Rabbi Daniel Mechanic Truth in Torah CHAZAQ ארגון חזק קווינס

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@Braglemaster123 10 жыл бұрын
Great !!!!
@grunteater 10 жыл бұрын
Also there is another religion that has a national revelation story, but everyone in the story died in a war and the story was related by a single person who didn't witness it.
@alg11297 8 жыл бұрын
3 million jews received the torah. How do we know? Cause it's written in the Torah. 3 million people and not one writes a corroborating account. In fact, in the rest of the Torah this scenario is not referred to. Going out of Egypt is repeated but nothing about the torah. Amazing.
@ScottyShook 9 жыл бұрын
The Jewish People Saw Smoke and Fire(Exodus19:9), when the Lord ASCENDED to the TOP of the mountain. The people who came to see God, were told to stay at the bottom of the moutain. I'm not sure how that can be interpreted any other way. Lord God specifically forbids them from seeing him. (Exodus19:21)and the LORD said to him, "Go down and WARN the people so they DO NOT force their way through to SEE the LORD and MANY of them PERISH. I mean no disrespect by this comment.
@mosheg112 11 жыл бұрын
Hey kithp...you are correct it is a better story then the rest....it is therefore the best story. Every national historic event is history and the root of the word history is story. For a rational person who realizes that there must be a creator the only acceptable divine revelation is the historical national events surrounding the giving of the torah to the children of israel (the jewish people) at mount sinai (three million people). Truth and facts may be old and boring but so is the solid ground upon which we stand. Islam is incorrect for starting a new religion, as is christianity, based just on the charisma of one person. If what you say is correct about islamic claim that the torah was distorted then they could just claim to be following the true torah way before it was distorted, as did the saducees. This, however, they do not do, and instead created a religion that mimicks the torah, so your point is not very solid
@serdip 10 жыл бұрын
LOL Your etymology of the word "history" is laughable and specious at best. The word derives from the Greek "histor" which means one who sees or knows. A rational person does not concoct an imaginary invisible sky fairy to explain reality or to justify his prejudices, bigotry and hatred. Judaism is just as fallacious as the other cults.
@mosheg112 10 жыл бұрын
thank you for you lesson in etymology, i appreciate it. We, the Jews, have as our national history an intimate relationship with G-d the creator, distinct from all other peoples. Other rational people can come to realize the creator by way of their reason. The reality is that a person who accepts design without a designer, choreograpy without a coreographer, plan and purpose without intent, engineering without an engineer is not rational. Your allusion to the negative human qualities have nothing to do with this. However if you use your disdain for religion to create a haven of protection from the negativity which in your perception emanates from religious groups, i could understand you on an emotional level. But clear and clean thinking untainted by a nasty person, religion, or experience should realize that there is a designer to all this.
@serdip 10 жыл бұрын
There no evidence of design in nature. Design only exists in the human sphere of activity. It is the epitome of irrational thinking to posit the existence of a sky fairy that cannot be seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled and claim that this invisible being is somehow deserving of our obeisance and fealty. Making such obscenely ludicrous assertions without a modicum of evidence is the path religion takes. Free thinking skeptics will not accept such idiocy. Testable claims backed by physical evidence that is peer reviewed and repeatable is the only acceptable means by which knowledge of the truth may be attained.
@mosheg112 10 жыл бұрын
your message is filled with fundamentalist emotion, labels, and little reason. Change the word a little and you would sound exactly like a fundamentalist fanatic either in religion, politics or any other avenue in which extremism expresses itself. your brazenly state that there is no evidence of design in nature. Besides the clear contradiction to reality of this rather childish and emotional statement there is also the fascination field of Biomimicry where innovators and scientists create, improve and "design" products in a way that mimics the design in nature. stop being such a fanatic and loosen up a little
@serdip 10 жыл бұрын
You're a moron and don't know what you're talking about. Get an education and a life.
@mosesMaimon1 10 жыл бұрын
kithp claims to be a religious Jew, yet calls Rabbi Mechanic's talk tired and full of holes, and yet kithp does not explain why he thinks that about Rabbi Mechanic. and anyway, Rabbi Mechanic's ideas are really a restatement of the Kuzari....so is kithp saying that he (kithp) is wiser than Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi?
@smokingbrush2498 7 жыл бұрын
I don't believe this guy is a real mechanic
@grunteater 10 жыл бұрын
Found a mistake in this video. Harav said lhavdil Yasser Arafat, may his name be blotted out, was a muslim. This is false. Arafat was not a muslim.
@mosesMaimon1 10 жыл бұрын
of course he was a moslem
@peggylynn4536 9 жыл бұрын
Pretty good lecture. You errored a few places the last few minutes of your lecture (such as Jews are told if there is a dreamer or prophet of dreams or prophet that dreams or prophecies a dream or prophecy and that dream or prophecy turns to be true and the dreamer or prophets says let's start a new religion, don't follow that religion, dreamer or prophet. You used the word miracle. want me to expound on that? why? Because only H'Shem B'G-D can create miracles. If H'Shem uses a miracle to expose a false dreamer or prophet, H'Shem still created that miracle.
@2701 8 жыл бұрын
That is false, read the Torah, when Moses came to the Egyptians and his cane became a snake, the Egyptians made the same thing. Then Go-d made an even bigger miracle that the Egyptians couldn't do. But throughout the Bible there are many who do Miracles, it does not mean they are prophets of Go-d or Go-d himself NOT AT ALL. Learn Torah.
@TheAamir123456 8 жыл бұрын
so, if I agree with you God only spoke to 3m Jews, so you mean God is racist, why does he discriminate, why doesn't he spoke to other, and why he doesn't speak now has he forgot that some 8 billion people live on earth.
@2701 8 жыл бұрын
Learn the Torah, all the rest of humanity did not want the Torah, Israel was the last nation left. As for "talking again" with this attitude you should be very worry about Go-d speaking here again. He is not here to entertain you, the appearance in history was made this specific way so that it is easily provable to those who want to see.
@MichaelCreating 9 жыл бұрын
Matthew 3:16-17 And when Jesus (Yeshivah) was baptized, he went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." NUMBER OF WITNESSES: John the baptist (Yochanan) and the crowd who were around listening to John’s teaching Matthew 17:1-3 After six days Jesus took with him Peter (Kefa), James (Yaakov) and John (Yochanan) the brother of James (not the baptiser, another guy), and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. - a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” NUMBER OF WITNESSES: Peter, James and John Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. NUMBER OF WITNESSES: large crowds Matthew 12:15 And many followed him, and he healed them all NUMBER OF WITNESSES: large crowds Less scientifically: millions of Christians are witness to the mental freedom and access to God as a personal relationship through receiving Jesus Christ as their savior. I am one of those people. BTW, I love the jews. Not just because Jesus was a jew, as were all his disciples who were also witnesses to what he did while on the Earth.
@believervsbeliefs6599 9 жыл бұрын
+MichaelCreating All of your examples involve Jews. Where are these Jews now? Is anyone who keeps the Law of God allowed in your religion? No! So don't try to use them as your "proof". Besides, it is not the numbers that are important; it is the fact that a whole nation of 3 million people universally changed their culture and adopted a completely new way of life according to what God told them. Where did your Christians do that? They were always haters and war mongers, and still are today.
@MichaelCreating 9 жыл бұрын
+Believer VS Beliefs "A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses" (Dvarim 19:15) It doesn't matter if they are jews or any other people. In fact, what is your problem with jews? If jews said Jesus did these things (healings and other miracles and his resurrection), then isn't that just as valid as when jews said the things at Sinai took place as written? I believe both happened. I believe the witness of the jews.
@believervsbeliefs6599 9 жыл бұрын
+MichaelCreating I am glad you believe the witness of Jews. I believe many of the things in the Christian scriptures also. But, believing someone said something or did something is not "proof" that it happened. The events following Sinai, where millions of people changed the way they lived is proof that "something" happened; the tradition of millions of Israeli families says it was because God spoke to their ancestors. Without any contradicting evidence or some other rational reason for such a monumental change in culture, it is prudent to accept their testimony. Nothing in Christianity compares to that.
@believervsbeliefs6599 8 жыл бұрын
+Daniel Bach The significance of the Jews at Sinai is that they changed their culture completely to follow the teachings (Torah) that they had heard from the mouth of God. Because of their testimony--passed from father to son and mother to daughter down through the ages--devout Jews, of today, live their lives according to those same teachings that were given to their ancestors 3,300 years ago. The ascension of Constantine in the early 4th century was like a bolt of lightning severing the connection between Christianity today and our spiritual heritage of the past. Do you see anything around here that has Yeshua's fingerprints on it? For example, what are the three most important doctrines of Christianity today?
@believervsbeliefs6599 8 жыл бұрын
+Daniel Bach I congratulate you. You are the fourth Christian that I have asked this question of, in as many months. I have gotten things like: The trinity; salvation is by faith, not works; inerrancy of the Bible; "Jesus" died, and was buried and rose on the third day; etc. No other person, besides you, mentioned "love", or even John 3:16. It is hard to believe that they are the spiritual descendants of Yeshua. Yeshua taught us what our "doctrines" should be: "The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" These two say that we should love God and our neighbors. The third doctrine says how much God loves us: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." It sounds to me like you are a true disciple of the Lord. I believed that there were people like you out there, and now I see I was right. I am honored to speak with you.
@peggylynn4536 9 жыл бұрын
Anthony that is exactly what xanity is saying, or they are calling H'Shem B'G-D a liar
@peggylynn4536 9 жыл бұрын
West, brush up on your history
@marktwain916 11 жыл бұрын
Lol we should ask Rabbi Mechanic if he read anything written from Socrates (Hint: he didn't write anything)
@mosesMaimon1 10 жыл бұрын
and therefore what?
@anthonykeating73 9 жыл бұрын
Its easy to disprove Islam and Mormonism. However, over 500 people saw the risen Christ, and dispensational Christianity does not claim that God changed his mind. This is a straw man argument.
@believervsbeliefs6599 9 жыл бұрын
+Anthony Keating Prove: "over 500 people saw the risen Christ". You can't, but it will be fun watching you try.
@anthonykeating73 9 жыл бұрын
+Believer VS Beliefs It's been 5 months since I listened to this but I believe Rabbi Mechanic argued that the Israelite community saw the miracles and the fact that nobody refuted the written account at the time is strong evidence that the miracles are true. The same can be said with the New Testament miracles. Can I prove people saw the risen Christ? No probably not to your standards. History does record that simple Jewish fishermen experienced torture and death rather than refute the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
@believervsbeliefs6599 9 жыл бұрын
+Anthony Keating No, the evidence supporting events at Sinai is that, afterwards, the whole nation of Israel--2.5 million people--completely changed their whole culture and began doing things that no one else does because, they say, that's what God told them to do. If they merely recorded these things but didn't do them, they wouldn't have any credibility. This is more than just one story here, or one story there, attested to by one man here, or one man there. According to two of your gospels, Jesus, quoting from Leviticus 19:18, said the second greatest commandment is to "love your neighbor as yourself". Most Christians believe Jesus is God; it was God who repeated this commandment in the flesh. What is the evidence that Christians have obeyed their God, on this matter, these past 2,000 years? So then, what is their credibility? It is a sin to commit suicide because it is self-"murder". It is not a sin to be killed however. If early Christians had believed what they claimed, wouldn't they all have turned themselves in to be executed so they would be with Jesus the next moment? Instead, we hear they hid in catacombs--which is only partly true. The truth is that there was a movement to do just that: voluntarily turn themselves in for a martyrs death. But, the leadership--understanding that they would not be leaders if there was no one to lead--put a stop to it. What did THEY really believe in?
@anthonykeating73 8 жыл бұрын
My original point was that you can make the same argument to support Christianity's legitimacy as Rabbi Mechanic. I see nothing in your response to refute my point. Most Christians (or at least professing) don't follow Jesus' greatest commandment is your answer? Isn't the vast majority of the biblical narrative Israelites not following commandments? Times of obedience are applauded yet rare. The Romans tried in vain to eliminate Christianity (such as feeding Christians to lions) but they could not because it was spreading so quickly. Eventually powerful Romans converted themselves and the rest is history. A history mostly not to be applauded yet one based upon truth.
@believervsbeliefs6599 8 жыл бұрын
+Anthony Keating You miss the point. There was no great change in behavior following the advent of Jesus--who Christians claim is God. There were only small, sometimes significant, changes, but only in personal and community behavior. To you, this provides some veracity to the Gospel message. Yet, you minimize the import when a whole nation changes their whole culture because they say God told them too. It would be analogous to the Roman Catholic Church throwing out their catechism and saying that from now on the believers of the RCC would follow Sharia Law; but, it would only be analogous if they actually did follow it; and, only if it were a completely new lifestyle that no one else was already following. Your attempt to denigrate the significance of Sinai by saying that, "the vast majority of the biblical narrative" is about the Israelis breaking the commandments only supports my point: What commandments? Where did they come from; who provided them? Basically, you are trying to say that because someone breaks a law, then there must not be any law. If someone breaks one of the 613 laws but keeps the other 612, you say the whole Law is suspect? That is because disobeying God's laws is part of Christian doctrine.
@aParadisean 7 жыл бұрын
There is no question that this rabbi is very entertaining. However, I find many points of inconsistency in his logic. First, Christianity does not reject the history of the Jews. They also accept the God of the Jews. We also agree with the Jews that most of "Christianity (but not all) have apostatized God's name by the teaching of the trinity, while God himself forbid his people to have any other God before his face. Yet at the same time, Moses asked God for His name (Exodus 6:2). God answered Moses. He did not hesitate to pronounce His name and Moses used it when speaking to Pharaoh, who also claimed divinity. Yet, all the self-proclaimed rabbi's (teachers) of the Mosaic law have done the same thing as the Pharisees of Biblical times. They have added to the "written law" (which was unnecessary and unauthorized) and by the "oral law" have obscured GOD'S law and hidden his name. They have lost the purpose of the written law which was to lead them to the messiah. They are the ones, who, in the rabbi's illustration of the blind man misleading so many others, ARE the blind men. If Pharaoh asked in whose name he spoke today , this rabbi would answer "HaShem" (TheName). The only reason they hide God's name is because they have developed the practice in the "Oral Law", which God never authorized and Moses NEVER referred to. Jesus said they "have made God's word invalid, by their traditions of men". Trinitarian Christians have extended this practice in order to confuse Jesus with Almighty God, Jehovah. The Shema states that Jehovah is one, not three. Thanks to Judaism, the Jews are forbidden to pronounce the divine name and thereby contribute to the christian apostasy. Part one of the Shema clearly states (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) that God is ONE (not three in one). That was their understanding for 1,000's of years. And his only personal name is YHWH (in English, Jehovah) not the ridiculous substitute, "TheName". Does this rabbi's not recognize that he, also, could be referred to as an "ignoramus" because the rabb's have misled the beautiful Israeli people AWAY from God, by the unnecessary traditions of men (the rabbi's). Jesus produced MANY miracles and appeared after his resurrection, before 1,000's of people, (which refutes his main argument) yet the RABBI's (Pharisees) convinced the Romans to kill him because he exposed their false, man-made teachings. 2,000 years later they have not learned that their promised messiah DID come. But the rabbi's continue to lead the blind "sheep without a shepherd". The rabbi's are not serving God. In fact, they claim greater authority on earth than Jehovah God (YHWH) himself. In the face of all evidence to the contrary (that they have been rejected, as a nation, for repeated unfaithfulness) they continue to hide God's face from them, while claiming to be God's people. God has not hidden his face from the Jews for 2,000 years. The rabbi's have done that. They discredit and dishonor their own God. I love the Jewish people but their adherence to the rabbi's and the oral law has blinded them. It has not led them to the Messiah. Much of Israel is now secular, because of their "rabbi's". Shalom!
@youtubeadministrator684 7 жыл бұрын
"They also accept the God of the Jews"- the jews know the god of the jews better than the christians or muslims. and they say it isnt the same god.
@benjaminsmith3274 8 жыл бұрын
There are multiple accounts in The (New Testament where more than one person heard the voice of G-d, Mat 3:17, John 12:28 and more. Also the Bible claims that more than 500 men saw Jesus risen (1 Cor 15:6) following Rabbi Mechanic's logic that no one can claim it unless it is true we can trust that 500 people did see Him alive after being dead as history attests, going on from the same logic it (Bible) claims that He (Yeshua) fed more than 5000 men (this excludes the women and children) on 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish (Mat 14) and I can go on and on. Hashem never changed His mind, He just revealed more, just as He never revealed everything to Adam, Abraham, Moses and other prophets in which many were rejected by Israel continually just as they reject Yeshua so why is it surprising that G-d's chosen reject Yeshua also. Christianity came from Jews meaning He did tell you first as you are the chosen of Hashem but you rejected Hashem's Word but some from your nation heeded it and thus we have what we have now but He has not abandoned the Jewish nation. Jesus died because He loved all and yes if you have rejected Him you have rejected G-d so if one rejects G-d must G-d then force Himself into one's heart?
@2701 8 жыл бұрын
What it says is that there were witnesses to miracles by "Jesus" not any revalation of Go-d. Read the chapter about False Prophet in the Torah and learn the truth.
@mosesMaimon1 10 жыл бұрын
I have three questions to ask Rabbi Mechanic, if he happens to be reading this, although anybody else reading this, especially qualified Orthodox Jews, are welcome to respond as well. 1) One is the following. Rabbi Mechanic in the name of Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi, claims that Judaism is different from all other religions, in that all other religions involve one man making a claim, and everybody believing him, while in Judaism, the revelation was to the whole Jewish nation. However, in Christianity, there are millions of Christians who have claimed to experience JESUS in their lives. And there are countless Hindus who have claimed to experience ultimate spiritual enlightenment through meditation. So how is that any different than what Rabbi Mechanic claims to be the case for Judaism? 2) Secondly, even assuming that the entire Jewish nation experienced the revelation at Mount Sinai, how does he know that it was G-d that they experienced? Maybe they had such primitive minds, that they only thought they experienced G-d, when really they experienced some kind of natural phenomenon that their simple minds did not accurately interpret. 3) And finally, even assuming that all Jews present at Mount Sinai experienced G-d together, well, then, what is so special about Moses? What makes him the lawgiver? Why did the Jews come to him to settle matters of Jewish law, and why did they look to him for leadership in general, when everybody present experienced G-d, as Rabbi Mechanic himself said here?
@positivesolutions151 10 жыл бұрын
to answer #1 all of the claims you mention of people experiencing they'r religions personally, are just that. Personal experiences. However with the Jewish religion ALL the Jewish people experienced it together, not one person individually at a time. the Jewish religion is the only religion in the history of religions that can say that.
@mosesMaimon1 10 жыл бұрын
and what makes that collective experience superior to individual experiences? Remember, we are not talking about one person here or one person there experiencing something. On the contrary, countless Christians have testified to experiencing JESUS, and countless Hindus have testified to reaching Nirvana.
@positivesolutions151 10 жыл бұрын
mosesMaimon1 If one man says he saw something by himself, he could be telling the truth, but he could also just be delusional, lying, or he could'v forgot to take his meds that day. he might be saying the truth, but unless he has proof you don't know. Furthermore, those people who claim to have those individual experiences, all claim they experienced different things. Whereas with the Jewish people ALL of them experienced the same exact experience they all witnessed the same thing. If 6 million people say they all saw the same thing at the same time, it has infinite more wheight logically then a bunch of individuals claiming they all saw different things. I mean using logic it is very easy to determine which one is more likely to be true. If someone was looking at it from a completely unbiased point of view and Had to bet his life on the options theyd go with the one more likely to be True.
@positivesolutions151 10 жыл бұрын
Etan Meir Not to mention it's recorded in history that Jesus was a jew who his own people thought was crazy. And Muhamed was illiterate, the guy couln't even read lol. itd be reallly not wise to bet on those odds. There is a reason Christains went around forcing people by threat of torture and death to join their religion, and Muslims still do. While Jews do the complete opposite and are required by Jewish law to push people away who try to convert. When you gotta force people to believe in something by threat of death it means there is something lacking in the cause.
@mosesMaimon1 10 жыл бұрын
who says that each person experiencing JESUS has completely different experiences from others who experience JESUS? maybe they all have the exact same experience seeing JESUS
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