r/Prorevenge Humble Farmer VS Corrupt Politicians

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@rSlash Жыл бұрын
Woops, meant to schedule this at my normal time but I accidentally scheduled it early
@rxindrops Жыл бұрын
hey i mean, we dont mind an early upload lmao
@embyratwood690 Жыл бұрын
Was a nice midnight surprise though
@bozodudeguy Жыл бұрын
great mistake
@redxthetank Жыл бұрын
Definitely a welcome surprise!
@wolffriendinus Жыл бұрын
Lol we're not complaining 😂
@jayarray2463 Жыл бұрын
That bookworm story was equal parts awesome and infuriating. I hope that professor was fired, they sound awful. Good on OP for rising above it. I just wish they took action against the bullying.
@excessivelyfangirlingbookw3339 Жыл бұрын
I wish they were but I can mostly guarantee that nothing happened. Sounds like OP was labeled a „problem child“ for years, so the administration won’t discredit the teacher‘s work. It’s a nice revenge per se, but if OP wanted to actively go against their teachers, their revolt should have started on year 1 or 2, not 5.
@DianaWanMa Жыл бұрын
I don’t think so… sounds like the parents and OP didn’t say anything. And I doubt that they would take such an action against the teacher, not even a suspend, only an attention call.
@JRKonungrinn Жыл бұрын
Sadly, teachers that actually hate children, or bully their non-favorite students are extremely common. None of them are ever fired unless they're caught doing something extreme, like physical violence.
@alguienoalgo3561 Жыл бұрын
I relate to them so much it hurts I was an overachieving kid and was so bored all the time, I even begged for more work but they just wouldn't let me??? and then my grades started slipping in highschool and everyone got surprised for some reason lmfao
@MrDoverfield Жыл бұрын
“Alpha reader”? Hahaha sounds incredibly stupid
@rapheAltoid77 Жыл бұрын
As one of, if not _the_ best reader in my elementary class, I _felt_ that story. lol. That would've been absolute torture. I had nothing that dramatic, but my 4th grade teacher tried to punish me for reading quietly at my desk after class work was done. But I was also stubborn, still am, especially when a rule doesn't make any sense. When my parents confronted her, and asked what else she thought I should be doing, she said there were extra credit worksheets I could do. My parents bluntly pointed out that I didn't _need_ any extra credit. She left me alone after that...
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
i remember being confronted about reading in class once. the teacher told me to put the book away and i did. and took it back out when her back was turned lol. she just sighed and ignored me the rest of the school year.
@syrefayne8922 Жыл бұрын
Lol my sister was reading one time during a spelling test (like between words, she was allowed to, idk why) and pulled a dictionary out to look up a word she had read, and then the teacher saw her and was like "what are you doing?" They had a laugh about it because my sister was nowhere near the spelling words and it was an honest mistake
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
@@syrefayne8922 using a dictionary to cheat with spelling is useless anyway. gotta know how to spell a word to look it up in the dictionary, otherwise you will be looking in "T" section for chthonic.
@syrefayne8922 Жыл бұрын
@@abiean222 haha true. For the most part I think it's helpful but for words like that it's definitely utterly useless. We love English
@sarahkinsey5434 Жыл бұрын
@@abiean222 right, is there a silent P or K, is it a C or and S?
@zanegetsune5724 Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for OP having to deal with such horrible teachers. I related a lot to that story cause there was some really mean teachers in my elementary school. Hearing a revenge story like this warms my heart.
@triforce_majora Жыл бұрын
Some teachers shouldn't be teachers. My kindergarten teacher got so mad when I asked why "TH" made the "thhhh'" noise and not "tuh huh". She was fuming when she told my mom this (I guess I wasn't supposed to know general letter sounds yet?), and was mad that I was disruptive. My mom simply explained that I listened to her read to my older brother, so I knew a bit more and that I was likely bored, so give me more challenging work. The teacher didn't like that answer and just wanted me to behave like everyone else.
@Nyax50Lopez Жыл бұрын
I remember getting in constant trouble for not asking questions when I understood the assignment 💀💀
@Sillyfishart Жыл бұрын
fr teachers are just so eugh?? got told it wasnt my birthday and i had to wait until two days after it because it was someone elses birthday on those two days??? and got sent out because i accidentally broke my glasses when i was like 6-7 :-: i was holding them and it just broke but the only one who punished me was thst one freaking teacher!
@breezy3392 Жыл бұрын
I got in trouble for answering truthful when a teacher asked "Do you understand?".
@SoftKid123 Жыл бұрын
The truely awful part of that story is that the only reason OP wasn't doing work was cause he was bored, and wasn't getting more challenging work. From personal experience it's exhausting having easy work and not being able to entertain yourself when no challenging work is given to you.
@RevokFarthis Жыл бұрын
So, second story: I was in a very, very, very similar situation in school. We *also* had a similar reading test program (minus any rewards, just punishments if you didn't do them.) Biggest differences were: 1. they didn't even have someone else to try and compare me to, just insisting that I was lying and being a delinquent. 2. It was high school. 3. It was California public school, so half my classmates were illiterate. It finally came to a head in junior year when I saw that The Silmarillion was on the list of reading material but had been crossed off, I rose my hand and asked why? The teacher told me it was too difficult for a high-schooler to read. I said that no it wasn't and I'd read it over summer break for fun. The teacher called me a liar in front of the whole class, saying that as someone who had gone to college *she* couldn't read it so neither could I. I hopped on the class computer and took the test immediately, aced it, got the extra credit, and didn't hear a word outta her in class about my reading ability for the rest of the year.
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
you killed her and pissed on her corpse just to be extra with that move lol. good for you.
@cezra833 Жыл бұрын
My sister read the LOTR trilogy twice before starting secondary school (age 12- she was in Scotland) and the English teachers thought she was lying. The first 2 LOTR films had come out so they assumed she'd just seen the films. Then she outlined every part of the third book- including the stuff that never got put in the 3rd film- and they quietly shut up. She read Silmarillion that year as well. Teachers always had a hard time with her and myself since we both were way past school books in primary school long before moving up to secondary. They usually shut up once we could outline plot, themes etc of the books we'd read.
@vegasrenie Жыл бұрын
My then 12-yo son read Jurassic Park when it was first released. In my home I had (and still do, as a matter of fact) LOTR, Dune series, most of Michael Crichton books, and others. I am a "woman of a certain age" and they are all middle aged, so Harry Potter wasn't a thing then. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was pretty popular at that time. He was my youngest and is now an engineer of several levels, and I freely admit that although he has told me multiple times I still can't remember lol. I took my kids to visit academic libraries at the local colleges and made sure that they could read well above their grade level. The downside is that they were often better read than their teachers, and sometimes it was a problem! Only for the teachers, though. 😊 I don't know if anyone will read this, but as a mother of three and grandmother of five, the ingredients to equal a recipe for good kids is sports/hobbies and reading. And math if the child is so inclined. If it helps, I am black (and so, therefore, are my kids) and was raised in North Philadelphia. My mother always made sure there were books around, and I did the same thing while raising my kids. Although my ex and I divorced, being able to read and staying busy with sports and hobbies was a real focus and all three of the kids and two of the older grandkids are all accomplished. The other three are still little. 😊
@cezra833 Жыл бұрын
@@vegasrenie reading is/was very big in my family. We even had a 'library' (the spare room) though only my parent's books fit in there. I genuinely get confused by people that don't read for pleasure and education because its always been a massive part of mine and my family's life. I also love Michael Crichton books btw, they are so much fun!
@cynister7384 Жыл бұрын
Your teacher just casually admitting she's illiterate
@morgandouglas6014 Жыл бұрын
I think those teachers who were downplaying OP’s reading ability owe them an apology
@eroraf8637 Жыл бұрын
Right?! You’d think they’d at least ask OP to PROVE IT instead of just assuming wrongdoing. Even a simple, “Oh, you’re done already? That was fast. What did you think about *thing that happens in chapter*?”
@Yeshuah6 Жыл бұрын
I think it has to do with the fact that this happened in a Christian school. Children must obey adults so they can never be right.
@honeybelle1203 Жыл бұрын
@@Yeshuah6Sadly this wouldnt surprise me. I dont know what it is about organized religion that brings out the nutcase in so many people. They oughta get a better hobby than making innocent children's lives miserable.
@morgandouglas6014 Жыл бұрын
@@honeybelle1203 at the end of the day these nut cases are why people grow up to become atheists and they manage to make even the actual decent Christians look bad
@LilChuunosuke Жыл бұрын
Sadly, this is super common. Especially in private schools. I used to read around 200 pages per day in elementary & middle school during the school year & 300-400 during summer break. No joke. My parents once bought me a book trilogy where each book was 500 pages & I finished it in about a week. My cousin once lent me a 200 page book while we were hanging out on the beach together & I returned it to him that night before dinner bc I had already finished it. I was basically trapped in the same situation as OP where I was forced to pretend to read along in class bc I had already finished reading it twice & everyone else was miles behind me. It's not uncommon for kids who are developing a skill very fast to basically be punted backwards because the teacher does not want to have to risk doing any extra work, even if that's just telling other students "they're allowed to read something else because they finished before you."
@silverflight01 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: It's kinda bizarre that some teachers tend to favor one student and/or single out another. Like, OP clearly wasn't cheating, but I guess that the teachers just wanted Cathy to win and nobody else, even if it meant undermining other people. This is definitely one of the most unusually written posts, it's like something out of a elementary school book.
@fatassium4304 Жыл бұрын
bro we just read a villian arc
@jamesspaulding269 Жыл бұрын
OP did cheat, though. Rules for Accelerated Reading were that the books they tested on had to be read THAT school year. I did the same program at my school in 4th-8th grade and that was always the rule.
@robertbrand5776 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesspaulding269 What was OP meant to do, drill a hole in her head to forget the details? Don't forget that she got that many points in a day, if she'd had the whole year like she should have with a fair teacher, her points would have been much much higher
@jamesspaulding269 Жыл бұрын
@@robertbrand5776 test on the books OP actually read THAT year. End of story.
@romaboo6218 Жыл бұрын
​@@jamesspaulding269 how the fuck are ypu supposed to be educated when they want you to unlearn things?
@frankmaldonado7653 Жыл бұрын
Two r/slash uploads in a day? This is a real treat
@Cannedtun4 Жыл бұрын
Right? Loll
@jamesthebirdman9412 Жыл бұрын
To be fair it’s April fools where he is I think
@Cannedtun4 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesthebirdman9412 ohhhh that makes complete sense as an April fool's joke!
@Cannedtun4 Жыл бұрын
My poor poor autism schedule is ruined for tomorrow guess I'll just have to listen to a really old video LOL
@wolffriendinus Жыл бұрын
​@@jamesthebirdman9412 not quite yet, but almost. He's 2 or 3 hours ahead of me and it's not even 10pm here yet
@00Snake77 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: to be fair, many teachers hate it when students learn the "wrong way" or "don't adhere to expectations".
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
gotta raise up the next generation of mindless worker drones, after all. individualism kinda upsets the process.
@InkHyaena Жыл бұрын
@@abiean222 Pretty much the mindset of my old math teacher lol. He would get *so mad* when people didn't "pay attention" in his class when he was going over stuff, when in fact those students learned more from hands on learning than him droning on and on and on.
@Jadguy24 Жыл бұрын
True, I just ignored them though. “Was my answer right?” “Yes, but…” “Immaterial, correct is correct “
@fobinc Жыл бұрын
​@@InkHyaena mine did until he got his wrong equation corrected before I went back to napping.
@syrefayne8922 Жыл бұрын
When you write an amazing essay but you didn't follow the format they gave you, even though the format is meant to be a tool and not the only way you can ever write an essay
@primrose6794 Жыл бұрын
Cathy reminds me of someone from my elementary school. Over achiever, super smart, and was treated as the golden medal of what child intelligence should look like. Yet other students clearly had it better in some cases, yet she was the golden standard we were all held up too.
@ron4202 Жыл бұрын
Thats really sad for all the kids... I feel, nobody wins in that situation
@primrose6794 Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah. It made it worse that I was the bronze medal for math at my school. Looking back I realize that poor girl HAD to be the golden standard cause of how hard she worked to earn it.
@zomula7657 Жыл бұрын
Looking at what she did I wouldn't even say over achiever. What she did was a little above average seeing as how those accelerated reading programs would normally go on for a month or two and the books that could be tested in 5th grade could give a casual reader 100 points easily. Heck my school had it and I barely got into the top 10 with about 200 points. If I had to guess, seeing as how it sounds like it was a private school, Cathy's parents probably bribed the school to make her look like the best student and I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that other students that were better than Cathy in the other subjects had suffered similar treatment from teachers as well.
@КГБКолДжорджКостанца Жыл бұрын
It's absolute achievement to own and destabilize against corrupt politicians
@dakodabarr9646 Жыл бұрын
Preach it!🙌
@glennrishton5679 Жыл бұрын
In the US this whole thing of taking land by Eminent Domain from one person only to resell it to a developer for profit to the city should be revisited by the Supreme Court. In this case the property tax on agricultural land is low, while the property tax on Condo developments is far higher so the governments incentive barring any illegal kickbacks is more tax revenue.
@jomomma8261 Жыл бұрын
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
@@glennrishton5679 honestly, the land was put aside for agriculture. even if its sold, it should have always just been used for agriculture, everyone of those assholes who built condos on that land should be given ruinous fines if not jail time. and be blacklisted from government jobs forever.
@КГБКолДжорджКостанца Жыл бұрын
@@jomomma8261 best journalist alive
@Emerald_Technician Жыл бұрын
This was unexpected, but it is definitely nice to listen to Rslash while playing late night Animal Crossing.
@chriscarpenter3370 Жыл бұрын
lol I just got off gta5
@Trisanite Жыл бұрын
I'm on Subnautica
@AzureTheEnbyCat Жыл бұрын
Yooo what's your Nintendo friend code? I wanna visit your island, I also play animal crossing
@mariyaraykova9269 Жыл бұрын
I am doing the exact same thing with new leaf😂
@Poisionfang Жыл бұрын
Lol, with the second story I COMPLETELY understand the frustration since I was basically the same. I was reading Lord of the Rings in first grade, but teachers wouldn't let me use it for tests, assignments, etc. because "there's no way a 6 year old can read that." Those books were my FAVORITE bedtime stories!
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
I feel horribly for OP being downplayed constantly by horrible teachers who had a clear favourite and were unwilling to listen. I dealt with that as a kid, I’m 32 now, but I remember my French teacher having clear favourites. I would be thrown out every week for some “behavioural problem”, the problems were: Me asking very quietly to borrow an eraser Me asking clarification on a question because the teacher hadn’t explained it properly Me asking to go to the toilet I eventually got fed up, I was 14 and being bullied and harassed every week by this teacher, so I snapped, I screamed at her that “I’d be thrown out for breathing” She replied “if you breathe too loudly then you are a problem child” So I used a sentence to rile her up “Ta mere est un grosse pute” (absolutely no idea if spelt correctly, apologies) Translation: your mother is a fat wh*re She got ANGRY, which was what I wanted because I was so fed up of tears of bullying from age 11 to age 14, 3 years of constant harassment, told I would “never amount to anything” that I was stupid, that I was unteachable, this woman was honestly horrible and no matter how many complaints were made by myself or other kids to the head teacher mattered, they didn’t care how she treated students and told us to “suck it up” So I got sent to the head of department, Miss Lidell, one of the kids mum that I hung out with at lunch, and she very understandably chewed me out. I stood there, silently, calmly, waiting for her to finish. Her initial shouting sorta stopped and she was getting calmer, wondering why I wasn’t “acting out and screaming.” I genuinely laughed and asked “Oh, that’s how I behave is it? That’s new” So we sat in her office and I explained the years of bullying, the sheer disrespect, the horrible treatment, how I’d never amount to anything, I’m beyond stupid, that if I breathe too loudly I should be kicked from class, how I was excluded almost every lesson and had to sit at a desk in the hallway by myself. She was in genuine shock and then beyond angry when I explained “I’ve complained to the headmaster more times than I can remember, he doesn’t care. He knows how she treats pupils, how she’s tried harassing my friend Carly who’s deaf and mute for “not participating” and trying to force her to speak when she literally can’t, she’s tried harassing the “smart pupils who are the only ones worth my time” because they “aren’t learning correctly”. She expects total submission and obedience, you cannot speak, you cannot ask clarifying questions, and you dare not ask for help” I got transferred to Miss Lidells classes, my teacher tried claiming I’d “ruin” her classes, when Miss Lidell saw a young girl trying to learn, a young girl who understood the work and helped other students, a young girl wrongly forced into the lower level class when I should’ve been taught at the intermediate level (it went foundation for lowest, general for middle, intermediate for the best), she saw a young girl trying to prove she not only understood the work but wanted to excel but was harassed and bullied for even trying. Some teachers are just not fit to be teachers, those teachers leave a lasting impression for all the wrong reasons and we vow to never be anything like them. I’m lucky that I got to be moved to Miss Lidells classes, which only happened because I snapped and swore at my teacher in French. Which btw I never actually got in trouble for, I just got told it was pronounced “puta” because I’d said it wrong. Miss Lidell smiled and left it at that, because she understood years of bullying, harassment, frustration and complaints had left no other option.
@a.m.1675 Жыл бұрын
Lol. Miss Lindell made me chuckle. What a legend
@klbearsfan1254 Жыл бұрын
I'm just going to tell myself that the no-good very bad French teacher was fired and banned from being within 100 yards of a school. That's the ending I want for this story.
@Ninjakitsune978 Жыл бұрын
My brother's English teacher hated boys. No boy EVER got a grade above D. Even if his grammar section was an A, the writing section would mysteriously be so awful, that he got a D anyway. One guy spoke fluent English and was a foreigner. He would correct her bad English and get thrown out of class regularly. Sometimes he was sitting at his desk not doing anything, she would come in and immediately yell at him to leave the class... She never got fired (it's hard to fire a teacher unless they essentially rape someone) and my brother's grade suffered for years, because noone learned any English. After a year in the US, he spoke better English, but unfortunately by that time English was all about interpreting... And my brother is worse at it than my autistic self...
@gabopr1365 11 ай бұрын
French Teacher, Getting forced out of class for "behavioral issues", told you couldn't do jack shit, taking a mental snap to deal with her... Hmm... Riddle Me This, mon ami, was that teacher's last name "DeSpain" by any chance?
@test-kf2zv Жыл бұрын
Reading story - I also feel a bit bad for Cathy. OP probably wasn't the only one who hated her guts when really, the teachers should have kept it cool. At the same time, I'm glad OP got their moment. But I hope Cathy is doing okay, because a lot of Gifted Kids (TM) are... not.
@Desvelar Жыл бұрын
Agreed no where does op mention that Cathy even did anything to her all she did was excist and op wanted to destroy her.
@illuminaticonfirmed1389 Жыл бұрын
@@Desvelarop literally mentioned that. op said that they feel bad in hindsight because of that but they were just tired of teachers acting like they’re stupid and that cathy was the grand standard.
@TheSaxAppeal Жыл бұрын
​@@Desvelarthough tbf the only ones who shoulder the blame is OP's bad teachers.
@MetaDragoon 11 ай бұрын
​@PapaBAMBI-yb9eh OP didn't care at all about Cathy until she was forcefully compared to her in every situation. It stops being just existing at that point and becomes something we have an exact phrase for. "favoritism" and "putting someone on a pedestal". These are destructive behaviors on the part of the teachers, no child is to blame for hating that teachers were vile authority figures creating a hierarchy that was clearly unfair
@cringeworthy2040 Жыл бұрын
@jamesthebirdman9412 Жыл бұрын
April fools!
@hellomax9511 Жыл бұрын
@Niskara Жыл бұрын
11 for me lol
@zeroCY_ Жыл бұрын
Getting ready for bed at 12 am?? Lol
@matthewhearn9910 Жыл бұрын
But now what will I listen to tomorrow as I get up in the morning?
@firetrio2103 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think he meant to post this late, but I’ll take late night RSlash!
@redjohn2923 Жыл бұрын
Looll i always forget about time differences, its 5am here 😂
@erenthebombjaeger Жыл бұрын
Lol that’s exactly what I thought I’m used to waking up and having updates
@BladefireA Жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm not complaining! Gives me something to listen to while I get ready for bed
@awesomepotatoes540 Жыл бұрын
Maybe its an April fools prank?
@ijnyamato1109 Жыл бұрын
Yes I'm happy with this
@Meringuesnake Жыл бұрын
This was either an accident, or a peculiar April Fools joke.
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
omg its april fools!
@365ral Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I really felt for OP here. I was hyperlexic (the opposite of dyslexia) as a kid, and I struggled a lot with reading comprehension. I had to learn in a way that was different from the other kids. Teachers need to understand that learning the same subject in a different way isn't wrong.
@breezy3392 Жыл бұрын
Teachers who can't grasp that are proving that they are too stupid and/or ignorant to be teachers
@kranberry3318 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never heard of hyperlexia before! I had to look it up. That’s really interesting!
@365ral Жыл бұрын
@@kranberry3318 Thanks! It basically means kids can read words and letters at an early age, but they can't get an idea of what words mean by looking at them. It's more common for people on the autism spectrum, like me.
@ethang.8238 Жыл бұрын
​@@365ral so can u read easier and faster than average now or just slower or normal reading speed now?
@365ral Жыл бұрын
@@ethang.8238 I could tell what words sounded like by looking at them, but not what they meant. Some kids can do it before they're even 2!
@spookyruinsfest4936 Жыл бұрын
As an educator the story about the student who everyone disrespected and treated like they were slow breaks my heart. Good on that OP for winning the competition. If I was working there and heard that big ass scroll I’d laugh my head off too because that’s crazy but something to be proud of.
@maris7457 Жыл бұрын
I feel like i would've done the same thing as OP lol
@gamergodofjustice Жыл бұрын
I was treated like this when i was young ,but i was lazy not uneducated. I spent a few years making it seem like i had a learning disability just so i could have less work and remove the time limit on the state required tests. Until a teacher took the time to actually listen to me instead of basing my intelligence on my class work. (Practically flawless 60% student for 5 years). He took the time to talk to me even played chess with me and other games basically tricking me into revealing i wasnt as dumb as i tried to make myself look, he even got me to talk about subjects im passionate about just to figure out i wasnt as dumb as i tried to make myself look just really lazy. X'D glad that man never ratted me out because he knew the education from school wasnt going to help me succeed, only hold me back if i was to lazy to do the work in regular classes.
@kevinmencer3782 Жыл бұрын
As someone who accumulated over 500 Accelerated Reader points in 3rd grade and placed 3rd over all in my entire school (meaning more than all of the other 3rd graders, and more than all but one 5th grader and a single 4th grader who I'm pretty sure was an actual MENSA genius.), OPs story hit pretty close to home. I'm just glad my teachers supported me and were happy for me instead of being vile trash like OPs teachers (we weren't locked into our grade reading levels). Edit; that was a fucking amazing PA voice, rSlash.
@silviatonapetian6932 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I feel for op in the second story. The only time I got detention in school was for reading in class🤦🏻‍♀️😂 those teachers were horrible though and probably should have been fired or least reprimanded for persistent favoritism towards Cathy.
@willianvos3521 Жыл бұрын
Problaly all the teachers and she may have been the favorite of the principal
@ohnosmoarlulcatz Жыл бұрын
Story 2: The point of this is usually cathartic release to prove the flaws of the systems. In this case, it was the fact that system that chose the books for OP to read was fundamentally broken and gave a clear advantage to certain students. One of the girls in my class did something similar when I was in 7th grade. She was one of the top students in the school and was on Honor Roll (3.0+ GPA, As and Bs only)/Honor Society (straight As) every semester until the 2nd half of 7th grade. The school I was in forced everyone's 2nd period in 4th grade and up to be a "Reading Class" where they would read for about 30 minutes and we were then expected to read another 30 minutes when we got home and have it be signed off by our parents along with a summary of the section as proof that we read. The problem was that we had to choose from a list of books and write a summary of what was read. She was absolutely pissed about it because she enjoyed reading books she was interested in and usually hated the ones she was forced to read. So, what she did was burn through 300 pg books in an hour. By the end of December, she went through 50+ of the 80 books on the list. She completely broke the system because by mid February she had cleared off the remaining 30 books that was on the approved list. The sad part was that unlike with the story, her parents did not stand up for her. When she could no longer read from the list of books because she already did it, it counted as not doing the work and was given 30 minutes detention every day that she had to serve during lunch. Then, they decided to throw in an hour of detention after school for defiance on top of that when she started giving people attitude. So every day during lunch, she sat on one of the benches in the administration office and just angrily stared at the library and librarian. Every afternoon, she would just sit in the classroom to serve that hour. Every attempt to break her failed. In 8th grade, the same system was in place. The only difference was that you had to do a book report on one of the books you read once a month in addition to the reading. And this time, she just refused to do it out of principle since she knew that she was going to get detention later in the school year anyways. They made her write "I will do my book report in a note book every day. She did not care and had an entire notebook of it every month because she was refusing on principle now. So, she just went back to reading books she liked and ignored the entire reading class. They threatened to hold her back because she got an F and she just laughed at them because she was going to enroll in high school regardless of if she got the certificate or not. She graduated from Stanford Law School 10 yrs ago.
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
she finished every book on the list and they punished her for that? that would have made a great lawsuit or at the least embarrassing news story. i wish her parents stood up for her, she's badass
@Tiggster-qr8mw Жыл бұрын
I'm never having kids, but in the hypothetical situation where I do, if this happened, I would go in there and tear those teachers a new one
@Robynhoodlum Жыл бұрын
I hated assigned reading! My reading level was so ahead that the books for my grade were too easy. Luckily I had a councilor that got me special permission to check out whatever books I wanted. Still hated the assigned reading though. I could rip through 300pages if it was something I liked, but 9 pages of assigned reading was torture. I did dominated the reading time chart competitions though. I didn’t even take the dumb prizes, I just liked reading. However I did not go to Stanford.
@digitaldritten Жыл бұрын
​@@abiean222 my sister just had something like this happen to her! she finished all the class work early for one of her college courses, but then was at risk of failing because she wasn't submitting new progress every week!
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
@@digitaldritten i got classes like that, they let you work ahead, but you need to be seen doing something at least once every 2 weeks or they drop you from the course. but i'm in online schooling so its a tech issue thing. does your sister have an academic advisor or someone like that that she can talk to about the problem?
@Togynar Жыл бұрын
This story is probably the most perfect story I’ve ever heard. The passion in a child’s competition and the fantastic reading from rslash. I mean kids getting justice from adults, that’s just absolutely fantastic. I.. Loved this. Thank you so much rslash for spreading this story. It totally made my day.
@mbyerly9680 Жыл бұрын
"Pig farm" is almost as exciting as "Tree law!" Go, Fred. I'd have left Cathy in the dirt, too. I was blazing fast with great retention, my teachers believed I did it, and that's how I got multiple degrees in English and retired as a teacher and professional writer.
@dalayneejo Жыл бұрын
never in my life did i think rslash would upload at night
@rosehitsugaya3388 Жыл бұрын
It’s the second time lol
@rosehitsugaya3388 Жыл бұрын
Prob by accident again.
@chriscarpenter3370 Жыл бұрын
hits a bit different lol
@SoosLives Жыл бұрын
It’s April Fool’s Day where he is 😂
@onevoice2993 Жыл бұрын
I got major satisfaction from the bookworm one. I'm so glad the teacher was willing to stay so late.
@TheaterCryptid Жыл бұрын
The reading story hit so close to home. I learned to talk, read and write at a normal speer at first but growing up I was 'advancing' over most of the others kids (my sister and I have that funny line of "He(me) learned how to talk well younger than me but I learned to run earlier than him") Most of my classmates honestly didn't care. The ones that did just pointed at the biggest book they were seeing and handed it to me. They had a similar behavior to learning someone is daltonian - but instead of asking me colors, they were like " Can/Did you read x book?" We had a rule at my school that we could not go past x isle in the library depending of grade. You needed to stay with book 'according to your age'. The librarian didn't care though so I succeeded to have bigger books a few times - but almost every time I ended up being punished for it by the teachers once they saw me read them because I hadn't follow the rules. It always made me mad but I was a really peaceful but disobedient/stubborn kid so I wasn't arguing, yet I was continuing to disobey. After a while, though, I was tired of it so I stopped to read alltogether. I became way less peaceful, was fighting with other boys during breaks instead of reading on the bench, started speaking up, hated school as a whole, etc. When I got into highschool, I got back into reading but only for a short time. I got another problem, but with writing instead. I was writing A LOT. So teachers started to give me maximum and deduct points when I was going over it, then erased part of my texts to make it fit and then gave me a bad grade because 'the story wasn't well explained and it feels like it misses informations" (yes, seriously! That was so infuriating). It became a kind of joke in my class because other students were always waiting for me to ask for the maximum of words. But I stopped. I'm in college now. I used to write stories, poetry and a lot of things. I used to read big books in one or two days. Now I can barely read the book asked of me in class and I write the minimun to pass. A lot of peoppe around me think it's because of motivation (mental health isn't great) but I can't help but think school had a big part in it because how reading and writing were considered tainted my perception of those activities/of how I was seen doing them.
@theonlyhikaru Жыл бұрын
I like the difference in length of the first story and the second story. Just goes to show that good revenge comes in all shapes and sizes.
@sarahjo9975 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 hurt. It's such a horrible feeling when everyone around you treats you like you're stupid just because you don't fit in their "perfect student" box. I'm glad OP got the chance to prove them all wrong.
@IvanCalderon Жыл бұрын
Nothing like a sweet revenge story before going to bed. Unexpected upload but greatly appreciated.
@SilverFang2789 Жыл бұрын
Late night rslash? Yes please.
@namelessvq3404 Жыл бұрын
I'm a simple person. I see RSlash, I click
@lucasdieugenio507 Жыл бұрын
@wolffriendinus Жыл бұрын
Right?? Never clicked so fast before lmao
@justeligaming9812 Жыл бұрын
I was playing cod didn’t see it if I did see like I did I clicked so fast
@ForbiddenSoul Жыл бұрын
Dude, I will never be more sour grapes about the fact my teachers HINDERED my reading level in Elementary School rather than trying to help it all because I read slowly. Once I got to Middle School, I asked the librarian if I could read any book I want and, once she said yes, I went directly for the Harry Potter books just so I could read them. Being able to read what I wanted rather than what I was forced to was so freeing.
@abiean222 Жыл бұрын
i hated every book that we were forced to read in school. i read fahrenheit 451 over the summer, and enjoyed it greatly, only to get it assigned in class and wow, was reading it the second time so much worse. i wish that they could let us choice the books we are to read in class, maybe even giving us a list to pick from to keep it from being too random or people picking easy books. choosing what to read always makes the books better.
@ForbiddenSoul Жыл бұрын
@@abiean222 I was straight up reading picture books until 6th grade all because they wanted me to read something quickly. They never allowed me to read the Harry Potter books because it'd take me a few days to get through it rather than one or two days. It was insane.
@ForbiddenSoul Жыл бұрын
@@abiean222 Also, I totally feel this. I was assigned Brahm Stockers Dracula, and I maybe read a few pages. Being forced to read anything was not my forte
@ZimVader-0017 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if they've done actual studies about this (with the whole scientific method and everything), but apparently it's extremely common that people who "don't like to read" are that way BECAUSE schools force them to read things they're not interested in. I've always been a huge reader, we have a library of sorts in the house with books of many genres. My boyfriend didn't like to read, especially big books. He slowly started reading larger and larger books (first alongside me, I would read aloud while he listened, then he would read the book himself), and just last week he finished a 600 page book with a complex plot. He now likes reading because it's on topics he actually likes.
@LilChuunosuke Жыл бұрын
The reading story had me bouncing and nearly screaming in my seat! I was one of these kids! I was OBSESSED with reading as a kid. I would've read more if my parents took me to the bookstore more often. I could read a book I didn't even like at around 60-120 pages per hour depending on the amount of words per page. When I wasnt in school, helping around the house, or doing homework, I was reading. While other kids were running around playing outside, I was getting sucked into fantasy novels. I also had to spend entire periods in school staring a book I'd already read cover-to-cover, pretending to be reading on the same page as everyone else. Because even if I tried to reread the next chapter, the teacher would stop me & tell me not to read ahead. I never got to have this moment. This catharsis of being able to prove that I was a fast reader & shouldn't be forced to pretend to be on everyone else's reading level. So I'm so happy someone with such a painfully identical experience was able to shove it in everyone elses faces. I even had that one girl in my class who got all this praise for being so smart & such a fast reader when she was miles behind me. That girl was so nice, humble about her accomplishments, & she was one of the few kids who didn't bully me, but I'd still kick her butt like this now despite having not even spoken to her in 13 years LMAO
@altyyeahman9521 Жыл бұрын
That second to last story is absolutely me as a child reading books and taking those tests to prove myself 😂😂😂
@MissRay42691 Жыл бұрын
I think this might have been an accident but I'll gladly listen to it! Thanks rslash!
@chriscarpenter3370 Жыл бұрын
awesome 2 rslash vids a day!
@Masterninja2321 Жыл бұрын
I can relate a lot to the second story. I had teachers and the librarian at one point doubting that I could read above my grade level and I had to prove it every time I tried to get a book.
@hobbitguy1420 11 ай бұрын
The really unfortunate thing about that Kathy story is that Mrs. Smith probably*did*get mad at OP for doing all that studying. OP wasn’t just reading, studying, and learning, they were proving Mrs. Smith wrong. That sort of thing is infuriating to a certain kind of horrible teacher.
@foremanhaste5464 Жыл бұрын
OP: "I AM NOT STOPPING TIL I WIN!!!" Nun: "Call the exorcist, we have another 'Learner.'"
@overlordcobra8380 Жыл бұрын
I once worked for Dish Network installing dishes and receivers for all sorts of customers. I had to go to a pig farm a couple of times. The first time was in the middle of the winter, so I lucked out on the smell and the flies. The second time was in the beginning of the summer, and I stupidly left my van open whilst I was bringing equipment into the house for an upgrade. I spent days with the windows rolled down trying to get all the flies out, I swear it had to be a million flies. Glad I don't have that job anymore lol.
@finndemoncat9379 Жыл бұрын
The reading story: I salute to the man, he basicly took a ENEM test just to prove them wrong and the dedication and patient to do so.
@zrc1514 Жыл бұрын
I relate to that reading story so much. My first-grade class had books on a shelf staggered by reading level. I had been reading on my own since I was two but I was placed into one of the middle sections while another kid was placed at the top immediately. My little 6-year-old brain went "THIS WILL NOT STAND" and I haven't put a book down since.
@j8-bitforager842 Жыл бұрын
Never have I heard such grit and determination out of a r/Prorevenge story. I remember AR reading, and yeah it was pretty competitive around then. Go OP!
@legendarymo2213 Жыл бұрын
What a wonderful midnight treat! Absolutely love nerd victories! Wonderful stories and narrations as always rSlash!
@justeligaming9812 Жыл бұрын
I agree but I need to get to sleep
@jordananderson2728 Жыл бұрын
"This law is to protect agriculture from private development" "Okay, but that means the city won't develop on it either, right?" "......" "Right‽"
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Жыл бұрын
I'm not used to seeing Rslash post at this time of night.
@katalinapedroza3396 Жыл бұрын
I can understand this 100%. Knowing I was smarter than the kids in GT but being put in a regular bilingual class HURT me. Seeing my version of Cathy (Maria) being heralded while I was set to her standards was soul crushing. I didn’t beat her in AR points. I wasn’t allowed access to the “upper level” books like she was… but I surpassed her when it came to the amount of books read, as well as reading speed. I loved the look of shock in their faces (except for my beloved bilingual teachers shining with pride at all of the bilingual kids placing higher than they were expected to be) for them to announce that fact. I hope my teachers went on to get the full respect they deserved for teaching the bilingual class at GT level for all of us who got places in bilingual regular for knowing Spanish fluently.
@wordsmith6154 Жыл бұрын
I love that revenge. Reading so much and so fast is a God-given super power, to be honest.
@Milf_und_Cookies Жыл бұрын
I was having a rough day, but this extra dose of rSlash really cheered me up. The universe really does work in wonderous ways
@pikagamergirl16 Жыл бұрын
A post at midnight?! I thought you usually posted at 9am? I will take it with much gratitude! I DON'T NEED SLEEP I NEED RSLASH!
@judgenjury2036 Жыл бұрын
RSlash, is this an early April Fools joke? A reddit reading at midnight? Cheeky if it is! Thanks for the double content!
@Ironraven001 Жыл бұрын
City: Gimme the land you're not farming! Fred: PIG FARM! City: Surprised Pikachu face. 😂
@vegasrenie Жыл бұрын
I absolutely LOVE these stories! And I have a special one to share regarding the agricultural land. I live in Las Vegas, and in North Las Vegas, there used to be a pig farm. The pig farm was there from the early 60s and as Las Vegas/North Las Vegas expanded, they were a problem. Developers wanted that beautiful land, but, as you pointed out, PIG FARM! And not just any pig farm, but the farm owners worked with the casinos to get scraps from the casino restaurants to feed the pigs. Great story, by the way. Without going into a whole lot of detail, they eventually sold the farm in 2016 for $23 million!! It was glorious! And now, there are a lot of houses where the pig farm used to be. I wonder how it smells after one of our rare rains. 😁😁
@stefantsarev4442 Жыл бұрын
I thought this was an April Fool's joke. Instead, it is an awesome surprise. Thanks, RSlash!
@genderqueermercury Жыл бұрын
A late night RSlash upload?! Hell yea!!!
@DarkWolf22K Жыл бұрын
I kinda had that situation happen to me... Teachers would always get on my nerves with ANYTHING and everything they could because I was labeled a troublemaker and every 3 minutes on the dot I would be checked on and asked a bunch of questions... Our STAAR test was 70% of our grade... So while doing no work and basically sleeping in class I got 80-100 on all my tests at the end of the year... And that made me pull away from school cause I was so tired of trying to prove something to teachers who honestly didn't like me for whatever reason... I should go back and ask why
@Veldrusara Жыл бұрын
Teachers don't like it when kids sleep in their classes and don't pay attention, because it reflects badly on them when they have their classes surprised audited, which happens a lot in many schools, especially now that there are recording devices set up in classrooms for that and security purposes. Besides that, they feel it sets a bad example for the rest of their students, and it's against every school's unofficial code of conduct. It's also the primary sign of very high intelligence. I lived out the exact scenario you're describing myself, and my IQ tested at 147 three times. I dunno if you've ever had yours tested, but if not, you might want to try it for fun.
@Dr_Kyutoko Жыл бұрын
That last story brought back painful memories from my first experience with edibles. I did NOT read the recommended amount and ended up just eating the entire thing. Four servings. Of a product for "users with a high tolerance" When I started to float out of my own body, I was like "Oh crap, I need to be in bed" but I couldn't remember how to walk, so after crawling across my apartment, I clawed my way into bed and immediately sank into what I was legitimately sure was a ten foot thick marshmallow. I spent the next five hours convinced that every cop was driving by with their sirens on, because they KNEW. LOL
@Chazz_K Жыл бұрын
The highlight of this entire video was the delivery of "Fred's response? *PIG* farm!"
@Jonathan10z Жыл бұрын
I remember this exact situation happened almost two years ago
@mlee9118 Жыл бұрын
omg yeah you’re right
@may_21 Жыл бұрын
Yea I remember it was unexpected but am not complaining
@monsterchic162 Жыл бұрын
My teachers were like that too. I'd always read ahead and finish the book before everyone else and my teachers would punish me for getting out my own books to read. I got into the habit of bringing multiple books to class so if one was taken then I could just take out another. I had six books confiscated in one class once before that teacher asked me to empty my bag and hand them all over.
@manimations4233 Жыл бұрын
Hey man, even though it’s 10 PM here, I will not complain about a double Rslash upload
@ovni2295 Жыл бұрын
ok, just for reference on how many books OP read: They mentioned they read Animorphs, and that this was after the third Harry Potter book had come out (but presumably before the 4th one). At that time, the Animorphs series alone had between 35 and 50 books published (out of a total 64 book run). And that's just *one* book series OP mentioned that they read. OP is a nerd of the highest caliber, and I love it.
@07ProdPhilly Жыл бұрын
Agriculture student here, farms in general make a good portion of the block smell awful but pigs have something in their digestive system that makes that waste REALLY smell
@kyoya678 Жыл бұрын
An rslash video at midnight? What world are we living in. I guess I don't have to wait till 9 am
@peachjubilee Жыл бұрын
Happy April Fool's Day Rslash!!!! Thanks for the great midnight stories!!! I'm still hoping there will be more at 9am though lol.
@whatteamwildcats4033 Жыл бұрын
What people will do out of pure unadulterated spite, is absolutely amazing
@animecat22 Жыл бұрын
Never had i ever read a more perfect story for r/thathappened than the second story. Stayed til midnight? Teacher who bullied you hugged you? Sure, kid.
@starRunnerX Жыл бұрын
I know exactly how OP felt when his teachers thought he wasn't a smart student. My first grade teacher thought I was too dumb to learn how to read, so she would just make me sit in a corner and color while al the other students learned, and read. After more than half the school year went by, I finally told my mother what was going on. She went apeshit mad at the school, got my teacher put on a forced sabbatical leave (my state has tenure so she couldn't be fired), and got me free tutoring to help get me caught up. Years later at about the age of 11 or 12, my mother informed me that I could no longer buy books (because we no longer had the space for more book shelves in our house), unless I got rid of some. Thank you Wild Rumpus for having an awesome used book buying program. In freshman English class, in High School, my teacher always saw me reading my own books after I finished the work assignments early. I read almost all of the Dragonlance books that had been published at that time in that semsester. I had the same teacher for my senior year English class, as my last period of theschool day. He informed me that I only needed to show up for class on Mondays, to get the assignments, and Fridays to turn them in. It felt great walking out of the schools doors 85 mintues earlier than everyone else!
@athenlorzac6435 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, perfect timeing to pass out to
@asterross Жыл бұрын
A midnight r/slash? Don't mind if I do
@lunaffiene Жыл бұрын
Late night RSlash? Heck yeah!
@Soarin-Ancient Жыл бұрын
I am a avid reader and when I showed this Rslash to my Librarian (who also doubled as my class substitute advisor when my normal advisor was absent or on leave) and she said that the 2nd story is absolutely horrible on the part of the school and teachers. Reading could be for everyone and should not be measured by favouritism just like the school to Kathy
@astrofan1993 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 (the one about the farmer versus the government) kind of hits home for me. A friend of my family's owned a Chinese restaurant in the town where my father used to be a police officer. It was really good food, too, especially the handmade eggrolls. They operated that business in that location for around 40 years, even after a kitchen fire temporarily closed the business. But then, a few years ago, the village board wanted to bulldoze that entire city block and open it up for development. They were only going to give the owner the value of the building itself, not the value of the entire business, which would have been twice as much as the village board was offering. Naturally, he refused the offer. So the village board ended up using eminent domain to force him out. He tried to sue the village board to stay in business, but the village board ultimately won the court case. He ended up closing his doors for good in October 2021. He wants to reopen in a neighboring town, but the investor he wants to work with is working on another project at the moment. The most egregious thing about this whole debacle, though, is that the village board has yet to bulldoze those buildings and start developing them. It's just empty buildings, sitting there. They could have let him continue to operate until something was lined up to take its place, but instead, they're just sitting on this property that isn't being used by anyone, and likely losing money in the process. So yeah, I definitely sympathize with Fred (OP's friend's friend). I hope he was able to get such a huge sum out of that land acquisition that he could retire to a tropical island and be set for life. And I hope that the city hall learned their lesson and not be as greedy in the future, especially when it comes to violating ALR laws.
@Faith-pt4jq Жыл бұрын
My god that book story was a rollercoaster the entire story I was on the edge of my seat the end I cheered it was amazing 11/10 truly amazing
@justarandomviewer6756 Жыл бұрын
Late night Rslash? Nice.
@chrismoran2896 Жыл бұрын
Unusual upload time rslash. But I'm here for it
@ArcTracertruepath Жыл бұрын
You say "No the thing that every teacher hates. a student who learns and reads books. No" but there are teachers like that. Teachers who are unwilling to accept that there are students who could be fast readers.
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 5 ай бұрын
The reading story makes me want to stand on top of a table while laughing maniacally with my fists in the air, while shouting. "You all laughed at me! Thought I was slow! WELL WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?! AHAHAHAHAHA!"
@shepherd9217 Жыл бұрын
@XTHHedgehog Жыл бұрын
RSlash usually uploads at 9AM... Is everything okay?
@kylawilder4903 Жыл бұрын
This happend once lile 2 years ago hes most likely ok and this was an accident :))
@sophdog2564 Жыл бұрын
Probably a mistake but shhhh don't let him notice 😂
@keegan9783 Жыл бұрын
Some days he uploads late or early because of weird equipment malfunctions. He’s okay!
@bella-chan1013 Жыл бұрын
As of now (12am EST), it's April 1st so he probably uploaded this for April Fools lmao
@awesomepotatoes540 Жыл бұрын
Maybe its because of april fools?
@g33klord70 Жыл бұрын
starting and ending my day with r/slash :)
@Northstar_Studios Жыл бұрын
The Bookworm story is such a badass story and is something everyone should achieve. Vengeance should be driven by passion and desire but should never be executed by such feelings; Vengeance should always be Swift, Calculated, and Merciless. Bury your opponents and leave a lasting impact, make sure they’re talking about you for years.
@keegan9783 Жыл бұрын
Hey rslash! Hope your having a good night!
@silvahngaming Жыл бұрын
Love your vids rSlash
@jordywatson1179 Жыл бұрын
April fools
@Originella Жыл бұрын
My father was in charge of my education. He refused to let me transfer out of my high school, despite two attempts on my life (via myself), constant bullying from my peers and teachers, and just an all-around miserable daily life. It was always turned around on me... "Well, maybe if you didn't talk about this..." "Well, maybe if you didn't do that..." I kid you not. Whenever we pass by the school now, I say, "Oh, look! It's the prison!" and he will get so angry with me. Later on, when I brought it up, he said, "Oh, if I'd known how bad it was..." YOU DID!! YOU EFFING DID, AND YOU DIDN'T CARE!!
@charliefey8974 Жыл бұрын
I literally live across the road from a pig farm - the stink and noise depends entirely on the scale & management of the farm. Unfortunately, these piggies spend their whole lives indoors, but are otherwise looked after well. The landowner does use the natural fertilizer on the fields, tho. That’s about 2 weeks of stink per year, but he does give warning weeks beforehand and shows which fields are stinky when, so that’s nice. It's honestly not a big deal. Been living here for 22 years.
@DreadEnder Жыл бұрын
I once had a teacher that would openly say I was terrible at everything and I’d never get anywhere in life. And the teacher would always stop class to talk about her achievements in life and how good she was. So I got a university test, gave one to my teacher, and one to me. I scored 98% (grade 9), my teacher scored, 23% a FAIL!
@lancerevell5979 Жыл бұрын
My schools never made any big deal of a student's reading ability. In 8th grade, I tested as reading on college level. I was a dedicated "library rat". Through 2nd grade I was actually slow in reading, but being introverted and discovering the school library in third grade, I found I loved reading. I could visit any place and time, by reading. Soon Mom was taking me to the Public Library. I became an insatiable reader. In high school we had a credited course called "Library Aid", which I loved. The two librarian ladies were very nice and encouraging. I liked the course so much I took it three semesters, only getting credit the first two. I did the same in Physics, took it three semesters but only getting the first two credited. I had pretty much finished the credit requirements going into 11th grade, so had basically the whole second semester for "electives". I spent my 12th grade year taking the Vo-Tech course in Aircraft Mechanics, at the Vo-Tech's airport facility. Which led me to join the Airforce upon graduation. At 66 now and retired, I am still an avid reader.
@Piman1607 Жыл бұрын
I lived by a pig farm for a while 3-4 years. Generally they don't smell, and when they do smell its only a couple days. I also didn't find them that stinky. Don't get me wrong, they smell. But definitely not the worst farm smell (that title goes to the liquid poop thats fermented and then spread on fields. Being stuck behind one of the trucks transporting it will make you plead for the sweet release of death.)
@MythicalHex Жыл бұрын
in primary school I once had to keep a written track of what pages of a book I read each week. the problem? I read at least 30 books a week around that time, there wasn't enough space to list all the books nor remember the titles of every single one, so I had to bs it, then it also needed to be signed by a parent and my mum couldn't be bothered so she taught be how to forge her signature.
@jackbrigoli7452 Жыл бұрын
As someone who was bullied horribly at school and humiliated by teachers right in front of my bullies, I respect any and all revenge against those kinds of teachers. Teach and inspire your students. Don't pick on them.
@katiewaggett3858 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow book nerd I got bullied a lot at school and have been accused of cheating by teachers from time to time after completing assignments early ahead of the other kids. Only "revenge" I ever got was living my life, graduating high school and college with a B+ average.
@alice_muse Жыл бұрын
We lived in Iowa for 2 years when I was in 3rd grade. Just hearing "pig farm" brought back the sense memory of the smell so strongly that it genuinely seems like I'm smelling it for real, sitting here on the 4th floor of an office tower in Alaska.
@elphieofkiamoko Жыл бұрын
2nd story: I had an AR program at school and as someone who tested with a 9th grade reading level in 4th grade, it was so backwards I utterly *hated* it. It might have helped *some* kids gain a few level points, but it really screwed up any of us who were ahead of the curve. I almost failed English one year because I wasn't reading books at my grade level. I had tested at college-level. My middle school didn't HAVE books at my grade level. If anyone has a school thinking of implementing it, please fight it.
@CieraMychele Жыл бұрын
It's truly disturbing how many people who truly shouldn't be in positions of power still manage to get there. Teachers, nurses, bosses, politicians. Story 2 is a perfect example: how the hell to people like that end up as teachers of young kids??
@DVLSnake Жыл бұрын
It just takes one bad teacher to ruin a kids enthusiasm to learn, kudos to OP proving them wrong
@thebrightphoenixx Жыл бұрын
My school also had accelerated reading. But my school had grades 7 and 8, so our point potential was unmatched. We had a "millionaires" club that had special perks. Me and my twin made it to a million points as well as a small group of other kids. We had some great perks, like a fast pass to lunch, and we could eat in the library (the librarian and her husband were the best teachers imo). Another great perk was that we had what was called, "a library lock in" where at the end of the year we could stay the night in the library and play video games, play on the computers, watch scary movies and eat copious amounts of junk food with the supervision of those teachers. It was awesome.
@thewetzelsixx9009 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in the middle of the nowhere, with a farm surrounding us and our neighbor, and forest all around that. Pigs, chicken, cows, tobacco, corn, you name it. It smells awful, but you get used to it after a decade or so. But that's beautiful revenge.
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