创世记这卷书当中耶和华上帝告诉亚当:伊甸园的果子你都可以吃,唯有“分别善恶树”的果子你不可吃,其实那颗“分别善恶树”名字不叫分别善恶的树,那是中文圣经一个不好的一个翻译,而在英语圣经中那颗树的翻译是:the tree of the knowledge of good and evil。意思是【善恶知识树】。知识分善的知识和恶的知识。箴言当中的“依靠自己的聪明”指的就是“恶”的知识。因为人的聪明(奸诈圆滑)在上帝看来是恶的。还有就是我知道你们法轮功现在在想尽办法地跟我们基督的教会联合在一起,我告诉你们:你们少给我来这套!!我们基督徒只忠于我们的主基督耶稣!少把你们那套新世纪运动带到我们教会里面!我说句不好听的今天换作是摩西律法的时代整个美国加拿大的基督徒早就拿石头打死你们了!去看看申命记吧!你们感谢上帝没吩咐基督徒要那样对待法轮功吧!
新约圣经原文是希腊写成的,最终成书应该是在200 AD左右, king james version 只是一个重要的英文的译本而已。文昭老师请再确认一下关于king james 版本的历史。
@哥吉拉-z4h Жыл бұрын
@TarotAstrologerTHOMAS Жыл бұрын
有趣有趣, 感謝用心精美製作
@MK-bd3cy Жыл бұрын
沒錯,結論說的好。原始福音本來是更多的,所謂”次經” 、”偽經”,是神說的?人說的? 事在人為,刪掉的教義經文,是在什麼局勢下定奪的?就像泰戈爾說的 「如果你對所有錯誤都關門,真理也要被關在門外了。」 " If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.” - Rabindranath Tagore
@@tsukuyomisama001 说得有道理,事情是这样的:创世记中耶和华上帝嘱咐亚当:伊甸园的果子你都可以吃,唯有“分别善恶树”的果子你不可吃....其实那颗“分别善恶树”并不叫分别善恶的树,那是中文圣经很不好的一个翻译。在英语圣经中那颗树的翻译是:the tree of the knowledge of good and evil。意思是【善恶知识树】。所以科学的研究可以分为用于“善”的用途,或是用于“恶”的用途。
“There are five things, Bhāradvāja, that may turn out in two different ways here and now. What five? Faith, approval, oral tradition, reasoned cogitation, and reflective acceptance of a view. These five things may turn out in two different ways here and now. Now something may be fully accepted out of faith, yet it may be empty, hollow, and false; but something else may not be fully accepted out of faith, yet it may be factual, true, and unmistaken. Again, something may be fully approved of…well transmitted…well cogitated…well reflected upon, yet it may be empty, hollow, and false; but something else may not be well reflected upon, yet it may be factual, true, and unmistaken. Under these conditions it is not proper for a wise man who preserves truth to come to the definite conclusion: ‘Only this is true, anything else is wrong.’ ” - MN95 Caṅkīsutta