讓心自由-唐.魯伊茲(絕版) 四項協定: 1.保持純淨的語言 Be impeccable with your word. 2.別認為都是針對你 Don’t take anything personally. 3.別妄加揣測.假設 Don’t make assumptions. 4.凡事盡力而為 Always do your best. 這集反覆聽了好幾次,本想摘錄老師每一個協定的重點。只是老師每一句都是用心的提醒。推薦大家聽。
Today’s talk hit me severely. I have so many inner judges criticized me all the time. Any little thing happened; I blamed myself. All my faults. No matter how far I have accomplished, I don’t feel the sense of security inside of me. I will have a lot to learn to heal myself… 😔