終究還是沒有飛過曠野 zhong jiu hai shi mei you fei guo kuang ye Still haven’t flown through the wilderness. 那些 承載約定的蝴蝶 na xie cheng zai yue ding de hu die The butterflies that carry the conventions 我們的愛情 一路被時間書寫 一路 瓦解 wo men de ai qing yi lu bei shi jian shu xie yi lu wa jie Our love that has been written all the way through time collapsed 後來的你我就散落世界 hou lai de ni wo jiu san luo shi jie Then you and I will be scattered around the world 各自 隨著霓虹燈明滅 ge zi sui zhe ni hong deng ming mie Each disappear along with the neon lights 恍然回想起 那一場聲嘶力竭 竟像 幻覺 huang ran hui xiang qi na yi chang sheng si li jie jing xiang huan jiao Suddenly I think of the sound of a hoarse like a hallucination 我愛過的人 你在哪座城 wo ai guo de ren ni zai na zuo cheng Someone I loved. what City are you in? 是過得安穩 還是浮浮沈沈 shi guo de an wen hai shi fu fu shen shen Is it safe or floating? 而時光殘忍 面目全非曾經的我們 er shi guang can ren mian mu quan fei ceng jing de wo men And time is cruel and unrecognizable. 丟失了單純 還笑彼此天真 diu shi le dan chun hai xiao bi ci tian zhen Lost our innocent, laughing at each other. 我愛過的人 看過的黃昏 wo ai guo de ren kan guo de huang hun My loved one, the twilight that we once watched 在後來構成 一整座的青春 zai hou lai gou cheng yi zheng zuo de qing chun Later constitute a whole seat of youth 斷線的風箏 可能只是更喜歡雲層 duan xian de feng zheng ke neng zhi shi geng xi huan yun ceng Broken kites may just prefer clouds 自由是一種本能 若不愛 也別去恨 zi you shi yi zhong ben neng ruo bu ai ye bie qu hen Freedom is an instinct. Don’t hate it if you don’t love it. 原來成長就是學會告別 yuan lai cheng zhang jiu shi xue hui gao bie Growing up is learning to say goodbye 後來 你我終於才妥協 hou lai ni wo zhong yu cai tuo xie And then you and I finally compromise. 曾經的熱烈 就只能借著淚腺 輕描 淡寫 ceng jing de re lie jiu zhi neng jie zhe lei xian qing miao dan xie Once enthusiastic can only be written by the tear 我愛過的人 你在哪座城 wo ai guo de ren ni zai na zuo cheng Someone I loved. what City are you in? 是過得安穩 還是浮浮沈沈 shi guo de an wen hai shi fu fu shen shen Is it safe or floating? 而時光殘忍 面目全非曾經的我們 er shi guang can ren mian mu quan fei ceng jing de wo men And time is cruel and unrecognizable. 丟失了單純 還笑彼此天真 diu shi le dan chun hai xiao bi ci tian zhen Lost our innocent, laughing at each other. 我愛過的人 看過的黃昏 wo ai guo de ren kan guo de huang hun My loved one, the twilight that we once watched 在後來構成 一整座的青春 zai hou lai gou cheng yi zheng zuo de qing chun Later constitute a whole seat of youth 斷線的風箏 可能只是更喜歡雲層 duan xian de feng zheng ke neng zhi shi geng xi huan yun ceng Broken kites may just prefer clouds 自由是一種本能 若不愛 也別去恨 zi you shi yi zhong ben neng ruo bu ai ye bie qu hen Freedom is an instinct. Don’t hate it if you don’t love it.
@yhken24 жыл бұрын
@ThisisTina4 жыл бұрын
@toilasang4 жыл бұрын
@ThisisTina4 жыл бұрын
@CAROLINE-hm6vo4 жыл бұрын
J’adore ta vidéo, tu as une très belle voix ☀️ Je me suis abonnée et j’ai tout de suite mis un pouce bleu, Si tu veux découvrir mes chansons et mon univers je serais ravie qu’on puisse se suivre, On échange quand tu veux, À bientôt et au plaisir