1949 August 09, Malaya Tribune, [Formosans Want Freedom] Reuter, HONGKONG, Mon. Thirteen Formosan organisations with headquarters in Hongkong today announced the formation of a Formosan Emancipation Army pledged to drive the Chinese Nationalists from Formosa (Taiwan). They also expressed opposition to the Chinese Communists and said they hoped to rid the island of Chinese control. A joint body called the Formosan League for Re-Emancipation was set up under Dr. Thomas Liao to work for Formosa's independence. The contracting organisations in Hongkong are weak numerically, there being only about 500 Taiwanese here. A spokesman said they were unable to put their case directly to the United Nations as the Chinese authorities declined to issue representative with passports. ---Reuter.
fa c 這就是威權下的結果啊,你覺得人民在不公不義的體制下還能期待從政府那得到什麼??所以民主法治才很重要,暴徒暴民要不是真的心生憤怒就是趁亂造勢的那種,檢討的重點應該是在政府的責任上才對,你執著於破壞份子是要幹嘛??法律是破壞份子訂的嗎??政策是破壞份子訂的嗎??體制是破壞份子訂的嗎??依法行政建立對人民的信任感才是正確