a entitled moron decide that the movie was more important
@thunderflare59 2 жыл бұрын
"Don't talk to my kids again of it'll be the last thing you do." Look out, we got a badass over here.
@TheGreyKami 2 жыл бұрын
I won't talk to your kids, the kind officers of the law will.
@arnoldfossman1701 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't OP say that she had something like a ring doorbell? most places it's illegal to threaten someone's life and the recording from the doorbell system would be evidence of the threat.
@thunderflare59 2 жыл бұрын
@@arnoldfossman1701 not the brightest crayon in the box.
@kalypsovt 2 жыл бұрын
Oh! That’s my funeral story. Thank you for sharing, she’s still a mess, but fingers crossed I don’t have to cross her or her narcissistic behavior again. Thank you for sharing, rSlash.
@PotterBrony82 2 жыл бұрын
If I were in that situation of being called a p***phile, and if it wouldn’t cause more issues, after being accused of that I’d glance over at her kids, pull a face, and say “ugh, no thanks, they’re way too fat for me.”
@juliaboskamp9666 2 жыл бұрын
Or to ugly
@PotterBrony82 2 жыл бұрын
@@juliaboskamp9666 ugly could work, I just figured more topical to remark on their weight considering that OP was exercising. Not that a big fat guy like me has anything to say about it really.
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 2 жыл бұрын
@@benjiro8793 False claims ruin lives almost as much as the actual deed being done. This Karen, a female one in particular, is drawing on the power of toxic and uncivilized savage stereotypes to have her lesser little way. People no matter who they are, man, woman, white, black, anything else? If you are proven to be making a false claim (that is, not JUST lacking evidence, but your lies NEED to be proven deliberate, which admittedly is hard), you deserve just as much jailtime and social ruination as the innocent person would have gotten.
@PotterBrony82 2 жыл бұрын
@@benjiro8793 yeah, that’s why I said “if it wouldn’t cause more issues” won’t deny I’d love to see how red I can make a Karen’s face go. I understand I’d be playing with fire, I wouldn’t act on it. It’s kinda similar to the call of the void.
@Shadow_wizar843 2 жыл бұрын
Person,goes to an outdoor gym,Karen:YOU PERVERT
@corydensley7631 2 жыл бұрын
As a parent I will say it's perfectly reasonable to expect children in movie theaters, if the movie playing is G or PG. If it's PG-13 or R then young children should not be expected. If you bring a 10-12 year old to a PG-13 movie, fine, but babies and toddlers should not be there. It's incredibly rude to expect others to listen to your children cry or otherwise make noise at a movie.
@MoonWomanStudios 2 жыл бұрын
This reminded me of when I accidentally took my small children to a grown ass movie bc it had talking animals and I was just fkn clueless. I really wish the theater would have fkn told me it was a grown-up movie instead of selling me the damn tickets.
@finnmchugh99 2 жыл бұрын
@@MoonWomanStudios what was the movie?
@blueberrycyanide8616 2 жыл бұрын
I sympathize with OP from the first story so much. We had a VERY similar situation at my great grandmas funeral. Because my grandma adopted a LOT of kids the funeral attendance was huge. We tried to sit with my grandpa up front because he just had a stroke and couldn't walk very well. This lady, who claimed to be his niece, stopped me and my mom at the door and said, "Only family can go in right now get to to the back." The entire line stopped moving. Technically she is my step great grandma but we've known her our entire lives and she treated me like any other great grand baby. My grandpa stopped her, took our hands, and led us to the front right past this lady. He knew my mom and knew she was fighting everything inside of her to say something to her. That lady absolutely broke my mom's heart, we already know we're not blood related but that doesn't matter! We loved her and she loved us, most of the family did.
@Mammalian_Wolverine 2 жыл бұрын
on the theater, i've experienced the same thing. I rewatched no way home in theater yesterday and someone's kid threw a tantrum during the entire second half of the third act and the parents only shushed them (unsuccessfully) a few times. Like??? Take your kid into the hallway damn
@Mammalian_Wolverine 2 жыл бұрын
also i totally dont blame the employees bc they have policies in place from higher ups
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
This. Just because it might be a spiderman or a kids film doesn’t mean the parent shouldn’t parent. Use the movie theater as a teaching moment to teach theater etiquette.
@Mammalian_Wolverine 2 жыл бұрын
@@starbird3939 yeah, they just sat there while the kid wailed at the top of its lungs for like the last thirty minutes, it was infuriating
@vizir_kg8104 2 жыл бұрын
The second story reminded me of something that happened a couple of years ago. I was 15 and it was my cousin's (3) birthday party. We were at a park, so you can guess what my cousin and his friends did basically all the time. Me and my other cousin (11) are watching in the distance, when my cousin asks us to enter as well. I tell my cousin to go (I'm way over the age limit) while I keep an eye on the kids and she does, telling my cousin why I wasn't coming. All was going perfectly fine, when one of the kids there (not one that was at the party) gets hurt and starts CRYING her soul out. I rush in to help, mother comes in, sees me and starts questioning me for what happened to the child. I tell her that her kid fell over and I rushed in as soon as I saw what happened to calm the girl down. She retrieves the child and then she has the audacity to scold me because "I'm not allowed to touch a child that isn't mine" and "if her child needed help then they should just go to her and I had no business in that". I laughed that off and said that while I was only trying to help by basically looking after not only my cousins, but everyone else's kid, she was talking with her friend and it was difficult for me to keep an eye on everyone, since there were at least three dozens of kids in that park. Her face turns red, she calls me a rude, shameless creep and storms off with the girl. My cousin looks at me, asked what happened and I just shout "code K". She understands immediately. I guess you also know what I meant by that
@zenithas4785 2 жыл бұрын
The thing I find particularly odd about that is, cinemas often run kid screens. As in, there's movies where the sound is slightly muted, the lights aren't dimmed as hard, and everyone goes in expecting to potentially hear a baby or kid in the background. It allows parents who have children along for various reasons without putting regular sessions out.
@alolandugtrios 2 жыл бұрын
clicked on this episode to listen to with my coffee this morning. i found out my great grandmother passed away early this morning. the first story really got me. can't imagine making a fool of myself at a funeral like that and treating grieving people so poorly. but also i will take that last part with me. "let not your heart be troubled." i am a sappy, sentimental person any day of the year, but what a day for this story to be read aha. thanks. :)
@themidnightcrusader9539 2 жыл бұрын
Someone get this man a talk show
@Chuckf66 2 жыл бұрын
@corpselisa9704 2 жыл бұрын
the rslash show featuring yugo
@P.W.N.ed_9000 Жыл бұрын
As a billionaire I would create an entire company based around places where kids aren’t allowed. Movie theaters where parents with kids are turned away, planes where kids can’t travel, nonalcoholic restaurants where kids are just not allowed. I would also institute a no asshole policy, where the staff can turn away rude and abusive customers without repercussions. I dream of a world where I can watch a movie in peace without someone’s spunk bubble crying or wearing glow up shoes in the theater.
@emilynelson5646 Ай бұрын
You just need to go back in time to the 30's or 40's.
@MadMusic26 2 жыл бұрын
I remember my grandpa’s funeral. I was 12 and he was the first person I’d know who had died. For some reason this 40 year old woman that I’d never met before wouldn’t let go of me at the viewing and kept crying into my shoulder screaming “That’s my babies grandfather!” I still have no idea who she was but I still resent her a bit because I can’t think of my dead grandfather without thinking of her. Edit: I asked my mom and apparently that lady was his step daughter. He’s divorced my grandmother years before and our 2 families never interacted.
@bladerunner3314 2 жыл бұрын
I live in a building in a former US army base here in Germany - these houses were for non-comms and low rank officers but not grunts, each houses 24 units. You can basically see in front of the house, what tennants live there and this was one without garbage on the lawn, other than some of the others. This changed 2 years ago when a family moved into one of the flats and brought their crotch goblins with them - we have several families with kids here, one living directly above me. But it took this particular kid to bring out the trash trolls in the others out. Now there's always litter on the lawn. The house, btw, has 3 entrances, each leading to 8 units but connected via a hallway in the basement. That said, these hellspawn ALWAYS play in front fo the middle entrance, which happens to be mine and screaming and yelling so loud I changed my whole daily routine to be working at night and sleeping during the day. I need concentration for work but can sleep like a log no matter what. To add insult to injury, I use my bike, a lot, and store it in a dedicated room in the basement and every so often I carry it up the stairs, teh kids are playing on the porch, directly in front of the door and don't even think to move their entitled asses until I yell at them (been in the military, I can be loud). On one day the affore mentioned crotch goblin thought it would be a great idea to play with another kid, in a car. The otehr kid sat in the car and CG ran around until he reached the driver door, ripped it open, screamed "boooh", hit the horn and slammed the door shut. Not once, twice or five times ... for two minutes straight. I went to my window and yelled to cut it out. Oh, dad is there and he wasn't pleased. "Shut up" he demanded and I offered him to rip his head off and take a huge dump down his neck. Guess that was the moment he realized who he was talking to. He knows I'm bigger and meaner than him and I look like I'd do it. The trash problem isn't resolved, but at least the screaming has lessened.
@gingerdude 2 жыл бұрын
If someone showed up with their Child at my party, even though I've stated I do not welcome children there, I would've thrown them out right away. Ain't no way someone is gonna disrespect me at my own setting
@anneofcleveswithinternet 2 жыл бұрын
geez, i remember when my grandma died, my uncle put on a pity party for himself. Most of my family is not well off, I'm not rich too but I get by just fine and I was able to support my grandparents, when my grandma got sick and eventually died, I paid for everything too, most of my relatives are good people, they know they couldn't pay so they helped taking care of my grandma when she was at the hospital and they arranged the funeral when she died, in my culture funerals are usually held at home. My entitled uncle and his family came, one night he was so upset and crying, his wife is in the kitchen also crying, so we thought they were just sad of my grandma's passing, they never bothered to visit while she was alive, but come midnight and my uncle was yelling and crying really loud... then he cursed at me and said I am making them feel poor because I paid for everything and he feels insulted, the family was dumbfounded and I was really mad he didn't respect my grandma's funeral, I yelled at him to reimburse me everything I paid for and he said I am a selfish brat for telling him to pay... I cut that uncle from my life but he and his family tried to come to me during Christmas for gifts, my mom would tell me to give them some but I told her they are not my problem.
@evil_katil 2 жыл бұрын
Back when The Ring 2 (PG-13) came out we went to see it in theaters... Some parent of the year decided to bring their toddler... Needless to say it screamed through the entire movie... This is why we don't go to movies in theaters anymore... too many entitled parents do this.
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
At least where iam from thats not happening. But okay i go in the week as late as possible. But i would have gotten some staff kicking those idiots out of the Cinema. I pay good money to see something on the big screen and not to hear a kid cry and scream.
@evil_katil 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrn234 Yeah, the staff at the ghetto theater did not really care (was a frequent problem)... Still wonder how many years of nightmares that kid had due to their parents stupidity.
@shanelbryant5638 2 жыл бұрын
Old ladies giving me compliments at work are my ABSOLUTE favorite thing and it will always make me feel like I’m 4 years old with my grandma patting my head and putting my drawing on the fridge no matter how old I get
@someguy7629 2 жыл бұрын
Men can't openly love their kids in public without getting a stink eye or getting accused of kidnapping or other big nono stuff. Same for adopted kids or inter racial couples.
@jessicalee5260 2 жыл бұрын
My husband came home from work really sick one day. I gave him ibuprofen to try to reduce his fever and checked in on him every hour or so. Couple hours later, two younger boys started playing rather loudly right outside the building. Lots of yelling, screaming, and laughter. I went to my back door (it was a townhouse apartment) and called the boys over. I very nicely explained that my husband was very sick and trying to sleep, told then I was glad they were having fun, and asked them if they could please play more quietly. Both of them apologized; and actually quieted way down! No visit from some indignant parent either! My husband slept for 15 hours and woke up feeling much better. At least some kids are raised right!
@swisschris81 2 жыл бұрын
The first moment I hear a baby crying in a movie theater, I will demand my money back and leave.
@nllpgeek53 2 жыл бұрын
Years ago when me and my cousin were teens, our grandma passed away. At her funeral, after the ceremony and while we were waiting for the cars to be ready to head to the grave, me and my cousin were all sat together sharing memories of our grandma and laughing at crazy moments. Our great aunt (our grandma's older sister) ran over to us screaming about how we were disrespecting her sister by laughing. Luckily our parents step in and removed her and told us we were doing nothing wrong and that it is good to share the happy moments too.
@RokoFireFox 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3. I can't feel bad for op for not having a good time at their party. It's YOUR party and house. Kick them out.
@naiforeverTv 2 жыл бұрын
I relate to the first story. My grandpa passed away in 2019 at 97 and my family on his side threw A FIT. The day of the funeral my aunt slammed the door in my face, it was so horrible but I had to be strong for my other family members. I definitely relate to that. Not all relatives are family.
@JuanitaHarrisMissHarrisinParis 2 жыл бұрын
They should have tossed out that couple with the kid immediately. Period.
@Nesenda 2 жыл бұрын
i worked at subway for 7 years, and my dad had gone "missing", and we didnt have light italian except in packets, so the customers had to put it on themselves, to avoid cross contamination. one guy didnt like that, and i was already stressed af. told him, in front of a line of customers to go to hell, gfh, and walked out. still had my job, but i left for an hour to collect myself.
@IronMaiden756 2 жыл бұрын
We solved the baby in the movie theater problem by getting a group of friends together via Facebook Messenger, and we now rent a theater and do a private screening.
@mrn234 2 жыл бұрын
When its affordable n stuff why not. Some people just have to learn they cant do some things that easy or at all anymore with a young kid. Like i was at the age of i think 4 in the OG Legoland in Billund with my Parents and Sister and i only "remember" it cause my Dad told me and showed me some pictures it makes no sense to spend big bucks to do something with a toddler or very small child.
@myroc1 2 жыл бұрын
My dad was in line at subway and the woman in front was refusing to move from the register until someone paid for her meal. Some hero steps up and actually offers to everyones dismay. He pays, takes the sandwich, walks outside and spikes it into the ground. He told the woman that it was worth paying money to ruin her day 😆
@nr_6170 2 жыл бұрын
Can we throw these people in jail or something to keep ‘em away from society
@casartherandom3010 2 жыл бұрын
That first story boiled my blood so much, because something similar happened at my great grandma's funeral. Had someone tell me I wasn't actually a part of the family. Thankfully, my great aunt and my grandpa came to my defense and shot that down real quick.
@AnymousScreams 2 жыл бұрын
I still remember the toddler at It: Chapter 2, and felt gross about the parents doing that. They left mid movie.
@theplourde 2 жыл бұрын
As a guy, choosing to go child free has just made my life so much easier. I’m sure it’ll be a problem if I get back into dating but oh well.
@AkiraSakko 2 жыл бұрын
The thing about relatives, distant family, cousin , . .... is that they are mostly unbearable people to be around. You're lucky to have one sane, decent relative.
@dogsarefab 2 жыл бұрын
OK I'm English and that manager's response to attempted que jumping was AWESOME!! It really salted my fish and chips 😂😆🤣
@silverflight01 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Why didn’t OP intervene? I would have!
@kieranlinie1269 2 жыл бұрын
On that last story, we have neighbours whose kids also play outside our house. But they aren't noisy, just invasive, but also not invasive at the same time. Never bothered me
@Kingof_Coffee 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, is it just me or the second story was already told before by rslash? I don't know what video was it, but I remember that after the story, he said "OP, what you should've said is 'sorry, these kids are too young for my taste' ".
@nickisparkles7594 2 жыл бұрын
I remember that too😂
@stormwright8300 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I think it was a year or so ago so he probably doesn't remember it
@magnapinnaval5808 2 жыл бұрын
When I worked at the movies, I once had a couple bring a ~1 yo baby to Fast and Furious 8. My boss tried to talk them out of it but they wouldn't budge. I ended up poping in and out of the room every few minutes to check on the baby so they wouldn't disturb other clients or worse- having them hurt and scared by the noise. I still don't know how the poor thing stayed quiet and calm during the whole movie. I'm still angry at the parents for bringing a newborn to such a movie.
@DarkDreamsAndMoonlitNights 2 жыл бұрын
My story: I worked at KFC in a mall food court as a teen. A few times a parent would put their toddler on my counter because their "Baby was tired"'. Mind you, the counter is for bags of FOOD. You politely tell the parents to take their kid off the counter and it was like you'd slapped their mother.
@kattynha2887 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: for someone who lost her grandfather in 2020 (not covid), I understand what OP was feeling. I nearly didn't lived my own grief because my entitled and toxic grandmother made me doubt that my grandpa loved me, and that her feelings were more important than mine. That's not true, in any case, even me being "just the granddaugther Eri raised" or her being "Eri's widow", or my entitled uncle being "Eri's eldest kid", but I used to think that I was just a burden and I should keep my f-ing mouth shut. We didn't fight in the funeral, but before grandpa's death, she was using her "stress" to be the victim in the family's eyes, beat me and scream at me for EVERYTHING and NOBODY tried to defend me. Now I know she is just a b*tch and my grandpa loved me, but I don't know what could be my reaction if she makes a scene like the EM. I'm sorry for your lost, OP, and I know you, your father, uncle and cousin will be okay. Take care
@DrGoatens 2 жыл бұрын
Here they have special showings for parents and their kids, so if they want, they can take their kid to a kid-friendly theatre.
@brendandupper 2 жыл бұрын
The funeral story really reminded me of my great grandma, I’m lucky but she’s the only family I’ve ever lost in my lifetime so it hit hard I still remember being the only great grandchild who did a speech
@mrpoggers 2 жыл бұрын
The guy in the Thumbnail is Antonio Conte. He's the head coach of Tottenham Hotspur. He's pretty cool.
@memeboi6942 2 жыл бұрын
So he basically negates the definition of an entitled person.
@readjordan2257 2 жыл бұрын
I mean the photos are generally like that
@elistewart3435 2 жыл бұрын
@@readjordan2257 Yeah, I’m sure he just searches for pictures of people yelling, not really caring who is in the pictures.
@readjordan2257 2 жыл бұрын
@@elistewart3435 i thought society covered this topic 10 years ago. Guess not. However at least i vaguely know that this guy isnt so "random".
@mrpoggers 2 жыл бұрын
@@readjordan2257 I'm not slandering the thumbnail I'm just saying I know who's in the the thumbnail
@phoenix3872 2 жыл бұрын
If someone was to bring a baby into the cinema/theatre and said baby were to disturb the enjoyment of paying customers, the customers should group together to ask (or demand) for a refund - this is probably the only way these companies would listen, when it hurts their bottom line
@catandogclone7880 2 жыл бұрын
Actually movie theatres don’t make any money off of tickets sold, their only income is snacks and drinks they sell people.
@spydersoup8447 2 жыл бұрын
But they still want extra money.
@SirPumpkinKnight 2 жыл бұрын
The ice cream story reminded me of when I used to work at a grocery store deli. There'd be a line of customers waiting their turns, and there'd always be some butthole who thinks each employee has their own individual line and will just step up to ask for things. It amazed me when other customers would politely point out the line (and you know, the ticket system that's been around for eternity), and the buttholes would respond with "Just mind your own business." The Manager would say "Next in line please," and the buttholes would start talking only to get instantly shot down with a loud "I said next in LINE, please." The only other part of it that was annoying was he had this small kiosk system where you could enter in your order, and it had signage that basically said "place your order here, then feel free to go shopping while we get it ready." You know, so you could do something instead of just standing around with your thumb up your ass. But the Buttholes seemed to think it was a magic 'cut to the front of the line' machine, put in their order, stand there, then throw a fit when the next person in line got served before they did.
@Splendoid 2 жыл бұрын
wouldn't it be crazy if someone installed a bear trap in their yard? 👹
@25angel20 2 жыл бұрын
not just bear traps, let's throw in full 9 yard of Saw traps if coming close enough 😈
@velvety2006 2 жыл бұрын
sprinklers with non toxic food coloring in them
@Tajarim88 2 жыл бұрын
The mother of the "kid crashing the party" and her spawn would've been thrown out within minutes at any party I would've held. Unacceptable.
@foegro2260 2 жыл бұрын
How can you expect someone to pay you, so they deliver something???
@angeladonohue4592 2 жыл бұрын
I have a very similar baby and theater story. My dad and I went to see tLtWatW/Narnia and through out the whole movie a woman brought her twin babies and no on thought of getting up and getting an usher or manager to take care of it. Another thing out of the ordinary a usher kept walking up and down the aisles but did nothing. After the movie I could not believe I was the only one to turn to the mother and say, "you couldn't find a baby sitter." I marched out and the mother followed me out and she tried to get at me but my dad got between us and she tried to press charges on me and my dad who she thought was a complete stranger to me. (I am adopted so we don't look alike) The manager came out and the mother tried to make sense of what was happening and as it began to make sense to the manager he told my dad and I we were free to leave and that he would handle that. After that I don't know what happened.
@PersonReal. 2 жыл бұрын
if someone doesn't make fun of the entitled mom at her funeral Then i will lose My faith in humanity
@Elhvir 2 жыл бұрын
As a father of a newborn (8 months), I'd never go to a party that is designed for adults with the child. First reason even isn't the fact that I'd be a bother, only reason 2 (because let's be real, there's no way a child of that age is NOT going to cause limitations within 2 hours). My first reason is that I am not comfortable having a baby near people under alcoholic influence. And I don't mean everyone is going to be drunk, but all it needs is someone to be slightly tipsy, want to play with baby, pick her even slightly too hard and *bam*, head slammed somewhere or baby dropped or arm bent in a bad way or anything else that upsets the little one for hours on end. Honestly, I am always just appalled by parents who take their kids to parties and *don't look after them*, thinking everyone else does. If I go visit my parents and close family, I might trust them fully to look after my kid. In a house full of people I might not know at all who might also be drunk? I'd be scared to let go of my kid...
@royalteaanimations 2 жыл бұрын
13:56 “If you pay ME, can you do this service for me?” Bro like how can they not see how stupid that is? What drugs are they on lol
@TheOfficialTarynTots 2 жыл бұрын
I've never heard of anyone fighting for front row seats to a funeral. At all the ones I've been to everyone seems to try to sit as far back as they can unless someone very close to the person who died drags them up towards the front. I can't imagine someone arguing about it either saying how much the person who passed loved them and not other family members. Plus, the people in the front are always the last ones to go. If that lady was looking for attention she probably should have sat in the back so everyone could see her reaction when walking by the casket. Everyone else is out of the room by the time the people in the front go up there. It's just a werid situation.
@redactedgaming3442 2 жыл бұрын
That funeral on life support
@ETOPsycho6774 2 жыл бұрын
Yea! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@herrscheroftheend1963 2 жыл бұрын
So was the person they were having the funeral for
@redactedgaming3442 2 жыл бұрын
@@herrscheroftheend1963 💀
@herrscheroftheend1963 2 жыл бұрын
@@redactedgaming3442 that skull mean dead. You know what else is dead? The person they hosted to funeral for
@redactedgaming3442 2 жыл бұрын
@@herrscheroftheend1963 bro. 🤣
@roxyhoyt3675 9 ай бұрын
The movie theater story: the first movie i ever went to was final destination 2. My mother brought me in my car seat, and I was less than a year old. She tells me that I slept through the whole thing. With all that being said, I agree that most movie theaters should be careful when they sell tickets to people with small children.
@corpselisa9704 2 жыл бұрын
I really hate it when families talk through the film like this one time I went to see spider man far from home and some kid said look mummy it's spider man, so annoying
@chriscanul4075 2 жыл бұрын
On the subject of theaters, I work in one, it's basically discrimination if you don't sell to a mother with child and we could get in literal legal trouble if we don't serve them. It's disgusting, I'm seeing infants and children being carried into the new Scream but we literally can't do anything about it
@photoflo78 2 жыл бұрын
I swear I've heard the outdoor gym story before. Not a similar version but word for word and I don't read the thread. I have a pretty good memory, am I the only one?
@oliversievanen8554 2 жыл бұрын
I was looking for this comment! I'm almost 100% sure Rslash has read that exact story in another video.
@photoflo78 2 жыл бұрын
@@oliversievanen8554 oh thank God because I knew I wasn't crazy 😅
@tiredman99 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm not really. Definitely remember similar ones where dad's have told stories like that when they've taken their kids to parks or are just out in public with their kids alone
@sophiablackett8012 2 жыл бұрын
My first memory is of watching finding Nemo at the movie theater. I freaked out and started crying when Bruce said "hello." My parents had the decency to leave the theater as soon as I started crying.
@prettykit4 9 ай бұрын
Lmao yeah that smile was a lot of teeth.
@mskolendo 2 жыл бұрын
I love starting my week off with rslash 😁 thanks man
@BloodThirstyAvengers 2 жыл бұрын
If you disrupt a funeral by being unnecessarily disrespectful, I feel like the best outcome is the father (or whoever is running it) to intervene with the line "Leave. I don't have enough time to set up a second funeral right now." or something to that effect.
@jessicamorgan3568 2 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna pay something unpopular...I think it's okay to bring newborns to movies. BUT, you have to sit on the edge, and be willing to walk out the moment baby starts fussing (BEFORE they cry!) A nursing newborn can't stay with a sitter, but can also sleep a lot and be pretty flexible. It comes to the baby's temperament, and the parents willingness to be decent.
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
I think that's the major issue, most aren't willing to be decent.
@molly-molly925 2 жыл бұрын
The 1st story reminded me of my great-grandmother, she used to live with my family, she was always telling stories about her childhood, always said things like "I love my great-grandkids than anyone else!" and would make the BEST muffins for me after school. She was a nice woman and didn't deserve to die, but she died of pneumonia when she was 85yr. I remember my clothes were totally wet because of my tears- And here's an inspirational quote: "It doesn't matter if your loved one is totally alive or at a bed in a hospital, you should always spend time with them like the world's gonna end." ~Someone...?
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